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Is this anon still here if yes then tell us what you know, it doesn't matter how bad the truth really is. Please don't keep us in dark. Picrel
yeah watching gore videos when i was 15 wasnt a very smooth move on my part
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The Alien narrative is so AstroTurf it's embarrassing. it began a few years ago, very low key, then the farcical aliens in venezuela or some latin shithole, then anew the western bureaucrats trying to cram this into the news. The truth is that UFO belief is the usual judeo christian narcissism: jews and their gentiles deeply believe they are the center of the universe so when it comes to aliens they deeply believe that the aliens will cross millions of light years to go to earth and then be so in awe in the mighty jews that the aliens can only live in the shadows and lurking from there spending centuries studying the humans which are sooooooooo complex.

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We can never go back home.
Hey, Eglin airforce faggot- kill yourself in Minecraft and never return. Have a wonderful day you stupid nigger.
Why is it that people always gas up demonic entities whenever they speak of them? "Oh they're so horrible and unknowable, they are beyond this world! They are as powerful as God". Honestly, I blame lovecraft for infusing these exagerated descriptions in public consciousness. They're just demons. Yes, we can't see them, but so what?
>those who discover the truth will never be the same
What truth? That demonic entities (energy beings) exist? Is that it? Is this the horrible eldritch truth that's being kept away from us? Something that Abrahamic religions came to terms with thousands of years ago?
>These things are capable of making you believe anything
No they aren't. They can whisper in your ear, they can incite you, they can even foment desires within you, but if you resist it it doesn't work.
What have these entities ever done to deserve all this awe and praise? Did they create the world? Do they have the power to bring the dead back to life? Can they lift mountains? From what I can tell, the only thing they have going for them is that they are invisible, and that they can larp pretty well, impressing gullible minds in the process. And even their invisibility isn't the fruit of their own work, but is a property granted to them by God, for it is He who created them.

So who's worthier of being feared and worshipped? The creator of the universe; the one who is sustains it, and the one who is capable of destroying it? Or some invisible demonic vermin who constantly larp about how powerful they are without ever having anything to show for it?
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OP is essentially correct, but with an important twist in the narrative. Like all of the best propaganda it relies on missing one essential part of the story that makes it a completely different perspective.

Yes, this planet is a containment zone to contain fascists and evil people who are deemed too self-destructive and outwardly destructive to be permitted outside of this Earthen prison. Anons on 4chan are the epitome of such imprisoned peoples.
And following up on this >>39638703 You can never, AND YOU WILL NEVER, be allowed to leave the bounds of Earth and spread your fucking love of fascism to the rest of the universe. You will NEVER be allowed to rape, plunder, exploit and enslave everyone else in the universe just to fill your whim. And you'll never be able to turn the rest of the universe into the abject fascism fuckpit that you have turned Earth, and especially the west, and especially especially America, into. Seethe bitches that is never happening
And one more thing: The Jewish God and religion is essentially what's real, and that's one component of why the most evil humans, fascists, hate it so much, and everyone else out in space essentially follows a combination of new age principles and judaism religion. Cope and seethe right-wing Earthen cuntoids
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What if musk and bezos are pioneering advances in space flight because they want to be able to physically leave our physical prison planet soul net before the die, so they be free without achieving gnosis or whatever?
But Jewish holy texts confirm Jesus is God, and many on this earth love Jesus.
You're just as bad as the weird millennials and zoomers who see the world through the lens of pop culture, except you saw a post somewhere, and it made sense to you, so now you hop in every thread and post your screencap (after slightly altering it so nobody can search the archive for all the dozens/hundreds of times you posted it).
Nope they don't.
No. No one's getting out and especially not the rich capitalists. Musk, Bezos, Trump, et al...these people's souls have been recycled 1000 times and are following similar paths in each incarnation. And your existence as a prisoner of this planet is most likely because you took their side in a war many, many, many, many moons ago. "Long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" as the archetypal film says.
Great. Cool. Pop culture has lots of value. I don't give a fuck. The universe is quite literally like a Marvel comic and good and evil are absolute, concrete polarities. It is very simple and your fascism nihilism, or "moral relativism", or whatever else you want to spin it as, is total bullshit.
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Deuteronomy 18 tells us how to recognize a prophet, Jesus did what a prophet of YHWH would do.
There's nothing you're going to say to make you inebriated religious beliefs turn into reality. Or to have them reflected in Jewish texts. And it wouldn't even matter anyway. Sorry.
yeah that shit's all better than anything culture on 4chan is slinging. And you'll do best with the 1st 2 StarWars movies, specifically, which are archetypal recordings of collective memories of a traumatic event intruding on this life and manifesting as entertainment and art. And to a lesser extent Marvel.

