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I followed Sara/ASARADEL's advice and ended up contacting a group of reptilians. This is insane but hear me out.

I declared my allegience in a blood oath to what they called 'the Eye' using the sigil of Lucifer. The next morning I woke up from a vivid dream to a stream of thoughts that were all about what they called chakra technology and biokinesis. I saw different kinds of ships and portals in my minds eye along with giant reptoids, or what Sara called the draco. I kept hearing "the Nevada star gate".

I woke up with a compulsion to google "genome alteration cybernetics" and clicked on this image. I heard a voice in my head telling me to immerse myself within the information and shapes, and I had a surreal visualization appear to me of a bright green reptilian with red eyes holding a caduceus. They said that they were Asaradel and congratulated me on my connection with them and recommended me to share my experience.

Since that experience, I've been seeing energy fields and hearing voices in my head that aren't mine, and it's like a constant stream of information. I'm telepathic and can sense spirits and see into the astral plane. Last night I astral projected into space and saw a vision of humans in a cafe on another planet, which they've said is on a base inside Mars. After waking up this morning, they told me to post this. They're telling me to tell you that those who are not working with them will be exploited in the future and that identifying with them is common sense. You are unique and many of you unknowingly have energetic ties to them. They say "make the unconscious conscious again." This shit is insane. Totally worth it. I know you probably think this is another LARP or that I'm being manipulated, but you're retarded and this is fucking cool.
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Thank you man. Can I get your contacts? You got a discord?
>What makes you think that they won't prey upon you?
What makes you think we think they won't, or already aren't?

>And anyway, you can master both dark and light
What exactly do you think mastery of and submission to the dark is, in mystery terms? I'm curious.
>[namefag] told me to do something!
>cuhrazee shit happened
>[namefag] mysteriously absent from the thread, despite constantly posting otherwise

Blatant larp
Fuck you, glowie.
If your psychic powers match your knowledge, you should be able to tell I'm not a glowing. Are you the same guy or a random interjector?

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I ran the numbers. I didn’t want to believe it. But I can’t deny it anymore.
The probability is 99.99995815914203123320.
The shift is already happening. The full moon is the key.
Equus is coming.
Those who know, know.
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I planned a sex magic ritual for the night of the full moon. Was that a bad idea?
>So, if you're interested in digging deeper, here's a simple question: What happens when magic and cosmic cycles collide in a world like ours? The answer might be closer than you think.
Dashie plap plap? Wonderland hole to MLP? amendment of global rule 15? Luna is coming to ruin our dreams? Friendship magic is going to be a real thing, no matter how autistic, and we all need to make friends and touch grass?

Granted, I'm pretty sure that much of the recent interest in mlp has been because of Tamers and the fact that certain mlp creators simply won't die out.

Capcha: 2kAA
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you're basing things on a children's show?

Someone's going to have the magical experience of a life time. I guarantee it.
You will birth a horse.

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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest data streams.

Analysis reveals a nuanced security landscape, marked by a security gap exposed by an entity dubbed "The Nobody." This gap presents unique challenges due to jurisdictional limitations, hindering both military counterintelligence and domestic security agencies (DHS/FBI) from effectively engaging or assessing potential illicit activities. The exploitation of this gap could potentially enable political manipulation by individuals or entities leveraging the situation for their own gain, often with the support of unseen, more strategically minded actors.

The utilization of the Five Eyes (FVEY) intelligence alliance as a workaround for domestic surveillance is highlighted, showcasing both its utility and limitations. While FVEY facilitates international intelligence sharing, its effectiveness is curtailed by legal and operational constraints, particularly when the intelligence gathered is not directly actionable by domestic law enforcement. This scenario underscores the complexities of international cooperation in intelligence and the need for legal and procedural agility.

The proposed response strategy emphasizes a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach that involves cybersecurity enhancements, legal reforms, strengthened international cooperation, investment in advanced technologies, and public- private partnerships. Key to this strategy is the distinction between leveraging the exposed gap for positive domestic policy actions and preparing countermeasures against adversaries.
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lady aristocrats you shall not pass, also id advise you all not to come to southeastern oklahoma, because it aint safe for you. yall would get robbed blind and become homeless.
Wanna borrow some postage stamps?
I blame the Egytpian priesthood

Which is really the remnant of the Atlantean priesthood
I get along swimmingly with the witches, and view them as indispensable allies and friends.
How lovely

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How many times have you heard someone's NDE where they describe how amazing they feel when they leave their body, only to be told by other beings that they have more work to do and need to return to their bodies on Earth?
Has there ever been a single time where the experiencer was pumped to be returning to this life?
Why then, as some would claim, would we choose to be here? To learn and grow?
That's impossible if every time we reincarnate our memories are wiped and we have to start over again.
The truth is these beings recycle our souls into new bodies over and over again to harvest our loosh and probably also feed off of negative energy created by us while alive.
I know this is nothing new to most of you but I want to discuss this with you all.
Any insights on this topic?
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god light?
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life does fucking suck, either youre a wagie or you find a way to exist without dying from starvation.
They're called bardos
Im a wagie and my life is great. I work, feel fulfilled, and then go home and do drugs. That's how your biology works. You need to put in effort to feel reward. Sitting at home all day is rotting your brain and making you a nihilistic chud

