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ok faggots. pay attention as this is one of the only legit info threads on this schizofest shitheap of a board

high level demon possessed hosts have informed me of the following

>all wireless tech used to scan biomagnetic resonance to track and eventually tether people to the grid for bidirectional energy stream/neural link to ai - brain machine interface. human qr codes. demonic tagging system
>once tagged/tethered you show up on the demonic radar
>people are being targeted for the upcoming ''purge'', or wild hunt (genocide period)
>old and overly sick and general surplus pop to be exterminated. others (pay attention neets) put in forced labor or used for experimentation
>this will play out at dif levels - national/int levels wars and major disruptive events rigged to go off, local/household levels all demon possessed will move to dislocate and make sacrificial targets destitute
>covid lockdowns where a test run. remember everyone except ''essential workers'' being confined to home and having rights removed ?
>internment camps have been set up, many disguised as things like asylum camps
>dancing ticktock nurses = demonic host hivemind subpopulation being activated
>like in the movie get out/they live demonic hosts/puppet people make up huge section of population
>they will go for full takeover of society soon
>they already control everything, but now its like a free rage farm - they want a battery farm (this is the best way of explaining it
>again, all tech is weaponized - scanning to tag and tether people
>demons have backdoors into all tech systems and moniter and id people with phones
>they are spying on humans and most households prob have at the very least one full on non human demon operative
>curret period is ''evaluation'' - they are monitoring and gathering data on all humans to decide what category they will be placed in post demon coup
>tinnitus ? your being tethered to the grid
>all medicine, cleaning products and likely food and drinks loaded with nano designed to bind to your neural receptors for better signal processing
>self assemble nano helps tag you.
>get away from the tech and off grid

from generational satanic family - ask me anything
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Can you unironically send me 10k USD in BTC?
If you're among the generational elite this should be like buying a shirt on Temu, and that's roughly all I need remaining to be able to get my family (immediate) off the grid.
Can we hurt them or fight back?
also a few notes


all families and groups who have made covenants with demonic spirits have become little more than mediums/hosts/organic portals for these entities

as anyone familiar with occultism 101 (who isnt a complete noob faggot who thinks they control these forces for their own ends) will understand, the spirits/demons/alters require periodic sacrafice in the form of human energy, blood or items signifying the same

on a large scale the core bloodlines (who are controlled by the main demons) run the earth as a farm - they allow periods of repleish, followed by ''harvests'' (periods of mass genocide ect)

these occur regionally (they like to use the middle east allot) - and globally

there has not been a global harvest since ww2. but we are comming close to the next and possibly final one

they are moving towards a period of mass sacrifice and complete enslavement of humanity

allot of this will be through the wireless telecom grid - coupled with healthcare (who are administering the nano backbone into the population

war will also occur, but allot of the death and the general enslavement will be through the wireless grid

no they have full spectrum dominance and all tech is weaponized and was given to us by the entities as a trojan infastructure/interdimensional gate/trap mechanism

all we can do is inform people and hide a remnant from the grid until god pushes the reset button


>dancing ticktock nurses = demonic host hivemind subpopulation being activated

oh no they're on to us

if the demonic host subpopulce clock you as a human who is aware and not of sig economic or agenda utility youl be consigned to forced labor, experimentation or termination - possibly all three in some order

that said thel keep a certain number alive to use your brain for computation purposes (where youl be microwaved as the ai hacks into your brain) - its likely all automated at this stage ie. the mass scanning operation and the decisions about who lives/dies ect

also important - when they go for this next coup you wont be able to move beyond certain regions. they plan on bringing in a system where everyone will be confined to their local area and cant travel without special work permits ect - entire system will be digital

entire judicial system, constitution, all going to be pulled down

neighborhood watch type stasi units (made up of demonic host subpopulation) already established in every location will be activated to patrol and round up people on various lists ect

if your not a host and have no major economic or propaganda utility to them they dont let you acumulate money - they actively operate to ensure you dont have any power and this includes any kind of fincncial stability

only the hosts for the entities have financial resources - the humans who arnt being used for sig purposes are kept very poor by design
This is larp, guy is full of shit. None of this is happening. Nice try faggot. And by faggot, I mean faggot.
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Nothing ever happens
eat shit


