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I'm tired of people claiming to hate Christianity when they only hate Protestantism.
Real Christianity is mystic, ornate, symbolic, traditional, liturgical, astrological, tantral, hierarchical, organised, mighty, magisterial.
A building purported to be a Church that does not have statues or icons of the saints is not a Church.
Protestantism and Christianity are two seperate religions, like Islam and Christianity, or Rabbinic Judaism and Old Covenental Judaism (which is just the pre-incarnate form of Christianity). Protestantism claims to be the original unsullied Christian religion, like Islam, but it is a fraud that was only created centuries after Christianity by people's personal opinions. They are Pharisees that claim Jesus as their own.
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>Jesus performing miracles
oh anon, its all just contrarianism and jew hate, they'd suck demon dick if it meant they could shit on jews more, there's nothing really too it
>casually admitting Christianity is just Judaism
I mean thanks for proving my point I guess?
how is this even a secret? Christianity is incredibly obviously a branch off of judiasm, the fuck were you expecting?
Christianity, unlike Judaism, is the Religion of Moses
oh qut false flagging retard, that doesnt even make sense, not that you care I imagine
>Christianity is incredibly obviously a branch off of judiasm
It is incredibly obvious that it is the other way around. Judaism is a small branch of Christianity. Every metric of legitimacy laid out in the Old Testament is solely in the hands of the Catholic Church. The Jews are constantly humiliated, and hated by God.
Most of the shit you listed are completely wrong according to kikestianity,also I don't really hate Christianity but Christcucks,they are insufferable ignorant cunts
god i hate them so fucking much is unreal
Why only protestantism? Every exoteric branch of christianity is for the sheep, that includes catholicism, mormonism, witnesses...etc

If you attach yourself to an organized religious institution you are an animal.
>that doesnt even make sense
How does it not make sense? The religion of Moses is the religion that prophetised that Jesus would come, Judaism is just a sect that is trying to deny this. Moses is in the same heaven with the Saints of the Church, while the jewish Rabbis are burning in hell.
You mean wrong according to your non-christian Protestant corruption of Christianity.
>Every exoteric branch of christianity
There are no branches of Christianity. There is only Catholicism. Mormons are not Christians, JW's are not Christians, Protestants are not Christians.
>If you attach yourself to an organized religious institution you are an animal.
Organised religion is willed by God.
>erm why would you hate jews?
I have pattern recognition. Why were they expelled from 109 nations? Why does it say in the Talmud that its okay to rape and kill non-Jews but to make sure to at least do it two towns away so it's harder to pin on Jews? Shalom kikes
Didn't Jesus said something about "not worshipping idols",yet you say
>A building purported to be a Church that does not have statues or icons of the saints is not a Church.
You kike worshippers always do the exact opposite of what jesus preached lol
They all fall under the umbrella of christianity because christianity is defined by Jesus Christ as a savior and messiah, not by some bureaucratic monopoly on theology run by pedos.

