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/x/ - Paranormal

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Where all my frens go edition!?!

To all gangstalking newcomers, do you think you’ve ever been spied on by a government or some other group? Have you ever had a coworker that didn’t seem to have reason to be there other than to keep tabs on you? What friend did you later suspect of being a mole?
>>39737725 (OP)
>>39737725 (OP)
I just tell myself that it is silly and move on.
>>39737725 (OP)
yes my neighbours and strangers
>>39737725 (OP)
Kill yourself nigger.
Ur mad
Most gangstalkers are random individuals who are demon possessed and notice you are a Christian. Also they might notice you are into conspiracy topics as well and get angry you might expose them. Don't let them win, they only have as much power as you allow.
they thought that I thought I was Jesus 2nd cumming and harrassed and stalked me
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My gangstalkers are getting fired and deported lmao.
Hallelujah! Praise Jesus!
Im sure picrel lady had no problem with the fact that my whole adulthood was practically stolen from me and other straight white dudes for the last 12 years bc we dared to be Christians.
Im watching the RFK thing now. Not that I particularly like him but seeing the left freak out about him is hilarious. Life is going good.
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Of course I don’t expect explanation, because I’m already on my own private 4chan instance.
Can you for once stop being ass holes?

Please send me a kebab as well. Mixed meat, chilli sauce, mayonnaise and salad. Thank you.
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My friend got so humiliated over the trolley incident that he stopped making the gangstalking threads.

Big up the big man in Bilston, hope you are still around. You aren't gangstalked, but I don't want anything bad to happen to you.
Fake thread, the obsessed idiot misses our attention so he makes them hemself. See the difference? We just chillin untill the man comes back with the real thing while we laugh at you, you made one yesterday aswell and got made fun off straight away and got deleted lol!!
im not christian and i still had peepoos following me around. i am defo into conspiracy stuff tho.
Please seek help for your mental delusions.
>misses our attention
reminder this entire website is just fags vying for attention. like, most other social media sites. ppl are just hungry for the tenties bro. and dont steal tenties from basic bitches cause that makes them mad
I giggled
I don't get it, why are they still livestreaming my life
Give it up jesus...
They are in love with you bro, huge gays cant stop their behavior
I was driving to the store and some guy drove up to my bumper and started tailgating me really close. I changed lanes to let him pass but he followed me to the other lane and continued to stay very close. I had to pull off to the side of the road because this guy had the most menacing aura. I try to avoid normies as much as I can but these fuckers will go out of their way to single you out and ruin your day.
Same here, he was (shooting) me with he’s headlights. Shot hem back right before hes corner, bye!
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You are confusing different Anons. This is the real deal. Us TIs need to stick together don’t fall for their tricks.
Can't tell if fake and gay honestly
I rebuked a gangstalker in my mind and they howled out like a hurt animal. It was really bizarre other people saw it and this oddly shaped lady howled two different times while in the bathroom. This is so wild and crazy this happened if you understand what im saying. I HEARD A BAD VOICE IN MY HEAD LIKE INTRUSIVE THOUGHT AND I REBUKED IT TWICE, IN MY MIND ONLY, AND THE WOMAN HOWLED TWICE WTF. This happened at the ymca and they kicked her out. I told them that is some devil shit. Is she possessed? Wtf wtf wtf
Good vid cheers
Not going to go into detail but I whitnessed broken NPCs the other day that we're just walking from one room to the other. The simulation broke for a while and the NPCs were glitching out.
Yea that reminds me of the time when my manager was working on something at the east end of the store and I walked past him and then when I got to the west end back room he was already in there working. Maybe I was just severely bored and my mind thought he somehow transported himself through a time tunnel to beat me there but I was confused.
What happened to that fed spamming all day during work hours? I hope he got fired and deported lol
rip simon
so sad
He's still here and obsessed
but he spammed 24/7 not just work hours. Then again he has no life and gangstalking is his 24/7 unpaid job.
Simon was the TI not the Gangstalker, you tard.
I still am the TI

Glowies still harassing me
Did he died? I know the shame of being humiliated about his delusions must have stung, but he didn't have to an hero.
I'm still here and you are still pretending to be other people replying to your own posts while obsessing over me.
That was my only post in this thread.

Are you Simon? Why did you go dark for a few days?
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The thread rules are still in effect.
Did you manage to get a job yet?
Because the glowies did something to me. Not going to say what they did or go into any details. That's all I'm going to say about it but I am alive and I'm still here. I'm not suicidal, not going to kill or hurt myself.
It probably wasn't glowies at all, just things in your head again.
Desperate to control me it's so pathetic, anyway I quit my job. stay obsessed.
They kicked her out for howling?
We'll always be here for you Si, were you're bestest friends.
>were you're bestest friends
Seems like you are illiterate as well.
Stop being mean, you fat retarded spastic.
I'm still waiting for you to send me a kebab. Large, mixed meat, chilli sauce and mayonnaise with salad. Some fries and a can of coke would be appreciated too.
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Where did you go for a few days? You need to explain your absence. I was worried sick. Make sure you always check in with me so I know you are OK.
it's a bit odd how they've been obsessively intently spying on me for years yet call me the weird, insane one

