What are your thoughts on David Icke?
>>39612589Controlled opposition just like Alex Jones
>>39612597Part of me thinks it's obviously this, but he is pretty versed and gives away some valuable information. I was quite surprised when I finally gave him a chance, I always just assumed he was crazy. In Britain most everyone you meet thinks he's absolutely mental, and if you admit to getting him most people will write you off. He has an audience, but it's the same old people, he's mainly just pushing to the choir.
>>39612622>>39612597he's just anti-social and mentally ill like all schizos who are right about one thing
>>39612641Must be a tiring way to live.
>>39612641They probably deploy multiple personalities and some just rise to the top in terms of attracting public attention.
>>39612597>Controlled opposition just like Alex JonesYes, but what exactly are the interests that Icke represents? It appears to me that Alex Jones was captured in the mid to early 2010's, much of his information in the early 2000's is legitimate.I remember Jones interviewing someone from Hollywood named Aaron, I can't remember his last name. He was a film director and he told Alex how he had become involved with a member of the Rockefeller family.The director and the member of the American elite became close first in part because Rockefeller tried to recruit the director to the Freemasons or something like that but he refused.The director told AJ how this member of the elite confessed to him that something very bad would happen in America without specifying what (9/11) He also told him that as a result of this, CNN would show on television American soldiers entering caves in the Middle East, vague things that would eventually make sense. In conclusion, AJ was legit at the beginning of his schizoid career but I imagine the elite have him on video doing some shit.In the case of David Icke, he has criticized Trump, Musk, Biden, globalism, etc.I don't know what kind of interest he can be representing when he is shitting on practically everything. He even continues to promote the reptilian narrative in the spheres of power.
>>39612589He was way ahead of his time. Red pilled a shit load of people. They do tend to allow these people like him and Alex jones to speak on certain subjects and best around the bush but goyim aren’t ready for the actual horrific truth anyway let’s be honest.
>>39612745For one thing, mixing in lies with truth and hit with misses is a nice technique for diverting attention to issues that are lower priority secret at a given time . For another, pretending to be against something or someone is a kayfabe technique that also diverts attention in a similar way.
>>39612745Aaron russo is the director you mentioned.And yeah I watched his stuff in 2003 and he had books naming the pedos and the pizzagate shit going back into the late 90’s iirc. Everyone laughed at him until 2016.
>>39612769If it is, thanks, I had forgotten the name.
>>39612763I totally agree with what you wrote. My biggest problem with Icke is that he is a staunch believer that reality is a hologram.I've been following him on x and the guy is married to this theory.
>>39612745>I don't know what kind of interest he can be representing when he is shitting on practically everythingThat's probably because the interests he serves would rather not have a face in the public eye. Those who are unseen and unknown are unbridled.
>>39612589Back in my day, we didn't give our paranoid schizophrenics money unless they were begging on the corner. This dude has made MILLIONS now roping like-minded midwit retards into believing his schizophrenic garbage.Sign of the times, I suppose.
>>39612589At least he is white.
Aryan icke
I disagree. I think David Icke is the only one who isn't controlled opposition.
>>39612789take the turquoise pill
>>39613001>she is an Annunaki shapeshifter and is probably from the fourth dimension as well :DD."That ":DD" at the end, lmfao.
icke is required reading and should be taught to children
>>39612589Distraction from Christ. All things are a distraction from Christ. Return to the father anon.
>>39612589He is based and not affraid to name the Jew
>>39612745He's the guy that makes believing in lizard people a crazy idea. Whatever else he says, that's his main function.so lizzid people in some form are probably real. my money is on intelligent dinosaurs
redemption arc coming in fucking HOT and heavy with this mad lad
They baked him a birthday cake and Cheggars sang happy birthday to him.Ungratefulhttps://youtu.be/WePmqiKbRps?t=103at 1min43
>>39612589When the spinning ball-Earth is finally exposed worldwide for the 4000+ year deception it was, Earth's entire population will suddenly be faced with the reality that every government, every space agency, university, secret society, religious organization, mainstream and alternative media outlet have ALL been duplicitous in propping up a monstrous manipulation to fleece and control the masses. The resulting mass mental exodus away from the control system is exactly what humanity needs. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these lying politicians, spokesmen, reporters and teachers suddenly change from being heralded voices of authority to being ridiculed, shunned and denounced as they deserve. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these governments, universities, media outlets and other entangled organizations which have long been hard at work weaving this multi-generational ball-Earth myth, suddenly and completely lose all credibility. Once the truth of our flat Earth gets out, so does the truth of these few elite families/societies who have kept this most important and fundamental reality from us for these hundreds of years! Essentially, once the flat Earth truth gets out, so does every other important truth by proxy, because this "mother-of-all-conspiracies" holds under its umbrella literally ALL of the other conspiracies, and exposes them.
