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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

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>Because negative thoughts will breed negative attraction.
yes anon I know, but is believing you don't want your ex back anymore, the right thing to do...
Bros this shit is for real I've unlocked my manifestation powers. I'm I hogwarts right now
I said "you're done" as a reversal of the SP or as you subconsiously think the role between you and the SP is. You're of course still wanting her, but you're not the desperate wanting seeking and needing her. Don't put pussy on a pedestal, only yourself. You're the one the SP wants.
With God all things are possible, relax, and accept that your desires are true and have already come to pass, and will come to pass.
>think of having sex every day
>imagine it in great detail
>never get any sex
Why is LoA like this?

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HHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA I'm a "Channeler". No SERIOUSLY! I've been doing this for 7 years now. I'm a lurker, generally, but I'm willing to answer some questions.
I can't guarantee the information will be untainted, but take what resonates. I tend to be proven correct in the information I bring forward.

I can also provide light readings because I'm a "pSYChiC" too. HAHGAGDBSDBBD

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Ask nicely :-)

Any general advice for myself at this time?
Has anybody recently seen or somehow were made aware of a “black chaos mage”?
shits fucked yo
channel this dick nigga
Unlike this fraud going from the name Samantha rupnow, I have spent years honoring my commitment to channeling and seeking an understanding of higher signs.

I know you are special because these angles, manifested as orbs, presented themselves when they usually move and zip so fast it looks like a brief moment in the corner of our eye.

Have you noticed the 'floaters' that squiggle and zip in your sight, but try as you might you can't directly see them? These are angels fewing us, but not letting us few them.

So you being able to lay your sight directly upon them, shows a true gift and sign of being special... Lucky you..

Spirit Love General
We Can Do This All Day Edition

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>39712954
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy

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that pic is literally why i hate human women, they only go for chad and are willing to line up for him while refusing to understand that not-so chadlike men like me need some love too (or even worse, understanding it fully yet still depriving me from their companionship). i am truly glad that i get to be with my mother who truly loves me for what i am and not having to bother with these fucking whores.
I am straight and it wasn't pleasant, but I am into pegging, so it wasn't the worst feeling ever.
She appears to have no particular smell there, but her skin may have a faint aroma like seawater or soap. It's arousing like nothing else in the world.
im a good looking faggot so i see the whole situation from a third-person perspective and i feel sorry for everyone involved
>women are raised to have unrealistic standards while not providing much themselves to the table
>meanwhile guys are forced to live lifestyles that make 99% of them ugly, mentally inept, etc.
>all of this is done to make as much money as possible off the backs of men and women, even if it renders the greater society incapable of reproduction
>nobody wants to blame the actual problem, because psychotically blaming oneself and angrily blaming other discrete and identifiable personal parties, such as "females" or "moids", is permitted in the culture - blaming something esoteric but still certainly real that has large sweeping influence but cannot be personally identified, like capitalism, is seen as "whining" and "non-responsibility", which is culturally shamed
the situation is fucked and I can't wait to watch the old boomer capitalists die horrifying lonely deaths in their abandoned complexes, long after even their closest guard realize their "power" is just spilled ink on dead tree, nothing concrete.
I hate you with passjon because you whine like a little bitch. Please be my boyfriend.

Got time to solve a mystery?
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Former graffiti writer here; that’s graffiti. Not gang signs. There might be some gang tags on the wall here and there, but it’s largely just covered by graff writers trying to get their name up. Also LA is covered in graff. If it was a gang area they would go over those pieces as soon as they came up. I really don’t think there’s anything to the graffiti but I see why you’d follow that lead.
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STP is a graffiti crew. Like a bunch of graffiti writers who loosely know each other. It’s not a real gang. Tbh I wouldn’t be suprised if it was like 10 white guys and a Mexican.
THAT house is covered in gang graffiti. You can tell because it’s really bad. It takes practice to get good with a can. I don’t think traffickers are putting time into getting up and practicing in black books. The STP lead that people are trying to force on here is a dead end I’m telling y’all
that pic has an energy to it if I'm being honest
This whole thing has giant forced meme energy to desensitize people to noticing or caring about the signs of human trafficking when it happens irl

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We need more astral projection going. Escaping reality should be your main goal. It's easier when lots of us are projecting at the same time.

