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how do i sneak past these guys?
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Killvthem with dick
Walk around with a body sized mirror. They will just think it’s another one of them.
you don't
be polite and they'll allow you to pass
An angel's aura is so powerful that you would need to jump into another plane of existence entirely to avoid it
On sight you receive 500 psionic damage/round
Thats about 1000 psionic damage every second you look at it
That's enough to melt the most powerful DnD creature instantly
Then you just offer them some kind of fruit, idk get creative you're smart.

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So can we get a think tank thread going?

What I'm curious about is why does extreme autism lead to tranny outcome.. like if someone is autistic either about sonic, or about mathematics/circuit logic or electronics, there's big likelyhood they will end up becoming tranny. Why is this? Is the said person resonting with some foreign space ayy signal that not only feeds you information on said logic (like math and logic), reinforcing the pathways on your brain for that stuff, but they also feed you signal of "become a tranny", because they have some psyop to turn people away from their natural state, for whatever reason? I'm thinking this is done by soem aliens and forces, and no I don't think it's "lel demons", I believe there's some kind of space.

What I want to know is what is this phenomenon really... is it you resonating with a space ayy radio station that’s also sending ”bad stuff” for you? I’d like to know if there’s counter-signal from other ayy radio station that sends ”better” signal. Because to me it seems obvious that most things in this reality/current time line seems to vibe too much with the former signal, I want to find a ”counter-signal” to it, I want something that actually is closer to ”truth” than whatever abomination this is

Pic is related because this is what happens when you tune too much to those signals
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No proof then.

In jungian terms, its a case of anima possesion on a mass scale, likely a prelude to something else rearing its head through unfortunate people with weak egos and sense of self (an ego is said to be built by being in the world and dealing with its problems, which many autists and troons dont do), for now manifested in unconcious manner
I am an autist.

I'm also your superior, morally, intellectually, and spiritually.

Maybe quit with your bullshit regarding what you imagine autism is like.

Tranny shit found its footing in the Wiemar republic under a bunch of Jews. Faggots and cross dressers have always been a thing though perhaps not so many.

Trannies tend in my experience to be very outgoing and by definition they're also deceitful. Not autistic traits.
Yeah I think it's something like this. Something is on the movie, and it seems that people with weak will are more affected by whatever is going on.
>kill yourself
>off yourself
how can such people pretend to have a moral high ground?

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Can we have a dream thread? I dreamt last night that i caught a black venomous snake outside of a castle with red highlights around its neck and eyes and i woke up as it was squirming and trying to get out of my right hand. More happened beforehand but mostly it was a wizard telling me to capture a sorcerer from the future through a magic mirror inside a dark castles halls, i asked how will i know him and a hand emerged from the mirror gripping his head by his hair and it was just pissing blood from under it, but i cant remember who the mans face was but he was a brunette with some sort of crown of thorns (it was not Christ).

I think the first half doesnt mean much but the snakes got me worried. Because this seem like its in contrast to a white snake i accidentally killed in the forest in a dream about 12 months ago by stepping backwards onto it and breaking its spine. Im scared
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I had a weird dream once, and it still lives in my head. Well, actually, two dreams.
In the first one, i was a kid with my parents on a vacation abroad. The country looked like Croatia or Italy, and people spoke some Slavic language. In that dream i was getting read for the drive back home, getting my stuff and all, and then i woke up in an another dream. There, i was in my old bedroom, with a storm raging outside, and then I heard some rustling coming down from the basement. In the dream, i knew damn well it was bad, so i went to my parent's bedroom upstairs, to wake them up and check on it. And then there it was, a bald man like thing, big red eyes with a black ring around them, pale skin and it wore something like a black mo-cap suit or a gimp suit, I'm not sure. The thing was on all fours, like a freakish spider. As it locked eyes with me, it ran at me with full speed, screaming like a banshee, biting on my ankles. I screamed, tried to kick that thing away, and then I woke up for good, sweating bullets. The funny thing is, few days later, i heard some rustling in the attic, in the real world. Because of that fuckhead, i am now anxious of going for a smoke in the night, and developed a fear of the dark.
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Here's my dramatic recreation
I'm gonna be real with you, i've heard a lot of theories but i think dreams should be taken seriously- especially if you get that feeling from it. Over the years, this has proven accurate in my experience.
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Just laugh at em', should make it easier.
I'd appreciate it if anyone here could help me out. I have this reoccurring dream where I am navigating sewer systems and come across an room where there are 4 or more wooden picnic tables placed on cement slabs with sewer water running through 4 slabs. There are also more picnic tables leaning on a wall. My perspective then changes to me looking at this room through a storm drain on the street instead of down in the actual sewers. I've had this dream at least 6 times in my life.