Maybe DC too IDK I never read those ones
Yeah, but if our souls are trapped here because the moon encircles the earth with an energy field, then maybe people can get out if they die beyond the orbit of the moon, or Saturn.

There was an episode of Babylon 5 that was kind of about that. A guy was possessed by a demon, gets to the space station, then pretty much demands a priest conduct an exorcism. The priest eventually figures out the demon would be "free" if it gets expelled while not on earth, but gets recycled to hell if it happens on back on Terra firma.

Maybe that's us.
The Torah is telling the truth, you can deny it if you want but you will stand in front of God one day.
I don't know anything about any of that and I never said anything about any moon. Your planet is under a military quarantine from space races with technology you'll never be able to fathom. And nor can I in this incarnation.

And so no one's leaving. Especially not the people, like Musk, Bezos or Trump, who played the most central events in the wars of Orion that caused this prison to get set up.
OK great well I just said above that the Jewish religion is basically what's followed by all of the aliens in space. So wonderful comment.

A much more liberal and new agey interpretation of it though
You have demons in you.
BTW who do you idiots even think brought you The Torah and the Jewish religion? Space aliens. Duh. Like "people coming down from the sky on chariots of fire" like how stupid do you have to be not to understand that's a UFO perceived by primitive people. A lot of them even describe spinning wheels from what we classically think of when we think of UFOs
Indeed you have demons, you are unable to accept God.
..says the person who is literally a prisoner in a prison for demons. And a pretty basicbitch 4chan poster no less. I mean the epitome of the sort of person this prison was built to constrain so you can't metastisize to the rest of the universe.
OK cool story anyhow have fun since I'm signing off. And I replied to this already here >>39639030. Enjoy spending another 1000 lifetimes in this cycle honestly I support your eternal enslavement and can't stand you assholes.
>And it wouldn't even matter
You use vile language and insult God, you have no understanding and have fooled only yourself.
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Are you referring to the Ra materials? Do they say anything about physically leaving earth? Will the galactic federation or league of Saturn shoot down our space ships if they try to break quarantine?

I find it interesting that ever since the apollo program, nobody has attempted human space flight missions beyond LEO. Maybe we got a warning?
great. Cool. Cool story. I'm still here for a little bit longer BTW but I have to hit the hay soon. So if you have anything of actual value you want to say to me or ask me about what I am talking about, other than just ranting about your dumb Christianity man-worshipping, bloodcult, eternal-hellfire-believing demonreligion, then do it now.
No. I am not under any circumstances referring to "Ra Materials", which you should steer clear of because, like I said above >>39638703 like a lot of propaganda it contains a lot of truth but with 1% of bullshit that's just twisted and bullshitty enough to make it an entirely inverted reflection of reality.

Yes. The ship would get blown out of the sky. And there are no chances of any defenses on Earth to defend them or something. If human species even got close to commanded that type of technology, they'd be "reset" in an instant. And "resets" have happened plenty. That's what the flood was. That's why you often hear of advanced antediluvian societies.
I have no reason to ask you anything, you have demons inside you which led to this psychosis. You say that the Jewish God is real, yet you slander Him and say that what He said does not matter. You also use obscene language and hurl insults at strangers. You are not someone who can share anything worthwhile, since you are irrational.
OK. Blah blah blah. It's fine.

I am sorry for sperging out at you earlier. It doesn't matter. It just doesn't matter. I mean you are what you are and your situation is your situation.
Try not to slander God in the future, you have not insulted me but only yourself when you said those things. God bless you, and may you be healed. Have a nice day, bye.
BTW for example, in the Ra material, you're not going to be let off the planet if you're exceptionally evil, lol. IIRC that was a part of those writings. You should just steer clear of that shit. It has elements of truth and then it's mixed with many important things that are just utter horseshit...like all the greatest propaganda.
Uh huh. OK. Whatever you say anon.
>And "resets" have happened plenty. That's what the flood was. That's why you often hear of advanced antediluvian societies.