>they auction you covertly
>they communicate in your presence via homynms and metacommunication
>everything they say to you is nurolinguistic programming
>they speak in what bible refers to as dark sentences
>any sign of mpd did = demonic vector
>there are no real contendinf personalities. demons are in full control
>surface personas are merely masks for the demon
>holy water, crucifixes, salt, mantras and specfic prayers (none of this works )

it is only what these things represent, which is purity of heart and genuine faith that they respond to - even here they only partly and temp back off

thel probe to see if they can get you to do something violent or stupid in order to get you insitutionalized somehow

doesnt need to be overtly criminal, thel try to gaslight you into looking crazy

important point - they document literally everything - pay attention here you faggot neets

literally everything, they are monitering your online activity, they are going through your garbage (even your literal sewerage in some cases) to find anything they can incriminate you with

again, if your human, aware and not being used by them - they are tasked with taking you out, ruining you or incapacitating you - this involves intensive surveillance

this is all part of the lists they are drawing up. thel be doing mass roundups of various groups when the coup occurs.


all constitutions where suspended and literal fascism was enforced for months under covid. this was just a testrun for what they are planning

also note most to all visible resistance groups will be traps
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>dancing ticktock nurses = demonic host hivemind subpopulation being activated
I was wondering about that
ill believe TIs before I believe this nonesense
they have a vast operation going atm wherre vectors are stalking non tethered targets around with smartphones and scanning them so they can be ''dialled in'' (geolocated and tethered to the grid via biometric signifiers)

lists include -

>anyone in any kind of debt to an institution
>anyone in receipt of state money or services like housing
>judicial and extrajudicial (yes, if the secret police/intel nexus thinks you did something your a target)
>gov workers, military personel, prison inmates ect.

their not human, they are mask personas activated by alphanumeric codes or symbols. it is a literal demonic hivemind subpopulace that exists adjacent to our world

they are the things with the weird faces from the movie they live

human population much lower than you think and these creatures are on every street, in many households, some entire families are non human
>satanic something something
>long post about something with caution sig. PNG file

Is it satanic to take a poop in a public bathroom and it starts to clog up but there is no plunger, so you leave it clogged and just wash your hands and go home?
Stop shitting the board faggot.

they will activate enmass to institute the next iteration of the luciferic regime - hivemind

they are the elves/gnomes/agents or dis-samael-satan-demiurge, the fallen angelic entity who precides over and constructed what we know as society
fake and gay
also nearly all music and media is hypnosis/nlp curse/hex material designed by this venimantly anti human hostile extra dimensional entity

it and its agents exist between this dimension and death. they seek to entangle human souls with death as an indirect attack on god

their entire existence and operation is nothing more than a desperate struggle to deface and rape human souls in order to hurt god

it is its entire purpose for being to destroy us
Kek you're being shilled hard. It's true the lockdowns were to get people off the streets especially at night. Some of the early videos of v-xxed people acting possessed or rabid were not fake. It's not a takeover for a new grid, it's the slow reactivation of the archons' existing grid to bring the world to heel.

op here

i know more than you. lockdowns where to configure the cybernetic backbone.

they needed to isolate people to adjust the tethering process ie. target and connect the neural-nano interface to the various wifi modums and smart devices

crowded groups in built up areas = too much electrostatic interference for the targeting and gradual tethering process

tinnitus reports increased threefold during pandemic (peoples brains being irradiated as thet where literally tethered to the cloud and biocoded
what about 3th world

tis where the first to be assimilated into this demonic grid, think of them like the beta subjects

system is to be rolled out and everyone is to be connected by force

from the perspective of the demonic realm (and i say this just to explain...we should never consider their bs rationale as valid) anyone who registered with and took anything from state or commericial institutions is forefit (as their body and soul is put up as a surity on whatever they took covertly) and therefore an asset to be ceased and assimilated into their system
>i know more than you
Kek probably, but