People whom I don't even know exist

obsessed with my every thought, movement, action

it's bizarre
You are insane, I've studied you long enough to be sure about this.
I'm not who u think I am you obsessed weirdo
Sleep well Simon.
Says whom?
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You guys like this color, blue eisenhower November bro
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I got a cat too
Stop wasting money on shoes.
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Oh yea and a car
Only if you stop posting on 4chan and leave Simon alone
Simon needs me. I'm his friend and it's important for me to check on him.
How do I get hired as a gangstalker? It sounds like one of the easiest jobs ever, all the marks have schizoaffective disorders
Almost everything you read in here is that idiot..
Everyone on /x/ is a bot except you.
Those are some intelligent bots
>>39737725 (OP)
idk people are sometimes dicks at work, whatever they're thinking, it depends on how much money I have at the time like if I'm poor and it makes me feel sad and stuff, then they just attack more and idk whatever they're saying lines up with me being sad lol like saying I'm on heroine, nope just sad bc you are bullying me. it's bullshit shit has ruined my life
I'm usually the one who gets attacked by everyone so I don't bother with salary jobs and try to avoid people as much as possible. Yet they go out of their way to follow me around in public and attack me anyway.
Isn’t it weird how your coworkers get paid the same as you but they have so many more things like cars and house and clothes and go on vacations? How the hell does that work?
I'm not a fed or an idiot.
They don't waste money on addictions like drugs or gambling.
Where is my special guy?
Where's my kebab?
Kebabs are available from takeaways and via delivery. I suggest you walk because you need the exercise.
I can't afford one, I'm asking you to send me one please. Large, mixed meat with chill sauce and mayonnaise. Some fries and a can of coke would be appreciated too.

Already had some exercise today.
OK what's the address bossman
You know my address and don't call me boss, I'm no ones boss.
>Implying that anyone here is intelligent
Stop saying obsessed.
ur so obsessed holy shit
Gangstalking isn't real.
Everyone is super nice to each other all of the time.
Take meds please.
>gangstalkers mad because this is the first thread not made by them
Your brain doesn't know what's real from one moment to the next.
Settle down please.
I think gangstalking happens a lot more organically than people think.
Those are just accidents and coincidences.
No, they're not. I've seen behind the veil. It's really fucking boring back there. People are assholes and do fucked up shit because they can. It does happen. I've even seen the leaderboards.
Right, some people are assholes. It's not gangstalking.
It's organized, hence the leader boards. It's just also incredibly mundane.
This aint a game dude, stalkers want you to literally die.
It's very much like a game. And a couple of people that play the game would like me to commit suicide, yeah.
>We’re the gang stalkers, buddy, and we’re everywhere
>When you see a gang stalker than you better beware
>We follow you around in our bright red cars
>We’re all gang stalkers and we know where you are
You are so proud of yourself while the real stalkers arent happy with what they have done. You look so hilariously pathetic its unbelievable
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>I know a gang stalker in the secret police
>He burned all the records of the recent deceased
>Two weeks later, and the time has passed
>Nobody missing, no questions asked

You dont know shit lol, fucking nerd
You are not gangstalked, OK?
I am not obsessed, OK?
Ok stalker, ur pathetic, anyway. keep being obsessed about me gay boy.
The rules are there to protect you. Please follow them.
Send kebab, now please.
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Get it yourself.
I would if I had a job. Why don't I have a job again?
Because you are mentally ill and think you are being gangstalked, and you self-sabotage and blame all your problems on gangstalkers who "from the age of 13" have tormented you, given you fake job offers and fake interviews, etc.

This is all in your head.
It’s still not worth it to get a job you boomer. Once they at least double the wages and decrease the rent it will be again.
That's what happens when you flood a country with low wage immigrants and artificially inflate the demand for housing.
I would still appreciate a kebab please.
> we are the Targeted Individuals, faggots, and we are strong
> when you see us in our homes and on the street you better not look too hard
> we know that you know that we think what you don’t know
> we are the targeted individuals you better be aware
>>39737725 (OP)
Not me, but my father was being actively spied on by secret services before I was born.
>>39737725 (OP)
A friendly warning for any gangstalkers reading this thread, your handlers see you as nothing more than cannon fodder:

The purpose of the surveillance is control. They monitor everyone, even using the children of surveillance people in grade schools to build files on other children, with an eye to making sure nobody from outside the conspiracy can ever rise high enough to potentially expose it, or threaten its control.

In the course of these operations, some individuals who cannot be suppressed any other way, will encounter what the East Germans called Zersetzung – a harassing surveillance, where all of a sudden, one day, tons of random people from your community suddenly begin following you, cutting you off in traffic, giving you the finger, or otherwise making nuisances of themselves.

This is me, hi!
Funny thing is, why do you target me if you dont want to be exposed.. dumb ass idiots
Alright gangstalkees, answer me this one simple question.

Why would anyone care enough to do any of this to you?
Also, every gangstalker has been used for stalking as they were a kid. Non of the interections you had with your parents were real, they used you to stalk others. Conversation, feelings, pictures, life lessons.. your own parents fucked you jn the brain.
Easy question PUNK. I have really nice legs
Yeah well, they must have felt pretty bad about it later on. lmao.
If you're really him, what other advice would you give to the TIs in this thread? People here in this general have been complaining about the beaming
>>39737725 (OP)
>schizo thread
[x] doubt
To me the so called “beaming” is a traumatic responce to the brain. Nobody is zapping you, its trauma on specific monents inplanted while the torgering happend. Eat, drink, sleep well.
This can be a programmes thought stream or a feeling. Variates from feelings your brainstructure comes with after being burned out/tortured. Scan the brain and youll see big differences from a normal brain. To feelings you get from other people, like cringe shit.
Literally me
>>39737725 (OP)
I have literally, confirmed, been spied on by a private investigation firm hired by a government ministry because of an organisation I used to work for.

