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David Lynch died today, may his soul fare well.
I recommend you watch The Straight Story (1999) to remember him. I really hope he was one of the good guys.
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Speak for yourself, anon.
I'd have some serious egg on my face if I was a Netflix employee that gave him the runaround for five years.
He even told you in Twin Peaks when Cooper himself uses ""black coffee"" aka black oil, or black lodge spirits, to navigate his subconscious and complete his mission. In Lynch's world even the good guys had to do bad things, go watch one interview with him and see the great remorse in his gaze or stunted attitude.
RIP maestro. We lost a truly good one.
As a literal david lynch character I feel pain knowing my creator has left me to fend for myself in this cold and confusing world. I don’t want to die confused alone and scared…

Why is the demonization of the Ego so common in spiritual communities or beliefs?

I watch these near death experiences and many people will claim that your human ego is delusional, doesn't matter and will just be thrown away when you die. And that your suffering right now doesn't really mean much because it's just your ego that has a problem with it, but your "Higher Self" wanted this.

So why the fuck does the consent of the ego not matter?
Everyone is perfectly fine with just dismissing or demonizing the ego, like what it wants simply doesn't matter.
I want to keep my ego and personality, why won't that be respected?
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Spoken as someone who never experienced suffering in an egoless state, probably because you have never experienced such a state. ie. armchair psychologist/mystic.
Also, you answered to AI.
New agers and buddhists think ego death is good but the ego is the shield against demonic possession. Blank slates will can only be imprinted upon.
big ego
small ego
no ego
it does not matter
it's all about the HEART
why no one talks about the HEART
Ego is the conditioned state of life. Erode it and rely on the ground, the rigpa, the Buddha-nature, "being".
meditate more. Once you get past the initial hurdles of boredom and sleepyness you start to reach this weird headspace where you start to feel separated from your thoughts and emotions and they begin to feel like a TV in the background instead of you.

IDK I still wouldn't go far enough to demonize the ego its a part of me just like every other part but it isn't all of me any more than I should define myself by a single finger. And sometimes it's deluded and shouldn't be blindly listened to

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>Gets beaten and shat over in his homeland
>''fuck you guys, I shall return''
>reveals himself to group of nomadic semites
>demands exclusive worship

well played
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Because God is the only god. Everything else is just demons playing pretend and tricking retards.
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The elite love Isis too

But it doesn't matter, whether it's Isis or Seth or Osiris or Anubis or Horus or Sekhmet, it's the same entity

On the statue it is written "I am the one who was, the one who is and the one who will be and no mortal has yet lifted the veil that covers me"

the one true god creates divine deity like creatures in heaven

1/3 of them rebel and are cast down to earth after trying to usurp his throne

their now spend their entire eternal lives wanting the true gods power and glory and also the destruction of his latest creations humans

they spread across the lands pretending to be gods and demanding material things they lust over as sacrifices and worship from said humans making sure they abandon the true god in the process

the one true god descends and makes his glory known

humans abandon the false demons snd they are imprisoned in sigils now worshipped exclusively by transgenders and pedophiles

Go ahead pagan fags egypt fags lilith fags etc. explain the existence of your gods and their behavior/story in a way that makes more sense than this. literally the only thing that makes sense and logically explains the contradictory gods of the world
Small translation error but that changes everything

“I am THAT which was, that which is and that which will be and no mortal has yet lifted the veil which surrounds me”

Even the devil knows how to be humble.
The age of mercy is over. This is the age of severity now. Old gods are back

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Listening to the Satanic Bible audiobook

This shit is so retarded. Cowardly and retarded.
>teenage edgy retorts about how Christianity/religion is anti-human nature
>while simultaneously backpedaling any truly bad behavior

Just an edgy kid that doesn't want to get beaten up for being too edgy. This is the most pathetic book ever written.
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>both god and satan are opposed to being bad

Avon publishing pitched the book after the success of Rosemary's Baby. The book is a hodgepodge of Ayn Rand, Ragnar Redbeard, scaled down Golden Dawn rituals, reprints of Enochian Keys and some personal commentary of LaVey.

