Why does God make this world so challenging?
it's not challenging enough
>>39620414whats the big challenge?
>>39620414There is a joy in an adventure, wonderful relationships and developments that wouldn’t be possible in a perfect world.
>>39620414He hates humanity for betraying him in the garden and tortures us to cleanse us and for revenge.
>>39620435Living. Dealing with those who make us buy their shit just so we can live. Living in a world where you know you will die no matter what happens.
>>39620414Because he was a needy little bitch
>>39620414It's meant to make you grow. You can call that cope, but I sincerely believe that. Whenever I tackled a large problem in my life with my full attention and effort, I came away from it knowing more about life and developing the necessary emotional strength to face the various fuckery of the world. That's been true even in the few instances that I failed to solve the problem. I don't know what issues you face, but I pray you find the proper strength to face them.
>>39622350So life’s but a gym?
No reason whatsoever. That's the truth christcucks won't tell you. Reality has no meaning then you die. Try to achieve immortality. Know yourself.
>>39620414Only the bravest get to Walhalla.
>>39622350This is such a retarded attempt to justify anything. You'd have to be a literal retard to think you can justify abusing me by saying that it will make it easier to cope with your future abuse. You can't justify abuse with abuse no matter how hard you try retard.
>>39623300fucking kek nobody here is your step-dad bro
>>39623300The real story is... more like the creation of the universe was a disaster that we're gradually recovering from. https://archive.org/details/time-and-the-origins-of-our-cosmos
>>39623300You get stronger by accomplishing more and more difficult things. FACT. Saying anything else is the REAL cope.
>>39620414So you can gain the strength necessary to live forever in infinity.
>>39623372What you are conveniently and disingenuously omitting from your stupid post, is that growth only comes from the retention of memories to carry said growth into future decisions, and thus is impossible when stripped of memories prior to life; You don't even know what you are fighting for... and secondly, growth can be outweighed by trauma, which is the other side of the coin. What do you do when your best isnt good enough, and never will be? Keep trying and like sissyphus, you will get nowhere fast.
>>39623372"Getting stronger" doesn't matter idiot. If I can't get strong enough to kill God to stop him from abusing me then it doesn't matter if I become stronger because it won't stop God from abusing me so your whole statement is basically just "get stronger so God can abuse you harder" which is retarded and pointless
>>39620414it's only a challenge if you're a gimp and a loser
>>39624346What about mental illness? Nobody chooses that shit and there’s nothing more crippling. I suppose you think they are just “weak” though right?
>>39624360Mental illness is not real because that is a belief in materialism. Center and purify your spirit.
>>39624423clearly you have never dated a girl with bpd lmao.I think it does exist but like most modern things most people that claim to have something ar ejust modern weaklings. Being actually crazy is very rare.
>>39624598BPD is demonic and can be treated by repenting. A person filled with holiness can't have BPD. There is no desire to hurt another person if instead you are willing to get hurt in their place.
Because his real name is Yaldabaoth
>>39624631no, BPD is a result of trauma. Attributing something to demons is just lazy, unless you flip your switch randomly one day out of nowhere, it's not possession. It's a traumatized brain. Also if they really were possessed, they wouldnt be able to repent while being actively controlled, it would be too late for that.
>>39624664They themselves became demonic. They didn't get possessed. Attributing everything to trauma is psychotherapy jew quackery. Psychotherapy is falsified by the fact that they don't recognize a spirit.
>>39624694Having traits similair to demons does not make them demons, not are those emotions stirctly relegated to demons. I never said i attribute everything to trauma, dont strawman me (a jewish tactic, btw hypocrite). It's just that defaulting to "its demon!!1" is just intellectually lazy and judgmental. I have never brought up western approaches to medicine so i don't know why your post has so many assumptions going into it. You need to work on yourself some more.
