What's the spiritual meaning of 333?
>>39647141ask your local tibetan buddhist priest
>>39647141333 = 9Adding the 3 to 9 also yeilds 3 (12).9 is a masculine, martian number as it opposes 6, the venusian number. Embody those traits and become creative as creativity is associated with jupiter or 3. Also abundance is associated with as well.
>>3964714133 symbolizes completion, the last stage of illumination, the final step of the initiation. Jesus died at 33, for example.3 symbolizes the Trinity (not the orthodox christian one): Father, Mother and Son. These are the first 3 emanations of the One, Brahman or Ain Sof.So, 333 could be seen as the ultimate connection to the primordial ultimate reality.You could go further by doing 33+3=36.