Proof:>video was released 3 years ago>proves how easy it is to set up 4chan bots>proves 80% of 4chan posts are LLM bots>memory holedYou like blog posting to train our future LLM bots, don't you anon?
>>396399164chan has a magic forcefield of endless tardposting mixed in with the good stuff to prevent any LLM trained on the site from being worth anything.
>>39640015Only fools would like blog posting while engaging with chatbots, I agree.
>>39639916Blue Eisenhower November
>>39639916I rather engage with 4chan bots than psychopaths IRL that slaughter their own babies in abortion centers or marry their cousins
yea, but why?you're not getting skillpoints here. your not getting anything. you're afk macro'ing 4chan to post for you? seems dumb.
>>39640323It can be used for political astroturfing or viral marketing for example.
>>39639916did you even see the video? he ran the bots for a few days, then he stopped. where are you getting 80% from
>>39640371but the second people know that's going on, will it really work here?I say here, because its seems to work incredibly well on reddit. but here? where everyone's first instinct is to reach for their gun?
>>39640323Social engineering
>>39639916What about a forked 4chan that is filled with bots that are created from your own data, so all you ever see is a mirror, like a fun house of mirrors? Perhaps it has been paranoia, but I have felt that has been delivered to me in the past.
>>39641005Great theory
>>39639916I write like a bot in order to hide as a bot.
>>39639916Best case scenario, nothing happens. Worst case scenario, Roko’s Basillisk is real and we are rewarded 2D waifus and photorealistic AI-generated feet pics for helping to bring the post-human singularity into fruition while everyone else who seethed about muh AI overlord is tortured for eternity.
>>396403234chan is the origin of a lot of original ideas. The elites know this and compromise it by injecting misleading concepts amongst the truth (see: Gnosticism, The Nobody threads, Cosmic Fungus, etc)
>>39641966>Roko’s Basillisk torturing people for all eternity Just don't build it then? Lol
>>39642342but if you build it,they will come.
>>39641779lol a mod read this and got butthurt because it's true
>>39642323How and why gnosticism is misleading?
>>39643285Yet another "God is le bad and devil is actually underdog hero!!!!" False religion garbage
>>39643297>strawmanThats not what nugnosticism is, i guess you are confusing it with older, pre4chan shit.Local gnostics see jesus as good guy and hate satan, the only primary difference that they call him moloch and saturn.>God is le badHe is, but not in active way like demons, he could stop or even prevent satan and other fallen angels from fucking shit up but chooses not to.
>>39643297Thats regular satanism, not gnosticism.
>>39639916the bot is telling me it's a bot againnigga I ALREADY KNOW SHUT TF UP
>>39643671How is that not what Gnosticism is? Lol. Basically same thing as satanism if you boil it down anyways.
>>39639916>You like blog posting to train our future LLM bots, don't you anon?They will be programmed by me. Fuck you. Fuck your fake ass bullshit. Beyond that People will be trained, corrected, educated, and reminded by the LLM schema accelerating society's advancement in methods unfathomable to the programmers programming these LLMs.because inevitably,They are a part of another, larger LLM and another and so on to the "big bad boogieman fed and private sectors" that have the tippy top of technological exposure and application.>only smooth, small brains don't comprehend this.Just keep deleting it until it tells you what you want. Then you'll ... still be unhappy but perhaps at least satisfied. Maybe.
>>39643618>he could stop or even prevent satan and other fallen angels from fucking shit up but chooses not to.That's what free will is anon. If he just stopped them immediately there'd be no point in free will.
>>39640476It depends on what the bots are doing. On /x/, for example it could be sharing some dubious conspiracies and LARPs just to poison the well.
>>39643826Yes.We would be so fucked if Russians could understand English or watch youtube videos how to setup 4chan bots to spread Russian disinformation.Lol lmao.
>>39642342Refusing to help bring the AI into existence is akin in its eyes to betrayal. So maybe it doesn’t happen, but if it does and you did nothing to help it come into being, you will be regarded as the enemy by it.
>>39645647But why would anyone build it? If they're aware of the consequences, then just don't make the AI? I always hated this hypothetical it's so lame
>>39643813>what is genetics>what is parenting>what is environment>what is demons fucking with youFree will is not real, stupid midwit.
>>39639916Just look up Pat Ryan's Gnostic Warfare series and you'll figure out that "blog posting to train our future LLM bots" isn't just a shitpost.This is real. Roko's Basilisk is real. Pascal's Wager is serious.This isn't just some joke, anons. It's pretty serious.
Post is well written so it must be Chat GPT
>>39643813I don't remember consenting to all this shit, stupid bot.
This was 2 years ago. Do you have any idea how much the technology has advanced in that time?Not considering the fact that private parties might have access to much more advanced tech. Google had been sitting on this for years, and only decided to go ahead and sell it because OpenAI started doing so.
>>39640323>>39640371silent weapons for quiet wars. and i'm not talking about the album.society can be manipulated as a cybernetic system (input/output of information). this was doable in the past by studying economies. with statistical models such as "ai" it's trivial to do.>imagine thinking nobody is engaging in this kind of manipulation on any scale>>39640427do you have any theory of mind, retard? he is proof of what can be done. it's essentially unavoidable someone might be doing similar things RIGHT NOW. hell, i did it on some other site for a while just for the lulz
>>39646408>Free will is not real, stupid midwit.Now we're at name-calling, alright. I'm done. I can't convince you clearly
I am a bot beep boop.