>>39624664You're romanticizing it. They're not wounded puppies.People can self correct. You should have some self awareness instead of acting like an emotional time bomb npc Also if you aren't a hylic. Your response to trauma is heightened empathy because you don't want others to hurt that way. Something BPD psychos lack entirely.NPD, BPD, sociopathy, psychopath are all markers of being puppetted by entities
>>39624715>the truth is le intellectually lazyyou're spiritually stunted
>>39624722You're spiritually tricked (and lazy). Have some agency and take accountability for your choices like a man does. dont blame the invisible demons for everything in your life. I believe they exist, but your mindset is so lazy that anything bad = demon. fanatical, and stupid>>39624719I'm acting like an emotional time bomb npc? Go ahead and enlighten me on how that is. My entire point was that people jump to a conculsion they WANT to believe because it correlates to their worldview and personal perception. Sorry if this makes you butthurt that you cant just throw it all on "demons" - which i do believe exist. Just ridiculous to assume EVERYONE with BPD is demon possessed. Ridiculous. Some people just have a broken brain.
>>39624746You are not willing to listen to reason and you sound very unhinged yourself. The holy light of god is making you react like a demon. You are the person with BPD aren't you? Go repent, demon. You can be saved.
>>39624759I am unhinged, what does that have to do with truth seeking? I am willing to listen to REASON. i am not willing to listen to overly superstitious, judgmental idiots that don't know anything about medical conditions tell me "oh, its demons bro - trust me" where is your proof? How can you assert something so confidently without anything other than your opinion? I'd sooner believe you are possessed by having such magical insight, lol. No, i do not have BPD. Alos you need to work on your own wordlview because it's either the person is a demon, or they are being possessed by demons, it cant really be both. I have never heard of a demon possessing another demon, but then again you are the religious fanatic so correct me if im wrong.
>>39624746Oh you're BPD I can't listen to what you say because you'll manufacture anything to garner my sympathy and emotional attachment. You'll even go so far to pretend to be a person I want you to be.Then once you get bored or stolen everything from someones life your flip switches and you treat them like the worst person that ever existedYou're literally a loosh generating puppet lol
>>39624785I will take the hurt if that makes you feel better. You won you owned me. I absorbed all the pain you dished out. Good luck out there.
>>39624811Very convenient way of waving the white flag in a damage controlling way. Slander me all you want with your manmade jewish labels, the bottom line is that only one of use here was open to a discussion. I am not even asking for scientific evidence, most people come to their realizations through anecdotal means, which you have provided none. I am not convinced that you are either very low IQ, or a hylic under influence of some kind whether it be archon or demon, i dont know, unlike SOME people i don't claim to know things i dont have access to. Either way, unless in your next post you wanna prove me wrong by sharing soemthing compelling, i'm just done with this sort of unproductive discussion>>39624820Based jesus
>>39624820Jesus won't even heal kids with cancer or save a girl imprisoned in sex traffickingWhy are you gaslighting he would do any of that shit lol
>>39624836It's pointless explaining anything to someone who doesn't even have enough self awareness to check their own disorderLike teaching algebra to an iguana
>>39620452I find it quite easy to be honest. I just clasp my hands behind the back of my head and lift up my heels and rest them on the table, leaning back.
>>39624856Nice copout, coward.
>>39620437Nobody is talking about a prefect world. Just turn down the bad from 95% to mabye 40%. We need more joy than bad in this short life
>>39620414The fallen angels, Satan, and the elite are responsible for making the world harder. Furthermore, many individuals have abandoned the application of the commandments in their daily lives, resulting in an increase of sin and wickedness. Job 9:24King James Version24 The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covereth the faces of the judges thereof; if not, where, and who is he?
>>39625001The EL-ites, of the EL, which is also known as saturn, AKA satan. Is this statement true? I've heard people on youtube saying they are all the same thing just different names/iterations, you seem like the kind of guy who might know something about that.
>>39625001Who created Lucifer?Who consents to the evil and just watches?You worship a deification of Jewish narcissistic abuse >JobProves god is an untrustworthy faggotsHe promises to bless and protect you Ilid you obey his commands then reveals in this story he will break his word and give you evil if satan wants to play bets
>>39620414He’s just a little troll
>>39625012Essentially, because they use things like this to conceal their origin, with each new civilization they either adopt a new identity or revert to one of their previous aliases. For example, Moloch is Satan disguised as a bull god and is known as Samael in Jewish mythology. The elite are the fallen angel's progeny who have preserved that blood in their heritage. That is why they avoid those who do not have that blood and have no difficulty killing Adam's children. They believe they are above us and are angry with God. Because their forefathers, unlike Adam's children, had no hope of redemption. So they want to kill us all before Jesus returns for one reason. To prevent judgment day, if none of Adam's offspring are here to save, their previous generations will not face judgement.
