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> I have been trying to heal the injuries but it has been difficult to focus on that in the last 3 years
Be sure to get enough sleep.
Also, do some respiratory exercises like Accumulation and Reinvigoration every day. Check the attached picture for a description of each.
I also do the 4-7-8 breathing method.
That has helped me fall asleep in the past.
why the gluten for the sex magick? you trying to get /x/ horny or someshit?

Christians are deeply worried by Neville Goddard's teachings gaining more and more popularity.

What is /x/'s verdict?
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I can't say this really worries me much at all.
>shills and bots keep reposting his shit
oh woah. kys
Intent and will is what witchcraft is about. its the most basic description of the practice. LOA is just like that; using your intention and will to 'attract' the same things you create in your mind, to manifest them in reality.

LOA is modernized, sanitized and commiditized witchcraft, specifically, sympathetic magic.
It’s not.
It’s just wishful thinking.
>here’s a single post on Reddit, discuss!
>What is /x/'s verdict?
Jewish. No thanks.

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What if the big sombering lie is

> War is created so some "bodies" can go missing for their scientific research.
> No people from a country ever want war
> Entire system is setup for controlled media to normalise war
> Humans are enslaved by an alien race and some gov know in the military complex or maybe even the hybrid/humans are among those
> War wouldn't and shouldn't exist anymore, all people from every country would never vote for a war
> So how do these "wars" keep happening? They are forced for human sacrifice
>everyone's an adult child pretending to know what's going on
>there's only chaos, no one ever controls anything
I see what you mean OP, humans develop new tech under stress like war time which could be what the Ayy lmaos want us to do, nothing good came out of this war except a bunch of drones which is why I think it's gonna slow down and maybe they'll end the war
There's proably all kinds of classified shit happening as we speak
yeah god creates earth as a place for you to go when you don't want to be his puppet
The devil takes advantage of this timeframe to corrupt you further into starting an uprising against his idea of obedience because ultimately he wanted to be god
In order to travel between the 4d and 3d they be piloting the greys which have been speculated to be something like human angel hybrids and the ships don't travel through space bur rather teleport through the dimensions...
So yeah if sacrifices don't yield results there is no need to continue such traditions but obviously you can see the satanic influence at the top to way down below being shown directly through movies songs and all kind of entertainment media stuff.
Basically if nobody is in control we wouldn't have such issues like corrupt police brutality and further military operations so yeah our lives are entertainment to entities you wouldn't be watching an anime where the protagonist is just chilling in another world with his harem because there is no action he just gets everything and you feel like shit about your own life but put the protagonist in some fucked up situation where he gets sacrificed on an altar and boom top rated solo leveling anime of the century... do you understand what im saying?
>> No people from a country ever want war
Not true at all. There are, unfortunately, some people who profit from it.
I don't talk just about evil capitalists who literary gain finacilla profit from it. This happend, too. I'm certain.
There are other groups who want war: Young boys with a missleaded intent to be a hero in a post-heroic world, some people with a psychological complex, layered around an unconscious or semi-conscious death wish, over-politiced people who want that "something happen at all" and, last but not least, people who want to send the male surplus somewhere.

>> Entire system is setup for controlled media to normalise war
Not true at all.
I saw too much movies with pacifist propaganda to believe this statement.

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>my creations must thank me for bringing them into my personal torture playbox because....
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Drama queen! Thank God the pedophiles will be raped for ever. And Thank God the satanic elite wil lalso get tortured for ever. Serve them right for all the evil shit they did.
Repent and accept Jesus.
Duality or rather the concept of duality exists in order to make reality possible

You're not "imprisoned" here, you're taking a vacation. Or really a nap.
>nah, nah, nah, GOD. you can't double back and say the numbers themselves were symbolic!
>the priests said otherwise, and they know You better than I ever could.
>what do you MEAN it was the CHURCHS FAULT?
>it's YOUR church, silly!
>well I don't know the solution!
>why don't you just deny the church's free will and prevent them from sinning? you're GOD
>NO, I am NOT satisfied with the answer that this is a MORAL TEST

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anybody hav any recs for good introductory books 2 the occult? pretty much willing 2 read anything i can torrent.
Anything involving demons or Satanism.
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honestly read the Torah... the first five books of the Bible...
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make books dont read them

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What if when you die you go to heaven for 1 day then God goes "Just kidding I'm a malicious god" and sends you to Hell where all souls go? How do you trust that God ISN'T like this?
What if OP's mom didn't smoke crack when she was pregnant?

