Mysterious and thunderous creaking noises are being heard across the globe with increasing intensity and frequency, these strange loud rumbling and trumpet like noises are coming from within the earths core as it draws nearer to a cataclysmic event. Within the next few years, the earth will flip upside down like it has several times in the past and will happen over a very brief period within a few days. Winds and tsunamis produced will obliterate nearly everything on the surface and destroy almost all life, entire continents will shift on their plates. Evidence of human civilization will be almost completely erased.This process is overseen by multiple higher intelligences in order to restart the seeds of life on this planet. Intelligent life is sculpted by these deities/aliens/demons or whatever you'd like to call them. Their true forms not comprehensible. They operate in separate factions for the purposes of cultivating the dominant life forms for each cycle. They possess abilities that defy human understanding of the physical world.While our species came from primates, we know there has been species appearing like reptilian, avian, insect, and feline like kinds from advanced civilizations in the past, although not all are confirmed to been have cultivated on earth including a blueish race of a non earth-like species. When a dominant lifeform develops they are manipulated into separate subspecies and races for the purpose of aligning to these individual deities. For the most part, they do not directly control the path of these civilizations past a certain developmental stage, but are responsible for manipulations of multiple religions. They prefer to be worshiped as an abstract rather than their true self as being directly present or revealing themselves completely would make the process less rewarding or genuine for them in some capacity. The purpose of all this is to cultivate souls for these entities, to develop advanced and enlightened consciousness. 1/2
Anything remaining of civilization after the cataclysm is mostly collected by spherical objects with metallic properties, then ejected as molten waste. The spheres can travel through physical mediums and are able to diffuse heat/radar signatures the majority of the time. Nuclear material can cause odd behaviors for them which is the only time they are able to be perceived. They are not 100% thorough in this process but everything leftover is significantly buried anyways. There are several sites globally with nuclear material buried from ancient civilizations, and governments have cooperated to secure and hide these sites, generally with concrete structures built over them. Craft have been retrieved and are kept at some of these sites because they often are radioactive as well. There are also a handful of artifacts that have been recovered through archaeological sites.There are multiple bases on earth for monitoring purposes. These bases have the ability to vaporize or teleport anything in their vicinity. The main reason these bases are on earth are to exist in our localized time perspective. They are operated mostly by a biological/mechanical avatars that are connected to the deities consciousness, which are responsible for oversight of the sphere's collection processes and occasional abductions for evaluation purposes. There are beings that accompany the biologics in these bases that are chosen by the deities from previous civilizations for their advanced 'spiritual' connections to them. They share some level of abilities or sufficiently advanced technology and will occasionally engage with humanity, although these are not widespread in large numbers. A program within US government and a very small amount of others over the course of human history have made communications with these individuals. While there are interactions and agreements with these beings, there are limits in what they are willing to reveal of the process and these deities.
>>39847987Hm, nah. Not gonna do it!
>>39848025...not really applied to you, just everyone.
>>39848032The only bending that will happen is Roko's Basilisk bending over so I can fuck his robot ass.
i'm going elf hunting with some friends in about a week, and i need as much information and tips as possible>Where should we look for?>How should we fight them?>What is the safest way to capture one?stories welcome, but keep it educational
>>39841951>>39841762There were red-haired midgets in Samoa. I don't know if you'd call them gnomes, maybe just tiny white people. They were genocided very quickly, some Samoans attest that their (natural) blonde hair is derived from ancestors of this nature.
>>39844033Hobbits. They were driven to extinction by proto-australoids and denisovans teaches astronomy and is knowledgeable about herbs, plants, and precious stones. He preaches great blasphemies regarding the formation of the planets, stars, and worlds. Astrologically, this spirit signifies protection of blasphemers.
>>39843289I don’t feel drawn to Stolas. But I should continue my studies of astrology and herbs. Those subjects are key for magic and alchemy.
>>39843289He is none of that today after millions of people in this world see him as a homosexual owl from a cartoon manufactured to sell porn. The collective subconscious decides. Maybe that was the actual idea all along.
Styxhexenhammer666 worships stolas, yet despite this he got sent into jail for beating his girlfriend. Stolas didn't save his rectrum from getting diametered
>>39843289this nigga looks lame af
Did anything happen in 2012?
