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I'm looking for texts written by others here. OC.

If you're brave, you'll share your work. Maybe someone's got something special.

I've written a 42 page book musing on the Unknown, the Art of Becoming -- it is sort of spiritual, I would say, though objective and more of a framework of thinking that I think benefits me. I'd love to share it with you.

You ever done an archive dive for Blue Eisenhower November ?

You have to dig a bit, but there's interesting stuff in there.
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Nice short story - the endless unfolding!

Here is something I remember anon posted which I like - explains what happens in towns and cities (even in social media) where people are trying to take energy for themselves from other person, like meat eating lust - while serene nature is right there, available for all, bountiful and serene.
I'll have to check it out!

I like the sentiment here, nature is a good way to reset. (Except when it's cold as balls out and I don't want to go outside because i don't smoke anymore)
refurbished zen :
a student of zen master said to his friend : "hey buddy, long time no see... My master can walk on water, create fire through breathing, eat and digest anything, and among other important things, how is your master's daily activities?
" My master?!" the friend said with astonishment... "when tired, he rests, when hungry, he eats".
Hahaha that made me chuckle, it's poignant in a way. I love that zen stuff.

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I have photographed them. Here is a photograph of a genuine alien which I photographed. This was taken with a Sony Hx-300 camera at 1:26 AM on January 1, 2014, at Newton Abbot, Devon, England.
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that´s a teania solium OP.
Agree, Disclosure now. I postet my self an Incident, unknown for the Public, it is from Ramstein AB on Flugtag 88.
Everyone please checkout my substack https://johnmoonerchief.substack.com
Okay retard

I've heard this conspiracy a lot before, not sure if I believe in it, but I'm interested.
>be me
>know this guy vaguely
>he acts very weird, many inconsistencies in his character
>he seems like he just intuitively knows things he couldn't
>see this mf in a video recorded during the civil rights movement

They seem to usually be elites, but not always. Thoughts?
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>>see this mf in a video recorded during the civil rights movement
OMG 60 years ago!
this guy would not have been born then.

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who would be a bigger threat to and individual and society?

Thing or Smiles Man?

Who would win in a fight?
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>The real problem is when it learns about the abilities of insects, and replicates them at a larger size. Ie; Bombardier Beetle, various venoms, spider silk, pheromone communication, ect.
Why would the Thing do that when it could just quietly jizz into the water supply and passively infect everything in the world as its growth goes exponential?
Two reasons. The first being it's base form runs on instinct. What you presented was a very "human idea" that it would only be able to conceive in later stages. The second reason is versatility. The more varied DNA it has more bigger it's repertoire of abilities. Yeah, infecting every human would be an excellent first step but it's true power lies in copying the biomass of an entire planet and moving on to the next. Humans are smart and that intellegence led us to become the dominant species, but we don't have any of the actual crazy broken abilities some animals have. Of course, why settle for one when you can have both?

What's more frightening is The Thing would be loaded with human memories and possibly psychology. It could easily learn true malevolence and become a sadist that takes pleasure in inciting fear and consuming prey if it ate a psychopath for example. In it's base state, it is no different than a predator or a parasite. It does not understand the concept of "evil". However, such a thing could be learned from humans.
The thing is broken to the point the plot would seem kinda retarded if it weren't trapped in Antarctica.
>Small fleck of thing falls off chopper and lands in a sewer grate
>Starts by eating sewer rats and cockroaches, flies, fungi
>Spreads underground, exponentially
>Surfaces, now dogs, birds, plants, etc
As soon as it gets ahold of fungi, it's over. It would mutate into a giant spore spreading factory.
Assuming though, that it did not do this and stuck to animals,
>Unprepared flouridites band together yes, but their only option is to leave or fight virtually every other living thing in the big city, including themselves
>Spreads to several big cities, becomes several states, the entire country
>The thing assimilates a powerful world leader, and acts as a spy/saboteur
And we're forgetting something critical about smiles. It's a demon. Guess what btfo's demons?
The thing, hands down.

What's the most mysterious shit in the world that you've ever learned about?

Picture not necessarily relevant.
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Lore Lodge has covered that story and others involving big red giants in detail
literally kefir

a certain bacteria randomly spawned inside a sheeps stomach. nobody knows how it was made or where it comes from, but the grains create kefir. reminds me of manna from heaven or something, just really mysterious and extremely good for you
tb h modern science is fake and gay, quantum computers are nonsense
No, Sasquatchs are fully formed entities that evolved in the climates of North America and parts of the southern America continent. They are creatures like us, that exist and do not assume certain forms or shapes based on the perception on the viewer. Like I said there are different types of Sasquatch, but they all came from the same origin point. And when you go camping and sleep outside, it isn't on the forest floor. That called the ground
That the fallen elohim are real.
And that I was born to destroy everything they have taken and corrupted.
I'm gonna break all your fuckin toys and you're not going to be able to stop me, Gadreel.

