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You can see the corners of the fake Antarctica screen:

You can't explain that faggots. Suck it.
Space is fake and gay.
imagine thinking you can't go to Union Glacier but have to fake it. flat earthers are fucked in the head, living in little fantasy worlds.
They had to fake it to fake the 24 hour sun.

Try to keep up Brainiac.
ah, so they constructed the super advanced and massive movie studio at union glacier, i see. yes yes, makes perfect sense. very clever how it cant makes such strong and consistent shadows while surrounding everything with big bright LED screens too. impressive.
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nice try
wheres the original video he's looking at? can see a link to it or anything
>Flat earther discovers 360 degree camera seams
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do these angles look familiar? they should
>at union glacier
What did I say about trying to keep up Einstein?
The Earth has no shape. That's it. That's the real redpill.
so which of the 9000 different made up scenarios do you currently pretend to believe in at the moment?


I can't seriously consider the likelihood of the Pacman earth theory for the obvious reason that we don't have concrete evidence of teleportation (which is what this model requires as there's a beginning and an end to the realm and reaching the end you're 'transported' to the beginning).

Our best chance of attaining concrete physical evidence lies in accessing the northern or southern lands, which seem to both be off-limits to us due to the excessive and secretive military control of both those areas. There must be a very good reason for this secrecy and control, likely the necessary physical proofs we need to assess the true nature of our realm are to be found there. It rightfully spawns our curiosity but we are at a huge disadvantage as we live in a system of control which doesn't even necessarily have to rely on supernatural phenomena to achieve its means.

IMO The answers can be found using true physics (the kind 'scientist' are not allowed to do or publish anymore), once given access to the actual set of physical facts. The ethereal realm is a separate issue, likely bound by its own ethereal physics which is even more difficult to penetrate as we are restricted by the limits of our awareness (to different degrees as individuals) and by the lack of 'tools' to 'measure' its state. There is also the question of how the two (physical and ethereal) interact, which is likely also bound to a set of rules, and which are equally as inaccessible to us given our present state of consciousness.

We can theorize about probabilities and possibilities (and we should), but the moment we stray away from the true science of acquiring actual knowledge via proof by repeatable experiments, we fall into the the category of belief, which is the greatest enemy of knowledge.
Based on the above, the only two things I can assess with confidence are; water is flat and takes the shape of its container; we are not moving. I too am very curious about how the rest applies, but that will require the necessary proofs.
Why don't you losers try to make up something else to fix the obvious flaws with your fake 'gravity'.
This is your brain on NASA lies.
You think elites will give you even crumbs of truth in a fucking movie or just make you believe that so you get more paranoid and confused

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