It's not that exciting, I saw a weird van on my street a few times, that was it.
lol this shit is proof Gods a turbo kike
why do i deserve to be slow killed by microwave weapons but my normie sociopathic family members get to vacation with dolphins and have life delivered to them on a silver platter
theyre literally all sociopaths too and involved in way worse than i can prove.
theres no fucking god lol
if there is hes pure evil
i have no hobbies
no friends
no real family
nothing just 24/7 torture and doing drugs to try to make it go away
theres a consequence for doing this to people and youre not going to like it
lol, pathetic
After watching a recent YouTube video about gangstalking I confirmed what I have known all along. I am 100% certain I am a targeted individual on the employment blacklist. I graduated with a finance degree and started working for the banks right out of college. I have several lifetime career projects including 2 bank mergers at C-level and creating JP's trade surveillance. I have worked for Deloitte, JP, IBM, PwC, Wells, RJ, and a startup. I specialize in emerging tech, AI, ML and cybersecurity. I have never been convicted of any serious crimes and over the past 4 years have applied to over 300 jobs. Now cant even get a job at Costco, Rosies Casino, or any other corporate place. I am also getting blacklisted by all local businesses which is very suspicious considering my resume and past experience. Since covid I have been targeted and consistently followed, surveilled, 2 different fake random charges that put me in jail and lasted over two years only for everything to get dropped day of trial, and everything else you can imagine thrown at me. They also try to burn your credit and trash your reputation. Next is foreclosure. They want you homeless. I am tagged as a high risk individual. I would like to share my resume and get your thoughts and advice in case someone might have an opportunity for me. I basically. have no choice but to get off the grid. Luckily I am extremely good at trading options which is the only reason I am alive. Lately I have been being surveilled from my condo. They are trying to drive me insane and get me tagged as insane. I believe I am in phase 3. Is anyone else in a similar situation.
I had a ex who I believe was part of the inside. Both of her dads were attorneys and she got some prestigious awards from the WH. On my birthday she came over after avoiding me all day. She was not even my type but I was just bored and curious. We had sex where she started going crazy stating this was my last time. 1/?
Next thing you know she was chocking me while she was on top. I could not breath. Then she spayed me with mace all over my body and bed. I jumped up and told her to get out of my condo. Next thing you know cops are at my door. I am completely maced up naked and in pain and trying to talk to the police. They said they wanted her stuff that belongs to her. So I grabbed her duffle bag and tossed it to the cops. What I did not realize she stole my work laptop, cellphone, and a bunch of other stuff. I literally handed over all my belongings to the cops not knowing. So it goes dark and we never talk to each other again. After about 5 months I am at a bar and police show up randomly checking peoples IDs. I thought they were going for underage so I handed mine over. When I did, I was immediately cuffed. They said I had some strange charges around Revenge Porn. I immediately denied this but the forced me to go to jail. The strange thing is they were not the cops from the right precent. So I ended up in a different county's jail. They refused to let me use the phone or I had to wait for arraignment. I talk to what looks like a 16 year old guy in charge of all the arraignments and he said we are going to hold your for the night. Next thing you know they asked me if I was crazy and as I stated no they surrounded me and put on a straight jacket. So instead of the in and out process I get hailed to what they call the Shoe. Its where the Crazy People in Jail are. For some reason they tossed me naked and put me in what the other inmates refer to as the Holiday Inn. This was basically 4 sided window glass cell with nothing but a drain on the floor.
lmao sure dude. what were these two mysterious "fake charges"
So I am in the Shoe, naked in a straight jacket and they told me that in the Shoe no phone calls are allowed. Well WTF and I said its Friday. I knew from being a teenager anyone who gets locked up for a drunk in public or DUI or any charge on a Fri more than likely you will be stuck there until Monday when the judge sees you during arraignment. I have never been convicted of any crimes previous and have a clean slate besides a few speeding tickets where i was also being targeted in a short span period. I had to stop driving but that is a different part of this story. So apparently weird shit happens in the Shoe. All the guards and a few loose inmates who clean have a weird strange relationship. So they tried to force me to take meds and after i faked it I sat naked on the floor of my holiday inn. What happened next was more fucked up. I am not sure if they were trying to mind fuck me or what. The next 4 hours the guards are blasting music and talking to a few inmates who were loose from their cells which seemed strange. After it goes dark which it never does in the Shoe b/c they dont turn the lights off. Literally you sleep with lights on. I am trying to sleep and next thing I hears is 4 guards pass my cell and go to the next holiday inn which is right beside me. There are only 4 of these weird cells in all of the Shoe and only the worse are supposedly in one. as the night gets later and somehow, me, a banker, trader, with no criminal record was stuck in one. The next thing I hear is kind of paranormal but the inmate next to me starts streaming and talking like the devil literally. He starts bashing his head in the glass front door to the point it cracks. Next thing I know 4 guards march past my cell and go in his. They put some type of blanket so I couldnt see in. All I could hear was what sounded like him getting strapped in. Next I am positve they whipped him over and over for the next 20 minutes.