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Does anyone know how to become one? This isn't otherkin bullshit, I'm serious. I was just thinking about how amazing it would be to become a werewolf each month and escape the stresses of human life and just roam care-free in the forest for a whole night.
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He's joking.
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ligma balls

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So between you and me not sure if you know this but "heaven" and "hell" are just different layers of the fakeality that you currently reside in, yes slightly better or worse than here depending which one but none the less still part of the same system, fake. You arent free. Never will be. Me? Im allowed out. Ive got one chance to make it through the gauntlet to see the real "reality". Will I make it? Not sure, will reality be good? Who knows, but its worth knowing in my eye . P.s If you are lucky enough to be asked what you want, be smart about your answer as it will make or break your chance of being allowed "out". One chance...dont fuck it up anons.
>You arent free. Never will be.
Oh, at first I thought this was going to be a cool thread.
Now I see it was made by a child.

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Since hypnosis is a common topic on here, anyone know a good AI to be hypnotized by? I hate the ones that ask you to visualize something, or do a boring progressive muscle relaxation. I want something that will be covert and unethical if I ask it to be.
You are being too vague and leaving out too many details for anyone to even know what you are talking about.

Are you talking about an AI that responds with text or voice?

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Every single time the name matches the person's life, decisions, and character, it's uncanny.

This is not a glowie namemining thread, but you should rather look up the meaning behind your own name and the name of the people who are close to you. Trust me, it will make a lot of things very clear.

If you don't live up to your name, you will suffer depression; you will suffer hate, envy, and greed. Look up your name and try to live up to it's meaning.
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guess i'm fucked

i'm not anyones Beloved. Never will be either.
>YHWH brings anon to his lowest point and breaks him through his poison Samael
>YHWH awnsers a few of anons prayers to bait him into the faith to be a sheep waiting to be slaughtered
Many such cases
Happened to me too but luckily I had the strenght to spit that demonic fuck in the face and reject him.
my name means humble/small and I always hated that
It doesn't. There are people with the same names and completely different lives.
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funny as this would be
google the winner/loser name experiment. Parents already had a son named "winner", so when the second son came along they named him loser. (Sadistic fucks)
In their 20's,
Winner was in and out of jail on drug and assault charges. Didn't see what happened to him but I can assume he's still living his best life.
Loser went to college and became a detective.
If you took chad, and named him "Shitburg", he would still be chad; people would think his parents hated him and would feel bad for him.
If you took an idiot, and named him "genius", not much would change other than people's first impression of him.
It's the nature of a thing, not what we call it; though it's easy to get stuck on that since the human mind tends to categorize.

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And reality is actually us dreaming?
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Your inner universe reflects the same nature of your outer one - none of it is really your choice. That is why you constantly have dreams where you are in disadvantageous conditions. That is why you tend to never truly get what you want, outside of the rare occasion. If the outer universe is a simulation, then your own dream world or inner universe is your own simulation ran just inside you - in your soul.
There is one way to "get what you want, however... for everyone else, they usually just refresh and repeat lives in this same plane, but if someone were to be "lifted" or "ascended, then an entire plane of existence would be left behind, like a light-body projection, that others could then holster onto. The way this works is by lifting someone in a simulation BELOW into the simulation ABOVE. And with that methodology a projection is left behind that the beings in that same plane of existence can use to guide themselves to their own heaven - which is the possible possible outcome for that world, thus unlocking administration-level privilege over that same simulation they live in.

That is what is happening with me, I'm pretty sure... My light-body projection will be as a guiding container for this world to finally achieve Hæven, at which point they will have the technology to create their own simulations, and thus continuing the chain.
Can I gain processing power or are you stuck a hylic?
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You are an electromagnetic avatar who controls reality with your mind. also an illusion of separation from the rest of the universe.
You're a retarded lying tranny and the fact that you feel the need to constantly tell this lie just proves that you know you're evil. Less than a minute ago this retarded tranny outside my room says "I'M THE BOSS", he thinks he can justify literally any abuse by saying this phrase, or by calling me "a peasant". This isn't my own mind retard, this is obviously a mind that is separate and hostile to mine that seeks to impose itself on me, to abuse and dominate me. If my own mind controlled reality I would be rich and secure not being forced to live in poverty as "a peasant" with anything the tranny God considers "desirable" violently gatekept from me including in my literal imagination as he rapes my mind every second of every day and terrorizes, abuses, harasses, threatens etc me for literally anything I think or do, playing video games, watching tv, eating food, sleeping, thinking, etc. If "my mind controlled reality" the people who abuse me would suffer such horrific consequences for their behavior towards me until they finally learn what "my mind controlling reality" actually looks like then they would never tell this retarded lie ever again

