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there is this "person" that i love more than anything, and i have noticed several times a day i will be thinking about them and randomly look at a clock or something and see like 1111, 444, 555 IE. This morning i woke up from a nap and started thinking about them and i randomly turned over and it was 11:55 with a temp of 22C on my clock?
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Zoe hates you.

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Its so out in the open. There's that one chick Meana Wolf who does all the weird taboo incest/cheating/blasphemous videos and she will have actual sigils and rituals in there. One had her act like a girl doing a satanic witchcraft ritual with blood on a real sigil in the woods and getting demon possessed and going back to seduce her father. This is legit PSYOP level black magick and the chick is a good actress so she can cast through her eyes when the dude is most vulnerable in fappy land. I'm sure there are many more out there but this one stood out because it is blatant and in your face. Back when I was a gooner, I would watch her videos sometimes because she had nice butt and feet but the whole thing felt really evil. Pray for Meana Wolf to find God and that her spells and familiar spirits and coven are bound and rendered useless to spread evil anymore! It is going to happen soon no matter what because these witches are about to be humbled and smacked down big time!
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You into tincans?
Are you saying you noticed it was AI immediately?
>Meana Wolf
Wtf I was literally thinking about her earlier today for the first time in ages

Kinda, more so that 'she' was off, especially in the lips. Could be effed up lipstick, but just my intuition says otherwise. But yeah, vibed it rather quickly.
what does any of that have to do with the king in yellow?
have you considered maybe she has found god, and its you who needs to be prayed for to find god?

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If the "infinite number of parallel universes" theory is true,
then why can't I just say, "If I drop this sheet of paper besides me,
a 20 cm high by 5 cm wide 2 cm high chocolate bar that is safe to consume and is suited to my preffered taste
will safely be transported without injury from it's original universe, to this one, on the bottom right side of my table the moment the paper touches the ground."
shouldn't there be a alternate universe where the hypothetical chocolate bar exists?
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Because that would be absurd and our universe takes a stiff stance against the absurdity it seems
yes and if you have the ability to you can rip the chocolate bar from the universe where you were satisfied into a universe where you did not have your spare chocolate bar and was not satisfied.

Time traveller here. I've done this with beer before.
Because infinite parallel universes doesn't mean infinite variations to the laws of reality
Your projecting can be felt from jupiter. Holy shit.
Can I do it with xanax and lean?

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How do I advance further into /x/ stuff without outsourcing protection from astral factions and entities? For example
>Praying to the Christian God can protect from Satan but necessitates acknowledging and submitting to that God
Similarly how do I avoid getting played by such negative entities like Satan which can pose as your tulpa or dead relatives?
If we are to do away with all paranormal things and start from scratch what's the method by which we can collect reliable truth? For example we can cross reference different cultures that say bells are protective, which gives it legitimacy. You could guess that maybe the sound frequency can do stuff and then you get into bell materials and how they differ in sound.

I myself an in a situation where I'm heavily under attack and I refuse to shackle myself to any external entities

YVAY wtf
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the filthy laugh
at a single inividual

not so filthy at all

steal their teeth. kindly.
>he says with broken smile
Im just paranoid really, glad I inspired someone though. it's best to rely on your own power imo.
How do you say it though? Sadhguru said you start by saying A or Ah and then slowly close your mouth which makes the om sound.
That's pretty much it. Just open your mouth and pass air through your vocal cords until your mouth closes.

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How do you cure night terrors?
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Disregard whatever new age faggotry anyone's posted in this thread so far.
Here's how you really do it, no bullshit.
Listen to peaceful music while you sleep. The music will lead your brain down comfier paths.
Repent from your sins, get on your kness, ask God for forgiviness, get baptized if you aren't still, start following Jesus and his teachings and examples, keep your focus always on Jesus, don't bother looking at any other direction because if you do you are gonna sin again.
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eVER HEARD OF THE PLAY... A midsommer Nights dream>?

Stay cool
>How do you cure night terrors?
start wanting them and see how fast they stop.

Deal with all the frozen rage

1)Everything around me is going according to script. At first it was imperceptible, but it began to reach the point of absurdity. I feel like I'm in a dream or coma and can't wake up.
2)I began to feel that I had only existed for a few months, and all the memories were unreal and were implanted into my brain, like in the movie Blade Runner or Westworld. And all people seem to be unreal and philosophical zombies.
3)Recently I began to think that someone is manipulating time, rolling it back and repeating cycles over and over again and erasing my memory. This is accompanied by deja vu and derealization.
4)Time has accelerated significantly. Previously, it was not so noticeable, but now the day consists of 16 hours.
5)The sunlight has changed. The streets of the city look dead and deserted.

