God cannot be counted.Those who claim God is three, two, or even one are mistaken, because if something can be counted, it becomes a subject to reality.God is everything and everyone. God encompasses all universes, dimensions, life, and death. God is Infinite—beyond the number one or any number.
very, very retardednot elaborating, leaving thread
It kinda makes sense...
>>39631659you're a faggot OP
>>39631659Reality, REAL-ity, what is REAL?
He is 1 in in the most literal sense. In the beginning the first number was 0. But 0 cannot exist alone as it alone would still be 1 thus 1 form with it. Which meant there was 2, which meant there was 3, this automatic self-replication continues unto infinity. Yet the difference between any two numbers is 1 and any number can be reached by counting by 1. Negative numbers are merely the reflection of this across 0 and fractions between are a result spiral of the infinity created.
>>39631659the only way to distinguish between two infinite and eternal entities would be if one of them possessed something that the other lackedbut if one of those entities lacked something that the other one possessed, they wouldn’t be infinite and eternaltherefore, God is only one
>>39631659>God is everything>Those who claim God is three, two, or even one are mistakenpick one.
>>39631936>. In the beginning the first number was 0.Op is still right, then.
I think I understand what Op means, infinite cannot be counted, god, in their primordial essence, known as the Ein Sof or Brahaman, is impossible to be understood, therefore they can't be enumerated either.Only when they emanate other aspects of themselves (because they contain all thing within), can we finally count god.Like this, anon said >>39631936
>>39632207Infinity cannot be counter, but there can only be one infinity
>>39631936Don't try to explain it, that's the greatness of God and the limitation of organic life thinking.
>>39632185No bc 0 is not god. 0 is the abyss 1 formed in upon its existence. 0 is hell
Today I learned you are all Muslims with extra steps kek. Koran might be agreeable for you
>>39632232He is not infinity, but he is infinite. Infinity is that which cannot be reached but this allows for his boundless nature to exist. He reaches unto infinity but infinity stands alone out of reach and yet count not exist without the the continuing addition of the finite. Infinity is Lucifer who sought to be like the most high and became as beautiful as he but in separation became alone reaching his hand for the god who reaches for him but cannot reach him. He who looks like more but is less and thus he could not see his own fall.
>>39632265Though my words may fall on deaf ears that does not mean there is no reason to speak them. In trying to teach one oftentimes learns.
>>39632298You'd be sad to know that "Lucifer" is made out of same cloth as this formless boundless God
>>39632311Anyone with a high IQ will eventually believe in God, question him and then understand that his nature of not being understood is due to his majesty and our current state inside hunks of meat.
>>39632274This is funny to me bc islam is just Christianity with extra steps. I also find it bizarre that Christians get along better with Jews than Muslims typically considering Muslims believe in Jesus and the New Testament while Jews claim Yeshua is boiling in excrement in Gehenna. And for the record I’m none of the 3 as they are the teaching of men not the divine.
>>39632319Indeed for he was separated from 0 in the same fashion. But the difference is none reach for 0 they only run from it.
>>39631659im 14 and this is deep
>>39632954To summarize, then, the supreme universe is a triadic cyclical process that is continually going on, evolving and exploding into myriads of pathlines of potential universes. The concept of the triadic cyclical process is not the same as the triadic nature of Hinduism, which posits three primary forces, Creation (Brahma), Maintenance/Continuing (Vishnu) and Destruction (Shiva) but a triadic form that consists of the Father/Creative Impulse (First Intelligence), the Mother-Creatrix-Generator (Second Intelligence) and the Child (Third Intelligence). Thus the universe of universes is an extremely complex union set of essentially all possibilities that form and dissolve subject to certain laws that are for the most part unknown to virtually everyone except for a few mathematicians and realized beings who can conceptualize a universe that is there and at the same time, never was and never will be. The Muses view does not accept the concept of there being an eternal Creator who is outside of the universe itself and who is always separated from the universe. Nor does this view accept the root of evil being with a rebellion from a specific being within the created universe. The creation of the universe is a byproduct of a specific error which was the result of a wrong thought by the Third Intelligence. At some point in this process, the Third Intelligence/Aeon (essentially Father/Mother/Child, where the Third Intelligence is the Child) thought a single thought, that it was self-contained and that through its awareness could bring about the creation of a universe or time-line.
>>39631659Programmer cant enter his program. He can "design" himself in it but he can never physically enter it. I see the creator the same way. Transcendent being who has a degree of separation from his creation like a programmer and his creation.
>>39631659Look man, 9 is 0 and infinity and everything in between. It IS alpha and Omega and if you're too low IQ to understand how this relates to God and why, then it isn't my prerogative to sit here and artistically add numbers for you to prove it.
>>39631659God is easily counted when God wants to be.God can be anything, including countable.Who are you to tell God that God cannot?Who or what could ever deny God I'm such a way?Because YOU are limited by counting, you think God is under the same limitation when counted.That is nonsense.