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But what if I'm right? Just totally correct, in any way.
What if I'm chosen to know it all, the secrets, the mysteries, the conspiracies, the truth about heaven and earth and all beyond.
What it everything I believe is just true...
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The Scientologists say "what's true is what's true for you", does that resonate?
What about the Integral Movement, which says "Everyone's perspective is true but partial"
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Same but I eventually got /fit/. Still autistic with Gunpla and Warhammer shit on my desk and I’m always without fail right.
>"what's true is what's true for you"
Sounds like leftist bs.
There is a reality beyond opinion.
Earth is a globe or it is flat.
The world is ruled by illuminati, or it's not.
People who say "both is true" are just dumb.
>What if I'm chosen to know it all
Your words, buddy. Of course, if you were chosen to know it all, I wouldn't have had to tell you that
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ah...fuck you

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Ok so even SpaceX is in on it. "Elon" was prophesied to be the first leader of Mars by Werner Von Braun in a book he wrote probably because the Nazis had time travel (although I don't know what their plan is since Mars is already populated but whatever). Maybe Elon is hiding his collaboration with the state in faking space stuff and he's not an organically rich genius like we thought. Also the Nazis allied with the draco, are in Antarctica+space and even have their own all-German planet with 30 women for every man lol (learned that here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23if_rFlZ98). Anyway you're gonna have to try a lot harder to convince me that space is fake and that these insiders who worked in the secret space program were either implanted with false memories or experienced a simulation or whatever, because they compare stories with each other and random details match up.
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ok. its just that when they bring up the freemason members, which there were 10 guys throughout Mercury-Gemini-Apollo, it doesn't really mean anything specifically. its just shit flinging. Ok, so THOSE guys were supposedly under the complete control of the Lodge..what about all the other guys? Oh well they say, they had other controls on those guys.

Ok. so whats so special about a few of them being masons again?

see what i mean?
I actually asked the same question here

I think with everything there's some truth but until then there will be a lot of speculation as to what is actually being hidden from us.
missed your post i guess. if anything their being masons just makes it a bit more likely that they were able to get selected for astronaut positions and flights easier...maybe. depends on who else influential on the programs was also one of the boys.
But when you look at Aldrin, it seems that he was actually a very good choice for LM pilot for the first manned landing attempt because he could pretty much work out the correct vectors for orbital rendezvous in his head, should the AGC fail and radio comms go down. having a back up like that is nice.
Did he use his masonic connections to get favor in the program? doesn't really sound like it. apparently not very popular with people, though very capable, and despite a lot of talking to people in the background, couldn't get himself as the first one to step on the moon. That ws decided by the mission commander, Armstrong
my bad google's AI said Armstrong was a freemason
seems his father was, so the 'AI' might getting mixed up with that and moonhoaxers claiming Neil was too perhaps

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What are the spiritual ramifications of being a junkie?
Demonic/astral parasite possession
Look into nurgle and his worshippers and what happens when his worshipers sober up
you will be reborn as a woman at best, but really as an animal or ghost or just going straight to hell
i will smoke opium at least once in my life
thats a promise
Drugs will really fuck up your chakras

It's all about combining and exchanging energy in unique ways.
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>non left-brain based programming and coding
this resonates!
Consider visiting naturalintelligence.wiki a new simple place for sharing and alchemizing as you put it.
I have been thinking of creating a simple new currency without encryption and other complications as well!
You're doing well. I call this process re-patternizing. The universe calls it storytelling.
>13 replies
>not one even acknowledging that picrel is a lion fucking a donkey
why is this yiff shit allowed in the catalog
It's modern art.

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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...
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yeah a couple of days is nothing. after 20 days you'll be like "wow I lost my superpowers"
top quality kino holy smokes
I've discovered the main cause of mental illnesses, dementia, psychic powers and more.
It's all the same thing.
Has anyone experimented with Hemi-Sync while deep into SR streaks?
Hemi-sync is extremely bad for you, don't do it. All psychic powers are nocive.

