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Previous: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/39316397/#39316397

This thread is for general discussion of the afterlife, motivated by curiosity and fascination of the afterlife itself, rather than the fear of death.

Any kind of speculation is welcome. Feel free to share your own research or personal anecdotes. Questions are encouraged
I am a bit too familiar with this.
Some people get a glance of theres in visions, in NDEs, and in my case, parables.
Jesus and the bride demonstrates that the father had his own intended pairings in his finalized vision, which is further examined by the case of Jacob, Leah, and Rachel.
i overdosed a few times and col turkied on benzos which also led to my death. always went to sleep and then woke up here feeling more and more cursed. might be survivor bias but i think ill just wake up again feeling even more cursed. im not afraid tho. i think there might still be a plan a bigger picture laid out for me and im just missing some pieces
I am trying to use dreams to get a preview of the afterlife if you want to check out my thread, I have had some success:

Interesting, thanks
We have the Bible. I can clear things off for you.
The underworld is the eternal hell. Because it is in the earth.
i get the feeling it's either different for everyone or there is no truth about it here in this world
NDEs are too diff.
Whenever I do soul-searching the afterlife feels like this to me (I'm the smaller one).
NDEs are meant to be unique for people because Heaven is a big place and Hell is full of deceivers who can look like anything to you.
We haven’t even talked about relationships up there or the lack of relationships down there.
Congratulations on your success
Page 10 bump
no experience myself, but this is the best explanation I've heard so far https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sj5SK6mCmOk
main takeaway is that he explains there's a layer that most of us go to, where the soul manifests a reality for itself that is constructed by the soul's expectations, beliefs and so on. and after that layer is the real afterlife, a realm were souls just hang out, heal, and stuff
is this a game? what game?
Makes sense.
I picked up a book about NDEs recently written by a belgian neuroscientist that has been researching them for 20+ yrs. I don't think its been translated into english yet but he brings out some interesting results from his research that discredit NDEs as being hallucinations rather than proof of the afterlife

>NDE-like experiences can be created by letting ppl go unconscious under controlled circumstances. 2 of the participants that did that & had a real NDE before said the "controlled unconsciousness NDE" was almost exactly like the real thing
>Brain scans show that ppl in a NDE their brain regions for logical thinking become less active & their brain regions for experiencing emotions become more active
>He found that people who have a more active imagination & like daydreaming about stuff are more likely to experience an NDE
>other less relevant stuff that we already know like the AWARE study, the fact that your brain can pick up sounds while ur unconscious, etc.

Thoughts any1???
>He found that people who have a more active imagination & like daydreaming about stuff are more likely to experience an NDE
You do realize that Jesus, angels, and demons can go to the dream realm because it is a real place, right?
Gabriel told Joseph about Jesus in the dream realm.
well it kinda leaves out the multiple accounts of people seeing their hospital room from above, coming back knowing things they shouldn't, or coming back and experiencing clairvoyance, telepathy, or other oddities for a while.
controlled NDE is also an OBE, lot of people have said to have obe where they can see other places, and later go there irl to confirm what they saw was true.
I would say, all of this is worthy of being discussed, but I can notice a pattern here, just like the telepathy tapes describe, mainstream science refuses to acknowledge any of this, almost as if there is an order from above to deny all of this is going on. sus
I was aware while I was anesthetized. Not of my body. I saw nothing and felt nothing. I couldn't move, couldn't think much. All I was aware of was my spirit guide, who just kept talking, keeping me company.
Medicine says I should've been unaware and not experienced the passage of time, but I wasn't unconscious, my consciousness was just not in my body.
This, to me, is proof of the soul.
never heard of a spirit guide keeping someone company like that. do you remember the conversation?
As I said in https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37919388/#q37932459 I remember speaking with some entity while having a major surgery. I believe it asked me if I was ready to move on yet, and I chose to stay.
It wasn't much of a conversation because I couldn't say anything. What my guide did was more comfort me by talking to me to let me know he was there. I don't remember specific words.
Mine was no major surgery, just a combination colonoscopy/endoscopy.
Mine was a pretty big one. Not entirely sure what my chances were of surviving it but I think they were pretty good.
As curious as I was to see what was on the other side I figured it was better to stay so my friends and family wouldn't be sad. And because I wanted to graduate high school in this world
The book of Enoch is a must read. It covers an abundance of afterlife and spirit related realities.
>asking a non-specific spiritual question in a place crawling with abrahamics determined to drag you into their shitflinging contests
That book is worthless. It brings down the general idea, but is overall a mess.
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Prophecy is always in symbolic and coherent prophetic language, He even introduces us to the symbolic nature of the book of Revelation when He tells us that it is "signified", or when He tells us the mystery of the seven stars and the golden candle sticks.
"Earth" represents the social structure that you and I live in (in the western world). "Heaven" represents the governmental structure(s) that rule over us. Things beyond our reach, like you could see with the covid project. These things are beyond our reach, coming down from "heaven" (government) to "earth" (social environment).
A "new earth" will simply be a new social structure. And the kingdom of God is already here, the temple of God is every true Christian, and the kingdom grew and grew in the last 2000 years, and we are actually supposed to prepare the kingdom of God right here and now, the bride is supposed to prepare herself for the wedding. But the "dragon" is still on our neck, this Babylonian dynasty in pic related (today also known as globohomo). Papal Rome and the body politics of the western Christian nations that this whore rides upon. In the end Jesus Christ will destroy this entire Babylonian beast system and there will be the complete kingdom of God on this physical plane that we currently live in. We won't be somewhere in the clouds, we will of course physically see things, and not just clouds. Who would want to see clouds and more clouds for eternity? People don't think these things through. All the things that modern Christians (Judeo-Christians) imagine are more of a comic book doctrine for children, and escapism like the "rapture" so they don't have to actually do anything here because they think they will be in the clouds in imagination land. All the previous empires are all literal physical real world empires, so of course God's complete kingdom will also be a literal physical empire right here where we are now, with Jesus Christ literally ruling in person. And we will see Him.
if u change name to basedentology you can come to my church
I'm not a Scientologist

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