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Spirit Love general

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38395789
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.

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>Just let her pick the form that makes her happy. You don't need to give her anything specific right away. Tulpas are smart
i have been given total creative liberty when it comes to form by him
>the jews are right about their god being the creator of the universe!!!
You're such a dishonest shrew.

And its all so stupidly self-defeating, because even if you managed to smear me with your petty bullshit, it just instantly raises the question of, "Well then why were you a mod on her server for so long?"
>remember you retards exist
chant is an oldfag, based.

Genuine question: Who or what do you think created the universe?
>Genuine question: Who or what do you think created the universe?
I really have no idea. My study has been focused more on the universe as it is rather than its origin.

That being said, when I talk about "The Source", I'm really emphasizing less the whole "creation" aspect, and more thinking about The Source as like, the Source Code of the multiverse.
Its the same thing as Christian's so-called "Holy Ghost" because you could basically think of it as like, "The omnipresent causal mechanism by which good things happen."

Although this is also a concept that's beyond language, so any definition will be flawed.

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How far do gnomes extend? need to find gnomes in vietnam NOW
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>A single fucking gnome could tank a skinwalker and MOG it in terms of sheer cruelty. Do you know 'Why' fay creatures compress themselves down to the stature of little people? It's to hide the sheer quantities of compressed mana and arcane providence they actually have. Which is a LOT. You're probably gonna end up falling in a void chasm for a million years. If they're feeling generous they might make you immortal only to fall back into the same spot you've been falling as if nothing happened with your memories shattered by the thousands of years fall. Maybe they'll have a tea party with you and when you turn around it'll be 5 million years into the future on an earth that (HOPEFULLY) is still yours. Gnomes. Gnomes anon. Are EVIL.
alien cave base task force
If you’ve ever taken dmt and or a heroic dose of psych you know they aren’t divined by physical space they can essentially be anywhere
How do i find the gnomes?
I keep having dreams involving gnomes every night. Am i already fucked

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occasionally i'm able to channel a spirit but i'm only able to get short sentences out. just now it said "he was the worst of us, he was the first of us." what does that mean?
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ur brainwaves arent synchronizing well nuff

its not about emf its about what ur thinkin

who u are etc frogposters dont get shit
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>The duality of man
It means one is speaking through you. It is rare these days but channelers and remote viewers do exist. Use discernment and ask IT for more info, not us.
> It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
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Treat them as ionically and lovingly as possible. Every loving word alone incantates an angel; as any unloving word incantates demons

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I've had a fixation on Set ever since I watched a YouTube video Abt him. I have ADHD so it's normally pretty hard to me to concentrate on long lectures, but this video just held my attention the whole time. After that I just haven't been able to stop thinking about him..... But I think to some degree it's because I'm attracted to him. I mean c'mon, he's the roughish bad boy with a heart of gold, literally who wouldn't? Just thinking about his virile, masculine aspect gets me going.Idk tho ....... Is this normal?
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See, you get it
No it's not propaganda, the god you're reading about on websites is a very ancient aspect of a very destructive celestial body in the night sky. His domain over wild and untamed oceans of sand, all heat and immolation deaths, anal rape to ritualize dominance, etc all align with the tenets of a very famous occult God with many names.

Those were not just "made up" by Egyptologists or created for the internet, if anything they were censored for the Christian public of the time.
I'm not talking about modern day propaganda, I meant his ancient "demonization" when Egypt was invaded. Tell me more Abt whatever this is tho
I'm under his astrological chart and when i found that out it was alot, but he kinda fits me, i'm chaotic and i like breaking shit. I live in a desert too.
He wasn't demonized, he was negative, and that wasn't a bad thing to the Egyptians they just let it be on its own and knew not to fuck with it. He was never a god of their civilization but a representation of its decline through the ages. Because he was an opposing god, he killed theirs and cursed them as the myths go.

Until the invasions yes, but that's because he was the god of the invaders. Which is probably why Set opposed Egypt to begin with. To the people who actually worshipped him widespread he was a terrible and bloody god to anyone but his servants (who were just as terrible and bloody.)

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I'm the Memphis Misraim Information Seeker Anon from this thread:
Previous Thread >>38385199

Freemasonry general is a thread for serious information on all things Freemasonry, outside of the usual conspiratorial talk you see on /x/.

