the higher powers in the universe have been trying to get me to die for 4 years now because i expose their wickedness. i always suspected that we don't have full control over ourselves and that free will is a meme. It's true. you don't. you are not your own. anyone who leads a conscious, self aware life. anyone who is actually good. will essentially be banned from life because you can only live if you are ignorant. or so i thought. your energy is controlled and sapped by god. who wants you to be weak.the higher powers want total submission, you will own nothing and be happy, you will DIE and be thankful. you will let your enemies stand tall and proud as they enjoy their lives while you rot in the dirt. and you will be cool with it.there isn't even a way to spite the existential oppressors. only die. picrel is (you).
>>39653780>neatoWhy do you extend the idea that you need to not have free will for this to be the case?Even with true autonomy and choices, being designed in the first place and oriented in combination with the context of your perceptible reality being under control would create a scenario where you could both be predicted and purposed towards what ever end is intended having complete success in doing so even if it was all planned out before you even existed.What relevance does personal agency have over the bearing of your experience if you don't determine your motivational parameters or the model upon which you derrive thought or experience?It's like saying a self driving car is responsible for exploding at random rather than it's engineers and manufacturers because a decision making model was programmed into it to allow it to read road signs, traffic lights and pedestrian interactions and implore rule sets to reach destinations safely factoring in road conditions and etc.It isn't the cars fault it explodes or likes picking up passengers and maximizing efficency for them in terms of trip time and safety... that's what it was designed for... if there are faults in its operation, look to the design and manufacturing end of things... Don't like being born a 5 ft 2 fillipino guy who didn't make the NBA? Use your free will better!! Or you didn't will it hard enough etc.The point is a strange one to focus on.Not good? Not smart? Not tall? Not attractive? Not ethical? Low impulse control? Very ignorant? Free will skill issue??...