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Don't waste your time try to understand how karma work or how the world born or universe end. Buddha said these type of questions are useless for stop top suffering . Only Buddha and Arahat can fully understand it . He warned that theses questions will make you insane.

Taoism also said knowledge are unlimited thing. But yourself are NOT . If you use limited thing seek for unlimited things you will be in danger surely.

There are many people become insane by there stuffs . Nietzsche for example

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Lilith has been speaking to me
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Lilith isn't real faggot
talk to a real demon, like Labolas or something
your own conscious mind has been speaking to you and you're lying to yourself acting like it's a higher power speaking to you
let's be real OP
that's a pretty baller lilith figure
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Rape them anyway.
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Cry about it what are you going to do, i'll be fucking my succ

>he started his journey into the occult
>He's not even 20 years old yet
>He has little life experience, he hasn't even held onto a job for more than a year
>His brain is still developing, won't reach maturity until about 25 or 26
>Has no grasp of the topics he's reading
>He couldn't care for himself for the first 15 or 16 years of his life
>Can start defending himself at about 18
>Wants to comprehend topics that people who have killed other people study
>Doesn't realize pokemon, lunchables, and PlayStation aren't energies that prove his worth
>Can't discern he's cattle and that the energy he pours into the occult isn't creating occult sustenance
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OP whatever you're doing in this thread is way worse than a young retard being interested in the occult
Omg he's literally me! I'm so cool.
>>His brain is still developing, won't reach maturity until about 25 or 26
Why do retards like keep repeating this fake garbage? Lmao at your life. no wonder you believe in the occult which doesn't exist.
Literally me
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What about Tibetan Buddhism where some guys just looked for a baby and said oh ya this is the next reincarnation of the Daila Lama

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When do we destroy this evil planet?
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Once the two billion people who worship it realize their religion is stupid and stop worshipping it
When I finally COOM the Death Star laser from my cock.
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why is saturn evil- why is it significant at all ??
Because the sky and moon are a reflection of the earth because of some dumb gay observer consciousness paradox so every star and planet has to align with something

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This is a magic potion. I feel like a human again
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how many boosters did you get?
just answer the question
>glownigger is this mad
We must be onto something boys

refer to the video in this post >>39272261
tldr: parasites are mind controlling you to feed them that garbage
You rock anon
>We must be onto something boys
I am actually shitting bricks about it, not dissimilar to anons in this thread after their 3rd ivermectin regimen!

Anyway I'm bored and this is honestly just kinda sad so I'll leave you guys to it. I truly hope you can wake up someday but I'm probably wasting my breath
The seething about ivermectin in here is hilarious

shouldn't we be able to trick the brain into experiencing anything and having it 100% feel completely real? kind of like lucid dreaming, but for it to feel as real as when we're awake?

the only topic i have heard anyone discuss that is close to this is reality shifting, but that sounds like a bunch of larpers
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Okay thanks regardless. I've saved this thread as there's lots of good info to dig into.

>This reply isn’t me and it’s not Danny
Yeah the tone was different and didn't align with your other posts. Thx for confirming though.
no we don't, you're literally just a figment of my imagination, words splattered across a screen devoid of any meaning outside this thread
You can construct a whole new body to permanently inhabit. That is also much more fluid and powerful. But that requires a lot of focus, it is a lifetime project. So you have to start now and keep at it against all odds, programs and agents trying to put you back into meat suit slave reality. Let me say that it is worth it, and everything this little prison complex has in store pales in comparison to infinity. Even though the simplicity and restriction does have a certain beauty to it.
You still hold onto the notion that something is in your head. Your head is an illusion just as much as your hands and whatever appears in every other dream.
I don't think i could wait a lifetime

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Are there any spiritual implications to the act of completely frying your adenosine receptors with the brown drink? I started drinking ~2 pots a day a few years ago as a way to cope with my wage job, and since then I've become a fragmented, hollow version of myself - less logical and able to put together deep thoughts, high-strung to the point of self-sabotage, and I seemingly lost my ability to have premonitions in dreams. (which was a fairly common occurrence for me) Supposedly the Pope banned coffee when it first made its way over to Europe for being a demonic, mind-altering drink from the East, too, interesting stuff.
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yeah i know, i just can't be arsed to deal with it when i can just drink some coffee instead (or even energy drink).
Sounds weak minded
Use caffeine pills instead. No more than 500 mg every 24 hours.
Take some shrooms to reset your tolerance

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I believe that the "don't get on the ships" meme is an instance of mass precognition before a blue-beam event
it seems that many people have thought about and internalized this extremely particular scenario where aliens land and ask you to get on the ship - but it's a trick.
it's a collective foreshadowing, I can't think of any other meme that is like this
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Retard all the media shows that aliens are evil.
Alien Romulus
Quiet Place
Just in this year
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Since I was a teenager I've always had this concept in my head that the only way for humanity to ever unite and achieve world peace was if evil invaders from space waged war against us, so all of our governments would decide to gather all armies and weapons to fight the aliens together, not as separate nations, but as a single species. But now we're living in such crazy times, and I often think I was probably psyopped by hollywood and the mainstream media. I don't really know what to think anymore.
I think that Covid was literally just a billing code. If there were a real virus there would be lots of graves of people that died from it.