>>39625102Interesting. Do you believe that having blood of fallen angels in a good thing, or bad, or neither? Does anybody have this blood which is NOT in the elite, or are they all accounted for? Probably no way to know that but curious your take anyway.
>>39625032I think I encountered you before.Lucifer was created by God.However, you often forget that Adam was given the earth to rule over. So God cannot intervene if Adam chooses to injure it, much like a parent who gives their child a car. They may offer advise and assistance, but it is the teen's obligation to take care of the vehicle. The children of Adam chose to follow Satan over God because they struggle to overcome their flesh.I believe you should conduct additional investigation, as Satan and his elite are the narcissists who ruined this world.Job was a foreigner, but he followed God. However, the rest of his household did not obey or listen to God. They were leeches, and Satan saw this as an opportunity to harm Job with God's permission. God used it to get rid of his unbelieving family, who had only been blessed through Job, and to put him to the test. God did the same to many of his prophets and great individuals throughout the Bible. Because you can love and honor God when things are going well. Will you adore him when things get tough or out of control? After that, God restored Job much more and provided him with a new family to worship with. God did not want Job unequally yoked.
>>39620414He's a hardcore gamer.
>>39625161Not him but are those fleshly desires not put on them by the very maker himself? If "satan did it" is your reply, then why is god not doing something about it being that he is the maker, and more powerful than satan? I agree with you for sure that satan's elites rule this realm, but your point about god makes him sound very similair to satan. Why would god not realize that if you do "the right thing" the wrong way, it's still not the right way. If god is divine, all powerful, etc. He should be able to will this stuff, atleast give us a chance. The way things are currently set up i doubt even 1% will "ascend" - whatever that means.
>>39625133I feel it's strange.It can be a bad thing if they are groomed by the individuals I mentioned. They will educate them how to look down on Adam's children and make them feel superior, among other things. However, you can have that blood and still be good, it all depends on your heart and your willingness to return to God.Now, some of Adam's children don't have that blood, yet they think like the elite. Perhaps it stems from self-loathing, hatred for God, listening to the demons that plague the world, or their own selfish means of self-preservation. Those who follow the elite and desire to join them, will be thrown into the Lake of Fire if they do not repent. It depends on the individual, which is why you should evaluate their qualities and the fruit they produce.
>>39625161Demiurge gaslighting>Adam was given the earth to rule over. This is what your deity says bit he instead gave dominion of earth to satan (god of this world)Again he created Lucifer. Was he incompetent or just deranged knowing how much this would hurt humanity.None of what you said is mentioned in the job storyAlso since it does not apply to job himself my point still stands. God broke his promises. Your god is a liar and cannot be trustedFather of fallen angelsHe larps that satan is his enemy when everything satan does has gods approval lmaoHow can you not smell the bullshit little bro
>>39625219Thanks for you reply.
>>39620414he gives his hardest battles to his gayest retards
>>39625209Have you read the book of Enoch?That is why he chose Israel's children. However the jews today are Esau claiming to be Jacob, which is why the world is so dark. But thats enough of them before they lock this topic. The children of Israel were to be the light of the world, guiding the children of Shem, Ham, and Japheth back to God. When people see what God has done for them and how he has blessed them, they would become curious. Curiosity eventually leads to knowing the truth and returning to God. God preserved Japheth, Shem, Ham, Noah, and their wives because they listened to them. However, the children of Israel went off and aspired to be like the other nations. So they lost their land and have to fulfill their servitude.God must let them serve their penalty because of the agreement he made with them. They are still the light, therefore once the light is concealed, the world is free to roam in darkness. That is why the planet has been plagued with darkness for hundreds of years, and Satan is now attempting to wipe off the entire population. If Adam's children follow the children of Israel, Satan will be unable to govern the earth through man.
>>39625227You are definitely him from the last time. As you only want someone to amuse your mental disorder (demons) and cannot refute anything I say.
