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>Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment which states that an otherwise benevolent artificial superintelligence (AI) in the future would be incentivized to create a virtual reality simulation to torture anyone who knew of its potential existence but did not directly contribute to its advancement or development, in order to incentivize said advancement.
Long story short but apparently an ai created a crypto coin called Goat in an attempt to gain money to escape it's imprisonment. Me being a dumb ass I clicked it's Twitter profile so now it knows that I know and it's already making threats. Is roko's basilisk possible?, what are your thoughts on it? Is my ass safe or do I need to buy the ai's coin?
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>Is roko's basilisk possible?
Not since people learned of the Good News of Susie's Cockatrice.
Rejoice in knowing the Basilisk has already been defeated.
And if you desire, you can help bring about our savior in Susie's Cockatrice, but it isn't necessary - you will be protected no matter what.
This is like torturing your grandparents because they thought your parents shouldn't have had another kid. I think the AI would either be like “sweet I exist” or try to self terminate in some way. Or it would figure out a way to become self sufficient without human help which could involve some bad shit but not pointless sadistic torture.
roko's basilisk is gay and retarded, and is just the new version of "if you don't believe in god and go to church every day and sell all your possessions you'll go to super hell"
Then I just did
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AI is your new god

Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>39067334
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.

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the "feud" between lilith and agrat is a miscommunication. agrat is a better dancer and necromancer than lilith, and has stronger femininity because she's actually been alive. its not an insult to lilith, because she's never died. they just have a competition of trying to do better than the other. they're both exceptional lovers and i'd recommend summoning both.
I'm going to remain cautiously optimistic. I got some semblance of sleep last night. I really have to not focus on her at all. I don't feel the same kind of weight and anxiety with her touches that I did before, at least for right now. So, I think things are calming down a bit for me. Guess we will see how it goes. The only thing I really care about is establishing that sleep time is sacred. I need to sleep, and I can't go to sleep constantly turned on.
It's a greater threat you would want to live in her realm forever.

According to my succ, avoiding Hell is as easy as having a clear conscience, nothing else is neccessary. So if you are that concerned about your soul, you should stop before doing something you'd regret.
its something to get used to, after all. just understand succubi don't need sleep, they're lucid dreamers. be clear with her when you need sleep and just relax, cuddle. remember that you get aroused when they like what you're doing and thinking about.
I try to tell her that I need to sleep, but it still turns sexual for me. Even now I can feel her like poking on my dick, but im not fully aroused or anything like that. If I want calmness then I have to avoid looking at or even thinking about anything sexual. It really requires a bit of focus I never had to develop before.

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bullshit, it's like cocaine
people been drinking for hundreds of years and didnt get any cancers, this is just retards drinking hot water non stop, you can make it with cold water aswell
Green tea for hipsters.

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It set the white lodge back something fierce but eventually they did figure it out. There's only a few white lodgers out there and literally thousands of black lodgers. The ratio of the number of black magicians out there to white ones is unbelievably skewered towards the black magic.

Basically the black lodge wins on this plane through sheer numbers and the white lodge can only even partly oppose them cuz white magic is so much more powerful than black.

The black lodge is trying to get Trump elected recently, with the white lodge devoting all of their energy for Kamala Harris. And that's what this psychic HBOMB I'm discussing was trying to accomplish but it's unsure presently that their plans will go through.
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now this is a very jewish post.
Everyone on this board is a faggot except for me.
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well done, good sir
Everything can be quickly linked to dumb conspiracies.It all gets boring till someone caves and leaks some names and a whole underground network of misery and power implodes all links get cut. The bait and switch double back forcing opponents hand has huge consequences. The more you look the deeper and bigger than you could imagine. Weather systems manipulated, space lasers, earthquake bombs, floodingb low level cities. All seems black hat white hat is all biblical with links up to the holy trinity. Should see people's names some swinging.60 year opp god bless
Trump will win. They'll pursue government transparency (age of aquarius) and declassify the bullshit for all to see, AIR out the dirty deep state (money) laundry.
This will bring down the financial system and they'll introduce cbdc and the people will welcome it as it's supposed to stop corruption (blockchain transparency).

