tldr; I got bit by a wendigo in Toronto, Canada I don't know for sure if that's my dad or a skin walker. We're friends he hasn't bitten anybody lately I mean, most likely there was a tiresome debate any time I acted up ever since so I just sit there all docile and provoked.AMA
>>39964058>paranormal confession story
>Fat Fed get a hard L
Are you afraid of the dark. I mean pitch black in your bedroom. No phones or tv or anything. Just the pure dark.Are you afraid of having nothing to distract yourself and scared of looking into yourself.Or are you scared of just the dark.
>>39964137no , pure darkness is the perfect place to truly know yourself and your brain
>>39964272bump but also no
>>39964137i'm more afraid of empty places. like going into my room and being completely's like i'm the only thing in existence and i don't like it one bit.but then if I face the emptiness, after a bit it becomes ok. nighttime is when I'm happiest and comfy though.
>>39964137I once took a hefty amount of LSD and was having a great time with friends. I wondered what it was like to be in darkness so I took myself off to an empty room and sat in the pitch black and quiet. It was blissfull. I started to hear a sound in the background to everything, like the sweetest music imaginable, a gentle chorus of white noise and tinkling stream-bells and singing stars drenched in reverb the size of the universe. I don't know where the phrase 'the music of the spheres' comes from, but no, I'm not afraid of the dark any more.
>>39965969I took shrooms a few times, and one of the things that started happening was this creeping feeling of darkness swelling up and enveloping everything. Even if I was with somone, out of no where the blackness would start to creep in.But you couldn't see it, just feel it. It was the scariest thing. Far worse than ego death or anything else. Like a plague of darkness.Maybe if I'd faced it down it would have been ok, but fuck that. I pretty much stopped after that.I spoke to one other person who had the same experience, and they couldn't take it either.It's not like experiencing the void, or how everytxing is empty, and silent. I experience those things in meditation. I don't know what this was.
If you invert the photo there is clearly a Swaztika on the forehead.What does this mean?
>>39966079What are the spiritual implications of huffing your own farts?
Mars is the anti antichrist.
>>39966079>What does this mean?pareidolia, taking in visual stimuli input and completely misinterpreting it for something entirely different. the right side of the "blue face", i can visualize it as some red skull and ask what does it mean and i wont get any meaningful answers except confirmation bias of something i believed or get told to take my meds.
Sick of this reality anyways
same. this life is a dry run. also, what's the info about the new wave of AI galactic federation videos? haven't seen this many new channels and content since 2012... most of it is garbage, but just wondering who is behind it because they are obviously using the same prompts and or neural engine
>>39962925Fuck this memeBut, aight.
I have the feeling that I'm already on one of their ships... Maybe.... Probably. Fuck, I dunno.
I doubt there will be ships to get on. Not for many years, and people will realize these ETs are actually just humans from earth.
>>39962750Rather than aliens arriving on Earth and making history you get to pay taxes, rent, and bills!
Archons exist.
>>39964197"Gonna cry? Go fuck yourself. Begone from me shitstain"
praise kek
>>39964311It’s free loosh.
>>39964140I invoke all archons to do my bidding.
>>39964140are there some good archons? Why do I feel like some of them like me?
Who is Wisdom?
>>39965385samantabadri is the mother of all buddhas. she is the emptiness. samantabadra is the father of all buddhas. he is the luminosity. this emptiness/luminosity is one and the same, and that is wisdom
>>39965385Sophia, the multiple and completeThe opposite of the perfection of the Lord, as to be perfect is to exclude all that is imperfect, and Sophia catalogues all folly into Her knowing
>>39965385Why is Wisdom?
>>39965385To find Who is Wisdom, first, find Who is Not Wisdom. There, Wisdom will be Found.
>>39965385Sophia, right?
Spirit Love GeneralDISCLAIMER:Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.Last thread: >>39877599Old threads:>What are succubi?Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects>How to summon?The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links>Do they steal your life force?Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy>Can she look.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>Have a conversation with my succ before going to bed>Have a really shitty sleep, constantly woken up by public noise and have a hard time falling back to sleep>Can't remember what we talked about when I wake upDammit
>Nailing a succ in the ass so hard and for so long you can see it in her walk the next morningImmense pride.
