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Why do a lot of people like chris bledsoe say they see entities coming out of these orbs? My theory is the orb functions more like a window, so that they can spy on us masturbating or w/e. So their physical body is hanging out somewhere else but the orb is like a multidimensional window they move around like a cursor.
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that's actually the thought I've had ever since I had an up close encounter (maybe 25 ft) with one of those orbs in 2001. I just didn't know who was on the other side -- someone on a military base or government lab, or if it was aliens
It'd be cool if aliens were just regular people and we could hang out with them, go fishing or play mario kart whatever, I hate having to assume everyone is going to kill me but if I let my guard down then I immediately become a victim, I hate this shit.
where was it debooonnnkd

people keep saying it was debunked but nobody's posted the debunk with evidence of it being fake
I seriously hope God himself will go “deboonk” on judgement day.

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So why does he turn people degenerate freaks
who is adoneus? the liberator, the true vine? jupiter sabazios, father and son that have become one, the children of light and the pierced messiah of the dead sea scrolls, executed and ran through with a spear; the body of christ is merely a body, how many walked with man? how many have you killed?
Because Jupiter/Chesed has such love for the experience of life that it becomes the qlippothic Gamchicoth, whose love becomes a hungry demand for luxury or power to set them up over others.

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one more week bud trust me
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Anyone who believes a meaningless word waffled by this queer fuck-knuckle deserves everything they get - which is exactly jackshit.
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I'm SO FUCKING TIRED of these "2 more weeks also buy my books" faggots. The fucking UFO boomers who've followed this shitshow for 3 decades believe everything these insufferable faggots say.
Seems like the kind of face that's involved in some kind of fraternity group that 'knows' the illuminati's terror plans (there's always these "looking glass" guys), and is gatekeeping and grooming normoids while cashing in at the same time.
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Was here over fews days ago Jeaniis freaks keep deleting Thread cuz is so legit Haxorman.info.
Wtf he did reply on any questions!

"Yes the alien will arrive any day now 4sure, it is a normal process, but weird here the alien beings at Area 51 that we hold are interdimensional beings they see this place as a realm or game container simulation sandbox but the alien we getting soon arrival are normal Contact aliens processof evolution, a very complex deal to believe me.>
Bye must go return morning
eastern safe."

Original Thread from 1 hours ago POL Archive
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>What's goin on in this thre----

I dont know... everything feels so off
i am the only one that thinks that nature and life works in such a twisted way??
imagine, you just spawn here, everything wants to kill you even your own fucking body (if your lungs and heart dont get used to breathing good luck mate) virus, bacteria, the cold, the heat, a fucking dog, who knows, even your fucking mother can die just by giving you life
and that applies to every single living thing
lets not talk about the true nature of life where you actually have to kill and dont get killed to have atleast a chance to survive and escape death, untill you just cannot escape from it anymore

there really was not other way life could be?
maybe like plants where you get your nutrition by the sun and water, or i dont know, everything is so fucking cruel and bloodlust
i dont wanna dwell on mental problems or things like that, just wanna talk about average life experience on this planet
im not depressed or anything but what the hell
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>there fundamentally cannot be a plane of platonic goodness.
That's a silly thing to say because platonic ideals are metaphysical ideas, and they exist whether you believe in them or not because again, they're just ideas.

The concept of a chair existed before there was chairs. chair-ness exists forever and is perfect, it never has an uneven leg, and it never decays or rots.
why give a fuck about the sexuality of side characters
Clearly the creators did or they wouldn't have even mentioned it or alluded to it
So why do they care?
John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
check this:

Anon what do you think about Jacobo Grinberg?
Leonardo Stemberg is better.

The gate out isn't the real gate. They will make you think you're out, then they will come and say, congratulations, you're out. Those people that you go with are the real gate, sending you back into the prison.

Sometimes they will be your own friends and family members.

The way out is through knowledge. Knowledge about who they are and how they operate. Knowledge such as the one I have just given you.
Don't listen to Space Jews
I ain't going through any gate. I'm staying here, but as a ghost.
Based. Whats ur plans? Spook kiddies? Trolling christcucks?

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You can see the corners of the fake Antarctica screen:

You can't explain that faggots. Suck it.
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so which of the 9000 different made up scenarios do you currently pretend to believe in at the moment?


I can't seriously consider the likelihood of the Pacman earth theory for the obvious reason that we don't have concrete evidence of teleportation (which is what this model requires as there's a beginning and an end to the realm and reaching the end you're 'transported' to the beginning).