>>39612589Didn't he popularized the topic or people talked about it before him?
>>39617471Hitchikers Guide had politicians as reptilian
>>39613001>praise turquoiseWhat did he mean by that? I can't remember him ever mentioning that
>>39617583'What followed was what Icke calls his "turquoise period." He writes that he had been channelling for some time, and had received a message through automatic writing that he was a "Son of the Godhead," interpreting "Godhead" as the "Infinite Mind." He now began to wear only turquoise, which he saw as a conduit for positive energy.'"Everything else is the life force known as the light, I mean, the Bible refers to the light, and within this light are various other energies which have certain gifts, and these other energies have a frequency that is the same as other colors. The turquoise, actually, is the same frequency as an energy called Love and Wisdom, therefore when you wear that color you attract it - when you wear black you attract a color that is the opposite to love and all the things we wish to bring to the Earth."https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAUsEgq2HPg
>>39617743>when you wear black you attract a color that is the opposite to love and all the things we wish to bring to the EarthDumbass of the century right here, folks. This dude hardcore normitis and midwit personality disorder. He is EVERYTHING wrong with the normie attempting to be spiritual but just produces more retardation than he knows what to do with, like a sewer pipe getting backed up and bursting on tamale night. Fuck, this dumbass shit pisses me off so much.MR. ICKE, UHH SIR, YOU ARE AWARE THAT BLACK ABSORBS OF FREQUENCIES OF LIGHT, YES? SO EVEN ON A DIPSHIT, SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATIONAL LEVEL, YOU ARE IN FACT WRONG, IDIOT.This guy has made millions, THIS GUY HAS MADE MILIONS. HOLY SHIT, WTF PLANET EARTH. OMFG
>>39617743>>39617583Well this different colors/frequencies of light representing distinctive spiritual "gifts/things/chakras" is actually sort of what I believe based on my recent dreams.
>>39617896Praise Turquoise.
>>39612589>>39612597A lot of half-truths. Don't trust him after he hung out with Jim Carrey. He's right about Trump and Elon though.
>>39617877>This guy has made millionsThat alone tells me he's controlled or a useful idiot.
>>39618278Yeah, let's praise Turquoise but would it represent 5th chakra or sth between 4th and 5th?
>>39612589He reminds me of my father.>>39612633He reminds me of my father more.
>>39618278Looks ultramarine to me.
>>39612589So maybe its just the kind of material that I picked but people often put this guy in the same row with Alex Jones. All I've heard from Alex was crap and this guy was actually making a lot of sense in the interview I've seen. And he was talking about very real stuff. I don't know what's with the lizards, my guess is this is just to get attention or a way to call a certain group without doing it directly. I might be wrong tho because its not like I have some extensive knowledge about him, I don't really pay much attention to the guys like him because they sell books and clearly made profit out of this so I cannot treat them too seriously.
>>39612589I think he is lost and he knows.
Mammon was a demon who liked how the pavements of Hell looked according to John Milton so all "lizard people" really means is tying back everything to him. You could also maybe think of it as a bastardization of emerald tablet fetishism.
>>39612589Fed a lot of 70% truth with hardcore fear narrative programming mixed in
SchizoThat or sneaky antisemite
>What are your thoughts on David Icke?borderline retard who then took a lot of hits to the head playing soccer
>>39612589One time, just before I woke up from sleeping I heard what was like a daily morning broadcast for npc's. I immediately got the impression that I wasn't supposed to hear it and it cut off mid sentence.I think Icke tapped into something his rational brain wasn't prepared for and that he's done his best to translate that information since.Anyone not a conspiracy theory nut at this point in time is either faking it or in on it.
