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Theravada Buddhism is the only real Buddhism! Mahayana is false Buddhism created by 'God', the evil demon Mara.

The Four Noble Truths
1. Suffering is inseparable from existence.
2. Craving is the root cause of suffering.
3. Suffering can be ended by ending craving.
4. There is a path to ending craving and suffering.

∞ drive.google.com/file/d/1YxZS4v8-jlj-2CfpfDMPyk_6J0wqQBe_/view
∞ buddhanet.net/audio-lectures.htm

To gain merit and help others, take this info and spread it online! If it's not Theravada, it's heresy!
Theravada is also more or less heresy, the abhidhamma pitaka is flawed. But, they kept the Nikayas and the Vinaya in Pali, which is nice.
sub sects having internal fights because they do not agree on what is the most valid version of their religious dogma, they are not so different from Christians and Muslims, after all
not really, the suttas are fixed now and the vinayas too, plus there is only the pali tradition which survived so there's not much debate anymore
1,000 year EBT for OP.
The Buddha in Mahayana isn't simply a historical person, but a manifestation of a fundamentally awakened reality. Historicity doesn't really matter, truth is preached either way. Seething about this won't undo centuries of Mahayana practice and development.
Reeves' version isn't that accurate. Hurvitz's is the most accurate one.
All of you are wrong. Vajrayana is the only way. It’s for the elite spiritual practitioners who understand deep, esoteric truths.
>catholicism for buddhists because im retarded
Can you give more insight into 'god' being the demon 'mara'.

How is that you come to this conclusion. And how is mahayana the creation of 'mara'?

What is the logic behind all of this?
>Mahayana is false Buddhism created by 'God', the evil demon Mara
LARP, no Theravada practitioner actually believes this.

The "logic" is he's either a larper or a glowie trying to spread FUD about a true religion based on truth.
False. Please read: https://discourse.suttacentral.net/t/how-early-buddhism-differs-from-theravada-a-checklist/23019
Early Buddhism is the best Buddhism.

Then why does Nagarjuna say monks who reject his little religion are in fact Mara, after he poisoned the well?
>Then why does Nagarjuna say
He doesn't. Nagarjuna wasn't even Theravada, this is a weird larp.

Practicing the non-denominational "early" form of a religion is always a larp, and/or a cope for autists who are too spergy to fit in with a modern-day religious community. It's the same with quranist "muslims" and gnostic "christians", just autismcope for weirdos who are too nervous to go to a church or a mosque.
>Practicing the non-denominational "early" form of a religion is always a larp
Or maybe it could be because the early form of the religion is closest to the truth?
>fit in with a modern-day religious community
Imagine thinking this is more important than the truth. Your normie levels are off the charts, anon.
>it could be because the early form of the religion is closest to the truth?
Oh okay, so the version of religion that's "closest to the truth" is the version that doesn't require you to leave your basement. How convenient.
if Mahayana is created by the devil-king, why would he want you to think everything is empty? Isn't theravada more inclined to thinking there is an omniscient Substance?
>if Mahayana is created by the devil-king
It's not. OP is larping and probably isn't even a Buddhist, see >>39639942
buddha preserves the sacred teaching for later generations because they weren't ready for it at the time. same as the world is buddha's pure land
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Four (Chan) Noble Truths
1. OP is a faggot
2. It was the jews, it really is that simple
3. When all else fails accuse your foes of being transgender
4. It is possible to be both based and cringe at the same time
>Imagine thinking this is more important than the truth
Imagine thinking your assburgers cope is "the truth" lol
Religions tend to decline over time because the hypersocial narcissists gradually seep in and turn everything into an ego-game, corrupting the teachings and the practice in the process. Doesn't mean there are no good religious communities, but it does mean they can be harder to find.
>Religions tend to decline over time because the hypersocial narcissists gradually seep in
More cope, more excuses. More likely you're the narcissist actually, and other Buddhists don't like your vibe (If you can't take refuge in the Sangha then how are you even a Buddhist?)

I hate this gay new century where every clueless assburger moron thinks they have to larp as a religion they barely understand, why can't you people just be atheists?
No you are a faggot that is also cringe, but no based resides in you whatsoever,

And it wasn't really the jews, it was Mara
OP also forgot to say, I do NOT accuse u of being transgender for I know that u r a gay nigger instead
>uses the n-word
I accept your concession.
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>It is possible to be both based and cringe at the same time
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If by concession you mean cock, then NO you cannot have my cock, ghey nagger!
There are definitely sectarian arguments and debates in real-life Buddhism, but they tend to be far more respectful of each other. Stuff like in the OP is from being a 4chan-influenced poster who is used to wording things as controversially as possible to get more (you)s and engagement.

In the words of Robert Anton Wilson about the Rev. Yoshikami:

“Rev. Yoshikami never said an unkind word about any of the other schools of Buddhism. ‘Every school is for a certain type of person,’ he said. ‘No school is for everybody. You find your own school.’ Once he added as an example, ‘Zen is the school for samurais and neurotics.’

“It took me a while to realize that, since there are no samurais around anymore, the Rev. had rather severely limited the clientele for Zen.”

The Buddha himself famously says in the Pali Canon, don’t just take things on authority, just because it’s said by someone who seems to be a respected monk, Brahmin, yogi, or whoever; or because something has been passed down by tradition, is accepted by everyone as wise. He says to use your discernment and intelligence, weigh it on its own merits.

The Buddha further deconstructs things by likening his own teachings to a raft used to get to the other shore which can thereupon be discarded.

