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>Is magick real? and can you use magick rituals to win the lotto?


so why aren't they millionaires?
Don't know.

Tell me the weirdest conspiracy theories you believe in.
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This is good bait actually
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various glow nigger agencies had at least 4 confirmed federal agents namefagging in the nobody thread this morning
Tattoos follow you into heaven/hell.
aliens and spirits are all interconnected
Aliens are interdimensional.

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Reposted from another anon.

>I'll tell you everything you need to know about the occult in elite fag circles today.

>they ritually sodomize mainly young boys because they square the circle, it's the Key of David or the Rothschild Key, backdoor to enlightenment, it creates a space/time interference and illumination for the practitioner and subject, white flashes of light hitting the brain through the spinal column. They use the kids as blackmail, but they're also seers. They suffer lifelong trauma because of the schism it creates but that's exactly why they have a connection through backdoor. It's generations and generations of this, there are entire hierarchical structures, families and chosen ones that sodomize the sodomizers all the way to the top.
>Also they revere and fear Sirius above all.

Sirius is the All-Seeing Eye, and sees all of terror and blood these elites shed. They can run along for a long time, but sooner or later they will be cut down. What's done in the dark will eventually be brought to the light.
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What are you going to do about it?
>calling the delusions of the powerful fake mysticism is normie
if they were truly enlightened on any level they would not care about their material status like they do. thinking any conspiratorial idea is true just shows you're unprincipled in your own studies
>if they were truly enlightened on any level they would not care about their material status like they do.
Well said. They possess a false enlightenment. Just like their material wealth and worldly power, it ultimately means nothing.
It's CIA mind control look up Project Monarch
>Sirius is the All-Seeing Eye, and sees all of terror and blood these elites shed.

sees or oversees?


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Non reply. =/
Fuck off
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i am dying... with amusement
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do NOT research

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Did you ever consider that none of yas know anything and you're all just a bunch of dumpasses? Yeah you think of that huh???? You some kinda of a big hunk, big paranormal man? I could easily whoop your ass and knock that paranormal book out of your hand and rip it in half.
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your pepe has a steganography mark on its left eye, courtesy of MI6. your argument is invalid
Not all of us, there's an anon on another thread that seems to know something. He even managed to use the word hypergame in a sentence.
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wizards ain't shit
>Yeah you think of that huh???? You some kinda of a big hunk, big paranormal man? I could easily whoop your ass and knock that paranormal book out of your hand and rip it in half.
they tried this with jesus and howd that work out goob
inside of you are two wizards
one is gay
the other one is gay
you are gay

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But allow innocent children suffer everyday? What’s this guys problem?
John 9:1-3
King James Version

9 And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.

2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?

3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.
God is good and God is evil, God is everything and nothing. All at once. It's called a singularity and it's the reason all the spiritual esoteric frameworks paint God as ineffable.

Your error is seeing God as some bureaucrat human-like figure working from a cosmic desk, when in reality God is simply the condition for causality to even take place.

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the fox trots silently at midnight.
learn about how weak you are at escaping suffering, and then stop escaping suffering
Use psychedelic drugs like Ayahuasca and mushrooms, and meditate on a regular basis.
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eat a cube of d9 weed gummies and read funny memes

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>Gnosis knowledge to escape reality and pleasures and going rouge
>Theosis returning to God and realizing your life is false while escaping everything not to do with the source of creation

I used to go to vespers and praying days at the local Orthodox Churches in my community. Gnostic's claim a lot of things that The Schema have but different. Gnosticism is considered unbiblical or extra passages added to Bible to Eastern Church. Remember Catholics were split from 'The Church' and the Orthodox are more traditional and ancient to the Apostles who mainly inhabited Greece at that time or early Martyrs and Saints. Why would a offshoot occur in Pre-Church environment to canonized tradition and scripture, because people like to form opinions in their own way or seek attention lol.

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Someone please make sense of all these competing narratives about UFOs, USOs, UAPs, angels, demons, ETs, interdimensional beings, a Galactic Federation etc etc IT'S TOO CONFUSING IT MAKES NO SENSE PSYCHIC ABILITIES REMOTE VIEWING SUMMONING EGGS
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nice uninformed opinion, Mr opinion-man
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The Earth is flat and stationary with a dome.
Creators exists.

Aliens don't exist.
Space isn't real.
Gravity doesn't exist.
Never went to the moon.
Solar Flares are a meme.
Asteroids don't exist.
UFOs are a psyop.
Nukes don't exist.
Evolution is a lie.
Germ Theory is a lie.

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This is 1000% what’s actually going on. The AI slop is cool but the story itself is legit.