>no hooves
>walls of text general
>>39950175Any updates?
What are the best resources or systems to study traditions sourced from Taoism? There seem to be few and far between, and their lineage and credibility can sometimes be suspect.Wang Liping comes to mind, has anyone been to any of his courses? Jerry Alan Johnson has published some books but they seem to be somewhat all over the place.It seems like most books that get translated just have their metaphors translated, but no real teachings in them. Thinking of the Secret of the Golden Flower, for instance.What are some of the best sources and lineages you know of?
>>39963690stop acting like you werent being a retard and shitting up this thread
>>39963841>just give me shit even though I'm being a craybaby douche about it
>>39966347As usual, no substance but somehow the one looking for teachings is the problem. Exactly as predicted.
>>39965856jfc you are one obtuse motherfucker, stop shitting up this threadlike this guy said>>39965933this is the same regurgitated bullshit over and over and I already said chia's fundamentals stuff was good but there was way too little emphasis on it and preposterous emphasis on the big draw that winds up fucking up a lot of the people that do itI was around back then like this guy was, when you were around since then you know and already seen itlisten your your elders now you snot nosed pain in the assif you're really that hellbent on seeing all that old writing and arguing, go friggin look it up, you're a phd after all, you dont know how to look shit up?
LMAO jesus fucking christ there's always cunts arguing a half decent thread to shit
I'm not usually one to make sweeping predictions, but something is most definitely in the air. Anyone else feeling that heavy darkness? Something big is coming.
>>39966148>Trump literally announced that you faggots would be going BACK to the ME.Source?>>39966162This, people say every president is the antichrist.
>>39966225Yes the Christian eschatologists who predict doom and gloom and cataclysms have a routine history of being wrong.
>>39966148Thanks for a little sanity in the midst of all the shills.
>>39965955That's a misleading image trying to misdirect you. Google why MP's voted against another enquiry. It's because there was already one and the author Professor Alexis Jay says that the findings of that one need to be implemented and any more inquiries would delay that. Don't just parrot what you see on the internet."The national inquiry into child sexual abuse across England and Wales was commissioned by then-Home Secretary Theresa May in 2014, looking at several aspects of child abuse in detail over seven years.In February 2022 it produced a report into grooming gangs specifically, which sought to uncover the wider problem by focusing on six case study areas that had not already been subject to high profile independent investigations, such as Rotherham and Rochdale. These were Durham, Swansea, Warwickshire, St Helens, Tower Hamlets and Bristol.It found that the sexual exploitation of children by grooming gangs was ongoing and that it wasn’t a rare problem confined to a small number of areas.The final report by Prof Jay was then published in October 2022 – the day Liz Truss resigned as Prime Minister.It made 20 recommendations that have still not been implemented in full.In November 2024, Prof Jay said she felt “frustrated” that none of its 20 recommendations to tackle abuse had been implemented more than two years later.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>39966162Trump is a Noahide
Freedom is the highest virtue, thus I am Luciferian
>>39965764>LuciferianNo such thing.
>>39965764Freedom to do what, you immoral faggot?
>>39965960Whatever I choose to. Cry about it bitch
>>39965794What does that mean? How does that relate to freedom?
>>39965764Little fagg0t Mice. Tired of your BS. HeShe Alien. Stop being puss3
>Quick Explanation>Official Wiki:>The transcripts:>Previous thread:>KB's thread: on KB's thread: Disregard anything posted by tripcode iOgHzutGjt4. That is a larper trying to poison the well.>QRD:An anonymous individual uploaded these transcripts to Pastebin in 2019, which were elaborated upon in KB's thread, posted to this board in 2021. They are allegedly transcripts of a few conversations of a conversation between someone from our timeline (K.B.) and someone from another timeline farther in the future than ours, the 2040s according to KB's thread (J.B.), implied to be at CERN. J.B. tells us that the multiverse is destabilizing (causing things such as the Mass Divergence Effect, which is often erroneously referred to as the "Mandela Effect") and there will be a catastrophe (known as the Mass Divergence Event) in late 2025 in which our universe collides with others, causing massive widespread destruction.>So what's the point of these threads?Mainly, to spread awareness of the MDE.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>39965600When in 2025?