Jesus didn't die for your dogma, he died because people like you couldn't handle/understand truth.
A Christian would understand that a statue of a saint is not an idol. Protestants, not being Christian, do not understand Christian tradition, and think that the statues are the object of idolatry because they share superficial features of idols such as "being 3 dimensional" or "being made of material". According to Protestants or Jews, the Christian object of veneration that is the Arc of the Covenant would be an idol too. This is how far they misunderstand the Christian Religion.
>Jesus didn't die for your dogma
That is false and directly contradicted by Jesus. Jesus gave Peter the authority to define dogma and denounce heresy.
>They all fall under the umbrella of christianity because christianity is defined by Jesus Christ as a savior and messiah
Christianity is defined by being a member of the community founded by him, which is the Catholic Church, in communion with his minister, who is the Roman Pontiff.
Jesus said, “on this rock, i will build my church”, not “on this rock, i will start a multinational institution”. The idea that Peter’s authority translates into the infallibility of the catholic hierarchy is just a leap of cope. Christianity is about following Christ, you’re confusing faith with institutional loyalty, which is exactly why dogma isn’t the truth Jesus taught.
Peter the Rock of his Church built the Church to be exactly the multinational institution which is the Catholic Church, as willed by Christ. The Catholic Church possesses the authority to bind and loose given to it by Christ. Protestants do not understand what is obvious to Christians, that a personal indiviual faith can not hold such an authority. Protestants thus render the dogmatic declaration of Jesus at his selection of Peter meaningless.
>Real Christianity is mystic, ornate, symbolic, traditional, liturgical, astrological, tantral, hierarchical, organised, mighty, magisterial.
and all of this entertainment
So now you’re equating Peter’s symbolic “rock” moment with Christ handing him the blueprints for a multinational bureaucracy, convenient. The “binding and loosing” refers to spiritual authority, not the Vatican’s power grabs centuries later. Your “pure” catholicism was shaped over centuries by councils, emperors, and political compromises, not by Jesus handing Peter a Vatican keycard, you're delulu.
Obviously the Church of the Apostles would have a hierarchy spanning multiple nations. If it did not have that, it would not be the Church that Christ founded. This "multinational bureaucracy" headed by the successor of Peter is how Christ envisioned the Church to be. It is the possessor of the spiritual authority you are thinking of. The councils only further confirm what was always the case. And unlike Eastern "Orthodoxy", the Catholic religion was always above the emperors and above political machinations in the world.
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>Real Christianity is mystic, ornate, symbolic, traditional, liturgical, astrological, tantral, hierarchical, organised, mighty, magisterial.
No, Real Christianity™ just pretends to be all of these things. It's a simulacra-orientated religion that works by depriving you of everything meaningful about being alive (including the authentic spiritual and magical experience) and then giving you a bunch of vague stories and motifs that are supposed to give you something vaguely like the same feeling.
Protestantism and Chrisianity are not "two seperate religions," in fact neither are Christianity and Islam or Christianity and Judaism. You are literally all the same. You stupid monkeys spend your lives arguing about how you are meaningfully distinct from one another and how only your one specific demonimation has cracked the ultimate esoteric puzzle of existence but in reality all of you are just playing Abraham's game: casting each other into a pit in the desperate hope that you won't end up in it too.
You will. That's why ancient Yahwists called it "The Maw That Swallows Death." Your stolen pagan aesthetics and half-understood (and also stolen lel) Greek philosophy don't change what your religion actually is: cattle beguiled by an evil god, circling a drain.
What is then meaningful about being alive?
The idols of the heathens are dead. Your holocaust, your democracy, your human rights, all these idols are dead.
>What is then meaningful about being alive?
Literally absolutely everything.
>The idols of the heathens are dead. Your holocaust, your democracy, your human rights, all these idols are dead.
What the fuck are you even ranting about?
>Literally absolutely everything.
Ok, I agree with that statement. How does it contradict Christian belief?
>What the fuck are you even ranting about?
I'm just polemic about the most common pagan religion that exists: Secularism and its rites and beliefs.
>above political machinations
Now you're just baiting 100% confirmed anon. The catholic church literally partnered with emperors like Constantine, wielded power in the roman empire and used the papal states as a theocratic kingdom. Even the councils you mention (like nicaea) were driven by imperial politics. The claim of purity is a fucking joke when history shows the church bathing in worldly power struggles.
checked and truthpilled
>Ok, I agree with that statement. How does it contradict Christian belief?
Reductio ad absurdum.
>I'm just polemic about the most common pagan religion that exists: Secularism and its rites and beliefs.
You are a massively delusional faggot if you truly believe secularism and paganism have anything in common at all lol. Paganism literally has more "in common with" Catholocism than secularism (because Catholicism stole loads of Pagan ideas and festivals to try and make the peasantry less likely to resist conversion to this dogshit religion.)
Face it, you're just mindlessly babbling like every other Yahwic drone. The only part of this exchange that belies your real feelings is "all these idols are dead," (and for it to even make sense we'd have to talk about actual Pagan idols and not whatever neolib nonsense you're yapping about) you view the Christian conquest of the natural world with glee while simultaneously viewing Christianity as natural. You are a fucking golem with a shem in your mouth, placed there by a rabbi.
The Council of Nicaea is free of imperial politics. Constantine was a supporter of the faction that lost in the Council of Nicaea, he as the mightiest person in the Roman Empire was utterly unable to control the Church, as would be the common trend in Church politics for the next 1400 years. This is a strong indication that the council of nicaea was above imperial politics. The Roman Empire was to the Church as a car is to a man. A vehicle of transportation. Taking over the Roman Empire was to the benefit of the Church. Rome was the ideal capital for the New Covenental temple mount that is the Vatican.
Constantine called the council to resolve theological disputes. He leaned toward arianism early on and ended up siding with the nicene creed to maintain unity, he dropped theology in order to keep political stability.

