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Is it Saturday or Sunday? Are the Jews right? Do they worship the correct day? Who knows, probably x tho, let’s find out! Cast a vote if you like.
Sunday because that's when Chic-fil-a is closed.
the correct day of worship is eighth
any god that requires you to worship, fear, obey, is not a real god, just a larping astral entity, that is my take on the whole thing really
Do you know what the seventh day is even supposed to be that makes it so sacred?
Saturday is the sabbath. You’re supposed to rest. Worship isn’t rest. Worship belongs to every other day. Six days of brotherly love and good deeds to show gratitude for God’s blessings. The seventh day, we rest.
Monday. The day of our Lord Shiva.
Sunday Monday Wednesdays Friday Tuesday Thursday Saturday In that order
pretty sure saturday comes from sabbath, and it is a day of rest,
theres only one God
>God can't figure out you're trying to talk to him if you do it on the wrong day of the week
do you worship the creator of the universe or a hairdresser?
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>Al-Biruni on the General
Characteristics of the Planets: Religions & Pictures of the Planets
>Saturn: Jews and those who dress in black. Old man seated on a wolf in his right hand the head of a man and in the left a man's hand; or according to another picture, mounted on a bright bay horse, on his head a helmet, in the left hand a shield and in the right a sword.
Jupiter: : Christians and those dressed in white. A young man with a drawn sword in the right hand and a bow and a rosary in the left, on horse-back; Another picture: man on a throne clad in variously coloured robes, a rosary in the left hand.
Mars: Idolaters, wine-bibbers. dressed in red. Young man seated on two lions. in the right hand a drawn sword in the left a battle-axe; another picture: mounted on a bay horse, helmet on head, in the left hand a spear adorned with red roses, pennon flag, in the right hand head of a man, clad in red.
The Sun: Wearing a crown; Magians, Mithraists. A man seated on something like a shield on wheels drawn by. four oxen, in his right a staff on which he rests, in his left a mace, beads; another picture: man seated, face like a circle, holding reins of four horses.
Venus: : Islam. Woman on a camel holding a lute which she is playing; another picture: woman seated her hair unloosened the locks in her left hand, in the right a mirror in which she keeps looking. dressed in yellowish green, with a necklace, bells, bracelets and anklets.
Mercury: Disputants in all sects. Youth seated on a peacock, in his right hand a serpent and in the left a tablet which he keeps reading; another picture: man seated on a throne, in his hand a book which he is reading, crowned, yellow and green robe
The Moon: Adherents of the prevailing religion. Man with javelin in right hand. in his left thirty. you would think there were three hundred. on his head a crown, seated in a chariot drawn by four horses.
Saturday is the Sabbath, hence the name. Christian churches usually meet on Sunday because you should be at synagogue on Saturday.
My sabbath is Monday. Day of the moon, pursuant to my weekly schedule it is my saturday, reclaiming the most negative day of the week and turning it into a celebration of the moon and the primary day I do magic and shroom.

Pick your own sabbath. God doesn't care on what specific day it lands, only that you have a holy day once every 7 days for proper recalibration of your mind and soul for another week of mundane drudgery.
The sabbath is not about God, its about you. Rest, and be merry. It is joyless to work 7 days a week.
>in his left thirty.
Thirty what? Wtf is this AI generated slop?
Sunday is the first day of the week, the first day of creation and the new creation. Saturday is the last day of the week, the day of the rest. Christians hold both days holy as per Exodus 12:16. Jews and Seventh day adventists do not, as they do not follow the religion of Moses.
God exist beyond and through out all space, matter, and time. And you believe there is only one specific day to worship him?

Don’t put God in a box when you think within a box yourself. Know this, there is no specific or best day to worship, there is only, are you going to pray and talk with God or not at today?
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But what about Chewsday?
It says Javelins, can you not read?

Source = Al-Biruni's Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology
I don’t feel like there’s a consensus yet
>Lousy Smarch weather...
Days have special energies attached to them.
Sunday has the special energy of repetition, whatever you do this day will create a pattern that will repeat, and you will do these things again.
So it's a good day to count money, or get a new girlfriend so you keep adding them to your harem.
Worshiping on a Sunday just creates a pattern where you keep worshiping more and more, and the more you worship, the more your worship.
>just a larping astral entity
And then you realize those entities have to do it because they're starving for energy, and you feel pity for them.
Imagine going to KFC and buying a bucket of chicken, and they even give you four extra legs for free, and that satiates your hunger, archons can't do that, they're hungry all the time and when someone prays and they eat a for a bit, that does not satisfy them, and they need more.
The poor things.
What about Saturday?
it doesn't matter at this point because we can't even know for sure what day of the week really is. Let's say that God really created the earth in seven days, alright. At this point in space and time we can't know with 100% certainty what day of the week really is. If this is the seventh day or first or whatever. I get it that you want to worship Go in truth and spirit, that's good. But nobody really knows what they really is today. They say today is friday, but who really knows? Only God knows.
why do humans need to worship? just follow the golden rule and love yourself.
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Saturn is Binah on the Sephiroth, anything beyond him is potentials and not actuals i.e the spirit world. The realm of the fixed stars and God. Saturn is understanding, so Saturn is totally necessary to attain real gnosis of this world even if he is extremely unpleasant. Saturn is the one who sets the ordeals upon us which while excruciatingly painful are necessary for initiation.
>Initiation, which involves both physical and mental ordeals. These ordeals are experiences, often quite painful, which make it
possible for the aspirant’s consciousness to be elevated to a more exalted state. In a peculiar manner, seemingly unconnected circumstances have the power en masse to jar open a clenched chakra. A man may lose all he loves in the most excruciatingly painful
way in order that he realize the unimportance of terrestrial phenomena.
>An Ordeal is usually “blind” in the sense that neither the aspirant nor the Master is responsible for the occurrence; it is a necessary manifestation of the Magician’s own Will-toward-Enlightenment. It is important that these not be regarded as any sort of “punishment” for bad behavior (as in the religion of the slave-god). There are no moralistic aspects about the Ordeals; they are necessary regardless of right and wrong.
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Friday every day

