How does one cope with imminent death?
>>39635545Accepting it.No guarantee of long lives here. You could be dead before your supposed expiration date. Learn to accept death as an inevitability that can occur at any moment. I could die without any prior warnings before you do.
are you referring to everyone's common mortality, and adding "iminent" for dramatic effect? Or, are you actually gonna die soon? terminal disease?
>>39635545My death isn't quite imminent, but I find it helpful to keep in mind that death is some sense a very ordinary experience. Everyone who has ever lived has either gone through it already or will get there eventually. And it's something that's happening all the time. On average, someone dies every second. If you include animals and insects, death is happening almost continuously. So you're not alone.
>>39635545Believe in Jesus Christ.
There is an afterlife and it is vastly superior than terrestrial life.
>>39635545Remember these words: “Blue Eisenhower November”Repeat them to yourself nonstop for every second of your remaining time. After you’ve successfully looped you can recall these words and know that you’ve made it. I wish you the best anon.
>>39635545Probably dont worry about it idk. Obviously we don't know for sure whether there's an afterlife or not but most likely you'll have some weird experience in the last minutes before your brain shuts off for good and after that you aren't even gonna know that you died.
Stop identifying with your corpse. The monkey is a disposable.
>>39635545Acceptance. There's absolutely nothing to be afraid of. You should be more afraid of life than death.
>>39635545are you afraid of going to sleep? go have a good rest
>>39635566pretty much thiseveryones got a thread of fate, up to whoever if they wanna keep it unraveling until they find the right finger to wrap themselves to
>>39635545Mushrooms. They can help. Read up on it. Magic mushrooms. They can help you cope with the fact that you’re dying. There is life after death tho. So you’ll be ok. It made me wait 900s to post this. But it’s good advice. If your genuinely dealing with this, it can help.
I small-printed what I consider to be the most important piece of religious text on A4 paper and bring it with me everywhere in a cardholder. In case I ever find myself suddenly dying.
>>39635545Have a last giggle m8.
>>39635545You delude yourself in a way that outpaces the duration of your dying. If you knew there was an afterlife, death wouldn’t be much less scary or alien.
In Poe's story The Mask of the Red Death people know they are going to die within a half hour. This is truly terryifying to me, imagining my old life, where I hadn't looked into anything mystical, magical, religious, philosophical, or medical that could comfort me.I think that various degrees of terror would happen according to the level of the persons beliefs and knowledge, along with of course, their base personality, and some lucky people just don't biologically feel fear as stronglyWhen you are given more time, say 2 years with stage 4 cancer, you can take up comforting beliefs, like Christian Universialism, or apokatastasis, where everyone is saved. You can also study that a great many medical deaths are just people taking their last breaths relatively peacefully. There are interesting people who may work at hospices, or travel around, of various kinds who have a lot of information and support that you wouldn't expect, to help people and families cope with imminent death. One type of person is called a Death Doula, or death midwife.During the time you have, you can also learn to forgive yourself for your faults, and stop beating yourself up for your "weaknesses" during life.This is a process that takes time, one of the best routes is Unconditional Self Acceptance, a thinking strategy that seperates behaviors and labels from the "self". You always accept yourself, but not necessarily behaviors and traits that you don't like. You don't label yourself "A bad guy" or a "weak person" but rather a person with weaknesses like everyone else, but your "self" is always accepted.There is also, and I don't know if everyone has it, but it happened to me, some sort of natural comforting acceptance of death that seems to slowly creep in. It still sucks and you don't want to die, but a powerful thing happened where it is no longer a terror.Religion and philosophy (Marcus Aurelius for example) really do help deal with impending death.
>>39637841cont.I sometimes wonder if it would have been better for me to take up these things earlier in life, or if my glib blocking off of thoughts of death before my diagnosis, my relatively carefree lifestyle, was actually the better way.Life is probably more fun when you aren't thinking about death. But there is another consideration, that of deep meaning.I could never describe to my old self the sense of meaning I get out of the last days of my life. It would be impossible as they are two different people, you can't fake it. You can't (or at least I never could) bring up enough raw mental power when you are healthy, telling yourself that death is a reality, than you can with the real thing. It is probably 1000/1 difference or more.Other considerations are family and how you treated them in life. If you learn to accept and forgive yourself, you also learn somewhat to accept and forgive others. You and your family and other close people fucked up with each other, it's human nature, it can become easy to let it go with time. Not having any time would be bad. Unlike reminding yourself you are going to die when you are young and healthy, I have absolutely no qualms about treating your family well, avoiding escalating petty shit, and even showing love if you are lucky enough to be able to do that.
