American oldfag autist here, I started having a full blown panic attack earlier today (starting like 5 hours ago) over a stupid phone call I had to make regarding disability shit with social security. I'm so embarrassed to admit it, but "official" kinda phone calls make me have a panic attack almost every time - I always am shaky and covered in sweat, even though my mind knows damn well I don't need to be scared. Today it happened to such a degree that even though the house was cold and I took my shirt off, I was literally pouring sweat, heart racing, shaking like a leaf, and EXTREMELY intense hallucinations began. Similar to moderate to high doses of psilocybin, mescaline or LSD. I bought a couple hobo beers, I'm halfway through the second and my shakiness and fear has gone away, but hard-core visual disturbances are still here.Have I finally "snapped"? I've been slipping more and more into classic symptoms of schizophrenia and I'm just afraid, even though many of these visions have been of the divine and transcendentally beautiful. Any opinions welcome
>>39650606Come to the heart of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
>>39650606Psychic war
>>39650610Former evangelical Christian. I mean this in the most respectful way when I say that I grew out of that tradition. I respect your conviction and desire to share your message of salvation with me, truly, but to save a large and unnecessary debate I will just say this: your well intentioned words, in my current crisis, are about as useful to me as a bicycle is to a fish
>>39650621Elaborate, please
You really do have to see a professional about this. /x/fags will tell you that theyre demons, that theyre drugging you etc but it generally is gonna be the best adviceIm assuming the call affects your basic ability to survive (money), sounds like your root chakra got triggered somehow and youve been having general anxieties around survival needs. What i'd suggest is some basic grounding stuff. Look into somatic therapy, do grounding meditations (many guided ones on youtube) etc. Anxiety around survival is perfectly normal, and it intends to spur you into action to secure a sense of survival, but you certainly shouldnt be hallucinating over this. Take your power back, you create the existence you want, protect your mind as its the precious jewel of your existenceI also suggest praying to Ganesh, he is a very chill God
>>39650636Have you read King Solomon?
>>39650606it sounds like they put LSD in your water supply to induce psychosis. common tactic... clearly you did something they did not like
>>39650636it doesn't sound like you have a paranormal problem. go see a neurologist I guess.
>>39650656Thank you anon. I think your advice is grounded in reason, I also lend little credence to the "it's demons!" thing. You hit the nail on the head. However, I have to tell you, I started raining tears as soon as you mentioned Ganesha - I have never prayed to him, but earlier when I was listening to a Shiva/Shakti mantra at the peak of these symptoms, I focused my vision on a white light in the center of the crown of the image of Shakti I was centering my vision on.Distinctly, and abruptly, I clearly saw an image of Ganesha in lotus pose with 3 heads, which transformed into an outline within pure white light, of Shiva meditating. Back and forth, back and forth. Your mention of Ganesha feels like no mere coincidence, nor will it be lost on me. God bless you and your loved ones anon, thank you for caring
L-theanine is a great natural stress reliever to take when the panic starts barreling toward you. A daily combination of that, GABA and 5-HTP will never steer you wrong.
>>39650693No worries anon. In every hindu temple, the God at the entrance is Ganesh, he is the first God you pray to to ensure safe passage in your travels to the divine planes. He is a cheerful and very chill God whose energy is very soothing in these trying times. Even Shiva can be intense especially in wrathful forms, on the contrary Ganesh is relaxed and laidback. Chant his 108 names mantra, imagine your body transforming to his body, and you will find refuge in his benevolence.
