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Previous: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/39316397/#39316397

This thread is for general discussion of the afterlife, motivated by curiosity and fascination of the afterlife itself, rather than the fear of death.

Any kind of speculation is welcome. Feel free to share your own research or personal anecdotes. Questions are encouraged
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Prophecy is always in symbolic and coherent prophetic language, He even introduces us to the symbolic nature of the book of Revelation when He tells us that it is "signified", or when He tells us the mystery of the seven stars and the golden candle sticks.
"Earth" represents the social structure that you and I live in (in the western world). "Heaven" represents the governmental structure(s) that rule over us. Things beyond our reach, like you could see with the covid project. These things are beyond our reach, coming down from "heaven" (government) to "earth" (social environment).
A "new earth" will simply be a new social structure. And the kingdom of God is already here, the temple of God is every true Christian, and the kingdom grew and grew in the last 2000 years, and we are actually supposed to prepare the kingdom of God right here and now, the bride is supposed to prepare herself for the wedding. But the "dragon" is still on our neck, this Babylonian dynasty in pic related (today also known as globohomo). Papal Rome and the body politics of the western Christian nations that this whore rides upon. In the end Jesus Christ will destroy this entire Babylonian beast system and there will be the complete kingdom of God on this physical plane that we currently live in. We won't be somewhere in the clouds, we will of course physically see things, and not just clouds. Who would want to see clouds and more clouds for eternity? People don't think these things through. All the things that modern Christians (Judeo-Christians) imagine are more of a comic book doctrine for children, and escapism like the "rapture" so they don't have to actually do anything here because they think they will be in the clouds in imagination land. All the previous empires are all literal physical real world empires, so of course God's complete kingdom will also be a literal physical empire right here where we are now, with Jesus Christ literally ruling in person. And we will see Him.
if u change name to basedentology you can come to my church
I'm not a Scientologist

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I keep having dreams that I become some great politicalfigure. The thing is, is that it’s so frightening unblurred and especially clear, that I’m almost having issues separating reality from my dreams.

How do I seperate prophecy from ego?
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Genghis Khan himself seems to have possessed the strongest will out of any historical figure, he rose up from nowhere and conquered vast amounts of land, and had the largest amount of intentional kills in history. So I don't think it's outlandish that he could have been reborn over and over, as Timur maybe, or Sternberg, to keep trying.
That's my personal theory, that Genghis represents something primordial, life-affirming, insane, and ambitious in the heart of man and can be "reborn."
Agreed, the archetypical Genghis far transcends the man Genghis, if anyone can forge a new world-age it would be that archetype, that spirit.
>How do I seperate prophecy from ego?
One, you use your spellchecker. Two, you'll be able to discern prophecy from metaphor if you are currently seeking leadership or mentorship in your life. If you are and you're any good at your job, you will find yourself in higher command over the years. If you are not, treat it as metaphor.

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Let's do one this again, I need to gather again some charts.
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So what exactly is in the Bible that will get us on a watchlist or whatever
Fuck all those books
The bardon text is more than enough. Pair it with Mouni Sadhu's concentration (because modern world has nuked our ability to focus) and you'll break out the matrix
I dont agree with the idea it'd put you on a watchlist but the bible is in reality an instruction guide on how to keep a population civilized and depending on the current state you preach different parts of it. Its interesting to read the parts that dont apply to society any more and the parts that will be applied in the future. Psalms is a good back pocket starting point as its literally just a collection of good little lessons. Beyond that id suggest alternating between old and new testament every time you finish a book.
Theres no secrets really in there beyond hints to qabalah left over from when it transferred from the jews to christians. Its more useful as a tool to better yourself than it is a repository of arcane knowledge, think if it as a compendium of "i fucked up, heres how, and heres how not to fuck up also". Just understand that you have to gatekeep your brain as half of it is useful information like "blind pride leads to self destruction" and the other half is brainwashing population control like "jesus is the only king and the church speaks on behalf of jesus"
Just checking who got the satanic quads, dont mind me

So I am a weeb I guess, and I have seen treads that have been showing Satanic/evil symbolism/unsavory Easter eggs in anime/manga. And also stuff like picrel.

So what I want to know is how bad is the glowie and demon influence and presence in anime and manga? How corrupt is the anime/manga community as a whoIe? I know it is there, but how there? Is it on the same level as American or worldwide media? Or is it just a few bad apples here and there?

I will post a few of the sus stuff in it after I post this.