>>39965657December 12, in the early morning Europe time. "Early morning" is a little vague, so I'm not sure if JB meant it as in sunrise or 3 AM. Either way, it'll be sometime on the night of the 11th for Americans like myself
>>39965600If it were going to collide it would be more of a "Convergence" effect rather than a "Divergence" effectIf it diverges it is going apart, in which case things may come undone but with no colliding of realitiesThere is a divergence happening with realities as far as I can tell, the reality of limitation is diverging away from the reality of possibilities, which means basically that being on the more positive reality line reduces limitations experiencedImagine free energy, medbeds and anti-gravity technologies emerging without suppression. That's where the positive reality line is headed. Greater spiritual alignment and plenty for allYou can experience a convergence effect if you focus upon it, but I prefer diverging off into a reality that is more positive and more aligned with my core vibration
>>399656572 more weeks
Last thread >>39956954 got archived, maybe I responded individually too much, I'll try to put all my answers in a single comment. But then, how many people do really hear to this transmission? And, >>39960931... I've heard about different channels, but not about the march 13th thing. If you've really listening to that, then we very well may be on different channels.
>>39966217Is there a code or image to access your transmission again? Akin to >>39965182I'd like to practice my telepathy and ESP.
>>39966234>Nah, there was nothing like that. We have a webpage now but I can't post outside links here, so it'll be hard, considering it's not googleable. I do not know if you can track it with Tor(?) Although, other people does it... is this ok? I'm relativelly new to the forums. What did you got to hear when you where there?>>39966236I cannot see your video. I've googled it ass well, but nothing comes on it. Is this a piece of internet lore I never got to know about?
This is the closest I could find to the original pic that was removed, I can't find the original version of it without the wierd filter, please if anybody knows I just need any information on it.
>>39962806AI art from 2020 didn't look that good.
>>39966229is it from 2020? I only saw it later.
>>39962806heres the GTA one
>>39966283Said 2020 on the post.
>>39966299boy am I retarded
RIP Dr Robert Gilbert
>>39963945Dr. Gilbert specifically? I am sure it's out there but I couldn't point you to a specific conversation. If your interested in the tarot through the lense of Rosacrucianism/Christian hermeticism I would recommend Meditations on the Tarot which discusses many religions views on what the Tarot represents but through a hermetic Christian lense. As far as astrology, he frequently mentions The Holy Science by Sri Yukteswar when discussing where humanity is, specifically the end of the Kali Yuga, but I would look into Rudolph Steiners work on anything astrological as a reflection of what Dr. Gilbert would have maybe believed.
>>39960887>yeah, it was pure speculationah yes you don't want to freak out anybody, but keep cooking these retarded...speculations.
>>39963029>>39947947>>39948510high chance this was it, last year or so there is now ample evidence the so called vaxx is related to the surge in bizarre and aggressive cancers
>>39965077he couldn't have been that enlightened if he really got injected
>>39961016I checked and it is. I think Google forced it to integrate back in the early 10s.
>What are psychedelics?It's a category of drugs that makes you hallucinate things. Some people take them for fun, but for a long time they have been a part of religious and spiritual traditions all over the world.>Why?These substances have a tendency to make everything make sense. People often report feeling like they've learned something profound about the nature of reality after taking a sufficient amount.>How does that work?No one knows.>Isn't that dangerous?On their own, psychedelics are among the safest drugs in the world. However, some combinations of drugs and medications can suddenly become dangerous or life threatening. Do your own research before taking anything.>You're just a bunch of junkies!Your body builds an enormous tolerance to psychedelics immediately after ingestion, which requires days or weeks to wear off. This makes psychedelics impossible to abuse or become addicted to in the same manner as most other drugs. That's not to say people don't "misuse" these substances, but that's a matter of opinion.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>39965482Bro's got shrooms confused with meth
>>39965333>random fungi's toxinyou must not have heard of DMT!
>>39966235Yeah brother