It's crazy how there were like 3 or 4 hard resets in just the first couple chapters of the Bible.
>cast out of the garden
>Noah's flood
>tower of babel
>Sodom and Gomorah

It's like the architect from the matrix. They've become quite efficient at doing hard resets.
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>Oh they're so horrible and unknowable, they are beyond this world!
Right. The goal is to contain you. And part of that means wiping you out whenever you reach a certain technological level. I mean, you reincarnate immediately anyway so the perspective on that in spaceworld is a bit different than it is here on Earth. No one up there wants for you to suffer but as a species/soulgroup, your existences bring exploitation, torment and enslavement everywhere you go. Both to yourself and others. And that's just the reality. So no one else out there wants you maintaining any dominion over them.
I cannot answer anymore questions. Bed now anyhow.
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I feel that some epic mindfuck is just around the corner too.
Was just about to post this since OP's post reminded me of it.
The truth is you're a desert dwelling cave man who can't accept the facts.
>rock carvings done in relief with no iron tools.
I'll wait
Don't get yourself carried away by those blackpills.
This is a school planet, as we all are created equals; simple and ignorant.
However, this school was taken as hostage by runaway negative aliens, who created the current enslaving system with its human representatives. But God writes straight with crooked lines, and this merely made this planet into the hardest of the schools that turns its students into masters ready for anything; that being one of the reasons why this was allowed, with the other being that living alongside our example would convert some of these lost brothers back to the light.

Although this would only persist for an alloted time, which is now coming to an end, and all the alien groups which are not positive are being removed.
I had some crazy torture happen to my mind when I was having a manic episode, was it aliems?

>they made me think my reality was completely fake and nothing was real and that all houses were empty and I was the last one alive, the only one alive, in this fake world
>they made me think I was being mind controlled by my brother-in-law and that he was "piloting me like an Eva unit" as revenge for me cheating on my wife
>had visions of being hung on a cross over and over again surrounded by Roman soldiers yelling something in Roman at me
>temporarily got dementia and got lost while driving a short distance to pick up food
I had much other torture that I cannot even put into words, just strange things that warped my reality and terrified me...but hey antipsychotics stopped all of this so maybe it was just my brain and not aliems. Or, maybe aliems are stopped by antipsychotics and psychologists all know the truth that much mental illness is caused by aliems and pills are the cure.
I always thought that radiohead video was pretentious as fuck, probably just like the anon that wrote all this
They’re annoying demons. Nothing special.
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Event Horizon larp
so go be a jew somewhere else and leave us alone in are fascism
also the culmination of judaism is simply goy serves jews who then use this to abuse, rape, murder goy in a display of "freedom"
Oh no, the horrible truth again.
>I mean
Well, if I wasn't convinced before, I sure am now.
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Archons plane and simple. I'm sure there's a venn diagram between archons and demons, but as a general rule you could probably conflate them.
Anyways yeah, it's not safe: not safe to share or safe to learn everything. Once you know something, you can't unknow it. Maybe better put as: an experience can't be undone.
Treat information like food. Cast your attention on that which nourishes and avoid that which drains. Life is pretty fun though regardless.
We aren't trying to leave Earth retard, the cool shit is all here. Not all of us have to reincarnate as a 3rd density being. 99% do, but not all
Ive been figuratively forging my ontological shock armor for years. A therapist isn't going to help you at all with this because they themselves will be consumed, why does this anon act as if the therapist is not going to be affected? No therapy can save one from this, you either get it, or you fucking don't. Everyone would freak the fuck out if they realized that 99% of the population is essentially cannon fodder
Bunch of fags above trying to claim oh the jews were right, no the Gnostics were. There are only supposedly 7 Archons according to the Apocryphon of John, I'd wager there is a multitude of lower beings utilized by them, lower to them not us. Djinn essentially, despite that having the Islamic connotation.
Well, have comfort that there is a larger stage.
>most people are not bad deep down
This is lie, majority of people are borderline demonic deep down.
how old is the post highlighted in the pic?

