I am doing 40 day fasting with no food and as minimal water as I can. I feel spirits all around me, I see demons and have began to be able to have my pure body (not the flesh) walk outside of my flesh. I am only on day 20 and I do not know if I can go for another 20 days with this torment.
Nigger you're going to die wtf
>>39641108Eat astral food gleaned from the wind in the etheric field.Astral pine nuts, Astral Oranges, avoid raw meats unless they packaged in saran wrap and say your favorite grocery store on it, that way you know you didn't kill an animal for it it. someone else did.
It gets very hard (and deadly) after day 34.
>>39641108> 40 day fastinghe doesn't know
If you're trying to be Jesus... I hate to break it to you... you're supposed to spend 40 days fasting AND meditating, in the wilderness, with no phone. And even at the end of that ordeal, you still won't be Jesus.
>>39641108Start small small. Make sure you supplement vital nutrients and electrolytes in your water. Doing a long fast unprepared can lead to bad outcomes. Learn to deal with hunger, it fades after about three days and i heard it comes at later days. It has ebbs and flows to it. Read guides developed by people who fasted successfully without killing over. Probably a good idea to get blood work done to see if you're clear to go or do a small fast and see how you feel and gauge if you can go longer or not.
>>39641198A man was able to fast for more than a year, he had doctor supervision for his year long fast to make sure he adequate supplementation but it's well within the realm of possibility to do 40 days.OP can do if he meets his essential needs of nutrients and electrolytes in his water only fast.
>>39641285I am not trying to be Jesus, I am trying to see if I can go without food that long.>>39641198No.>>39641313I have never in my life felt hunger, I do not feel hungry now either. I feel tormented by the spiritual side.
>>39641336>I have never in my life felt hunger, I do not feel hungry now either. I feel tormented by the spiritual side.Then fasting should be a breeze. I was going for seven days but didnt supplement anything but purified water. Got dizzy and felt off so called it off about 3 1/2. Again, just research people who done it successfully. Follow their advice, don't jump in and die because you didn't prep right.
you should not be on the internet at all if you're twenty days in... try to get yourself to a cleaner environment. nature.
>>39641108Get these and drink at least 3 per day. Liquid nutrition still counts as fasting.
>>39641405no, it absolutely does not.
>drinking 3x/day ultra-processed protein shake is fastingone of the dumbest posts ever. amazing
>>39641415Well water that has the right minerals should suffice assuming it has everything needed. Hopefully OP doesnt buy distilled water and passes out from cardiac arrest.
>>39641108Anorexia, huh?
>>39641466anorexia is for teen girls who want to be skinny but dont know when to stop. fasting is for those trying to deny the flesh to become closer with God
>>39641466Stark difference between seeking mental discipline and spirituality and a teenage girl puking her guts out to fit into her distorted view of being "skinny".
Ever since I made the effort to actually go and gather and drink spring water, fasting has become easier and easier.Tap/bottled water is basically distilled/demineralized water, it kills you slowly. I've had heart arrhythmia which is now mostly gone.If I am to fast, I'll drink my spring water
you're better off eating refined sugar out of the bag than fasting for forty days
>>39641694>Ever since I made the effort to actually go and gather and drink spring water, fasting has become easier and easier.Spring water does make it easier, as does being in the mountains. Going 40 days in the suburbs is not ideal.
>>39641285It’s quite amazing how you demons do anything to spit on God and humans.
>>39641505>fasting is for those trying to deny the flesh to become closer with Godyou could starve yourself for a year but without love it will profit you nothing
Reality check.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFEGzJEIHLY
>>39641108Have you done fasting before? I have done many 3 days, a 9 day, and a 20 day.It doesn’t really do anything desu.
>>39641108Pray before going to bed and talk to God like a friend. Not as an employer, just like Jesus did during his fast. Read the Bible and push through. You will be enticed to eat, and people will "magically" try to give you food. But it's just a test, as Satan put Jesus through this, and it'll be over before you know it. After you've finished, you'll be much more disciplined.
>>39641436Distilling your own water is the only trustworthy source, everything, literally EVERYTHING else is pozzed.>muh electrolytesAdd them. Problem solved. Now you will be healthy for the first time in your life.
>>39641108Do it just before, during and after the holy month of Ramadan. Doing it with billions of Muslims around the world will boost your morale and motivation.
>>39641321>A man was able to fast for more than a yearYou forgot to mention that he weighed 500 lbs when he started.
>>39643226Yea no shit, why i said research it, numb nuts. Learn from people who successfully did it and see where they were before and after and if you body could sustain such a fast.Fucking tardos want every bit of info spoonfed to them. Go ahead and fast unprepared and kill over.
>>39643041>Distilling your own water is the only trustworthy source, everything, literally EVERYTHING else is pozzed.That is why i kept telling op to researxh instead of jumping into a 40 day fast.
>>39641108stop fasting, refeed yourself with bone broth and then easy to digest food, drink water with electrolytes in it. if you feel called to fast again, then I can't really stop you, but make sure you're drinking electrolytes with your water and refeed yourself appropriately. don't go get a burger or eat a big meal or something.
>>39647157Yes, this. Important when coming out of fast slowly and not pig out on solid foods after a long fast. Why i kept telling OP he needs to look into what he's doing first prior into jumping in blindly.
>>39641108I did a 40 day fast 43 days to be preciseWhat you’re saying is gaslighting and well poisoning for that vice of dopamine that attention whoring gives Fasting like semen retention is great and can be very mystical but niether make you see and battle literal spirits or demons that’s allegory and neither give you supreme abilities like turning into light or whatever nonsense Fasting just cleans out your mind body and spirit Semen retention just makes you more charismatic and confident as your not in a gooner dopamine drain cycle constantly thinking about sex and sexualizing things but to much semen retention will actually put you right back so really it’s just about avoiding porn and fapping daily preferable only cum while having sex with a partner and even then for bonus energy don’t cum but never retain to the point where it becomes a negative
it's amazing how the deification of austerities still happen in 2025. people literally never learnwhy do you stick to fasting, why can't do ''holy standing up'', or only living naked in the forest?
>>39641198He's not going to die ffs. Longest water fast ever recorded was 382 days. 40 days is fine.
>>39648043It depends on how much fat he has It’s crazy how grown adults still don’t understand how the body worksIf he’s a skinny twig, he’s not gonna last long if he’s a morbidly, obese man, he could go an entire year
>>39641321Nigga he was 600 pounds he ate for that year in surplus
>>39641405No it doesn't calories don't count idiot yes that includes ingesting your semen faggot