>>39617583>>39617583It was in his early phase of coming to fame/infamy, when it seems he opened his third eye a little too quick (whether that reference is to be taken literally or metaphorically is up to you) and temporarily was even more nuts than he’s taken as today, before he stabilized and integrated himself more. He went on a British talk-show (Terry Wogan), talking about how he’s a son of the Godhead — he was also saying we all are, mind you, or daughters of the Godhead, but was mercilessly mocked as claiming he was the next Christ or THE Son of God — and also about how there were going to be upcoming disasters like earthquakes and floods and the like, he was receiving higher knowledge from spirit-sources, and wearing turquoise because of its unique and uplifting spiritual frequency. (The reason he was famous enough to even get on the Wogan Show at all in the first place, is because he was actually first an English footballer for a while, then a sports broadcaster after arthritis ended his football career, which is soccer for Americans.)He later admitted in his books, looking back on this period of his life, that he went a little too dotty, from not being able to integrate the spiritual experiences and the sense of channeling higher wisdom from some sources he had at this time. Wogan rather cruelly humiliated and mocked him in the interview, the audience also laughing at him, and he became the object of mockery and a laughingstock in the U.K., for a while. “Icke’s a nutter”, people even mocking him on the streets, or his children for having Icke as their father, according to him.But he also came to view it as ultimately an uplifting experience, since it strengthened his character, made him able to handle the experience of being humiliated and mocked for standing up in what he believed in.
>>39621710t. Unabashed Icke-respecter here, although I don’t worship him, and I think he misses the mark sometimes, especially such as in doing things like constantly roasting Russell Brand or other talking heads on Twitter. Which sounds funny, but he takes it so far it just becomes bitter and distracting from more important stuff he could be talking about. But I guess it’s good to criticize idols, as well as call out how there’s a lucrative “conservative conspiracy-theory anti-establishment” grift which some figures could definitely easily be exploiting in some of the so-called “alternative media.”Icke also clearly moved away from the turquoise thing, although he might still see some validity in it, as he typically just wears normal clothing now, in public appearances or videos onlineAlso, people should read his books if they’re really interested in what he’s saying instead of judging based on just short video-clips or Twitter posts online. Or maybe if you watch some of his actual longer documentaries and presentations you’ll get the more actually intelligent and well-researched stuff he’s presenting. For the record, I think his speculative accounts of ancient history/primohistory are (almost necessarily) filled with crap, or too much that’s speculative (he admits that), but still might overall have a vague grounding in truth. It’s where he’s talking about modern conspiracies and power-structures from about the 1700s onwards, then especially solidifying in the 20th-century as all these globalist/internationalist groups, prominent banking bloodlines, and intelligence agencies colluding together, where he seems to be far more on-point and actually filled with mindblowing “redpills.” Also, he does call out the Jews, which idiots who rag him for that on Twitter and elsewhere would know if they read his books, calls them out extensively, even. But he’s not an antisemite, & doesn’t think the solution is attacking all Jews.
Major works of Icke’s I’ve read, which seem to have the most genuine substance to them, intelligent research and points presented (he also wrote some early New Agey books about self-healing and spiritual development which might be great for all I know, but I didn’t read them since they don’t seem to have the same depth and substance as his later books):The Robot’s Rebellion (1994)… And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995)I Am Me, I Am Free: The Robot's Guide to Freedom (1996)The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World (1999)Children of the Matrix (2001)Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster (2002)Tales from the Time Loop (2003)The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it) (2007)I also read The Trap (2022) which is also pretty interesting and great if you’re into /x/-/pol/ stuff, but basically just an elaboration of stuff he mostly already wrote on, besides him calling out the plandemic and mRNA jabs with his classic Icke alternative/conspiratorial view.Anyway, these books are surprisingly intelligent, well-written, well-researched, and coherent. He admits he might sound crazy to the average person, he’s well aware of that. It is NOT all about reptilians. He can repeat himself a lot or cover the same ground in many books, I suppose that’s so any one of them could work as a good introduction to his ideas and crucial truths he thinks people need to know. Stuff he’s been calling out, or accurately predicted, for decades:—Jimmy Savile being a pedophile necrophile creep and a nonce according to sources (this came out more significantly after Savile’s death in 2011, Icke called it out since at least the early 2000s or even 90s I think)
