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Its so out in the open. There's that one chick Meana Wolf who does all the weird taboo incest/cheating/blasphemous videos and she will have actual sigils and rituals in there. One had her act like a girl doing a satanic witchcraft ritual with blood on a real sigil in the woods and getting demon possessed and going back to seduce her father. This is legit PSYOP level black magick and the chick is a good actress so she can cast through her eyes when the dude is most vulnerable in fappy land. I'm sure there are many more out there but this one stood out because it is blatant and in your face. Back when I was a gooner, I would watch her videos sometimes because she had nice butt and feet but the whole thing felt really evil. Pray for Meana Wolf to find God and that her spells and familiar spirits and coven are bound and rendered useless to spread evil anymore! It is going to happen soon no matter what because these witches are about to be humbled and smacked down big time!
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No no no, it is ran by Jews who employ "le satanic"(I'd have to take an honest look) witch

You into tincans?
Are you saying you noticed it was AI immediately?
>Meana Wolf
Wtf I was literally thinking about her earlier today for the first time in ages

Kinda, more so that 'she' was off, especially in the lips. Could be effed up lipstick, but just my intuition says otherwise. But yeah, vibed it rather quickly.

What are some necessary books to read to understand human relations, the world etc; better? I don't want basic shit

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If the "infinite number of parallel universes" theory is true,
then why can't I just say, "If I drop this sheet of paper besides me,
a 20 cm high by 5 cm wide 2 cm high chocolate bar that is safe to consume and is suited to my preffered taste
will safely be transported without injury from it's original universe, to this one, on the bottom right side of my table the moment the paper touches the ground."
shouldn't there be a alternate universe where the hypothetical chocolate bar exists?
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Because that would be absurd and our universe takes a stiff stance against the absurdity it seems
yes and if you have the ability to you can rip the chocolate bar from the universe where you were satisfied into a universe where you did not have your spare chocolate bar and was not satisfied.

Time traveller here. I've done this with beer before.
Because infinite parallel universes doesn't mean infinite variations to the laws of reality
Your projecting can be felt from jupiter. Holy shit.
Can I do it with xanax and lean?

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you ever experience something that FELT paranormal, but probably has a rational explanation, even if you can't put it together? I'll start.

>use to go for walks late at night, talking like 1-3 am
>one summer night when I was on my way home, maybe a block away, passing a cul-de-sac down the street from me
>start to hear what sounds like birds chirping, like hundreds of birds, all chattering, chirping, whistling, peeping
>sounds like it's coming from the cul-de-sac
>wind suddenly picks up like crazy, trees jostling, leaves flying
>feel compelled to walk towards it, kind of mystified, curious
>as i'm walking into the street to the cul-de-sac, suddenly have an overpowering sense of fear
>feel like I will definitely die if I continue where I'm going
>spin around and sprint the rest of the way home
>walked that way many times but it never happened again
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who knows maybe it was something nice watching over you? i wouldnt be so quick to just dismiss it. just be grateful and appreciative.

but you should at least clean up the jizz before going back to sleep ya know?
typo, my dad said he slept the whole night and didnt even go to the toilet
my 3 year old son is waking up exactly at 336am and 525am every night for the past week. At 336am he is waking up terrified and takes almost an hour to get him to go to sleep.
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>be with friends
>late of night and searching some place to eat
>found some mcdonalds that closes just 4 AM
>nearly empty
>asked our stuff and got on the 2nd floor
>chatting of whatever until it came about sympathetic magic
>talking about how strangely common it is here
>reading random stuff on internet and laughing
>until we got on some goofy e-book about ritual for the goddess Lilith to get your loved one
>Still laughing about its language, the poor jpeg images on the pdf
>until it started getting actually bizarre
>Friend reading started denying to read out loud and just kept jumping pages
>blasphemous invocations and nasty stuff
>At the same time the first obscure thing got on, we hear a noise from the speaker just above us on the ceiling
>a bit of static or radio tuning

