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guys how the fuck do i get used to this fucking flesh vessel, how do i stop hating it so much, god it hurst, get it off, HELP ME GOD
Don't know. I hate mine too. If you're not something worth being, all you can do is cope. My condolences.
Medicine, and I insisting.
Meditate on God
first, understand your hate and suffering. Stare at the pain directly until you know what it is. This is both harder than it sounds and critically important. No other answer would make sense until you complete this step.
Seriously. Smoke drugs, buddy buddy
These pains you are feeling might be an indication of trans shamanic sickness. Some HRT and a drumming circle might help.
What the fuck does hormone replacement therapy have to do with drumming?
The fuck if I know. Ask the idiots who insist shamanism has something to do with gender identity. I'm just echoing a meme. Your situation sounds like basic existential dread. Is it solely physical or do you hate all aspects of yourself?
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I prefer the beautiful Ibex

how was your childhood?
I was kidnapped trafficked and sold into slavery and now I got the aids
I am sorry for what the democrats did to you

ahh... you have the gay. that explains a lot.
in the Arctica, on that freighter, 40k soul in the cargo hold, when you have to wait for the ice to thin out, in the back, the chains don't swing they are frozen stiff

whots for dinner??
I just hate exisance and want it to stop
Your existence or existence in general?
my existance
Mmm.. there's always suicide, although I'd rather you didn't take that option. Is there absolutely no way that you can improve your circumstances gradually with some effort?
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ya basically just this
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Are many people getting this feeling of 'abouta burst'?

2nd thread I've seen talking about the flesh.
Thats a Phallucy
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Krill Self
Retreat to Sleep and Lethargy
Awful. I wasn't a child soldier or anything, just banal neglect and bullying.
troon out
I'm sorry things are rough for you anon. I believe you can find happiness and joy. Others to connect with and help you can receive. Adventures to be had and dreams to follow. I hope for the best for you, and others as well.

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