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I want to turn into a wolf and completely shed my humanity. Are there any real witches on here who can help or perhaps know how to curse me into becoming one? I wouldn't mind the pain, I'm ready.

Imagine how good it will feel when you lose all your big intellect, all your stupid ideas, all your smartphones and cars, all visions of your complicated future, as she turns you into just some common wolf and opens the door so you can get outside, to disappear into the wilderness. No more big important you, no more stressful human life, you are just wildlife now, owned by nature.

(Disclaimer: By posting in this thread you denounce furries and anthropomorphism. By posting in this thread you also understand that this is a serious thread. I hope I don't see any fake witches in here like last time.)

Previous Thread: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/39475477/
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Cope harder. Wolves have been around 400,000 years on this planet and are still going. I'll think I'll do just fine.
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When did you first realize you wanted to be a wolf?
I remember there was a dude on here that became a fish through deep meditation, maybe u could do the same but for a wolf? anyone have the archive for fish anon’s thread?
You can become a werewolf by having sex with a lot of men
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yOUI33oQNdo (READ DESCRIPTION)

To make changes you need energy. Humans can mold his energy with intention. Theres no miracle that will transform you in a wolf, since this is 3D world (physics, law of mass conservation, etc).

okay first off: what exactly is the nature of reality?
second: this is probably going to be considered a bit chaotic, confusing and schizo tier
yes you have your own perspective on how things work and I'd love to hear about it, but for now just follow along.
so what is the nature of a tool?
an object crafted to aid or otherwise fulfill a specific task, a hammer to nails, both "tools" in the sense that they were made to fulfill their objective (ie nail something, and the hammer to secure it or remove nails if needed). fairly straightforward.
in this sense there the details and differences between a wooden plank, the nail, the hammer or for example a valve to adjust pressure are negible as they fall in the same over-arching category.
>ok, so what the fuck are you trying to say you retard?
people fall into categories too, whether you go by stars, by lives lived, psychological profiles or da-dun:archetypes
archetypes are interesting because they give us a broad framework you can try to discover your "authentic self" in and what you align with.
now, zoom out: if we ignore the delusional nature of consciousness/ego for a second and only focus on "what is real" one could argue that people are like objects, a couch growing a pair of legs and a face would cease to be a "couch" and vice versa a person would arguably stop being that "person" up to a certain threshold if we were to, let's say replace his bodyparts with artificial robotic parts. of course
>inb4 cells constantly recycle, blabla ego blabla eternal blabla muh soulz
not about that
moving on, an argument can be made that mans body is akin to a machine of sorts with predictable inputs and outputs with some variation here and there to describe free will.
if our bodies function like the creations we make, what exactly separates you between the aforementioned tools?
a user? a clear purpose? direction/instructions?