>>39621927—the whole thing about “Pedogate” in general, again since the 90s. Elite politicians’ and celebrity figures’ ties to sex trafficking, sex abuse of minors, sometimes even in a ritual way. (This was covered up by the media as “Satanic panic”, but really disturbingly seems to have roots in truth the more you look into it.) The Boys Town, Nebraska scandal, the Dutroux affair in Belgium, Lt. Michael Aquino and his possibly MK-Ultra related freakish Satanic crap tied to the Presidio daycare scandal, etc. Speculated of it being a way of mutual blackmail of people getting into these “higher elite circles”, being initiated into the cult now so they can’t step out—a plan to biologically engineer and release a virus causing a pandemic, then using this as a pretext for authoritarian martial-law like measures, and also forced or pseudo-forced vaccinations for the masses, with the vax-shots being a double whammy because they could be used for further depopulation (causing long-term health problems), nanotechnology for further control and tracking of people, and also potentially being tied to a digital ID and vaccine checkpoints for even more of a global control grid. Predicted since at least the early 00s in these books. Read em if you doubt me.—toxic crap somehow allowed in our food and drinks, particularly ultra-processed ones, seemingly the worst in America where the FDA is incredibly compromised, compared at least to European equivalents. HFCS, artificial sweeteners like aspartame, fluoridated tap water, etc., and he brings up the non-mainstream research, attacked by the mainstream media, suggesting the harms of these. Also vaccine side effects is another big thing he talked about for decadesCaptcha: PRTYY0Sounds like, “PARTY, yo!” to me. Anyway…
>>39622018— —A British banking and royal elite, powerful Jewish banking dynasties, European royalty and nobility and also wealthy banking families, American elites (from Wall Street/banking elites to political dynasties like the Bushes) being almost incestuously interrelated, with deeply connected roots to each other and constant examples of close ties to each other, “coincidences” like that, suggesting they actually might be part of some high-ranking cabal still ruling over the masses as in a monarchy, with the show of “liberal democractic republics” or “parliamentary republics” in the West as a facade over this. The whole idea of covert uniparty-control of nations, whether it’s Conservative vs. Labour in England, Democrats vs. Republicans in the U.S. —all the bullshit, inconsistencies in publicly promoted narratives, and weird “coincidences” around major events like JFK’s assassination, Princess Diana’s death, 9/11; he gets into what seems like certain intelligence-agency involvement in these things (including Mossad/Israeli involvement in 9/11 and JFK’s assassination, don’t worry), and suggests what might’ve been the REAL reasons behind them and suggesting the more likely perpetrators behind them —just plain old vote-rigging sometimes. For instance, what seems a lot like it in the 2000 Bush v. Gore election. Comes down to Florida, a state where GWB’s brother Jeb Bush is governor, and only to a FEW HUNDRED VOTES DIFFERENCE in a state of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE. Statistically absurd. That’s how small the margin he won is by. But anyway, as Icke points out, Gore seems like another NWO pawn anyway.
>>39612589Kind of a coward.He keeps dancing around the Jew problem without actually naming the Jew.We have some common ground on the new eco lightbulb issue. They are cancer and blight. I've stack enough of the old incandescent ones to last me a lifetime.
>>39622073>But anyway, as Icke points out, Gore seems like another NWO pawn anyway.Yes. I remember that in Michael Moore's documentary about Bush, Al Gore appears in the Senate quite satisfied with his defeat at the polls.
>>39622073—the corruption behind the state of Israel, its modern founding and history, its ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the land, its heavyhanded censorship and intimidation techniques of politicians and media in the West, their strong control/influence over Western (especially American) politics through the Jewish Zionist lobby. The role of the Rothschilds in founding it, along with help or backing from the British elite (royalty, nobility, high-ranking politicians), as with the Balfour Declaration. Also notes how heavyhanded and totalitarian anti-Holocaust-denial laws are in many nations, like many European nations, Canada, and Russia. Was talking about this in his books since the 2000s at least, has whole chapters on it in multiple of his books. Notes