Did someone curse my time? Is time just part of curses? Am I cursed? I took my car to the shop again last year, they said it would take over a week to get to it but it ended up being like six goddamn weeks. So the whole time, I'm just waiting, then waiting some more. Not texting anyone or even answering some texts bc I'm waiting and it should have been any day. I'm still just waiting on stuff and it's hard to talk. I'm just mute. My bike got stolen again right when I needed it so I didn't have one for a few weeks bc I was expecting to have my car back quicker than I did. I finally buy one and of course my car is done in just like another week. I didn't make some money bc I didn't have my car and now it's snowing bad so things are harder so I've at least lost a good bit of money if not once again completely altered the trajectory of next year/decade whatever bc this waste of time and by the time my time is time time will be up