Furthermore, the Four Noble Truths mentioned by the OP are also core teachings of Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism and accepted by Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhists. The core outlook of many of them are the same. (You can bring up outliers and negative or dissenting examples, of course, just as you could in any sect).

The OP seems too focused on a dogmatic “-ism” and the container of the teachings, metaphorically analogous to chewing on the glass instead of drinking the wine.
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>if it's not Theravada, it's heresy!
And Buddhism was fulfilled by Jesus Christ Our Lord; through His suffering, death and rebirth, He showed us He is the way and the truth and the life.
Shut up it's obviously Vajrayana and anyone who has conducted Deity Yoga with any success knows you're wrong.
Will you turn the wheel or not?
>Practicing the non-denominational "early" form of a religion is always a larp

Do you, having received the enlightenment, know the truth?

The Word was given, and shared amongst us. We confirmed it, and received confirmation ourselves that Word was good.
>Be me
>Inquiring into Buddhism this week
>Visit Wat Mongkolratanaram (Tampa, FL)
>Thai Theravada temple patroned by their monarchy
>Pretty cool
>Ask monk, "Is there a correct Buddhism?"
>"The correct Buddhism is the one that will make you understand dharma"
OP is a nigger. Think about it. In many parts of the United States we have no choice but to learn some extremely difficult East Asian language to understand what we are participating in at any of the local temples, in addition to driving a far distance, but some faggot on 4Chan will surely be quick to know the "true" Buddhism better than the monks do.
he's a preacher. like all preachers, they only care about beating you down with their righteousness.
No, seriously, if you do actual magical practices and learn about many different systems for a while, it's very clear Vajrayana is the supreme path in all of Buddhism. Just read up on it a bit, study some things it talks about (their different yogas are very fun to learn about), practice them a little bit and you'll see what I mean.
The big problem, I think, is too many of you don't actually go and try what you read about, you just circlejerk about your favorite -tisms in place of actually accomplishing anything.
You don't even need to do Manjushri mantras all afternoon or play around with bells and pretend your astral fucking Shakti. None of that is necessary (it helps, sure, just not necessary). But you can apply some of their teachings in intuitive ways if you just feel around for yourself without the brakes or barriers of some supposed teacher/guru who only really hinders you.
The muh empowerments and muh initiation crowds suck. Ignore all of them. Just go try whatever you think sounds cool or appropriate for you.
There is no "true Buddhism" because "Buddhism", much like Hinduism and Gnosticim, is an umbrella term for a group of separate religions that share a few basic teachings..
Everyone is going to argue about it anyway because, like Gnosticism or Hinduism, it can be atomized and some of its minor aspects or pathways have obvious flaws. Feel free to disagree about what those flaws are, but all paths have flaws. Finding one with the least flaws and which suits (You) is a valuable pursuit and it's strange you'd try to suggest it's not.
Mahayana gurus literally believe women can be better than arahats lol

>The Mahāyāna sūtras clearly re-evaluate the relative roles of the monastic and lay practitioner, making it clear that the new movement put less stress upon formal membership of the monastic community as a prerequisite for pursuit of the Bodhisattva Path. This is suggested by the frequency with which lay people, sometimes women, are shown with high attainments, and reaches its apogee in the figure of Vimalakīrti, the layman Bodhisattva who trounces all the śrāvakas and even the archetypal Bodhisattvas.
>Everyone is going to argue about it anyway because, like Gnosticism or Hinduism, it can be atomized and some of its minor aspects or pathways have obvious flaws. Feel free to disagree about what those flaws are, but all paths have flaws. Finding one with the least flaws and which suits (You) is a valuable pursuit and it's strange you'd try to suggest it's not.

I suggested no such thing. I'm merely pointing out that this entire debate is founded upon a faulty premise: that there exists some primordial Buddhist teaching from which all but one of the various Buddhist sects have deviated. I simply do not accept that premise. Now if someone finds value in Theravada, Zen, or what-have-you then I say more power to them. But they shouldn't go strutting around as if their particular sect is the only true Buddhism when it is a matter of historical fact that Buddha had been dust for centuries before the founder of that sect had even been born.
Why do you care if they delude themselves?
I find I've lived as some sort of Dark Monk my entire life. Always questioning existence, then non-questioning existence, never being yet being. All the way down to my physical appearance, which is average and faceless, save for my eyes and brow. The greyest of men.

What difference is there in natural alignment and spiritual enlightenment? Awareness of one's best friend and dearest love, nature?
>Why do you care if they delude themselves?

I resent deluded people. Their delusions endow them with such a warm glow of confidence and superiority over others, of utter certainty and self-assurance.

It sickens me.

I want people to doubt everything: their beliefs, their perceptions, other people, and especially themselves. Nothing offends my sensibilities more than the smug certainty of a true believer.
>I want
Yeah, but why, though?
oh yeah the religion that faggot alex grey is shilling
must be very awesome to be on the path and a fucking junkie to boot.
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Remember that the fedora meme didn't go away.
>Yeah, but why, though?

Didn't I just explain that? I resent know-nothings who think they know it all. Their smugness elicits a visceral disgust response in me. Why? I don't know, but I'm sure the know-nothings could answer that question since they know everything, including what makes people like me resent them.
he's a abrahamic cuck who did a low IQ combination of gnosticism with buddhism. Mara = Demiurge in this retards mind, somewhere he read that Theravada is the oldest form of buddhism that is the actual teachings of Buddha (it isnt), combine the two together and boom, you get this schizobabble

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