How many times have you heard someone's NDE where they describe how amazing they feel when they leave their body, only to be told by other beings that they have more work to do and need to return to their bodies on Earth?Has there ever been a single time where the experiencer was pumped to be returning to this life?No.Why then, as some would claim, would we choose to be here? To learn and grow?That's impossible if every time we reincarnate our memories are wiped and we have to start over again.The truth is these beings recycle our souls into new bodies over and over again to harvest our loosh and probably also feed off of negative energy created by us while alive. I know this is nothing new to most of you but I want to discuss this with you all.Any insights on this topic?
>>39822649What if earth is a training ground for demons that develop teeth and claws and have to kill by instinct alone.
>>39822501Your senses are the words of the universe being read by you. You have no idea what the author was thinking when he wrote them. You first need to experience the qualia in its pure form before you can hold any real opinion
>>39824522Lol no... no one is believing that you're just projecting you're insecurities and you're probably white too so it makes sense.>>39824571Yeah we use thier lingo dosent mean we aren't racist lol and than you bring gen alph LOL
>>39824619Zoomers are from 1998 to 2008 we grew up on the best youtube. The best google. The best forums and yahoo answers. You're thinking about gen alpha retard
>>39821558huge if true!
>>39823741if your explanation does not include the word mcluhan, just sit the fuck down.
>>39824774>people who aren't white are involving themselves in our discussionsAllow me to throw up
how do I deal with my limiting beliefs? I want a really hot gf but everytime I try to imagine it my mind goes "eh I don't know maybe that's too much for me".
>>39825299short answer: you have some subconscious hangup that leads you to believe you don't actually deserve it. only deep introspection, shadow work, self analysis, whatever you want to call it, will reveal your preconceived notions that exist behind the curtain of your mind
LoA is all copium, no one has ever gotten anything just by fantasizing about it the right way.
I found out there are ancient cults in Malta which perform ritual human sacrifice of children to the god Ba'al and the authorities are working with them at every level people who talk about it either get locked up as schizos or vanish without a trace
>>39815665Do you know about any cults that save hedge hogs for some reason? I like those Lil guys.
>>39815665Its incredibly easy to start a cult believe it or not
>>39815669dont stick your nose in things where they dont belong, just fageta boutit.
>>39816047Anu = El = Space, SkyEnlil = Baal = Sky, thunderstorm, wind, tempestEnki/Ea = Yam = sea, abyssYahweh (literally derived from the Sumerian god Ea), Elohim (derived from Enlil and El) absorbed all their functions, but this is the problemIn the Ugaritic myth, Baal Hadad (Yahweh) kills Yam (sea), and then Mot (god of death). Yam and Mot are connected (and the Sumerians had one god responsible for the abyss and the sea, not two), for example, in the same Revelation of John, a dragon comes out of the sea (Mot), and then an abyss opens, from which locusts fly out, ruled by Abbadon (Yam). That is, they are enemies of Yahweh, but in the meantime Yahweh has their functions, he creates! and does not kill Leviathan for example, although as a heavenly god of thunder he should do it (as in all pagan myths where gods kill many different sea creatures), and also has a name derived from the Sumerian god of the abyss and sea Ea/Enki (who is the god of the abyss, snakes, dragons, he creates people and saves them from the flood sent by Enlil).I am sure that there was a Sumerian myth where Enki and Enlil were in conflict, I am sure that Enki lost to Enlil in it and became the personification of evil, but the tablets simply did not reach us (or they were not found). If they were found, it would clarify a lot of things.
{Further delaying the vehicle manual, I feel called to bridge branches via communication during seated exercises. I give thanks for all the lurked lore and offer my carefully collected knowledge to you my fren}[gemini(cap)/monkey(water)] 7th year potionsellerfoundation: whiskey+ general intermediate knowledge of aged distillates (brown)+ general base-intermed knowledge of unaged (clear) and ferments (beer,wine)ask me anything about alcohol/intoxicants (everything connected notwithstanding)recommendation mapping, hype disillusion/dissolution (fuck the trendy sugar), ancient ritual intoxication and consequent societal conspiracy postulationcounter readings/opinions/path adjustments welcomebless thy feet and thy root and thy tongue
>>39824346>this one is taking time to open upwith wine, sometimes oxygen and stirring will allow more flavors to come out>based people shake WELL (carbonated drinks turn slowly)>leave the glass out for a few minutes between sips, or wait a day between glassesdistillates, sometimes being too sharp and high in alcohol, can achieve similar effects with the addition of a few drops clean cold water
>>39818889greetings potion sellerwhat potion should I brew this month? Thanks
>>39820392Cognitus. Take two pills a day with food (bacopa monnieri)
It's simple really, there's no point in going down the rabbit hole. Cones, grapes, corn, etc. these are all symbols of fertility and life.The dying and resurrecting gods are simply the sun that is resurrected after winter and nature blooms again.
