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I dont know... everything feels so off
i am the only one that thinks that nature and life works in such a twisted way??
imagine, you just spawn here, everything wants to kill you even your own fucking body (if your lungs and heart dont get used to breathing good luck mate) virus, bacteria, the cold, the heat, a fucking dog, who knows, even your fucking mother can die just by giving you life
and that applies to every single living thing
lets not talk about the true nature of life where you actually have to kill and dont get killed to have atleast a chance to survive and escape death, untill you just cannot escape from it anymore

there really was not other way life could be?
maybe like plants where you get your nutrition by the sun and water, or i dont know, everything is so fucking cruel and bloodlust
i dont wanna dwell on mental problems or things like that, just wanna talk about average life experience on this planet
im not depressed or anything but what the hell
Your whole life is a cold slow shock

it is indeed
Its evolving into something much better, but this was a necessary stage to go through.
>i am the only one that thinks that nature and life works in such a twisted way??
No, many have philosophies on the cruel nature of reality. Every being needs to feast on a once living thing to sustain it's own life is a cruel fact of existence. Survival of the fittest, rule of might makes right.
tell me some philosophies that dwelled on this topic pleasssssssss
why are you so afraid of death?
where did you read that im scared of dying???
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watch adventure time, it condenses things in a way children can understand and the glowies hate that.
>spectrums exist
tell me what are the names of those philosophies
ummmm so?
i dont like people that overcomplicate things, if you have or you think you have some kind of knowledge just share it if not fuck off
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it's exceedingly obvious from your posting that anything more complex than adventure time would be lost on you. stop listening to glowies and low-vibration /co/ anons who try to chase you away from understanding by calling it woke sjw man-hating or whatever.
No, the showrunners don't hate Finn. Yes, it is good to grow from your mistakes and move on from your losses. No, it doesn't fucking matter that the fictional wad of gum and fictional silver spoon are gay. Grow beyond pointless material identity conflict and enjoy a good show.
Nta but you seem very unreceptive to any answer someone could give you. Why should anyone waste their time talking to a condescending douche who'll immediately dismiss whatever they'll say? Go search for your answers using a search engine, i hope everyone ignores your thread whining about reality.
Single celled organisms were just minding their own business until other kind started eating them.
bruh, you literally said "spectrum exist"
like it you are the oracle from the fucking matrix movie or something we all know that spectrum exist nigga you learn that shit in elementary school, faggot, go to jerk off
im not going to see it anyways
just say that you dont know the names of fucking those philosophies and thats it, its not that deep
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contrarian cringe rejection of enjoyment and whimsy while exploring a variety of esoteric subjects and philosophies
please stop taking it all so seriously and then shutting down every suggestion you emo fuck
why do you think that what for you is taking things too serious for me is the same
you are me now?

people so funny here haha
>maybe like plants where you get your nutrition by the sun and water
If you want to be a plant, you can be a plant.
>amoeba swallows you in its path
You just summarized anticosmic satanism cosmology. You probably made a soul pact in previous lifes, its your nature. Now you see why some desire to destroy it to reacreate a form of life with dignity
>there really was not other way life could be?

You're on the right track. Life on this planet is too cruel to be an accident. Keep searching for something better and in the meantime be as respectful of life as possible. Try eating less food (OMAD) or, you need the calories, going vegetarian or vegan. It's impossible to live here without violence, but less violence is always better.

>You just summarized anticosmic satanism cosmology. You probably made a soul pact in previous lifes, its your nature. Now you see why some desire to destroy it to reacreate a form of life with dignity

My peeve with them is that their religion tends to involve animal sacrifice. If they really felt such pity for other living things shouldn't they be more like the Buddhists and forswear the taking of life?
Love how OP's soliloquy on the nature of suffering and continued existence (major Buddhist and Gnostic vibes, btdubya) is meriting a stupidly pointless argument that perfectly embodies Samsara.

To remark upon that beyond just a spiritual light, perhaps it helps to reframe.
You are the ultimate result, the thing-of-starstuff that was created by the guiding hand of predation and suffering of which you speak. While it is true that it is unjust, the answer to your question "could it not have been another way" is likely no, not for you, not for our kind, created by the pain we were programmed by nature to resent.

To expand upon what I mean, the Cambrian explosion is the event that caused a diversification of all life without which these very plants you are admiring could not exist at all. All life existing now and everything that derived from life resulted from the act of predation, competition, and everything resulting thereof. As with all questions of this nature: the answer to if things were different is then things would be different. There would have been no need for a hamster to be created, or a pig, or a plant, nor a ship, nor a movie, nor would anyone have ever looked into the depths of space or even seen what existed above the surface of the tepid, shallow water.

Kali and Shiva worship comes to mind in celebrating this delicate dance of destruction and creation that humans are always doing, with little recognition of the fact. It's a common philosophical concern the world over, but rarely brought up in everyday life or polite company, lest we accidentally puncture a hole in each other's existential balloon.

Celebrate the chaotic being you are, crafted from many generations of envy and battle, empathy and altruism.
An infinite reality contains infinitely more dead universes than live ones. Life looks different in every one of those infinite live universes. From the perspective of beings existing within one or more universes, they'll appear to exist in one of myriad ways that allude to nothing of the full comprehension of their reality.
you're not blackpilled enough
>maybe like plants where you get your nutrition by the sun and water, or i dont know, everything is so fucking cruel and bloodlust
Plants are just as bad
And even if we somehow lived in a reality were there was no energy scarcity, there would still be the issue of space scarcity ( beings wanting to be closer to other things and competing to be closer ).
Remove spatial scarcity, and there is still attention scarcity ( beings want the attention of other beings and competing over attention )
Remove temporal scarcity ( the attention scarcity is a result of time ), and you still have the fundamental issue that unless every being is equal ( and therefore differentiation is pointless ), communication with some beings will be more preferable than with others. Giving rise to feelings of inadequacy and jealousy. More desire, more scarcity, more suffering.