Why are there so many threads about wanting to become werewolves? What causes this desire?
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As twilight and other gas station literature for women prove, they get bitches.
Plus being a mutant is cool too, I guess.
Werewolves are actually real
Thread saving bump
Wolves are sexy
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Hell yeah

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is astrology real? and i mean real esoteric astrology not just
>oooo hes such an aries not like me im a cancer!!!
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Define "real"
its real in that if you believe in it you will quantum jump into a dimension where its real
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Yes I assure you it is.
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Yeah it's just that most people are bad at it because what they want to be true doesn't line up with what the stars indicate. Not coincidentally, most people who do astrology are women. It works, but it takes work to understand and use well. Personally, I wouldn't worry about it.
Its real but you have to study for hundreds of hours to understand how real it actually is.

It's like if people said that "physics is a fake science" all your life, and then you have to take the time to read a physics textbook, and perform some experimentation on your own. It would take a lot of effort to prove that it works.
Anyone who hasn't put in this level of effort, won't really know, but just be taking it on faith.

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Can someon explain where the soul catching reincarnation conspiracy came from? The one about lizard demon beings that consume our negative energy?

Based on what lead people like David Icke to conclude this to be true.

Also the Matrix premance has always been absolutely stupid, machines would never need humans to generate energy.
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Its just the modern expression of gnosticism

Return to God you have strayed from the truth
I'd imagine they pontificate the odor.
>Also the Matrix premance [sic] has always been absolutely stupid, machines would never need humans to generate energy.
The original script had Morpheus holding a calculator, not a battery, but the Jewish producers decided that laymen were too stupid to understand that and changed it.
>Until people realize that suffering is a "valuable" commodity the world will appear to make no sense.
In the overall scope of things, this baby can
>slaps roof
generate a lot of suffering

Welcome to /dig/! The rationale for this general is to unveil the mysteries behind the Dead Internet Theory and its implications for real users. Anyone who possesses any additional information on Dead Internet or useful but lesser-known websites is welcome. Speculations are welcome, especially if they are well thought-out. Paranormal, metaphysical speculations are also welcome. Do not reply to bots.
Note: we are operating under the assumption that this theory is true.

>Last thread

>What is the Dead Internet Theory about?
The Dead Internet Theory postulates that most online content is in fact AI-generated instead of being created by humans, and that bots make up a significant portion (or even the majority) of internet users, overshadowing real humans within the web.

For marketing/advertising, to control the information flow, to make you run in circles doing the same things over and over, to make you feel lonely and/or hopeless. There might be additional reasons. The 'endgame' is currently unkown.

>When did the internet die?
The internet died in 2016, at least according to most theories. However, the year when the quality of interactions goes down might differ from user to user. We need to do more research to know exactly. Dead Internet seems to have ramped up dramatically in the early to mid 2020s.

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Yeah anon I feel you. I like to call it targeted algorithmic shadowbanning.
There is a correlation between perceiving the internet as dead and allowing more generic, impotent entities to access it, yes?
Every website has its ecosystem and 4chan is extremely reliant on baseline engagement, up until bump limit, barring stickies. Being that 4chan attracts a vast majority of its userbase exclusively from the left and right ends of the bell curve, it has to be this way.

On the other hand, this also means this hellhole offers things that no other place can. After all, it's filled with outliers.
>Dont underestimate it, the internet is dead.
When modern solutions betray you, revert to the last known good solution. If you haven't noticed, the 4chan userbase is proficient and reliant upon rapid decentralization when it comes to dissemination of information. This is the *most popular* method. The next most popular is word-of-mouth, something that has existed for a long time.