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how does a cow feel about ploughing a field to get fed the corn the farmers grows on the tilled soil? does he hate the farmer for his yoke? does the cow have the mental capacity to even consider these things? does the hammer think about hitting things? Are the man, the cow, the plough all that different since they have an inherent purpose/function? of course we can debate about what that function/purpose truly is, but it's not just about that.
I'm sure there's many differing opinions about a creator, but let's go a little deeper: our thoughts create our own reality and also alters how we experience the situations we do, thoughts are alive and are a form of vibration, and just how the opera singer can break glass, with the right attitude and open-mindedness one can "align" themselves to a pattern, maybe an archetype.
these patterns are sub-divided into different categories and thoughts, certain teams/camps if you will for the drama/joke of existence.
now, who is thinking what I thought? tulpas? thought forms? reality? tools...
okay now I'm gonna preface this by saying: hey, looshfarm? archons? evil? very dualistic thinking, get with the times/waves.
what if people's obsessive thought residues shaped their archetypical creators, and is thus identified with the worst aspects and creating a negative feed back loop, which in turn validates, which is a recursive thought paradox?
what if the "angel and devil on your shoulder" is the same "person" and is in turn a deep true reflection of yourself and all your sides, even your unknown ones.
You were created, they were too, who's to blame? does it even matter if you're all stuck in this boat together, what would blame resolve?
spirits reside in nature, they too reside in homes, they are your pillows and sheets, they are even part of the thoughts you "privately" had in your head, they are the faces you see in things, the ones smiling at you, the ones who laugh with you when you are "useful" and mockingly at you when you stray.
going back and zooming out a bit, they are, you use, you are, you want, they want, to be "used", to fulfill, to convey. creation can be a 2 way street if you don't put others below you and try to pull things down.
how frustrating it must be to be a hammer and get used only for violence, how annoying to be a blade that never cuts, how unthankful to be food that was made but not even eaten and thrown away, how woeful it must be to a wall screaming advice at you but you cannot/are unwilling to hear/understand.
symbols, signs, signals, messages, dreams, visions etc
reality is "fake" in the way that is currently understood, but it's so real infact that you might be scared just how real things really are. reality is alive, it's watching, they watch, they feel as you, they cry for you too, it's learning, it's understanding and figuring itself out just as you are. the distinction between flesh, machine/"inanimate" fades, there's simply
>what works and what doesn't
no hard feelings either way
why despise your being? why loathe the nail as a hammer? why refuse to be a walking stick only to end up being burnt up for heat and your ashes fertilizing the new you for another round?
why do people hit themselves and then demand answers from the beyond as if they have anything to do with how you dull your edge and demand favorability over the sharp knife eager to cut?
do you choose to be a victim to, or will you help yourself?
is it possible for (you) to be nicer, show more care, listen to others, try to fulfill and be grateful for being fulfilled.
would you be able to handle finding out that the truth is way different from what you imagined, could you adjust your mental state and intellectually engage without getting emotional or offended?
did you cringe while reading this?
again, who's really a tool, for what, did you accept, are you willing to help?
if somebody gave you flowers in a dream, what colour would they be?

uhh i could go on but I think I should stop raving here just so it's not suffocating walls of text"z"
funny how you can encode language for multiple layers of interaction and interpretations
no clue what somebody else might get from this
tl;dr: clean up your act bozo, the balls you are juggling are alive and would like a word with you
>yes, no, maybe, I don't know, can you repeat the question?
>cooks, such a silly word

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I wanna try. I know it is "demonical", but i wanna do it. Any advice?
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After reading a particular book you won't find on the internet, there are good grays and bad grays
alienz are my niggas, i don't even need any special powers from them, i just wanna hang out with them all the time.

Well I guess I'm dealing with the good ones. They're just kind of autistic but their energy is 100% friendly in ways that I won't even attempt to put into words.
I know the mantis ones are lustful.
does anyone have that book? It is on archive.org but I can't download it

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This video really made me chuckle, especially the Freemason part. Let me share it with you anons! What do you think? It helped me find some awesome songs and also discover some esoteric groups more like Acéphale! :)

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Any good chill /x/ discords? There used to be a ton of discord threads during that vampire panic but now I barely see any. There's tons of cool stuff I'd love to discuss but the jannies here are ban happy for those particular subjects
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at discor at the beginning of the link dum dum, 4chan filters full links as spam

it should be
discor d DOT gg /link
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Ty, bro. I only used discord once and was walked through joining a group but that was a long time ago
>jannies here are ban happy for those particular subjects
do you think I'd get away with making a thread about cognitohazards, and it's all porn?
Imagine being the one mentally ill tranny in the discord that all the alphabet glowies are fighting over for rights to groom until they sperg out with a glock at trump tower

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Wiki: >Evil, by one definition, is being bad and acting out morally incorrect behavior; or it is the condition of causing unnecessary pain and suffering, thus containing a net negative on the world.[1]

Google Search AI: >"Evil" is generally considered to be an intentional act that causes harm or suffering to others, often involving morally wrong behavior, such as murder, theft, or malicious actions, with the concept further divided into "moral evil" (human actions) and "natural evil" (events like natural disasters beyond human control) depending on the context.