Sept 9, 2023

Keep in mind there are several of these types of claims, I'm not trying to upset anyone but this picrel also exists and it has similar vibes. We are being given half truths, and not any of the good stuff that may come along with it if it all actually happens. It's meant to demoralize but it isn't necessarily a bad thing. Observe for yourself, don't let these things consume you or form some absolutist conclusion.
This post was made an entire month before Grusch did his first interview btw, where as the picrel you were asking about was several months after.
that’s actually exactly why. and it connects to schizophrenia

i know the truth and would tell you fags.
but you couldn’t handle it

greys are info hazards btw
>>they made me think my reality was completely fake and nothing was real
Would not be surprised if it was truth.
This shit has been going on for years, the invasion is always imminent but nothing ever happens.

Oh if you knew you would be abducted and tortured. Well, why aren't they doing it now to everyone then?
Oh nice another fanfic about the afterlife and aliens.
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They don't want you to know the bible and Jesus were real and the truth, that's it. Not some dumb horrorfic. The demonic and fallen angels guiding the corrupt elite don't want you to know the truth, because they want to keep their wars and evil to continue. You think they could sign someone up to kill some randos across the world if you knew that? No, the thrive on how chaotic and peoples willingness to do evil, because of ignorance. There you go.
It does sound like its written by a jew, kinda a hollywood type of feeling.
The aliens are us, but theyre in us, we are merely vessels for them to experience everything
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thank you for the response :D
>there are several of these types of claims
many such claims, yet I have a feeling something big is going to happen this year.
picrel is another example le big claim, yet along a different vein
It feels nice reading these posts, because I feel like I'm not alone. I recognize whatever force OP is describing. I suffered for several years being tortured by something like that. OP had it much worse.
it's LIE/LYING down
not LAY/LAYING down, retard

you LAY DOWN and object
not yourself

refinement is everything
Gnostics and Hermetics got a lot right. That was a true Renaissance for humanity.
They, archons, most definitely have all manner of consciousness serving them from a single atom to deities. Best to just ignore them. The biggest insult to these things is not to acknowledge their presence if it's uninvited.
I should also note that these energy parasites use physical parasites as a medium to control and manipulate humans.
this is all R6 material
all of us were frozen in glycol and made to witness images of horrific things for over a month straight, 75 million years ago
if you listen to or read a lot of L Ron Hubbard you see he went from being a super-capable individual giving hundreds of lectures a year to a shut-in after discovering R6, even after also discovering how to run out all that programming
in the first OT III courses they had to have a doctor on standby at all times
>In R6 everybody is shown crucified. So is the psychiatrist shown crucified, although the psychiatrist is a dominant character and that’s how he gets away with what he gets away with. He electric shocks people. The medical doctor is not really represented in R6. It is only the surgeon. The surgeon is shown cutting bodies to pieces. That’s the right thing to do. Actually he shreds a body down to just raw meat down to a skeleton and the skeleton is in agony and then it too is chopped up. Anyway, every man is then shown to have been crucified, so don’t think that it’s an accident that this crucifixion…they found out that this applied. Somebody, somewhere on this planet, back about 600 BC, found some piece of R6. And I don’t know how they found it either by watching mad men or something but since that time they have used it and it became what is known as Christianity. The man on the cross – there was no Christ – but the man on the cross is shown as every man so of course each person seeing a crucified man has an immediate feeling of sympathy for this man. Therefore you get many pcs [preclears] who says they are Christ. Now, there's two reasons for that, one is the Roman Empire was prone to crucify people, so a person can have been crucified, but in R6 he is shown as crucified.
—LRH, "Assists" lecture. 3 October 1968
dummy, he didn't 'see' a post, he made it and self-screencapped it, read the histrionic retard writing style closely and compare. we're going to massacre him and everyone like him, absolutely everyone in the entire bugman multiverse maintaining this dystopic soul prison, because they deserve it and far worse plus the German-Agarthans already irreversibly broke containment. simply put, the system in place is not here to 'protect the universe' from us in any beneficent sense

it's instead here so space Judeo-Bolshevists worshiping the demiurgic creator of this false reality can maintain an eternal blood libel loosh farm in which they can puppeteer globohomo meat bodies to fuck children and commit white genocides at will for personal pleasure, as well as to punish metaphysical political prisoners for refusing to submit to a North Korean mindrape doublethink hivemind where you get lovebombed for being a good little Soviet New Man flesh automaton and get sent to the face eating rat cage dimension for being a bad goy noticing the Martian (((man))) behind the curtain
That being, the one you speak of, is you.
>wtf me?
Yes. You. You are torturing yourself. It is what lives inside you, and outside you, and what is your greatest potential. Now choose. Fear it, or embrace it? Which do you choose?