how the whole “anti-antisemitism” industry gives groups like the Mossad so much leeway to, say, assist MI6 and the CIA with any number of corrupt conspiracies, besides doing corrupt shit in their own country, to Palestinians, the Lebanese, Iranians, whoever, etc., and if anyone calls it out, it’s an “antisemitic conspiracy theory.” (See JFK, 9/11). But he’s not a Nazi, doesn’t hate the average Jewish individual, and even sees them as manipulated pawns and sometimes even victims whom the Mega-Jews exploit and hide behind as a human shield—Calls out mass-migration agenda to the West, again since at least the early 00s. Says there’s a plan to get these poorer refugees and migrants into the West (North America, the Anglosphere, Europe or the EU nations especially), as a cheaper labor-force and also people who can more easily be conditioned as a voting-base for the chosen political parties (if they’re indeed granted citizenship), and using “hate speech laws” to prevent average people from speaking up about this. Again, this is in books of his from decades ago! Also calls out Soros as an especial agent of this agenda
>>39622170— —Also calls out the Neocons heavily, the war agenda. Notes the heavy interrelationship between the whole Bush-era Neocon cabal in power with Zionism and Zionist Jews. Investigates PNAC (Project for a New American century), how it was started by two American Zionist Jews (Kristol and Kagan),gave reports and published articles in the years leading up to 9/11 talking about countries the U.S. had to handle and promote “regime changes” in, these included Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria … countries the U.S. notably went to war with or carried out drone strikes in within the next few years … and how the figures in PNAC were deeply tied with Bush and his Neocon administration. (Other major countries PNAC promoted U.S.-led “regime change” in, if you’re curious, were Iran and North Korea)—On that note, Icke also has been mentioning, again in books since at least the early ‘00s, how the NWO agenda has especially been pushing for the West — economically and militarily led by the powerhouse of the United States — to go to war with Russia, China, and Iran for quite a while. In line with a Masonic catchphrase, Ordo Ab Chao (Order out of Chaos), Icke says this engineered WWIII is precisely intended so that the fucked-up “elites” can create a new, final globalist form of governance, just as WWI inspired the creation of the League of Nations (quickly became ineffectual and defunct, historically speaking), then WWII inspired the creation of the United Nations — which hasn’t fully become defunct or totally useless or a nonentity since then, but still is pretty much an entity without much genuine military power, and also essentially is a mouthpiece of the U.S., or incapable of effectively standing up to the joint U.S./Israeli-led regime.Captcha: ARTDG
>>39622361—how the “Woke Social Justice” movement is Satanic-NWO-led; and, ALSO, the “Conservative Christian Anti-Woke movement” at least just as strongly compromised, infiltrated, led by this sinister cabal Icke points out. Yes, Zionism or Jewry is a significant part of both that Icke calls out, the “Left”/“Woke” side by internationalist pro-multicultural secular Jewish interests like Soros, the “Right”/“Anti-Woke”/even-“Based” and Neocon-leaning side by hardline Zionist interests. In the form this conflict/debate takes today, Icke talks about this especially more closely to what I’m saying recently, within the past few years, both in books of his like “The Trap” (2022) and in his social media presence. As part of this, he also, within the past years, has heavily called out figures like both Musk and Trump, accusing them of leading a (pro-Zionist, incidentally) heavy controlled-opposition program. The naive and optimistic part of me wants to believe this might be one of the things Icke is just wrong about, overly skeptical and cynical about, and Trump at least might be a move towards some anti-NWO plans and policies, but, as the blind man said, “We shall see…”. Icke’s been startlingly prescient before and given amazing info, research, obscure sources and astounding predictions which turned out to be more-or-less correct, so I have to give him credit that he might have a point on this one, too.There’s even more I could talk about, and summarize, and give examples of Icke being either surprisingly prophetic, or making very cogent, astute, probing and piercing insights on modern happenings, from political ones to technological ones or societal happenings in general … but, alas, I don’t trust the attention span enough of the modern average Internet-user, particularly one using 4chan’s /x/, and I already gave enough interesting stuff, anyway; and, besides, you can read his books if you really want to find out more.
>>39612589The 6+ hour interview he did with Credo Mutwa is one of the most worthwhile disclosures for anyone interested in the paranormal.
The fella who introduced me to his work called him "david ick"
>>39617743Seems legit.