Here are the downsides to each:
>rapid decentralization
ToS takedowns, metadata autoban/shadowban
>word of mouth
Slow dissemination, highly opportunistic

Both methods require that the userbase seizes the initiative when the opportunity presents itself. Unlike the corporatized social media internet, the solutions will not present themselves to you. You have to be that solution. This is the last known good solution. This is also how the old internet used to be as well, but college educated faggots call it "grassroots movements" since every action is geopolitical to them for some reason.
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>sorry, your internet is dead


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Have you ever experienced a multi-year long dream?

When I was 7 years old I had a dream that lasted 7 whole years, now you must be thinking that it's impossible for me to remember that, but it's not me misremembering, I wrote down the details that I remembered of that dream and I was absolutely certain that it lasted 7 years.

The average duration of the Rapid Eye Movement phase of sleep lasts 90 minutes, this is the part of sleeping when you experience dreams if you didn't know.

How is it possible that during those 90 minutes, that I lived through 7 years of another me in another place?

It was such a long dream, I met a friend group and we went on many adventures, they're not really important and there were so many of them that I couldn't possibly remember them all, but at the end of the dream, after 7 years, they took my sword and banished me from their land, I don't remember what for. I started flying towards the sky and then I woke up.

I do not see how it is possible for the human brain to, in the span of 90 minutes, experience 7 years of happenings, it can't handle so much information and in fact it did not, I didn't remember most of it, but it is true that I had experienced 7 years of experiences during my sleep, so some part of my brain must've been involved in the processing of all those experiences.

I believe that it is possible that I wasn't dreaming during those 7 years, but I was in another dimension, say something similar to astral projection. I mean it makes sense for the banishing part at least, however I haven't thought up any theories that would properly explain this happening.

Has anyone else ever experienced ultra long dreams and can anyone give me any scientific or paranormal explanations of this?

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I guess you're right lol
This happens in the book Etidorpha - you should read it.
I just looked at the synopsis and maybe I am stupid, but I can't tell how it relates to my post

A similar phenomenon is when NDE experiencers are only clinically "dead" for a few minutes but report being gone for way longer.
>Have you ever experienced a multi-year long dream?
Yeah, quite often. The five minute naps I do easily stretch to hours of perceived experience. There are a group of entities that are very adamant about helping me to return to those metaphysical realms, even if I falter rather often. The help is appreciated; I hope they do not stop.

The idea of linear time-space is not correct. It looks correct from the perspective of someone living within its bounds, but on the perspective where probability and causality are easily manipulatable, time-space is easily moldable. I cannot substantiate this, as this is purely personally anecdotal.

As far as I know, there are three primary methods to perceive more time than was actually experienced within the confines of time-space.
>time dilation
This is pretty self-explanatory. You experience more in the same timeframe. That is what you're experiencing.
>time loop
Your scenario repeats at a baseline time-space reference. There is a very particular exit vector of probable, cause/effect actions that help you lead your way out. You may or may not remember all the cycles.
>multiple perspectives
You experience multiple time dilation/time loop scenarios at the same time, and can affect all of them. It becomes more mind bending the more your actions do not line up with your reference causal path. This will cause terrible tension headaches on your first few dozen runs.

There are side effects to frequent experiences. If you have too many, your waking life and your "dream" life will blur and you will begin to lose your sense of self, sense of time and experience. This is medically defined as dementia. The countermeasure to this is to know who you are. You must have a reference template that you take care of that you can return to so that you can add to your experiences rather than be torn apart by them. I also heavily advise against recreational psychoactive drug use for this. It tends to send people headlong even if unprepared.

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You ever notice how many people describe out-of-body experiences as being "peaceful" or "free"? It's because they're 100% correct. Spirits are our original state of being. I believe that we are being trapped into organic bodies by some type of other beings using technology we don't yet understand.

As I stated before, this Earth is (likely) a bio-torture farm, and our bodies are the prison suits. The reason I say "farm" is because we are being studied and used for some sort of energy harvesting operation. There are theories that extraterrestrials are future versions of us and we've been placed or "terraformed" here for study while also being used as some type of "backup" just incase our future counterparts go into war or something.

Either that or we are a form of entertainment for them or some other spiritual beings. Aliens possess the technology to solve our problems, but they never share it, and that makes complete sense if we're lab-rats for entertainment or study.

