The world is an arena where a grand drama unfolds, which we call “Global Frenzy.” A kaleidoscope of events, woven by unseen forces, is like a play where everyone has a role. The denouement of this story is not far off.Characters:1. UFOs – DjinnThese plasmoid pranksters can switch from “barely visible” to “eye-popping” mode in fractions of a second, deftly transitioning from a cold state to a hot one. Their favorite trick is transforming into flying saucers and humanoids, which is just one element of their complex strategy. Their treachery is not limited to optical illusions; they are waging a long-term battle aimed at changing human beliefs and values.2. Donald Trump – The Gilded IdolAn orator with the charm of a hypnotist, whose speeches, like sirens, lure towards a Golden Age, behind which a digital concentration camp awaits. His rise is not just a political event, but a manifestation of eternal darkness, against which the prophets of old wisely warned. He is the embodiment of lies, and his words, like a curse, will fall upon this world.3. Elon Musk – The Idol’s SquireAn epic troll with a techno-addiction syndrome, whose madness has spread to the political sphere. An icon of an era obsessed with machine supremacy. He thinks that technological progress is the panacea for all ills. This mad engineer not only wants to robotize us to death but also to redraw the political map of the world, paving the way for his idol’s triumph. He is a blind servant whose obsession with technology has turned into a weapon in the hands of darkness.4. Ahmed al-Sharaa – The MahdiA long-awaited leader, destined to play his role in an eschatological maelstrom.5. Jesus: The Coming Arbiter of FatesSo much has been said about him that it is already difficult to distinguish truth from rumors. We await his appearance to see him with our own eyes. Perhaps against the backdrop of the majestic southeastern minaret of the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus.
>>39652864Islam is for stupid people
Point of Departure:1. 2025 – The Idol’s ManifestoWell, here he is! Trump, our guru of populism, is back on the stage! He will reveal secret contacts with an alien intelligence, promising technologies capable of elevating us to the level of gods. But behind this loud rhetoric lies an attempt to impose a new, deceptive religion on us.Stages:1. 18th-21st Centuries: The Dichotomy of ChoiceRight and left are a fiction. The elites control both wings.2. 9/11 Events: False FlagA bloody etude, played out by the elites as a catalyst for war against Islamic centers of power and their proselytizing activities, while simultaneously ensuring the possibility of seizing strategic resources under the guise of “combating terrorism.”3. 2014: Call From the SandsA forgotten power has shone forth, illuminating the path of the ancestors, On the dunes, the fire has died, and a call to truth is heard.4. 2019-2024: The Turbulent ZoneThe world experienced the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by wars and conflicts. The increased sightings of “UFOs” in the skies over the United States have also become part of the overall picture. All of this seemed to deliberately test our mental and emotional equilibrium. Tension has become the norm, hinting at an upcoming whirlwind of change.5. 2025-2029: Good vs. Evil – FightWar in the heart of the Levant; Israel provokes conflict; Syria prevails with regional support.6. April 13, 2029: Strike from HeavenThe fall of asteroid (99942) Apophis into the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, near the east coast of the United States, will cause the flooding of coastal cities such as New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore, and others. Losses could reach up to 20 million people in the impact zone and surrounding areas. Up to 40 million more people will suffer from the consequences, including landslides, epidemics, famine, and building collapses.
7. 2029-20??: On the Ruins of the OldAnd on the ruins of the old world, we will build our new Caliphate. Those who were nothing will become everything.8. 20??-20??: Funeral March Dharmichordes rush into the final battle.9. 20??: Fasten Your Seatbelts… and Hold Your BreathThe Earth does a somersault; the Dzhanibekov effect reaches its peak.10. 20??: Ashy ShroudThe fury of the earth’s depths breaks out.Volcanoes erupt, and thick smoke, like a shroud, embraces the planet.Source telegram channel @ glfuss
>>39652864>And this is the reason whyThe fact that we are in a dreammatrix either will be revealed officially by the MSM and leaders for whatever reason or it will become impossible to deny the falseness of this world.