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Level 182, also known as “Blockbuster”, is an infinite Blockbuster with lots of movies. To enter, crawl through a vent in The Snackrooms. To exit, find a specific movie and put it into a cd player. It will make you noclip through the place in front of the player and you will be in Level 307.
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Can someone also add this to the wiki
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>mfw I post a new backrooms level that should be added to the wiki yet it doesn’t
>all these levels and random dread

The backrooms i discovered as a child and repeatedly in life through dreams; has always been the following.

>random maintenance hallway in building with boilers, machines ect.
>more chain fences and machinery as you go deeper down the hallway
>eventually there is a turn in the hallway with double doors (sometimes behind a fence or around a series of turns/curves)
>Through the doors is a massive spire connected to endless doors by walkways that all go towards the spire
>Infinite in height and depth
>Without learning, just instinctively know that this place connects to everywhere and leads everywhere.
>Always find this place by accident and use it to get to safety/lose danger.
>kind of a safe space
>haven't been there in about 7-10 years

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Alr fine, next time I’ll include some of those.
How do I put vhs into cd player

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A lot of you have experienced the normal, small stuff... some of you like myself have survived life and perception altering experiences when we were shown just how powerful who or whatever this stuff is... im talking about the spooky voodoo stuff they do when theyre really mad at you or hate you or whatever happens when they turn on the synchronicity
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This is another one of my stalkers.
Check the coca cola company website

Heil Hitler gas the kikes
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Me I found all of this :

Even the Nazis had experiments involving shooting energy waves in to peoples mind. People have been programmed to disbelieve mind control technology exists.

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How do I cure my BPD the /x/ way I hate psychfags
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Lying badly.
You can't change sex, sorry.
No, like I said I hate psychs, kill yourself dumbshit you didn’t even read my post
That’s schizophrenia retard
Funny thing actually I’m a biological male but I got socially groomed in high school into being a tranny for a while, luckily I got snapped out of it but wew lad did it make my identity issues worse
try 40mg prozac a day. has to be a big dose. totally cured my sister.

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Grievous and bitter plagues are upon this generation. A dark and evil fate is upon this generation.
An entire generation of people have risen, who shed blood, steal, covet, torment, imprison, rape, and conspire to do harm against others without a hint of same.
An entire generation of people have risen, who forsake life for the sake of vanity, without shame.
Woe to all of you who cling to material things, and vain ideas, who have hoarded trifles, and cut off the poor.
Woe to all of you who dwell in this great and mysterious babylon, to oppress your feigned enemies, to feed off the suffering of the hungry and the fatherless, to recklessly fornicate, to spread lies, to scam and deceive. Woe to everyone who is fat in the World Wide Web.
All of your possessions will be destroyed before your face. You will become prey to every other man. You will try to flee from the coming sandstorm, and fall into a lake of fire.
The god of every mountain, of every island, of every droplet of water, of every grain of sand, of every spirit, soul, and body, is near. The gracious god who has allowed all of you live for as long as you have, in the hopes that you would repent, is near.
He will judge all according to what they have done. No one will be able to stand against him.
Every gaudy robe will be torn to shreds. Every revered title will lose its significance. Every piece of jewelry will be melted away. Every false idol will be ground into dust. Every man who exalts themself will wither and writhe in agony.

Children of Zion, prepare to be evacuated.
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>it’s za jus fault
>yeeeeh muh nigga! It’s da juz fault!
Im okay with this
Oh fuck you. It's not us, it's you!
>muh you cling to the material world to much
Get a fucking life you dingus, literally. Get a fucking house with kids some land and live of the Earth. You're a fucking tool you jackoff.