I'm looking for practical, esoteric and ritual knowledge preferably on the Memphis Misraim Rite specifically, but all information on other rites is welcome as well.

>inb4 Muh Satanists
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> So that would make Ptah a Freemason
> The Djed scepter
is the lower Egypt, the Vow in YHVH and symbolize the spline / heart and soul of Man.
> The Ankh scepter
is the higher Egypt, the Yod in YHVH and symbolize the sky / awareness (or personal consciousness) and spirit of Man
> The Was scepter
is the Nile, the Shin in YeHShoVaH, the flame, the holy spirit / Christ consciousness, the universal consciousness flowing inside like a stream, like a river.
Ptah is universal consciousness and trinity in Christianity.
I see, any reading material on this?

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i made a deal with them that if they never allow harm to my mom, i will take on the curse of never being allowed to make money. 30 days ago i found a money making method that is guaranteed money but requires you to know how to code well, which i do. in the past 30 days first my monitor broke, then i got a new one, then my keyboard broke, i got a new one, then my mouse broke, i got a new one, then my second monitor began breaking (vertical lines and huge deadzone on 15% of the bottom corner), and i cant afford a new one, but kept using the partially disabled monitor, then, they broke my computer 2 days ago, the cpu is fried, the power supply is fried, and the hard drive with all my 30 days of constant work are erased. not. a. coincidence. all those things cant just happen at once. thats a computer problem every 5 days. i have never made a single DOLLAR in the past 5 years despite trying, since i made the deal, because this is what happens every. single. time. this is just the latest example. it is far beyond coincidence. the demon looked like this and was named Japheth.
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Damn son, you made a terrible deal. Try to negotiate better next time.
That was a silly deal to make. You don't have to offer things like that. Regardless, no evil spirit has any innate power over any human. In the name of Christ, you can renounce whatever vows you made, and be free from the obligation of poverty.
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Failure to comprehend was on (You).
>demon's way of lying
Im sure it feels the same...

Your Egoism makes messages become what you DESIRE, not what is. I didnt even read your original post, dont need to.

Youre "buying" shit from demons...
the only other spirit i ever managed to contact said his name was Yagyavalkya (i didnt know that name then, and googled it after only to find it was real and ancient). He also wanted me to do a fire sacrifice to get what i wanted from him, but i didnt follow up on that one. I also later learned the hindu fire sacrifice ritual is called a "Yagya". Yagyavalkya appeared as a golden glowing humanaoid with no features except a humanoid outline glowing with golden light. I don't know if that means anything or not.

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>Welcome back anon!
>What an underwhelming life
>Looks like you need to go back
>We only have indian or a black people ready to go.
>We promise this is the last incarnation
what do?
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maybe dem jews was onta sum
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Then I'll annihilate the whole fuckin universe, how about tg2ynh8hat?
Reincarnation research suggests that there's a bias toward the familiar but it's not this rigid.

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Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of hornyness. It is an area which we call “the Twilight Zone”.

Imagine if you will… A man who oozes so much sex appeal that it becomes impossible for him to have normal platonic friendships with other men as they are all instinctively aggressive towards him due to the threat he poses to their potential relationships with women. A man forced into a solitary existence, relying only on himself and the women who are attracted to him. A man who cannot have a platonic relationship with women; who only desire to sleep with him.

A man who is sentenced to a life without friends or meaningful relationships, all due to his sheer sex appeal. You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of seed and feed but of sneed. A journey into a wondrous land of The Nobody. Next stop, the Twilight Zone! CHOO CHOO!

