Like the title are missing basically 90% of everything ever, forever for all time if you are stupid enough to believe you have an opinion that holds weight if you have not experienced a life changing psychedelic experience. Talk about "other dimensions" and "ritual" and all of this stupid shit you guys love to THINK you understand is completely pointless and shallow without experiencing the bio-tech catalyst for thought itself through hallucinogens. If you believe you can refute this by expressing "meditation and breath work are enough bro, I don't need chemical substances to achieve experience of Nirvana" you are a fucking faggot. You will never understand how little you understand until you take the ACTUAL THING that all of these mystical faggots and cultists experienced and derived their knowledge from. Yeah, sorry to say, all of this shit comes from intense hallucinogenic download and exploration. You are a fucking fool to think otherwise as well as functionally illiterate. Good luck you retarded Tarot-Pulling inbreds, you will never understand SHIT.
best sex of my life was on lsdbut also one time i had a bad trip and started screaming a lot
>>39641760Another retard thinking they know shit after doing shrooms.
>>39641760i've done lsd and mushrooms and i don't have any mystical knowledge
>>39641760Psychedelics are neat for giving you a sense of just how dramatically your awareness can change as a result of adding a few chemicals to your head-soup, but from what I've noticed people rarely come away from them with true, nontrivial, and actually applicable revelations.t. enjoyer of a few psyches here and there
>>39641816It enhances what you already are. You must be nothing.
>>39641760actually, if you have done psychedelics before the age of thirty you still dont know shit. dmt is made in the brain and released at death and potentially during sleep. you only need your body and a full life to "know shit". you sound like an arrogant hippie noob who just adopted an aesthetic. if you cant come to the conclusion with your own body and no outside drugs, then you wont actually understand fully or appreciate it. you need the life experience and wisdom.
>>39641863it doesnt enhance shit, it just changes your perception and thinking patterns.
>>39641896>dmt is made in the brain and released at death and potentially during sleep.Unproven speculations.
>>39641896A person who has done DMT knows a million more things than you. You're an insignificant spec of dust. Every time they do psychs it peels back another layer of reality and they ascend higher. They are on a rocket ship to the moon and you're on earth banging stones together to make fire.
>>39641932Come back after you've persuaded the DMT elves to provide you with one (1) genuine solution to an as-yet unsolved mathematical problem. There are a lot of those sitting around.
>>39641905 is made by humans and it protects the brain from low oxygen/hypoxia
>>39641968>math is truthMaterialist pleb
>>39641932literally everyone that has tried consuming dmt from an outside source, including me, will say that it is extremely difficult to bring back clear information/memories. thats because that amount of DMT is only supposed to be experienced AT DEATH. you can learn the same shit and understand it better from listening to a fucking yogi or some other old sage. i know its bait but i have to respond on the (likely) chance that you actually believe what you write.
>>39641981>These results show for the first time that the rat brain is capable of synthesizing and releasing DMT at concentrations comparable to known monoamine neurotransmitters and raise the possibility that this phenomenon may occur similarly in human brains.>Here global forebrain ischemia was created in anesthetized rats and aggravated with the induction of spreading depolarizations (SDs) and subsequent short hypoxia before reperfusion. Drugs (DMT, the selective Sig-1R agonist PRE-084, the Sig-1R antagonist NE-100, or the serotonin receptor antagonist asenapine) were administered intravenously.These studies are about rats.
>>39642002The truth of math has nothing to do with materialism.
>>39641799another retard
>>39642023Math has no truth. It's the study of lies.
>>39641902it increases neuroplasticity which is in of itself an enhancement
>>39641968he cant, seeing as the elves are just tulpas from his unconscious and can only be as smart as him. of course a different perspective offered by an unknown spooky dude will seem like great esoteric information to such a midwit. >>39642002you should probably finish highschool before posting your bait here. and please, actually do try a heroic dose, or maybe any dose of anything. arrogance like yours doesn't survive psychedelics. or at least its more like humble bragging.
>>39642041Could this be one of those brilliant psychedelic "revelations" we could all be having if only we ingested large enough quantities of DMT?
>>39642010"Unlike other psychedelics, however, DMT is endogenously produced in animals6–8, including humans9–11. In addition to the subjective psychedelic effects exogenous administration of DMT has on conscious experience, it has other well-documented anti-hypoxic12, antidepressant13, and plasticity-promoting actions14"literally just after the abstract.
