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I just had a dream that I found out I was sexually abused as a baby. What are the spiritual implications of this?
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You were probably sexually abused as a baby. Sorry man.
That or you were reading about how people can subconsciously hide their abuse and it manifests in dreams, and you were so paranoid about potentially being abused and subconsciously blocking it that you had a dream about it.
Seconding this.
Every day. Contract ebola.
Repressed memory, maybe. Were there any unrealistic details about the dream that marked it as definitely being a dream? Or was it just abuse? The mind defragments during sleep and dream symbolism is a thing, but that does seem awfully specific.
>was it just abuse?
maybe if it were an angel

My daughter drew this, what does she know? I'm freaking out right now!
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She literally saw this and is recreating it.
young kids often draw vehicles with mommy and daddy in them. mine liked to draw excavators and bulldozers with the whole family in them and with a house on the back with a chimney etc
Those are clearly non-human entities in an egg-shaped craft, glowie.
looks like daimon controlling your brain
it looks like a school bus

This makes the glownigger sodomites seethe.
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Was this filmed at Kirkpatrick’s or Koloski’s backyard?
They are working extra hard today, they deserve an extra cookie for their fat asses.
The scale looks completely wrong, and the harness wrapped around the egg looks as if it’s taped to it or just made of tape.
I’m also not sure why a UFO retrieval operation would entail picking it up and dropping it somewhere completely unattended.

The story that guy spun sounded as if he was possessed by a demon if I’m willing to believe him. The B-roll from the program that showed him in various tacticool costumes make him very, very hard to take seriously. He also has very psychopathic looking eyes.

How many egg threads? Un oeuf is un oeuf
OUUGH~ its feminine energy, I can feel it caressing my psionic body UOOH

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Absolute certainty that someone has been putting stuff in my coffee pads. The stuff tastes like milk.
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Take your meds
wtf is that eye image from? I swear I have a past memory of creating that image in photoshop...
Everybody is watched. Even (you)
That’s the cover to Rockstar’s Manhunt 2, I’m pretty sure.

Go outside more often, anon!
it's Hathor

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Hello, my wonderful friends! Did you know the elites and "elites" know that the world ends in less than 3,900 days? Why, they're building bunkers!
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Fuck it. I've had a good run. I'll be in my mid to late fifties at that point and I'll just face the end high out of my mind probably. I hope the "elites" enjoy whatever existence they eek out of their bunkers while they wait for the earth to be habitable again. I like being free. I'd rather die at middle age then live on under lesser conditions into feeble dementia. Imagine living in a bunker and rationing everything and never getting fresh air.
LOL, most of you probably live like that already.
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>27 Decline not to the right hand, nor to the left: turn away thy foot from evil. For the Lord knoweth the ways that are on the right hand: but those are perverse which are on the left hand. But he will make thy courses straight, he will bring forward thy ways in peace.
How do you make people "right wing"? You make the "left wing" look horrible.
>3 For when they shall say, peace and security; then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape.
Once a "golden age of humankind" has been declared the end will come, the Earth will be wholly destroyed, replaced by our Owner and Creator, and we will be regenerates.
>How do you make people "right wing"? You make the "left wing" look horrible.
nice. very good
I like being free.

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I have read the tao te ching recently and also started the zhunagzhi and I am finding the philosophy resonant additionally I meditate. And now my mage side is curious about the magical side of taoism, do practices like qi gong, cultivation, fengshui and internal alchemy actually do anything or is it a meme. Is chi real if so why haven't we detected it? Can I expand my life span, increase my magical abilities and health or reach an arcane epiphany that abbates my existential dread this way?
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Apparently I'm near the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Should I go[ as a troll]?
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You really need to start with baby steps when it comes to this stuff. You are a 4chan user living in presumably the modern West or analogous country. Most likely you have sub-normal physical and mental functioning, let alone spiritual functioning. You likely have much poorer emotional maturity than people of your age are supposed to have and you are probably very ungrounded. I don't hold that against you, that's just how it is. I'm there too.

All these techniques require extensive preparatory groundwork, but we start the process behind what was the norm for the time these were developed for. This mean that you will absolutely fuck yourself up and very, very badly if you attempt energy arts without fixing yourself. Going psychotic seems to be on the lighter end of potential consequences. People have developed KYS tier neuralgia from going too far too fast too unbalanced.