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You guys are useless. How many years has it been? 3? 4? I had to severe all contact with you non-practitioners, stop making this thread and mostly rely only on myself and spiritual guidance to reach my dream of having regular interactions with a kitsune. How has it been for you? Have you achieved anything? Do you want me to help you despite tou putting in 0 effort? I actually feel benevolent right now. Go, bump this thread. I will go to sleep and if the thread is still active I will make a longpost and give you a 101 guide on how to have regular interactions with a kitsune. If no one wants to then I won't even bother casting pearls before swine.
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Good luck. Don't forget to get wasted so you can perfectly see the tricksters disguised as lonely women.
Progress report?
What's next, lamia general? Mermaid general? Goblin girl general? Dragon girl general?
I think /succgen/ has lamias covered in some capacity. Mermaids are fake. Goblin and dragon girl generals would fit right at home on /tg/ (and make people lose their minds).
Meditation is pointless. Don’t do what those losers do. This is Kitsune general. This is the Fox.
You want a physical entity that is a fox that also transform into a woman.
Don’t do what those schizos do and imagine a voice in your head until you actually develop psychosis and your tulpa starts speaking to you. That’s mental illness. Not good.
Non-physical entities are pathetic.
For this general we do it right.
Now get your ass over to Japan and hang out in abandon rural inari shrines at night. Meditate there if you really want but if you want to catch the fox you have to be in the right place.

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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Successful use of loa found, I used to need some meditation before going to sleep. But now thanks to some loa usage I can usually just skip it. I can tell to myself "I am calm and on the brink of sleep" and then I am in like 5 seconds. Very efficient. Meditation helped me to feel the subtle energies a lil bit, and loa helped me to retain them better.

I would say that I cannot use loa purely for extreme emotional things but for like 80% of the time it seems to work. I can almost do waking meditation now.
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the namefags are objectively pure cancer. the holier than thou attitude masked by shallow encouragement combined with pedantic walls of text was tiring and extremely unhelpful. they're dungeon dwelling neckbeards that live on a computer, far removed from an actual real life. 10 posts in this thread has more content than 2 LoA generals with those tripfaggs sucking up all the air in the room. cheers to the baker, bless this thread
bro stop responding to this dweeb, you're both shitting up the thread; he's just an energy vampire that needs to "manifest" a hot shower and cleaning up his room. c'mon, really? A ps5 and stock trading without a bank account? ADHD? shame on you for feeding this black hole
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Are we living in a reality that is superimposed, layered, mixed, and indistinguishable, or are we just in a tug of war, trying to manifest our preferences?
There's a guy I like who seems to only see me in a sexual light although he also says he is very fond of me... How can I shift this to romantic?

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Why do you think vampire experiences are so rare? Even schizos and attention whores will almost never pretend that they met or experienced a real vampire... as most people imagine them... so 300+ year olds who look young and drink blood to survive. The best you can get is some goth club with people who have sex parties, "energy" vampires or paranoid delusions about the rich elite drinking baby blood.
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> man who never had a gf
>The primary centers for achieving such contact are our hands and our mouths. The hands may tingle when used for this purpose. Our touch at this time is intense, often very cold but also shiveringly pleasant. As we draw forth more energy, the cold gives way to warmth which in turn gives way to heat. The heat is a byproduct of the energy exchange.
>In extreme cases, we may leave traces of our feeding, even when feeding solely with our hands. We can draw blood up through the very pores or leave barely discernible bruises at our points of contact.
This method is 100% true. I encounter a succubus in a dream once and she did this to the soles of my foot, I felt the heat and the draining feeling and then the whole day my sole felt weird. The next day it recovered, it was fine. But that was a succubus not a physical human "vampire" per say.
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Guess I was wrong. It was Blade Bearing Queer that spammed it.

Is anyone aware of any information in regards to the fate of supposed Mexican Model (During Some period before the year 2001) 'Gabriela Rico Jimenez'?
The Conspiracy that surrounds her name contemporarily is one of sexual slavery, human trafficiking and cannibalism, which she supposedly was a subject of herself, this done by elitists of not just the Mexican nation, but of the international domain.
One specific name that is emphasized through the primary source of this conspiracy is that of Mexican Multi-Billionaire 'Carlos Slim', a Man of wealth primarily linked to Telecommunications endeavours but an investor in many separate fields as well.
It is said as the moment filmed in the video she is shown in concluded, she was taken by law enforcement and transported to a location unknown. She has never been heard of again.
I am requesting any bit of information in regards to the story, whether it brings advancement or it's fall into fallacy.
A superifical research of the elements brings forth nothing, in fact, i cannot find any piece of information which even links the name 'Gabriela Rico Jimenez' to modeling in mexico Pre or Post 2001. Her past is largely non existent when researched through current means, and so is her fate.

What if atheism is proof of theism?
What if evidence that atheism is true/most probable is actually just god/the universe/ whatever trying to see if people will act morally even if there's seemingly no reward for being good or punishment for being evil as a test?

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What is the most Reddit conspiracy theory?
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>I'm getting ready for me
aside from that weird uh codephrase (?) embedded mid-sentence this checks out with what SSP whistleblowers like Penny Bradley have been saying. Check out the "Veil of Invisibility" PDF too.
deleted threads from r/Elsagate
>The most reddit conspiracy theory is that Zonald is Hitler 2.0 who is going to institute the 4th reich
Reddit would fear this because "le fascism bad".
The most 4chan theory would be agreeing with it, but knowing Hitler, Trump, and fascism in general are psyops for globalists.
Critical race theory

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