Sorry for the dragged out story. Its a holiday so a little buzzed. Getting to the point and this is just the first fake charge. So the next day is freaking Sat and of course they tell me I cant leave the Shoe until a psych sees me and clears me as sane and of course she is not working until Monday. So I am thinking three nights more of this hell in the holiday inn in the Shoe. I try to keep my mind off things but it was too weird. Things get weirder. So apparently part of the Shoe program they allow inmates that are good to leave cells and clean i.e. mop. And after a while they have strange relationships with the guards. Only certain guards work the Shoe. Well I guess they had a program which sounds too stupid to be true. They would eventually let certain inmates on good behavior pick up their own prescriptions from the local pharmacy if they were in need or completely out of a medication. Well unknown to me, they had been surveilling some of the inmates who surprise surprise were sneaking in heroin and other drugs. So the very next day, after that paranormal experience, with the inmate speaking tongues, and guards whipping him, there is a fucking sting operation from the inmates sneaking in the drugs. Apparently I was told after a few hours go by the inmates from the Shoe ended up holding 2 females hostage and a shoot out breaking out in the parking lot of the jail. This was brushed by media / insiders b/c there is no record of it. I looked when I finally got out and found nothing. Super strange. I just basically know cause of my timing in the Shoe. Sunday was extremely quiet, everyone in the shoe is like zombies all pilled up all the time. They literally have pill sessions every 4 hours during a 24 hr period. This has to be on purpose. Monday comes and this freaking Karen comes in and I am told its the psych. She walks past my holiday inn and ignores me and I am trying to get her attention. Hours go by nothing.
They follow me around because they think I'm crazy so they're trying to make me even more crazy. Jokes on them, I'm actually sane and boring.
That's pretty fucked up the government can just call you a schizo and lock you up like that. Makes me feel like I'm living in a soviet hellhole.
The psych never came back. I waited all day Monday, pacing the small cell until my legs ached. Nobody brought food or water, and the guards who had been walking the corridors earlier were suddenly gone. It didn’t make sense. The quiet felt heavier than anything else that had happened so far.
By Monday night, something changed. The lights overhead dimmed, buzzing faintly, and I started hearing noises. Not shouting or banging like before, but subtle sounds—a scrape here, a faint knock there. At first, I thought I was imagining it. Then I heard it clearly: a dragging sound, like something heavy being pulled down the hallway.
I pressed myself against the glass door, trying to see down the corridor. Nothing. But the sound kept getting closer, slow and deliberate. Monday drags on in the Shoe. I think maybe it is Tuesday now. Time has become meaningless, and my sense of reality is unraveling. My body is becoming stiff from sleeping on the cold floor. Like I said the lights are never turned off so I can’t even tell day from night anymore. The only indication that time is passing is the routine distribution of pills to the inmates, and the guards making their rounds.
Hours pass, and I hear something outside my cell. At first, I think it’s just another inmate losing it, but then I realize it’s coming from the cell next to mine—the one where the guy was beaten the night before. A low, wet gurgling noise, like someone trying to breathe through a throat full of blood. Then a soft, rhythmic thud. Over and over, like someone banging their head against the glass again.
I sit up and press my ear against the wall. The noise stops abruptly. Silence. Then, without warning, the most guttural, primal scream I’ve ever heard rips through the air. It’s the kind of scream that makes your blood turn to ice, filled with pain and terror. It goes on for what feels like forever. Then there’s a loud crash, a scuffle, and the sound of something heavy being dragged across the floor. A guard shouts for backup, but I don’t hear anyone else coming. Just footsteps. Heavy, deliberate. Then silence again.
I press my forehead against the glass, straining to see what’s happening. A figure passes by my cell—one of the guards, but he looks…off. His uniform is wrinkled. His eyes look hollow like he hasn’t slept in days. His skin looks almost waxy, like he’s decaying while still alive. I think he must be pale or sick or something. He stops in front of my cell and stares at me. Doesn’t say a word. Just stares. I don’t blink. I don’t breathe. After what feels like an eternity, he turns and walks away, disappearing around the corner. I don’t know if it was some kind of intimidation technique or another ploy to try and drive me crazy but whatever it was, it creeped the fuck out of me.
Like I said, it is what I assume is Tuesday and the psych has still not come back to see me. Instead, they send in two other guards, both silent, both avoiding eye contact. They unbuckle the straps of the straight jacket and motion for me to stand. I do as I’m told. My body is aching from the floor. They cuff me, but not in front like usual—behind my back, tight enough to make my wrists throb.
They lead me out of the Shoe and down a hallway I don’t recognize. We pass doors that look reinforced, thicker than the others. From behind them, I hear faint noises. It sounds like scratching and mechanical humming. One of the doors has deep scratches near the bottom.
We stop at a checkpoint where another guard is waiting. He looks down at a clipboard and nods. He mumbles something about a release order and how they need to release me now. The two guards beside me say nothing. They don’t even remove my cuffs. They just shove me forward. I stagger through a doorway and find myself in a small, windowless room with a single desk. My belongings what little were left are laid out neatly in front of an officer who barely acknowledges me. He tells me to “sign here” I scribble my name on the release form with hands that barely function because of the cuffs. The cuffs are finally removed and I have deep red marks on my wrists. The officer slides my ID and a plastic bag of personal items across the desk without looking up.
Then as I turn to leave, he mutters under his breath that he will “see me soon” I just freeze. All I can think in my head is wtf. No one even acknowledged that I was there when I turned around. It was like I just didn’t exist anymore. I don’t know what this is all for. I don’t know what they are trying to achieve but I seriously do not want to go back into that fucking place ever again.
>theres a consequence for doing this to people and youre not going to like it
Making threats again? You need to be locked up before you hurt someone over a delusion.
glowie detected. leave the gangstalking thread if you don't believe us asshole
stfu, retard
The way they just repeat the same taunts from different areas leads me to believe it's some AI robotic shit
Or just really really dumb humans
The way the police were drooling at the mouth hoping to rack up some criminal charges on me

