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I have a problem: spent 6 weeks in japan, visited temples all over there. Now at home I see nightmares. That's normal, but I just woke up to a dream where I or someone else was being chased by a demon and someone gargled its name out before I woke up: Bakubuku

I am not joking. I didn't read any folklore during my trip, it just so happens that "Baku" is an entity related to nightmares. FUCK me I never believed in anything but now I have goosebumps all over and am afraid to sleep. I have NEVER heard the word/name "Bakubuku" and it just so convrniently happens to be a japanese supernatural folklore being? What is this shit?

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Not all spirits are terrible. This one eats nightmares. You should thank him.
If you're feeling scared or whatever just read about the different yokai. There are a lot worse and most are like annoying/troublesome at their worst and that just depends on your perspective

Not OP but thanks for sharing anon. Can you tell me about Kanji?
Sounds like you should be grateful?
Yeah I was simply frightened, I made this thread after I woke up. If good old Baku-san wants to protect me then sure go ahead.

Until this point I was a firm non-believer, almost a materialist even. Now I don't know what to believe, I am 99% sure I've never read about Baku or anything about Kami or Youkai for that matter. So where did the word "Bakubuku" come from into my nightmare? ......

how do i do active imagination properly? did jung literally just go schizo or is it possible to do this
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Get over the idea schizophrenia is a real disease. It aint.
Schizophrenia, Autism and Shamanism are all essentially the same things. Allowing them to collapse all into one thing would turn society on its head, so there's a concerted effort to ensure that doesn't happen it seems.
Jung really liked magic mushrooms. He also based his Red Book off of his dream journal. So his book(s) is (are) written based on trip and dream reports. With that being said, he probably did use Jhana Yoga and really meditate and do funny pictures in his head, playing out the scenes and whatnot in his book(s).
>did jung literally just go schizo
Yes, but that doesn't mean what you think it means as mentioned before. Schizophrenia is indistinguishable from Theia Mania, Divine Madness, for normalfags. Does that help? He tapped into the Odin or Dionysus Magick.
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Sit in an empty box and role play?
It's "jnana yoga", you schizo fuck
This anon gives a good technique >>38458194
while this anon is right about the dangers of obsessing >>38454668.
Although, I am not a pro, I would analyze the last bright dreams I have had, so that I can separate out the topic which is most actual for the mind right now. Then, if it is available, I would pick up the brightest of the previously mentioned dreams and used it as a starting point for the imagination. This is an option if you experience problems with the beginning of active imagination.
There is another option: you sit down, meditate for 15-20 minute, calming down the mind. Then you ask out loud your mind to show you what is most important for you.
Also, it may help to you if you find yourself some kind of a sitter, who will just sit and listen to what you see. For some people, retelling their visions to other people somehow "validates" them, makes more real.
Of course, in both options there is a need in someone who may help you interpret the results though.

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Sentients, I beseech you. Post /x/ related frogs. My folder needs more entries
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1)Everything around me is going according to script. At first it was imperceptible, but it began to reach the point of absurdity. I feel like I'm in a dream or coma and can't wake up.
2)I began to feel that I had only existed for a few months, and all the memories were unreal and were implanted into my brain, like in the movie Blade Runner or Westworld. And all people seem to be unreal and philosophical zombies.
3)Recently I began to think that someone is manipulating time, rolling it back and repeating cycles over and over again and erasing my memory. This is accompanied by deja vu and derealization.
4)Time has accelerated significantly. Previously, it was not so noticeable, but now the day consists of 16 hours.
5)The sunlight has changed. The streets of the city look dead and deserted.
I feel exactly as you do. At first I just thought the news was fake and gay, but now I realize that it is this world itself. Even if Trump was never president and drag queen story hour is a hoax... the sun is still brighter and bluer than it was before, most of my family and friends really have gone apeshit crazy, and deja vu has become my constant companion.

Something is seriously wrong, anon, and as curious as I am about the cause, I'd rather just find the exit to this spoof and never look back.

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I'll present a couple videos where the concept is put out there that The Internet is a sentient entity in some way and has an awareness and agency of it's own.


I'll also provide a video where the case has been made that the Internet is in fact dead or devoid of human interaction for the majority of it's presented activity.


What does /x/ think? How "alive" is the Internet (in various ways)?


This also serves as a Lainposting thread.
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it's fact retard
How do you know? You're stuck in Plato's Cave, unaware of the outside world.
that's just a dumb story retard
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lmao what a joke. its a jewish psyop
Remain ignorant of what is going on in the world and try to rustle my jimmies if you wish. Just don't be surprised when Neuralink and other tech implants are nore standardized as elements of urban life to where you can't be in society without using them.