He's been subtly naming the jew the past year or so
>>39621614>this is a CIA document>trust me bro
>>39621710Thanks for this detailed reply, I screencapped all of it and will give it a closer look when I have the time.I actually had my "ego death" experience a few months ago and well, now I look at him very differently. I guess I'll look through his books, especially some of his spiritual "New Agey books".>opened his third eye a little too quick (whether that reference is to be taken literally or metaphorically is up to you)For me it's literal now. He must've had some actual "ego death" experience.>he’s a son of the Godhead — he was also saying we all are, mind you, or daughters of the GodheadI don't exactly know what he means by "Godhead" but this is unironically true. My guess would be: he met his "Soul/Entity/Higher Self" and called it "Godhead".>He went on a British talk-show (Terry Wogan)>he went a little too dotty, from not being able to integrate the spiritual experiencesFor 2 weeks or so after my experience I was "dotty" too, I still am to an extent. I remember watching that interview a few years ago on YT and being kind of sad about how he was mocked. I always sort of respected him for some reason and never could bring myself to think of him as insane or that he was faking it or anything like that.Part 1/2
>>39621710Anyways, before reading your write-up I wanted to write that he was probably shown a vision of some "internal universe" drama, events that happen inside your Soul/Entity and projected it on our Earthly reality (Queen of Reptiles would then perhaps be a (maybe main or "governing") part of his Entity he's trying to oppose or an unintegrated part of his own personality, maybe a representation of his Anima, sth like that.) After reading your stuff I am not so sure.(I know how it sounds, but after "ego death", mostly in the subsequent 2 weeks I was shown a series of "Half Dreams", maybe you could call them Visions in SATS (State Akin To Sleep) that made me realize that my Soul/Entity exists on at least 3 more "dimensions/planes/whatever you call them" than my Earthly life, probably many more, it's also pretty obvious that is the case for everyone else.)Again, I know how it sounds and I write it as someone who never really believed in anything supernatural before but Frequency/Vibration is 100% real, Chakras are real in some shape and form, the fact that you exist on different dimensions is 100% real.If you or anyone who is reading this wants to expand your consciousness, raise your vibrations or even experience "ego death", I encourage you to read Paul Selig's "I Am The Word" book. I only recommend it because I am now 100% unironically sure that it "works" and it actually has Spirit Guides/Entities that work with you on a "higher dimension" as you read it.The only other "supernatural" book series I actually believe in and wholeheartedly recommend is the "Seth Material" series by Jane Roberts and Rob Butts.Part 2/2
>>39625887Based, good for you. Bumping thread quick before it dies. Might respond again in more detail sokn
>>39612589He’s kinda based but schizo obvsT. Jewish lizardperson
>>39622450Thank you David for the self promoIn all seriousness your posts made me want to actually start looking into and reading his books for real now, thanks anon
>>39625887>I don't exactly know what he means by "Godhead" but this is unironically true. My guess would be: he met his "Soul/Entity/Higher Self" and called it "Godhead".nta but I went through an ego death too back in 2019 and had this happen to me too. Realized that "I" was actually made up of 3 parts and it really shattered my whole world view of everything I ever knew for like years. Was susceptible to attacks by lower dimensional entities but am now grounded totally thanks to Jesus.
>>39612745>I don't know what kind of interest he can be representing when he is shitting on practically everything.This made me laugh out loud. I have no idea what David Icke is reading, but it's very interesting he talks about creating your reality. That's unusual. It's true, but rarely if ever will you see someone talking to the "masses" about it.
Anyone who peddles fear and paranoia is not on the right path. He is on the right track with some of his thoughts but a lot of it, if not most, is genuinely delusional
>>39629633How did your "soul/higher self" look like?>>39630145>he talks about creating your reality to the "masses"He really should focus more on that and more spiritual side in general, this is really important, probably most important part but his "crazier" stuff can do harm to that message and make people dismiss it >>39630230>Anyone who peddles fear and paranoiaI don't know how he can still be doing that after his "third eye opening experience". As I said, my very broad guess would be that he maybe failed to an extent in integrating part of his personality / his shadow and dubbed it "Reptile Queen" (like Dragon queen, dragon being connected with "devil/Satan", representing his personal shadow). But after reading how he was actually right on many things idk if this little psychoanalysis is worth anything lol) BTW I based it on fact that during my "ego death" I (and probably everyone will to an extent) also got to "fight" my "devil/shadow"
>>39629610You’re welcome, señor. Hope you enjoy and have your mind blown. It ultimately is a little scary once you take it all in, though. That’s why I try to turn to God. One of the things I disagree on David on is when he gets incredibly speculative about ancient history, religions, and mythology. The closer he is to talking about the present day, the more on point I think he is. This will turn some people off, but in these early books of his particularly, he has sections, for instance, getting into how he thinks the tale of Christ was a myth based on earlier Egyptian and Babylonian mythology and sun-worship stuff, that’s one of the things where I think he’s off. There may be interesting synchronicities but I think it’s more something of a cosmic significance to it. And some stuff I think is just outright wrong, like debunked Zeitgeist-documentary tier stuff (the parts about Christ as Sun myth), except there are some interesting roots in historical truth and how some Christmas and Easter traditions actually seem to be rooted in earlier pagan ones, with the early Roman Catholic Church syncreticising some pagan rites or symbols, allegedly, to try to get them all more comfortably under the banner of their form of Christianity. I’m rambling. But yeah there lol, I at least gave examples of how I differ from David, too.It’s also interesting how the idea of “reptilian possession” is basically analogous to “demonic possession.” Down to the traditional equation in Abrahamic lore of the Devil with the serpent. So there’s interesting things going on here.