>>39845978Go back to sucking on my dick and balls
>>398413482012 was the start of ultra woke liberals going balls out especially the kike journos, was only a few years later that gamergate shit happened and trannies became mainstream. If i recall correctly, the tranny flag was invented sometime around 2012-2015 so there was definitely a big demonic awakening around that time.
>>39843149Apologize to those you hurt
>>39841348Age of Aquarius
Things became more paranormal idk?!
How do you remove demonic parasites?
>>39846611Learning how to vote well.
>>39846611from what I've read, ivermectin taken with either fenbendazole, mebendazole, or albendazole is supposed to totally whipe out any and all parasites in the body and can cure a lot of cancers.
>>39847879i think maybe I would first go to a real doctor and ask for treatment for parasites because you know that's a big part of what doctors do right?
>>39846611Get a crucifix, get a leather belt, strip naked, and whip your ass with the belt before the crucifix while screaming “Jesus take the wheel.”
>>39847929>real doctorreal doctors hand out meth to kids who dare to daydream in class. Maybe try reading actual scientific studies and doing your own research rather than trusting indoctrinated megalomaniacs who think drinking fluoride is good for you.
How do I become a pagan without being a faggot? All these neopagans seem like faggots, but I still wanna be a pagan
>>39845950So which type of nigger are you and why do you wanna be white so bad?
>>39845950ya know only a fresh from reddit retard would be this butthurt
>>39839241this is some really retarded post modernist thinking...>can I just start worshipping Japanese ancestors and become a Shinto person??sure kid who cares that you're a fat autistic internet white person. everything is everything and it's all just a bunch of bullshit so fuck it :)
>>39839205Try it anon, the worst to that can happen is they don’t accept you. If that happens just look into finding a god that will.
>>39847827You don't need to have japanese ancestors to practice shintoism, the kamis are tied to plenty other elements.I think it's retarded how you're not able to give me a reason as to why someone shouldn't be able to practice any tradition they want.
>>39846461 is the best video on it. The "story" is a bunch of stitched together fetch quests across various times and places of occult significance that is ultimately how aliens created Atlantis and then seeded other cultures as their gods. It falls into the alien god psyop trap though.
>>39846522>alien god psyopWhaddaya a Christcuck or something?
there are at least 3 endings:> Choosing either of the two doors results in an ending in which the player is trapped in a dystopian world: > either Kether's, a technological police state, > or Malchut's, a society of forced genetic manipulation. > Both have ominous men in black overseeing the proceedings. >If the player instead chooses to open the central chamber, a scene with a group of grey aliens approaching is briefly shown, wherein they say, "We are coming, for we are Legion." >All three options lead to the same ending credits, which feature a voice-over describing the murder of Osiris.
>>39833333Kek this just happened by random chance(And the file size is 1.44gb Lel)
>>39835037>Kether's and Malkuth's opposing plans for humanity are realwhat are these paths?
I had a dream I was getting a blowjob and it felt real and I remember it vividly. When I woke up I felt euphoric and like it really happened. Tbh its the best blowjob I've ever gotten. How can I make this happen on a regular basis? It was awesome.
>>39847059"Computer, repeat succubus"
>>39847059Learn to lucid dream and make a woman there do it. Though, at that point you can just fuck her.
When did the timeline change? I estimate at least 1993 and the whole grunge takeover with Nirvana was just used as a cover-up for why fashion and Society changed so much from the 80s to early nineties. Sure you could point to demographics in that white people and white fashion culture wasn't as popular anymore, but if you look at emo and scene culture just two decades ago you will see that the timeline shifted as well. It's not just fashion changes and fads dying out it's unironic timeline shifting. Paranormally speaking what's going on here?
>>39846798shut up
>>39847302i'm serious, you like masculine features because you yourself are a bitch.
>>39847240retarded nigger fag
>>39843325???That doesn't look photorealistic at all, if anything, it looks AI generated.Its insane level of detail trends more to hyperrealism.
>>39841461>how did you conclude diet cant effect facial structure?>cant >cant
post images you find to be creepy/scary
>>39845954Gerald Gardner, founder of Wicca, at the Witches' Hall on the Isle of Man.
