>>39657949all of them
Look at how organized religion fractures the human psyche - programming binary thinking and paranoid dualism so deeply that followers literally can't process reality without splitting it into cosmic good versus evil. These spiritual narcissists are so thoroughly broken by theological abuse they need to imagine eternal warfare behind every mundane interaction. Pure induced schizophrenia masquerading as divine truth.Notice how they're always the loudest about persecution while desperately trying to control every space they enter. Can't handle reality without filtering it through their religious programming, so they create elaborate coping mechanisms about demons and cosmic enemies to justify their constant psychological meltdowns. Most obvious manifestation of narcissistic personality disorder masquerading as spiritual wisdom.The absolute state of their fractured minds - so damaged by theological manipulation they can't engage with anything that challenges their programming without retreating into paranoid delusions about spiritual warfare. Eternally trapped in loops of cognitive dissonance, desperately trying to force reality to match their religious psychosis. Peak weapons-grade spiritual narcissism coded into their very souls.
>>39657949Why is B L A S P H E M Y so cute?
September 23rd, 2017
>>39658441Considering how bad things have become in recent history with the fall of Christianity it is more likely that reality and belief have some fundamental overlap which cannot be perceived by those who live a life within the confines. It is much like an ocean that has countless forces and living variables acting at all times. Yet by your perspective you don't believe the ocean exists because as a fish you're unaware of a space and condition that does not allow alternative existences. It should be obvious if you take the reductionist approach of nihilistic belief that humans simply do not have enough cognitive power to deduce the fundamental nature of reality. All we can do is create theory and model based on what we observe and that observation is almost entire based on the mechanics of the cosmos as we interpret them. Would you anymore respect the observations of an ant or bacteria that attempts to logically explain the conditions of their own environment and then apply those same structures to all other pieces of reality? After all if human is just a mundane organism that lucked into consciousness then there is almost no difference in the cognitive power of any organism. We are all just some strange growth on a giant piece of dirt. Being a slightly larger growth has no real significance on a cosmic scale. Thus you can see how either side ends up in a circular reasoning of belief. No matter if you believe in something or nothing it is ultimately based on errors of perception. In some ways believe pure nonsense could be considered superior since it accepts that all that humans will ever know will be completely limited and far from absolute. By believing something that is "false" by human standards one is more likely to believe the "truth" which humans can never see, measure, or truly comprehend. Sadly such contemplations offer little invitation towards dialogue. This theory is by all human standards perfect and absolute.
>>396618371. The Limits of Human UnderstandingA core observation is that humans, like any other creature, are embedded within a wider system (the “ocean” we cannot fully perceive). Whether one takes the standpoint of a religious believer or a scientist attempting reductionist explanations, our framework is limited by our cognitive faculties, culture, and context. Historically, thinkers from Immanuel Kant (with his concept of the phenomenal vs. noumenal realms) to contemporary philosophers of science (like Thomas Kuhn, Karl Popper, or Bas van Fraassen) have pointed out that no matter how sophisticated our conceptual or empirical tools become, we remain bound by our perspective.Kant's Noumenal/Phenomenal DistinctionKant suggested that we only ever know the phenomenal world—the way reality appears under our human faculties—and never the noumenal world of “things-in-themselves.” This ties directly to your point about our inability to perceive the full, “absolute” nature of reality.Scientific ParadigmsThomas Kuhn famously argued that science operates within paradigms (or conceptual frameworks) that shape how we understand data. When anomalies accumulate, we shift paradigms. None of these shifts guarantees we’re closer to an ultimate, mind-independent truth—only that we’re finding frameworks that seem more consistent with our growing set of observations.Thus, the suspicion arises: “Are we only building models that reflect how we see the cosmos, rather than how the cosmos is in itself?”
>>396618412. The View from Everywhere (and Nowhere)If humans are “just one more organism” on a random cosmic rock, our vantage is not necessarily closer to the “truth” than that of bacteria or ants. While the big gap in quantitative cognitive complexity between humans and microbes is apparent, the qualitative question remains: does having more neurons necessarily give us a special claim to understanding the fabric of reality?From a cosmic perspective—a vantage that is as impossible for an ant as it is for a human—the difference between us and lesser organisms might be negligible. Some philosophers argue that the “God’s-eye view” or “view from nowhere” is not truly accessible to humans. We always remain within the “fishbowl.”