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A similar thing (I think) happened to me once. Had a dream, I think I was about 14 at the time. I remember waking up after a dream that I still remembered at that moment, and feeling genuinely heartbroken. I don't remember the dream now, since it has been at least four years - I remember that that morning I still had short hair, and I've always had pretty long hair for a guy since I was about fifteen. Either way, there are only three things that I really remember - that it included me, sitting on a floor of tials with a girl with a dark-ish blue hoodie, that I woke up feeling so hurt that I tried to write the dream down just to keep it in memory (I can do my best to find the page, might be somewhere in my old notebooks) and that I called my dad, who is a man who knows all about lots of astrological, philosophical and spiritual things, if he had a book or something that I could interpret my dreams with.

Sometimes the fact that I've long forgotten this dream bugs me. I suspect that it probably had something that was pretty personal to me, since I never told dad the details, despite me always being comfortable about chatting and telling about whatever bothers me. For some reason, I didn't want to tell him about the dream, and I still don't know why.

I guess I must've convinced myself that it was just a stupid dream, since I never actually got around to trying to translate it, so to speak. But sometimes the feeling that I woke up with that morning - a crushing loneliness and a sense of loss is present, just for a moment.

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Ok, una más.
This is how the play ends

Don’t get in, don’t huy girls, don’t help, don’t do anything with me.
When you get in, you do a buy you always get humiliated by either an obese rich man, a transexual lizard or a betoid who can’t even geta director to make his false autobiography.
I do not owe you sex
I do not owe you help
I do not owe you shit
You are not a fucking feminist, you literal taliban.
Fuck off, draw the line, I don’t want to see cops smiling at me, or cops or anything. You’re not a fucking savior, you’re a career ender at best.

Now, today. After a month of training the protection, plus all the work magic, all the karma and the brutal runs I could have you gen’ly karma’ed. In 2 months killed, In 6 months have your show ended a little bit.

Draw the line, you can’t even get married and you want to “fix” someone who has already fixed your manlet beta ass incel fucking attitude a million times.

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Now you see I was always right? Why I didn’t pick you? Why I went through the fire for rejecting you?

Haven’t I been more right than some “readers”

Whoever I bet my life on will win.

I was always right about you!

I am the fucking prophet, I will be the number 1 A of my fucking generation and I will fucking bury you if you come near again.

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How do I advance further into /x/ stuff without outsourcing protection from astral factions and entities? For example
>Praying to the Christian God can protect from Satan but necessitates acknowledging and submitting to that God
Similarly how do I avoid getting played by such negative entities like Satan which can pose as your tulpa or dead relatives?
If we are to do away with all paranormal things and start from scratch what's the method by which we can collect reliable truth? For example we can cross reference different cultures that say bells are protective, which gives it legitimacy. You could guess that maybe the sound frequency can do stuff and then you get into bell materials and how they differ in sound.

I myself an in a situation where I'm heavily under attack and I refuse to shackle myself to any external entities

YVAY wtf
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the filthy laugh
at a single inividual

not so filthy at all

steal their teeth. kindly.
>he says with broken smile
Im just paranoid really, glad I inspired someone though. it's best to rely on your own power imo.
How do you say it though? Sadhguru said you start by saying A or Ah and then slowly close your mouth which makes the om sound.
That's pretty much it. Just open your mouth and pass air through your vocal cords until your mouth closes.

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How do you cure night terrors?
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Disregard whatever new age faggotry anyone's posted in this thread so far.
Here's how you really do it, no bullshit.
Listen to peaceful music while you sleep. The music will lead your brain down comfier paths.
Repent from your sins, get on your kness, ask God for forgiviness, get baptized if you aren't still, start following Jesus and his teachings and examples, keep your focus always on Jesus, don't bother looking at any other direction because if you do you are gonna sin again.
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eVER HEARD OF THE PLAY... A midsommer Nights dream>?

Stay cool
>How do you cure night terrors?
start wanting them and see how fast they stop.