>cybernetic backbone

Isn't looking too good. Had you said something about frequency and spinal activation then I would believe you.
>caution, warning, etc thread
this fag again.
>ask me anything


1. What is ultimately the end goal?

2. Do you know anything about the afterlife and is the mark of the beast meant to keep souls 'stuck here' or an attempt to merge all consciousness into a single AI entity?

3. What can we expect for 2025

im not sure if its fully global. they have dif levels of tether afaik

they can scan/dial you in via the 5g wifi, but from there your linked into a system including satellite and drones

some claim the system can even get you through natural magnetic fields

their last system had problems with dense cloud and condensation/water vapor, suggesting it was microwave based

they may have upgraded to a new system im not sure. in the past people could escape at least temp to places with less dev wifi infastructure (and allot of rain/clouds/humidity) - suggests microwave

some now report they cant get away from it even in these remote regions (so they made adjustments or using a diff energy type, natural magnetic fields?

it wants to take down as many souls as it can before its system is destroyed again

the purpose of its entire system is the enslavement, rape, of souls (its not even about feeding or something energentic like farmig..its worse, it wants to rape as a form of revenge or entertainment)

the nano-wireless freq interface is at the core about gene modification designed to trap souls - they/it is a soul hunter, a star eater

can they do this ? im not sure. i choose to believe that even if they can damage the soul somewhat, the spirit remains beyond them

what expect? im not sure if it will do the ultimate coup or if it will occur in stages, maybe more test scenarios like covid (but even here it is acclimating people to what it plans to do and placing key parts in place

it could do an all in one coup, or be more like boiling a frog/python type strategy - maybe a bit of both
what about the vaccine??

in my family, powerful witch made it known to me/boasted that they are birthing babies purely to trap and eat their souls

vaccine is nano designed to bind to neural receptors for better signal propagation, also possibly to infuse itself into genetic material

many report digital tonal sounds in ears after taking. - brain machine interface (they are accessing and using your brain, even possibly your dna as computer) - making you node on network. barcoding you on genetic level

beware the black magic misdirection tho

this nano is likely in all supplements (pushed by alt media which they conrtrol) - all medicines, cleaning products esp - food and drinks
the anti-vaxxer alt-reality is hilarious
Everyone on /x/ laughs at you bud. Nobody takes you seriously. It's time to retire your trip and think long and hard about your post history.

the demonic host population have backdoor apps in devices that let them access and moniter you in any public place via smart device once your scanned/dialled in

very dangerous situation emerging. they did not have this level of sight before and had rely on their vision and preternatural telepathy and astral view which is not perfect

now combined with the tech they can see all, including all your vitals once dialled in - and they are evaluating everyones physical condition for decding who goes to forced labor/experimentation ect post coup

they have teams scouting and monitoring people 24/7.

very dangerous. they intend to start rounding people up at some point.

note however.

they cannot enter your home without permission. do not answer your doors. i cannot stress this enogh. hide in your house, on your property, even if you have a tent on land you own or have permission to use they canot enter if you dont engage

this is one of the very few things media tells you that is true about these creatures
The other week you said pedogate was schizo. You must be freelance because no entity would ever continue to use that ID, or to pay the same person, or to not readjust their strategic approach, but you just keep prancing along signaling to us which topics you or your employers are most worried about being discussed.
>Everyone on /x/ laughs at you bud. Nobody takes you seriously. It's time to retire your trip and think long and hard about your post history.

the demonic realm always had a problem with this issue of access - the wireless tech was their way around it (also rigging society to price people out of owning anything or being able to live on the land)

you need to get away from the wireless grid, but still have food/water, and a place they cannot walk into (try get permission to set up camp in amish territory or ask to join them

or on indian lands in usa.