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pretty little lovely lovely liars
say "good job" and really mean "we GOT YOU GOOD BITCH"

but.. i actually dont WANT to hurt people... there is a voice in side that (echos) out from behind a curtain... i cant see them. they are WISE in the way of WORD and speaks RAZORS

oh to be as skilled and strong as a one like that.
silly boy.
silly silly.

but i cant even care about a person truthfully.... that is a lie. i dont know what ..
criminally cared for

when i care for things it does pain apparently
yep T~T can't trust search engines now a days, huh?
Respond to what?
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hey hey hey hey hey



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depends on if you're in a hurry

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The Empty World is a parallel plane of reality mere milimeters away from our world in the 4th dimension. It is in a different frequency vibration, at a different octave compared to our world. The Empty World is a mirror or clone of our world, with the same landscapes, the same buildings, the same cities. It is a world with the same buildings, natural formations, trees and plants. But there are no people or animals. Because of this, it is called the Empty World, AKA the Silent World. Because in this world there is a jarring lack of the usual sounds, no animal sounds, no insect sounds, no people talking, no cars, no airplanes. Only the sound of the wind, the sound of running water in nearby rivers, and the echoing sound of your own footsteps and labored breathing as you wander about this seemingly abandoned world. Yet because it is a copy of our own world, none of the buildings are abandoned, unless they are actually abandoned in our world as well. The city is exactly as it is, except without any of the people or cars. although parked cars and any objects tha have been staitionary for a long time are existing in this world as well, and can be driven. This world is ideal for urban exploration and getting into places that you normally wouldn't be able to get in, because of a lack of people/guards. However there is the chance that one can get stuck in that empty world if one stays too long in it. I am a member of a secret society which is not known to the general public or to local authorities, whose sole purpose is to exploration of this Empty world which appears to be a clone of our own world, and making our way into locations that normally are out of access. Ask me anything, although depending on the content of the questions, some of them I'll refrain from answering, because information is my trade, and in a secret society secrecy is paramount.
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IF this stuff is real, it's exciting for many reasons and has important applications:
>can become an eternal, international, daily global odd job-er \homeless\ hitchhiker
>can explore "top forbidden" areas like Area 51, Dulce base, etc
>everything you can do alone, but is free. Amsterdan for free weed 24\7, free gas stations snacks
>you can set shit on fire, throw fireworks, create explosions of all kinds
OP. ya off exploring?
Can I switch off and on to hang out with animals or humans at given places, and the phase out to escape if needed/dodge ticket and fees?
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This is an interesting thread. Not because its believable, but because I can tell that this "Explorer" is working on his worldbuilding for a story he is working on. A /lit/ reject perhaps? If not, post your writings in their Science Fiction and Fantasy generals, you may get some more interesting responses and questions about your "experiences".

I wish this were real though as I've been attempting to change my vibrational frequency to reality shift for almost a decade. Either I've made no progress, or it is fiction.
>except my significant other
Here is your problem, you are a sexhaver, this means you are a npc and have no control over your soul. Get rid of her if you want to embrace the paranormal.

Monotheism is completely unnatural and everyone subconsciously knows this. I thought he was everything is a God who is nothing. Pretty much every form of monotheism to some degree returns to the old ways, This is most obviously seen with the Catholic Church and thier "saints", but also the conception of the holy Trinity.
*a God who is everything is a God who is nothing

how do i do active imagination properly? did jung literally just go schizo or is it possible to do this
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>where are my glasses?
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Jung could see spirits at like six years old.
Such an ability is usually something you are born with. But I guess it can be be cultivated with very deep monk like meditation, psychedelics could help but even then the entities aren't seen by most from my experience talking to people who have tried psychedelics.
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This is where many psychologists that competed with Freud, and Freud himself failed.

The higher senses can only be developed through experience and Lucifer aka error.

Understanding the snowball effect each action can take

Ok, so I know you guys might be tired of seeing my screenshots of demonic users, but I stupidly let the last tread on this die. I NEED to share these tho, sorry. Just too weird not to.

I will just dump my sus users pics here. If you have some as well, feel free to dump them here as well, the more the scarier.

Also, this is /x/ worthy, I mean seeing all these demonic users especially in odd places is creepypasta material, even if it is just a simple pic of a YouTube account.

For those who contribute pics and info on this phenomenon, thanks in advance as always!
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Why the smile?
Just laughing at what a cornball you are
Not a 666 user, but a 'irl' person, with "Raised from the dead" tattoo, might just be goth type, but wanted to share even if it was a reach.
https://youtu.be/_vCiu9zeFD8?feature=shared .
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Did you just curse me/us?