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Ego is just your favorite and strongest tulpa, the one you let control your body

I have noticed that some people have no soul. How they react to people with soul... they get angry, lash out, they truly hate us. You can see this with the NPC label. Just want to have this thread to discuss what we do about them, how do we handle them?
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I disagree with both of you. Hylics are not MK Ultra victims because these people have existed long before the CIA. However I think defining hylics as entirely soulless is also a mistake made in ignorance, or perhaps to spur hylics to prove otherwise. In my observation, it is more like their soul struggles to surface. Like it is too buried under whatever else is there. Like it must make its way through the finest filter.
But get to know one well enough and you will see their soul bubble to the surface on occasion. They don't have to be MK Ultra victims but that doesn't make an approach of compassion the wrong approach, I think it is the right approach if you want to see their soul.
Great description anon. God bless.
The Socratic questioning method and NLP are not the same thing. Socratic method's aim is to increase critical thinking in order to break programming, NLP or neuro linguistic programming is to install programming.
My life is ruined because everyone around me is a hylic who loves dragging me down.
incredibly nihilistic view that only sees the worst half of the picture

If you aren't acquainted with this body of literature, the Zohar was written by Moses De Leon, although some believe he merely redacted it from older texts, the bulk of which derive from the mystic insights of the Talmudic sage Shimon Bar Yochai. Now, this book deals with mostly metaphysical subjects, particularly as exegesis of the Torah. But in some places, it makes predictions.

In the Exegesis on the biblical verse:
>In the six-hundredth year in the life of Noah... all wellsprings of the great deep burst open, and the windows of heaven were opened..." (Gen. 7:11)

The Zohar interprets along prophetical lines:
>"in the sixth century of the sixth millennium, the gates of the supernal wisdom will be opened, as will the springs of the earthly wisdom, preparing the world to be elevated in the seventh millennium.
Zohar, part I, 117a.

The 6th century of the 6th millennium would correspond to the Hebrew year 5600, which would correspond to the secular year 1840.

The Zohar actually uses the term 'lower' for earthly wisdom, in line with the usual metaphysical axiom of 'above' corresponding to spiritual things, and 'below' to physical things. So lower wisdom is physical wisdom, which is SCIENCE!
The Zohar explains that this 'growth' in physical knowledge is for the purpose of 'preparing' the world for the 7th millenium, the 'shabbat', or period of rest, for man and the earth.
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It's time for your daily dose of Niacin
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QRD? Where can I find it in English?
dw it's mostly mason slop you don't need to know it goyim
Only ve read a little but it mentions in passing that if you took out the light of the stars, their corresponding gems couldnt exist. I think in the same paragraph also mentions how sages knew the art of healing with astro... by simulating favourable astrological conditions. They would use mirros to reflect light over the body and eyes, and the body would heal as if under the influence of auspicious signs
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This is very interesting Now I must know more

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How do you cultivate negative emotions and use them as a driving force to achieve more in this world? I remember I used to use my despair and anger to work harder, now can't even tap into this source again.
What would be the logistics of it? Meditate on those emotions, embracing them or should I write it all down and re-read while fully embracing these sensations? Need ideas.
Need help bros, I either force myself to work hard by using any tools necessary or it's over for me.
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ofc haha. I do enjoy the symbolism. I like the concept of "Grey Jedi", but one must know and experience both sides of the coin.
>picrel kek
meditating "by embracing a certain emotion" was one of the tools I used. Found a video that explains it nicely.
I will meditate by embracing one of the darker emotions when the time is right. Right now, it feels like I am not ready. However, some anons here gave me the idea of "forcing yourself" to reach IT. I will prepare for it.
Sometimes I wonder why these videos have so many views.
Even if you take only parts of core ONA philosophy and blend it with your own novel methods I'm sure you will see the results you are looking for (if you possess the radical self-honesty necessary).
Like learn basic alchemy nigra, like transmoot
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u re right.
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start talking to yourself out loud (not just in thought) while taking a walk. not just thinking,
(pretend you're doing a podcast about your life and your challenges and inspiration and why you want to achieve your goals and also analyze your way of thinking.. that kind of thing)

It makes you feel like you're more you in a way/
If you don't have the energy to work, maybe it's because you now feel more like an emotionless robot.

I sometimes feel like a robot if I don't do this before training. And it's really motivating.

The giant hole at the north pole is where the aliens enter earth
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Hey yo First time I hear about this

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