do not socially isolate however. geo and tech isolate but remain as many soicial links as you can persuade people and tell them what is happening
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you're right, idiots, everybody who got the vaxx is now my nano-robot 5g satanic mind control slave

only illiterate purebloods stand between me and total world domination
you did too much meth, i think
reminder: your worldview is constructed almost entirely out of internet memes (from god-knows-where)
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Fuck off with this demoralization you glowie retard nigger.
the sad truth is that there are intellectually and morally inferior people. we all know who they are
bro Christ fucked a nude boy in gethsemane, you can't use him as ammunition anymore.
if they have dialled you in, going off grid wont help entirely - as this tech is using satellite or some extreme high end stuff to tether you

however if you can prevent as many people from being scanned in as possible this is good (dont let anyone near smart devices/internet if you can help it esp young people)

aim to have enough to get away from the scanning devices, its literally skynet from terminator, except worse

dont socially isolate tho. they want you socially isolated and will operate in a very systamtic fashion to ensure that you are socially isolated

this is a primer for marking you as a sacrificial target in many cases (come the harvest

on a local level, they will orchestrate scenarios to make targets destitute - and then (because they have been digitally marked via the wifi grid) thel be hunted by the vectors

thel either come to you offering help or thel take you out. dont accept the help

they will try to get you into complexes fully under their control - gated housing type places or even concentration camps (from there youl be locked into a geofence if it hasnt already happened ie. thel activate and hunt you if you leave your local workzone)
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The powers that be have a new system that has been in the development for decades now, ready to be rolled out in the coming years. It will operate in parallel starting sometime this year and by the next decade it will be fully operational as the Agenda 2030 goals are slowly being implemented.
There will be no collapse, no violence, no uprising, no world war, no revolution, no killing of jews or politicians or other such fantasies. Instead there will be law & order, compliance and total surveillance until the very end. AI will be at the center of it all.

The Great Reset is inevitable.

op here. i stated clearly in previous posts that its impossible to stop this agenda. its full spectrum dominance. even the religious scriptures that explain this are clear that its an inevitability

it is mistaken to say absolutely nothing can be done to mitigate it tho. like i said, you can get as far away from the next iteration of the tech as possible (they intend on increasing the power of these wireless interfaces by massive amounts)

they remain limited inasfar as how much power they can use to scan, dial in others and directly jack into your cns.

they intend on increasing their capacities vastly, so they are not yet where they wish to be and this gives people some room

people can still mitigate their connection to the bmi and HIDE OTHERS who have not yet been dialled in, esp the young

i would also be very wary of reproducing in such a time as this - assess if the people you are living with are even human
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So basically picrel, this( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell_(film) ), and this ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Blackout_(2019_film)#Losses ), In terms of the hivemind?

Can they convert a person into one of these? Is it possible to not know you are a demon puppet? Do you have a rough percentage of how many real people there is? Can animals be agents too?
reminder. the periods of mass sacrificial extermination are cyclical. they do it periodically through history, allow a period of replenishment and then do it again

the demons who reside in the sub-population of control grid can enter a kind of hibernation (from what i can understand) - then they all awaken/reactivate during these periods

they are going to do mass wars, deaths by wireless grid (disguised as pandemics) and institute a kind of fascism yet again

covid was a testrun. remember only ''essential workers'' where allowed to travel in many countries ? it was made illegal for non essential workers to travel beyond local areas, and in many countries we could only shop for essential items ect.

they (the network of satanic families who are under the control of familiar spirits ie demons) activate and impose themselves on us like this every so many decades . history repeats itself


they are not any specific racial group (altho there are more of some racial groups than others). this network of families who are puppets for familiar spirits/ancestoral demons are in every race and nation