>you need to worship on one day only

slackers. idiots. morons
groups attempt to differentiate (separate) by adopting different calendars... but now we live in the age of the internet.

your religions are spiritually bankrupt, your rituals are dead, and you look fucking stupid. provincial. backwards.
"but my tribe said..."

d u m b
Interesting perspective. What energies do the other days have attached to them?
Because God designed us to literally worship and serve. You can see this when you see famous artists like musicians or "movie stars" or even people like Donald Trump. We call this "the cult of personality". It is what it is. You may argue that God is not real and it's all fairy tales meant to control us, alright. For the sake of this conversation I can accept that. Let's say that God is not real and religions are all fake and gay. We still have to deal with the fact that nature, because we took God out of the equation, so nature designed us to have this behavior where we feel a deep "respect" or "admiration" or "wonder" towards someone because of something that person does. In the case of famous musicians the fans worship them. You also have famous atlhetes, right? They also get to be worshiped. People like Michal Jordan and Lebron James and Maradona and Pelé. So this is somethign we all must learn how to channel. You must channel your worship towards the right target. The right target is God. When you worship something which is not God that's when you see lame and gay ass things starting to happening. You have atheists who worship the big bang theory even if it's not really scientific. So even atheists end up worshiping something. So in the end of the day you are also worshiping something, but you choose to worship yourself which is very narcissistic IMO. But to each his own. Peace. 4n8nx
So is it Saturday or Sunday?
it's every day. say "Thanks God, you're cool" every day and he'll be like "No problem anon, you're pretty cool too"
if your relationship with God isn't like that, then idk what to tell you. Can you really say you have a relationship with someone if it's something you think about only once a week?
There are times when I feel the total dad thing from him, and it’s not from punishment. It’s from how he communicates.
Aka saturn day.
Only retarded normalfags do this shit, but they are more animal than human.
You nerds are spreading the non since,
What you are even trying to say that we all are pagan that we worship the sun?
Friday sundown through Saturday sundown.

The Sabbath begins when the sun sets on Friday and finishes when the sun goes down on Saturday.
It's any day and anywhere. God doesn't stop being around if it's Wednesday and you're in a supermarket.
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Higher Planetary Octaves

(Taken from The Eternal Door)

Saturday - Uranus
Sunday - Sirius B
Monday - Sirius
Tuesday - Pluto
Wednesday - Vulcan
Thursday - Neptune
Friday - Pan
>The nundinal cycle formed a rhythm within quotidian Roman life. Farmers and craftsmen from Rome's hinterland would rest from work on the nundinae to visit the city,[35] selling groceries and supplies which the Romans or their slaves would purchase for the next eight days. Auctions were held.[46] Children and adolescents were exempted from school.[35] It was a time of public merrymaking and Roman farming and slave manuals included stern warnings about permitting the vilicus, an enslaved overseer, too much free time during the visit to town lest he get caught up in mischief.[47] The church authorities later issued similar admonitions concerning its clerics, priests, and bishops.[47] Nundinae were used for dinner parties and public announcements,[35] especially of coming assemblies and legislation. Later writers praising early Rome's rusticity and spartanness claimed that its farmers would busy themselves with labor during the week and only groom[48] and fully bathe[49] on the nundinae.[50] Pliny describes the superstition, "religiously believed by many", that trimming one's nails silently during the nundinae or doing so beginning with the index finger provoked bad luck for one's finances.[51][52] The nundinae were not the only markets at Rome, though, as there were both daily markets (macella) and periodic fairs (mercatus).[53]
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It's literally in the name, mate.
The week starts with the Moon (night), and ends with the Sun (light).
During the night, you progress through various aspects of development:
>Tuesday: Tyr's day, a day of reflection on the mind also the planet Mars
>Wednesday: Woden/Wotan's day. A day of reflection on ones place in society. Also the planet Mercury
>Thursday: Thor's day, a day of reflection on bettering one's self and the divine masculine also the planet Jupiter
>Friday: Frigg/Freya's day. A day of reflection on domestic life, beauty, and love, also Venus
>Saturday: Saturn/Cronus day. A day of reflection on the end of time, the cycle of life, on time, also Saturn.

If you end the week with Saturn, it implies the week exists just to be culled.
If you end the week with the Sun, the message becomes ultimately different; it symbolizes the end of life as a return to the light. That the end is not the end, but a new beginning.

Starting the week with the Sun may sound enticing, but ultimately the message becomes sent awry. To end the week with Saturn implies that time culls all, the ultimate goal of life is death, and that death and time rule all. Even as a person extremely close to death I can see this as problematic.

Also the main reason Saturday is the end day is because Jews see Saturday as the sabbath.
Why do Jews worship on Saturday vs Sunday?
I think others in this thread answered that, has to deal with the Sephirot.

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