It is the religion followed in space by all of the space people.That's why the bible is full of "chariots of fire descending from the sky" and other such things that are clearly descriptions of UFOs.This planet is a quarantine zone for the universe's most despicable, demonic, evil souls. You're doomed to live out your entire eternity here until you can somehow be alchemized into something different on a soul level...IF such a thing is even possible. Frankly I believe that many in this existence, especially posters on 4chan, will be doomed to this Earthly repetition until the end.The reason that nazis hate Judaism so much is that it is the universe's 1 true religion. And in it is contained magic to constrain or coerce said demons. They despise Judaism and try to destroy it since it is the 1 thing that has power over them. However what they don't understand is that even if they destroyed all the Jews on Earth, Judaism would still exist and it would still be brought back to Earth by the Jewish space aliens that control this quarantine zone.Judaism is everywhere in the comsos. Everywhere. It's not an exact translation of the Tanakh or the Talmud that I am discussing here, but basic premises, and a much more new agey and liberal interpetation than you generally find in Earthen religions. The Tanakh is a record of alien species trying to give the spiritual knowledge of the universe to humankind. It is flawed, as practitioners of the jewish religion specifically believe, but it's basically more or less true. And it is important to not impute Christian interpretations of the old testament onto the Tanakh because Jewish people don't consider it to be as inerrant.
>>39643513sounds like new age zionism
>>39643519It doesn't have anything to do with the country Israel one way or the other. Though I can definitely say that one reason nazidemons are opposed to Israel is because they want to erase the culture that contains the religion that contains the magic that constrains them
>>39643526>>39643519>It doesn't have anything to do with the country Israel one way or the other. Though I can definitely say that one reason nazidemons are opposed to Israel is because they want to erase the culture that contains the religion that contains the magic that constrains themPS and it's white magic I am discussing here obviously. Invocations of God and the many Jewish names of God and whatnot
>>39643540I won't be realizing that. That's a power fantasy rationalization of your own imprisonment. A prisoner telling a guard that he built the prison and hired the guard.
>>39643513>And it is important to not impute Christian interpretations of the old testament onto the Tanakh because Jewish people don't consider it to be as inerrant.Evidently. A bit odd how all of the "jewish" versions retconned older translations to remove clear prophecies of Jesus (The Son of God).>They have pierced my hands and feet.>So, even though the Hebrew manuscripts that say “lion” outnumber the manuscripts that say “pierced,” the older Hebrew manuscripts, and manuscripts in other languages that predate most of the Hebrew manuscripts, strongly argue for “pierced” being the correct reading. Those who argue for “lion” typically claim that “pierced” is a corruption, inserted by Christians, in an attempt to create a prophecy about Jesus. However, the fact that there are many manuscripts that predate Christianity that have the “pierced” reading disproves this concept. In fact, it is more likely that the “lion” reading in the Masoretic Hebrew text is the corruption, as the Masoretic manuscripts predominantly date to the 3rd and 4th centuries AD, after Christianity was established, giving the Jews a reason to conceal what the Hebrew Scriptures predict regarding Jesus Christ.
>>39643513Aliens are the only entity that the scientific mind can rationalize in any way. Demons are the only entities the non-scientific mind can rationalize. What if there are entities other than aliens and demons?
Yeah "aliens" need to chop foreskins.
>>39643573"Demons" is a broad term for a number of different soul species, from what I understand. "Demons" is what you're dealing with here on 4chan. "Demons" are what's imprisoned here on Earth. "Demons and human souls that are willingly corrupted by them". And this whole thing goes back to a war that was fought eons ago in another star system. "A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away", as the movie tagline says. Whether you can accept this or not, the events of that war closely track with the events of the 1st 2 StarWars movies. After Part 2 where the Empire wins, it's all moneygrabbing fiction though. IRL in the war "The Empire" (fascism) won and then eventually destroyed itself and left the entire star system it conquered uninhabitable. And as an Earthen human your imprisonment here is, in some way, attached to your role in that war. And you're not gonna be allowed to get off Earth in order to either enslave, pillage and rape the rest of the universe, or to abet the fascist enslavers, pillagers and rapists.