Grasping at straws lmao

I barely do anything lmao

Wasting their time on me meanwhile Suckdeep and Jamal just robbed their 10th car/house of the day around the corner
glowie alert
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Could you stop committing crimes maybe?
I is innocent
Very cool man
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just stop poking holes in the narratives they've spent decades of work on.
Stop using real people's emotions they spam on /pol/ as a KPI for succuss.
I took my meds and now the voices went away. Thank you meds!
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I've been on meds and still hear what are clearly human voices in mine
What do
I don't get it
I am the Original OP and the one who is a true TI who was actually in this hell hole Shoe Holiday Inn. I was blasted for not doing green text so I took a break or ignored the thread for a few days. I saw it was archived....Someone continued my story without me and it does not hold a handle on the real truth of this TI. I will continue for those interested. Please remember this is only the first fake 1 charge. This was the start / beginning of when I first became a TI. At the time I just left PriceWaterhouse Coopers this was the true start of becoming a TI
Are they really trying to drive me to homelessness? I've experienced voice 2 skull and bodily sensations, which I suspect to be non-lethal weapons, radio waves aimed at my body
She walks past my holiday inn and ignores me and I am trying to get her attention. Hours go by nothing. Its Monday. She waits literally until 4:45 pm EST and she finally walks in my holiday inn. At this point I havent showered or used the phone. She allows me to take a quick shower and gets guards to escort me with a 3 min limit while guards watch. No water pressure just dripping drops of freezing water. So when done, she says what am i doing here? I tell here I have no fucking clue. I told her I am not crazy. She says she knows and then after 2 minutes walks out of my cell. Guards says ### your free to go. So I am thinking I am finally about to go home and get out of this hell whole. Then reality sets. I am told """ get your shit your headed to general population. Still without a phone call or arraignment. Now i am like WTF is going on.
is this real
Probably not since he claimed to be the OP of this thread which he is not since I am. Hopefully not true but you can’t trust someone who’d lie for no reason.
So I finally get to leave this hell hole Holiday Inn Shoe only to go to general population which the guard says is heaven compared to the Shoe. I still believe the guards and inmates are having inappropriate relations on an extreme level sexually and with drugs. So I am now in general population (tagged) not knowing what to think. Hoping for a phone call to get me out of this hell hole. So I get to general population and some inmate is trying to be extra nice to me. They tell me I need a code to use the phone and I should of got it when first arrested. Well I am without this majic code that would allow me to use the shared phone within this cell cube within the general population. So after 3 hours of being in general population and no phone call no arraignment over the loud speaker they say ### get your shit. Next thing I know inmates are asking if they can have my shirt and toiletries b/c I am getting out. I am thinking god and blessing that I am about to be out of this hell hole. So i am getting dressed all happy and ecstatic thinking I am finally leaving this hell hole. As I am getting dressed a guard is laughing and he says now its time to get you to the correct district. You are being transported to **** district. Apologies but due to COVID we were just assisting the other district until they can process you. I am like WTF is going on
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/gangstalking/ Anonymous

But I am the OP of my TI story which someone continued or pretended to be me. I was in the Shoe and a reminder this is the start of my TI journey and only the first fake charge
no you aren't wtf this is my story. why are you lying and pretending to be me and changing my story????>>39764387
this story is the real one fuckin weirdo
tell us the other / more dude
I am going to ignore the trolls and fake OPs. Their story cant compete with the real truth. Time stamp 625 EST leaving my wifi connection but here is the continuation until I am able to access more wifi. I am off the grid. Today was targeted by LDS who is part of the TI.
See a doctor
the way they insult me I can tell they've never been punched in the face before
Physical violence isn't the answer.
>>>/pol/496273265 Elon calls out shady CIA!
Hop in my thread guys, can someone with an X account measage Elon if he could look in to the stalking/torturing the CIA does world wide?
>>39737725 (OP)
Thanks for signaling to the world that you are a permavirgin over the age of 30 who sustains itself by shoveling shit out of its pants directly into its mouth.

If you think that you are being stalked by the feds, you need to be forcibly admitted to a psychiatric hospital for a MINIMUM of 6 months. Your brain is seriously broken.
This is it guys, take the train while we can. Spam elon about this shit
You are grown men who shit your own pants. The richest man in the world couldn't possibly care about you. You are trash.
Tour attitude tells me anough, thanks
Keep digging yourself deeper into lies and delusion. Hopefully you end up harming yourself.
How delusional are you that you think Elon Musk cares about your mental delusions?
You don't deserve the right to a brain.
Fuck your silly jobs! Leave us alone
You can make it all end right now. You have one way out. You know what it is. You better take it.
New thread elon cia. >>>/pol/496276456
Stop spamming your /pol/ shit. Nobody cares.
Stfu midget
Spamming is against the rules. Also, like in real life, no one cares about you.
Spamming is saying the same shit over and over again like you been doing for months, think they care about this?
You are a very stupid "person".
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>Sen. Marshall leads effort demanding USAID ceases EcoHealth Alliance funding
>Records show EcoHealth Alliance materially violated grant requirements, failed to disclose COVID-19 research at Wuhan Institute of Virology
Interesting, normally this guy spreads fud, but in this case there's a connection in funding. My critique is this aspect is privileged over the more damaging political reason for conducting MERS research to begin with (namely as it existentially terrifies a particular group who couldn't conduct the same research in the US)
This is how you sound to everyone, including when you pretend (yes, pretend) that people are stalking you, when you know that they aren't. You can't even imagine how transparent you are. Rope.
Wow good article!
Ignore this faggot, hes been spamming gangstalker threads for months. Message elon!!
This site is a containment board meant for the Observers
You've been lying about your lot in life for years. It's over. You're done. You'll never make anything out of yourself. You'll never convince anyone that you're important. Because you're not. You're scum.
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>This is how you sound to everyone, including when you pretend (yes, pretend) that people are stalking you, when you know that they aren't.
A very lazy attempt at gaslighting

>You can't even imagine how transparent you are.
Every accusation is a confession
You eat your own feces.
Hop in and keep it alive!
Once you're a saudi prince you could afford to have an idol do that to you
Come on guys this is our chance to make 4chan great again, sounds cringe i know but we havent done enything BIG for a while.
Stfu idiot, we provided info on motoranon. What did you do? Exactly, nothing but gaslighting and spamming
Gangstalking doesn't exist. You are a compulsive liar.
You seem mad we used to be better than you in researching shit. You just look up anime faggot shit and post it in here. MESSAGE ELON!
Gangstalking doesn't exist. Your father figure Elon doesn't care about you. At least he's similar to your real father in that regard.
you couldn't glow harder if you tried.
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Hes pissed its all going to be over soon. Scared rat. Please message Elon!
>Gangstalking doesn't exist.
Tell that to lolcows.
I can accomplish anything through the power of Christ.
>power of Christ
Why do you love lies so much if you claim to be Christian? LARP much?
Why does this obvious paid fed faggot obsessively sit in this thread 24/7
Trys to report hem, disnt work. Instead got a warning for wrongful reporting. Make of it you want yourself
It's most likely a mod/janny
War is going at full force, would help if enyone messaged Elon on X about this stalking situation CIA seems to know alot about. Tax money goes brrrrrrr
>It files a false report, which is against the rules
>Gets reprimanded with a warning, not even a ban
You rats make me so sick.
That’s because i never report enyone besides that faggot
New Elon thread. https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/496294414#bottom
No one responded. You smell like feces.
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEHRoT6b9OE [Embed]
content farmed
The last thread they didnt indeed, as it wasnt needed.. point made
No more outlandish claims of gangstalking today?
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RIP Simon
I'm alive but you will never stop obsessing over me
You're obsessed with us, we're just reciprocating.
Lol, lmao even. Haven't even thought about you, just checked this thread and saw that you are here obsessing over me.