I read pic related. Currently working on a couple of meads with herbs infused for different reasons mainly psychoactive, things like yarrow, heather. Are there any herbs or things you know of that I should infuse into my mead to make em more fun or purposeful?
Why do you think vampire experiences are so rare? Even schizos and attention whores will almost never pretend that they met or experienced a real vampire... as most people imagine them... so 300+ year olds who look young and drink blood to survive. The best you can get is some goth club with people who have sex parties, "energy" vampires or paranoid delusions about the rich elite drinking baby blood.
>>39824372>>39824357this is so boring and retarded
>>39824459Is it? You mad bloodcuck?
>>39824503yes people want to discuss cool spooky and paranormal shit but pol brained cucks will literally bring this shit up everywhere even though you got a full board for yourself already
>>39824508Rekt kek
>>39771346I always wanted a vampire waifu but apparently they'd just like die or something cringe like that.
Stop saying that I am God. I am not God. Do you think I have omnipotent powers or something? Because I certainly don't think so. I am just a regular mortal being trapped inside the time space continuum, and so are you. No amount of delusional spiritual mumbo jumbo is going to change that.Next time that you trip out on psychedelics and start thinking you are god, remember that you are just a monkey experiencing a chemical high. Thank you and have a good day.
>>39824598You do though. You just haven't taken the right drugs lmao. Even then, you don't even need drugs. Buddhists have completely immunized themselves from pain through years of meditation. They can sit perfectly still while completely lit on fire. That is what is means to achieve 'godhood'I never worry about pain because I am on a constant cocktail of powerful drugs 24/7. Combining DMT and powerful opiates and euphoriants such as MDMA causes the neuroplasticity to permanently mimic these effects, resulting in a state of permanent mania and euphoria 24/7. Your brain only gives you pain to continue the pointless cycle of survival.For example, when our brain produces too much dopamine or serotonin, monoamine oxidase breaks it down. Your brain doesn't want you to feel good all the time, it's not effective for survival. So what do you do? You take a drug that inhibits this enzyme daily. Then, you continually use drugs that both release and prevent the reuptake of these neurotransmitters to produce a permanent state of euphoria. When done while under the effects of powerful neuroplasticity inducing substances such as DMT, the effect is permanent, even after you quit.Reality is playing a game with itself here. It's left us all the keys we need. It's up to you to go and find them. Like many before have said, pain is an illusion. If you cannot understand this concept, you are retarded.
>>39824649And when you're done with the fun, you can blow your brains out, and it's like there was no suffering to begin with. That's how God would play the game as a human. You are all just making yourself suffer for no reason.
>>39821686you have the ability to make anything real or unreal, this ability is divine, deal with it.
>>39821724>knows everything and is in everything>I'm pretty sure it's just me inside hereAnon...
>>39821686I can literally fly and shoot lasers... Speak for yourself.
>be me taking care of my grandma >she’s got a cold and is acting sluggish, not eating much and not really communication >the next day she seems to be herself again, much better, although still not eating much and clearly sluggish >my dad takes her to the hospital for a check up >he calls me and apparently it’s really bad>I visit her and she’s completely unconscious, apparently not on any meds for sedation, this is just her current state, hooked up to fluids and monitors >completely unlike the last couple days, she was a bit sick but she seemed to be getting better, now she seems to be on deaths door WTF>doctors and nurses have us stand in the hallway watching them play up this general hospital like act where they’re standing around saying all kind of medical mumbo jumbo to each other, all stuff they have no reason to do in front of us, but they insisted, then they ask us if we have any questions about my grandma >it feels weirdly staged, like they want to come off as professionals but in doing so it feels weirdly unprofessional >the whole vibe of the hospital feels like the twilight zone >as I’m driving away from the hospital I notice that there’s some statue in front with a large Freemasons symbol Am I schizo or is there something weird going on here? I’m 90% sure I’m having a schizo moment
Sounds schizo, OP
>>39821996Take a picture of the statue and >>39821792 the lodge. Some of the people there might be sus too but you shouldn't take pictures of them in private.