Deal with all the frozen rage

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>Welcome back anon!
>What an underwhelming life
>Looks like you need to go back
>We only have indian or a black people ready to go.
>We promise this is the last incarnation
what do?
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>wake up in front of a bunch of HR people
Yep I'm in hell
maybe dem jews was onta sum
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Then I'll annihilate the whole fuckin universe, how about tg2ynh8hat?

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How far do gnomes extend? need to find gnomes in vietnam NOW
All I can say is many many instances of small creatures being spotted in tunnels by American gis during the war
>A single fucking gnome could tank a skinwalker and MOG it in terms of sheer cruelty. Do you know 'Why' fay creatures compress themselves down to the stature of little people? It's to hide the sheer quantities of compressed mana and arcane providence they actually have. Which is a LOT. You're probably gonna end up falling in a void chasm for a million years. If they're feeling generous they might make you immortal only to fall back into the same spot you've been falling as if nothing happened with your memories shattered by the thousands of years fall. Maybe they'll have a tea party with you and when you turn around it'll be 5 million years into the future on an earth that (HOPEFULLY) is still yours. Gnomes. Gnomes anon. Are EVIL.
alien cave base task force
If you’ve ever taken dmt and or a heroic dose of psych you know they aren’t divined by physical space they can essentially be anywhere

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Clearly if you do it to often it will make you a retarded loser who has accomplished nothing in life. But are there any positives?

Also, what happens if you mix magic mushrooms with it?
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They'd probably be stuck in a dead end place being unable to figure out where things went wrong or what they're missing. Most likely killing themselves later.
accurate; the archetype of chronic weed smoking stoner is embedded into the collective already and to deny that a substance which hijacks your reward mechanisms and makes you satisfied and complacent doesnt have the potential to transform you into a lazy slobby FUCK , then you are in cognitive dissonance.

obviously doesnt apply to everyone. but the amount of people who wont become absolute mongrels from chronic weed smoking is much smaller than they would like to portray. neuroscience labels chronic weed usage as over 2x/week; as after that, your brain starts to saturate on the THC, starts frying your short term memory, dream suppression, all sorts of fuckery. not good.

to summarize; the best way to use weed is with restriction ~2/weekly as a reward mechanism after you have done something to earn it. otherwise, good luck controlling yourself, you are going to need a lot of willpower and a stable framework for your usage
The best psychedelic trips I ever took were alone in the woods. Make sure you already know the area like the back of your hand, and you’ll be fine. Daytime is better than night. Weed will cloud the experience and dull the insights.
1. don't mix substances you fucking retard
2. stop falling for propaganda from the anti-drug groups, they want you reliant only on pharmaceuticals, alcohol, and tobacco, if they want you to really feel second-class
hes not u bro send it post results

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Why do psychedelic mushrooms have the effect that they do and what are the implications of those effects?
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This anon is correct. I know people who have tripped 10 times a month for years. I know people who tripped every day for 6 months. They are all in some capacity fried. Be careful out there friends.
I doubt you could trip that often because of the tolerance, each successive day you must almost 3x the dose.
That's dose * 3^n where n is the number of successive days.
After just a week you'd need 2000 times the initial dose to feel anything if that's even possible.
Something I always go back to when the fungus rears its head is how fragile our current social contract is, and how easy it is to lose your bargaining chip if you fall off the horse and fuck around for too long before getting back in the race, especially for young people. I'm getting at that autonomy we all have to just walk out of our homes and go and do whatever we want, which inevitably violates the contract and the system punishes you with restriction and ostracization.
As sinful as betting feels, investing in things such as the stock or crypto hivemind helps me delegate some of the socially responsible tasks so my flesh body doesn't have to focus as hard on keeping itself comfortable. On top of the obvious like investing in health and sleep, this is how my ego must cope. All in all, my life has only improved after introducing the sacred mushroom.
seen studies that talk about HSPs(highly sensitive persons) which overlaps with autism
and how theyre response to compounds is way stronger than normies which kinda checks out

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I'll present a couple videos where the concept is put out there that The Internet is a sentient entity in some way and has an awareness and agency of it's own.