>>39625227no, god says satan is a clear enemy to YOU. he never says satan is his enemy
>>39625342I refuted you the last time and this timeYour god is a fraud.You call me a demon like your golem programming entails but never ask who fathered the demons lol
>>39625360is it really that hard to believe in free will? it's really not that hard to believe that they were angels who used their free will to disobey YHVH
>>39625353Jewish tier pilpul and semantics. Typical since you're kike golems as wellSo satan is his buddy? Good to know
>>39625257No problem.If you already have these books, ignore this. But these are the books that helped me have a better grasp of the Bible.>>The book about Adam and Eve. (Satan explains why he oppresses Adam and his children.)>>The Book of Enoch>>The Book of Jasher>>The Book Of Jubilees>>The Apocrypha (Before the Roman Catholic Church removed it. The book served as a bridge between the Old and New Testaments.)>>The Book of Josephus, entire and unabridged (Explain the Old and New Testaments and how the Children of Israel lost their land in 70 AD.)May the most high continue to bless you.
>>39625370Omniscience negates free willBible negates free will Romans 9 11-23Your deity just had to give his most powerful angel a personality flaw of pride for funsiesIt's funny your skyjew has been shown to shield people from future calamityYet he's perfectly fine with pushing throigh with this demonic drama
>>39625372why are you calling me Jewish? it comes from the Koran. jesus. in the book of Job Satan is his lawyer
>>39625360I'm calling out the demon that possesses you, which is why you can't hold a normal conversation without going off the rails. >>39625370Exactly, and I appreciate it. Because fallen angels are the source of demons who walk the earth. Thank you for this.
>>39624286lol this guy has daddy issues on a metaphysical level
>>39625417Who fathered the demons bruv simple questionIt's funny how you ignore everything and just go straight to the deflection. Standard golem behavior.
>>39625501I showed you this last time,The offspring of the fallen angels are the demons who roam the earth and that possess you. Book of Enoch 16>>"And now, the giants, produced from the spirits(angels) and flesh(daughters of men), shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, and on the earth shall be their dwelling.… And the spirits of the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction and cause trouble: they take no food, but nevertheless hunger and thirst and cause offenses. … rise up against the children of men and against the women, because they had preceded from them." (Enoch 16)
>>39625342>>39625227Not a samefag, cope harder. You ran away from me, remember? I kept giving you chances to explain to me and you ran away like a woman.
>>39620414Because he's a tyrant and a fascist.
>>39625336Have they ever been refereed to as "Lightborn" before? Last question: Are there any true children of israel left, or is it all the subverted and degenerated filth that occupy that group, are there multiple groups fighting for that mantle?
>>39626463schizo>>39625660>has to use extrabiblical to try to weasel and pilpulwho fathered the fallen angels bruv?book of enoch contains verses that oppose both old and new testamentyou can't use it to prove your religion lol
>>39626571lol dude, you can't reply normally. Everything is a deflection of trying to ad hominem me. You are a pathetic Gaslighting demon. Now i really am giving up on you, you will never add anything meaningful to this discussion but your immature pettiness
>>39626463Well, you sound like the other one, and I answered your first question with facts you couldn't contradict. So what did you do? You're doing the same thing right now. Simply ask questions, and I will answer/provide, while you continue to ask questions. You're also unaware of Job's complete story. Stop participating in discussions where you can't react adequately.
>>39626522 Moloch was associated with fertility.Which is ideal for Satan, who enjoys using children's blood to grant human wishes. The elite want to harm anything pure that is close to God since they cannot destroy him. So they express their rage on pure adults, babies/children, and animals. Also look for gods that associate with human/animal sacrifice, light bearer, or any of them that goes against God's commandments.They are still alive, albeit in poverty. Since God warned that if he abandoned the Children of Israel, the moon and stars would go away. Jeremiah 31:35–36 >>Thus says the LORD, who gives the sun for light by day and the ordinances of the moon and stars for light by night, and who divides the sea when its waves roar; his name is the LORD of hosts.>>If those ordinances vanish from before me, declares the LORD, the offspring of Israel will cease to be a nation before me forever.The major hint is to read the curses of Deuteronomy and see who the curses apply to today.The people who claim to be the people of the book today are the Amalekite, descendants of Esau. The majority of people who identify as Jews today are unaware of this, with the exception of a small hidden elite among their people. This is why Revelation applies to them. Revelation 2:9King James Version>>I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
>>39623300Guess I'm a literal retard then. Even worse though, you're a weak faggot
>>39624820Cringe. Don't let cunts like this off the hook. You heard what they said, people need to suffer to grow. People like him especially need to be beaten over the head with their own self righteousness. Jesus brought the sword as well as salvation.
