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Is the idea of humanity existing under a single system/government inherently dangerous and not worth the possible pros it might have?
I consider the same thing once in awhile. I think eventually we’ll have one but it should be mostly ceremonial without much power and no way to get money from us. Right now I don’t trust our politicians but maybe in the future we can get better as a civilization to where we reach galactic adulthood
It'll happen eventually, whether we like it or not. I'm not saying that as some conspiracy nut or anything either. I think it'll be a very loose federation of autonomous states, mostly republics, but I think Earth will probably unite by the ~2300s-2500s. Earth is very diverse but I think in the far future trade and diplomacy will always be more worthwhile while war and conflict will be far too costly, especially with futuristic weapons. The real question is whether or not off-world colonies would want to be under Earth's banner or their own autonomous states.


I think this video is pretty realistic and a fun watch if this kind of question is interesting to you.
World government is here today, the only conflict is petty squabbles and theater.
Modern war is fake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_fOYW-GXdc
I'd say a cerimonial government isn't really a problem, it would just be a cool larp. I do see advantages an actual one would have but it would also make it extremely easy to abuse power with nowhere to escape
But is it worth it?

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Remember that time the Cabal of Witches that ran the South Korean Government sacrificed three hundred civilians in a ritual for a dark ritual in service of the agenda of thee 영생교 하나님의 성
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agreed. superstition is a bitch.
Rothschilds and Rockefellers do the same shit
Bernard Baruch and FDR were sacrificing children too
They can fucking try, Koreans aren’t armed plus Asian
It's not the same thing at all. Shamans are a cultural thing in Korea, it's a folk religion called musok. The families in charge of the biggest companies in the country all use shamans, politicians use shamans. They believe their generational wealth and standing is tied to the whims of ancestral or mythological spirits that watch over the family or the person. Shamans act as an intermediary with these spirits, they rely their messages as a form of fortune telling and they perform rituals as a form of communication. Shamans in Korea are extremely rich and powerful due to this, it's not just one random sect or some western cabal infiltrated. It's a cultural religious practice that has twisted into a control framework in the korean upper echelon.

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What do you recommend?

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Red pill me more on the Igigi gods and their rebellion. How many are there? How long do they live for? Yesterday's thread on /pol/ had some good info.

>worker drones
They’re the grey aliens
homonculii with mechanically simulated arian spirits.
to what ever faggot is manufacturing this crop, your work is poor, my grey men are 12 foot gigachads
jks bros, i get the stillsuit compression lore.

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I think Earth is a globe and outer space and other planets and stars are real.
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Eglin glowniggers do NOT want you to believe this
Faster than light travel/teleportation/magic. Outer space is real but so is the occult world
I hope you are right; it would be interesting if ftl travel (besides astral projection) is achivable through magic
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Those things just take your soul and replace it with a copy

Because it's a condition to want more and if god removed that condition then life would be pointless and stupid. To know good, one must experience evil.
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Everything would be perfect if no one sinned. The actual question that you are asking is why does man sin?
We exist so that God, the universe, nature, whatever you want to call it, can know and learn itself.
No one sins, they just act and sometimes its sinful and sometimes its not, even if it's the same action. That's how you know sin isn't something people do, it's something they decide. We'll keep deciding it as long as anything isn't good.
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love is the dichotomous path between the hues of man and his animus, wisdom, the synthsis of all the components of failure and success one encouters used to chart a course deeper into the deep blue sea {where seeing where your going grows harder the deeper you go}) is the path between the hues of man and the aria of their specter unfractured.
do you believe a man can swim in the depths of this ocean with only his own song to light his way?
>everything would be perfect had god not crested sin

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Do you know any money magic spells? How do I learn the ways of the big nosed Babylonians?

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I live in the middle of nowhere, and I feel like my soulmate lives on the other side of the world, probably thinking the same thing right now. How can I find her? I yearn to love again.
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Love is fake
No, it's literally a fundamental aspect of reality. It manifests itself in different ways in every plane of existence. It's just that the material realm is sort of degenerate and is attempting to degenerate you further from experiencing reality in a complete way.
I know there is a Pokkou-lookalike out there who I'm totally compatible with and who is capable of showing me love and affection, and making me delicious fried chicken sandwiches. We may never meet now...it's over.
and gay
It's not fake, it is real because each of us is incomplete so we yearn to add to ourself. It does manifest like >>39270250 says, because all things are incomplete.

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What does this mean for humanity?
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Not an awful lot until 2040.
nothing is new

>This has happened and will happen again, said Euphorbus. You are not lighting a pyre, you are lighting a labyrinth of flames. If all the fires I have been were gathered together here, they would not fit on earth and the angels would be blinded
Pluto will never be a real planet.
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>Kinda naive not to think the elite are obviously already preparing for it too so we might see a robespierre type character thinking he's a god but of some transhumanism bullshit...
What do Plutonians look like?

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has anyone here been using their visual mind like a word page processing program so you can memorise text without having to have the physical files or text physically, just in imagination?

It really seems to me like the endgame of a lot of your beliefs is to essentially castrate yourselves and others. You make it seem like life is a curse instead of a gift. Kiiiiiiiiinda cringe bro
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>lot of trannies and druggies here projecting their suicidal depression into world belief
Becoming a parent is literally one of the most spiritual experiences I've ever experienced. It changes you at a root level. People who aren't parents don't get it
this thread smells of lacotti horseshit...
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Nta, just because I don't do it doesn't mean I don't get it. Either way, there are a whole lot of people who don't change at all when they become parents. That's why Child Protective Services exist.
I don't think it's my place to decide whether a person deserves to exist or not, but you do you.