Our best chance of attaining concrete physical evidence lies in accessing the northern or southern lands, which seem to both be off-limits to us due to the excessive and secretive military control of both those areas. There must be a very good reason for this secrecy and control, likely the necessary physical proofs we need to assess the true nature of our realm are to be found there. It rightfully spawns our curiosity but we are at a huge disadvantage as we live in a system of control which doesn't even necessarily have to rely on supernatural phenomena to achieve its means.

IMO The answers can be found using true physics (the kind 'scientist' are not allowed to do or publish anymore), once given access to the actual set of physical facts. The ethereal realm is a separate issue, likely bound by its own ethereal physics which is even more difficult to penetrate as we are restricted by the limits of our awareness (to different degrees as individuals) and by the lack of 'tools' to 'measure' its state. There is also the question of how the two (physical and ethereal) interact, which is likely also bound to a set of rules, and which are equally as inaccessible to us given our present state of consciousness.

We can theorize about probabilities and possibilities (and we should), but the moment we stray away from the true science of acquiring actual knowledge via proof by repeatable experiments, we fall into the the category of belief, which is the greatest enemy of knowledge.
Based on the above, the only two things I can assess with confidence are; water is flat and takes the shape of its container; we are not moving. I too am very curious about how the rest applies, but that will require the necessary proofs.
Why don't you losers try to make up something else to fix the obvious flaws with your fake 'gravity'.

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We have spoken before you can see my old posts in the archives, tomorrow is the day things begin changing and they will only continue to change.
Tomorrow it will go globally viral of the US performing a crash retrieval in which there are biological and the craft will clearly be non human in origin. This is the first ripping off the bandaid.
You need start mentally preparing yourselves for some uncomfortable truths. It will become clear quickly you are in the midst of a spiritual war.
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>It will become clear quickly you are in the midst of a spiritual war.
I've been fighting for over a decade already and I'm on the verge of victory.
I haven't finished my game backlog yet. Not getting on the ships until then, sorry.
>It will become clear quickly you are in the midst of a spiritual war.
ugh, i'm going to bed. i hope /x/ is better tomorrow morning
I’ll call him a faggot now bc we all know nothing is going to happen.
>yfw we've been shooting down angels for over a century now
>nobody knows why except for the shadow government which enslaves all mankind
>who happens to be ran by -
We are in hell, awaiting our liberation.

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Time loop general thread.
Creation will rewind or shift this year(2025) whether it be shadowy figures in suits, or if it be an act of god.
It kicked into high gear in after new years eve, it was supposed to be 2030 when most of the population gets killed off but for some reason they decided to speed things up and do it in 2025, they started back earlier in 2024 though.
>I scuffed my last sequel thread so I decided to redo it.
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It's real.
>be me
>5 years old
>family is taking a vacation to some theme park
>ask "why are we doing this again? I don't want to go back there"
>parents say that we've never been there, the park only opened last year
>insist that we've been there
>say "please, I don't want to get embarrassed again"
>I have no idea what I got embarrassed about, but insist that I was embarrassed the last time we were there
>parents reiterate that we've never been there, and say I should be happy we're doing something fun for a change
>get to the park
>it's eerily familiar
>I'm pretty tall for my age, so I can ride the roller coaster that goes in a twist shape upsidedown
>dad asks me if I want to go on that one
>say "no, this is where it happens. I don't want to"

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How far back is it going to be. Will everything be the exact same or will it be different. Will every thing play out the same exact way or will you be able to freely make decisions and choices. Will you be able to make different decisions or are you fated to make the same decisions

Lets say on Jan 23, 2023 I had grilled cheese for lunch. In the looped Jan 23 2023 would I be able to happen to choose pork for lunch. Or am I forever destined to eat grilled cheese on Jan 23, 2023 no matter what

Will I be able to save a life
WTF, why 8 months only?
Op here
It depends on if time rewinds or we shift to an earlier point in time in a different timeline.
Either way things can play out differently, more so with the shift than the rewind.
>how far back
Anywhere from the late 70’s to the early 2000’s, I would prefer we get shifted to a timeline where I was alive in the 90’s or 80’s.
I noticed this too, what the fuuu

nothing it's not even doing anything
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It's trolling me through synchronicities tough
Just bein a silly circle in a silly world
>what's this thing problem?

What is YOUR problem?

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What are your favorite pics/vids that undoubtedly prove UFOs exist?