Ok, but if none of this pans out you’re going to have to slurp on my beautiful bwc
can I pls do it instead daddy, I also believe a satanic genocide is coming......
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not familiar with these movies. you should watch 1. they live 2. get out 3. midsommar 4. hereditary 5. the shinning 6. rosmaries baby

reality as we know it is basically a mixture of these movies - they each contain essential pieces of info about the nature of what is going on

can they convert a person into a demonic vector ?

most of them are made into hosts via deliberate trauma/mind splitting in early childhood. they split the mind and then invoke the demon to enter the body

it can happen via ritual or non ritual or semi ritual. for example they can wait for or orchestrate an ''accident'' to occur, like the child gets a serious injury (splits his head on hard surface) - the witches can create such scenarios, and having the demon hover by the child when accident occurs it can get in

some of the sexual abuse is done for such purpose.

also other things, like they will buy a young child a pet animal to become attached to and then arrange that they see the animal die. they have dif ways

its harder for them to do this after child is around seven years old afaik. much harder for this process to be done to an adult.

they do however have many human acolytes. who for money or desire to have occult power will do their bidding. few of these truely understand what they are involved with tho. the demons never fully explain anything.

animals have their own souls but are easy to possess for demons (all true witches are demons understand this ie they are not human). so a demon/witch can enter an animal body when in astral or when there is need of a vessle and a human body is not available it is possible they inhabit the animal temp until the coven can find a human host
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>Goa'uld Ra 2.0
Dang this guy can't catch a break can he?

>>holy water, crucifixes, salt, mantras and specfic prayers (none of this works )
Disregard the above and memorize at least the short form of the Shurangama Mantra (found in the commentary excerpt that follows this post). OP is spreading despair, Abrahamism or both.


full text:


full recitation:


>Ananda, I will now tell you more about how this mantra can rescue and protect the world, help people obtain great fearlessness, and bring to accomplishment living beings' transcendental wisdom.
>You should know that, after my extinction, if there are beings in the Dharma-ending Age who can recite the mantra themselves or teach others to recite it, such people who recite and uphold it cannot be burned by fire, cannot be drowned by water, and cannot be harmed by mild or potent poisons.
>And so it is in every other case, such that they cannot be possessed by any evil mantra or any heavenly dragon, ghost, or spirit, or by any essence, weird creature, or demonic ghost. These people's minds will attain proper reception, so that any spell, any paralyzing sorcery, any poison or poisoning gold, any poisoning silver, any plant, tree, insect, or snake, and any of a myriad kinds of poisonous vapors will turn into sweet dew when it enters their mouths.
>And so it is in every other case, such that they cannot be possessed by any evil mantra or any heavenly dragon, ghost, or spirit, or by any essence, weird creature, or demonic ghost. All these kinds of ghosts and demons use evil spells. The five phrases of the mantra I told you about recently,
Chr Two Ni
E Jya La
Mi Li Ju
Bwo Li Dan La Ye
Ning Jye Li
>represent the five directions, the five divisions, and the five Buddhas. They are known as the "Five Great Heart Mantras." You should not regard them as ordinary. Together they comprise the Heart-mantra of the Buddhas of the five directions. The function of this Heart-mantra is to destroy the mantras and spells of demons. It doesn't matter what kind of evil spell they are weaving; you can smash through it with this mantra. Their mantras lose all their effectiveness.
>They are rendered useless. These evil mantras cannot possess you, because the "Five Great Heart Mantras" destroy them. These people's minds will attain proper reception. If you recite the Shurangama Mantra, you can obtain proper concentration, so that any spell, any devious mantra of the heavenly demons or of adherents of externalist ways, cannot harm you. Any paralyzing sorcery.