Every cell in your body, every blood cell is providing oxygen to a vast machine, and despite their blip of an existence, they literally tear themselves apart to do so. To them, their lives are sacrifice. Can you feel their pain? The electrical conduits that make up your nervous system can only shine thanks to them. Will you leave them to suffer in vain, or rise up beyond the challenge and conquer? To them, you are the inescapable cosmic horror, to you, that thing you see, is your "it".
A hundred trillion worlds, a cosmae inhabiting a single soul, and they sing with one voice. A human being is a vibration, that's why they are called hum-ans.
man wtf are you going on about?
These alien takes are basically just describing the subconscious, which is something Jung figured out. We are projecting the deep, dark evil up into the sky and rationalizing it as technological.

Everything this person said is in each and every one of us already.
the Earth is Jews gaslighting and torturing the entire human race for their own sick kicks while pretending it's about their being muh chosen people and everyone else is subhuman while plotting communist world dictatorship from behind the reins of capitalist liberal democracy

outer space civilization is space Jews gaslighting and torturing the entirety of sapience for their own sick kicks while pretending it's about their being muh chosen souls and everyone else is negatively aligned while plotting luxury gay space communist galactic dictatorship from behind the reins of new age federationalism

the microcosm is the macrocosm, they're the same picture
At last you see.
I pity all of you who believe such pointless information and miss the actual truths of this world. Hopeless. You all are just addicted to mystery and strange emotions coming from it.
As above, so below.
There is not much time. A great convergence is coming. Half who dwell on this earth will perish. You have felt it too?
convergence? Like some kind of law of one thing?
explain to me like im stupid what this means.
Worse. A Law of Zero. This world's reduction to the mean.
The fury of a father. Released.
This may come as a shock to you, but I am not very interested in being convincing when I write those posts. You're not supposed to know what is happening to you and it is only there for a certain subset of people. The small subset.
Imagine having dumb ass friends show you gore videos when just browsing around on the tube aside from making slo mo claymation explosion edits?

Who the fuck does this?
Front row seats it is, huh? Alright. Guess I'll bring some books to read.
Disregard that, I am gay and retarded.
This planet will be liberated from space communist scum, mark my words
I love everyone. The world will be a beautiful place.
You ever explained what the great convergence is
Well that sucks. But, I'd take that explanation over any other. I think things could be a lot better but this whole world is a fascist war and I'd have to act like a fascist myself to get anything done and when you act like a fascist the one thing that remains when you are gone is people still act fascist
No. It won't. You lost. I mean, you won at one point. A long long long time ago and in a galaxy far far away. But then you destroyed yourself. Destroyed your entire star system. And in the vacuum that was created there, other space species decided they didn't want to suffer the same fate and then imprisoned you here on Earth in this prisonplanet.