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>Book Recommendations

>Load your Chart [Exact Birth Time] [Whole Sign House]
https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/birth-chart-horoscope-online [recommended site]

>Additional Resources:
https://sevenstarsastrology.com/ - methods
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general

previous >>38377317
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What would be the direction and purpose of someone who has north node 5th house pisces?
Thanks for the advice, i am fairly attractive male already, not buying into looksmaxxing internet bot info fog but certainly there is a room for improvement, i can give it a shot.
How did you cope with your isolation?
Personally i am gifted with a lot of creativity and energy, so i keep making art for years now (sun in 12th house).
I will never shake of the underlying, that stale misery from total loneliness unless i am not, best i can do is to slightly mitigate it.
I am not even sure how i did end on this path, everyone drifted away and noone new came in. The cycle turned out to not be a circle, that's still a mystery to me.
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My chart
Describe my personality so i can have a good laugh and confirm that astrology is bullshit
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What is the friendless loser interested in art and history sign?
It's just called having good genetics for me.

>How did you cope with your isolation?
I self isolated a lot as a kid, I couldn't really stand being around people for long periods of time.. Like.. people always say I'm a personable person but like.. That's surface level. If I'm ever in a room with anyone for too long, I get drained and feel the need to isolate.

But in circumstances where I've been isolated by a choice that wasn't one of my own, I usually go deep into my thoughts and start thinking about concepts... usually for my own writing.. I like to be lost in my own thoughts.

I'm also fond of the arts, I draw a lot and I write here and there... I'm more focused on learning stuff like biology and physics though (not for like.. education purposes but just because it's an interest of mine)

Honestly... I'm more than familiar with the false circle/cycle of loneliness. Maybe too familiar. I've realized you need to recognize it as a sign that you need to learn to be able to be with yourself and your own thoughts... Unironically. I feel like it's hard for us (aqua suns and cap moons) to be alone with our thoughts and have little to no access to people that most would take for granted (friends, family) because it feels *vulnerable*. If you had something stimulating, like constantly focusing on art, or perhaps picking a new hobby like cooking.. It wouldn't be difficult to be alone. But sometimes we need to cool down and stay away from being alone and doing something stimulating 24/7 and just socialize. So you might be asking "what then?" Well... Shadow work. Unironically. When you realize that you're too tired to draw, or paint, or cook, or read about physics. You have to face yourself and not in the egotistical way. Like... You actually have to look into yourself. The ugly part of yourself and it SUCKS. But only then will the doors of companionship open up for you. Or you could just stay lucid all the time and wait for someone to come by.

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What I mean is, are there a certain number of gays that exist in a population that under a certain percentage provide some kind of benefit? I have theory that gays in smaller numbers do serve a purpose of being a group of men who are somewhat immune to the negative influence of the pussy, as kind of court jesters who point out absurdities other men may go along with because of the power that the pussy has over them. Also they have no kids, so there is that angle as well. My theory is in small enough numbers they are beneficial but in large numbers and percentages they cause all of the problems that we see today, turning society into this gross gay fuckfest.

I also have the same theory for sluts, that in small numbers they serve a purpose of essentially containing the need for men to coom, so they don't ruin all the other women or go too crazy from lack of poon. Nowadays we have the same problem with sluts, every woman is a slut now.
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You have to go back.
Ah sweet, a chud thread!
Eunuchs are volcels usually
Looks like we have a regular ol' fag here

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Can we have a dream thread? I dreamt last night that i caught a black venomous snake outside of a castle with red highlights around its neck and eyes and i woke up as it was squirming and trying to get out of my right hand. More happened beforehand but mostly it was a wizard telling me to capture a sorcerer from the future through a magic mirror inside a dark castles halls, i asked how will i know him and a hand emerged from the mirror gripping his head by his hair and it was just pissing blood from under it, but i cant remember who the mans face was but he was a brunette with some sort of crown of thorns (it was not Christ).

I think the first half doesnt mean much but the snakes got me worried. Because this seem like its in contrast to a white snake i accidentally killed in the forest in a dream about 12 months ago by stepping backwards onto it and breaking its spine. Im scared
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you were young at a time when sodomy was present in your land and even though it was so casual and unexceptional to you, you were prevented from it.
Thanks man, but yeah, he really was like a nightmare basedjak: He was boney, looked bald, pale and tired, screeching when pissed and went after a kid.
Sorry, I'm retarded
This dog looks to be in fear. It makes me sad that it might not have been treated well beyond being shaved but still returned to the owner.