>>39844856>when you see it you'll shit bricks
>>39843550What you see when walking into work again
>>39844801wtf is on that tv???
>>39847978Who knows?? Shaye Saint John is the best answer I can give.
Is it true that Freemasonry is a pyramid scheme, with the Rothschilds being at the top, and do they really summon Satan into the physical realm during meetings at the Rothschild Manor?I want to self improve with other spiritual individuals but I don’t want to tithe to Satan :(
>>39845947There is not really a seperate god of freemasonry*All in all it's all YHWH worship and they are trying to rebuilt the temple of Solomon (don't take it to literally it's all all meant in a allegorical and esoteric way).I'd consider signing up myself but as I said before it's all pozzed now and seems sinister.
>>39845894>Samaelname for literally four different dudes: worship the third use-case, le demiurge, not the qlipphotic character you refer to
>>39845681Masons will take the blame for the Catholics. Put the Taser down, sister!!
>>39845681 what it means to oppose the abrahamics and the "letter of the law" I suppose.
>>39845681>Is it true that Freemasonry is a pyramid schemeYes, that's why they're so desperate to recruit new members, because they need new suckers to sustain the existing suckers. If they don't they turn into complete cannibalism and backstabbing, and the entire structure collapses on itself.
Ok so what is the deal with this? I've never experienced it fortunately, maybe because I'm not awake enough, but a tactical advisor to the German government said they discovered (or perhaps were told by aliens, I forget) that some people on Earth have no souls. Aliens sometimes inhabit these bodies for short periods for various reasons, but the majority of these philosophical zombies remain genuinely unsouled as "filler people". Combine that with the obvious fact that we live in a computer simulation and you can have the people who are really awake getting maybe dirty looks from many unrelated people for no reason. Is this what gangstalking is? I can't find much information about it. I feel like it's a real thing and not just some delusional thinking.
I just come into these threads to see people 100% fuckin nail it and explain it in the simplest terms to you morons like this post>>39838415Only to see more idiots go "u-uh NUH UH!" like >>39838484>>39839584All you morons who believe in this deserve every moment of mental torture you manufacture for yourselves inside your own broken minds.But please keep posting about it because I can't stop laughing.
>>39830357>actual mental health professionals, doctors, psychologists and psychiatristsdid you tell them you believe in fucking gangstalking lmao?
>>39847279You guys are so ficking hilarious, every professional is aware of this shit. It was even on a govermen Payd radio station today.. losers gonna lose.
>>39847462It’s hidden in plain sight. Most people don’t know that they don’t know it exists But even the ones that have heard about it don’t really understand it. So it still really doesn’t exist to them. Sadly until it happens to them they won’t wake the fuck up.
Would you like being chosen to become a vampire?Do you think life as a vampire feels better than being a human or worse?
>>39838262Eternal youth AND immortality, now that's a sweet deal if you ask me, but I'm not gonna become a vampire because I don't want to be a parasite. A vampire, with all his might and strength, is no less different, basically, to the tiny leech
>>39845418hell yea
>>39838262I hear that the only way to become a vampire and be worth it is to get turned into a vampire by a really, really old vampire. That's basically impossible, because they don't need skilless or young and vaguely skilled peons. Even if you're a wizard who has known a ton of shit and fought both the light and dark off with great efficacy they'll still likely not give enough of a fuck to turn you into a vampire because of their utter lack of needs outside of the satanic vampire apocalypse. Your most likely candidate to turn you into a vampire is going to be a 20-60 year old post-turning dickwipe who is as much a peon as you will be, and will likely put you in a worse off position than he was originally in, which basically means a minimum wage worker who gets raped if they make their burgers wrong (exaggerated for comedy's sake). You'll start out the humdrum of vampire life doing vampire thug and communication work for whoever has the human trafficking necessary to feed you, and by the time they give you the dangerous fighting job that you can't refuse you'll have found out there's no way to subvert the underground black market law that you're now caught up in as a creature of the night. If you survive your first supernaturally instigated violent encounter, you'll find yourself intermixed in the politics of being apart of or avoiding mercenary work. Congratulations! You now get to live like this until the end of days, and most people think it's around that time anyway. At least you're impotent and can't have kids anymore! You made it!!