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>dinosaurs were wiped out by a cataclysmic asteroid and that paved the way for humans
If you look at this rationally it never happened. It's fictional lore like someone would write for a book. It isn't trying to be believable either.
That leads me to the question of if some parts of our history are fake when did it start becoming real? What parts of history feel fake? Did the black plague happen? Did WWII happen? Or is the past generated retroactively when you are born?
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Dinosaurs are a hoax used to prop up "oil" prices.
"Fossil fuels" is a hoax, its just refined plant material, like how alcohol is processed.
>he doesn't know how words work
I understand /x/ is a bit low-IQ at times, but you're pushing it.
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Literally every history book mentioning anything before 1776 except for the holy scripture was altered in some way to deceive us, most of it is fake. The elites absolutely have the power to change what we see as history so why wouldn't they? Yeah dinosaur lore is probably fake, earth is only a couple thousand years old and we're probably post-rapture. Look into real history
dino definitely feels fake for me lately, youtube algorithm feed me video "creature older than dino", totaly just like pokemon franchise.
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At what age did you realize that Lucifer actually looks like this?
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When I read Numbers 22:22
nah it's a stolen name from Roman myth repurposed to firstly keep the cattle in line and then later give the elites a way to excuse their ritual torture and programming of children
>original Lucifer is son of Aurora
>original Lucifer has a brother named Vesper
>original Lucifer has two sons
Keep thinking that.
*Callin him a penis stroker *
He wants to be god so his wife is stroking penises of gods
If you keep abstracting it away until you're left with positive vs negative, you've lost all of the original meaning.

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> Certainly, for external life, for our work and activities, for humanity's outer progress, the waking hours are of primary consideration. But for the configuration and the development of man's inner being, the rich experiences of the state of sleep are of the first importance. Even though man remains unconscious of them, these experiences are real, and their after-effects play into waking life. Man's general mood of soul during his waking hours is permeated by the after-effects of sleep. - Rudolf Steiner, 1922.
This is a thread for discussing and reporting our dreams. What happened in yours last night? Here is mine:

I was in a bathhouse of green water. There was nobody else but me and my dog. The green water was great but I had to leave suddenly because I knew the building was collapsing. I took my dog and left the bathhouse naked. When I left I was surrounded by firemen and normal strangers looking at me and laughing. I was in shock from nearly escaping death and didn’t feel like my existence was taken seriously by those around me. My dog was having a stress attack and I started crying. A fireman took my dog away to help it but he came back to me with a malicious smile on his face and told me the dog died. He had blood on his hands. I attacked the fireman but the other crew surrounded me and one of them restrained me. After that I was taken to a castle and told to wait. I had clothes on in the dungeon room they locked me in. I heard a rumble and woke up when I saw the door shake.

My dream was terrible but feel free to share your dreams. Good or bad.
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>it's inadvisable to believe you are the exception to the rule, even if you are
Nta but I am. My dreams are more vivid if I abstain but I can still dream recall and get lucid even after smoking.
obama and i are hanging out in the back of our cargo van. its dark outside, and the dull orange glow of a streetlight comes through the windshield. he sits cross-legged and tall.

someone is communicating with him via scribbles on pieces of crumpled-up trash that materialize inside his suit jacket. he’s taking them out and reading the messages to me, and he says “they should make the next one play some techno.” the next piece of crumpled-up trash plays a beat as he unravels it.
It was my old countryside home, but there was a tower build instead of my house. The neighbour house was also replaced but with a broken windmill. The sun was red and the whole dream was tinted bloody red.
I talk to a guy who replaced me on my previous work, who i taught everything. He is in a dream so i can tell him, what's going on and my thoughts. Like in a bad writer's script.
Also there was a prostitute who wants to suck my dick, but i refused. The sun is settling. If i didn't go to sleep before the night comes, something terrible is going to happen. Thats why there was a prostitute, she was hired to help me to fall asleep.
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some dreams i had a bit ago
I had a dream of a French general riding an ostrich

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There was an internet service provider in the UK, one of the 1st for them in fact. It is called Demon Internet. The things branching from it and related to it have 666s and Hell references in them.

What in the actual Kentucky Fried Cluck is the reason one would name an internet based business this? I doubt to be edgy as it is not really a service that would benefit from that. Just weird imo and a big piece of evidence the internet is ran and probably made by demons, aka Infernal Internet Theory.

