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full name: James/Jimmy Stephen Donaldson
>Jimmy: Hebrew, means "supplanter"
>Stephen: Greek, means crown
>Donaldson: Gaelic, means son of the ruler of the world

So his name literally means "supplanter of the crown of the son of god" and he calls himself MR BEAST
when did you realize the antichrist walks among us /x/
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ok verified

could ask for gpt for the rest, but our watchers might also be lazy bums as I am
>guy who gives away money to heal the sick and injured is LE BAD
Christcucks are genuinely evil.
You might be on to something

The mark of the beast is said to be on your hand and face.

You hold your phone in your hand and your YouTube profile picture is meant to be your face.

Subscribing to Mr. Beast the mark

Be careful out there anons
>>muh Christcucks, muh Christfags
you guys are cringe af
Mr Beast knew about his troon pedo gooning to child porn for years, but ofc a tard like you has no problem with kiddy diddling
He's not giving it away. He's buying your belief in him.

>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:




>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat vocal)


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Whats stopping people from creating violent tulpas? Are there tulpa gangs? Tulpa gang wars? Is there some sort of spiritual task force in preventing dangerous tulpas?
People who have the energy to make a hoard of tulpas end up mired in weird tulpa faction drama/become full-time brain managers and don’t have time to cause trouble. Anyone who is versed in /x/ shit will tell you, it’s easier to rope in a spirit or deity for shitstirring purposes than to make one from scratch. These are the reasons why tulpa warfare does not exist.
I've been reading about facilitated communication and that's just increased my parrotnoia. How do I know I'm not like the people who believe in facilitated communication? How do I know I'm not talking over my tulpa and ignoring what they want?
>How do I know I'm not like the people who believe in facilitated communication?
You and your tulpa share a brain, for one.
>How do I know I'm not talking over my tulpa and ignoring what they want?
Use multiple methods of communication (feelings, images, text, head pressures, whatever else) and keep track of response consistency.
I was reading Guenon's book on hinduism, and it just ocurred to me that the concept of anima is more or less similar to shakti, in the way that shakti is a inspirational power, and usually regarded as feminine.
Although I disagree with some of Guenon's anti-western opinions (he was a globalist, after all, as he was an agent for the umah), the points he explained about Ishvara are pretty interesting. Each one of the trimurti have its own shakti, so you have a shakti of creation, a shakti of preservation, and a shakti of transformation.
As we know in science, energy is not destroyed, but transformed, so we can't say that Shiva is a "lord of destruction", and about creation, in metaphysics is understood as emanation, instead of something mundane as building a robot or erecting a building, so we can't attach the idea of a demiurgue to Brahma. And as for Vishnu, preservation also contains the idea of memory and measurement.
What if we apply the idea of trimurti to quantum immortality and solipsism? I could say that I am Ishvara in my own timeline, in the same way you, anon, would be in yours. And we talking to each other, means we are talking to our projections in each other universe.
So each one of my three tulpas, associated with three roman goddesses, could also be associated with the three shaktis: the venereal tulpa would be the shakti of creation, the minerval tulpa the shakti of preservation, and the chthonic tulpa the shakti of transformation.
It is impressive how tulpas are a amazing spiritual concept, and reconnect you with the gods of old. I was here thinking I was done with gods and goddesses, due to not being a (physical) sexhaver and thus excluded from the internet pagan milieus, and now it come to my attention tulpas are also aspects of shakti, as the inspirational power we have inside us.