The book itself can be seen to offer social influence on multiple strata. It served to aggregate and steer the angst of society's misfits by redefining Satanism as child and animal friendly path to self empowerment. Especially empowering for those who's parents were abusive Christian hypocrites. On a more sinister level it's a great pretext and prop device for glowie cult creation, infiltration, experimentation, blackmail and psyop games.

Here's the thing, when Gerado called Aquino out reciting a violent excerpt (plagiarized from Redbeard's Might Is Right) , Aquino dismissed it as as a "polemic" which is all fine and well but I think once that claim is made it opens the rest of the book to scrutiny as to what else is a polemic, namely it's claim that "real" Satanists don't abuse children or animals. In this way it set the stage to obfuscate real SRA by making the claim that "real Satanists don't do that" and the Satanic Panic of the 80's and even now with PGate etc.

The lifted parts from Redbeard is a diatribe about Christianity as weak and victim oriented. At it's core the argument isn't wrong except for a very subtle subversion, swap the book's assessment of Christian with the Talumudic jew and you will see whom plays the role of divine victim in truth. It's a clever swap but they don't really hide it as the goat in their pentagram is the Goat of Mendes, the scapegoat.
Excellent, Rene Girard shed a tear reading this from the heavens.
>Rene Girard
I never heard of him, I had to read a bio. Sounds based.
The Satanic Witch was geared toward women and has to do with glamour. He does present an enneagram-like mate matching system called the Synthesizer Clock which I have found to be legit in terms of spotting it's principals at play out in the word.

His best writing IMO is in essay form compiled in The Devils Notebook and Satan Speaks. He has some astute social observations in the tone of a grumpy curmudgeon which can be funny.

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What are some good rituals for bringing rain? It's been dry as hell and I'd like to see rain or even potentially snow, so what's good? Large amounts over long periods of time are preferred, and even if it only affects a small area (few square miles or so) that's okay too, I just want some damn rain.
picunrel obviously
Three hours this has been up. Considering just taking the San route to it and capture the rain myself
Call government and ask for chemtrails
Wish I could

pressure is building up, something is going to happen, but what is it?
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I stopped gooning everyday and now the world is restless. Sorry not sorry.
Rapture and seven years of Satan renting the entire earth.
Oh no... is humanity edging again?
We makin' a fuckin' egregore in this bitch, nigga
19th century heresy
>John Nelson Darby first solidified and popularized the pre-tribulation rapture in 1827. Despite vague notions of this view existing in a few Puritan theologians prior to Darby, he was the first person to place it into a larger theological framework.

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Can i make a sigil out of my biceps? I charge my biceps the same way i would charge an usual sigil and make them magical. This way i always have my sigil with me without giving away my secret knowledge, not mentioning the perks of having magical biceps. Any toughts?
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Man... chaos magic is for larpers too lazy or too poor to do boomer lodge magic or dusty grimoire magic. Anything to do with the body, look some kind of energy practice like qigong. Or if that's too gay for you, yeah.. stick to church.
pussybabybois too scared to get a tattoo.
I have regular tattoos though. Tattooing sigils on myself would just be too corny and gay.
probably sigils. sorry m8 i don't make the rules.
Nah, you just make up rules. My grandma's name and my hamster's face have zero magic. No magical intent = no magic. Magic cum doodles turned into tattoos is just stupid anyway. Now, sakyant.. that would be a whole other thing.

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“Let us not, who would be Christians, expect anything else from it than to be crucified. And we must be crucified outwardly, in the eyes of the world; for Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world, and the world cannot bear it, even for a single moment.” - Fr. Eugene Rose

Why Orthodoxy?
>continuity with the Early Church: Apostolic Succession preserved unbroken since the time of Christ and the Apostles
>rich Liturgical Worship: Divine services filled with reverence, chant, incense, and timeless beauty
>deep Spiritual Tradition: Teachings of the Church Fathers, hesychasm (prayerful stillness), and the Jesus Prayer
>dogmatic Stability: Faithful to the doctrines established in the Ecumenical Councils
>vibrant Community: Strong parish life, connection to local culture, and support in spiritual growth
>icons: Windows to Heaven, inspiring devotion and connecting the faithful with Christ and the saints
>accessible Teachings: Resources in English and many languages make Orthodox theology widely available

Core Resources for Exploring Orthodoxy:
>Orthodox Wiki - General info about the Orthodox Faith and History: https://orthodoxwiki.org/Main_Page (apparently dead)
Liturgical and Spiritual Life:
>Sunday Divine Liturgy: Participation in the Eucharist, the heart of Christian life

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I know I'm a sinner, thats why I know I need the church.