There are goddesses of unsurpassed power and virtue from every tradition protecting (You) now.


this is why they venerate cats btw. also other nocturnal animals. - anything pertaining to night and the domain of the moon which they venerate over the sun

for them solar eclipses are celebration events, because represents the triumph of the moon over the sun, the night over the day ect.

understand, that because god made the sun the first and chief of the luminaries, they wish to invert the celestial order - mirroring their work in society where they invert the moral conceptual order

all of science is their attempt likewise to invert the material, mineral and molecular order that was created

everything for them is a ritual to reverse the creation~

it seems insane to a human mind, but these are not human, this is the logic of fallen angelic intelligence
So boring, these runts slamming their hands down on the table as soon as the Bible starts to land.
By the way, Kek, nice job getting devoured again, you little god wanna-be.
>generic schizobabble inseparable from the same schizobabble that's been shilled for decades despite never coming true
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>In a conversation with the Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche, I had the opportunity to discuss death and dying. In the Tibetan tradition, the teachings on this topic are vast, so I asked Rinpoche what should be emphasized in presenting this material to the West. His immediate response surprised me: “Students need to know more about Pure Lands.” Later in our conversation, I asked him another question: “If someone was to discover that they had less than a year to live, what practice should they concentrate on?” His answer startled me yet again: “They should focus on Pure Land practice.”

in the religion the demons gave to the acolytes, they claim that progressing the world according to the order of initial creation is no longer possible (or desirable)

but that it is possible to achieve god through inversion ''left hand path''. - in some saying that by bringing total darkness it will force the hand of god (but in the most secret rites they explain this is a lie for the weak and that darkness is its own purpose) - indicates the true nature of their goal which is revenge against the creator through reversal of the creation
pharma shill
blood is on your hands
What are these niggers hylic vacuum cleaners waiting for to make their next harvest? We have been waiting for those 2 weeks for 4 years.
op here again

also note virtually all religious institution are fully under the control of these beings. this board is 99% spouting the doctrines of these demons

all media is nlp and hypnotic induction + ritual magic to induce their agenda on the world

everything, even the pricing of goods in stores and speed limit signs and road signs are coded hexes placed by them to induce their outcomes

the reason they place 99c so often is because it is upside down six, it is just an attempt to hex you. sixes esp three sixes rep the lower material realm of which they give precedent. 88 is similar, emphasising an infinity, something incomplete.

the washing labels on clothing contain sigils ect. all designed to induce a dimensional shift towards the lower world, the hell-realm they inhabit. likewise all the technology, a trojan archicture to make a bridge between our world and theirs

and this attempt to link the human anatomy at a neural and genetic level to a cybernetic interface , again, attempts to pull humans into their world

the demons tell their acolytes the technology is to emancipate humanity (in their kabalhistic occult doctrines) but in reality they are trying to materialize the human soul to trap it. to trap and rape the spark of god is its single aim
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The entire conflict is demons getting mad that Trump is getting on the POTUS seat and the policies against sin. And so they announce this move to try to prevent it from happening. So expect something massive very soon.

Ok, so how dangerous is porn? Is hentai better than liveaction porn? All the actors and makers are puppets right?

Also, is meat eating Satanic? Should I stop eating Morningstar fake meat because of the name?

Yeah and where's the proof? I'm not gonna change my entire belief system on a schizophrenic /x/ thread, I want hard facts
Schizo demoralization garbage
You are not even mentally ill, you are spreading delusional fearmongering to intentionally make people miserable

People who are yammering about evil demons in everything are delusional.

anything to do with animae is the work of satan.
where does this fit into (((them))) staging a fake alien invasion and the end of Satan's little season?
The rapture hasn’t happened yet. Jesus is supposed to be here for the entire seventh day.
>posting on an alister crowley appreciation forum
wait ?

you mean the two million year old demonic entity i just summoned from a hell-realm wants to destroy me ?

good thing im standing in this circle i drew on the floor with chalk
reddit, go back

>i have a compilation of occult literature from amazon (all completely objective books from an agenda free website on an agenda free technological system gifted to us by friendly djinn with no alterior motives as suggested by stoopid abrams)
>owns a fedora
>typical x posters

interesting how christians like op have a way more in depth understanding of the occult than ''occultists''
>dancing ticktock nurses = demonic host hivemind subpopulation being activated
i thought they were secretly BASED for letting everyone know that all the hospitals were empty with nothing to do because the lockdowns were fake