Thanks in advance as always!
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This. Good post dude, that accurately describes not just anime but a lot more things as well

Stop spamming.
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Cry about it Yehudi Golem
It’s something I picked up oddly from an anime, but that’s because those elements were made in his divine hands before demons found out and destroyed them brutally. Yeah… God grabs a portion of their creations to create his own messages into them.

I think the most wonderful thing I read is from the naked, when a man who lives in this state his whole life still only feels attachment to his own wife and no one else. I envy that genuine love so much. It makes me understand God’s vision for reality.
Japan is the nation that pisses off God because of what it does against the children of Christians and the Jews.
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>How glow/demon infested is anime, manga, and the weeb community as a whole
I’m beginning to feel that it is deeply so. Intimately.
I’ve recently come into the understanding of just how often the same dead horse of the Luciferian Gnostic myth is slapped across our screens. Of Western films alone I’d estimate 6/10 are purposefully, intentionally spiritually corrosive. I would have thought anime, being a Japanese cultural product, would have been less, but now I’m not sure whatsoever. I see it more in modern incarnations, the same tired rut of, “my daddy issues justify my doing evil to do good because gerbil is actually the good actually.” Overt examples like “Full Metal Alchemist” and “Monster.”
Older anime were never removed from it e.g. “Vampire Hunter D”, but it seemed more dread fascination then, with plenty other examples actually supporting a Light / Christian ethos e.g. “Human Trigun.”
Important to remember, there’s a large community of Japanese Christians that never are thought about when questions of faith arise.
Today, everything is magic, personal empowerment, demons = cool, morally grey characters, and sympathetic villains.

Satan, please get a psychotherapist, and let better stories flourish. This has been boring for a while now. Your Daddy issues are your problem, not mine.

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Is it Saturday or Sunday? Are the Jews right? Do they worship the correct day? Who knows, probably x tho, let’s find out! Cast a vote if you like.
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>The nundinal cycle formed a rhythm within quotidian Roman life. Farmers and craftsmen from Rome's hinterland would rest from work on the nundinae to visit the city,[35] selling groceries and supplies which the Romans or their slaves would purchase for the next eight days. Auctions were held.[46] Children and adolescents were exempted from school.[35] It was a time of public merrymaking and Roman farming and slave manuals included stern warnings about permitting the vilicus, an enslaved overseer, too much free time during the visit to town lest he get caught up in mischief.[47] The church authorities later issued similar admonitions concerning its clerics, priests, and bishops.[47] Nundinae were used for dinner parties and public announcements,[35] especially of coming assemblies and legislation. Later writers praising early Rome's rusticity and spartanness claimed that its farmers would busy themselves with labor during the week and only groom[48] and fully bathe[49] on the nundinae.[50] Pliny describes the superstition, "religiously believed by many", that trimming one's nails silently during the nundinae or doing so beginning with the index finger provoked bad luck for one's finances.[51][52] The nundinae were not the only markets at Rome, though, as there were both daily markets (macella) and periodic fairs (mercatus).[53]
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It's literally in the name, mate.
The week starts with the Moon (night), and ends with the Sun (light).
During the night, you progress through various aspects of development:
>Tuesday: Tyr's day, a day of reflection on the mind also the planet Mars
>Wednesday: Woden/Wotan's day. A day of reflection on ones place in society. Also the planet Mercury
>Thursday: Thor's day, a day of reflection on bettering one's self and the divine masculine also the planet Jupiter
>Friday: Frigg/Freya's day. A day of reflection on domestic life, beauty, and love, also Venus
>Saturday: Saturn/Cronus day. A day of reflection on the end of time, the cycle of life, on time, also Saturn.

If you end the week with Saturn, it implies the week exists just to be culled.
If you end the week with the Sun, the message becomes ultimately different; it symbolizes the end of life as a return to the light. That the end is not the end, but a new beginning.

Starting the week with the Sun may sound enticing, but ultimately the message becomes sent awry. To end the week with Saturn implies that time culls all, the ultimate goal of life is death, and that death and time rule all. Even as a person extremely close to death I can see this as problematic.

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Why do Jews worship on Saturday vs Sunday?
I think others in this thread answered that, has to deal with the Sephirot.

Anons anyway we can help figure this out. If anyone can find where this man's at please do.
I assume most of those are just custody disputes between parents

It's proximity to Mexico is the issue, it's very possible they it will end cordially but all bets are off currently. I'm holding out hope with prayer they this will come to an amicable conclusion.