Why you even make posts about me?
AAAAAAA I'm so startled
Every second of your waking life is taken up by thinking about gangstalkers.
Do you feel "found out"? That everybody knows you are not gangstalked.
I imagine you can't stand these threads now.
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Gang stalking is simply a form of community mobbing and organized stalking combined. Just like you have workplace mobbing, and online mobbing, which are both fully recognized as legitimate, this is the community form.
Gang stalking is organized harassment at it's best. It the targeting of an individual for revenge, jealousy, sport, or to keep them quite, etc.

It's organized, widespread, and growing. Some describe this form of harassment as, "A psychological attack that can completely destroy a persons life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators."

2. Who gets targeted

The people getting targeted seem to be (single) woman, minorities, outspoken individuals, whistle blowers, dissidents, people who have gone against large corporations, etc.

3. Goals of this hate campaign.

The goal is to sensitize the target to a stimuli, isolate the target, make them destitute. The secondary goals seem to be to make the target homeless, jobless, give them a breakdown, and the primary goals seems to be to drive the target to suicide.

4. Who gang stalks.

The surprising thing is that gang stalkers can be found in every level of society. There is no real age barrier, gender barrier, and a variety of races do participate. In almost every occupation in society you can find people who are going along with this.

Gang stalking for many is seen as a game, a sport to be played with another individuals life. Many do not understand or care that the end consequence of this game is to destroy a person.
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5. Why they gang stalk.

"It is conceivable that the participants in the harassment don't even know why the person has been targeted, nor would most of these individuals have any personal stake in harassing the victim.

- Gang stalking is an both an addictive behavior as well as a form of entertainment for the stalkers. There is a vicious kind of pleasure that they derive from bullying their victim. Clearly they like the feeling of being "in control".

Like our society's current obsession with "reality TV", this activity must inevitably gain popularity as the ultimate experience of "reality" entertainment. To the perpetrators, their targets are merely their prey, in a game that never ends. But make no mistake, whatever the reasoning behind it, this is a vicious and calculated hate crime."

-Others are blackmailed or forced into taking part in this activity.

-Others go along with it because they want to fit in and feel part of something that is large and powerful.

-Some are part of community groups who believe they are targeting an undesirable.

-Some are part of the informant groups within cities.
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6. Methods used against targets.

a) Classical conditioning.

Getting a target sensitized to sounds, colors, patterns, actions. Eg. Red, white, yellow, strips, pens clicking, key jangling, coughing, sneezing, whistling, fingers snapping, clapping, etc.

b) 24/7 Surveillance

This will involve following the target everywhere they go. Learning about the target. Where they shop, work, play, who their friends and family are. Getting close to the target, moving into the community or apartment where they live, across the street. Bugging targets phone, house, computer activity.

c) Isolation of target.

This is done via slander campaigns, and lies. Eg. Saying the target is a thief, into drugs, a prostitute, pedophile, crazy, in trouble for something, needs to be watched. False files will even be produced on the target, shown to neighbours, family, store keepers.

d) Noise and mimicking campaigns.

Disrupting the targets life, sleep with loud power tools, construction, stereos, doors slamming, etc. Talking in public about private things in the targets life. Mimicking actions of the target. Basically letting the target know that they are in the targets life. Daily interferences, nothing that would be too overt to the untrained eye, but psychologically degrading and damaging to the target over time.
Visit http://www.gangstalking.ca to see more details.

e) Every day life breaks and street theater.
7. Where can you get help if you are a target?

Use these great links to learn more and to get help.

1. http://www.gangstalking.ca
2. http://catchcanada.org/
3. http://www.rich-essence.com

8. Gang stalking is an illegal form of harassment.

However when targets seek help they still get quite a bit of resistance. Some people in today's society even try to pass gang stalking off as a form of paranoia, even though the meetings in Toronto are held out of the Toronto Rape Crisis Center and many woman's support groups and crisis centers are now aware of gang stalking, and even training their workers to deal with this form of harassment.

In Korea the online version of this is well acknowledged and has even been written about in the International Herald Tribune.

Gang stalking has also been recognized by members of the mobbing community.
http://www.mobbing-usa.com & http://www.gangstalking.ca

The problem with gang stalking just like other urban slang is that it has not been normalized in society, and until it is people will continue to misunderstand this modern day reincarnation of several old time harassment's.

Eg. Gang stalking is similar to what the KKK used against blacks in the south, what Hitlers Brown Shirts used against the Jews, and what the organized harassment the Stasi used against dissidents in East Germany.

It can be hoped that with enough education and understanding this issue will someday become normalized in society and that there will be enough understanding and support for targets.
Also, if you are one of the schizos in this thread then you aren't actually gangstalked. You need psychiatric help.
Take your meds.
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OK we'll take the pills together. You first.
Take your pills.
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I am ready to take them. Do you have yours ready?
Where is Simon?
Why are you losers so desperate to convince everyone that gangstalking is real, when it obviously isn't?
You’re a fucking genius. Please retype me the following if that’s what you believe.