The good news is that if you have the patience and restraint, done responsibly, the Taoists probably have the most refined understanding of things like mind-body connections and the subtle body. Out of all the traditions, they have the most experience when it comes to repairing what is broken, unfucking the fucked up.

You need to continue meditating and then you need to find a local non-cult group that practices some entry level internal art. Tai Chi is in my experience excelent. Baduanjin is likely very good. There's a lot good options, but you need to research them carefully, choose one and then stick to it.

Do your best to clean up your lifestyle and stick to meditation and your chosen entry level internal art for a long time. As your body, mind and spirit start to functioning more like they are supposed to function, you might finding yourself getting what you thougt you needed magic for without it. If you wish to go further, you have started building the groundwork. If you decide that magic isn't real, you have taken up excercise and meditation. This way you can only win.
not OP but im teaching myself all of this stuff since its a pain in the ass to find anyone who can teach this.
2 books i would recommend is "Energy Work" by robert bruce, which is the system i use for working on my energy body. its been pretty effective so far
the other book i recommend is "The Little book of Hercules", which describes the physical and mental transformations/phenomena that take place when you cultivate your energy/will and describes the signposts on the path, basically answering the question of "Am I doing this right?"
Energy work can be a lot of fun, and feel very pleasurable and energizing.
Energy work does not purify the mind, so people who only do energy work can have enormous egos and be like a dark wizard.

People can fuck themselves up with energy practices, but this only tends to happen to people who keep pushing through when their body is telling them to stop. For how much TCM talks about balance and moderation, it is amazing how many people think you gotta "just push through" a dangerous energy imbalance, rather than backing off.
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Remember fellow burgerfat /x/ posters, the drones in new jersey and new york and virginia and california and pennseylvania and ohios and florida and like 9 other states with miltary bases are OURs.

The DRONES are ours. Plane or quadcopter shaped, FAA running lights, engine noises, you know, like a drone.

The orbs, the inside out jellyfish, the platonic solids, the tictacs and saucers, you know, the ones doing impossible aerial stunts, the ones the drones that are ours keep charging and blowing up on contact with, those ones aren't ours. And they're not the chinese or russians either. And pentagon officials are getting pretty worried that they keep shrugging off our suicide bomber drones instead of getting downed, because they're still in our restricted airspace with total impunity, they don't have an associated country we can sanction, counterespionage, or even threaten war against, and our arsenal relies mainly on dealing damage kinetically.
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arent there a whole bunch of races? which one are they
>keep shrugging off our suicide bomber drones
Why dont they nuke their bases?
why does the US government not nuke it's own military bases trying to destroy the orbs its bomber drones can't blow up and its fighters can't shoot down?

You serious?

I dunno bud, why have you never shot your own foot off trying to get rid of a fly buzzing you that's too zippy to successfully swat?

They're not engaged in active warfare. Yet. And even if they were you don't blow up an entire base to deny the enemy recon of said base, or even deny them attacking said base.
1. Are they from the Moon?
(Core slows Earth's rotation = Moon kept moving, meaning part of the dark side has light now?)
2. Are they from the Ocean?
3. Did Admiral Richard Byrd know anything about them?

So I am a weeb I guess, and I have seen treads that have been showing Satanic/evil symbolism/unsavory Easter eggs in anime/manga. And also stuff like picrel.

So what I want to know is how bad is the glowie and demon influence and presence in anime and manga? How corrupt is the anime/manga community as a whoIe? I know it is there, but how there? Is it on the same level as American or worldwide media? Or is it just a few bad apples here and there?

I will post a few of the sus stuff in it after I post this.

Thanks in advance as always!
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I will eat rabbit
Thank you for your response.