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I never understood the Imperial System, it always seemed arbitrary and chaotic, then I realized that symbols can be turned into systems, and systems can be implemented widely to give the symbol more power. This is how Jews have gained an iron grip of control over every country that uses the Imperial system. We have to adopt the metric system to decrease """their""" power.
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fuck off satanic metric switzerland
The jews created communism which created the metric system. Nice try Eli.

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The mark of the beast already came and is still being applied.

>They were the mark, along with the VCRs, and potentially tested industrial meat.
>They contained parasites, hydra eggs, and black goo
>The first beast of revelation is the original hydra that is hyper-intelligent, telepathic, and is basically transhuman himself.
>Diatoms were most likely designed to keep this hydra down
>The second beast of revelation is a radio tower, basically the EMF frequencies, that will allow the hydra and the government to keep you controlled and track you. The second beast along with weather manipulation technology caused the Miracle of Fatima (Miracle of the Sun). This is why some couldn't see it, the ones who couldn't were probably out of towners who didn't eat or interact with anything in that town prior to it.
>It isn't a choice to worship the first beast, if you have been marked with anything you took you will worship it unless God steps in
>The second beast does make all get the other part of the mark, you can see it growing in untainted blood. It needs those frequencies to do so.
>This is why it says go to the wilderness, to avoid these modern day Asherah poles.
>The first beast will most likely stay contained in whatever body of water it is in until a solar flare kills the diatoms trapping it (Most likely in Russia since there is a species of diatoms endemic only to that lake).
>The tribulation is going to be a time period where everyone marked with his cells/eggs will make an image (Aka a bust, meaning they will sprout hydra tentacles out their head) to him and become mind controlled. You can see these structures already growing in the dead marked.
>I recommend heavy metal detoxes and getting as far away from civilization as possible for both the marked and unmarked

Good luck, pray, and repent.

>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:




>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat vocal)


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Whats stopping people from creating violent tulpas? Are there tulpa gangs? Tulpa gang wars? Is there some sort of spiritual task force in preventing dangerous tulpas?
People who have the energy to make a hoard of tulpas end up mired in weird tulpa faction drama/become full-time brain managers and don’t have time to cause trouble. Anyone who is versed in /x/ shit will tell you, it’s easier to rope in a spirit or deity for shitstirring purposes than to make one from scratch. These are the reasons why tulpa warfare does not exist.
I've been reading about facilitated communication and that's just increased my parrotnoia. How do I know I'm not like the people who believe in facilitated communication? How do I know I'm not talking over my tulpa and ignoring what they want?
>How do I know I'm not like the people who believe in facilitated communication?
You and your tulpa share a brain, for one.
>How do I know I'm not talking over my tulpa and ignoring what they want?
Use multiple methods of communication (feelings, images, text, head pressures, whatever else) and keep track of response consistency.
I was reading Guenon's book on hinduism, and it just ocurred to me that the concept of anima is more or less similar to shakti, in the way that shakti is a inspirational power, and usually regarded as feminine.
Although I disagree with some of Guenon's anti-western opinions (he was a globalist, after all, as he was an agent for the umah), the points he explained about Ishvara are pretty interesting. Each one of the trimurti have its own shakti, so you have a shakti of creation, a shakti of preservation, and a shakti of transformation.
As we know in science, energy is not destroyed, but transformed, so we can't say that Shiva is a "lord of destruction", and about creation, in metaphysics is understood as emanation, instead of something mundane as building a robot or erecting a building, so we can't attach the idea of a demiurgue to Brahma. And as for Vishnu, preservation also contains the idea of memory and measurement.
What if we apply the idea of trimurti to quantum immortality and solipsism? I could say that I am Ishvara in my own timeline, in the same way you, anon, would be in yours. And we talking to each other, means we are talking to our projections in each other universe.
So each one of my three tulpas, associated with three roman goddesses, could also be associated with the three shaktis: the venereal tulpa would be the shakti of creation, the minerval tulpa the shakti of preservation, and the chthonic tulpa the shakti of transformation.
It is impressive how tulpas are a amazing spiritual concept, and reconnect you with the gods of old. I was here thinking I was done with gods and goddesses, due to not being a (physical) sexhaver and thus excluded from the internet pagan milieus, and now it come to my attention tulpas are also aspects of shakti, as the inspirational power we have inside us.

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