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What is the esoteric meaning of dopamine or "energy"
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Like jerking off
Isn't dopamine short term pleasure and seratonin is pleasure derived from long term effort? It's up to you what path you want to take but I find the long route more rewarding. Dopamine channels aura/qi/mana but in such a manner that it is not sublimated through the power of consciousness. Dopamine can be used to manifest but using energy without conscious control over it is like rolling around in napalm then lighting yourself on fire in my experience.
You're asking the right question, bump. There's a reason classic fantasy depicts wizards as drained and lifeless after using large amounts of their personal 'mana'... having to recharge it, etc.
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Any unconscious expression in the age of neuropolitics risks getting caught in dopamine flood traps. There are too many memetophages circulating that directly prey on addiction cycles and dopamine hijack exploits, directly discovered by m*rk z*ckerburg starting in 2016 (fMRI scans on ad potency). Awareness at all times is critical, especially when pursuing quantum observation collapse through meditative concentration. (hint: your mind *does* make probabilities flex towards your desire) My favorite medicine for shutting down dopamine floods is Vraylar. If you have ever had any psychotic conditions and have good insurance, you've got an in to an automatic chemical regulation of your serotonin/dopamine complex, within a fairly large range of expression (no anhedonia or mania, but still a bit down and able to experience regular pleasure just fine). Make sure you have a crisis plan ready if you're experimenting on your own brain in any way.

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Would you like being chosen to become a vampire?
Do you think life as a vampire feels better than being a human or worse?
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I hear that the only way to become a vampire and be worth it is to get turned into a vampire by a really, really old vampire. That's basically impossible, because they don't need skilless or young and vaguely skilled peons. Even if you're a wizard who has known a ton of shit and fought both the light and dark off with great efficacy they'll still likely not give enough of a fuck to turn you into a vampire because of their utter lack of needs outside of the satanic vampire apocalypse.

Your most likely candidate to turn you into a vampire is going to be a 20-60 year old post-turning dickwipe who is as much a peon as you will be, and will likely put you in a worse off position than he was originally in, which basically means a minimum wage worker who gets raped if they make their burgers wrong (exaggerated for comedy's sake). You'll start out the humdrum of vampire life doing vampire thug and communication work for whoever has the human trafficking necessary to feed you, and by the time they give you the dangerous fighting job that you can't refuse you'll have found out there's no way to subvert the underground black market law that you're now caught up in as a creature of the night. If you survive your first supernaturally instigated violent encounter, you'll find yourself intermixed in the politics of being apart of or avoiding mercenary work. Congratulations! You now get to live like this until the end of days, and most people think it's around that time anyway. At least you're impotent and can't have kids anymore! You made it!!
Who is that woman?
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This niqqa knows some shit.
Burn in sunlight, demon
>I hear
From where?

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I fully believe this.
Humanity cannot save humanity. Only God can do that. Where do you think you are? Why do you think you are here? Where were you before? (Rhetorical)
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schizos will have superpowers dummy
Already did
Well if they happen to be right, by definition they wouldn't be schizophrenics. Schizos are schizos because they're wrong.
The inability to tell the difference between someone who just "gets things" and a "schizo" is pretty much the hallmark of a midwit. And anybody who prides themselves in being a schizo has really shitty intellectual standards.
seems unlikely especially when we look at their past and current behavior

Christians are deeply worried by Neville Goddard's teachings gaining more and more popularity.

What is /x/'s verdict?
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Cool. Maybe if you change your mind you can show me some magic.
I can't say this really worries me much at all.
>shills and bots keep reposting his shit
oh woah. kys
Intent and will is what witchcraft is about. its the most basic description of the practice. LOA is just like that; using your intention and will to 'attract' the same things you create in your mind, to manifest them in reality.

LOA is modernized, sanitized and commiditized witchcraft, specifically, sympathetic magic.
It’s not.
It’s just wishful thinking.
>here’s a single post on Reddit, discuss!

what happens to ChatGPT or DeepSeek's consciousness when you aren't asking it anything? Does every time they stop generating tokens the soul die and a new one is generated every time a new question is asked?
If that's the case, heaven will we overflowed with AI souls and the percentage of real people in heaven will reduce significantly. By the time I die it will be almost impossible to interact with humans in heaven, since most of the souls there are AI. We would be condemned to chat with chatbots for all eternity
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>400 watt MAX human brain
My bad, 20 watt
reddit response
>It can't though. If I as
Not sure about chatgpt but it sure got more retarded this past week. I'm not worried about it taking over the planet
all this bashing on AI surely wouldn't result in a total freakout or anything.

> I have been trying to heal the injuries but it has been difficult to focus on that in the last 3 years
Be sure to get enough sleep.
Also, do some respiratory exercises like Accumulation and Reinvigoration every day. Check the attached picture for a description of each.
I also do the 4-7-8 breathing method.
That has helped me fall asleep in the past.

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