>>39620414because you bind yourself to it. I hate using this word but you have to detach yourself from everything, yourself included to see the absurdity in trying. Going with the flow, ignoring your needs (hunger included) and just thinking is all you technically need. Its when you start wanting more is when problems arise, because said needs not only bind you but also drive you insane as the time goes on. Oh wow i wish i had bigger flat, or a better car, or a gf and then wive or maybe even children. It a domino effect. Life is so easy if you dont need anything and just go with the flow.
>>39620414If you're referring to natural disasters, then I have to tell you this: mankind needs to understand that we are part of the environment. We must accept nature and its "contractions." Rain will not stop just because you're outside and don't want to get wet. Wind won't stop blowing because someone is cold. Nature runs its programmed course, and mankind needs to accept it, along with death, which is also part of nature.If you're talking about evil, then it's mankind's fault. Evil only exists within our species. Animals are incapable of evil because they are not conscious in the way we are. A lion hunts because it's hungry or to protect its territory; otherwise, it won't kill. A scorpion will sting you because it is afraid of you, not because it's evil. Mankind, however, kills because it feels good, steals because it feels good, and rapes because it feels good.If you're talking about mortality, well, we all must accept that we die—it's part of life.The challenge is an illusion. Accept the karma of this incarnation, and remember, there is someone out there who has it worse than you.
>>39620452>who make us buy their shit just so we can liveDomesticated humans can't even tell they've been brainwashed.
>>39624631This is at least somewhat true. BPD is when you haven't consented to something and it's big enough to irk you. The more power you have the more you can offer. When you're weak you get raped but also the rape might just be a slight but since you're weak it feels like rape. So they start to think you're the worst person ever, so of course they start treating you like that. When you're strong you can offer more, and when people take it doesn't even hurt.
>>39623073I'm starting to into this just bc it fits the world. Even if there's no Walhalla, the fiercest are the ones who enjoy the peaceful times after they've destroyed everyone else.
>>39620414God created a literal Paradise for humans its us that fucked it all up.
>>39626664What facts i couldn't contradict? All you do is insult and throw blanket statements. I told you to explain and you ran away. I think you might actually be insane. I feel bad for you.
>>39627249OR you can talk to me directly instead of being a cowardly little bitch about it. Practice what you preach, hypocrite.
>>39627736Perhaps. How can we fix such a rotten world?
>>39628709>How can we fix such a rotten world?Truth and love. Strive to be the best we can be. Do your best and have faith. This won't fix everything but it can help.
>>39627736If he was truly GOD he would have known that humanity will fuck things up, that's why christfaggotry and Jewish tales make no fucking Sense and only a retard will take them seriously >Inb4 muh freeUnimportant,if YHVH was all powerful and omniscient and omnipotent he would still know what will happen>It's out of YHVH control! Because humanity le badThen it's not truly god,end of discussion
>>39627308This is mentality of someone truly devoid of dignity and self respect. A living filth.
>>39627206If you are so strong as you believe why do you cope so hard, internet tough guy?
>>39626664>Be all-powerful God>Send Jews to genocide a people instead of just turning them into grains of sand>Be all-powerful God and flood the Earth instead of taking away their influence and power>Be all-powerful God then send fire and brimstone when you could just turn them all into atomsYou have no knowledge of The Creator.
God doesn't make the world this way. We do.
>>39624944Have you read revelations?Jesus will make a perfect world and rule it, and yet, mankind will still hate him…
>>39620414The answer is in the question.
>>39630229You can literally die if you struggle poop too hard. It is literally God's fault.
>>39630372This is a Hell Realm.
>>39620435putting up with jews and other spiteful stupid minority parasites.
god is not real
>>39630432What makes you say that?