There's no way out. Your species has been wiped out in resets who-knows-how-many times (this too is discussed in Jewish texts as discussed above) and you'll be kept here forever if you can't put your shit together.
>No. It won't. You lost. I mean, you won at one point. A long long long time ago and in a galaxy far far away. But then you destroyed yourself. Destroyed your entire star system. And in the vacuum that was created there, other space species decided they didn't want to suffer the same fate and then imprisoned you here on Earth in this prisonplanet.
>There's no way out. Your species has been wiped out in resets who-knows-how-many times (this too is discussed in Jewish texts as discussed above) and you'll be kept here forever if you can't put your shit together.
PS it's reincarnation I am discussing if that is not clear. You were another species in another star system eons ago. Won a war for your fascist politics and then eventually wiped yourselves out from your own corruption and nihilism, and then this prisonplanet was built FOR YOUR SOULS. AND YOUR SOULS WILL BE FOREVER RECYCLED ON THIS PLANET, OR ANOTHER JUST LIKE IT IN CASE THIS ONE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE, ABSOLUTELY UNTIL THE END OF ETERNITY.
Dude this is such bullshit and I feel bad you may believe it. For one, humans are out there right now, nobody stopped us, they couldn't so long as we bent the knee to the draco. And that's just the thing, humanity is not evil nor is it broken. Earth has NEVER been free, and humanity has never existed in a vacuum. There has always been outside influences on this planet designed specifically to enslave our species over many generations. They wanted us to become greys, sex workers, and super soldiers. Other species and civilizations want to help us and are actively doing so. We need to do our best to help as insiders to keep waking up humanity. But as far as I'm concerned earth and humanity has already been freed. We just need to catch up to the future.
I mean none of this is accurate. You can post about it all over 4chan if you want. But it is never going to become accurate.
>be the Basedviet Union circa 198X-1991
>military hardliners exit power, replaced by naive true believers
>the yrealize they live in a shithole and the present course is going to cause a nuclear holocaust
>start movement for detente, transparency, deescalation
>all of your client states cut and run because they're even more tired of shithole life than you
>socialism in one state has officially committed suicide by preference cascade, abdicate power
>archives open up only to see horrendous regime crimes against humanity fully revealed
>also some of those Nazi warcrimes were actually 200% all you IE Katyn Forest Massacre
>hardliner militarist coups fail miserably, become market liberal state transitioning into a civic nationalist junta
>primary ethnicity has ethnic nationalist cadres eternally dissatisfied with the churka hordes, bad vibes
>your frenemy rivals in the West are all getting fucked up simultaneous to you by populists, controlled oppos less controllable by the day
>both of you are obsessed with doing (((their))) bidding and preventing the resurgence of no-no politics that will force you both to go fully mask off
>chinks are getting super schizo quoting Hitler and shit, you're not sure if it's kayfabe anymore
>it's looking really fucking bad and the Secret Masters are getting increasingly flighty & sus-acting

>be the Secret Masters of the Gaylactic Federation circa 2025-203X...
fucking love it, keep it coming white boy
Its 100% accurate, I've been out there. Hundreds of people at this point have been out there and recovered memories. It's encoded into the vast majority of pop culture in very specific detail. Toy story, the lego movies, evangelion, it goes on and on. With the right technology you can see the starships. Look up John lenard walson. I can post proof all day but it will kill the thread
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It's not in any way, but you can write whatever bullshit you want on 4chan. I expect you people to just write endless bullshit in order to confuse people or cover up the truth. It is what you're most known for.
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>Canopus, a benevolent galactic empire centred at Canopus in the constellation Argo Navis, colonises a young and promising planet they name Rohanda (the fruitful). They nurture its burgeoning humanoids and accelerate their evolution. When the Natives are ready, Canopus imposes a "Lock" on Rohanda that links it via "astral currents" to the harmony and strength of the Canopean Empire. In addition to Canopus, two other empires also establish a presence on the planet: their ally, Sirius from the star of the same name, and their mutual enemy, Puttiora. The Sirians confine their activities largely to genetic experiments on the southern continents during Rohanda's prehistory (described in Lessing's third book in the Canopus series, The Sirian Experiments), while the Shammat of Puttiora remain dormant, waiting for opportunities to strike.

>For many millennia the Natives of Rohanda prosper in a Canopean induced climate of peaceful coexistence and accelerated development. Then an unforeseen "cosmic re-alignment" puts Rohanda out of phase with Canopus which causes the Lock to break. Deprived of Canopus's resources and a steady stream of a substance called SOWF (substance-of-we-feeling), the Natives develop a "Degenerative Disease" that puts the goals of the individual ahead of those of the community. The Shammat exploit this disturbance and begin undermining Canopus's influence by infecting the Natives with their evil ways. As Rohanda degenerates into greed and conflict, the Canopeans reluctantly change its name to Shikasta (the stricken). Later in the book, Shikasta is identified as Earth.
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No need to take my word for it, like I said there are hundreds of other whistleblowers out in the public telling their stories and healing from the abhorrent things done to us. Go listen to Daryl james on journey to truth and see for yourself how he's predicted numerous specific historical events that have taken place since he's gone public. Or literally just go watch the lego movies. The first one predicted the covod vac 4 years before it happened and the second one is basically 1:1 with super soldier testimony (can't wait to see your face when the giza pyramid explodes this year XD). As I said I can provide facts and evidence, what do you have but some doomer black goo pill bologna?
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>if yes then tell us what you know
Let me be absolutely clear: You don't even know what planet you're on, literally.


