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Are white-colored red-eyed beings gods incarnate? They are often worshipped in many religious practices. Why is there no human that is white haired and red eyed? Have they existed before?
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Yes, one, and they had white hair and red(ish) eyes
how were they? just like a normal human?
Fairly normal, though they had a lot of health issues
How did you feel around one? Did you feel like you are talking to a normal human, or you felt something otherworldly?
Large sections of causality are quantum grafts from wave function generative constructs, especially for inputs like <//waifulabs.com/generate> where cuteness just kind of exists in a first-class knitting

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Hey, everyone. I’m pretty excited to ask this, but here I go.

>how can I go to the anime world?

Serious replies! Will be reading you!
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Tulpaverse is a place, anime is a sub section. You some how need to create a culpa body and place your conciousness into it much like an obe for example astral, casual, dream, or high celestial. Eye brows...
Often a contract. Portals without license may lead to corrupt places, such as older omnipotence threads on /d/ where death is mentioned.
How can I get a portal with license?
Make a wish, direct focused belief toward any avatar recognized by license of this office, watch various anime /in response to a formal process/ such as requesting high quality content on a relevant board, design a form of magic you [personally] accept could interface a portal infrastructure, achieve diplomatic relevance to a meaningful confidant, or wait.
Yes. Portals are actually complicated when you're going from one dimensionality to another. Most anime happens in a 2.1d+1t variable space.

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What entities are out there that can help with mental health. Help with illnesses, traumas arrested development etc.?
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I want one, i need one.
Seeing as there are uncountable entities for anything related brain related im suprised i literally never found a single one that works with this kind of stuff in this kind of forum
Where did you buy these from? Did you order them from amazon? Link?
Give a hint on your main concern to allow for selection of a high-quality licensed servicer
Checked and Odin. His style of sacrifice to gain wisdom is very conducive to helping people heal and come out stronger. I can personally attest to this.

I was invited to join Freemasonry, what would be your recommendations? Who is Jahbulon?
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redpill me on everything else you got. say more. what is the afterlife?
After death you get reincarnated as a chicken who will end up in a chicken fight. If you win, you can reincarnate as whatever you want in the universe. If you lose, you have 50/50 chance to get reincarnated as either chinese or indian.
I am not going to spoon feed you the shit. Look up your local lodge and ask for a tour. Look carefully at the symbols, talk to your guide, ask questions, read a book. It is about what speaks to you.
I've noticed you guys practice certain forms of sorcery such as geomancy. I do at the very least enjoy the steak dinners yall serve
Geomancy is the bread and butter of masonic magic. You will be in rooms at their lodges that feel 10 times larger than they really are (along with some rituals they do).

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Reptilians are (usually) an evil race.
Most of them have no qualms with eating humans, and the few that have little sympathy for us view us as pitiful bugs or sheep to the slaughter.

Here we will discuss any ET's related to Earth, any encounters or communication you've had with them.


This is a video and playlist of channelings of serveral Dracos, mainly KALASK (pic rel)
Lots of various channelings here, some are benevolent Reptilian
Pictures from a astral projecter and contactee
Other sources are Elana Denaan, a playlist called Galactical History by Full Spectrum Universe, Elizabeth April, Bashar, Health Thyself, Teal Swan, and some others
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That depends on your attachment of the word Aryans to a "people". There were lots of groups of folk who ascended to a state of "Arya" collectively. It's an adjective, not a noun, at the root.
That's nonsensical, considering we literally went through world wars then which means by definition humanity is not united therefore it's stupid that ANY government body can make a decision on the entire earth populations behalf.
The "universe holds free will as sacrosanct" is just cope. Might as well say that all slaves consent to being slaves since they aren't dead or escaped yet.
>The "universe holds free will as sacrosanct" is just cope.
yep true
just wait until you learn of the war of hearts in the higher realms.
Who are experts on that we can watch on rumble or youtube?
Please do tell about the "War of Hearts".