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The Empty World is a parallel plane of reality mere milimeters away from our world in the 4th dimension. It is in a different frequency vibration, at a different octave compared to our world. The Empty World is a mirror or clone of our world, with the same landscapes, the same buildings, the same cities. It is a world with the same buildings, natural formations, trees and plants. But there are no people or animals. Because of this, it is called the Empty World, AKA the Silent World. Because in this world there is a jarring lack of the usual sounds, no animal sounds, no insect sounds, no people talking, no cars, no airplanes. Only the sound of the wind, the sound of running water in nearby rivers, and the echoing sound of your own footsteps and labored breathing as you wander about this seemingly abandoned world. Yet because it is a copy of our own world, none of the buildings are abandoned, unless they are actually abandoned in our world as well. The city is exactly as it is, except without any of the people or cars. although parked cars and any objects tha have been staitionary for a long time are existing in this world as well, and can be driven. This world is ideal for urban exploration and getting into places that you normally wouldn't be able to get in, because of a lack of people/guards. However there is the chance that one can get stuck in that empty world if one stays too long in it. I am a member of a secret society which is not known to the general public or to local authorities, whose sole purpose is to exploration of this Empty world which appears to be a clone of our own world, and making our way into locations that normally are out of access. Ask me anything, although depending on the content of the questions, some of them I'll refrain from answering, because information is my trade, and in a secret society secrecy is paramount.
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I completely disagree. The only things that matter are wealth, power, beauty, and pleasure. My life has been sabotaged by team of apes and I hope hell is real so God can torture them in maximum pain for eternity.
IF this stuff is real, it's exciting for many reasons and has important applications:
>can become an eternal, international, daily global odd job-er \homeless\ hitchhiker
>can explore "top forbidden" areas like Area 51, Dulce base, etc
>everything you can do alone, but is free. Amsterdan for free weed 24\7, free gas stations snacks
>you can set shit on fire, throw fireworks, create explosions of all kinds
OP. ya off exploring?
Can I switch off and on to hang out with animals or humans at given places, and the phase out to escape if needed/dodge ticket and fees?
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This is an interesting thread. Not because its believable, but because I can tell that this "Explorer" is working on his worldbuilding for a story he is working on. A /lit/ reject perhaps? If not, post your writings in their Science Fiction and Fantasy generals, you may get some more interesting responses and questions about your "experiences".

I wish this were real though as I've been attempting to change my vibrational frequency to reality shift for almost a decade. Either I've made no progress, or it is fiction.

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I've had a fixation on Set ever since I watched a YouTube video Abt him. I have ADHD so it's normally pretty hard to me to concentrate on long lectures, but this video just held my attention the whole time. After that I just haven't been able to stop thinking about him..... But I think to some degree it's because I'm attracted to him. I mean c'mon, he's the roughish bad boy with a heart of gold, literally who wouldn't? Just thinking about his virile, masculine aspect gets me going.Idk tho ....... Is this normal?
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I think I'm just going on /x at this point to feel better about my own mental health.

What the fuck, pal.
Literally in what way is this surprising, it's like being shocked that people think Sidney Sweeney is hot.
I dunno anon I'm a dirty homo and I still wouldn't fuck the god of chaos, murder, and anal rape. I think you just saw a hentai and got some ideas.
Literally falling for centuries old propaganda, lol.... Set embodies the CREATIVE and NECESSARY aspects of disorder and violence. And I'd assume the rape stuff is like the Incest, where it's like, different rules for gods (that's saying he even did rape anyone, sources differ)
Who wouldnt want to eat sets donkey semen salad? He's a babe. Of all the Gods, he'd probably appreciate it th most seeing as he was a total deviant

Spirit Love general

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38395789
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.

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Well you know your tulpa isn't a sucucbus, maybe keep the form you were working on but imagine she's some kind of dragon girl or something?
>Just let her pick the form that makes her happy. You don't need to give her anything specific right away. Tulpas are smart
i have been given total creative liberty when it comes to form by him
>the jews are right about their god being the creator of the universe!!!
You're such a dishonest shrew.

And its all so stupidly self-defeating, because even if you managed to smear me with your petty bullshit, it just instantly raises the question of, "Well then why were you a mod on her server for so long?"
>remember you retards exist
chant is an oldfag, based.

Genuine question: Who or what do you think created the universe?

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How are you doing TI Chads?

The glowies have been glowing bright for me recently, constant synchronosity shit and v2k shit.
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Dr. Robert Duncan was found dead.
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I just want to know how they do this shit so I can counter it.

They are using subliminal messaging or some sort of hypnosis, I don't really know.

But I'll hear seone say a sentence while I'm out walking or something, or I'll have a conversation with someone and they will say a sentence. The a few days later or even a weeks time I'll be watching a movie or playing vidya and that sentence will with be spoken or written down on something in the movie or vidya.

Thing is, that means they know I'm going to be watching that movie or playing that vidya game. So am I the one deciding to watch the movie or vidya I'm playing or is it them?