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I'm superior to God because I don't demand worship or praise.
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you're inferior to god because you aren't worthy of praise or worship. you are a fragment. you are a creation
Only in another vessel and she doesn't talk to me because modernity detached women from their souls. I'm not gonna respond again unless you tell me how this song is about forcing the philosopher song. Unity of Opposites.
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Create a planet and multiple new species of life
>Demand worship
I have always wondered WHY God demands so much worship and praise. I have a feeling it is to prevent his creations from turning on him.
That song was pretty cool...
The philosophy is in the lyrics
>Create a planet and multiple new species of life
I just did in my mind and it's no less legitimate than the one you live in.

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Did you ever consider that none of yas know anything and you're all just a bunch of dumpasses? Yeah you think of that huh???? You some kinda of a big hunk, big paranormal man? I could easily whoop your ass and knock that paranormal book out of your hand and rip it in half.
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Not all of us, there's an anon on another thread that seems to know something. He even managed to use the word hypergame in a sentence.
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wizards ain't shit
>Yeah you think of that huh???? You some kinda of a big hunk, big paranormal man? I could easily whoop your ass and knock that paranormal book out of your hand and rip it in half.
they tried this with jesus and howd that work out goob
inside of you are two wizards
one is gay
the other one is gay
you are gay
shut the fuck up son
ill kill you
get down on the ground and bow to kek right now

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Fuck off
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i am dying... with amusement
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do NOT research
Where do those descriptions come from anyways? I've seen them on 4plebs.
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Got me ngl

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I hate dreaming. My dreams are always horrible, they always exude a horrible disgusting sensation which rubs after i wake up and have to actively get off of me. I wake up and scowl in disgust. i hate this, i wish i could dream something ok. I havent had a normal sleep because of this in who knows how long. Maybe its because i live in the city and its spiritually dark here??? idk
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My only instinct in my dreams is i feel like i have no control over myself, i dont behave as i normally would, and i wish i could burn them down with a flamethrower; i hate them
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Ive had problems with not fitting in and people calling me hyper emotional.... people will mistake me for a girl online for this i think.... but i dont have problems with sexuality. But anon thanks for the location advice i will try it i havent thought about it, it hit something in me
smoke more weed block the dreams
rolling for get

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there is an astral rage virus taking over the west. infecting humanity by the millions, and growing. if you're on this website the odds are you're already deeply infected. /pol/ is an epitome manifestation of this astral rage virus. it comes from demons and it is causing everyone to hate one another. it is causing paranoia and fear across the population. its speed is only increasing as it shows no sign of slowing down. there are ways to inoculate yourself but they involve Judaism, communism, love and prayer.

where one man treads another treads in his mind but he doesn't know and he doesn't see

when one star crashes down unto the aether another world begins but it doesn't love or remember
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Getting mad at reactionaries, is just victim blaming.
Can you honestly approach the question of *why* people are upset?
Clearly not, since you're blaming demons.
Just don't truly wish cruelty or death upon others for any reason, simple as
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>tfw ive innoculated myself but still present latent symptoms
>where one man treads another treads in his mind but he doesn't know and he doesn't see
this is much older than just this time and life. People talk past each other, presume and scheme. Even when I connected with those in the upper planes I was met with many a worthy spirit. Some of them looked with scorn: "that we would lower ourselves for people like you." I remember putting them on the spot, reminding them that some of us also lowered ourselves for them. Their view adjusted but it required you to speak against them.

The disconnect causes things to manifest that should not be. It's like people's consciousness is split into different parts that don't try to connect with one another.
>there are ways to inoculate yourself but they involve Judaism, communism, love and prayer.
There are spiritual forces that try to tranquillize and bind your connection with your higher planes with the hope that you will stay in your lower spaces or walk after their narratives. For every ill they spread is their own antidote. Against those who sow division one must do what? Against those who slander, one must do what?
Sometimes they might invade your spirit to gleam information from you to target other potent spirits.
what this fella does is the right thing. You have to go out to try and talk to real people. You'd be surprised how well a little meditation can work.

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A few years ago I posted a thread on 8 kun asking to be made at least 6'5" tall. Someone replied saying they'd do it but said "Payment is your soul. I receive all excess spiritual, vital, mental, and emotional energy that you produce. After your death you will become absorbed into my spirit and become fuel. You will submit to this with zero resistance.

Contract of payment is to be considered cemented after you physical body reaches a height of 6 foot 5 inches.

Reply with your agreement to these terms and I will begin the working."
I said I accepted those terms and he said he'd do it.

While that might not have been the brightest idea or best deal I'm still feeling pretty stupid/swindled since I risked losing my soul forever and I have barely if at all grown at all since I posted it years ago and I'm still not nearly 6'5" tall. I didn't actually specify a timeframe though so I guess it could happen in a few decades. I obviously wanted it soon though.

Idk why I'm even posting this. I just wish I was taller and had a gf no one loves me and I feel so lonely. I feel stupid and nothing makes sense in this world everything seems so meaningless and I'm so nihilistic.