This is all just speculation thought. I probably sound like the next schizo, so make of that what you will.
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What do you need to do to accept Jesus and not yahweh?
Feel better now? Is this the part where people are supposed to feel embarrassed or ashamed?
Did you get your fix of self-gratifying ego stroking by coming to a board specifically designated to discuss such things, which you have no interest in, just to gain an unwarranted sense of superiority?
There's healthier ways to get attention than going around venting your misery onto other people.
If the only way you can build yourself up is by tearing others down, then maybe you're the one who needs some medication and some time reflecting.
Best of luck to you. I hope you can find ways to heal.
the reptilian archons will shower you with love at the point of death, they'll show you things you did "wrong" and coerce you into reincarnating into another cycle of suffering and loosh farming. remember you dont have to consent no matter how much they guilt trip you. you are a a divine sovereign.

just dont rush into any yes or no scenario.
also check out the secret book of John. It’s a gnostic text that explains the origin of this mess we are in
Awesome, I'll definitely check it out when I get the time. It seems there's a lot I have to go through at this point. lol

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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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What am I supposed to feel bad for you now?
Lol have fun with that gl with the next life
go kill yourself
Should I get a new job?
How do I find a woman with large breasts who likes me? Me specifically so I'm not looking for generic advice
Get a boob job

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looking for more movies with themes about a false reality, prison planet, or reincarnation.

my list so far:
Dark City
Cloud Atlas
Blade Runner / Blade Runner 2049
12 Monkeys
Prometheus (2012)
Alien Covenant
Jupiter Ascending
Total Recall
truman show
The Thirteenth Floor
mr. nobody

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Later than you're looking for, but
>It tells the story of a wealthy investment banker who is given a mysterious birthday gift by his brother—participation in a game that integrates in strange ways with his everyday life. As the lines between the banker's real life and the game become more uncertain, hints of a larger conspiracy begin to unfold.
forgor picrel, but when it has a good audience score, higher than the critics score, that's a sign.
Midnight Gospel
kabbalah is not jew it is ancient atlantean
The Mandela effect

Movies about reincarnation— I forget their names but I’ve seen like three movies with dogs as somewhat main characters and they supposedly reincarnated at the end or beginning.

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The 4th dimension. Can the mind quite grasp it?
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>Fourth of Four back into First of Four
A New Man for a New Moon.

The Holy Spirit Ra Allah is raised with it.
>A New Man for a New Moon.
>The Holy Spirit Ra Allah is raised with it.

This is basically my world summed up in one picture.

t.Amun Ra (Sun & Moon) the Seventh (Head and Heart in Unison) of Three (Trinity God-Head focused)

Hybridic being, as all are to some degree.
What do you pick as the fourth axis? If you pick time then memory is just navigating the fourth dimension. It's walls and hills and mountains are the opportunities, chances and available option you have in each particular chain of scenarios. The mind grasps with it all the time.
Above that however... all bets are off. You can work on getting better in 4D navigation by simply being good at making decisions and figuring out other people's decisions (mentorship, counseling) while getting ahead with some other goal.
>Can the mind quite grasp it?
I think you dont need to think in "Dimensions" but...heh...Schizmed Perception.

Einstein saying his most profound thought was a man falling off a roof. Sounds simple, because it is. Its just two equations processed at the same time.

He view the man falling from the center of the Earth at the same time as (probably) the man falling, these two SpaceTime convergences from both perspectives allowed for him to better understand SpaceTime.

I did Very similar stuff. SpaceTime in theory could only need 2-Dimensions...but those are going to be BEEFY, PHYSICS VECTOR Dimensions.

I was once able to see this as a 4-Dimensional Cube, it jumped out at me unexpectedly. Since then I have looked into other shaped trying to reverse engineer hogher dimensional topology.
Hyperbolic Geometry. Was thinking surfaces moreso since I cant fill in what Im trying to look through per se but "know" its "filled".