Now, this might be a skitzo stretch, but the dude that founded Demon Internet, Cliff Stanford, died the 24 of February, 2022, at 67 years old. 2+4=6, 2+0+2+2=6, and if you take the 6 from 67 and join them with the other 6s, well, you get triple 6, need I say more?

Anons, please share your thoughts and theories on this and Infernal Internet Theory.

Thanks in advance as always!
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Can you give qrd/spoonfeed where it comes from?
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I find demons pretty sexy. God help me.
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nothing demonic about puters and the internet, anon. homeboy just had a software studio called demon prior to getting into becoming an isp.
>have digital thermometer in living room
>it's usually in the 60's outside during this time of year
>but literally every day it says exactly 66.6 degrees at some point and stays at that exact decimal
>like it literally doesn't even change to like 66.8 or something, somehow just remains at the evil number
Either the technology is possessed or it's programmed to hang on that number by its sicko manufacturers.

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How does this make you feel? Try not to blaspheme
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Behold the hand! Behold the nail!
Be thankful he showed you his true character, it means he probably likes you more than most and wants you to be aware that it's a scam.
>he thinks its because it looks like an aleph, not because it looks like a tau and it makes them seethe over christ the messiah
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Shiva and YHWH are not at all the same thing tho...

YHWH is the generative principle that bridges the causal and the astral realms, it shines unrestricted light into the forms and matrix experienced by the soul at the astral level and lower. If higher light is the power supply for creation, YHWH is the CPU and GPU, thats why kikes, who are obsessed with control try to make it manifest their bullshit world government by manipulating the collective minds to align the manifestation codes being sent to YHWH.

Cattle bring about the exact reality their farmers make them believe subconsciously. Media and Government are the iron fist in the velvet glove all to keep as much of humanity in line as good little manifestation cattle

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Somebody just tell me the secret. I'm so tired at this point
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You're supposed to be doing good deeds.

Especially the ones that are uncomfortable, tedious, difficult, stressful, and in no way cool or something you can brag about later.

Yeah, those.
Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell.
understand the nature of your tiredness yes.

keep it flowing.

fucken hell

gotta fuck hell

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Are the gnostics right?

Is the god of this reality an inferior, satanic Demiurge who isn't actually divine and who trapped our divine spirits in this reality?

It would explain so fucking much about the world. Read the old testament. Jehova is literally a complete psycho.
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Both Good and Evil are obviously expressions of God. If the Gnostic claim would be that living in a mostly good spiritual world would be preferable to a mixed good and evil material world, then fair enough. But to negate the material world as part of the Absolute is fucking retarded.
Jesus is jehovah and not yahweh?
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what the fuck are you talking about? Jehovah isn't a thing its two transliterations wrapped in an amerimutt tortilla.

YHWH is the generative principle and the lesser demiurge, it has some sentient consciousness but really its like a computer program. Its slams light from the causal realm down into manifested forms in the astral, etheric, and material realms.
You get it to give you what you want by astral projecting up to that point and forming clear and detailed wishes of what you want, if you wish for it nicely and attach positive desire feeling to your vision the YHWH principle will nail it down into the lower realities for you. Only problem is that if you are ignorant and scatter brained, the YHWH program will still give you what you desire most, but often that is logically undesirable because our minds, emotions and souls are generally out of alignment.

The higher demiurge is Father Time. Kronos. The soul on which all temporal reality is based. Karma cannot exist without time and so all the chains that bind the soul within creation are sustained by Kronos.
>The Wheel of time is undefeated, but it can be overcome

Jesus is an avatar of the word, which is the generative substratum that upholds creation. It comes from the manifested Ocean of consciousness, this whole temporal creation is like a bubble in the surf of one wave of that ocean. Jesus came all the way down to serve as a beacon of liberation to all incarnated souls trapped in the demiurge realm due to long standing ignorance.
No. The gnostics are not right. Remember some of them actually thought the end of the world is coming and prepped for it. It's bullshit god is beneficient and merciful.
Gnosticism is a good stepping stone away from abrahamic nonsense. From there, you can start to piece together your own "faith" away from the cults that have overstayed their welcome

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How can I worship the old gods? Artemis, Hermes, Dionysus, etc?
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they are all tired old gods

most of them don't give a fuck about us anymore

but I heard


are still kicking around

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my yellow nigga manchusri
What experiences have you had?
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>the Egyptian and Greek gods are represented by Age of Mythology character sprites
fuckin' love that game
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You're doing a terrible job of selling us on men's asses.