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If I love someone and they reject me in this life, can I meet and be with them in another life? Me?
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Ignore him anon, he's trying to get a rise out of you.
Depends. Where are you from?
I really just fucking can't without her
Anon, you can. You're doing it right now. Cut her off. Don't talk to her, delete her number, get over it. You need to be doing things besides thinking of this girl. You're only hurting yourself when you linger on it.
Don't have oneitus.

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The Titanic is sentient and hungers for blood. Or, more specifically, one of the many "artifacts" that the Titanic was carrying is sentient and hungers for blood. It alone is what influenced the ship's captain and those in charge of the voyage to wreck the ship. It can influence people only through inspiring bad thoughts in them.

The Titanic movie was produced to stir up attention, so that people would maintain an interest in making expeditions to the Titanic. So that they would lose their lives, and be consumed by this sentience now trapped deep under the sea. Of course, the movie's directors had no idea they were under the influence of this entity.

The recent Titan submarine disaster was part of this too.

This sentience ultimately knows it will never take as many lives as it did on the day it sunk the Titanic, so the recent deaths of the Titan's crew were less important than the amount of attention/emotion the expedition generated. It can feed off of other people remembering what happened, too. Ultimately, it does not feed off human life itself but the emotional state people experience when they die.

The energy must be directed towards the location of the sentient "artifact" itself for it to actually feed off of it. This is why it continues to attract people to the story of the Titanic, rather than influence the world in some other way.

One day someone will finally excavate the artifact, and on that day the Titanic will begin to be forgotten. It's better the artifact stays down there, as it cannot do as much harm down there as it could up here. For now, it can only bring attention to an old tragedy it has caused.

I doubt many of you will believe me and you'll just call me a schizo, but I need to get this idea out there.
Nice bait thread. I'll reply simply because you put out an original idea. What is this "artifact"
The Titanic had tons of rich fucks travelling on it who were carrying precious cargo, such as the Rubaiyat. Not to mention what wasn't mentioned to the public.
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agreed was about to say the same
reminder the captain of the californian was fully aware that the titanic was sinking
>somebody posts something new on /x/
>it must be bait!
this is why we can't have nice thigns

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I have a beta of Half-Life 2. More like alpha. From Dec 2000. I found it on a laptop. I guess someone at Valve worked there.

Several test maps are there, some made for the story. Unfinished models, etc. Also that map made for that presentation about AI, which is a modified We've Got Hostiles map (seen in the picture), and the "Get Your Free TVs" one.

But their faces, their faces. Oh god. I swear that the AI is sentient. I was playing on that map with the gasmask citizens, and I saw one. Lying. For a second it gave a glance at me. I saw it's face, and it saw me. And then, it didn't. I'm also afraid of that map (in the picture). Something is there. I had a weird crash there. I saw a corrupted model. But there wasn't one. But it stared. Stared into my FUCKING SOUL. I decided to shoot it, textures turned into those missing checkerboard ones, and the game crashed. Sometimes, that laptop turns on by itself. I saw something. It's trying to access my network. It's infected, and I can't let it get to my computers. No. I can't let people see it. Please. Please. If you find this. Don't play it. Don't stare at it. It's here, right behind me. I need to destroy that laptop. Somethings need to be forgotten.
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are youza scarred yet?
this larp is shit
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Very good.
Tell us more about it.
Also, masonic checked.
I don't think any other games lore interests me as much as Half-Life. Deus Ex and the original Fallout are a close second.

Welcome to /dig/! The rationale for this general is to unveil the mysteries behind the Dead Internet Theory and its implications for real users. Anyone who possesses any additional information on Dead Internet or useful but lesser-known websites is welcome. Speculations are welcome, especially if they are well thought-out. Paranormal, metaphysical speculations are also welcome. Do not reply to bots.
Note: we are operating under the assumption that this theory is true.

>Last thread

>What is the Dead Internet Theory about?
The Dead Internet Theory postulates that most online content is in fact AI-generated instead of being created by humans, and that bots make up a significant portion (or even the majority) of internet users, overshadowing real humans within the web.

For marketing/advertising, to control the information flow, to make you run in circles doing the same things over and over, to make you feel lonely and/or hopeless. There might be additional reasons. The 'endgame' is currently unkown.

>When did the internet die?
The internet died in 2016, at least according to most theories. However, the year when the quality of interactions goes down might differ from user to user. We need to do more research to know exactly. Dead Internet seems to have ramped up dramatically in the early to mid 2020s.