The subject is infinitely spiraling, and time is short, so I’ll state my intentions plainly:
1) I understand your sentiments and agree somewhat with regard to the overall emotional heart / the core message from the characters of the show. Key, because the show itself is at IT’s core, is Gnostic / inverted / Lucoferian in its appeal towards its audience.
2) I feel the overt mechanics of the show, the hard magic stylings, which are alchemical in their themes are not ultimately the problem, although they soften for the uninitiated the gravity of the possibility, the real, material implications of the ritual that is shown. Alchemy is at once treated with seriousness and severity, displaying the objective consequences of misuse of ritualistic power. It is also however, being an animation aimed ostensibly at adults, a work that will most certainly be looked at with great interest by children (it’s action packed! and cool and exciting and beautiful). Edward and Alphonse are children using violence to solve their problems and power stemming ultimately from Self and not from Other, which is to say, they lean in their own Will and not His as their ultimate path to victory; the message of “the power is within YOU” is ubiquitous here. This is to say that if parents are incautious with what their children are viewing, which so many are, their children will be receiving a very crooked, sideways education in things that even advanced practitioners struggle to understand through an entire life’s worth of time. And in a form that treats the subject matter with carelessness as merely a backdrop for a good story to be written.

All of these are contributing factors, but it still doesn’t address the core argument I was making, but they are accessory to it.

Continued from >>39669243

3 The core thrust of what I was saying lies in the relationship between Edward and Hohenheim. Between father and son. The father is largely absent, not knowing exactly how to engage with his kids, and as such provides the fertile ground for confusion and searching away from his guidance. This is God being a crummy parent and Lucifer turning to alternative routes to salvation, through Self empowerment rather than through God’s gifts, to achieve greatness and peace. “Sympathy for the Devil.” Do you see this?
Yes, the details are confused within the show, the expression of the tale not a direct one-to-one comparison, but that’s irrelevant anyhow.

The relationship between Edward and Hohenheim can be viewed as both Lucifer vis a vis God and a boy who discovers God is lacking if not altogether absent, turning to the ostensible power that Lucifer promises (which is a lie, as the ultimate are reward for temporary, Earthly gains given so freely, is the damnation of one’s soul eternally) both.

Continued from >>39669254

In summation, if there is a message that wafts of Christianity it is a poisoned message. In fact, it parallels perfectly with the tenets of Satanism.
“Love is the whole of the Law (a lie. Saran lies. Satanists lie)”
And do what thou whilst, as long as it doesn’t harm others.

Sounds great, right? Well for one, again, it’s a lie, as lying is central to the core reality of Satanism. Further however, this is about as far from Christ’s message as it gets. Is loving others integral / essential to Christianity? Yes absolutely, but first and foremost is what? Loving / seeking / worshipping God. And how do you do that? By carrying out God’s Will for the world here on Earth. And how do you do that? By living others, healing, raising others up, and living honestly, peacefully, and with truthfulness. With compassion and infinite forgiveness.
Do you see how this differs from what Satan offers?
He leaves the door to the cage wide open, makes it warm and inviting with promises of power. He makes it comfy with platitudes of love and harmony, but the end goal is to coax others to sin i.e. to betray and disappoint his Father. His goal is to convince others to trade their soul by conflating spiritual corruption through boundary-less lust for power, sex, drugs, money etc.
In the end, what is the result? The cage door slams shut. You are lost forever.

God grants power, but God alone grants power. God loves searchers and loves people seeking knowledge and Truth. Satan offers these things only at God’s behest.

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Continued from >>39669271

Full Metal Alchemist, at its very heart, isn’t a Christian tale. Not even remotely. To the initiated, this is blindingly apparent, so, if you aren’t or just don’t fully understand Christian ethos, I can understand why you would be mistaken.

Look deeper. And again.
Christ’s love is infinitely beautiful and truly is the Truth, the Life, and the Way.

Thanks again for responding. I love you, and God bless you. I hope you have a great day.

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huh? wdym?
No that's gay, he should've gone hunting for them in the daytime and executed them while they slept
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>turn 18
>buy handgun

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The Deep State is going to force Trump’s administration to publicly confirm the existence of aliens – and it won’t be because the government agencies tracking UFOs want it. Far from it.
They’ve already started laying the groundwork with the UFO hearings in Congress and all the "mystery drones" showing up across the U.S. These drones aren’t extraterrestrial, but they’ll serve as a way to prime the public for the real announcement later.
The agencies involved would love to keep this under wraps, but the Deep State has other plans.

Here’s the play: They’ll wait for the right moment when they most need to change the story – likely during a political crisis or Supreme Court confirmation battle.
The Deep State will seize the moment when it is desperate to change the focus in Washington.