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Level N3V3RM0R3 is possibly the most dangerous backrooms level. It starts with a room where it’s just an entity boss rush, with the bosses getting harder. If you kill them all, you get to the next part. The next part has a 50 kilometer run with a ghostly hand chasing you. After that, you have to climb up a stairwell until you reach a sign saying “HELL”. Noclip there. Finally, you will be in a fire that slowly grows. If you manage to survive getting burnt alive, you will teleport back to the frontrooms. (Sorry if this is kind of bad)
Pic shows ceiling hands in the first part.
i can tell you are too young to be on this website. leave and dont come back.
>(Sorry if this is kind of bad)
Hey, don't worry about it. But understand its very, very bad. I don't know if your goal is to get better at... whatever this is.. or not. I'd tell you to keep practicing but this is so terrible that you should stop altogether because the effort you'll have to put forth to be better is better spent elsewhere.
Look man I can tell your young but this really isn't the place to post something like this you are just going to get made fun of.

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Welcome to the Creepypasta General. Feel free to discuss Creepypastas (video game-based and non-video game-based creepypastas are all welcome!). And most importantly, h̷̰̰̋̈́̆a̴̦͘v̸̧̳̦̔͐e̷̞̜̟̕͝ ̶͇͘f̶̨̓͘ú̴̦̰̓͐ñ̴̜̠̦

THREAD #013 - Bedtime Edition

>Official 4chan-Approved Creepypasta List

>Creepypastas (Non and Video Game-Based) & Gaming Urban Legends

>Creepypasta Games, Web Series/ARGs, SlenderARGs and Fearvlogs


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Methinks analog horror and ARGs in general killed a lot of creepypasting.
Like, the goal of creepypasta wasn't necessarily to have a single right interpretation to figure out. It was either to do a weird story or to do a gross story, but there wasn't a puzzle that overtook the story.
I think ARGs can be fascinating, but they've killed a lot of online narratives since everything has to be "be" something.

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I think I can mostly agree with this. Not with analog horror, because it is very recent, but ARGs were definitley part of the problem. Creepypastas are meant to be fun campfire stories for the internet. The other thing that I think killed them was The SCP Foundation. It went from creepypastas with a theme to a whole worldbuilding and fanfiction exercise. Now instead of making a completely new idea someone can make a story from a template and a world with an already strong identity. It's so much easier and I am willing to bet most people that contribute to the SCP Foundation have never written something outside of it or fanfiction.
Round hole in the basement

There was a time when all humanity was working together. We had technology that interfaced seamlessly with nature, long lives and huge urban societies that make modern cities look like villages.
This is the time many cultures describe before the ancient era, when giants walked the earth and beings from other worlds exchanged goods and wisdom with humans. These relationships led humans to discoveries about the fundamental nature of the cosmos and consciousness itself, allowing them to manipulate the natural world through a system of chemical, social, biological and physical processes. Ancient man could distort reality using a combination of technology and consciousness, allowing him to manifest things beyond comprehension.
Suffice to say, the capabilities of ancient man would look like magic to us today.
If the sayers are right, this period of harmony happened between 10,000 and 35,000 years ago but may have continued long before in a deep forgotten past.

The entirety of modern history is a twisted attempt at concealing this truth; something it has done with considerable success. The signs of past achievement are literally right in front of us yet all of modern science, philosophy and theology have been interfered with in order to make us believe disharmony is the default state of humanity. There are monuments to the harmonious nature of our existence all around us, but they are hidden by constant assurances of our own apathy.
Unignorable proof of our past has been hidden in plain sight-- those with interests in keeping humanity mundane has realized the truth doesn't need to be hidden if you can be convinced this is all as nature, science and God have prescribed.
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Using the same language, a system used for progress can also be used for hedonism. Life as a virgin is one modality, life as a hedon is another. The person is the same; the system is the same.

>i cant imagine any variation of peace achieved via adding a handle, axe head
There is only one axehead. The symbol could be a bundle of pilae. The instrument of destruction is controlled by many. Destruction is not necessarily the point, the capability is what matters. That capability allows you to defend your planet against cataclysms, but can also be used to vanquish your kin. The lesson is universal.
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The iconography is pretty unusual and unique, especially for continental Asia.
Notice the guy on the right with the circular shaped hand, as if holding an invisible rod?

That symbol is repeated in statue form as well. Makes you wonder what the empty volume represents.
>You are correct that there is no reason whatsoever to work this way unless you have very efficient tools or time is not an issue.
or, you know, loads and loads of slaves

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