I want to reality shift to be a woman, but Im not trans: I have to explain myself now.lately Im associated God, purely with masculinity; hairiness with holiness, brutality, coarseness, and material misery with manliness, and thus with saintliness. but what if GOD, is beyond gender-duality?think of it, as an O9A Insight Role. I will shift and assume the garb (body) of a top-model Hallstatt-Nordid\ Tall White type woman. of course I will use this garb, also, to infiltrate leftist university circles of the more extreme variety.>what face claims can I use for woman avatar? Cara delevingne? Pleiadian artwork, like pic related? "albino version" of ariana grande?
>>39638502Look in the mirror. That is your meat suit, there are many like it but that one is yours. Make the best of it.
>>39638502God would be in a feminine form if the monotheistic views are correct
>>39638629God is masculine since penis is creating and first principle
>>39638629based I guess?I think Shakti\Maa Kali cults are formally like that, in theological terms
>>39638502why would you blow your cover on a website like this?
>>39639451No one will KNOW it's me, once I do it.and my country is so irrelevant, no big power would give a fuck.
>>39638502>AbraxasYou're just bad at interpreting the impressions/intuitions originating within your unconscious mind. The goal is to achieve union with her, not become her.
>>39638502>im not lgbt trans, im o9a transLMAO
>>39640335It's not womanhood per se I seek.it's just that being a bio-woman is the only way to perform my infiltration insight-role succesfully.If I needed to infiltrate the NBPP militia, or the moors sovereign citizen militia, Id just become afro-american.ALL for the sake of the Mission>>39640380this, but unironically
>>39638556Fuck!! I need to discard it!
>>39638502There's some other anon who wanted to reality shift into a woman, are you him?
>>39641111Was he also an Spy? if so, yes. I don't recall ALL my posts here, Im severely sleep deprived.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHYRzRm1m7II identify as a black fat female with a sassy temperament.
>>39641119No i don't think so
>>39641162Ah, then, he wasn't me.I exclusively would do this for espionage, subversion, infiltration, and sabotage.
>>39641222Are you serious or larping the other guy seemed more serious about it
>>39638502AYY LMAO
>>39641246>Are you serious or larpingThat's yes-no question, because you didn't use the Oxford comma.Anyways: I AM serious.I'm just severely, chronically, sleep deprived, on top of being ESL.Hence my shitty "vibe" in writing.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cortical_homunculushttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SvadhishthanaYou have to open up your pussy chakra.