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So why do the celebs keep doing that stuff?
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Why do you pay attention to celebrities or give them any importance? Pretty pathetic.
This. I don't follow enough media to know who these people even are. The only time I find out is when someone on /x/ posts about some weird hand signals they did or some other bizarre shit.
michael aquino died of anal cancer john legend committed suicide opera was raped to death etc etc
They are all demons you already knew that.
>puts on nerd glasses
>raises finger

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ok faggots. pay attention as this is one of the only legit info threads on this schizofest shitheap of a board

high level demon possessed hosts have informed me of the following

>all wireless tech used to scan biomagnetic resonance to track and eventually tether people to the grid for bidirectional energy stream/neural link to ai - brain machine interface. human qr codes. demonic tagging system
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Imee Oooei tookt he vaccine and shilled for it.
Do you have the super fast, monotone surangama mantra recited by monks, with the fishbat metronome?
Okay. and now what? you said sll this snd what next? who gives a fuck
>mass round ups of various groups
Which groups specifically?
Not everyone
Real question desiring serious consideration: Could a breakaway civilization aimed at not only being offworld, but extrasolar, escape influence by this demonic world government/planetary invasion? Has there been any attempts at this already?

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If we base ourselves on the fact that God is a being that cannot be described with words and has no name, that implies that every God of every God of Western and Eastern religion is a lesser being, including the entities that are on planes beyond every imaginable concept, because they can still be described. If your God can be described in any way, if it can be described with words, even if it is described as a primordial entity that encompasses everything, it is not the real God.
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I gave 8 proofs of the Bible, I understand if you can't say Jesus Christ while in sleep paralysis, but can you respond to the Jack Parsons story?
At least respond to 2 of them without being a faggot
"Christcuck" is a part of /4chan/. What's Reddit? ;~P
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Aerojet was a private company that helped create jet rockets at JPL for Nasa to shoot into space
The rocket was founded by a satanist

Picture related is a leak from
No... this theological reasoning is flawed. Humanity has simply shifted the goal post as power creep has set in. You ever hear the saying that super man can leap over a tall building in a single bound, run as fast as a locomotive, etc...? Destroy the planet with a single punch or move faster than the speed of light?

Languages through out history had different terms for gods and they did not all mean the same thing. And foremost was not the requirement that the god be almighty. Just hold dominion over some such phenomenon, like rain, or weather, or crops, or luck or fortune...

On may claim a god false, but at the end of the day. All that it matters is that it is worshipped. That is the only really prerequisite.

What need does the almighty, that want's for naughty have for beggars? Why would it defer to that which is less than for vanity? There is nothing so prestigious as godhood when you are just a slum lord.

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Some anon got McAfee's switch files (15gb) right when it happened. Picrel posted as proof. Alleged child bidding underground. Anyone heard of any other images? Remember the satellite pic of Sierra Leone diamond mine?


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Source or link? Cmon, anon.
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so it was a LARP all along. nice

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Entropy cannot create therefore the universe is by design.
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Glad you decided to agree with me.
That sounds metal af.
You know you're not saying much, right?
I've said a lot. Could you repeat back what I've said in good faith? I honestly don't believe so.
Oy vey!

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Welcome to /srg/ Semen Retention General
>/SRM/ reading list v1
https://pastebin.com/qbTd4Lai (embed) (embed) (embed)
https://pastebin.com/NpdEaKSX (embed) (embed) (embed)

What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of abstaining from ejaculation for extended periods, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting sexual energy. It originates from various spiritual, philosophical, and cultural traditions. The idea is that abstaining from ejaculation can lead to increased vitality, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. While there isn’t a lot of scientific research (hard topic to do studies on) on the topic*, there are tons of personal accounts. Therefore, the only sure way to find out is trying it out for yourself.
Reported benefits include, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy*, improved focus, healthier hair/skin, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, and more.