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no fakes please, genuine images that havent been explained. I'll start.
>Year 1985. Sports stadium fire in the UK, kills 56, injures 265.
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he's not sitting, he's moving forward. Might be just his jacket on fire. Seems like a picture you'd expect from a stadium fire to me
>sports stadium in the UK
there are some really really drunk people at those
A dog can't have green eyes?
looks like he has a sword

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>Mom and aunt are both young and hot (currently mid 40s)
>Saw my aunt tits during early teen.
>Started masturbating thinking about aunt, been obsessed for years.
>Discovered incest fetish and porn, mainly focused on aunts
>Discovered 4chan and momcest threads
>Slowly degenerate and added mom to my fantasies
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>aint believing himargon doit again
Racemixing never existed anywhere. People never change. Leave things alone.
Don't fight it, embrace the power that can be derived from sexual energy, and max it with the energy produced by the societal "deviancy" tacked onto it. It's not evil or bad, step away from that poison pill of an idea. Don't let them shame you into further slavery. Did you ever make any videos or anything when you started masturbating to your aunt?
Meditation and self realization gets you to a mental place where you no longer crave sexual gratification as much, and sort of soft resets your deviancies. Don't expect to get rid of it completely, it's more like you simply forget you are human, and from there you can sort of come back casually
Embrace it so the taboo factor wears off. This would require indulging in those fantasies post fap. Then they will become just like any other women and you will get bored and move on to some porn roastie.
There is none, what you have to do is replace it with a superior or relative sexual outlet.

You could start dating a woman that looks like your aunt or mom (in secret of course, your mom and aunt would instantly notice and be weirded out if they met her).

This way you could actually live out your fetish without any problems. Just don't slip up and call her mom during sex or something lmao. However, if you are attractive enough most women will go along with anything, even a fetish they are weirded out by.

>It is a real addiction
It's really not. Give any guy with a "porn addiction" a live in lust that fucks him everyday, and like magic, 99% of them will stop watching porn for good. Addictions don't work like that. It's not the porn that they want, but the sexual pleasure, and if you have an alternative you'll stop masturbating to porn.

Calling masturbating a porn an addiction, is like calling eating fast food an addiction and hunger pains are "withdrawal symptoms", it just doesn't make sense, they are part of your natural biology.

You wouldn't say that you are addicted to breathing because you breath 24/7 and breathing feels good right?

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Had lots of sleep disturbances lately (way more than normal though I have always been prone, as I'm trying to fall asleep I have super light dreams? Like I'm walking around in different environments but I know I'm in bed with my eyes closed, my eyes feel heavy though I can open them and wake myself.

I see my dreams still for a few seconds after opening my eyes & I constantly have nightmares that lead into sleepwalking, I feel like it's urgent I stop something or do something, I do all sorts of weird stuff (unplugging things, moving stuff, walk/crawl on the floor & even scream).

Any advice? It's all so vivid lately and it seems strange my life is going fairly well (for once) and this is taking a pretty heavy toll on my mind/body.

Please help
Also the insomnia has been brutal, I really need some rest, life has been so much better but everything's still a struggle.

I am kinda "spiritually prone" I guess, I was fairly skilled in tarot/oracle and have some other similar abilities but it kinda comes and goes beyond my control.

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For me it was when I watched this video:
>when did you realise this? For me it was when I was told by YouTube
Most jewish narrator ever. Holy fuck
who are you quoting?

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The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is heavily involved in high-level trauma-based mind control programming of slaves, torture, trafficking, illegal human experimentation, advanced 'antigravity' craft design, 'New World Order' plans, and more.

NASA plays a large part of the cult/government mind control network, with an emphasis on advanced 'high-tech' programming of dissociative child slaves. In this thread I dump relevant information. Post NASA info. inb4 feds

"I was raised in the affluent area of Woodland Hills, California, but was abused my entire life in many locations in and out of California, including hospitals, universities, and United States military and NASA bases, where I was subjected to 'high-level' programming. The result of many years of trauma, intentionally inflicted on me by my father and others to create within me multiple personalities, was that I was transformed into a programmed, totally robotical slave that could not remember to think or tell what happened to me, due to the mind control and sophisticated programming I was under."
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Most of them are generational cult victims. Many are kidnapped also. Ability to easily dissociate, crucial for mind control programming, is affected by generational incest cult families.
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“You ever wonder where the unlawful enemy combatant media gets all its crisis actors from for all its staged events to fool the dumbass “goyim”. The witness protection program is the perfect operations platform to launch psyops from cause it’s like having your own personal moving stage and playhouse with a full cast of thespians that are compelled to be loyal.”
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Lol numbers shhh.
Space is fake and gay moon is reflection of earth . Lol

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