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Day November 17, 2024

I know my friend told me that their friend is a Canis Major that lives in a marine complex due to not allowed to be in America yet due to the meeting with trump and a Sorcerer at a white house.

Possibly migrants from multiple worlds especially planet nibiru.

As proven that purple skies and green skies are real and the prediction of trump winning from that TikTok lady mysticist.

I know for the fact apparently she’s 6 or 7 feet tall.

She’s into video games that have only inlvolves Violence or killing.

She has a bunch of simpish marines mostly males comparing her to loona from helluvaboss, due to her looks and attitude, hell she even had a human disguise but without human ears.

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No wait those are missles… but still!
quads wasted on nether herpes

Be prepared for an interview guys
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Bring on the anthro fox women

I have heard some terrifying stories about Kundalini going wrong, inducing psychosis, madness etc.

Suggest me books 2 read or other information anons, I want to try this thing out
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>The Manichaeans also wrote a Gospel according to Thomas, which being tinctured with the fragrance of the evangelic title corrupts the souls of the simple sort.
I don't know man, a lot of sneaky people in that part of the world
>During the reign of Shapur, Manichaeism, a new religion founded by the Iranian prophet Mani, flourished. Mani was treated well by Shapur, and in 242, the prophet joined the Sasanian court, where he tried to convert Shapur by dedicating his only work written in Middle Persian, known as the Shabuhragan. Shapur, however, did not convert to Manichaeism and remained a Zoroastrian.

which one is the kind where they run around naked in the forest amid dewy rocks and jump over fires while giggling?
This post is the epitome of why /x/ sucks dick
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Looks like the guy i used to follow in ig seems to have disappeared. I found another video here:
but it seems like their videos have also been deleted. Another version of "dragon sickness" is also called "Zouhuorumo". If you also look into the strange story of Kyle Odom. He was practicing an unnamed form of "meditation" which then turned into a disaster.
quite strange that in so much time studying spirituality nobody made observation that unified kundalini and neidan (taoist alchemy)
all I could find was this diagram for ants and even so it writes "tibetan yoga" for neidan

>but it seems like their videos have also been deleted. Another version of "dragon sickness" is also called "Zouhuorumo"
the wikipedia article on that recommends "grounding" for things arising from meditation (like martial arts or qigong)
I've have also seen "grounding" recommended in the case of kundalini psychosis, although the latter (and Zazen, I presume) present less risk as no movement is involved
and of course Benedictine monks recommended "Ora et Labora" meaning "Pray and Work" which is points in the same direction (work = physical work)

anyway, hopefully somebody has archived the videos

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Don't look elsewhere if you're seeking the Real Christian Tradition — Orthodoxy is the Way!
Why Orthodoxy?
>continuity with the Early Church: Apostolic Succession preserved unbroken since the time of Christ and the Apostles
>rich Liturgical Worship: Divine services filled with reverence, chant, incense, and timeless beauty
>deep Spiritual Tradition: Teachings of the Church Fathers, hesychasm (prayerful stillness), and the Jesus Prayer
>dogmatic Stability: Faithful to the doctrines established in the Ecumenical Councils
>vibrant Community: Strong parish life, connection to local culture, and support in spiritual growth
>icons: Windows to Heaven, inspiring devotion and connecting the faithful with Christ and the saints
>accessible Teachings: Resources in English and many languages make Orthodox theology widely available

Core Resources for Exploring Orthodoxy:
>Orthodox Wiki - General info about the Orthodox Faith and History: https://orthodoxwiki.org/Main_Page (apparently dead)
Liturgical and Spiritual Life:
>Sunday Divine Liturgy: Participation in the Eucharist, the heart of Christian life
>Festal and Daily Cycles: Engage with the sanctity of time through services like Vespers and Matins

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put on your armor of God brothers, use prayer as a constant active attack against demons, praise the Lord in all you do
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My mistake about the first post. I did not meant to tag you. Tough perhaps the namefag is best left untagged. They feed on attention.

Pic. related is from the late 4th century. It's from a catacomb of Commodilla. Historically speaking, icons descend from the early Christian art in Rome. Tough the style did become more crystallized in Byzantine art. They are essentially icons:


If, for as long Christians could speak, they spread the message of Christ, then, for as long as they could paint, they depicted it. It's how Christianity was spread and taught, to literate and illiterate alike. The Nicaea councils did not innovate, they merely canonized this. It's ironic that the most iconoclast of Christians cling so tightly to their own idiosyncrasies and reject lived experience. Ie. they cling to the letter, but not the spirit of the Word. Tell me, does you having a picture of your wife mean you're cheating on her? Can you or can you not tell the difference between the lived experience you and your wife share, and a picture of her? If your house was burning, would you save her, or the picture? If you can't answer these questions, then perhaps I understand your attitude towards icons. But then the problem lies with you, not with the icons. Images, like words, act as mere signifies to a reality that lies beyond them. They are no substitute for it, yet, as guides, they serve their purpose well. Our world would be poorer without them. Christ was God, yet He was also man. He revealed Himself to us, that we may see, and hear, and listen.
pretty sure the true church is one that is not being shilled by anyone and not even considered a church, nor an institution.
And pretty sure the drug addicts dying on the streets are closer to God than us "christians"
Bump for discussion tomorrow. Finally taking my Christianity seriously in Orthodoxy, and while it just *feels* right for me (I actuallynfeel a calm and reverence in the chamber, as well as through the rituals), intellectually a lot of questions remain unanswered, as at least one other Anon has brought up for himself.

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What are the implications of worshiping God and the devil?
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You're a fucking retard
The Final Solution was the Tower of Babel.
>You're a fucking retard
You're an ironic fucking retard
Can such an act yield worldly reward?
It was revealed to me in a dream by the not evil version of God (still enslaved)
"So...so...so evil"

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