>>39821666It's not that uncommon for Freemasons to fund/own hospitals, orphanages, etc. That hospital glows, for sure, and these trips don't lie.This is not fucking good OP, you've got to do something
>>39822131I mean probably
>>39821666dude this is just your average hospital visit. it's all theater, it's all bullshit. they're actors that learned how to act from each other after memorizing a shit load of "scientific" medical "facts". unless you're suffering from physical trauma like broken bones or a serious laceration, stay the fuck away from those hell holes. also, enjoy the $25k bill, even if you have insurance>muh freemasonshas nothing to do with anything. you're connecting dots and fabricating a schizo conspiracy that just isn't there. freemasons today are just a boomer club of grillmasters sponsoring shit to get their club around.modern western hospitals are incompetent money pits, that's all
I want to discuss the concept of the Temple across various cultures and what this means for man's spirituality. I originally set out to do this for my Darekh Tsari system, but I thought I'd drop some of this on you guys for your benefit. To start off, I want to use the original concept of the templum from the Romans. Some of what you see here in this example will come into play later. I'll explain in time. interesting thing about the Roman temple was that the word did not refer to the building itself, but the land upon which the building was situated. The land was thought to be divine and chosen by augury or divination. The importance of land and the concept of holy ground is going to play a role in later discussions because of the words for land in various languages. Both Arabic and Hebrew have the concept of the ground symbolizing the mind, inclination, or will. I am going to keep going and hope to make this a regular thread until I think the topic has been exhausted.
Oh crap, Negi left. I shouldn't hsve posted my annoying walls of text. Sorry senpai
>>39823916hasan i sabbah and crowley were masters of CONTROL they were all about MIND CONTROLLING OTHERS just like the sixties drug culture, drugs are a part of the programming.
>>39824153I didn't leave. I'm still here. I'm going to see this to the end. >>39824108The language that the Hebrews spoke and wrote in the Phonecian alphabet did exist. We have examples of it on pottery and carved into walls. The Babylonian script that replaced it is the "Hebrew alphabet" today. The Tabernacle, be it called HaMishkan or HaOhel, is quite a bit interesting from a symbolic perspective. The wilderness that Israel wandered through could be said to represent a inbetween state before the ordered Temple. The structure of HaMishkan was the Holy Place with the Tables of Showbread or Ha Shulkhan Lechem Ha Panim and the inner sanctum, the Holy of Holies. TheQodesh ha Qodeshim. The word Lechem is interesting because it has a similar root with the word to fight or struggle. The bread symbolizes the inner struggle against the lower self. This is similar to the idea of jihad in Islam. That HaMishkan has this concept while in its own primitive stage is also very worth noting. The inner sanctum or Qodesh ha Qodeshim is the place where God or YHWH dwells. Dwelling over the Aron ha Brit or Ark of the Covenant. Right over HaMakom. The Ark was supposed to be an earthly model of the heavenly version, which is also found in Islam with the Ka'aba being called Beit Allah and Al Maqam. More on this to come.
>>39824277I learned something from this post, thank you
>>39824577You're welcome.>>39824277Before I go any further, I want to explain how I came by this info. I used to know someone by the name of Judah Natzarah and I made posts about him when I was friends with him before I had a falling out. We've since worked things out and I started looking into his ideas on the Temple again to give Darekh Tsari some extra esoteric material. I know a lot of people on /x/ seem to be both against "Jewish" teachings and philosophies, as well as /pol/ types, but I am confident that this is worthwhile and worthy of a place in my ideology. Ha Midbar or wilderness is important to understanding HaMishkan or the Tabernacle. Midbar means desert or wilderness. The word looks like the phrase "Mi dabar" or to be "in the matter" or "in the thick of it". The word dabar also refers to the inner sanctum of the Temple, which is where the oracles of YHWH were received. Very similar to how the Greek temple at Delphi had the oracle herself in the inner sanctum of the temple. This will come up again.The Tabernacle or Mishkan was a wandering sanctuary for the Ark, which symbolizes having the presence of God or Shekinah even in the time of trial and testing. During the time in the Midbar or wilderness this is certainly the case.
Sabrina Carpenter is a vessel for Hollywood and the elites to perform rituals and she is the Rosemary's baby of this age, please read the former threads as there is way too much info to QRD on,Original Thread: Thread with more info: I'll talk about how the color red is used in Eyes Wide Shut to indicate the shift into wonderland that Alice has created for her husband and the connection with Alice in Wonderland and Sabrina Carpenter...