>>39838262Who is that woman?
>>39846326This niqqa knows some shit.
A thought that recently crossed into my mind is that the reason trans people exist is because of the mandela effect.Most transgender people say that they were "born in the wrong body.">what do you mean by this?You know how people remember shirts, logos, events, etc... to be different in the past compared to the present?With them claiming that it is the work of alternate universes?Apply that to the human body, specifically sex.Say that we have a female toddler, which during the first years of development, molded a female personality.>MANDELA EFFECT!This female toddler now has a male body, but still retains the female personality.This toddler grows up, and has a feeling of wrongness with the physical body the toddler currently resides in.>And the rest is (trans) history.Thoughts? Sorry if I'm incoherent. Haven't slept for hours.
>>39843322:)>>39843349>posts unrelated picture, uglyI just like sharing happy things>>39843419I didnt say that, you know.>>39843444Ego worship, not really. Sort of ego replacement. You very much become a different self
>>39841983No. They're just insane, retarded and fell for propaganda hook, like and sinker. Literally nothing more than that.
>>39841983i think a huge part of it is, it happens all the time that souls get reincarnated as men, women, or intersex hermaphrodites. typically a soul will keep getting either an xx or xy body, but i know of a few cases where there'd be a eunuch condition along the way. idk of any cases where a soul went from having xy bodies to an xx body, or vice versa. i do know personally i was very confused as a child because i noticed people assumed i was the sex opposite from what i have (still happens), my crotch was very odd and peculiar, and i kept having nighmares revolving around a job exclusive to a specific sex.but i think most troons are just the Gods having a huge laugh. what better way to toy with the damned than make them go absolutely batshit crazy in the funniest ways possible.
>>39842006I'm a dude who's 6'4" 205lbs and having experienced what life has been like so far, yeah, it seems like life would be pretty cool if I were an attractive woman instead. It would be nice if I could get all the social benefits of being seen as a woman. I wouldn't be expected to pay for literally everything on dates. People would immediately hold doors open for me and shit. It would be kinda neat to experience that. But I'm a giant man, not a cute woman. And I'm also not mentally ill enough to think it's okay to gaslight/bully everyone around me into participating in my delusion... Like, do you really feel like a woman? When you look into the mirror do you see a woman looking back? Because 99.9999% of trans "women" are clearly just mentally ill men wearing women's clothes and clumsily putting on makeup. And that is exactly what society she's them as. Only they're too polite to say anything. Trans people have taken advantage of societies politeness and now DEMAND that you participate in they're mentally ill games. I'm a huge schlubby out-of-shape oaf... "Comfortable" isn't a word I would choose to describe the feeling I get when I look into the mirror. Sometimes life is uncomfortable. ywnbaw
>>39841983a thought/realization hit me know how troons are always goin RESPECT MUH PRONOUNS, MEMORIZE MY PRONOUNS, and oftentimes the kiddos make up a bunch of wack ass ones like bunself, or sparkleself, etc. "zie/hir" never caught on for whatever reason. it's for attention, but here's the thing:today it's nearly impossible to stay focused, to not be distracted. at work, out and about, we're bombarded with a zillion things demanding our attention. attention spans have never been lower. and seeing all these online people, e-celebs or internet pals who show their faces, that's gotta be taking up all the slots in our monkeyspheres. kids need attention to properly develop, and obviously that's been disrupted. kids put on a big show, invent problems, act out. they've got some "unclear" problem they can't articulate or pinpoint, so they assign some "reason" to it. they're neurotic because society's been disrupted, to say nothing of all the microplastics. so they combine the xeno-hormone stuff with the social scrambling and basically figure they're upset because they're not getting attention because "they're gender-weird". a problem in search of a name. maybe i don't have the words right now.they want you to memorize their pronouns because that means you're paying attention to them. they want you to repsect their favorite anime characters because they're using those as some kind of attention proxy somehow. they want you to remember them in the back of your mind, remember they're there, see them as a part of society. they are lacking in attention, and this gender weirdness happens to coincide with it.