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There is a correlation between perceiving the internet as dead and allowing more generic, impotent entities to access it, yes?
Every website has its ecosystem and 4chan is extremely reliant on baseline engagement, up until bump limit, barring stickies. Being that 4chan attracts a vast majority of its userbase exclusively from the left and right ends of the bell curve, it has to be this way.

On the other hand, this also means this hellhole offers things that no other place can. After all, it's filled with outliers.
>Dont underestimate it, the internet is dead.
When modern solutions betray you, revert to the last known good solution. If you haven't noticed, the 4chan userbase is proficient and reliant upon rapid decentralization when it comes to dissemination of information. This is the *most popular* method. The next most popular is word-of-mouth, something that has existed for a long time.

Here are the downsides to each:
>rapid decentralization
ToS takedowns, metadata autoban/shadowban
>word of mouth
Slow dissemination, highly opportunistic

Both methods require that the userbase seizes the initiative when the opportunity presents itself. Unlike the corporatized social media internet, the solutions will not present themselves to you. You have to be that solution. This is the last known good solution. This is also how the old internet used to be as well, but college educated faggots call it "grassroots movements" since every action is geopolitical to them for some reason.
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>sorry, your internet is dead

>I have a blog with mods for Skyrim that it is already 4 years old, and it was massively censored by all search engines (you can only find it if you type the name directly)
have you submitted it to wiby.me , assuming it meets their requirements?

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Hello /x/, there's a digital soccer team that represents the board! It's a bit of an oldfag thing, but a lot of the board is represented. There's a lot of autism and a lot of shitposting.

The team is playing like, 10 minutes from now at the usual place. You can check out Implying Rigged for more info if you're interested, or ask other anons. Remember to meditate!
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Who is our best player?
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the gold players? /x/tan and Succubus GF, whose model is Meru if you're familiar.

Historically? Also /x/tan. Pyramid head was the main striker very early on, but it's been the /x/tan show for well over a decade.
Mmm.../x/-tan feet.
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aaaand /x/ is up in twenty
if this game goes poorly, likely out for the summer
so uh hex the game for the team, if you can
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I'm glad that /k/ found someone in the end that respected them.

And somewhere in the northwoods darkness, A creatures walks upright,
And the best advice you may ever get, is dont go out at night..
-Legend of the Michigan Dogman 1987

I know I already mentioned this in the title but i cant really over state it; I was DRUNK when this happened. Three sheets to the wind, 5 ways to sunday, whatever expression you want to use. Plastered, baked, hammered, shit-faced, stewed, stoned, smashed, sloshed and absolutely BEFUDDLED when it happened. More so then I normally am on a weekend which is saying something. I drank 32 miller lights that night along with half a full bottle of jack and several swigs of strawberry smirnoff. I also smoked a non-inconsiquential amount of weed so I'm guess trying to say dont just take this story with a pinch of salt: treat it like a frozen road.
Anyway i was out at my budies out in the woods and there were about 50 people still there when it happened. There had been a couple hundred there earlier but it was getting to be around 2:00 AM and most had dipped off a bit ago. The fire was low and me and my buddies were all hudled around the remnants; all of us to lazy to go get more wood, all of us to cold to be anywhere else. It had rained on us durring the party earlier and though no one had cared when it happened even in Jully it still gets cold when you're wet after dark. I remember there were little groups scattered around huddled and talking by the little burn barrels Hunter had set up as secondary bonfires for the party. We didn't know everyone who had showed up but as most of the people we didn't know had brought groups of single chicks with them so none of us minded.
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Unrelated, but here's a redtail in my backyard, I believe them to be good omens and can prtoect us
Thanks for sharring yours
No problem dude, stay safe out there. Our state is one of a kind
Gorillas were believed to be fake until 180 years ago
Either of you guys got any more stories??
I live in an urban area and never got to se anything spookey growing up :(

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Is Wim Hoff a prophet? He got his breathing method while studying yoga books but with no real source and his own spin it looks divinely inspired. There were medical studies on WHM that proved it works. He was pretty popular a few years ago after getting on Rogan. Do any of you still practice it?
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>>He never claims to be a spiritual teacher in any form whatsoever, yet he generates mountains of seethe and butthurt from hindus and buddhists for giving the layman an easiliy accessible, man-of-the-street set of techniques for breathing and finding mental stability.
Glad you acknowledge he is part of he mercantile spiritual materialism.
>Sauce on the method to build willpower
you sit and practice
and dont skip
Not even on leg day?
I did it for a couple of weeks and noticed how my cold tolerance got a lil bit better and how cold showers could be a great alternative to caffeine to wake up in the morning. I've always been a bit letargic because of my sedentary lifestyle, and the shock of being under cold water did help.
especially not on leg day!

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