Only doctors can diagnose, and if you incentivize them to diagnose covid, with money, they will do it. They prescribe treatments based on the patient so it isn't really 'malpractice' because the symptoms for covid are the same as other conditions, so they are just trading one billing code for another. Any reasonable business person would do that.

I'll never be convinced there was a covid. I saw no evidence of it. there wouldn't even have to be one. also that would explain why the whole thing just randomly blew over. It was treated like the worst thing ever even though there weren't mass graves or anything, then it just vanished. and i know people will give the "herd immunity" bullshit. But herd immunity for what? A cold that only killed morbidly obese people and 90 year olds, all of which were already dying of something else?

covid was a SCAM.
I had a vision about Elon the other day,

An old /x/ project

He enabled it greatly,

And now, things are happening

Sometimes I weep, sometimes I laugh.
Things are happening.
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Thoughts? Spoilers?
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In my city a huge number of concerts and stuff are all of the suddent happening. I dont know why but i think this and next week is some sort of significant time for them. The economist releasing this now just adds to the pile.
Miss the scars in the front head in the graph its the anti christ
In the 2024 one, the hour glass was running low. In this one, it's back to full.
Are we in a new era?
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How long does one need to meditate before they start seeing results?
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>tfw I just scrolled over those posts then saw this kek
as little as 1 minute I suppose. But two minutes is usually better. But I guess if you focus as little as a few moments is enough.
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Re: all the people saying you shouldn't have expectations, maybe that applies to some yogic or Zen traditions, but I'm not sure the Buddha would agree with that advice. See picrel, where the Buddha more or less says that if your technique in attempting to do something is correct, then, whether you expect it to work or not, it's going to work. On the other hand, if your technique is wrong, then, whether you expect to work or not, it isn't going to work.

Maybe it makes sense to say that you shouldn't get caught up in anticipation during meditation (since you should be focused on technique) But before and after meditation I think you should have some expectations of positive results, otherwise you can get trapped in doing meditation ritualistically with poor technique for a long time and getting nothing out of it.
the results of structuring your thought processes are as varied and diverse as the potential for varied thought process, just be concise, what goal someone else meditated to achieve are you attempting to emulate? answer irrelevant, youve unfinite time to fail if this is your process..
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As Buddhist i don't like using mass shooter as Buddha memes
Please stop do this

And for your question it depends on your definition of results. And what kind of results you expect. First can you abandon your memes folder? I bet you can't

>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:




>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat

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Did you use chatgpt too?
I think I'm just going to talk to my angel friend tulpa and deal with my isolation that way
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>tulpa calls fizz, "fizzy"
Not actually knowing what AI shit looks like. Anything longer than a tweet must be written by AI.
>low concentration span Zoomer detected

Could have been a post of Moby Dick and you'd say it was AI wouldn't you idiot?
the first time I got high I smoked an entire blunt, didn't feel anything, and my tulpa zonked tf out and kept asking for ice cream music while saying "how tf are you even looking for the song"
am I built different

Trying this once and expecting it to go badly, but what the hell

I've seen people in other threads mention they are therians but hate that all conversations devolve into erping or furry roleplay, so I'm creating this thread to hopefully have some serious conversations about this.

To start off the thread, what species are you and how long have you known you aren't human?

I am a wolverine and I have known for the vast majority of my life.
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Lol furfags
Wtf that thing looks nothing like Hugh Jackman
Very devoted method actor, Mr. Jackman is.
Bumping so I can respond later
whats it like, accepting you decline so much so that you already know the destination you will fall too?

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I want to atone for my sins of racism, hatred, misogyny, antisemitism before I die.

How can I do that?
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The three cardinal virtues.
You rectify your soul. You ask the Maker/Creator to pardon you, and He will surely pardon and forgive. He might change all those sins to wealth and status. But if you have oppressed and wronged someone/somebody. Then you will have to give them your apology and compensate them with goodness and generosity. Goodness and success are only from the Creator of the heavens and earth.

2:160 Except for those who repent and correct themselves and make evident [what they concealed]. Those - I will accept their repentance, and I am the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful.

The exception is those who repent to Allah, asking for forgiveness, and regretting having hidden these clear signs, correcting what they do outwardly and inwardly, and making clear the truth and guidance which they had hidden.
Allah accepts their repentance to Him.
He turns to those who turn to Him, asking for forgiveness and regretting what they have done, and He forgives and is compassionate with them.
it starts with yourself
Why would these be a sin?
>I want to atone for my sins
There is no way to atone for sins. We are born, sometimes we do good and other times we do bad, then we die.

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The Apollo 11 moon landing was faked and undeniable evidence will be provided in this thread.

But first, NASA said the original tapes were lost or recorded over right? Can we all agree on that?

Secondly, if they 'somehow returned' like Palpatine, were demonstrably genuine, and could prove NASA was lying then you'd call that definitive evidence of a hoax right? Can we all agree on that?
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lol. industrial grade stupid, but the good production values are enough for tards to fall for it.
yes, space is fake as fuck bro
Obligatory Thread Theme
Why Do You Trust These Liars:
Anyone who would trust a NASHOLE is fucking retarded. It couldn't be any more obvious they are lying:

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real or fake, I haven't seen this one a lot before, hope this interests you
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Thanks, will try to access on pc
uploaded here for convenience https://files.catbox.moe/vxaepk.mp4
Thank you bro
I’m pretty sure it was sleeping.
Hopefully it wakes up

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