A human finds out his dad is Hastur. Said human looks like a normal human, but is only human in appearance. His cellular structure is very alien.What powers would he have?
Fucking sheep.
>>39638186Why are you fucking sheep?That's disgusting.
>>39637835Probably the power to not be forced to live as "a peasant" being dominated and abused by sadists who rape his mind and abuse him for his thoughts and force him to live in poverty with anything they consider "desirable" violently gatekept from him
>>39638186This, since Hastur is a god of shepherds made up by Ambrose Bierce.
>>39637835Are you making a story and need ideas?
Try reading DYN Freaks
>>39644161Just satisfying my curiosity.I want to know what others think about such a scenario.>>39644478I'll look into it.
>>39637835>What powers would he have?Severe autism
>>39645358So...he'd be nooticing a lot?
>>39645348Hastur doesn't exist and there's nothing in Lovecraft's work that touch on anything you want to know here. So, I don't know. It's all fake, make something up.
>>39637835Likely same powers as nephilim or even antichrist if your donut steel is this special snowflake.
>>39647764>It's all fake, make something up.Just like stuff you believe to be true.
>>39637835Powers I seriously don’t want to manifest. If there is some power, the angels and the Holy Spirit can and must grant it instead.