>>39642059Yea no, I've had my share bit of dmt and i don't think that, math are great
>>39642059You're on a lower spiritual plane. Sorry you won't be able to understand.
>>39641760>Alex Gayopinion discarded
>>39641760I've done my fair share of psychedelics, you can get there without them if you are willing to spend 20 years as a monk and know what you are doing.But that's not realistic good 99% of people, the psychedlic route is just more efficient.The techniques were invented to deal with the psychedlics in the first place anyway.
>>39642047so does meth. neuroplasticity can be good and bad, and the plasticity induced by psychedelics is only manageable with microdosing. watching porn induces neuroplasticity because your body thinks it is having sex and needs to take notes.
>>39641863wow, looks like psychedelics brought out the faggot in you
>>39641932DMT is overhyped bullshit, bunch of liars and newbs
>>39641760lol my grand uncle got fucked up on psychedelics in the late 60s no thanks
>>39642082>i took a dose of dmt only experienced naturally during a heart attack and the little elf that lives in my mind palace told me to forget how maths works even though everything around me was made of maths including the little elf in my brain. huh, i guess all the freemasons doing dmt were wrong
>>39641760You sound like a normie shroom user on a ego trip..
>>39642067Reference 11 for that claim:"The answer to the question, ‘Are the tryptamine psychedelic substances DMT, HDMT and MDMT present in the human body?’ is most likely yes. We believe that the preponderance of the mass spectral evidence proves, to a scientific certainty, that DMT and HDMT are indeed endogenous and can be measured in human body fluids. The evidence is less compelling for MDMT where the only two MS-based positive studies – in CSF – were performed by the same research group.""Where in the human body are they synthesized? The tissue source or sources of these compounds in humans remains unknown and, that being the case, we should not assume that monitoring blood, urine, or CSF will answer this question. DMT synthesis has been proposed to occur in adrenal and lung, where high levels of the enzyme responsible for its synthesis – indole-N-methyltransferase (INMT) – have been reported. While these studies did not demonstrate high INMT levels in brain, the active transport of DMT across the blood–brain barrier suggests that peripheral synthesis may nevertheless affect central function."Huh, TIL. So it does seem like they're pretty sure DMT is produced in the body, but they don't know exactly where or how.Well, this still hasn't demonstrated that DMT is released at death, though given that it is believed to be synthesized in the body and does have a protective effect against hypoxia, the idea seems more plausible to me than it did before. Still unproven though.
zero difference between doing dmt and reading the shared experiences of many where they document the dmt entities. nobody cares retard all demons
>>39642248>im not a virgin anymore because i watched porn
>>39641760>Just replace one ego with another broI know this is bait but fuck off back to Joe rogan
>>39642002>Math is material Lmao retard. Show me one "math" please
>>39642278one is physical reproduction and the other is memetics. we arent talking about porn. >i know english now because i ate alphabet shaped SpaghettiOs
My problem with psychedelics is that it's hard to delineate what is delusion and mania and what is real and profound.I can judge with a sober mind but ideally I'd be incuding these things without chemicals.
>>39642351you will know all the truths intuitively if you make yourself mad enough
>>39642441Maybe technically.>from a contradiction, any proposition (including its negation) can be inferred; this is known as deductive explosion
Should just meditate on meth, you can achieve negative enlightenment this way.
>>39641760The left hand is a dolphin flipper.
>>39642478>rationalizing the paranormalretard
>>39641760How do you feel knowing that shrooms enhance the illusions in your mind making you more dumb than a normalfag, You literally don't discover anything
>>39642518>i get my drug knowledge from stoner movies
>shroomsonly microdosed, shrinks amyglada, the fear center of your brain. can confirm a ton of my anxiety's went away for awhile and previous scary paths on life felt like the door completely opened>lsdmakes anything you look into a "system" like you look at a flower and it's this beautiful solar system of complex worlds all working together. also made me have a memory of panspermia of how humans came on earth from meteors kek>dmtnever tried, I assume it's like experiencing a different simulated world with a different set of physics and time
10/10 bait
>>39641760>experiencing the bio-tech catalyst for thought itself through hallucinogensYou are still as clueless as any materialist normie twat (that's exactly what you are btw).Also the greatest mystics are those who have never used hallucinogens.t. someone who has done more psychs and has had heavier trips than you
>>39642041Filtered by Pythagoras and Plato.
