Let's do one this again, I need to gather again some charts.
>>39649167People here watch youtube videos, slop media and old half assed infodumps. No one here reads.
>>39649421Oh nice. Got any Jewtube and goyslop for me to binge on?
>>39649752There's usually a shitty youtube general that gets made every few days or so. You could look there.
>>39649766Spoonfeed me, bitch.
>>39649167You say you need to gather some charts. Are you going to read all these books? Why do you need all this information? You only need one single book, and that's enough for you.
>>39649167Kybalion is new thought trash it's not hermeticism. It's a filter to pipe love and light manifesters into the new age where they belong.Initiation into hermetics is low key genius but you won't realize how genius it is until you're an adept/grand wizard. But it's also not hermetics it's more in line with tantra in a western esoteric costume.
>>39649167Pewdiepie is doing a based book club this year!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfQAnBol6Jw
I need recommendations on where to actually start reading to learn magic, rather than just be told one book that goes and references all these other books I've never read.
>>39649996>reading to learn magicNgmiSeriously though. You can learn a lot by reading. But you still need to practice itWhat exactly are you looking to learn?
>>39649167I was thinking on making a book thread to discuss /x/ books. This is the closest thing so will post the charts I have
>>39650226Probably last one. Will check if I have more
>>39650154Worth noting- Behold A Pale Horse is legit, but you want to make sure it's the older edition with the less legible title font.New editions like the one pictured cut out Ch 17, about the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
>>39650040I have spent the last 30 minutes trying to write what exactly I want, only to keep sounding like a schizo writing a novel. I'll super tl;dr my goals. I want to know what's out there, because I do genuinely believe there is more, and what our physical reality is isn't necessarily all that there is. I also naturally came to the conclusion that while individuals may have their "own" consciousness now, everything can always be traced back to a beginning, from a singular "oneness", and that we (and any/all parallel/alternate realities) are it's attempt at consciousness and to experience everything. And by that logic, if we do all come from a singular source, shouldn't we also be able to manipulate what is here now as well, since we are also of that same original source? I come to /x/ on a whim over a month ago, start reading random bits and bobs, and wow, magic is basically that thought I've been having, I guess. As in, magic is the means to manipulate reality, and that my own self conclusion of coming from a oneness that doesn't necessarily have to be some religious deity, isn't super unique.tl;dr - know what's beyond the physical, learn to manipulate the physical via whatever reality actually is. If I needed to give practical uses, commune with other entities, protect myself (especially from a really stupid mistake I made), get petty revenge on a singular person out of spite for hurting me, and then I guess being able to ensure I'm comfortable and safe in life as I continue to learn what's out there. I do meditate, and I can sit comfortably and just focus on my breathing & basically all my other body tingles/feelings/etc. for 30 minutes easily. My record though was 1 1/2 hrs. Head wasn't entirely empty, but it was for most of it. I bruteforced my adhd brain to shut up by default years ago, but I do still struggle with loads of thoughts when I do have to think. It's very hard to explain. Have also been trying to AP/OBE, but have had no success yet.
3 seconds until first cry
Ok, /x/, see, you only need ONE book to learn magick from. But you NEED to put in the training.
>>39649167schizo nonsense that consists of empty platitudes and colorful wordy mysticism that means absolutely nothing
>>39650375How so? Care to elaborate? I'm currently reading Liber Null but I'm still on the first exercises
>>39650536Reading many books is generally a trap, you need practice more than read, but if you have many books, you read lots and do never
>>39650536Don't sweat it off, the meditation is important, if you get siddhi you're gonna be more magical than a mlp episode.Pun intended
>>39650320when you get disillusioned about all this magic/occultism/esotericism stuff, which at the very end of the day is all pointless and just plain entertainment, then, and only then, read this book: I am That, by Nisargadatta Maharaj. Good luck on your search OP
>>39650154>books that will put you on a real time watch lists>the bible
One i found from a old thread. I would add Occult Underground, since that and Occult Establishment are basically one book. Lots of well researched info i haven't seen anywhere else and both deserve reprints.
