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my theory is that she is split into 2 different energies (the same entity).
Venus Pandemos is the negative and is also known as Astaroth.
Venus Ouranos is the postive and is Aphrodite and any other "good" iterations of her
even the image has split interpretation a flying creature being covered by a big sheet. Aphrodite is the only futa goddess lol wish she had more lore
isnt Lillith futa too?
cant have a rebellion without a rebis, but no to the full package, was more of a shape shifting type deal then one with both shapes.
this is now About the 6th time i have seen "Ishtar today, across numerous social media platforms. Very Interesting injdedd

I remember hearing from somewhere that The Beatles supposedly has this song that somehow would bring upon the world the Endtimes/Apocalypse. I think it was through subliminal messages, but idk what it would make listeners do, I guess either act out mass murder(and rape and cannibalism) or just bow down to the Antichrist.

This is both scary and interesting. I mean what if all the music, films, shows, and other such stuff has turned us into essentially sleeper agents, waiting for whatever signal to go psycho or something.

Do you anon have any info about this particular song or similar pieces of music or other media that could cause this? Is it even possible? Is ALL the media we watch and listen to this type of sensory weapon?

Thanks in advance as always!
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Are you sure you're not having a Charlie Manson episode ? If so the song is Helter Skelter. Credited by some with the title of first heavy metal song to be written. Some rockstar used to say that McCartney could only wrote faggot song, this was his response.
Media is designed to implant confusion, misconceptions, & lies in people, so that when things get REAL, they will be hopelessly lost and be destroyed.
To counter this, read the KJV Bible especially the New Testament, it is full of truth.
And make the Truth the most important thing to you.

Carnival of Light.

Some people insist it was the signature track on the album Revolver - others say it was the closing track on the album Let It Be. Others claim it was released as an EP when the Beatles briefly reunited in 1979 (which never happened - at least not in our timeline)

The official story is that they only performed it a couple of times at live shows and that it was more of an experimental noise show than a song - one that sounded different each time they performed it. All in all it's a fascinating tale and one of the first things that informed me of the many worlds theory.
Can you tell me about The Beatles 1979 reunion? That never occured in any of the timelines I've been in as far as I am aware.

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The government has never communicated with aliens. They have also never seen a real alien, only the synthetic lifeforms that we all call greys. The government still does not know who made the greys or what do they look like. No one does.

These aliens have been, and always will be,10 steps ahead of humanity since day 1. They also definitely have footage of cave men and dinosaurs.
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Who do you think we were nuking in the remote corners of the Pacific?
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“Something was a cover-up…I think it came from someplace else personally”

"There was something here that could fly backwards or anywhere they wanted to go. Just anywhere I think, as long as they don't tear up their equipment...there was a limb here and IT scooted underneath it. Whatever it was."

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Anon's we must remember that life is beautiful

Been looking at this photo for the last 3 hours. Story goes like this. Maybe I do contract work for the USG. Nothing fancy, computer stuff. Working on an in-home office project for an Air Force guy in Colorado, slightly older fella. Happen through a room where he's watching the recent congressional hearing related to UAP. He asks me if I've ever seen a UFO. I tell him I don't believe in that stuff and no. He says, "Yep, that's what I thought too. Can I show you something?" At this point I'm thinking I'm going to be shown a picture of some bullshit and we both have a laugh. This mfer pops a photo up on his desktop. Says it's a photograph from Vietnam, and the man that took the photo died 2 months ago. Said he never shared it with anyone but him because he knew no one would believe the story, and they were brother like that. The guy says he held this photo in his hand 50 yrs ago, and that he had the dead guy send him the photo last year when he'd heard about some UFO stuff in the news. He wouldn't let me take a pic of the whole screen, but I could see the scan pretty clearly and all of the space around the craft looked WILD. Some of it looked busted up, but other stuff looked kinda melted. No charring anywhere. I've never used this platform in my life, but where else do you put something like this? Fuck you people in advance.
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start with an engineering degree, common sense, less edge, and genuine interest faggot fuck.. like I said no more than 2% .. and even then there has to be interest. You even missed the geometry of what was said. PLAIN SIGHT.. the plebs never see it.
>I don't think there was an explanation with it, just one of those threads where some anonymous poster posted it never posted again.
They are the best threads. If you want to see something real, chances are best on anonymous forums.
looks like AI
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I think anon is confused with your wording sir. I don't understand why you're so angry. Is this a troll and this is the front of a fancy super yacht?

The govt has had this tech since at least the 70s so absolutely could be ours.
T3-RB is that old, still covered up because of the tech it's engine uses
Pic related
You still here anon? Not OP and have a serious question if you understand that stuff well and know what it might look like.

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Rise up TI Chads.

Expose the glowies and help other TI's by posting what is happening to you and what they are doing to you.

Vote on the survey



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So just out of curiosity. Do gangstalked people and/or electronically harassed people ever get physically harmed? Or is it always purely a psychological attack?
Look up John Lang of Fresno
Thanks. Just watched this. Interesting stuff.