>>39643567There's none of that that you're discussing. No "conspiracies to remove references to Jesus in Jewish texts". It's just lies Christians try to tell people in order give themselves more credibility and to aid in their quest to dampen the spiritual understanding humans have of the universe.
>>39643784It doesn't matter how many insane Christian 4chan internet memes you post either.
Quick question: is this the Bulgarian anti racist BNWO tranny that posts these same types of threads every once in a while, or are you new here?
>>396439054chan...that place on the internet where internetnazis have angry imaginary conversations with themselves in the dark...I definitely condemn your racist politics on this board though
So do aliens suck baby dicks for blood?
>>39644302Lots of astral projection and telepathic communication with aliens + memories of my past lives as a space alien in other societies.
>>39643948>I definitely condemnHow cute!
>>39645098I do. I condemn it. Yeah. Does that make you mad?
what's weird is that Christianity is a jewish creation made by jews for jews, but this lasted for 1 generation of jews. After that all the christian jews evaporated all of a sudden, no influx of new jews turning christians, and out of the blue they decided christianity was for the goiym by creating the dogma of universality and not requiring circumcision when they decided to expand westward, to greece and beyond.Goyim still enroll in Christianity spontaneously and they still wait for the jews to be back in the driver seat of this religion. It's kind of beautiful. Jews no longer need to micromanage the christian goyim; the goyim just never leave the framework of Christianity by themselves. Even better the goiym hysterically attack whoever critics Judaism , Christianity, all the Semitic religions. This is canine training at it's finest.
>>39643513Honestly kind of based
>>39643513>That's why the bible is full of "chariots of fire descending from the sky" and other such things that are clearly descriptions of UFOs.filtered by poetic language, many such cases>>39645092seek help>>39645204or Christianity is simply the true religion which transformed the world
It would explain so much. All of those demands for the sacrifice of bulls in the Old Testament and all of the cattle mutilations that are attributed to UFOs now. How Judaism and it's adherents cannot be scrunitized without consequence and seem to control every aspect of the earth. How there are accounts of alien entities recoiling and even disappearing at the mention of Jesus. The utter disdain for Jesus, period, for being a creation of the true creator and the one to offer an upgrade plan to escape alien control. It makes perfect sense now. Not all Jews are aliens, but perhaps all aliens are Jews?
>>39643513All religions claim to be the most important ones, but jews do it like 3x times worse, innate narcissism. Horrible fucks. Actually, if you were to study the roots of other religions, the common themes, the complexity of religions. The vedic one blasts most others easily out of the water. Not even much of a contest.
If Benevolent Aliens exist in the cosmos, they would NEVER allow such a vile religion as Judaism to reign on earth. Stoning ? Slavery ? Conquering ? Wars amongst themselves ? Judaism isn't much different than Islam and is a religion of war, not peace. And we are supposed to believe that the "Cosmic Jews" just allowed Hitler to Steamroll European Jews ? Not buying it. Sounds like total fake bullshit to me and an expansion of "my religion is the one true religion" claim that every religion makes, except rebranded for modern times since space exploration is on the Horizon, AND Judaism wasn't even close to being the FIRST religion, and was founded thousands of years after other major religions.
>>39649144I tend to agree with what you're saying about Vedic religious stuff. And Judaism plagiarized directly from Vedic texts in the book of Psalms. And also, "Judaism" isn't even a "singular religion" but a disjointed collection of views by various persons which morphed over time as indicated by the massive logical inconsistencies throughout
>>39643513Is this the schizofag-of-the-month? Sliding this board and surrounding UFO talk about your schizoid obsession with Judaism?
>>39643513>It is the religion followed in space by all of the space above so belowspace jewsdoesn't mean they are rightyes, they are all wrong.
>Cosmic religion>One of the main commandments is to circumcise the penisAre the grays circumcised?
>>39649144Hare Krsna
>>39643513Even Lazar confirmed Jesus as an ayyy sended prophet.