Icke reduces Jesus to a metaphor for "higher consciousness," which is nothing more than recycled Gnosticism. The Bible is clear: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). Jesus wasn’t a mystical figure for spiritual awakening—He was and is God incarnate, offering salvation, not self-help.Then there’s the fear-mongering. Icke loves to tell you the world is an illusion controlled by elites, but where’s the solution? Nowhere. He keeps you spinning in circles, questioning reality, while offering nothing concrete. Contrast that with Christianity: “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love” (2 Timothy 1:7). Christianity offers peace, hope, and eternal purpose, not endless paranoia.Icke’s greatest trick is sounding profound while saying nothing. His teachings are hollow, his claims baseless, and his philosophy is a smokescreen to sell books. Truth isn’t found in his ramblings. It’s found in Christ: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Don’t settle for Icke’s fiction when the truth of the Gospel is freely available.
It's good to see that David Icke's thread is still alive after several days.I remember Youtube had tons of icke videos just a few years ago and now there isn't much of him. I remember the interview he did with an African. This man tells DI about his encounter with a grey being, explaining that he and another friend ate part of its flesh and that it tasted like plastic.He also claims that this creature's eyes were slanted and that in fact those huge hazel eyes that characterize the Greys are actually like contact lenses.Would anyone like to share an interesting David Icke video that is no longer available on YouTube?
>>39634980>Then there’s the fear-mongering. Icke loves to tell you the world is an illusion controlled by elites, but where’s the solution? Nowhere. He keeps you spinning in circles, questioning reality, while offering nothing concrete. But reality is an illusion, perhaps not literally like a hologram.Narratives and social movements are planned in advance; no social movement or idea that has had a great penetration in our reality is born spontaneously.Politicians are pre-selected from families linked to the elites and a fictitious story is created to move voters.The government suppresses technology superior to what we use now.The moon landing is fake and no one is allowed to leave the planet because it is very difficult according to science when in reality there are constant trips from Earth to the moon or Mars every day.
>>39635013probably on bitchute
>>39612589I'd say he's been right about everything. Archons, loosh farm, 5g towers/EMF creating diseases, the reptilians... I don't think there's a thing he's been wrong about
>>39612831>Back in my day, we didn't give our paranoid schizophrenics money unless they were begging on the corner.Yes because we kicked out local shamans out, in favor of foreign tribe priest-class telling us our boys need their penis foreskin cut and virgin girls need to be given to rabbi for insemination/food. At least we don't have those shamans anymore, fucking schizos!
>>39634749>the parts about Christ as Sun mythWhy is this wrong, how did it get debunked? Picrel and also the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3i6UwVkP6M
>>39635584>Satanist (Santa Claus)Lmao wtf
>>39612589Controlled Opposition http://entityart.co.uk/david-icke-controlled-opposition-limited-hangout-shill-pysop-nazis-hitler-holocaust-archons-zionism-new-age-nwo-freemasons-reptilians/
>>39612589I think he came up with a clever trick for turning right leaning conspiracy guys into veiled anti-capitalists even if they’re not fully aware of it.
>>39638147satan = santa
An idiot and a sellout. Less so than Alex Jones, who might just as well be on Fox News these days for how much he's just a shill for the Republican Party but still someone with very little worthwhile to say.Was kinda into him when I was just starting to embrace my paranoia and researching conspiracy theories that weren't just rightist agitprop but beyond some basics I don't think Icke has the right idea. Especially during the pandemic he mostly just repeated bullshit disinfo about fucking cellphone towers.
>>39640156what has icke been wrong about?