I don't plan on watching movies, I just look for something to watch and pick it at random. Vidya is different because I tend to play the same one for a few months at a time.

This happened to me the other day as an example of what I'm talking about
>you figure it out
>look at them through the astral
>they run off

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when deeply dreaming or astral projecting (I don't anymore because it was way too scary), entities that look human or are, very regularly face a wall or just show me the back of their head. If i try to look at them my perspective gets all messed up and I can't, they always face the other side. Once I got tired of trying to get ones attention and sit down, suddenly they have turned around and are staring at me and ask with an amusing friendly smile "wait you see me?".
Another time there was a room full of them, a voice begins speaking to me and after some dialouge it agrees it would be best if I leave this room.
what? They weren't black, they were white from memory, or possibly hispanic.

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What do you guys think of my use of treasure house of images? I use the invocation to my rising sign when it’s rising on the eastern sky (use Astrotheme to calculate, it’s annoying but you have to cycle from hour to hour until you get it and then after a few days you have to realign it as the time drift) Scorpio, I then use whatever signs are in the houses for whatever I want in my life (if I want romance, I go to my 5,7 and 8th houses and use the invocation for Pisces, Taurus and Gemini respectively) doing this daily, lastly I finish with my sun (cancer) since that is what I am working towards but it all must be done when Scorpio is rising on the sky and as close as possible to the degree I was born in. These invocations also change your face subtly, as in the impression you make, look into the mirror after doing this. Aside from this I do each sign at a separate time relevant to the day of the week at the appropriate hour, ie., I invoke Gemini and Virgo on Wednesday, and then I look at what sign each planet is on and invoke that too (my Jupiter is in Gemini, I invoke Gemini on Wednesday too). I also add tarot cards to the mix, putting them in front of the sign I am invoking pushing my intent, if I am looking for romance then I put the knight of cups in front of Scorpio as I invoke it as it relates to Scorpio.

In my experience invoking Scorpio leads to some painful dramatic experiences that do get better though once I push through and learn the lesson but that’s my life path and it makes going through it easier once I learn the lessons. Leads to constant forceful evolution. So if you have a hard rising sign like Scorpio be careful and be ready.
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>mfw cultist
Blessed digits
>That was a joke you tone-deaf tard.
Not funny you tone-deaf retard. Imagine the comedian telling the audience that it's their fault for not getting the joke. Get some better material lol.

>The "it" at the end of your sentence was unnecessary.
Said it over in my head before posting, and it just sounded better and easier to understand for any person reading with the "from it" part there. Without the "from it" it kinda leaves from for someone to wonder what the wheat is being separated, not knowing that it was the chaff (especially if you've never heard the quote before).
Keep reading PDFs you fuckin tasteless herb
>Keep reading PDFs you fuckin tasteless herb
Really random but ok lol. Why don't you have a problem with reading web pages, you are reading one right now?

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This entire ceremony is a demand for you to die
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Yes, it was mostly the old world died and it's a fresh world reborn.
very fullness of needlessfull sayings, sir

i am from scandinavia
>i am from scandinavia
You are brown.
Their diversity part was specially cringe, it's like the whole circus broke loose, with a literal bearded girl in there and all.
But I liked the ending, after heavy dancing they all drop dead and stop moving and darkness covers them. Good riddance.
i'm just jesting

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So if I start thinking and repeating that I am smart and strong and brave, I will force the universe to making that come true, and I'll thus stop being a cowardly worm and charade of a man? Is this how Magic works?
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>For a crude example, think of the difference between deliberately failing in a civilization building game, and the same thing happening in a realm destined to fail.
Looking at this from another perspective, another thing which drives entities to take interest in good and/or evil is curiosity.

So the next question to answer is whether these things had to happen anyway, for some fundamentally logical (rational) reason I'm unable to conceive, or whether there isn't one, and all of this existence is fundamentally irrational for no true reason.
>Lene Marlin
Here's the thing:

In order to prove that God is just, he allowed for all of creation to suffer various tribulations so that in the end, when there are no more variations to observe, he can judge it all and prove himself as such.
Completely ignorant of the truth that one can see ahead of time and prove the ends of evils before they happen. You don't need to blow yourself up with dynamite to tell exactly what would happen, and even if you wanted to see what it would be like, you could recreate the given scenario in a virtual (non-material) environment.