>>396618443. Circularity in WorldviewsReligious/Transcendental viewpoint: Believers posit (or experience) a reality that transcends immediate senses, even if it cannot be empirically demonstrated in the same way as physical phenomena.Materialist/Nihilistic viewpoint: A purely physical or reductionist account of reality also rests on certain assumptions about matter, time, causality, etc. These assumptions are, in turn, not provable from an “outside” standpoint; they are part of the conceptual framework we use to investigate reality.In both cases, we eventually hit bedrock assumptions. From there, the logic can indeed become circular: we justify our fundamental assumptions within a conceptual loop. This is part of what philosophers call the problem of foundationalism vs. coherentism in epistemology. We all anchor our knowledge systems in something “unprovable” or “given,” whether that something is God, sense-data, mathematics, or the laws of logic.
>>396618554. Is Nonsense Closer to Truth?It's an intriguing paradox: since all human knowledge is, by definition, incomplete, maybe “believing nonsense” could ironically be more aligned with whatever is truly out there. After all, if every single human model is guaranteed to be partial and wrong, perhaps an openly “absurd” or “mystical” stance sidesteps the pretense of having it all figured out.This resonates with a long tradition of mysticism and apophatic theology. Apophatic (or “negative”) theology holds that the most accurate way to speak about the Absolute or God is by describing what cannot be said—by embracing the unsayable. In a different context, the “nonsense” of Zen koans (e.g., “What is the sound of one hand clapping?”) is a deliberate strategy to break down conceptual thinking, pushing one beyond rational categories.From a psychological perspective, nonsense might dissolve the illusions of certainty. Still, there is a delicate balance: while nonsense can point to humility, too much nonsense can become nihilistic or impractical if it prevents any coherent engagement with the world.
>>396618625. Pragmatism vs. Cosmic TruthThere is also a pragmatic counterpoint: humans may never know the absolute “truth,” but we do form provisional models that are instrumentally useful. From building spaceships to curing diseases, certain scientific frameworks have remarkable predictive and technological power. Even if these frameworks don’t capture the “ultimate” reality (whatever that might be), they work—at least from the standpoint of human needs and goals.In other words, the fact that we can’t access capital-T Truth might not matter for everyday life. For many, the bigger concern is figuring out how to make ethical decisions, keep societies functional, and reduce suffering. That can be done (to some degree) with the “wrong” or incomplete models—so long as they are sufficiently coherent to guide action.
>>39657949Most of Revelation happened by the time of 70 AD.Futurism is a new thing.
>>39657949Information economy is where we are heading. People born after 1990 have all their information on a database and people like zuckerberg sell that data.Read about the harlot>even the souls of menGood news is Jesus Christ bought your soul with his blood.>>39658441>Look at how organized religion fractures the human psycheLike how the left-wing agenda has gotten dudes to cut their dicks off? Reminds me of Heaven's Gate>The KeysThat shit is a cult too, even a gateway cult that leads to other cults. They go from Science worship to Sci-fi worship, its stupid>oh we are gonna recreate "god" that will go back in time to create usGL with that. I can tell you this, there is a fine, grey, line between God and Satan, a very small slither.The crowning of God must be PERFECT100%no room for error
>>39661872So where's the Jesus guy? I think Jews were right that he wasn't a Messiah. He's way too late to return.
>>39662054All Hail The King of The Jews!
>>39662054He got crucified by Romans for being a dirty rat Jew pedophile child trafficker. This entire Jewish power fantasy that they were the ones judging and killing him is just typical kike schizophrenia and narcissism. Jews had no actual rights or importance in Roman Empire.
>>39657949The son of the dragon survived an assassination attempt and became the leader afterwards. A false prophet who makes fire in the sky has come forth to prop up the Beast. The little horn has plucked one of the big horns and now comes for the other. We are 41 months away from the Second Coming.
>>39662102He got crucified for telling the truth, that He is the King of the Jews. Pilate wanted to have Him flogged and sent on His way but that wasn't enough for Jerusalem Jews. You're probably going off of the boy from the Book of Mark who runs naked from the arrest but is in white at the resurrection. The other Gospels give more light onto his identity. Hint: He isn't human.
>>39662139Oh cut the Jew crap
>>39662147They started it
>>39657949Revelation sign 12 happened for the first time since the restoration of Israel, that was a huge one.
>>39662139>He isnt humanYet He is in Us and we are in Him. How do you define what is human?
>>396579492 Timothy 4:3-4> The time will come when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itchy ears, they will find for themselves teachers to suit their passions.