>>39637874I imagine there are people who feel that death is coming, even when younger, much more than I ever did. If you don't depress yourself about it, I think it can be a very good thing. High meaning, high motivation, high impetus to study whatever mysteries may be behind every day life. Living with more integrity and grit.I wonder if the most meaningful lives were lived by people with a lucky combination of low fear, low depression, and an idea that death is real and coming floating in their heads often enough.
>>39635545Vax status?
>>39638389when's the red deer event supposed to happen anon, its been 5 years, where the mass die offs anon?
>>39638400Why do you retards keep getting turbo cancers and serious health issues?Boost again, faggot.
>>39635545better question, how does one cope with being alive when youre a worthless fucking turbo faggot loser? asking for a friend..
>>39638421lmao I see you're memory holed your own propaganda
>>39638452>lmao I see you're memory holed your own propaganda
>>39635545Speaking as someone healthy and I hope not close to death, so with a lucidity I might have in the moment - I’d approach it with gratitude and curiosity. id think back on glad memories, giving thanks to the people who put their lives aside for my well-being (ty mum), made me laugh or even smile or just spent some time with me along the way etc. and being excited that I’ll finally get to cross the veil and see what happens after death
yr jjust gotta live in the moment dont think about it
>>39636872one time I did shrooms and it felt like I was dying but I don't think it really helped lol. Other times though it makes you feel more connected n shit. To me it's kinda like oh yeah the whole universe is alive and I'm just transitioning. A trip is like dying but dying is a trip. Tons of things are trips, just going into work can be a bigger trip than drugs lol so when you die you are going to be on a trip. You're gonna be kinda tripping out like fuuuuck I'm dyiiing. And you'll dry out and curl up like a dead bug. It's been kinda hard to find molly for a long time. But when you die you might be thinking about other people even if there aren't any people in your life and it's kinda hard to describe but it's like molly somewhat where idk communication becomes the main focal point or something and if you think about it it is bc even in a single person, consciousness is really just communication with yourself. If you have zero self awareness you are a plant. But being a plant isn't bad per se
>>39635545dry fasting
>>39637841>>39637874>>39637891Bless you anon, thank you for these thoughts, you've helped me today.
>>39635545you approach >>39639809 mindset
>>39635545Accept it
>>39638737This is the best answer but unfortunately, some of us have OCD like obsessions with death and think about it all the time. I cope with it by trying to lucid dream and ask dream entities about the afterlife.
>>39635545Death is always imminent my friend. Memento mori.
>>39639949>obsessions with deathdoes this manifest as sadness or more like anxiety?
>>39640018It's like this sense of pure dread that is always looming is the way I describe it.
>>39640050Is it possible that you, somewhere inside you, believe that you shouldn't die? Obssessions can be based on rigid thinking involving "musts" and "shoulds" Believing that something "shouldn't" be, when it obviously is, can cause all sorts of problems.If this is part of your problem, then you can try this:Say to yourself "I don't like the fact that I am going to die, but there is no reason why it shouldn't be this way". If you really have this rigid belief floating around, it might take a lot of repetitions before acceptance starts to settle in. Acceptance doesn't mean liking it or approving of something, it just means deeply, not just intellelectually believing, that this thing is real and there is no reason why it SHOULD NOT be.Also can I ask if you were brought up with the idea that some people burn in hell forever? If so, this is a nice rabbit hole to go down-
>>39635545Who the fuck actually wants to keep living? I never understood.
>>39641565Have you ever enjoyed life?
>>39641536momeno mori signet ring found in Jamestown from the early 1600's
>>39641704Maybe before the age of 9
>>39635545i am in heart failure ans i am 25. i have been since 2019. i am not currently repentant because my home life is horrible and i keep slipping back into just casual life. but im very much hoping to go to heaven. i have had a hellish life from start to finish, and honestly thats excluding the heart failure that was just the icing on the cake. if i went to hell on top of it all, that would just be a cruel sick joke.
I did a "heroic dose" of mushrooms on one occasion and had an unbelievably profound experience where I left my body, and as I did I was made profoundly aware of the fact that death is nothing to fear. Unfortunately these kind of mystical revelations can only be described with words, but not passed on - only experience can suffice. This was like 13 years ago, and ever since I have not been bothered by the fact I'll die, even when I nearly died in a hospital a few years after. I just had acceptance.