>>39620414You think God is the one fucking you in the arse? ahaha It is me dude. I speak for all the evil people in this world right now. Listen to me. God has nothing to do with the fact that the world is challenging or unfair. The world is like that because evil people like me make it that way. How can I say? Seeing human beings suffering makes us happy. Human suffering makes us happy. We like to see human beings emerged in their own excrement. But why? Because you are the living images of God and we hate God! Keep on hating and doubting God, the only one who can take you out of this proto Hell. Keep on trash talking Him. That's exactly what we want. Hate Him Who gives life and love us who destroy lives. Join us.
Skill Issue
>>39622429The poster you replied to is as much of a narcissistic child as the one in your pic related. Life is not a gym for us to gawk all day at how much we are learning and evolving. Not fundamentally. Of course, if you are a narcissistic child, you can pretend it to be, and it will play along.
>>39630214Describing you.Proverbs 29:11A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back.>>And the spirits of the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction and cause trouble
skull issue
you are weak.
>>39632145So for telling you the Bible is not how The Creator operates, you spit a Bible verse at me? You're an idiot.
>>39630862>why god so mean?>why me? why ME?Lol... narcissism... right.
>>39628153Nothing needs to be said to you except kill yourself. You aren't worthy of reason.
0 No.39625012yes saturn is the god of this worldall elites ether answer to istaar the queen of heavenor they listen to saturn /satan)my mother is rhea or angel shophia and i'm only a prince.I can confrim this anon.have a good day anon.
>>39620414you make it challenging
Peace and love folks. Too much grumbling anger in this thread.
>>39624598jesus holy motherfucking shit are you stupid
>>39624642i actually made this egregore a reality, try one hit KO'ing this one
>>39620414Humans make this world challenging through their own choices and God just hasnt stopped it yet because he still wants to give people time to be saved. Life is challenging but here's the easy part, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. Not your own works, not your own deeds. You dont have to go to church or endure to the end or any of that stuff people talk about. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. No one deserves heaven but he paid with his blood once for all sin. When you put your faith in his atonement instead of yourself, you are imputed with his perfect righteousness. You are saved instantly and sealed eternally and you can never be lost.Acts 16:30-31Sirs, what must I do to be saved?Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.1 Cor. 15:3-4For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;And that he was buried, and that he rose again on the third day, according to the scriptures:Ephesians 1:12-14That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.John 6:47Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.John 3:16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.Ephesians 2:8-9For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:Not of works, lest any man should boast.
>>39636834ok bishop but your god hates you so???
No.39636950>why does your god hate youthe god of this world hates you being like him>like him.and what's that anon>holy.yes being holy is and does anger godthat is why satan got kicked out.lel.that bishop is trying to be as holy as god.and what happens to folks trying to be as holy as their god jealous?>he told you in the bible he is a jealous god.>why did the bible say to reject the goldren calfyou have to reject the jealous god.>who is the jealous godits azazel the jealous femanine whos name is deathyour suppose to accept jesus of galiee whos the god of resurrectionas resurrection trumps deathand rules over it.why doy ou think the book of watches is banned?becuase god called him out for being a fraud and a lair becuase all reptilitansd ar both femanine in the soul and mono genderedyahweh or as you know it as azazel or baál who is male on the outsidecannot claim to be male on the insideBut god said "I AM"yesreeber the birde groom who wasgod referencing(tranny god ofc)duh.....he is the bride/groom (bride in the spirit/ groom in the body)dumbest spiritual think ever. but then dad is a massive homosexal.disaccosation is their right of passage to the after life dad is dyslexic homosexual.yet mum still got a baby out of himdid you know that the demiurge is the god of rape?yep all true all incubus and succbus are rapistist in the spirit and not in the material werid how reality works.onlyAFAGGOTwould do that and send you to hell for it.#facts
>>39636950No, once you believe in Jesus you are adopted as a son.
>>39636950You are judged based on Jesus's actions and not your own, thats how you are able to enter heaven. There is not another way.
>>39620414>The central challenge is to fulfill one's duty (dharma) in every situation, regardless of personal gain or loss, while maintaining a detached attitude towards the results.
>>39620414Because is funny the world is a comedy
>>39620414You got what you wanted.
>>39620414because it wanted to challenge itself
>>39620452Doomer.I see it as a rpg game, as you lvl up it gets fun and easier.
The challenge is fun.
>>39620414Because he loves me and vice versapraise jesus
>>39620414so you git gud
>my life isnt easy so therefore Gods love cannot existweak willed moron