>>39650620>The Antichrist hates Christpilled individualsMakes sense
>>39651805The feds hate it when you gobble up fed religion
no image pls forgivenessStudy of Instinct - TinbergenThe Technological Era - BrzezinskiThe technological society - EllulThe Anatomy of Slavespeak - MannTechnological Slavery - KaczynskiScience of Society - PearlAutopoesis - MaturanaCrystalilzing public opinion - BernaysTechnological Slavery - KaczyinskyConscious Evolution - HubbardBeyond Freedom and Dignity - SkinnerA new science of life - SheldrakeChanging Minds - StrakerA course in mirales - RueckertThe Invisible Rainbow - FirstenburgThe US Army Counter Intelligence HandbookThe Twilight Language - BucknellThe Prometheus project - mankind’s search for long-range goalsIn our Time - HoferAghora At the Left Hand of God - SvobodaChanging images of man - Markley and HarmanSynchronicity an acausal connecting principleThe Handbook of Fifth-Generation Warfare - AbbotAct of the will - AsagioliHandbook of Intelligence Studies - LochWorld corporation - KingEscape from self theory - BaumeisterWholeness and Implicate order - BohmIntellectuals and Society - SowellBattle for your mind - SutphenResistance and Persuasion - KnowlesMathematical Logic - CrossleyBrainwashing - TaylowStudy of popular mind - Le BonMental Self Defense and Reverse Social Engineering for Human Beings - HudsonFog of peace and war planning - TalbotVoluntary Servitude - De la boetieInstincts of the herd in peace and war - TrotterStrategic information warfare - MolanderRiddle Wilson Art of memetics - Wilson and UnruhTranscending the levels of Consiousness - HawkinsTechnological society - EllulCulture against man - HenryIndustrial Society and Its Future - KaczinskyUnconscious Civilization - RalstonEffective Interviewing and Interrogation TechniquesGoliath - SchneierBrouwer’s Intutionism - van StigtRoad to Reality - PenroseCivilization and its discontents - FreudMan alone with himself - NietzscheWorld Thought Police - BesemenovMen Like Gods - WellsSurveillance capitalism - Zuboff
>>39651903Open conspiracy - WellsMethods of nonviolent action - SharpFull Spectrum Dominance - EngdahlThe Servile State - BellocAn introduction to system sciences - WarfieldMental Modularity - FodorLanguage of thought - FodorWhy Marxists Oppose Individual Terrorism - TrotskyConfessions of an Advertising Man - OgilvyConjectures and Refutations - PopperPrince - MachiavelliPropaganda - EllulRochefoucauld’s MaximsRules for Radicals - AlinskySelf - Actualisation - MaslowThe Social Animal - AronsonWorld as Will and Representation - SchopenhauerSapir Whorf HypothesisAdmirality and Maritime Law - Force, Yiannopolos and DaviesThe Crowd - Le BonThe basic principles of war propaganda - MorelliThe nature of matter - PlanckNTTP-3-13.3M-MCTP-3-32B-OPSEC-2017 - US NavyWalden Two - SkinnerChainless Slaves - OzianSurvival of the Wisest - SalkeThe Collapse of Complex Societies - TainterRule by Secrecy - MarrsThe Social Outcast - Williams, Vorgas, von HippelTranscending the Matrix control System - MontalkStalking the wild Pendulum - BentovThe Female Brain - BrizendineThe Male brain - BrizendineFeudal Society - M. BlochEmotional Brain - LedouxWhy we sleep - M. WalkerAttention Merchants - WuMastery - GreeneProtocols of learned elders of zionThe Laws of Human Nature - GreeneThe Virtue of Selfishness - RandThe War of Art - PressfieldThinking Fast and Slow - KahnemanYour Brain at Work – RockZen and Archery - HerrigelWill Power - BaumeisterFlow - CsikszentmihalyiRevolt against the modern world - EvolaDoublespeak - LutzThe Law of One - Messenger of RaPerfect Day - IraPower vs Force - HawkinsMorphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature - Sheldrake
can someone rec me something mystic that doesnt go against god and jesus christ teachings? it also doesnt have to be practical. i enjoy christian mystics and just want to get closer to god but having red the bible again a few days ago i ne3d to take a break.
>>39652070gnosisisnt that satan stuff
>>39652080I don't think so
>>39651924Gregorian chants help create a range of effects physical as well as spiritual, rosary, reading up on the lives fo the saints, >"The Cloud of Unknowing" (Anonymous)>"The Interior Castle" by St. Teresa of Ávila>"Dark Night of the Soul" by St. John of the Cross>David R. Hawkins for non denominational, non satanic spirituality.
>>39653790Ride the Tiger is much better than Revolt Against the Modern World imo. Less political drivel more actual esotericism
>>39650281>you should start by reading a book that literally states in the introduction that this book should take 30 years to readLarper
>>39650320>Two tldr followed by essay Look into neoplatonism, if you haven't already. Then look into jungianism. Then realize the "singular oneness" who you've been looking for was Jesus all along, but you cant know until you meet him.
>>39650620Youd be surprised by how few people actually read it. And even those who do its usually nothing beyond matthew, genesis, or Revelations if youre "edgy".Theres things in the bible ive talked about to die-hard catholics they didnt even know about.When the priest gets to pick what you hear from it its always gonna be the "jesus good" "humans bad" "greed bad" "give money to chruch good" stuff.
>>39656583So what exactly is in the Bible that will get us on a watchlist or whatever
Fuck all those books
The bardon text is more than enough. Pair it with Mouni Sadhu's concentration (because modern world has nuked our ability to focus) and you'll break out the matrix
>>39656588I dont agree with the idea it'd put you on a watchlist but the bible is in reality an instruction guide on how to keep a population civilized and depending on the current state you preach different parts of it. Its interesting to read the parts that dont apply to society any more and the parts that will be applied in the future. Psalms is a good back pocket starting point as its literally just a collection of good little lessons. Beyond that id suggest alternating between old and new testament every time you finish a book.Theres no secrets really in there beyond hints to qabalah left over from when it transferred from the jews to christians. Its more useful as a tool to better yourself than it is a repository of arcane knowledge, think if it as a compendium of "i fucked up, heres how, and heres how not to fuck up also". Just understand that you have to gatekeep your brain as half of it is useful information like "blind pride leads to self destruction" and the other half is brainwashing population control like "jesus is the only king and the church speaks on behalf of jesus"
>>39656666Just checking who got the satanic quads, dont mind me