As for the church being "above" politics, that’s a cope like i said. The papacy constantly negotiated with emperors, kings, and nobles to preserve and expand its power. If you see the church as this pure and sanitized entity you're not qualified to make any judgements on religious institutions or history clearly.
I don't know, I did not create this thread as a polemic against neo-pagans but rather Protestants and anti-catholic esotericists.
I just view neoliberalism as paganism in materialist clothes. It is no wonder that they love to suck off the ancients. Just look at how every new republican cancer that has sprouted in the world models their senates after roman temples.
The religion of America is America. The religion of Germany is the Holocaust. The religion of Russia is antifascism etc. And they all have the same neoliberal religious roots.
>He leaned toward arianism early on and ended up siding with the nicene creed to maintain unity
As you can see it was not the Church that was playing after Constantine's game, but the other way around.
>The papacy constantly negotiated with emperors, kings, and nobles to preserve and expand its power.
And never for one moment it conceded that which was always true, and even if it did, it would revoke that special treatment the moment those kings lost their power. The purity of the Church is preserved, its influence over the world is steady.
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Personally, I'm tired of people who completely ignore all the esoteric aspects of Christianity. They can be forgiven for it with how even modern Catholicism for the most part tries to bury them but people on /x/ really should be more knowledgeable. I don't really know shit about Buddhism for example, but what people on here talk about in regards to it really makes me think that we'd agree on way more than we'd disgree on and I don't get why reasonable Christians, Buddhists and pagans can't be friends. The modern Catholic hierarchy is FUCKED inside and out, I'm Catholic but I really don't consider it worth defending to the extent of going around shitflinging on /x/ with, when it really looks like at this point actual good clerics are an exception rather than the rule and our current Pope is making our religion into a laughing stock whilst aligning himself with libtarded, globalist idiocy. I don't recall the Gospels saying many good things about those that rule our world, and Francis seems to value them far more than us, the religious multitudes.
So you're really telling us that the church wasn't a political entity. Despite crowning emperors, selling indulgences, waging wars and pretty much governing Europe and more. You do realize how retarded and removed from reality your take sounds right? The church didn't transcend politic, it mastered them.
The Church was as political as the Levite Priesthood that preceded it. Its political manifestation does not contradict any teaching of Jesus.
Jesus condemned religious leaders who abused power calling them hypocrites. Comparing the church to the levite priesthood only proves it fell into the same traps of hierarchy and corruption he opposed. Politics may not inherently contradict his teachings but wielding power as an empire certainly does.

The point here is that the church ravaged Europe with his political presence and you've been saying that they were above political machinations, and why? Because you know it's a bad look and it clashes with your sanitized view of them. Now you're starting to bend the knee by calling it a "political manifestation" and trying to detach it from their dogma.
>the church ravaged Europe with his political presence
No, the Church's political presence in Europe was a major benefit to Europe. The moment the Church ceased to be influental in Europe, that is when Europe started to die. The papacy desperately tried to avoid the current state of decline of European life, and it was alone in that effort.
>Because you know it's a bad look
The bad look at a few bad priests, bad catechesis. The whole scandals that protestantism are built on are just a legend.
The unity of Church and state has to be restored.
Jesus condemned religious leaders abusing their power for their own good. There are few popes that have abused their office like that, but overall the papacy including Francis is in line with what Jesus foresaw his temple to be.
This is going nowhere because you're too infatuated with an ideation of the church. Europe’s decline wasn’t caused by the church losing influence, it was caused by industrialization, colonial fallout and shifting power dynamics. The church’s political presence caused bloodshed (crusades, inquisitions...), and claiming “a few bad priests” is an understatement when abuses span centuries.