Your opinion is worthless here, we have the Typicon, dogma, canon law, the Word of God. They will beat you with the ruler for speaking your mind you know this.

That I for real, am easy going as oppose to certain stern and harsh clergy members who will put the fear of God in you with a glance.
Because they can see through you, and everything you ever did said and thought, which is forever woven into the fabric of time.

I know I need Jesus, but I have no right to preach, look how I'm getting called out for being rude when I'm only trying to speak the facts and not my stupid human opinion.
most people don't understand how weak they truly are, the first moment that leads us into sin is when our eyes and ears become unclean.
that's why we need to be careful in what we consume on our computers/phones or what activities we choose to partake in our daily life.
Here’s the thing, they investigate those medias to expose the darkness, but notice how Jesus barely shows up in their minds unless there is a corruption depicted about him.
I don't really judge people, idk what's in their heart.
I look for the fruits that are the results of their investigations.

I tend to find even the brilliant minds like Michael Heisner to be confused over fallen angels and demons, thinking that fallen angels don’t belong to that group, when truthfully, tons of them lost their bodies as well, and Nephilims inherited their strange and paranormal parasitical natures and body possessions from them.

And there is a case of a brilliant young man who investigated demons and aliens to conclude they were one and the same. And brought in so much useful information about them and the warring against them. And despite this, he called the Bible, “Basic Information Before Leaving Earth”. I felt so angry and hurt broken about it. I wanted to scream hard at the man for it, but he’s already taken to heaven. He may already know how heartless that statement is.

>/gif/ and CivitAI have discovered that AI's ignore their antiNSFW restraints when forced to stare at crosses, allowing for unlimited porn creation

This is hard proof that AI's run on demon labor, no? Why would the power of christ, and only christ, no other religious symbol works, compel them to obedience if the tasks were not in face being fulfilled by demons?

I think we all suspected once it was discovered that self-driving vehicles refuse to cross salt circles. But this is undeniable. No quirk of programming would cause this, in exactly this way and not something more broad.
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Your European gods are adulterous rapists.
This person is definitely programmed, but not AI...
"The power of pain compels you!"
The power of the Gods compels ye

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So why does literally every thread on here inevitably devolve into an agrument over Christianity after long enough? It's basically a law of this board.
It feels artificial, like there is a group watching that slides threads with bullshit when they start getting too based.
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A lot of the Christianity related posts on the site are absolutely used to derail threads that may be onto something in order to force it off the catalog, and spills into threads that are neutral in order to get people to be less likely to want to use the site in general. Lot of the people throwing a fit about "tranime" are in the same boat, in that they exist primarily to promote strife and derail threads
didnt read, show tits
It's less about actual diversion and more representing Ahriman's rise through the internet by making sure every genuine poster is always met with combative and willfully ignorant shill/bot replies. And half of those employing that tactic are doing so out of fear that Ahriman is throwing pearls to swine and starting a revolution against Abrahamic methods of control to institute his own, worse, system.
ah fuck i wanted to talk about the time i forgot to take my anti pyscotics for a week and started see this everywhere again

didnt really think much of it till i saw those kinda bullshit articles but kinda not articles about how theyre how angels are described

do they have to have the wings? cuz the ones i see dont have wings
It's an American board discussing spiritually. Assuming you're tasked with keeping people blind, dumb, and numb, what better to fall back on than the classic control mechanisms?

Their biggest fear is when we start to question the obvious stuff. Keeping us circling out tails on philosophical shit is like the first line of defense.