* https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12659241/ - study that proves test levels are affected by SR. Average peak in test levels was 145%, one subjects test levels was raised 197%. However it has no data on what happens after week 3-4 and after that.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17268169/ - study that explores how mating until satisfaction affects the brains of male rats and their sexual behavior. (coom =“numb”androgen receptors = body unable to “register” testosterone as effectively as it should)
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We do not forget, we do not forgive, we are Legion, expect us!
all i can tell you is that if you stop jerking off for a few days you will feel significantly better, and you'll have uncommonly good luck. this will continue to occur the longer you can go without jerking off; and you'll have "bad" things happen on occasion regardless of your absistence, but they'll turn into good things, instead of bad things turning into more bad things as would happen when you touch your peen all day. the act of masturbation is one with physical, psychlogical and spiritual implications. you are not only releasing your seed, which contains many vital nutrients required for healthy bodily functions, but you are literally and metaphorically "letting go", which means the release of control, the indulgence of desire, the placing of something else above your ability to control it. if you really want to stop, then do this: find something to devote yourself to, no matter how outlandish, that consumes your thoughts more greatly than masturbation. put all of the once-wasted energy into that thing, and notice how you slowly become less dependent on your penile drug. one day, God willing, you might even achieve something.
The key to a heart of purity is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Without him, you can only see death.
It is.
Where are you getting this from?

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guys how the fuck do i get used to this fucking flesh vessel, how do i stop hating it so much, god it hurst, get it off, HELP ME GOD
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how was your childhood?
I was kidnapped trafficked and sold into slavery and now I got the aids
I am sorry for what the democrats did to you

ahh... you have the gay. that explains a lot.
in the Arctica, on that freighter, 40k soul in the cargo hold, when you have to wait for the ice to thin out, in the back, the chains don't swing they are frozen stiff

whots for dinner??

I was told to share my art here. Am I at the right place?
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gives me those 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica feels
I’m so glad you see it because he is exactly that - a Surinam toad/human hybrid
Have you seen the movie called Mad God? I think you would enjoy it quite a bit, all I could think of as I browsed the thread
No but I’ve been meaning to watch it! Some others have recommended it to me
Thank you :)

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Peter Singer a well known philosopher argues you're a murderer if you don't donate significant amounts to charity. Is he right? Why or why not?

Here's an example of a formal argument for people being super obligated to donate to charity

"The Drowning Child Argument Is Simply Correct

Failure to donate to effective charities is like walking past drowning children and doing nothing.

Imagine you were walking past a drowning child. The child kicks, screams, and cries as they drown and are about to be resigned to a watery grave when you walk by. You can save them if you jump into the pool and pull them out. But doing so would come at a cost. You’re currently wearing a very expensive suit—about 5,000 dollars—or perhaps your suit is cheap but has a 5,000 dollar bill in your pocket that would be ruined if you save the child (it’s a very deep pocket—you can’t pull it out in time). Clearly, in such a case, even though it would cost significant money, you’d be obligated to jump into the pond to save the child.
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Bit boring that they use the same tricks isn't it?

Let humanity never fail to be flexible.
Murder implies intent. So at worst it's something more akin to neglect. But again right and wrong is just something we made up based on our feeling sof empathy and the social contract. One will be much happier if they are ignorant to the suffering of the wider world and focus on their own training and enjoyment. Only worrying about that which they can see and not the problems of far off realms they shall never touch
The problem is that the analogy does not hold up because it fails to account for an information problem. "Information Problems" are cases in economics where the market does not have enough information to correctly value the potential choices.

In the "drowning child" story, all of the information about the relative risks, rewards, and ongoing future costs is visible, because "a drowning child" can be saved by a time-limited direct intervention that has a clear outcome.

Most charitable activity does not work the same way, and cannot work the same way. The most famous example is "The March of Dimes" but we all intuitively understand that every charity will develop into a bit of a racket over time. The people who work there expect to get paid (either with cash, psychological, or social status rewards.) In many cases, the charities have an incentive to effectively dramatize and potentially mis-describe the circumstances that lead to the need for charity in the first place.

For example, I give to a charity that helps "homeless people." Being a charity, they are formally agnostic as to WHY the people are homeless-they help everyone. But I wish they would focus on the deserving poor-people who, through no fault of their own (such as lay-offs, or suddenly death of a family provider), become homeless, and less for the alcoholics, drug addicts, and petty criminals. But I don't have enough pull to change how they provide services, and I don't have the time or on-the-ground knowledge that would let me more effectively assist the deserving poor.

Further, unlike in the drowning child example, there's no competition between different charitable goals. Choosing takes time, energy, and reduces the available resources the giver has to address local issues that directly impact him.

Individual charity to solve immediate local problems like a child drowning does not generalize to charity generally because the costs are impossible to calculate for the potential donor.
Except we already saved the drowning child. They jumped back in. We build safe guards for them gave them flotation devices and taught them how to swim. They responded buy burning the flotation devices and safety guard tied a rock to themselves and jumped back is. So how many times are we expected to risk our own life jumping back in after them?

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