I know think you probably can't "sell your soul" either because it doesn't exist or it's not something you can literally do just by typing or writing a few words. However at the time I think I might have actually thought I was potentially making a huge sacrifice and I still didn't get tall.
It feels like I won the lottery fair and square but then had the prize stolen from me.
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This is /x/ not /adv/
caring about he body makes you an hedonist, and never brings happiness as the only thing the body does is decaying even if you take the best care of it

you want to be happy, find something else than hedonism
>After your death you will become absorbed into my spirit and become fuel. You will submit to this with zero resistance.
>I'm still not nearly 6'5" tall.
>It feels like I won the lottery fair and square but then had the prize stolen from me.

>taller and had a gf no one loves me
Are you retarded? Give me your discord and I'll tell you how to get taller and get women—no soul destruction needed.
Why not say it here for us all to benefit
I browsed 8 kun as well and remember your thread. If I remember correctly the guy who you gave your soul to voided your contract.
Disappoint that you haven't reached your goal yet, i was rooting for you in hopes that i could do the same myself.

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[Verse 1]
Watch me closely, catch my eye
If you do I beg you to remind me
Who is stronger, who is weak
Of those who seek
And don't know where to find me

Ask me why, I don't know
You ask me why, and I say

[Chorus 1]
Now you see me, now you don't

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>Although each occult philosophy describes Sirius in a slightly different matter, it is still consistently regarded as the “sun behind the sun”, the true source of occult power. It is perceived as the cradle of human knowledge and the belief of the existence of a strong connection between the star and planet Earth never seems to become outdated. Is there a true link between Sirius and Earth? Is the dog star an esoteric symbol representing something happening in the spiritual realm? Is it both? One thing is for sure, the cult of Sirius is not a “thing of the past” and is very alive today. An in-depth look at our popular culture, which is heavily influenced by occult symbolism, reveals numerous references to Sirius

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>Much has been written about Lewis Carroll’s tale Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [...] the symbolism of the ‘White Rabbit,’ with its connotations of purity, spiritual awakening and new life, not to mention, even more importantly, the Rabbit's role as an adept and a psychopomp (that is, a liaison and guide to the 'Underworld') and as a representation of using one's intuition.

>Lewis Carroll---real name, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (pictured below left)---had a great interest in the ‘occult’ and, in particular, in Rosicrucianism and in what is sometimes referred to as the ‘Ancient Wisdom’ (or the ‘perennial philosophy’), and what we have in both Alice and Through the Looking-Glass is a literary outworking of the archetypal story of the hero or initiate's journey, as well as the Gnostic redeemer myth, and the allegory of the descent ('involution') and ascent ('evolution') of the human soul.

>Perhaps more significantly, we are trapped by the delusion of ‘self,’ that is, the misbelief that there is, at the core of our being, a separate, independent, unchanging ‘self’ or ‘personality.’ Alice's quest is also ours---'Who in the world am I? Ah! That's the great puzzle! Who am I?' she asks. Well, Alice (from the Greek for 'truth'---a name must mean something, as Humpty Dumpty pointed out in Through the Looking-Glass) learns, in the course of her journey---the ‘fall’ or ‘descent’ into Wonderland---that there is no such thing as an unchanging ‘self.’ Take, for example, this piece of wisdom: ‘I can't go back to yesterday - because I was a different person then.’ All through the Alice books we see Alice changing in ‘size,’ which is a way of saying that our sense of self (the thousands of ever waxing and waning ‘I’s’ and ‘me’s’ in us) is inherently unstable and constantly changing

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Red Dragon Edition

Previous thread: >>39820560

Hail Satan!
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Can my trans wife become Satanist or is this another cis-only space?
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Welcome. I'm very pleased to see synchronicity guided you here. I hope it can only mean that the spirits are pleased.

Indeed. My views are informed by my experience with spirits, beyond simply learning mythology. It was them that sent me down this rabbit hole to begin with.

Megami Tensei Trvke
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boletus satanas
No faggots allowed, sorry. Try wicca.

Will you deny Jesus Christ and worship the Beast, when the time comes?
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I wont be here for the tribulation. Rapture will occur before then.

1 Thessalonians 5:9
For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,

1 Corinthians 15:51-53
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

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>1406 BC + 49 * 70 = 2025 BC
Sorry, I mean 2025 AD
That's retarded y would u worship someone weaker than their creator
Christian fiction is so cringe. This is coming from a Christian by the way.
the time is already now. I pray to God often and as a result at the payment line I am forced to say the name of the beast or its number at the counter to finalize my purchase, otherwise the card will falsely bounce. The name of the Beast is Brandon B Her Man Spencer, as far as I know. Gematrix says this translates to 666.

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