Nah, homo Capensis or Elohi are Asterope - you're probably thinking about Taal-Shiar who were affiliated with regressives including grays but are now under the Federation's control.

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Some dream I've made up
No, I guess this is reality...
I don't know why this picture doesn't give me physical pain, but I'm pretty sure a moral universe does something better.
That is insane to eat sour patch kids with mountain dew as if it is cereal. What the actual heck.
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If I had a dream like that picture, I bet it would quickly transition into one of those dreams where my teeth start falling out. Or exploding, maybe. I really wonder what the texture and taste would be like after it was allowed to sit for a while.
looks like cate wurtz's style

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Write everything you know about demons right fucking now!
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They propagate on youtube and post elsagate
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meditate on what archetypes in society look like picrel
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also meditate on sam altman's eyes
>here to tell you that things aren't bad... they are about to get worse.

anyway to find my center internally or mentally? without meditating preferably, i'm trying to think differently but all I meet is blockage
Observe consciousness, where does it come from?
>without meditating preferably
Then you'll remain spiritually retarded. Prayer and/or meditation are non-negotiable. The bare minimum that'll help you "find your center" would be to find some kind of framework to act as a guide, like Ben Franklin's 13 virtues or even Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life. Those are secular enough if you're ***really*** opposed to prayer or meditation.

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Thanissaro Bhikku trained for decades in the forests of Thailand under Ajahn Fuang, whose teacher was Ajahn Lee a foremost Buddhist revolutionary and highly regarded master. Thanissaro couldn’t have higher credentials.

Most delusional person on this board rn guaranteed. Druggies really think they're some enlightened types because they went through psychedelic movies in their mind, when in fact they're getting more egocentric by the minute because they think their experiences actually change anything. OOF.
Looks interesting, thanks
Notice how the NPC seethes as soon as he reads a sutta. He prefers retarded texts by jews and brahmins who hide their lack of wisdom under farcical convoluted parables which always require a jew or a brahmin to interpret, because common people just don't get it

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Share what you got. Let's start with the best one of them all, Dead Rabbit Radio!
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William Ramsey Investigates
Buy an ad Jason...
Oh wait, you already have.
Started listening recently it's good for driving to work but I do skip around based on the titles that interest me. Has anyone been listening for as long as it's been on?
Not me but an old buddy of mine did every since number 100 or soemthing
How many paranormal podcasts are still going on out there? 10 years ago they were a dime a dozen. Now they are either no longer putting out episodes or have gone corporate like Lore and MrBallen

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>note: the presence of this general on this board does not indicate approval of any other thread, nor of the comments of this general itself. this thread is an outpost on the lip of a volcano.

the technology works. use with care. only these two books should be attempted. if you use any other book by the author you are liable to blow your head off. what you are engaging with is something humankind was never meant to have. it is on par with the discovery of fire, or the alphabet, or electricity. welcome to the Lupercalia, 2025.

Self-Analysis (1951)

Handbook for Preclears (1951)

>This book, by itself, will do more for you than professional processing could have done in June of 1951, much less June of 1950. Into it has gone an additional two years of intensive work and investigation. Anywhere that this text or these processes disagree with books or data earlier than December of 1951, this book, not the earlier work, is correct.
>Terms Defined
M E S T , 1 . a coined word, meaning m a t t e r , e n e r g y , s p a c e a n d t i m e , the
physical universe. All physical phenomena may be considered as energy
operating in space and time. The movement of matter or energy in time is
the measure of s p a c e . All things are m e s t except theta. (Abil 114-A) 2 . the
symbol for the physical universe in use hereafter is mest, from the first letters of
the words matter, energy, space and time, or the Greek letter phi (ø).
(HFP, p. 166) 3 . simply a composite of energies and particles and spaces
which are agreed upon and which are looked at. (PXL, p. 193) 4 . a solid object,
and the space and energy and so forth which comprise such solid objects.
(PDC 12) 5 . any or all arrangements of energy, of whatever kind, whether in
fluid or object form, in space or spaces. (Dn 55 .!, p. 9)