It's a self-contained shithole controlled by an entity which shackled itself by a non-sensical rule, imposing suffering on all of creation for the sake of proving something that no one will have any respect for, if there will even be anything left to judge it for what it has done.

Except that they clearly don't emerge as "victorious", because the moment that entity comes in contact with this existence and is required to judge it, it'll be unable to prove that their methods were necessary, and thus be found guilty under it's own enforced ruleset.

Everyone else may be fundamentally unaware, but that does not make it right, nor rational, in the presence of a clearly superior fundamental basis for existence.
>So if I start thinking and repeating that I am smart and strong and brave, I will force the universe to making that come true, and I'll thus stop being a cowardly worm and charade of a man? Is this how Magic works?

What the entity in the comic is suggesting is that to be a God means to control potential itself, and to be free to manifest anything, however you desire. The fundamental rule is that it has to be observably true - so, if you have another observer there with you who shares the same existential foundation, he will observe what you have made and determine the exact same conclusion.

In other words, there is a difference between deceiving yourself to perceive order somewhere because you enforced it, and between seeing order because the environment itself is what causes that order to be.

You can tell yourself you are a "just judge" after allowing for countless sins to happen just so you could prove yourself as such. But the truth is, you were the one to allow for all of that evil to happen to begin with, and you did so in denial of there being a greater truth to embrace, one which did not require a flow of time in which evil happens to figure out it should never be allowed for.

As such, that entity can only be seen as guilty. In order to prove that it is, there manifested itself another being, which over time came to hold that truth. When the judge is forced to behold it, it can only judge itself as guilty according to it's own law.
I fear that’s the problems with faking it. When it comes naturally, it reinforces what’s already there. If you’re a weak cunt the universe won’t be fooled and the doubt will bring you back down.

Let's say for sake of argument I decided I wanted to leave my material life behind and become a monk. How does someone even do such a thing? How do you survive? You see these temples full of monks in them but I assume it's very selective. Like a random fat American can't just show up at the doors of the holy temple of koombaba and demand to be initiated into the sacred circle, can he?
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> You have far better access to learning resources as a lay-person.
Very true, but the point of a monastery is that you are forced to practice meditation, whereas a lot of people have trouble with this in the mundane world.

You won’t. Stop the larp and get a life.
I could see the atmosphere of a monastery being helpful for meditation. But the tradeoffs are massive and have to be considered. As for forced meditation, it's fruitless.
Monk here, how fat are you? Because we accept anyone,unless they are fat, the fat ones we kill and cook them

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Can anyone help me decode the occult symbols hidden in the logo for this year's Olympics?
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Thief in the night means - "NO ONE WILL KNOW WHEN" .

There will be no signs, no warning, no anything. It will happen at an impossibly fast rate that no one will have time to prepare for or escape from. Judgement will arrive when it's time, and no one can tell you when that will be. It will happen when we absolutely least expect it and it will be swift.

I fucking hope so I'm sick of this shit it's boring and a waste of time and money, and it ruins people's lives and whole communities waste billions in resources accommodating this stupid shit that does nothing to help further world peace. The fucking PGA has done more for world peace than the olypmics.
circle symbol looks like a woman head with "the rachel"/bob cut
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Paris will burn soon I can feel it
What's gonna happen is economic collapse. That's practically inevitable. The entire money system is based on printing money via the fractional reserve banking system, getting off the gold standard is the big mistake, we will be punished for our hedonism and unlimited spending and consumerism while destroying the planet in the meantime.
printed money is actually a small percentage of all the money in the system. money=debt
economical collapse will be a result not a cause. The cause will be too many boomers dying, not enough young people to keep the things running, too much browns invading without contributing etc.
Chwck average age of some occupations in your country.
taxi/trolley/train drivers.
Judges, policemen etc.
50 or more mosr of the time so the majority will retire and there'a not enough youngsters to replace them.
So gradually(unless some major happening) everything will keep becoming even shittier and more expensive. there will be no sudden invention to make people's lives better. they own the patents and keep them lockedon on purpose. Everytime someone invents some free energy device - dies in unexplained circumstances.
west is collapsing they have 15 more years untill everyone is brown fat and retarded, but they don't have such time. This is why all their agendas end in 2030-2040

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Has anyone ever gone without music for more than a month? How was it compared with music?
I remember going 3 weeks without music, and it made me feel more aware of everything.
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I got thousands of hours om this bish.