Unity of church and state leads to corruption and oppression, not salvation, salvation is what a pope promises you in fear of losing his grip on you. Jesus didn’t envision an empire, he was a vagrant jew and he condemned the power structures the church embodies.
That's nice but the problem is actually having a literate population who can actually read Jesus' teachings and see the contradiction of the Church. You don't actually admire Scripture, just the former glory of Western civilization.
The crusades were a good thing. So was the inquisition. So was the persecution of heretics. All this is in line with what God and Christ commanded.
Corruption and oppression only happen when Church and State are in disunity. Without the oversight of the Church the state pursues worldly stability and law.
>Jesus didn’t envision an empire
The hebrew word malkuth that is often translated as Kingdom actually means empire. Jesus envisioned the Empire of God, that Empire of God is western civilisation under the oversight of the Church.
Christ condemned the priests for abusing their power. But Christ is the God that structured those priests to have that power in the first place, which is also why he structured his church to be typologically identical with the old priesthood before his incarnation. He did not condemn power structures. Quite the contrary, it was a Jesus statement that one has to render to caesar what is caesar's. His teaching is the recognition of power structures as divinely ordained.
If you understood scripture you would understand that Western Civilisation under the oversight of the Church is the millenial reign of Christ. If you deny that this is the case, then you deny that the prophecy of Christ and the Apostles has any weight or meaning. You are just a secularist pretending to be a Christian.
> All this is in line with what God and Christ commanded.
You want to cite when Jesus advocated for the pillage of foreign lands? See, this is exactly what I mean. Your entire understanding of Scripture is just through vaporwave edits of knights caption "NOT LE PEACE BUT LE SWORD"
The concept of malkuth has nothing to do with Jesus since it belongs to the old testament, the one where God is a literal kid with a magnifier and we're the ants. And to be clear, Jesus didn't structure those priests or put them in power, those priests fed on Jesus's carcass and took what they wanted to use how they wanted.

That's more in line with reality.
>pillage of foreign lands
Pillage of foreign lands are God ordained. Have you ever read the Old Testament?
The destruction of Islam is akin to the destruction of Amalek. The destruction of Jews is akin to the destruction of Edom, their ancestor
>Jesus didn't structure those priests or put them in power
Yes he did. His priesthood is his rock. They feed his lamb. They bind and loose. He divinely rules over the Church and through the Church. Obviously Priests are fallible humans, but the Church itself is infallible. Any other interpretation renders God powerless over his own Church.
You've responded to both of us in less than a minute, with perfect punctuation and grammar huh. If i wanted to argue with GPT i'd go talk to GPT.
>old covenant
Are you bound by Levitical law too?
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All you're doing is spreading animosity. This won't convince anyone but yourself.
It's not about convincing people but rather about ridding the world from false religions. Islam is evil, it does not deserve to exist. The hojjas need to hang. The caliph is thankfully already expelled
no I'm just on pc have a captcha solver and am an aquarius sun
I think this is revealing how demons interact with the magicians to perform their tricks.
>mystic, ornate, symbolic, traditional, liturgical, astrological, tantral, hierarchical, organised, mighty, magisterial.
That was all there before Christianity.
Catholics sure do act like Old Testament Jews, with all their incense and their idols and their ancestor spirit worship and their mother goddess “Queen of Heaven,” and how they try to loophole their way around God’s laws to make all those sins kinda-sorta-maybe-ok.
And it is perfect in Christianity.
>with all their incense and their idols and their ancestor spirit worship and their mother goddess “Queen of Heaven,"
>how they try to loophole their way around God’s laws to make all those sins kinda-sorta-maybe-ok.
There is literally not a single loop-hole in Catholicism. Actually it's funny how Protestants think that Edomitism has anything to do with the religion of the Old Testament, just goes to show how far away they have strayed from Christianity.
I'm sure your sperg out will go a long way in accomplishing that, and definitely won't just end up with more anons considering Catholics to be unreasonable, bluepilled nutjobs.
Catholics only care about what is the truth. And the truth is that Muslims need to hang from lanterns.
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…I recommend reading what happened to the Israelites each time they went back to those sorts of practices
>if you’re allowed to read a Bible, that is
You are an Ignoramus. Typical of a Protestant.
>hint: it didn’t go well for them
Tell me what happened when Uzzah touched the Arc of the Covenant

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