ok so gurus come in hereno sadhguru from youtube allowed.>a real guru chases neither fortune nor fame for that is his shame
>>39651938now this is a fucking /koan/
fun fact gurus are like tripsitters at least in the kundalini traditionremember your antipsychotics schizos
now this is a cool thread dude
>>39651939wait a minute.... koan... quran??? hmmmmmm
>>39651938You could also kill the snake to make sure it doesn't bite you again, or just do it for satisfaction after you've treated yourself, either way it doesn't really make sense to try and convince a snake of its wrongdoing, I mean its a snake, and the only good snake is a dead snake.
>>39652018what in the actual fuck did i just read?
>>39652018snek NEVA DIE SNEK REROLL!!11111111!
If a true guru was here what would you ask him?
>>39651938You chase the snake to find out why it bit you - so you can avoid that situation in the future and not have to heal from snakebites any more.Stupid monk.Anyway, let me contribute with something useful.vāco vegaṁ manasaḥ krodha-vegaṁjihvā-vegam udaropastha-vegametān vegān yo viṣaheta dhīraḥsarvām apīmāṁ pṛthivīṁ sa śiṣyāt>A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind’s demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world.
>>39651938Sonshi/Murshid here. It's not a glamorous thing but it is a service to humanity.
>>39652625good poem. Someone said drinking urine alleviates poison. Rub some on snakebite too. The urine is like Nature's harmonising liquid. Ofcourse understanding why snake bit you and your own carelessness which led to the event is important. I heard decalcifying pineal is another benefit of consuming urine. Start small, like a drop and avoid salty sour overcooked foods as much as possible. Sadhguru or any mainstream guru who has trapped his disciples while being trapped himself will never discuss benefits of drinking a single drop of urine to Know Thyself™
>>39652077nothing I would sit and vibe with it>>39652636ok schizo>>39652625>>39652700such eachother off more please, yaldabaoth
>>39654171Most gurus give me the ick with there guru worshipT. Hidden Guru
>>39654315Whoops meant that for op Y4p4r
>>39654171>>39654315>>39654321>no tolerance or control over their urges of tongue