Two or more people have never spied on or messed with a person before.
Goods posts anon, its all true and happening to me. Why? Still dont know and probably never will, i do get why they do it. They do it because they are scared of the unknown and need protection in life.
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The poos and leftist will realize they will make more as free men than subject to the british crown and Co.
Crown Royal is an example.
Used to love it.
But if Canada is not going to be put to good use then screw it.
They import people to be subjects of the king and collect taxes.

All Canadians, foreign and domestic, are being sold out for CHEAP by Trudeau.
They could make so much money by being part of America, NO TARIFFS, NO BORDER TAXES,
It is such a golden opportunity like with Jews and their Holocaust aftermath.
So much land and resources not being utalized and for what? So scarcity is abundant in Canada?
I feel bad for Canadians, especially the ones that haven't figured it out yet. They will

Mexico probably has more to offer the US, thats just the sad truth. Canada is a failed tax zone for british subjects.
Welcome to the british empire.

If you noticed the UN troops vs Israel Troops firing at each other in Lebanon you will see the in-fighting.
British Royal Family trying to subjugate America And Israel.

Thing about Tariffs too is
If pump drills that cheaper energy will offset the cost.

This is all theoretical in the making but is the conclusion I am leaning towards.

Israel and US vs British Royalty
ISAID is closed! Shady CIA next??
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Yeah and GL catching me because If you arrest me then you are a homophobic racist antisemite that doesn't respect Latinx Jewish advocates for Nazism.


Who has every looked out for the best interest of SOULS, of all people: Jews, non-jews, non-Christians, even satanist and witches.

Ask for healing
Ask for the Holy Spirit
Talk to God in private and be completely open.

John 14:27: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

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>Who has every looked out for the best interest of SOULS, of all people: Jews, non-jews, non-Christians, even satanist and witches.
Forgot to add muslims, and any religous fighter. I look out for their souls too.
>Allah says Attack the Soviet Union
This shit is Satanic no matter how you look at it, National Security? Putting words in the mouth of God to create toy soldiers who will kill in the name of their god?
This is satanic by nature and our intel agencies are doing this.
This is a RED LINE we do not want to cross.
>Hath god said
is the devil, he quoutes scripture, out of context and construres it.
Im not okey with subverting Islam, even though I see the national security implications, the potential benefits of it. I feel it will make things worse, it has that satanic, serpent nature to it.

>Allah says to attack Soviet Union
10 years later
Allah says to attack twin towers for making us puppets and saying Allah said that.
>12 years kater
Allah says to attack syra AND LYBIA'
CIA next!
No one has ever spied on or messed with you before. People generally avoid you because you don't wipe or shower.
Bit off topic you guys are lately arent yall?
We are redpilling the gangstalkers. They’ll turn on their masters in due time.
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Agreed. Clearly nobody took meds.
Awfully quiet. Must be up to no good.
RIP Simon. I hope you haven't done anything rash.
Good, there are lots off people to be saved on both sides.
Because beaners and rich faggots delight in wasting working class white people's time and cut mw off while I'm trying to get around the big clump of sheeple in teslas and 2020-newer goycuck alum-plastic-styrofoam cars. The slaves love their chains and hate seeing someone break the mold, it's like to them by driving fast using left lane to avoid the herd of 20 cars all close together I insulted them and I'm disrespectfully not showing them the expected courtesy of getting in line behind and letting them block off all 4-5 lanes at 65 the exact speed limit. It's true, I find nothing to respect about them, I am not legally compelled to abide their expectation but they are a hive mind attempting to get more people to just join them and travel as a pack. Usually a tesla or a white mercedes, the vehicular epoch of conformity, with "driver auto-assist" (demonic) computer preprogrammed control functions, set cruise control to 65, and other non-lucid soulless demographics that fit perfectly into corporate target consumer charts, start queueing up behind them and next to them driving the same speed in other lanes left and right beside, until they compose a huge dense crowd keeping perfectly the speed limit with 2-second distance gaps between them, they view this as safe easy driving because they can turn off their brain and prevent any critical thinking, which is uncomfortable for them and makes them stop daydreaming about the newest netflix show, the sportsball game, or whatever gray, sanitized kosher bread and circus has been shat out of their smarttv into their eye and earholes. To them, I shatter their "meditation" mental digestion of entertainment filth, coming in hot on the left with my spiderweb windshield and cracked bond-o showing, daringly showing no regard to their fleeting mini-hegemony of cattle-golem-co-consumerists. They must act quickly to force me into submission, and jut suddenly into the left lane.
This sounds exactly like the people that use their horn all in shock(cus wow something unusual happend)because i use the emergency lane in the middle to pass a slow goer on a 50 lol! Stop holding me down and move!!
Exactly bro it's so annoying. I don't know if it is gangstalking but happens alll the time anytime I am on the freeway. I usually get around em without too much trouble but they take me down from 80 just to waste a minute of my time when they could so easily just stay with the pack they've created.
If thats the only thing you experience its not gangstalking. Its just that alot of people cant drive normally and tripp on everything thats not the standard
I would like to advise all surveillance agencies. gang stalkers and their corporate backers that it makes much better financial sense to just give me a 1-2 acre plot of land with a small cottage in the country to tend to than spend trillions of dollars attempting to monitor and control me. I'll await the deposits into my accounts totaling no less than 10 million due to inflation and damage which you caused. I want a settlement and reparations in a prompt and timey manner.
>4. Who gang stalks.
I also think it can be a single person with the actual agenda that can influence others around the target to stalk the target unbeknownst of their being used intentionally. For example the main stalker plants the rumor and people spread it due to human nature. The end result enlists everyone into the agenda.
https://www.pressreader.com/uk/daily-mail/20210609/282123524446185 Stasi torture methods, almost exactly the same as gangstalking
“Stasi's 'no touch' torture: It was the East German secret police's most terrifying weapon - gaslighting mind games that drove its own citizens mad... and the lessons for today's social media generation couldn't be more stark”
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I hell deck all Earth out like this now to grasp victory, it certainly will help things alot. I invented have a device.