>>39650636Don’t see a shrink, these things tend to come in waves and by the time a professional would help you, you’d be over it anyways.Best way to overcome fear is to just do it, I used to get nervous with phone calls, and I realized I was really not that bad at them, and to just do them, a good tip is to write down the things you’ll need for the call and questions you have, when you’re done with the note, read it over and call.If your bugging out and having experiences like this from stress that is bad, but I expect this is a combination of a lot of things, everything and everyone is very stressed right now, psychic phenomena and abilities are becoming more intense. Do a grounding ritual, touch the earth and stay like that for a while, sit on the ground, embrace the earth element, this will help much. It sounds like your diet is bad. Alcohol is actually good in times like this, continue to medicate, and treat it as protecting medicine. Alcohol prevents spirits from affecting you, it acts as a barrier between you and the spirit world. Tobacco has anti-psychotic effects also, don’t hesitate to smoke cigarettes or for a nice treat, some redman chew is always nice and delivers good amount of natural tobacco chemicals (it’s not just nicotine, tobacco has other chemicals that are antipsychotic, the burning of which also repels spirits)4000% increase in orbs and floaters and strange lights in past 3 months, as well as a near constant link of synchronicitiesSomething is happening
>>39650636you are literally being assailed by demons and had been as an evangelical as wellthe true church is waiting for you
>>39650729OP is clearly under some distress, and you resort to these pathetic fear based tactics in order to recruit him into your pathetic cucked death cult. Do you have any shame? Or are you really just that evilThis is why /x/ despises christcucks.
>>39650727Also want to add - you dont need to be a hindu to experience Loving Ganesh. He'll talk to fucked up methheads and degens of all shapes and forms if you are sincere in your efforts
>>39650740it's not a tactic it's literally the case>you have been suffering from heavy metal toxicity and it's only been getting worse>please come to the hospital we will treat you
>>39650740You are the death cult, we bring our members to the narrow road of life.
>>39650824That’s a Genesis 6 abomination.Why did the angels have sex with Elephants?
>>39650808YOUR tradition peddles fear and threats. I have been respectful so far but dont you dare accuse anyone of advertising fear here but yourself. You offer no sympathy to a fellow human being, a fellow son of God, in substitute of judgment and finger pointing. The fact you think you are aligned with Christ is laughable
>>39650606Dealing with Social Security is never fun. Every time I have to call them, I put in the headphones and keep one ear free. I tune out the wait music with something else and usually that helps a lot. The music they put on when you're waiting to talk to a person is crazy bad.
>>39650606Bro just visit a psychologist. You need a milfi in your life.
>>39650606If you know when they're gonna call, take a shot of whiskey or two. It'll take the edge off.
>>39650606Practice meditation so that you learn to control your mind and not be carried away by feelings and thoughts. Breathing exercises to control your nervous system. If you start to feel anxious you need to breath controlled and slowly. When you breath OUT you stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system which slows down heart rate, the opposite when you breath in. So if you're hyperventilating you're overstimulating the sympathetic, you're fight and flight response kicks in, heart rate goes up and you're getting too much oxygen and not enough carbon dioxide which lead to less oxygen in the blood, which is why people hyperventilating breath in a bag. Just slow down. Breathing and hold, breath out and hold.
>>39650610>>39650606I am similarly messed up with anxiety and have also experienced panic when I have to convince someone to continue my benefits etc. In fact my anxiety is so bad even doing simple tasks like going to the store or driving is terrifying. Even chores around the house produce anxiety. I find the core issue is that as a child I never felt loved. As an extension I never felt protected and safe. I was severely abused. So for me at least it comes down to feeling loved. I find three things help. Praying to God is very helpful. As another anon said, praying to Jesus and Mary is very powerful. I also started watching the Chosen series and it helped me through some hard times. It is medicine for the soul. Otherwise it is very important to remind yourself as much as possible that you are loved. Think about it. Contemplate it. Believe it. Most of all you are loved by God. I also remind myself that God is protecting me, cares for me and is in control of all things. I will also pray for you my friend. Good cheer and good luck.
>>39650606its sickening. i too lost my purpose. praying helps sometimes but im so fucked beyond believe even my meds stopped working so i stopped seeing a professional and taking them. maybe suffering is all there is to this existence
>>39650899I have an angel sent to me to deal with any issues with me and there are no issues with me stating you will go to hell when Jesus is not at your side.
>>39650740Give op better advice instead of being hostile You're not making him more comfortable with your aggression
>>39650841>Why did the angels have sex with Elephants?You don't know the whole story?Parvati Mata the Goddess whom is the Consort of Shiva made him in a human form from the earth.His head was cut off by his father Shiva and then Parvati Mata got angry and then they had to get a baby elephant's head to attach onto the body of the then beheaded Ganesha and heal him, all the Gods blessed that resurrected form of his which is the current description in the image to which you said that.