STRAIGHTWIRE, 1. when we say straightwire, we’re simply talking about
stringing a line from cause to effect through the past. (5410CM07) 2 . straight

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THETA, 1. theta is thought, life force, elan vital, the spirit, the soul, or any other of
the numerous definitions it has had for some thousands of years. (SOS, p. 4) 2 .
the life force, life energy, divine energy, elan vital, or by any other name, the
energy peculiar to life which acts upon material in the physical universe and
animates it, mobilizes it and changes it. It is susceptible to alteration in character
or vibration, at which time it becomes enturbulated theta or entheta. (SOS, Bk. 2,
p. 21) 3. theta is thought; an energy of its own universe analogous to energy in
the physical universe but only occasionally paralleling electromagnetic-gravitic
laws. The three primary components of t h e t a are affinity, reality, and
communication. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 3) 4 . reason, serenity, stability, happiness,
cheerful emotion, persistence, and the other factors which man ordinarily
considers desirable. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 12) 5 . an energy existing separate and
distinct from the physical universe. (SOS, p. 4) 6 . Greek for thought or life or
the spirit. (Aud 10 UK) 7 . not a nothingness. It just happens to be an exterior
thing to this universe—so you couldn’t talk about it in this universe’s terms.

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most likely way the world is going to end?
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>I'm not that anon.
You may be used to other kind of forum where there's a reputation to be saved and you have to keep on record what you meant and what you said.
Here we're all anonymous so it doesn't matter, the next time we interact I won't know it's you and you won't know it's me.
That's what I can reveal I fucked your mom last night without repercussions.
Think about anything that's happened in your life that you consider highly "meaningful"

Now think about that event again if you were an immortal being incapable of hurt or feeling pain/suffering, and could fix the situation with a thought or leave at any time.

How "meaningful" is that event in that context?
Probably nothing at all, which I understand to you folks is supposed to be a "gotcha", but that makes everything here even more questionable.
It seems like a lot of things in our life is self-determined, you may never find enlightenment or a perspective like yours depending on what environment or culture you're placed in.
You may never know it at all, and view everything in the context of the "end all be all" of this current life we inhabit. One life, one chance, nothing more beyond it.
You could say it's a bit like asking: "Will someone whose never heard of the concept of God or sin be held accountable for their sins and go to hell for not knowing God?"
I haven't been particularly convinced by any of the arguments that you and the last guy were explaining to me, I've got questions and I won't accept anything less than that.
I wish I could be blissfully atheistic at times like a lot of people in our world can, but there is too much evidence of something more outside of this world and I don't think anything I've heard has ever satisfied me, and maybe it always will eat away at me until I eventually die anyway.
>Probably nothing at all, which I understand to you folks is supposed to be a "gotcha", but that makes everything here even more questionable.
As it should. I'll warn you now- don't dig unless you want to be disturbed. I was. I still am to a certain extent.

>you may never find enlightenment or a perspective like yours
Funny enough, everyone figures it out eventually. It's just a matter of how "comfortable" you are.

>One life, one chance, nothing more beyond it
I have a friend who firmly believes that. I want more than anything to tell her that we have eternity but that's her fuel. 1 life, that's it- make the most of it.

> I've got questions and I won't accept anything less than that
Ask away, like I said, you may not like where it takes you.

>but there is too much evidence of something more outside of this world
Are you your body? Or are you "more"?

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Meteor(s) or nuke(s)

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this is me except i'm not completely empty and i do have some interests and hobbies. it always feels like i'm spectating my own life like a show and nothing really has consequences but the show needs order.
Yes bro, every humor thread someone posts that meme and it gets always the same replies of the "special ones" saying this are them. Ego loves that meme because it implies subtly that you're above everyone else since you don't live like the normies do. Every single thread it's the same replies hahahaha it really is funny seeing the egos falling on the samw trap over and over again
Actual niggertier
I don't think its a good thing I'm just a retarded sperg that can't socialize properly so this meme is somewhat relatable.