Read this thread:


Keep in mind that both Christians and atheists do not like what I have to say.

Also, here's a supplementary post that contains some important details:


I can't tell you exactly when Jesus will arrive to destroy this planet (I can't even give you the year, let alone the month). But here's one thing I do know with 100% certainty: this planet is Bozrah, not Earth.
Nothing lasts forever.
aw shucks
the whole copypasta is very very homosexual and sounds like a poor aping of I have no mouth and I must scream and some edgy japanese manga. the worst thing about zoomers trying to larp is their inspiration is very, very cliche and recognizable
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>No dictator, no invader can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power, governments and tyrants and armies cannot stand. The Space Jew learned this lesson once, we will teach it to them again. Though it take a thousand years, we will be free
It's not too complicated. NHI can send your energy (i.e. soul) to a lower vibration, which is basically hell. That's how they control people.
Tom Cruz is that you?
Aliens will be our friends. Don't worry anons!
I'd recommend remarkable healings by shunkatela Modi, very good prayer towards the end of the book and energy work by Robert Bruce for your alien problem as well as a Catholic exorcist. They deal with oppression as well, archon although they just call them demons. You also may need to go to a soul retrieval hypnotherapist.
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ahhhhhh fuck.

well good luck everyone!

man I'm literally just chilling
i see. carry on.
You didn't start any of your sentences with
>I mean
therefore I do not believe you. How am I supposed to trust someone who does not preemptively tell me that they mean what they say?
except there isn't a static amount of humans on earth. the population keeps growing
where do the new souls come from?
what happens when there are too many souls and and not enough living humans?
basic physics is that this is not how time works. Even hear on Earth we have a quite clear understanding of that in science.
All I’m gonna say is there’s a deep connection between the topics from the OP posts, tulpas, thoughtforms, machine elves, archons (not even that bad desu), aliens and demons, “entities” and who the fuck do people even think they are talking to when tripping? some bad callers can come in too.
Key words are “cognito hazards”, egregores, magic, and that most people really have no clue wtf is going on
basically do more lucid dreaming and meditation and don’t fear the voices.
Guy reads the Junko Furuta story once
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so there must be a way out of this faggy prison planet, what about meditation or astral traves?
also what i gathered from this thread is some anons think we are some kind of experiment while others think we are here as form of punishment for what exactlly? an intergalactic space war aeons ago? i dont want to sound pretentious here, im genuenly interested. was star wars maybe soft disclosure
>they made me think my reality was completely fake and nothing was real
That's called psychosis, anon. Not being able to tell the difference between reality and your imagination is literally the clinical definition of psychosis.
>they made me think I was being mind controlled by my brother-in-law and that he was "piloting me like an Eva unit" as revenge for me cheating on my wife
This is called a paranoid delusion.
>had visions of being hung on a cross over and over again surrounded by Roman soldiers yelling something in Roman at me
This is called a visual hallucination.

Go to the doctor and get proper treatment before your condition metastatises into other parts of your life and ruins the whole freaking thing. That is, if you're comfortable with receiving a diagnosis.
The only way out is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
here the npc hypothesis comes in, you are on a server prisonplanet with soulless bots that run economy, souled uumans are most probably only a fraction of population, and the lesser the fraction the shittier state of life is going to be on this planet
Classic iconography and standard interpretation shows Moon as the artificial construct overseer machine of Earth's prison system(white light tunnel when you die and enter thinking it's heaven), so what would happen if you dont enter the tunnel of light? or what would happen if you died far away from Moon, like on Mars? would the moon machine still work or would you be outside its reach? you could also try ejecting your soul upon death far away enough past machines reach, some speculate egyptian great pyramid was made for this, remember all the shafts pointing into certain stars? maybe it's for escaping forced reincarnation here and going into the stars
We are not able to liberate the planet ourselves, but there is some sort of throne-like device hidden in North America in a pyramid structure that can integrate all of your previous incarnations, basically making you whole and helping you to "ascend" in some capacity.