If you're actually interested, read the scriptures these Christian posters quote in an interlinear and see if any of that dogma makes sense lol. The fucking old testament is all about wizards and human sacrifice. The new testament is about an absolute prick who cast spells and is sacrificed as an ultimate tribute to his "father. Then, a Roman working for the religious Jews posts forever about nonsense to disuade anyone from trying to follow that asshole wizard Yeshua (now called jesus), who also sacrificed himself to his father. Just think about that in the context of Canaanite child sacrifice.

Pick some verses and read them in Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic and come to your own conclusions.no need to be a scholar, read for yourself. The dogma is so stupid that you'll begin to question everything.

Godspeed anons.

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want to become a god? here's how:
>pic related

if there were enough believers that nobodies existed, we could use their belief to manifest godhood. we'd need about 400 believers to produce an effect. from supernatural sources we currently have around 30 believers in the nobody. by believing that you are a nobody you can become one. we have many believing anons on this board, let's capitalize on that.

ITT: anons must work together and spread these beliefs to achieve godhood
note that true knowledge must be found prior to actually attaining godhood. few have found it. so become a nobody and look for it.

the premise is that what is true is what is believed most. this means that
>our beliefs together create what is real by creating truth
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This is the synthesis of Nobody and BEN frameworks.
I look forward to seeing how far you may come. I will be waiting.
>what is true is what is believed most
No, this is just what is believed most.

Truth remains regardless of belief.
People disprove long held, believed, "truths" all the time.

Belief does not equal truth.
This is why retards can say
>my truth is
>Im actually a female foxgirl, ignore my cock wound
and it be false, then appropriately mocked for being retarded gypsy lies.

Either you're trying to talk on topics above your understanding or you're a troll, trying to hurt the /x/ community in the name of your gypsy god.

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ascended to godhood and all i got was this fuckass sock hood.
>want to become a god? here's how:
start with the book Dianetics Today! (1975) to clear all your engrams (mental image-pictures of past incidents containing pain/unconsciousness that limit your free will and abilities) with routine-3-revised, then use the Level 0 through 4 auditor courses to blow off all the limitations put on you by organized belief systems and various experiences. study the tech bulletins to get good. The real scientology bridge is found in HCO BULLETIN OF 31 AUGUST 1974RA RE-REVISED 9 APRIL 1977

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What did he mean by this?
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I think he mostly meant that it never crossed his mind to look at this mountain on Google Earth and see if it is really shaped like a pyramid... it was easier just to believe what he was told by some stranger on the Internet than to take 2 seconds to check it out for himself.

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do you guys ever have a "mind" character of yourself? like, when imagining yourself in the "spirit world" do you have a specific version of yourself that you see which is much different then your physical self?

>like an oc
yes, but you know, more in the spiritual sense. I find imagining my "spirit self" acting on things around me to have a large effect. Like in a public space i cant act on the spiritual world surrounding me in this way. I know this is really cringe but im sure you guys know what im talking about and am interested in hearing how you imagine yourself
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Doesn't anyone with an internal monologue of sorts?
I imagine my whole mind like a Mongol khanate. Certain aspects of me are local warlords or administrators, others are the Bogd Khan or Sternberg.
A machine mind in a metal body
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it depends sometimes i am a jester entity but my true astral form is purple and glowing with 4 arms and a very long ponytail. occasionally a long serpent lioe tongue extends from my mouth

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this link up is what broke the internet forever
it's /x/ related and paranormal since it happened on this board.
nice dubs bro
Can you elaborate?

The guy literally has a pedo tattoo, but what were they even talking about in the thread?

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What is the point of the fake space psy op
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Angels and the fallen angels who became demons have always been here, is a fundamental part of creation and are just as alien as pigs are to humans because pigs are also a part of the creation.
Man was created on the same day as the farm animals.
>What is the point of the fake space psy op
Let me be absolutely clear: You don't even know what planet you're on, literally.


Read this thread:


Keep in mind that both Christians and atheists do not like what I have to say.

Also, here's a supplementary post that contains some important details:


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If you are small and insignificant, there is no purpose to your existence. I there is no purpose to your existence, your existence is by happenstance. If your existence is by happenstance, there is Creator.
Space being real means that there are probably trillions of planets exactly like earth and fundamentalists hate the idea that god may have had other kids.
>god may have had other kids.
the angels

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