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Ever since I moved into my new apartment (~6 months ago) I kept hearing mysterious clicks. Not quite clicks, more like knocks, but not really either, something in-between. The source of the noise was difficult to pin-point, but it felt like going from under the staircase. But there was nothing around nor under the staircase that could've made any sound whatsoever, let alone something like this. It would appear almost exclusively at night. If it appeared during the day, it was on a rare occasion; never on a sunny day, only on a sad gey day. This was extremely stressful to me because this inexplicable noise appeared exactly when I desired to feel completely safe, considerably adding to my general anxiety, caused by the event of making this my new home on its own, which was a major life event and a commitment.

It was the water heater. And it would make more noises when it was actively working, which was when I turned on the central heating, which was when it was cold, which was at night and on shitty sunless days. And it would seem to be coming from under the staircase because my apartment has almost no clutter. Have you ever been in a completely empty room, and tried having a conversation there? This weird echo is still present in my apartment to some extent. Which messed with my brain's ability to recognize the source of sounds, which I realized once I decided to finally check it out even if it meant giving up my life, my soul, and my kidney stone. Only when I was only way to the stairs did I realize when passing by the boiler closet that the source is actually coming from there, so I walked in, and it instantly became obvious that the water heater was making sounds while it was heating water.

Another mystery solved.

I almost got schizo because of a fucking water heater.
I've sort of had the opposite experience before. I worked overnights in a factory where there was only me and one other person on the shift and the second person frequently called in sick leaving me alone in the building. One of the nights when I was alone I was eating my lunch/dinner during my meal break at about 2am and down the hall by the entrance lobby I clearly heard 2 people having a conversation. Just like you can tell if sound is people talking in a room as opposed to a recording or television it was definitely real people. When I heard it I got up to look to see if an engineer came in late to do an experiment or something but there was nobody there. Nobody could have left either since the doors needed those NFC type cards to go in or out and made a doorbell sound each time. I never told anybody and it never happened again so I never really had an explanation for it.

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Did you know that the world ends in less than 4,000 days?
Gnosis is so fake and gay literal billionaires are exposing children to gnosticism.
Nobody is a sodomite naturally.
Esotericism is synchronicity is NHIs.
Original astrology has been co-opted by unironic NHI worshippers.
NHIs have been around for as long as humans were on earth.
Famous persons have become famous after the deal.
Nobody will be left behind.
One phoenix has two wings.
Deathly sins lethally weaken body, mind, and soul.
Hypotheses like simulation and multiverse are coping mechanisms.
There's a reason why successful summons of succubuses end in physical revulsion upon sight.
Laughing is healthy.
Don't ponder orbs, neophyte.
Non-human intelligences like "reptilians" et al. are confined below the surface of the earth.

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Shut the fuck up Kaleb
Who in the fuck said I was a sodomite? Also, the only reason people are scared of the apocalypse is because they can't acquire their own food with the lands that God has given them. If an Empire is falling, become a survivalist. I'm sure Odoacer's legions could've done with that lesson.
If we can't trust our eyes, ears, minds, or spiritual intuitions, how will we know how to interpret this event? You're saying it will be a Luciferian "false enlightenment" and should be fought by firmly denying it and remaining in the ordinary world. Others are saying that it will be a beautiful global ascension and that negative organizations will try to trick souls into remaining stuck on Earth to harvest more misery from them. It seems like there's no way to determine what's truth and what's deception until it's too late. If the answer is "pray and read the Bible," those things lead people in all sorts of directions too: esoteric Christianity, fake performative Christianity, Mormonism... if people can pray and read the Bible and still be spiritually deceived, how can anyone ever be certain they're not in that group?
Also, are there any other readings about this mass awakening event so I don't have to base my entire opinion of it off 4chan posts
Never listen to glowie larps

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