When i think of evil, personally, I tend to think the lowest of the low, like I have a hard time seeing killing animals as evil because animals do it to survive and we do it all the time. Then we are like, okay its fine to kill. I tend to agree with the first part of the wikipedia definition. It's more of a concept where you are intentionally doing bad. Theoretically we even slaughter our animals in an ethical manner, not that I agree that's still kinda evil, but it's LESS evil.

people might consider Hitler or Sociopaths or whoever those ppl who dont feel emotions as evil. How can someone who doesn't even know what is morally good or bad evil? I feel like Evil has to have a really negative connotation to it, a total disregard for someone's emotions or well being. Or Total Destruction of a Contentment, A People, A Planet. Idk. I haven't thought about it much before but... I Do these days lol

oh i would certainly say cartel's and isis type people are evil. how can you just cut opens someons chest and take their heart out or cut off their face? thats so fucked up

i have never been raped thank god i imagine if i was raped especially while younger i would probly have part of my soul broken and think that evil does exist. pretty sad since rape is still extremely common i guess
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Proof? Because he put his hand on his hip in a painting?? Wut
You can lurk more, but Hitler being Mason is a known fact.
simple. good's a + and evil's a -.
good can exist without evil in the same way a building can stand...and not fall down. or why light pierces darkness.

now that said, humans taste life before any kind of loss. of course they're evil, but the good nature has deeper roots, plain & simple.
He wasn't. He banned freemasonry in 1934 because the nazi's believed they were the lapdogs of jews. Some lodges renamed themselves to something more patriotic like "german-christian order of frederick the great" and tried to allign themselves with the nazi's but that didn't work and they were also disbanded 1935.
However it's worht mentioning that the first german emperor Wilhelm I was a devoted mason.
His grandson Wilhelm II, who some blame for WW1, was anti-mason.

Antarctic OP (or one of his many pretenders) claimed that today, January 28th, was the day that his team (including the Pleidian alien bro who goes by "03") was going to public with some big media event with one of the European media agencies.

Tick tock, tick tock...
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Happy birthday
The day the Challenger exploded, my teacher wheeled in a TV for the class to watch
I was 10
I made a joke that a woman must have been piloting it
I got in trouble
I've said this before but you can tell the pleiadean thing is completely a boomer work of fiction considering how gay and lame the artwork is
Yeah we’ve seen you say it and its still doesn’t make sense
>gay art equals fake
that’s never been a thing dumbass
>Trump confirms NJ drones are nothing, FAA is unconcerned
>Jake Barber and Ross Coulthart confirmed grifters 100%
>Antarctic OP drops off the face of the earth
Grim day for UFObros.......

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Reminder that depression/apathy is the correct spiritual (and logical) reaction to a fallen world.
Being happy about a sick reality is itself a sickness.

99.99% of spiritual teachings across the world have been corrupted, and are teaching you how to become sick. The idea of just learning to love everything that offends the soul is spiritual poison, and it will cause you to stagnate in these lower realms.

It's no wonder the 0.001% of spiritual teachings that actually tell you to acknowledge the sickness of this way of being have been suppressed, destroyed, censored, persecuted, and its followers burned at the stake. Like the true teachings of Christ which were left out of the bible:
>Jesus said, "Whoever has come to understand the world has found only a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."

If you are dissatisfied with this world at a deep level of your being (not just depressed at your particular life circumstances, but depressed about what "life" is in general in this world), then that means your soul is awakening.
Your soul is beginning to outgrow this lower reality which manifested from ignorance, and you are beginning to crave higher things.
A child does not outgrow their old toys by feeling love toward them.

The world will punish you for this realization, and everyone you know will tell you that you're wrong, or they will call you "negative". But actually you are more positive than they are, because your soul is beginning to seek something higher, and from that perspective this world is nothing but darkness and ignorance.
At this stage you are the most vulnerable to manipulation. Will you listen to what the world tells you, will you accept the foolish wisdom of the flesh? Or will you listen to what comes from within you even when it defies the "wisdom" of this world?
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the point is not to literally love it but to avoid hating it.
because it then escalates in a domino effect, avoiding to "play the game" aka someone hits your face and you instead of reacting and playing the game, you choose the opposite, and that is so shocking for them (the world) that it stops the domino effect.
if everyone did this, we could hipotetically "fix" the world, but of course it's the hardest thing ever to do, even more considering how materialistic and atheistic the modern world is, where they teach you that you are an evolved ape who fought against all other animals during evolution, who fought against the other nine million spermatozoons for fertilizing the ovum,who is fighting against all the other people to get as much profit and buy the best cars, and work as hard as you can until you die with the biggest score, and everything ends there,
correct. non-resistance is key, and non-resistance =/= submission.
>aka someone hits your face and you instead of reacting and playing the game, you choose the opposite
I agree. But to love the system or even just passively ignore it, is not the opposite of playing the game.
That's more like someone playing a game who has lost interest in the game but still continue to play it instead of stopping.