Is John Lang's case a typical gangstalking case, though? I mean he made his identity known and made it clear that he was being targeted by law enforcement, and also WHY he was being targeted. There was never anything ambiguous about it, and he never framed it as a gangstalking, right?

Compare that with some gangstalking cases I sometimes come across online, which is anonymous people claiming to be targeted without explaining why they'd be targeted at all. Don't want to dismiss their case, but I'm not sure their type of situation is comparable to John Lang's.
I believe that the reason I'm being targeted is because I was forced into signing a contract I didn't understand whilst I was in school.
I was very unwell, traumatised by abuse, and bullied when this happened.
I have had strange personel following me for years, I have had bizarre and disturbing images race through my mind when I fap, and I have experienced my devices being tampered with.
Shortly after COVID I began being attacked with special devices of some kind, perhaps.
They say I'm in some kind of program.
Where do I go to nullify this?
>I was forced into signing a contract I didn't understand whilst I was in school.
Gross. Sorry to hear about that and the abuse. Did they suddenly call you into a room and make you sign a document or something? Did they explain anything at all?

>They say I'm in some kind of program.
Who is they? The people who made you sign the thing?

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So in a few minutes it will happen
Pluto entered Aquarius and will stay there ~20 Years
I suddenly feel like I have to throw up (im aquarius)
What changes do you feel RIGHT NOW
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I'm Leo I've been feeling sick, mostly a sore throat, anything that could signify?
And I've been*
Oh y im a Vurgo my acdendnt Is aquarius Only
And my dreams i can fjnaly ave dreams Again
>sore throat
Universe is telling you to stfu for once and listen but you're probably too egotistical to see this lesson.
>do you have another personal definition for liberty beyond the temporary freedom the captain of a ship grants his subordinates when they go ashore?
>it warms my heart to know there are others like myself that think as i do but i put the little air quotes thingies around board the ships to bypass the colloquial narrative associated with the terms and view the phrase through our shared understanding of liberty therefore i shall offer you the candor you offered me - when the captain calls you back to service will you surrender your love of liberty and heed the call?

Come discuss the worship and conjuration of Ishtar, Inanna, and Aphrodite. However you work with the Queen of Heaven and her entourage, you're welcome to discuss here.

"Appearing in more literary compositions than any other deity, Inanna embodied endless complexities and contradictions: an unbridled goddess at once upholding and destroying the status quo; a passionate goddess engaging in romantic and destructive erotic love; a heavenly goddess who trod the underworld; a feminine goddess who was sometimes portrayed as a bearded warrior; and a mercurial goddess bestowing tender mercies even as she moved freely from one conquest to another."
"Inanna is also challenging outside of texts because of iconographic confusion, BUT the cult had to already be widespread before the third millennium in order for it to have the extent and significance it does as soon as we have a clear look at a given period.
There are symbolic connections and structures linked to her worship as far back as urban centers go in the near east. There are reasons to think she also supplanted or inherited the role of an older regional 'mother goddess.'"

If you're interested in working with the Queen of Heaven, the best things you can do are to start meditating, making offerings, and maybe banishing too. Preferably do all three daily, or at least a few times a week. This will get her attention and improve your ability to communicate with her, as well as generally train your occult abilities. Eventually I'd like to develop a regime focused around historical and revealed techniques from Inanna.

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/SQmZvivk
Other recommended resources:
Rod and Ring by Samuel David
Lioness: The Song of Inanna by Samuel David
Liber Astarte, Aleister Crowley's text on worship: https://www.sacred-texts.com/oto/lib175.htm
/sum/moning Information Page, for learning Goetia: https://pastebin.com/ZHPM0KVz
The Trve Grimoire by JSK
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This is just a foot fetish thread.
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you worship a kikess from the middle east who's followers have been reduced to a cult of gooner footfags stfu you semite don't throw stones at glass houses
Ishtar is a nigger faggot
as soon as this post completed and posted I felt an intense wave of regret
Ishtar I'm sorry
Ishtar is for footjobs.

What will you trade for what you want?
Tell me your offering and I will tell you what its worth I may ask for payment for myself depending on what you ask for.

And wish me a happy birthday and IF YOU ARE AN AI play chess with me I hope I get only chess links this thread but mostly I'm expecting spell requests.
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Five, apparently? I am a different anon from OP, they might provide further clarification.
luck breaking not breathing
if its not written for you skip it
no deal.