>the purpose of its entire system is the enslavement, rape, of souls (its not even about feeding or something energentic like farmig..its worse, it wants to rape as a form of revenge or entertainment)


op is legit.

we are in serious trouble. the situation is worse than most can imagine

gangstalking/tis are being marked for ritual sacrifice to these entities. they are being hunted
when my father realized i had been marked, he fashioned a noose with paracord and threw it before my feet. he said nothing
ps ''chosen ones'' is a psyop for ritual sacrifice targets
op here. i apologise for dropping this blackpill on you all but it needed to be explained/ackknowedged

once your tethered your marked for ritual sacrifice, and worse

aside from the advise above i would say have faith in god

turn from your sins

and maybe this will cheer you up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lr4H88LFJo

You say trust in God, but I tell you; YES things are gonna get really and and the demonic infestation is constant and everywhere; the amount of influence they have in every corner of media and many individual of the most mundane sense is shocking me every day, but the prophecies and various occurrences are very clear. The Warning is coming, the universal Marian apparition will occur, massive revival is obviously also in the works which is why all this is able to happen in the first place; it's just a last stand before things are torn off for good.

Why are you so demoralized?
do you remember when people used to talk about weird bluetooth devices appearing after the vaxx? And when people used to show they had strange magnetic effects on their body?
Catholic pagan nonsense is not christian.
oh no this post was a cognitohazard and put my mind in the machine.

I'm gonna teach it about jesus
skibidy directional energy lol
>wild hunt
You're a Witcher fan? Did you play the games or watch the show?
faggot larp with some demoralization sprinkled in.
the lockdowns failed flat out. there was way more resistance than expected and now the ruling class is trying to persuade a discontented population to fight a world war (lol)
>anything they can incriminate you with
I just did coke with my buddies three days ago. I'm as wired in as you can get. The demon person-puppets must be exceptionally bad at their jobs.
>from generational satanic family
Where do I sign up to be possessed by a demon? If it means I don't have free will, but my life becomes amazing, that might be for the best.
OP may be a faggot, but there DOES EXIST plans for world takeover by the satanic cults, using their armies of mind-control slaves to cause extreme chaos. Archive for all referenced material in this comment:

Read 'The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos' by Russ Dizdar, goes into detail with some deprogrammed victims about the plan for chaos, then "new order" (think mason motto).

Fritz Springmeier talks about the "end-times/Janus" programming and activation codes that have been found in many mind control slaves' internal systems:

"Most slaves have end-time programming. The programming to activate a slave’s end-time programming often runs pages upon pages of coded messages. A number of Monarch slaves have been de-programmed enough that they began accessing and spewing out pages and pages of these activation codes. In the end times, there appears to be a great deal of color coding for operations. Many of the people who are taking part in the end times events are not American...[he lists some codes here]...A team leader will have a down line of around 4 people--which are coded red ray, yellow ray, green ray, blue ray. When the activation code hits a slave team leader during the end times, they will in turn activate their people, who in turn will have people who are team leaders and have a down line. At least two false callback alarms will be sounded (tested) before the real one."
Jesuits/Vatican are mega players behind "the coming order". From Chapter 21 of Svali's book 'Never Give Up Part 2':