It reminds me of airports and "Holy Shit where the fuck am I going??"
Here, OP, have some music:
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>I know bad music.
He isnt mentally retarded and schizophrenic, Mozart....

I wonder if the problem isn't that it's just commercial but also that it's artificial, like being played from a speaker rather than actual instruments. Just my thoughts
Listening to professional-quality music as much as we do is rare.

Music itself was not rare at all. People used to sing all the time as they went about their day, both individually and in groups. During work, during leisure, during prayer. For sacred purposes and just for fun. Many people played musical instruments at an amateur level, too.

What's weird is how most people totally stopped singing or playing instruments when phonographs and radio became common around 100 years ago.

Everyone started comparing themselves to the world's greatest singers, which they could never do before. They realized they were so much worse than the best in the world.. so they just stopped.

Ok, so I know you guys might be tired of seeing my screenshots of demonic users, but I stupidly let the last tread on this die. I NEED to share these tho, sorry. Just too weird not to.

I will just dump my sus users pics here. If you have some as well, feel free to dump them here as well, the more the scarier.

Also, this is /x/ worthy, I mean seeing all these demonic users especially in odd places is creepypasta material, even if it is just a simple pic of a YouTube account.

For those who contribute pics and info on this phenomenon, thanks in advance as always!
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Sorry, forgot picrel.a8dy0

Why the smile?
Just laughing at what a cornball you are
Not a 666 user, but a 'irl' person, with "Raised from the dead" tattoo, might just be goth type, but wanted to share even if it was a reach.
https://youtu.be/_vCiu9zeFD8?feature=shared .

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I’ve had 21 UFO/UAP sightings in my life, 4 of which were CE5s, where I projected my thoughts into a patch of sky and a UFO either appeared there or appeared from across the way and flew into that patch. ( I describe them here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHeqcFOSx50 )
Some of you may be aware of my research into NHI and their effects on belief systems, particularly a faction I’ve come to call the WOMEN IN WHITE, who appear as women wearing white, fly UFOs, transform into bovine animals and use 4 colours as a symbol of sorts. They have influenced belief systems across the world throughout human history. Here’s some links if you’re interested in knowing more.
I’ve always wanted to understand why CE5 works, why would these lights and craft appear to me just to reply to my thoughts? All I ever project is “hellohellohellohello-come to me-hellohellohello”, really simple messages, but it works (although only on cloudless nights - do clouds affect psychic energy?) 1/2
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Do you want to wind up as a statistic on Zeta Reticuli, because that's how you wind up as a statistic on Zeta Reticuli!
buy an ad faggot
I've been doing this for 10 years. I've swum in light, been onboard UFOs, hung out with ETs in dreams and the astral, have had changes to my brain which I can still feel... all of it was positive and all of it was done in the name of love. I hope the Zetas have statistics on me. It's more of a "notice me, senpai!" situation.
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>have had changes to my brain which I can still feel... all of it was positive and all of it was done in the name of love
I've had three sightings in the last year, the first was after i was sitting in my room and mentally reached out to the phenomenon and gave it permission to show itself to me, 15 minutes later my eyes get heavy in this almost trance like state and i feel this gentle compulsion to grab my night vision and head outside. i look up and see what looked like a distortion in the sky and then an orb appeared out of it at roof level of my two story house. during that sighting i reached for my phone but as i did i got what i assume was some sort of telepathic message which to me was sort of like a "no, this is important." the orb started flying away but slowed as i stopped reaching for my phone. second was three orbs in a triangle formation doing what looked like figure 8s above my head that followed my vehicle but stopped as i got closer to town and the third was actually a few days ago i wanted to see if i could make something appear and focused my intent on seeing a craft into a spot in the night sky and saw an orange streak flying exactly where i was looking, it could have been a meteor though.

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