I'll also provide a video where the case has been made that the Internet is in fact dead or devoid of human interaction for the majority of it's presented activity.


What does /x/ think? How "alive" is the Internet (in various ways)?


This also serves as a Lainposting thread.
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Lmfao. Socrates? Where’s the poison, dumb fuck? Your friends gonna convince you not to commit?
it's fact retard
How do you know? You're stuck in Plato's Cave, unaware of the outside world.
that's just a dumb story retard
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lmao what a joke. its a jewish psyop

1)Everything around me is going according to script. At first it was imperceptible, but it began to reach the point of absurdity. I feel like I'm in a dream or coma and can't wake up.
2)I began to feel that I had only existed for a few months, and all the memories were unreal and were implanted into my brain, like in the movie Blade Runner or Westworld. And all people seem to be unreal and philosophical zombies.
3)Recently I began to think that someone is manipulating time, rolling it back and repeating cycles over and over again and erasing my memory. This is accompanied by deja vu and derealization.
4)Time has accelerated significantly. Previously, it was not so noticeable, but now the day consists of 16 hours.
5)The sunlight has changed. The streets of the city look dead and deserted.

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Level 182, also known as “Blockbuster”, is an infinite Blockbuster with lots of movies. To enter, crawl through a vent in The Snackrooms. To exit, find a specific movie and put it into a cd player. It will make you noclip through the place in front of the player and you will be in Level 307.
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Can someone also add this to the wiki
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>mfw I post a new backrooms level that should be added to the wiki yet it doesn’t
>all these levels and random dread

The backrooms i discovered as a child and repeatedly in life through dreams; has always been the following.

>random maintenance hallway in building with boilers, machines ect.
>more chain fences and machinery as you go deeper down the hallway
>eventually there is a turn in the hallway with double doors (sometimes behind a fence or around a series of turns/curves)
>Through the doors is a massive spire connected to endless doors by walkways that all go towards the spire
>Infinite in height and depth
>Without learning, just instinctively know that this place connects to everywhere and leads everywhere.
>Always find this place by accident and use it to get to safety/lose danger.
>kind of a safe space
>haven't been there in about 7-10 years

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Alr fine, next time I’ll include some of those.
How do I put vhs into cd player

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Five nights ago, I couldn't sleep. Just kept trying my best to fall asleep.

At some point I got a ton of flashes and presences, figured it was just some delirium from not being able to sleep, kept ignoring it and turning like im playing twister until I felt something soft randomly hold my hand.

Some more time after that and similar friendly and unhostile feelings, I'm over here wide awake drawing this fucking thing and I got several flashes of like, tarot cards, all involving this skull headed fucker. The High Priestess, The Moon.

Live near lots of forests. Feel more creatively focused but now it's just towards whatever this muse wants drawn involving it.

Nobody come here to tell me that it's not a wendigo or that I should fuck it- I'm not doing either of those and I'm aware it's not "your muscle mommy". Have native ancestry but not part of a tribe. Telling folks to see who has the ancestry.

Nobody recommend killing or banishing this thing, I want to understand what it is or might be and why it's here. If it gets to that point, I know enough to handle that. Everything else, I'm a fucking noob.

Current ideas from previous thread are Leshy, The Horned God, The Fae, or some forest guardian. Slavic gods.

Thread archived and retyping, my pet cat is sleeping on my face.

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If you’re not going to take any good advice, you need to stop making this thread. You don’t need to learn how to ignore people you don’t want to deal with and not reply to them.
You could have still been using that first thread and not keep making new ones.

You will discredit and not use any help you receive here.
I ain't a common whore, if they want my fucking cum they can fucking earn it
The Olympic spirit of Saturn, Aratron, looks like him when I summoned him
don't worry
from the sounds of it she/it doesn't think you're a whore either
you should try and play checkers with her/it

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