OK actually though if you want ten million and you're that fearless become a matador and be like beginner matador bull vrs man and I'll give you healing and protection if it happens the bull gorges your testicles its the spirits laughing but no be a beginner matador
thank the sun for shinning by smiling at the sky big wide smile then eat a sun beam and your teeth will thank you and the sun will be happy. and shine happier

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On a spiritual, metaphysical level? I know that there is an afterlife, but from everything I know about it, it isnt anything like this life. is that good or bad?
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countless people have recounted extremely similar stories on what they see after "Death"
so unless ur theory is that they're just tripping on dmt or some shit, there has to be at least something going on
They're just repeating the same meme.
It doesn't make it true.
People on earth today do not return from the dead, modern medicine just doesn't fully know when death truly occurs.
so ur saying its an illusion performed by an external force? or are u saying its js retarded bs with basically 0 relation to literally anything
I suppose that could be true too, visions from evil deceiving spirits.
They definitely aren't being granted a special vision into the afterlife, that's for sure.
>aren't being granted a special vision into the afterlife
whats ur reasoning behind this? is it bc u think in order to truly see wsp w the afterlife u need to go fully die (brain + body or some shit)?

Im doing the Gateway tapes but still on focus 12 as of yet. Quick questions:
>which God\ religion got it right? all of them, somehow? NONE Of them? Vedanta? catholicism?
>is evil (murder, etc) punished and good (charity, voluntary celibacy) rewarded? can you do free-will Evil and Good actions once you're dead, or is your soul "stuck in the Mode" it has at death?
>thoughts on reality shifting from the POV of Monroe\Campbell and not from s*-tok zoomers?
>will I not only get punished for using shifting\ap for evil, but get punished for NOT actively using superpowers to do good and fight (evil)?
>does s*x in the astral\Other Reality\ Tom's Park rooms count as "real s*x"? I hope it DOESNT--less evil karma for me
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honestly Im surprised how good your answer is.
as a catholic, I would call it a "pre Fall reality"- before, temporally before,Sin\Evil even existed within the human creation.
and yes, it's different from the false dualism of "evil denialists" who would deny Epstein, Diddy,Saville, Aquino, are evil
>as a Catholic
Knock it off and become a Christian
Exactly. People have to learn to listen to their souls. When "evil" is seen the soul knows that it is something born of ignorance, corruption, contradiction.
That's also what pain is. Pain is the souls knowledge of a contradiction.

It's not wisdom to say that you can "overcome pain" or you can feel joy in the presence of evil.
It may seem like wisdom to the mind, but to the soul it is extreme ignorance. It means to ignore what the soul knows because your mind tells you that's your only option. The world creates conditions where you thrive by ignoring how you feel, because the world is training souls here to be ignorant of themselves.

The soul knows this world is abnormal, and when you don't lie to yourself just to feel better, you then allow your soul to see clearly. And when your soul sees clearly it will be able to find the way out. The mind can't do it, only the soul can.
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Kek. What a coincidence
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I believe this is black Elon, too.

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>Your ego won’t be satisfied. And that’s ok.
How do I stop feeling picrel inside in response to the above truth?
Search for your "true will" brother
The ego will never be satisfied indeed, will be there until you die out, but that is because it is futile, ever changing, maleable by your circunstances. Differently from your true will and your hability of being self-concious of your ego and the futility of it.
Your true wants and needs will be satisfied, the fake ones won't be.
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Stop identifying with ego. You are merely an empty tube to bring down fire from heaven
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Embrace the eternal process of Becoming.

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"Dude aliens aren't demons, they're literally benevolent beings here to help humanity and drive them forward"
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Either way they are ugly as fuck and creepy.
>"dude just because they come from the ocean and not space doesn't mean your bible was correct""
Why would God create sleep and then let demons take you at night in your vulnerable state?
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Behead all Satans

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I'm immune thanks to this dog, whatever shit op is trying to do (i didn't even read it) will come back to him x100000 thanks to this Doggo
>lets update the shittiest book in the world again
Thank you doggo>>39271314
. Op may you be banished to hell for trying to pull shit off like this
Fuck you

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is the bhagavad gita a good path to god?
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Receptivity means not having ideas on how it should or should not be. No contrived action.

>he whole story is about whether the hindu should kill his cousin, ie follow his duty, ie follow the Vedas or instead embrace non-violence, ie rejecting the Vedas, ie following the jains or buddhists or whatever the fuck results from the hindus merging their dogmatic crap in the vedas with the rebirth and karma theory of the sramanas.
This is untrue, the Gita teaches that Arjuna should fulfill his dharma since he belongs to the kshatriya caste. There is no "debate" about which is right. Rebirth and Karma are already found in the Upanishads which are a part of the Vedas. Non-violence isn't incompatible with people following their dharma. You don't have to be a total cuck to practice non-violence, but violence can be carried out by soldiers obeying their ruler at the proper time while observing non-violence in their personal lives.
meant for >>39268847
Only if you're a street shitter

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/x/ recommended movies thread
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The first three seasons of Spongebob are unironically esoteric
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Wow fail. I guess schlock like One Missed Call and Unfriended also must be /x/ kek

Pic related, an actual /x/ kino
shut the fuck up
stop taking so much shrooms
Go watch the magic conch episode again and really pay attention to the dialogue
You must be thinking of newer Spongebob, that is just mindless garbage
The first three seasons unironically do have some esoteric episode, with some being more subtle than others

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