Spooky pic extent

Activated cia change reptile dominance in random neighbourhood state. Follow 2
Man, they just spread lies and contact neighbors with false information to spie/torture you. Nothing changed, history repeats it self. Stay off social media lads
Seems the stasi disnt care if you actually did something wrong. They just torture you into giving in you did it, while you didnt. Not giving a fuck about the outcome of ones health or mental state. Fuck m all!
Do they do it forever? A couple years ago when we used to do activism people would drive by taking pictures of my friends' and my houses and random "joggers" always coming up to our houses and stopping, phones would get hot and sometimes not work, then it for the most part stopped. Its still hard to get a job but I am also doxxed by antifa so that might be why, if the gangstalking has stopped.
Zersetzung or "decomposition" is what they called how they drove people crazy. I've read the TAPS program post 911 reached 1/25 Americans.

Foreign state actors also gangstalk their dissidents on American soil like that illegal police station in Chinatown NYC and probably much less overt ways. I think there's some plants local to me that on other assignments. One comes off as a fed glowie HOA type and that's keeping an eye on more than one foreign family that could have their own agendas. They could all be watching each other and I wouldn't be surprised. Be careful with the Nextdoor app. It's a gangstalker's dream for neighborhood surveillance with the potential for great harm.

Another anon posted this site American Stasi that's pretty cool.
Obsessing over me again....
Geneva come here last warning we under duress

Or mee
Glad you are OK
Simon, guess what!
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Gangstalking is overt, being spied on through your phone is covert.
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Gonna buy these in april they come back out
based I had those when I was a little kid. Memory unlocked
You're obsessed?
And there goes the CIA bye idiots!
Hahaha the mentally ill man still going! Take your meds idiot!
I'm glad to have Simon as a friend.
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>Imagine being this obsessed over someone
No one is your friend. No one is actually stalking you. the Whole TI bullshit makes you a target for ridicule and constant bullying because you are so weak. It's not a collective it's just that you people are so easy to fuck with.
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>go on a date with a girl
>she doesn't know that you are being stalked
>she is flabbergasted, confused and scared by the amount of street theater bordering of psychical assault and stalkers spitting on you
>never see her again
lol that didn't happen
Pretty sure one of my last bosses was one
>comes to US after Ukraine War
>did a lot of grifting things like public speeches for tech drones
>talks about strange things like going shopping during the beginning of the war
>constantly wanted me to share my life with her
>she puts in her two week notice suddenly, leaving me in a bad spot with a shitty manager
>leaves me with another Ukrainian bitch that was out for blood and had me fired despite being told about a possible promotion
I think they gave up on me and had me fired for not spilling the beans about my personal life. My punishment was to see 30k go out the window + potential debt
https://youtu.be/-aCxxnpPgDc [Embed]
>>39737725 (OP)
Anons... I checked an old e-mail of mine and I got a mail from a fed four days ago. I'm not fucking joking. They literally sent me my online usernames, full name and credentials from different websites.

What can I do? The name of the account was a fake identity impersonating a random girl. This is creepy as fuck.
Kebab pls?
Did you have fun at your probation meeting?
So uh.... was I actually being targeted? My January was much more peaceful. Did the agents get fired lmao I graduated I'm free again
I'm still getting synchronicities, saying something allowed and then the Youtube/Video/Streamer says what I say immediately. I got a lapis lazuli obelisk recently think it's helping
Do you have fun obsessing over me? I'm not even on probation anymore.
what were you on probation for?
>>39737725 (OP)
Chaos and Gaia are real
NO you are not getting a kebab. Have a shower stinky boy and walk to the kebab place.
So relevant.
Srsly guys why does this safehouse have a broken toilet?
Shoe OP back if anyone wants continuation
>>39737725 (OP)
>other group
>yes, they suddenly freeze, get wide eyes and whisper a specific phrase before telling me something out-of-pocket
coworkers are also programmed to be horrible and do nothing or actively sabotage your workday by creating extra mess and acting like obtuse retards. i had a landwhale groid keep taking shits in the toilet standing up, she shat over the seat and did not flush.
>every one of them, i don't believe in friendship
the stalkers send assigned mk ultra drones as friends. these are often doing some destructive hypno like you want plastic surgery, you want a whole new wardrobe, you want to be corrupt, you want to steal, you want to join a gang, you want to kill people. once i got over friendships they started sending spying sluts. i was on a train in one city matching with a profile. while on the train, this profile did not get further away from me, it stayed the same distance, then the whore suddenly turned out to be in the same city i travelled to.

i have been abused in the hospital since birth, they mk ultra'd my entire family. freemason grandparents, drunks and pimps, bpd mom, distant father. my abuse included mutilation of the stomach and feet. they kept me in an orphanage for retards and raped me, saying
>we are only cleaning your asshole anon! stop being difficult!
and putting oil into my eyes, starving me, and refusing to teach me words, kicking me when i was trying to walk.
once my family picked me back up they would go missing for long periods or switch to abuse me. my mother doesn't remember writing a book on my behaviour and trigger and slapping me when i said something about the abuse.
the 1st abusers kept tabs on me and broke into my room for decades. drugged me in my sleep, posed me for snuff films, raped me and mutilated me. they forced me to watch streams of others sitting naked and masturbating. i was told about future murders which i thought was an intimidation technique. no matter if i reported or not, it happened.
I mean... yeah. If you are gonna kill people then feds will be monitoring you.

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