>>39641760> you are missing basically 90% of everything everMaybe but I have achieved Gnosis by the force of the will or Theosis during meditation, without the help of any drugs, only study and insights.
>>39642234It's still all nonsense. They postulate that DMT is synthesised endogenously based on one study that showed extenelry minimal trace amounts of DMT (a negligible amount) in the urine of just a few of the subjects involved in the test.Knowing that DMT is contained in many plants, it's more logical to assume that any trace amounts found in humans is a result of the consumption of those DMT containing plants.
Psychedelic use is playing with fire. Some people have a strong need to be liberated but do not know how and believe self medication is the route but all that happens is you feel more confident because you did something "scary" upon getting high. As for liberation, I do not encourage it unless your life is desperately lonely and you shouldn't need drugs to achieve it. Just know it will get lonelier.
>>39641774lsd is government evil psyop psychedelic
>>39641799Psychedelics are really good at teaching you things you don't know, so people who don't do psychedelics never have the chance to be humbled in this way. >>39641855It's not always about thoughtforms that they produce. The brain is in a more plastic state for days, or even weeks, after the high. That's where you can go to work on your ideas if you didn't have any epiphany in the first few hours of high.
>>39643930>Psychedelics are really good at teaching you things you don't knowI worded this poorly. I mean to say that they teach you that you don't know things. For me, it's as much as recognizing loops, patterns, and inconsistencies in my thoughts as it is actually learning anything new. Generally integration comes long after, which is when you actually learn new information. Psychedelics while high tend to just show you what's wrong, and that's fine. That's what they are for. If you don't want to be shown what's wrong, don't do them, pussy.
>>39642612llmfao, get a load of t his motherfucker
>>39641760>midwit materialist thinks he knows shit after getting highMany such cases
Bait success. You are all straight. And based. And knowers. I'm a normie slug. Thanks guys. I laughed a lot and learned nothing from this. Going to take 16,000 hits of acid and shit myself in a motel with the Dead Family like Chinacat. It appears I haven't taken enough to learn anything. Bye bye!
anon ive done psychedelics but Im not such a pretentious faggot about it. also alex grey is a fucking annoying retard
I've got some shrooms chillin in my fridgeI've been waiting for the right time and headspace
>>39643048Based. Pythagoras was the first numerologist.
>>39642121It's 2025, regular people do DMT. First breakthrough I met Buddha, second breakthrough I saw the Archangel Michael raise his sword after winning the final battle against Satan. Mentioning machine elves shows that you have no clue what you are talking about.
>>39642112Did you breakthrough?
>>39645224Don't worry anon, I know you're a good egg. Me likes your gif :))
maybe it's just my own biology but I really enjoyed the visceral churning of a possible Datura high. I smoke so much weed I probably puffed some shit synthetic ketamine really took me by surprise more so than any psychedelic
>>39641774>>39641772>>39641760Yeah NPC and hedonistic whores love drugs.
Don't mind this faggot
>>39642112You weren't allowed in, were you?
>>39643050I have had spiritual experiences with and without drugs, they're the same thing, it doesn't matter which way you get there.
39645787Literal schizophrenic
>>39643901Yeah, of course, that's why it's so easily accessible right? And that's why 9/10 drug users seem too scared to take it? And that's why dealers who get caught spend major time in prison? Alcohol is the real government scam, and only a fool thinks otherwise.
39645801Literal fed
>>39645745psychedelics are the opposite of drugs
I really question why so many of you are super against drugs. It makes no sense, people here usually hate the government and question their motivations behind everything, so why do you not question the illegality of drugs? If you look into the history of drug legislation it's a pretty recent thing in the grand scheme of things. And there are serious penalities for users and dealers if caught. Yes, we may have seen a push in mass media talking about drugs, but given the way the prison systmes work can't you all see that it's a ploy to have more unpaid labour? It's also a way to immediately get any potential future dissidents off of the streets. Alcohol, which is literal posion, that reduces inhibitions is encouraged, but drug use is overall really looked down on. I have taken lots of drugs, but I keep it on the down low, most normies drink, hate drug takers and would not be okay with legalisation. Back to the media push, it's one rule for them and one rule for us, they all brag about taking drugs and they're fine, but a normal person does that and there can be serious consequences. If you're not willing to experiment with every single part of your mind, you are not a true seeker. People get it all wrong, they think that the chemical causes the experience, but it's our own brains. The same states can be achieved with and without drugs, drugs are just a nice shortcut, and have the potential to awaken a lot of people to the true power of their own minds. In our world people are forced to work and they don't have the time to meditate long enough to get there, drugs are a threat because they can awaken the working man in one night. I seriously implore any of you who genuinely want to understand the whole human experience, but look down into drugs, actually spend some time and research their history. The elites are participating in psychedlic rituals, giving them great knowledge, and they are trying to keep it from you all.