>>39643513Based Noahchad here to save the world
>>39643513it's not aliens it never has been aliens this stuff is older than the pharoahs, dont attach mysterious terms (mystery doctrine) to things you arnt illuminated to dude
>>39643513this is an average retarded thread on /x/, that's for sure.
>>39649711It was a prank. Ay lmao
>>39643513ahaha Man this is to stupid! How could aliens have brought judaism to humanity if the aliens arrived before jews were eve na concept? lol Shut up. What a dumb thread. Jennies ban this guy, do your jobs.
Jesus was an extraterrestrial
>>39643513Every part of the old testament points to Jesus Christ.
>>39643513Total garbage. Judaism isn't any older that 1205AD and before that all humanity were star worshippers including proto-Jews. They are just butt-hurt because whatever catastrophe that followed the resurrection of Jesus in 1185 AD destroyed their "temple", which anyway wasn't a real place but a visual castle-in-the-sky like our Camelot. We know the same event as the "Harrying of the North" by William the Conqueror, a similar personification of destruction and renewal.They got the Old Testement from the superb work the (Greek Orthodox) Church did to write down and publish the holy "books" that until then were oral tradition.
>>39645204>what's weird is that Christianity is a jewish creationChristianity predates Jews by hundreds of years. In its modern form it has rhe same starting point circa 1105AD.
>>39643513lol just call it the tree of life already which is universal Hebrew is super fucking cool and deep though most mystical language out there that I’m aware of
>>39650204>KrsnaKrisna is a local spelling of Christ. Hare Krisna, He-Zeus Christ. The J in Jesus is a Y or H sound in a lot of the world, e.g. Spanish.
>>39643513Abraham was the alien.
>>39654347If anon actually studied kabalah what he’s talking about he’d know Christ is extremely relevant as yeshua is just yhwh with shin holy fire in it
>>39654347literal worms for brains
>>39643513weird i dreamed jews were aliens last night (im not even kidding)
>>39654347Pic related the jhs/ihs which is the tree of life
>>39654377Butt-hurt Jew remark. Medieval creation to explain the past. Letters were not used for writing at the time. They were only mnemonics standing for whole words not sounds or as an aid memoir. Useful for business transactions at a distance. Talk of YHWH is total nonsense. That is a modern spelling of Jehovah, who is the same planetary deity as Jove for the "Romans". Planet worship. Medieval iconography and fixing in print of oft-confusing stories.
>>39643513Aliens brought Mesopotamian religion to The Sumarians because it's the True religion.Quetzalcoatl brought MesoAmerican religion to Amurca because it's the True religion.Aliens brought core Hinduism to India because it's the True Religion.Aliens brought core Shamanism to many cultures around the world because it's the True religion.AANNDD Christcucks are arrogant ignoramuses because it's the True Religion.
The true religion has yet to be even dimly approximated by a human mind. You are all simply too retarded to grasp it at your current stage of development.
>>39643784mental illness
You're telling me that aliens all have human-enough dicks that circumcision is a thing?
>>39655962Im not jewish retard. There's 0 connection between hinduism and christianity. You're just a pathetic christfag whose mushed up brain will twist everything into muh jew on a cross.
>>39657064>Eternal family traditions and codes of moral conduct are destroyed with the destruction of the family. And immorality prevails in the family due to the destruction of family traditions.>And when immorality prevails, O Krishna, the women of the family become corrupted; when women are corrupted, unwanted progeny is born.>This brings the family and the slayers of the family to hell, because the spirits of their ancestors are degraded when deprived of ceremonial offerings of love and respect by the unwanted progeny.>The everlasting qualities of social order and family traditions of those who destroy their family are ruined by the sinful act of illegitimacy.>We have been told, O Krishna, that people whose family traditions are destroyed necessarily dwell in hell for a long time.>Alas! We are ready to commit a great sin by striving to slay our relatives because of greed for the pleasures of the kingdom.>It would be far better for me if my cousin brothers kill me with their weapons in battle while I am unarmed and unresisting.
>>39643513Man i hope the aayys aren't jewish.