The Deep State will start pushing UFO defense into the narrative, forcing Congress to get sidetracked.
They’ll flood the media with coverage about "unanswered questions" around UFOs, building a wave of hype.
Eventually, they’ll "announce" it as the first confirmed extraterrestrial contact.

They’ll force Trump to get involved.
They’ll make it a huge deal and push him to either make the announcement or let another world leader do it (likely from Mexico, Canada, France, or Germany).
If Trump gets sucked in, they’ll later expose it as a hoax and roast him for falling for it.
If he refuses, they’ll hit him for being too weak to make the announcement, propping up another leader instead.

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found the antichrist.

Can I pray for you?
Keep your jewish communst demon away from me. I have a much better expiation in mind for you, passive aggressive womanly fuck. Are you ready to make the ultimate expiation?
>b-b-but you're an anti-christ/anti-semite/bigot/racist/sexist/misogynist!!!


He’s literally been saying he’d do it since the Rogan interview.
>They’ll force Trump to get involved.
I would expect they'd keep this story in their back hand to flood the news channels after assassinating Trump.

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If there are an infinite number of natural numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two natural numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two of those fractions, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two of those fractions, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two of those fractions, and... then that must mean that there are not only infinite infinities, but an infinite number of those infinities. and an infinite number of those infinities. and an infinite number of those infinities. and an infinite number of those infinities, and... (infinitely times. and that infinitely times. and that infinitely times. and that infinitely times. and that infinitely times. and...) continues forever. and that continues forever. and that continues forever. and that continues forever. and that continues forever. and.....)...
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29 dicks in yo momma
>inb4 just say a lot
Her doctor needs to inform them of STDs.
Doesn't look circumcised to me
I know nothing about the film, wasn't commenting on it. I never connected this >>39660175
in my head until seeing this thread, sorry I'm not a jew
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All good friend Jews had allot to do with modern mathematics
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Anyone here have any sort of satanic alter in their basement or in a secret room
Everyones ego is their satanic alter.
Oh did you mean ALTAR? Retard.

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Spiritual test. Exam to test your worthiness. Are you worthy? See my answer if you answer the following quiries. What is the purpose of life? Who is your Lord? What did you do today? Thanks for answering.
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1. experience
2.the creator
3.just woke up. so making breakfast.
1. To achieve happiness without hurting anyone in the process.
2. Me.
3. Did groceries, fucked a prostitute, discovered a lump on my anus which I'm getting checked tomorrow.
> Bad response as I can't read that. If you translate you might pass so.

The first word is “arete”, and it doesn’t have a word in English, but it means the pursuit of greatness.

The second word is the name of the immortal goddess and daughter of Zeus, Pallas Athena, who is pictured in that post.
This is the kind of thread a woman makes when she's on a manic episode and wants a pissing match with other women on manic episodes.
>purpose of life
To crush your enemies, See them driven before you, And to hear the lamentation of their women!
>who is your Lord?
>what did you do today?
Did some surveying to install a paver patio near the Tree of Woe.

I think there seems to be something spiritual about learning logic.

I have noticed that since starting to learn logic I have become less prone to having an emotional response to what I read, to other people's arguments or posts, less prone to taking it personally.

At first it was that I could see that this post is actually fallacious and therefore totally meaningless, and therefore even though it's attacking me I don't have to care.

But gradually it turned into a realization that every time you're discussing a topic you're discussing an entity which is outside of you, a substance which exists outside of you and has nothing to do with you, and therefore it's by default that you don't have to take anything at all that anyone says personally, ever. There's something spiritually liberating about that.

Freemasons study logic.
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NewsNation/Ross Coulthart/Jacob Barber Egg UFO footage.
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>This random object that moves to a dead stop and then accelerates at multiple Gs is some dinky drone made in 2008

Braindead as fuck nigga. You might as well have said it was swamp gas or a weather balloon.
Whatever, you zoomer dipshit.
Btw the little drone you posted isn't even designed to move quickly. It is designed for full 3D maneuverability in orbit as its purpose is to destroy ICBMs and similar weapons. It would also have a carrier to deploy the weapon, it wouldn't fly there itself.

You just posted a random video.
I have nothing to say. Lmao
That was not his footage tho it matches his story but not his footage
This will probably be the clearest disclosure video you will get in your shitty lifetime.

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