This is still the best evidence for UFOs/US Space Fleet I’ve ever seen. There’s clearly something that reacts when a projectile is shot at it. That’s 10000% intelligent control. Now it’s just a question of whether it’s human or extraterrestrial. It was during the Cold War, so it very well could be US and Soviet secret spacecraft ruling it out.
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at least these things are ours. We may have a little chance of not getting immediately wiped out lol
those things legitimately terrified me as a kid
looks like a puppet
It does look legit. Glowies obviously will earn their bread
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It is the religion followed in space by all of the space people.

That's why the bible is full of "chariots of fire descending from the sky" and other such things that are clearly descriptions of UFOs.

This planet is a quarantine zone for the universe's most despicable, demonic, evil souls. You're doomed to live out your entire eternity here until you can somehow be alchemized into something different on a soul level...IF such a thing is even possible. Frankly I believe that many in this existence, especially posters on 4chan, will be doomed to this Earthly repetition until the end.

The reason that nazis hate Judaism so much is that it is the universe's 1 true religion. And in it is contained magic to constrain or coerce said demons. They despise Judaism and try to destroy it since it is the 1 thing that has power over them. However what they don't understand is that even if they destroyed all the Jews on Earth, Judaism would still exist and it would still be brought back to Earth by the Jewish space aliens that control this quarantine zone.

Judaism is everywhere in the comsos. Everywhere. It's not an exact translation of the Tanakh or the Talmud that I am discussing here, but basic premises, and a much more new agey and liberal interpetation than you generally find in Earthen religions. The Tanakh is a record of alien species trying to give the spiritual knowledge of the universe to humankind. It is flawed, as practitioners of the jewish religion specifically believe, but it's basically more or less true. And it is important to not impute Christian interpretations of the old testament onto the Tanakh because Jewish people don't consider it to be as inerrant.
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The true religion has yet to be even dimly approximated by a human mind. You are all simply too retarded to grasp it at your current stage of development.
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mental illness
You're telling me that aliens all have human-enough dicks that circumcision is a thing?
Im not jewish retard. There's 0 connection between hinduism and christianity. You're just a pathetic christfag whose mushed up brain will twist everything into muh jew on a cross.
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>Eternal family traditions and codes of moral conduct are destroyed with the destruction of the family. And immorality prevails in the family due to the destruction of family traditions.

>And when immorality prevails, O Krishna, the women of the family become corrupted; when women are corrupted, unwanted progeny is born.

>This brings the family and the slayers of the family to hell, because the spirits of their ancestors are degraded when deprived of ceremonial offerings of love and respect by the unwanted progeny.

>The everlasting qualities of social order and family traditions of those who destroy their family are ruined by the sinful act of illegitimacy.

>We have been told, O Krishna, that people whose family traditions are destroyed necessarily dwell in hell for a long time.

>Alas! We are ready to commit a great sin by striving to slay our relatives because of greed for the pleasures of the kingdom.

>It would be far better for me if my cousin brothers kill me with their weapons in battle while I am unarmed and unresisting.

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what is the significance/magical powers granted by wearing someone's face as a mask?
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well i saw a couple cartel videos, guess it grants the power of being a stanky beaner.
You can make cool movies staring Nicholas Cage and John Travolta in which you can say, "I want to.... take his face... off." Then que a dramatic smile.

You member that?... I member...
It's sad that I know what schizo conspiracy theory this is based on.
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Picrel is more than enough evidence that it's as real as it gets

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What can we say for sure happened here in BC times as far as /x/ related concerns go? Obviously Jews were never slaves, Yeshua didn't come back to life, and Stone age sun worshippers didn't build the Pyramids, but what did happen?
A LOT of unprotected sex
Most obvious bait thread I've seen in a while
I'm not baiting.After reading about the Masons and the Temple of Set, and the Egyptian Mystery Schools. along withe very other quack spook nigger theatre explaining pre-historu, they always claim to have the 'True Origins of Man in the Near East" or some other bullshit, just like da joos and just like the Catholics, but what REALLY happend in the near east in "Ancient Times"? I wanted an /x/ users opinion
subtle anti Christianity thread
>Stone age sun worshippers didn't build the Pyramids

Yeah no shit, they didn't build the pyramids in the neolithic, they built it in the bronze age in dynastic egypt, what's your point?

Love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you edition.

Rise up TI Chads.

Expose the glowies and help other TI's by posting what is happening to you and what they are doing to you.

Vote on the survey


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Your not a ti, your just gay
Thankfully I am neither.
Spamming alot ay
You've never been to the UK. Kill yourself, now.

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