>>39823432> The seemingly innocuous music video for Eyes Wide Open was filmed in Elks Lodge No. 99 / Park Plaza Hotel, which was originally built as a lodge for the Masonic-style fraternity, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.>This is also the same location she is in in picrel
>>39823671Actually turns out she was just referring to some kids book franchise:
>>39823333> "The High Priestess sits in front of a thin veil decorated with pomegranates. The veil represents the separate conscious and subconscious realms, the seen and the unseen, and serves to keep casual onlookers out. Only the initiated may enter."> "On either side of The High Priestess stand two pillars, marking the entrance to this sacred, mystical temple (also associated with the Temple of Solomon). One pillar is black with the letter B (Boaz, meaning ‘in his strength’) and the other is white with the letter J (Jachin, meaning ‘he will establish’). The black and white colors of the pillars symbolize duality – masculine and feminine, darkness and light – stating that knowledge and acceptance of duality are required to enter this sacred space."very good catch anon, this lines up very well to alice's purpose in the movie, the veil could mean the red curtains behind her
>>39823450>>39823529the rosemary's baby connection makes me think that too and the thread of potentially many alice's (Alice herself, Mandy, the rainbow owner's daughter and Helena, then finally Sabrina) had me going in that direction>>39823671>>39824104still spooky to refer to a kids book about living in a hotel when she films a music video in park plaza hotel, I think that actually makes it more suspicious
>>39824181Yeh I mean the weirdest thing for me is the fact she made a video for a song called "Eyes Wide Open" in a building built for a secret cult. People will say "oh it's supposed to be like that" or "it's all PR" but clearly these people haven't looked into it much at all. The song and video are the most bland, innocuous, middle-of-the-road girlie pop shit imaginable, it's like something a 9yr old girl would make. There's no way in hell they would want to make those kinds of associations unless there was something very important to them about making them that wasn't purely financial.
Reptilians are (usually) an evil race.Most of them have no qualms with eating humans, and the few that have little sympathy for us view us as pitiful bugs or sheep to the slaughter.Here we will discuss any ET's related to Earth, any encounters or communication you've had with them. is a video and playlist of channelings of serveral Dracos, mainly KALASK (pic rel) of various channelings here, some are benevolent Reptilian from a astral projecter and contactee sources are Elana Denaan, a playlist called Galactical History by Full Spectrum Universe, Elizabeth April, Bashar, Health Thyself, Teal Swan, and some others
>>39824857Florida is one of their bases
>>39824857ever had alligator?
>>39817676> The true nature of Reptiliansgetting fuckin wasted
>>39817709Velociraptor (meaning bird of prey (or pray kek))>:)€€
God's leniency towards Canaan You hated the ancient inhabitants of your holy land because they committed terrible crimesin witchcraft and ungodly rites; cruel child killers,devourers of entrails at feasts of human flesh,initiates from the bloody pyre, parents of killers of helpless beingsyou decided to destroy the hands of our fathers,yes, your favorite of all countriesreceive a worthy settlement of the children of God.Yet you also spared them as humans,because you sent wasps before your army as forerunnersto exterminate them little by little.
let's dance ,
how do I do this? I have no real idea
>>39821202>>39821231Alright. This has to be my favorite one year magickal practice. I did this last year and it really, really improved my life. Just do the rituals everyday and you it'll keep you busy for a year since it's super easy and fun.
>>39821054either lots, and I mean borderline unhealthy lots, of masturbation or sex with your partner, or 1000% abstinence from anything sexual
>>39821054Convert to Dual Seedline Christian Identity.
>>398210541000 kegels a day.
>>39821054When hope is lost, a leap of faith is necessary, in the meantime, focus on logic.
>Time loop/ time line shift/ consciousness generalThey archived my previous thread kinda early, we’re trapped in a loop, they loop us at a critical moment preferably either before a cataclysm/catastroph or maybe before theres a mass consciousness shift.>things are supposed to shift and change not loopBut when we shift they lose us, to them we’re important cattle because they feed off of us.———They may appear to be demons or reptiles but I assure those are just forms they take to scare and torment us to get more agony/agonic loosh, they’re true for, are more like archons or shadows, you’ll find that the term “human” just applies to our meat suits/physical bodies and end the end we’re actually bigger consciousness trapped in small confined physical bodies.