In the OP I didn't say to hate the system. But that apathy/depression is what it naturally feels like when your soul has decided it wants to stop playing.
There's a ton of so-called spiritual teachers that want you to think that's a bad thing. They want you to suppress your souls natural reaction to outgrowing a childish world, because forcing yourself to ignore what's coming from within will cause one to stagnate, and they may reincarnate here another lifetime instead of moving on.
The TRUTH is a good thing.

The problem is that many people are actually unhappy/depressed/apathetic about this world and they are LYING to themselves about it, because they've been conditioned to think it's bad to simply feel the TRUTH of what's coming from within themselves.

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Kimbanda/Umbanda is an afro-diasporic religion common in Brazil. It involves worship of the deities from the Yoruba pantheon, and communication or other interactions with folk entities, sourced from different cultures and places.

It is a left path religion, somewhat separate of Umbanda, which is more syncretic with Catholicism, though the degree of separation varies heavily depending on whom you ask.

Kimbanda practicioners believe that, when you die, you become a disembodied spirit, called an ''egum''. Bad spirits cling to people and jack them off spiritually, trolling their spiritual evolution. To get rid of these, an exu or other folk entity must be incorporated into a practicioner in one of their houses of worship. The practicioner, having now given up their body to another entity, will do a purifying ritual on the person plagued by evil spirits.

Incorporation is done through the induction of a trance-like state, which is reached through ecstatic dancing, loud laughter and yelling inside their houses of worship. These entities range from people who may or may not have lived in Brazil and have been elevated to legendary status (e.g Zé Pilintra) to other somewhat odd depictions, like Exu Belzebu (pic related).

The ''satanic'' appearance of many of the entities who the practicioner commutes with is supposedly a form of protest against christianity. Yoruba practicioners from a few hundred years ago would worship their gods, but use catholic saints as stand-ins, as to avoid punishment.
The modern outfits for these entities, with tridents, black capes, necrotic imagery and references to Satan in their chanting is solidified as a fuck you to christianity. This is the closest thing to theistic satanism that is atleast moderate to big in size. Based, redpilled even.

Do any of you, my frens, have actual reputable sources of info on this shit? I'm losing my fucking mind. I can't find anything good enough. There is too much gatekeeping in this religion.
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Nice vlog
It was very secretly in the past because of chatolic persecution. That ended, like i said before. The guy is not a youtuber, he was already Tatá for a decade when started opening the religion for others to see. And he gets more explicity over time. 2 years ago they would only show the ritual prepared, now he shows even the killing, cleaning, words spoken etc..
So you conceded. White mage wins using the fire sword of truth over lies ilusion and deception.
Sick vlog, I said conversation over
Go "win" (neither converts not me over) elsewhere
Only a br*zilian could make baphomet even more cringe and gay

Where all my frens go edition!?!

To all gangstalking newcomers, do you think you’ve ever been spied on by a government or some other group? Have you ever had a coworker that didn’t seem to have reason to be there other than to keep tabs on you? What friend did you later suspect of being a mole?
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they thought that I thought I was Jesus 2nd cumming and harrassed and stalked me
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My gangstalkers are getting fired and deported lmao.
Hallelujah! Praise Jesus!
Im sure picrel lady had no problem with the fact that my whole adulthood was practically stolen from me and other straight white dudes for the last 12 years bc we dared to be Christians.
Im watching the RFK thing now. Not that I particularly like him but seeing the left freak out about him is hilarious. Life is going good.
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Of course I don’t expect explanation, because I’m already on my own private 4chan instance.
Can you for once stop being ass holes?

Please send me a kebab as well. Mixed meat, chilli sauce, mayonnaise and salad. Thank you.

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