He's been right so far which is creepy when you read about the lizzad ppl (they live in the moon btw)
>>39634980>>39634749Continuation from >>39626009https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=138163456>“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1)Maybe you guys will find this book interesting. "The Word" is you, me, every human, we are all beloved children of the Creator. (or the Godhead, as Icke calls it). I am a Christian too, born and raised, and this book (somewhat unexpectantly) turned out to be the next step in my spiritual journey towards the Creator. Now I believe Jesus was an actual historical figure and I love and respect him, but I also believe he was not only "Son of God" (we all are) or "more loved" by God/Creator than you or I. >Icke reduces Jesus to a metaphor for "higher consciousness,">he thinks the tale of Christ was a myth based on earlier Egyptian and Babylonian mythology and sun-worship stuffThat being said, Jesus, despite being historical figure and Son of God (as we all are), has ADDITIONALLY became a metaphor or a symbol for a state of higher consciousness (Christ Consciousness in Selig's book or "Truth Vibrations" as Icke call it). Bible and especially Jesus' many Parables are unironically a good way to get a good grasp on what it means to be in that state of consciousness.Part 1/2
He gives me the icke
>>39622170>—Calls out mass-migration agenda to the West, again since at least the early 00s. Says there’s a plan to get these poorer refugees and migrants into the West (North America, the Anglosphere, Europe or the EU nations especially), as a cheaper labor-force and also people who can more easily be conditioned as a voting-base for the chosen political parties (if they’re indeed granted citizenship), and using “hate speech laws” to prevent average people from speaking up about this. Again, this is in books of his from decades ago! Also calls out Soros as an especial agent of this agendaSurprised that Icke has known about this for over two decades. From my point of view, to know something like that you need to have access to good sources connected to all that deep state shit.In the 1990s and early 2000s, no one could have guessed that the West would be filled with immigrants because the zeitgeist of that time was still very nationalistic and very pro-white in the good sense.
>>39641139What may initially surprise you as a Christian is that this Christ Consciousness is not only restricted to Christianity and it actually has been the base of most, if not all, religions, for example:-Odin’s self-sacrifice on Yggdrasil (like Jesus on the Cross) in pursuit of knowledge (consciousness expansion), I think the translation from Poetic Edda is he was “given to Odin, myself to myself”, signifying sacrificing his “lower self” to his “higher self,”-Ra from Egyptian mythology, especially in Ra-Khepri aspect(Ra with Scarab face), who represents creation and the renewal of life, or Horus or the two deities merged as Ra-Horakhty-Don't know much about Babylonian mythology but I'm sure that there is a counterpart meant to represent this stateWhat may also be kind of surprising is that the "Christ Consciousness" is an actual, experiential "vibrational state". You can actually feel it when you are "in them", this is more apparent on some days than others, but always "there".Last, but not least, this state of higher consciousness (for me at least) was fully attained as a result of "Ego Death". It was most strongly felt during the next two weeks, now to a lesser extent.>Icke loves to tell you the world is an illusion controlled by elites, but where’s the solution?I guess that reaching and staying in those "Truth Vibrations" and simply exposing the elites would be ways of peaceful rebellion>“God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love”According to Selig's spirit guides, this "Christ frequency" is actually a gift from God/Creator>“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”For me it means the way to unity with God is felt by reaching/staying in Christ Consciousness/Truth VibrationsBTW I don't mean to twist the Bible quotes in any way to specifically support this stuff, only offer you my perspective. Most stuff from the Bible make way more sense now, to me at least.
>>39641341*Part 2/2
>>39635584Forgive me, what I meant to say is I’m sure SOME parts of it turn out to have been wrong, debunked, based in untraceable sources/info or seem to be disinfo when you look deep into it. Like claiming various of these ancient deities or mythological figures also were traditionally born on Dec. 25th, but when you look into it it’s bunk. Or that they’re all also virgin births, but again it’s heavily distorting the actual mythology and lore to make it fit the story of Jesus.However, that’s just PARTS. I admit other parallels are interesting and seem true, and the early Catholic Church indeed was doing some switcheroos and trickery and incorporating some pagan symbols/beliefs under their banner. But in the exact form it’s claimed, he seems to miss the mark sometimes. >>39641188People have been discussing that and fearing that for quite a long time. It’s in the modern days under Trump, the furor he started over immigration (“I’m gonna build a wall”, “France is no longer France”), and the increasingly controversial “alt-right” sphere online and elsewhere that it’s come even more into public consciousness. But The Camp of the Saints was written in 1973. The guy Renaud Camus who came up with the phrase “Great Replacement” did it in the late 90s. I chalk it up to Icke’s studiousness, his willingness to study very differing, alternative, controversial sources, and his overall good intuition and “feel” for how some of these things work.