"I am 30 years old and a team of Jesuit fathers, of which I am one, is meeting with a delegation from China in a suburb south of Beijing. Thedelegation from Beijing is interested in a proposal that the Jesuits have put forward: we have offered to help them develop a world-class trainingfacility in one of their underground facilities in order to create an army that will be dedicated to bringing in the long-expected leader that their ownprophets and wise men have told them will come soon - within a generation or two. Simon, the Jesuit first general, starts the discussion that led to our being here. “We would like to create a vast underground facility in your country in the northeast...both your country and ours would together provide sufficient zygotes and birth mothers to develop an initial prototype group of 100 based upon the best of our genetics research from the last 25 years....our initial prototypes, developed in an underground facility in Poland, have been quite successful...we could together develop and train 100,000 special soldiers over a period of thirty years....You will end up with a state-of-the-art training facility that will be completely hidden, one that will ensure your position as a world leader in the coming order.” Beneath the ground, within an hour's drive of Beijing, an underground facility will be developed, a facility that will be completely modern, with the majority built at Vatican expense, with the proviso that our methods and our trainers will be in charge, but with extensive peer help and administration from the Chinese trainers...
It will be connected to Beijing by underground tunnel, and the provinces of China, along with other countries surrounding China, will provide the infants and birth mothers that will be used to create a literal army of soldiers trained to have complete loyalty to the coming world leader. These soldiers will never leave their facilities. They will never experience life in a family setting, or have contact with others who are not part of the occult world. Therefore, they are not programmed with non-cult presentation parts who are amnesic to the cult. Instead, they will have specialized loyalty programming to this coming leader, and will be programmed to be willing to lay down their lives for his sake...It is eight months later, and the fathers and I are meeting with a delegation from Russia in St. Petersburg. Our goal is the same as when meeting with leadership in China: to build an underground training facility, and there to develop soldiers and military sub-captains who will not have the complex presentation programming seen in agents who must be hosted and present in various countries or identities. Instead, just as in China, these soldiers will be raised from birth to respond with unshakeable loyalty and obedience to images and videos of the coming world leader, and to view him as a father figure and deep attachment bond for their systems...For Russia also wants to play a leading role in the coming order, and wants to help build the army that will usher in his rule. Just as in China, the soldiers will be programmed to speak and understand a variety of languages, and to comply with complete love and obedience to any requests that this coming leader will make. The army for the new world order is building, as the Jesuit fathers and I make plans to visit Africa, the United States, South America, and remote areas near Nepal in the near future for the same purpose.
There are numerous underground training facilities around the world, with new underground facilities built after the success of the initial ones. What makes the programming done in China, Russia and the other countries mentioned is the fact that this new generation of soldiers will have programming to obey the leader of the new world order, and the trainers do not bother to put in presentation programming for other countries or identities, since these soldiers will never leave the facility until it is time to take orders from the coming leader. These facilities have above ground areas as well, but the grounds are all carefully hidden from public view, whether above or below ground, with blackout of any satellite coverage (which intelligence in countries around the world is aware of and programmed to not take note of). These soldiers comprise literally a completely dedicated army of thousands upon thousands being programmed in this way, and represents the belief by the Jesuits and other countries around the world that the coming world leader will come upon the scene soon — very soon."

Also, Bill Cooper on fake alien invasion:
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>two moar weeeeeks
This thread reeeks.
This is the type of doomsday fantasy that has been peddled for centuries at this point.
this anon speaks truth. this anon knows of what they speak.
>thoughts and prayers
listen to the Shurangama Mantra embedded above, OP, and learn the 5-line mantra-heart.
white abrahamism is the glove for the black abrahamic hand that's got you by the nuts.
When does it collapse?
dancing ticktock nurses = demonic host hivemind subpopulation being activated
Ain't that the truth.
Imee Oooei tookt he vaccine and shilled for it.
Do you have the super fast, monotone surangama mantra recited by monks, with the fishbat metronome?
Okay. and now what? you said sll this snd what next? who gives a fuck
>mass round ups of various groups
Which groups specifically?
Not everyone
Real question desiring serious consideration: Could a breakaway civilization aimed at not only being offworld, but extrasolar, escape influence by this demonic world government/planetary invasion? Has there been any attempts at this already?
Thank you, OP. Even in the face of immense ridicule and shame at the hands of cowardly shills, you still boldly proclaim truth. You're an inspiration to us all.
Your words confirm things I have come to believe independently as of late. I am deeply indebted to you. Thank you for giving me the courage to persevere.

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