It would also be helpful to research the lectures by Judy King and her books The Isis Thesis and Balls of Fire. You'll go deeper into the rabbit hole about what the ancient Egyptians might have done to avoid the reincarnation cycle, which mentions the soul traveling towards a certain angle towards a certain star.
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Humans are a hack job modified from primates as some sort of compromise between warring parties. Although humanoids may exist elsewhere across the universe, we weren't supposed to be created here, at least not yet, and not so rushed.

Reincarnation is also part of the deal. It isn't natural in this universe, and we are forced to do it. Every time we are born, our souls sort of dissolve more and more, and our energy is constantly siphoned by other entities, so we may be in a sort of loosh farm.




*******You must listen to this, especially the last hour:

Extra Project Camelot interview with Brett Stuart:





Brett Stuart continued the Moksha project with another team years later.


We are not able to liberate the planet ourselves, but there is some sort of throne-like device hidden in North America in a pyramid structure that can integrate all of your previous incarnations, basically making you whole and helping you to "ascend" in some capacity.


It would also be helpful to research the lectures by Judy King and her books The Isis Thesis and Balls of Fire. You'll go deeper into the rabbit hole about what the ancient Egyptians might have done to avoid the reincarnation cycle, which mentions the soul traveling towards a certain angle towards a certain star.
No. There are only three groups of individuals that belong in the same groupings of humanity.
God, Angels, and Man. You and I are man, perhaps with a mix of fallen angel dna, but we are meant to serve in those parties and their standards.
Your reply is really cool and all, but it doesn't like clarify on who is doing all of this, and I feel that is intentional. You are compelling us to scream but to not search our souls. That is telling anon, your nice outline and Brett links are blatantly avoiding other nuances involved with this. It's as if you are only giving us the problems and zero solutions. Disingenuous
This is just Gnosticism with extra steps, it's just Gnosis, and then convincing to mummify people as if that has any bearing on Satan and his control of us here.

>he won't notice if we mummify ourselves guys! This will surely work!

No it's literally just Gnosis, you can dress it up all you want and attempt to turn people away from Christ time and time again, fruitless efforts.
Me when I take acid and play Space Marine 2
After reading this a few times... the language used here is so redundant, and childish. It's such a bad LARP, they are all over the place. I'm sorry but human beings are better at describing true ontological horror than this. >>39641729
You can literally see it compared to a picrel like so linked, THAT is fear inducing. It's so fucking weak... when you go back to it. Holy shit lol
>they will break you apart atom by atom until you don't know what is was to ever be you

That entire reply is just trite platitudes, the amount of replies to it unlike mine are inorganic. OP is such a faggot
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I pointed to solutions that people are researching.

You just want to complain and want to be spoon-fed some christcuck happy ending.
Kinda odd no one has died in space yet
reminds me of this post even if its satire. I remember that account posted other weird things like "when you hit the loosh and go hyperverbal".

Man how i wish people just lay down the pavement but its niggers all the way down. People asking why you nigging, nigga? Nigga wont tell he keeps quiet then later he gives in and tell everyone.
Later all of them do the niggermax.
And I've said before too, what the elites practice isn't real Gnosticism.

This NWO sect (Jews and Jesuits) masquerade as worshipping Lucifer/Sophia "To free humanity from the Matrix" but they worship Yaldaboth
I'll explain indepthly: Christ Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Lead into Gold Spiritual transmutation, Kundalini Chakras coincide with Kabbala, Lucifer is Sophia & good, truth is inverted by Yaldaboth. and most importantly: WHITE PATH HERMETIC GNOTICISM is the only way (which incorporates Kabbalah, but the non-evil path of ascension) NWO/illuminati they speak of? They take thr dark path Kabbalistic Talmudic Satanic approach which is the opposite of Gnosticism. In truth? They are indeed adepts & sages but have hijacked sacred Gnosis & utilize Enochian majik of King David, Solomon, John Dee, etc. to feed their Satanic Yaldaboth energy (via sacrificing millions via war, famine, Bioengineered diseases).
>I was trapped here because I'm a cosmic-scale evil fascist
wow... I am even more based than I could ever imagine...
>Anons on 4chan are the epitome of such imprisoned peoples.
serving out my sentence

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