If you learn to abandon the dogmatic and focus on the conceptual, you'll see what the people in the thread are saying. You perceive different experiences because they express their beliefs about the meanings of them, unable to separate what they perceive from preconditioned filters for how to translate that experience when they encounter it. Break down the responses. Lose the declarations about **WHY** the events occur. As you see by everyone's different answers, it's not something any of them know but very few are capable of using "I think" or "I feel" statements to acknowledge that they are sharing a speculation or choice to commit to someone else's narrative. They hide in someone else's subjective reality because it gives their minds shelter from the potential of unknowing. They're displaying obeisance to the dogmas they were exposed to, the shackles on their conceptual limitations.The time loop won't happen again. T15, where we are, is the last of it. No more reboots to fix things. If we don't bring enough people together to change it, civilization ends one last time. The play is in motion. We've begun the work. Everyone's been happy to let a small handful of people make decisions for them, stripping them of their autonomy and driving them to destruction. They didn't raise a hand to stop their end. The masses can likewise sit down, shut up, and get out of the way while someone saves their sorry asses. They didn't demand answers from their masters. They don't get to demand them from their rescuers. As much as nobody wants to hear it, y'all don't have free will. When y'all believe in different realities, it means society doesn't have a shared connection to objective reality. The intelligence beyond has no use for parrots that are just xeroxes of false realities. They can't contribute to the solution because they can't recognize where knowledge ends and belief begins.We've got this. You just keep working on you.
2000 is still the future
>>39821952>BPD means that there is a time loopI'm impartial to timeloops existing or not but... brother. MY BROTHER IN CHRIST
>>39822561I'm not sure what you're trying to convey here. Can you make your point less verbose? I read your archived post, interesting stuff but not sure how you're tying it to time looping other than some cosmic happenings and NHI's. I seek to compare anomalous experiences having to do with time and reach a refined consensus of the nature of reality and the nature of time rather than "commit to someone else's narrative" as you say>The time loop won't happen again. T15, where we are, is the last of it. No more reboots to fix things. If we don't bring enough people together to change it, civilization ends one last time.Not the first time I've heard this and lets fact it, it sounds like the Final Judgment in New Age vernacular. The OP has made statements leaning toward something big happening and I along with other's feel a sense of finality or culmination of some sort. Like you said, I don't think it will be civilization reset & forget - business as usual. This could be good or it could be bad. And if there are bad actors they may be doing their own artificial shift to stay in front of the narrative and remain in control of the next cycle notwithstanding there's no guarantee of one. Through the lens of political ideology, the modus operandi behind the French Revolution and Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge was the concept of what they called "year zero". If there's a real shift on the horizon chances are there will be an overlapping synthetic shift engineered by the power brokers. The various exercise scenarios that go live and the great reset come to mind as examples.
>>39819498Tbqh i think the loop is a natural thing, I think past present and future occur concurrently and we live multiple versions of the same life before moving on to higher planes of existence
You guys are useless. How many years has it been? 3? 4? I had to severe all contact with you non-practitioners, stop making this thread and mostly rely only on myself and spiritual guidance to reach my dream of having regular interactions with a kitsune. How has it been for you? Have you achieved anything? Do you want me to help you despite tou putting in 0 effort? I actually feel benevolent right now. Go, bump this thread. I will go to sleep and if the thread is still active I will make a longpost and give you a 101 guide on how to have regular interactions with a kitsune. If no one wants to then I won't even bother casting pearls before swine.
>>39825248>only took 300 postsMost die prior to that. Engagement is a lot higher than usual, around 2x-3x.
>>39825677>this is just as faggoty as using a wojackso true>i am not caps-lockingthe key is called, the caps lock key. Caps is the abbreviated form of, Caps Lock. >because it's impossiblelol>Shuten Doujidont know, don't care if I'm being honest. >Baal on etc etc etcAnd I'm telling you that strength does not matter. You're treating spirits like this is dragon ball or something and trying to power scale them. It's silly.>>39825740I'm pretty sure you are OP.>Resort to reddit type drawings Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Faggatoni macaroni too much larp and schizo babble not enough anthropology
>>39825936Nah, they're kinda tarding out, but you're kinda proving them right. A spirit's strength does matter. Like, a lot. It isn't a dragonball powerlevel thing, but like, it's pretty dumb not to acknowledge that. Maybe whatever ate you lied about what they are, but that sure wasn't something like a nine tailed kitsune.
>>39825635Where did you find this photo of me?