The Buddhists are right, desire leads to suffering and the only freedom from that suffering is to reach a state of nondesire.
The gnostics are wrong, there fundamentally cannot be a plane of platonic goodness. The very foundations of existence, including the pleroma, is rotten.
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>communication with some beings will be more preferable than with others
Only one being.
One who'se attention is infinite, and can dance with every single one of the infinite living beings, while also only ever dancing with you personally and no one else.
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>My peeve with them is that their religion tends to involve animal sacrifice. If they really felt such pity for other living things shouldn't they be more like the Buddhists and forswear the taking of life?
Its not a homonegeous religion the same as any other. You have all kinds of sects. In literally any religion you can find animal sacrifice. But the end goal is to destroy everything created by YHWH/Brahma. But Chaos eventually will devour all creation one way or another, so yea, like every organized religion they are retarded
This was not truly the only way life was capable of existing. God could have made or created the world or this simulation or whatever your take is different. He could have created a world just like a game developer creates a game. He could have created this world as it is in the sense of its looks, but He could have made the laws different. He could have not given you free will for example. So instead of wondering about the nature of reality you would only do what God programmed you to do. Just like an NPC in a video game. The NPC on the video game can only do what he was programmed to do. He only speaks what the programmer wrote in his programming. He can only walk the path the developer determined. So yes, God could have created the world in a different way which different settings and laws. But this is not a video game. This is real life. When you factor in the fact that you are going to create real people who can think and feel and have agency to do an infinity of choices that's when things can get complicated, don't you think? I don't think there was other way to do this if God wanted us to have free agency to some extend. We still must respect boundaries which God determined, but we are not NPCS. So when you give people a choice I don't think there was other way to do it. This was the only way because if it was other way, a better way, God would have done it. Think about it. God had to sacrifice Himself in the form of Jesus Christ. God had to bleed and go through this humiliation ritual. Why God would subject himself to this humiliation ritual if He is God? because that's the only way He could have done it if He wanted us to have choice or freedom or don't be robots. I mean, God did not need to sacrifice Himself, but at that point He was bound by His own nature of being true to Himself no matter what. Deep down I think God would feel bad for forsaking the human race. That's just God's nature. He created us. So He is responsible for us andHeknowsit.

The same feeling of obligation I have towards my children God has towards us. But people say God had no moral obligation to help us because we were sinners and we did choose to sin, but still... He has a little bit of responsability. That's why I feel. I may be wrong here. I don't know what goes through God's head. aahaha But the point is I don't think there was another way. But I can be wrong. And I'm pretty sure the anons here will like to point in my face why I'm wrong and how God is a dumb evil gay entity who likes to kill and rape babies or whatever.
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Eating is the most disturbing thing ever if you stop and really think about it. You're ripping pieces of the body of another living creature apart (usually after killing it, but not always, especially in nature), crushing them with your teeth, then burning them in acid and finally mixing them with stinky repulsive bacteria from your gut to finally fart and shit it out in an extremely disgusting way. And you have to do it constantly just to survive and stay healthy.

It's kinda crazy how 99.9% of people think nothing of it, ever, while some minor etiquette mistake, grazing someone on a part of their body deemed inappropriate for whatever reason or saying some little word people don't like is met with massive outrage by most people.

I ditched all religious and moral limitations because if life in itself is already that fucked up and there's no way for sure to know what we're supposed to do or what's right, my best bet is going by my own inner compass and desires. So I just do what I want.
true, sometimes i feel disgusted by the fact that i feel so much joy when im eating a tasty food because other living thing died for me to be able to keep living

yeah it maybe its a law of nature, but that does not mean that nature is not grotesque
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based adventure time connoisseur
go watch cartoons little bitch
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It's funny because life is the thing that thinks it sucks and everything sucks. None of these ideas or concepts exist outside of life, if an alien looked down on us they wouldn't see anything wrong
cant right now but maybe on sunday ill have some free time for this type of leisure

watching good cartoons actually directly makes me money so i already did it a lot in my lifetime
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>afraid that watching cartoons is childish
>in the year of our beginning of the end of kali yuga 2025
i dont care if they are childish or not
i just dont wanna watch that shitty show, i didnt even liked it when i was a kid
how the fuck people relate an existencial question to that fucking shit called "adventure show" what the hell is wrong with you
your father gives you money, the fact that you watch cartoons dont affect anything, your dad telling you that if you watch cartoons money is going to appear under your pillow does not mean it is true, your father just says that so you dont hurt your, but he is the one putting the money under the pillow, sorry for spoiling your fun
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>i hate fun!!!!!!!!!
ok emo, try it again as a legal adult this time.
the show has somewhat of a tonal shift around midway through and begins addressing esotericism and existential philosophy more directly with an emphasis on buddhism.
Nihilists are hilarious
Adventure Time is an effective tool for helping young men be happier and more at peace with themselves. Failing this test could bode very poorly for you.
Try reading The Apology, Crito, and Phaedo by Socrates
It matters they are gay and if it didn't they wouldn't have made them gay
>there fundamentally cannot be a plane of platonic goodness.
That's a silly thing to say because platonic ideals are metaphysical ideas, and they exist whether you believe in them or not because again, they're just ideas.

The concept of a chair existed before there was chairs. chair-ness exists forever and is perfect, it never has an uneven leg, and it never decays or rots.
why give a fuck about the sexuality of side characters
Clearly the creators did or they wouldn't have even mentioned it or alluded to it
So why do they care?
John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
check this:

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