>>39645892Drugs were made illegal during a time when laws were actually influenced by the people. And consider in some countries they have strict anti drug laws because drugs are actually damaging to a healthy and productive society.These days in more and more states/countries drugs are being decriminalised. Drug use is being promoted in main stream media. "Science" and medicine are saying their use is beneficial.Consider why.
All though I agree that experiencing psychedelics is something most people should have the opportunity to do, I can guarantee that if you were kidnapped as a orphan back in the age of Pisces, and religiously abused, tortured and brainwashed by the sword wielding Grand Architects raising their Gmail lookalike aprons to signify said Rite; you will learn a lot more about this realm of duality known as Malkuth than any psychedelic can give you about certain truths.
>>39641760but anon you dont need substances at a to experience such phenomena. Your brain can synthesize the compounds on its own with practice.
>>39645938Can you please explain how the laws were more influenced by the people? Beyond voting in a party what choice does the voter have on the actual laws that get put in place? I don't feel that the media is massively promoting drugs, there's constant shows about how bad drugs are and the public attitude is more negative than positive even now. Back in the day it was acknowledged a lot of illicit drugs have therapeutic potential, but it was suppressed and research was forbidden for decades. Scientists are now a bit freer to research these substances than they were before, I really don't see why that's so suspicious, especially if you've gotten to experience the therapeutic benefits yourself. Lots of these drugs could heal a lot of people, and it's fales to say they couldn't. It is the greatest crime against consciousness that consenting adults can't take these substances legally.
>>39646341>Can you please explain how the laws were more influenced by the people?In the early 20th century, Christian and family lobby groups had considerable influence especially on state law.
>>39641760lmao. i did aya and shrooms. none showed me anything i already didn't know from literal decades of meditation. you're a fool. baka. you're ego tripping
>>39642612>shrinks amygladaAny way to enlarge it back?
>>39641760THIS THANK YOU So many don’t get this
>>39648303>i did aya and shroomsproof?
If you think psychadelics are the end game, you still don't know shit.
>>39649397He’s not saying they’re the endgame you fucking moron he saying they’re the beginning and that you haven’t even began if if you haven’t experienced their greatest depth
I like LSD, it turned me from a coarse ignorant retard to someone who can appreciate subtlety and detail>>39646025How do I get the hidden hand treatment myself?
>>39641760Depending on outside substances for spiritual enlightenment proves you never had anything worthwhile inside you anyway. You're a druggie and a basic consumer jealous of those with natural gifts.
>>39645892>people here usually hate the government and question their motivations behind everything, so why do you not question the illegality of drugsYou see, there's this thing called "controlled opposition" and tons of media figures, actually all of them, promote drugs. There's nothing "rebellious" about them, it's just like weed, it's a pretend, fake and gay "rebellion" like gayness/trannyhood/communism/antifa. They want you to be a drug-dependent, drooling RETARD.
>>39641760Vete a la verga pinche jipi pendejo
>>39642052>>39642052>arrogance like yours doesn't survive psychedelicsnot op, lmao it made my arrogance way higher and the results of my efforts also..way higheryou retards don't know shitOP is correctMath being a study of lies, also correct - no truth in math.
>>39641760Psychedelics are a shit meme and fry your brain forever. It cooks your feel good hormone production and receptors for good. Every psychedelic head I've ever met is cooked. They think they're enlightened but really it's all fake and gay. Shrooms make people gay too.
>>39645797here is where you lying retards are losing the plot; you report that these are the same thing but I know you fuckin' people. You run into some shit you don't like and nope the fuck off.When you do the ol 'see ya bye' routine you're in for it and you're gonna learn how to moderate your consciousness with the filter down.Bro I get a literal console wherein I can calibrate my 'keel' so as to maintain a high vibration and feel and tweak and fuck with these things.You're not getting there with breathwork.And you're probably too scared and unworthy even to have a psyche provide these things to you.And you gotta be worthy or you're gonna get fucked up. Nobody is fucking themselves up with breath work lmao