Sleep paralysis, after masturbating (embarking but I have to tell), after visiting a large cemetery, I saw a little black ghost go back and forth. It looked kind of like a 3D version of a Pac-Man ghost, a black boo, mixed with something out of Dark Souls. My inner dialogue playing on my insecurities with being replaced in terms of the girl I am seeing. For the past few months, exactly after experiencing a crises that forced me move out of Cardiff to live with my parents, lose a lot of friends, lose contact with a girl and have some bad things happen to me and experience a time of isolation I saw a black thing spin by me especially after thinking spiteful thoughts and I would have constant bad luck and whenever a good opportunity came along it felt like an imp would come and ruin it with something inconvenient. I am only having good luck now, and it’s staying, but I am starting to see that spinning thing again after a bought of spiteful thoughts and shouldn’t be able to think spiteful thoughts as a coping mechanism in peace without being judged? Not hurting anybody by doing so, so I think that little ghost and his judging can fuck off. What am I being possessed by?
That's how demons get to you. It's like, the equivalent of whispering your insecurities into your ear. "The voices" so to speak. Just ignore it and do positive things instead to get your spirits up.
>>39650526Hungry ghost
>>39650526use your stand (jojo) or patronus (harry potter) to fight the spirits that harass you when you are in sleep paralysis.
Jigaboo or Nigglypuff