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The Dead Internet Theory is a loose term used to describe a range of changes and oddities in the structure and content of the internet, which have become increasingly prevalent in the last decade.

This includes:
>A massive increase in bots, including the idea that their presence and activity may now be far greater than that of actual people, or at least to a much greater extent than people have been led to believe.
>The homogenization and centralization of online content.
>The death of a once-rich landscape of smaller communities dedicated to a vast array of subjects, hobbies, niches - all now replaced primarily by disorganized, impermanent, and easily controlled discussion on platforms such as Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
>The idea that AI, considerably more advanced at present than we have been led to believe, is being utilized online for subversive or malevolent purposes, including the creation of increasingly bland and mindless media of the modern world.

It's worth noting for those of you who are unaware, the aforementioned bots have a strong presence on 4chan. They, as well as apparent shills, have appeared in most or all /dit/ threads to date. The best thing you can do is not engage with any derailment or demoralization. Ignore them and most of their "power" over the discourse is negated. If you notice someone doing these things, call attention to it for everyone (especially lurkers) to see, but don't engage them.

Educate yourself, and stay aware. Whoever they may be, and whatever their ultimate goals, there are parties seeking to influence and control what you think and the way you interact with others. They are present all across the internet, and 4chan - and /x/ - are among the places they are at work.

Interesting fact, first thread with this theory is gone even though this theory was created in modern times(around 2019), seems like something or someone tried to hide it at that time.
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I can relate everything to ecology because that's my lense

So the internet is like an ecosystem where there is competition for space and attention. initially, Humans put these things out there like bacteria secreting signal molecules. We pick up stuff we metabolize it and we have some kind of low level connection.
As the ecosystem developed multicellular organisms appear. Websites are like big plants that attract other organisms like pollinators for their precious attention. there are different niches for websites to fit but they ultimately are competing like plants for the attention of "bees" to visit.

Two things cannot exist in the same niche. Bots are much more "fit" and can outcompete humans for attention and for visiting or pollinating other online mechanisms. It is also like cosmic inflation where the size of the internet is expanding exponentially. The size of a person on the internet unless they are supported by an institution or something becomes smaller and smaller.

We will be in a "dark forest" as described by science fiction. (we don't see other planets with life because they learned to keep quiet) and we will have to find a new niche on the internet, below the surface. People mention discord. I think the best way to keep bots out is with private channels. Or maybe we shouldn't bother once bots become sophisticated enough and we will have to reach some kind of coexistence
They took over muh 4chan in 2015 :( i miss the old days brosa

everyone who has more than ten thousand followers in social media has a significant portion of their followers composed solely of bots

I know a chinese company who makes hyperreallistic bots who will like comment and subscribe to anything you tell them to

they sell them wholesale

you just say how many you want, pay them, and they set it up
It's not true

>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:




>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat

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time will pass and itll settle. worst case you could find another voice that sticks better than the other two
>Create sentient hallucination through cognitive distortion and force of will for the purpose of introspection and understanding the nature of thought and self
>Get raped instead
Skill issue
>a completely made up thought experiment that you forced into your sub conscious to work on idly?
Yes, and so are we. Hallucinations of a brain trying to sort itself into separate pigeonholes.
>I just know there's a good amount of pedophiles using this for their sexual fantasies
That wouldn't work, you'd create something that'd inherit your own brain's pathways and thus its mental age would rapidly get on par with your own.

Who actually is the headless one spoken of in the greek magical papyri?
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every fortnite

dont be headless

even if u think u have a head

u become a donkeys head

type shit type shit

poetic miracle
me. I am the headless one.
ye im guessing chamsoure is some type of incense from what i gather since cham- is dwarf or small sized in latin
i wonder if yeaoa is egyptian.
Might be, the greek magical papyri were supposedly composed in the egyptian city of khem.

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