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It seems the reason why ancients worshipped the stars is because they had wormholes near them or within them, and that upon death this is how one goes into the aterlife or reincarnates.

Redpill me on wormholes, they seem to be present in media everywhere and seem to be the key to escaping reality or ascending to a higher dimension:


This also seems to be how Alice reaches wonderland, she follows the White Rabbit (Lepus Constellation) and falls within the Rabbit Hole (Wormhole) that leads her to Wonderland (Higher Dimension).
When Travis Scott sacrificed his audience at Astroworld he was standing on a stage that eerily resembles a wormhole or the Looney Tunes outro tunnel (which is also a Wormhole).

And his concert's promotional art also features a Wormhole on the top left being watched over by an all seeing eye (Saturn).

And on his shirt it shows Souls passing through a gate, going from blue (normal souls?) to spiky red figures (demons?).
This is what i mean by the Looney Tunes tunnel, we have Lepus here (White Rabbit Bugs Bunny) with the Wormhole behind it.

And the fact that it says "That's All Folks" could be an allusion to the end of life, like God saying "that's all folks!" and it being time for the Soul to move on.

The tracing board for the first degree of Freemasonry also shows Angels or Souls ascending Jacob's ladder and going into the Blazing Star (Sirius), Sirius (The Dog Star) points to Lepus (The White Rabbit) while Orion (The Hunter) follows.
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Wormholes have a timelike curve, this is what Samsara's Reincarnation Wheel Trap is, i believe that the key to escaping it is the Stars.
Albert Pike himself said on page 506 of Morals and Dogma that Sirius is considered to be a Guide or Guardian of Souls.

I believe the key to existing "The Matrix" or material reality is either Sirius itself or a wormhole within the Lepus constellation, however i haven't pinned down anything concrete yet and i'd like to hear Anons' opinions on this.
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The Pyramid Chambers of the Ancient Pharaohs also seemed to point to the Stars, as if the Souls of the Pharaohs exiting the them directly pointing to their needed star paths/gates.

Those chambers essentially guided the Pharaohs' Souls to reach their desired/needed Stargate, pointing them in the right direction.
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And if we follow the Synchronicities regarding this you will also see it embedded in popular culture and memes.

Some good examples are the "Adios" meme in picrel showing someone (who has red clothes like Travis Scott's shirt demons) exiting reality via a wormhole and the "Big Chungus" meme who is just a fat Bugs Bunny/White Rabbit who represents the Lepus contellation.

The Big Chungus meme even has a trapdoor near him with stairs, which is clearly a nod to a Wormhole near Lepus or his Rabbit Hole (Like the one Alice falls through to reach another dimension).
maybe stargate from fbi files
maybe meditation
maybe attuning your magnetic fields(how does that work anyway)
i dont think you can interact with spiritual places via physical means despite modern physecist finding evidence in small atoms doing exactly that
whatever you wish to archieve must happen here and now inside your skull not with your body, everything after your physical mortality is off grounds anyway
i dont know about you but i try gathering as much evidence about my thoughts and transforming them and myself in states and places i want to be in while getting rid of what weights me down so my soul can pass on into a better timeline whatever it might be
>i dont think you can interact with spiritual places via physical means
I never said anything about interating with them physically, i meant as souls/energy bodies upon death.
then you went on rambling about physical gates like travis scott concert
anyway you are a defensive retard and far away from whatever you are trying to archieve here
In my RPG , each god has a celestial body which he lives in.

To access the celestial realm of said god or for the god to come through into this realm, a sigil must be made.
??? I mentioned the stage looking like a wormhole/stargate and his shirt having a gate/doorway where souls are passing through.

I never said anything about "physical" gates, also you are projecting.....
And how is this related? And how do sigils transport something into this realm exactly?
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Saturn isn't sandy though, it's a gas giant isn't it?

Also what are the "Sandworms" within the Wormholes? Multi dimensional beings that can eat your soul?

And why was she getting yellow?

And what does your picrel mean?
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Holy fucking SHIT

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i was just recently having a lot of synchronicities about this topic. there were a few pieces of media in my childhood that had caused weird existential feelings as a kid. memories of those scenes echoed in my mind until finally i realized they all had something in common. falling into a wormhole-like tunnel/portal into a magical world. the protagonist often was confused and wanted to return home but had to solve a problem in the magical world before being able to leave it. sometimes it involved time dilation too like upon returning you realize no time has passed. like narnia: the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe

idk what it means. i have theories. but its something deep in the psyche
Some scenes just sticked with me to, the time dilation aspect of it could also be tied to reincarnation, how time is an illusion here but on the afterlife there is no such thing as time.

It could also be an archetype in the collective unconscious, lik how we intuitively know about these phenomena and what happens with them after death, encoded in our dna like twisted version of Assassin's Creed's genetic memories for the Animus machine.


Share your theories Anon, some things may just click in place.
>the pyramids were graves

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Sands of Time? Sandworms = Ouroboros or Snakes? Beetlejuice is an allegory for Betelgeuse? Adam calls out to Barbara (Barbelo)?
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What were they then?
Ley line energy field regulators? They sure as shit weren't UFO's.
Did I say ufo?
I already told you what they weren't

Your pic will help you out
Antenna connected to a cosmic web for soul traveling between worlds. the king chamber is a sensory deprivation tank and the pyramid concentrate the electro-magnetic from the water under the pyramid that is use as high-way for your astral body.

It's like Stargate (movie) but where astral body travel instead of physical body.
>and that upon death this is how one goes into the aterlife or reincarnates

Ok but why though? Of all the star systems in the galaxy, why would you be reincarnated into THAT specificic one (Sirius seems to be the one star system majority of ancient cultures worshipped)?

Maybe egyptians were trying to recreate some sort of teleportation device / wormhole stargate that the "gods" were using to quickly go from Earth to Sirius star system to regenerate or something.

If you were born on a planet with a slower day/yearly cycle, maybe your life span is longer than ours, which could explain why the Anunakis from Nibiru (whose planet took around 3,600 earth years to revolve around the sun) lived such long life compared to ours, and had to eat some suplement to retain their longevity (what Gilgamesh was trying to recover from the gods during his Epic)
door=(doors of)death
saturn=(god of)time
sand=(sands of)time
worm=ouroboros (time loop)
becoming yellow=yellow symbolizes a connection between the human spirit and the sun, "becoming yellow" means "becoming a spirit"(dying)
betelgeuse="red star", "hand of orion",="red right hand"(of God) (hidden hand)

I don't think any of these references connect any hints or clues on how to escape because I don't think there is one, they're just symbols representing the way things work

There is also Barbelo (Barbara)
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>(Sirius seems to be the one star system majority of ancient cultures worshipped)?
Yes, but also because Freemasons acknowledge it as a guide of Souls (see >>39589003), and the Egyptian Anubis (Dog Headed Dog Star) guides the dead in the Underworld.
Idk, but I was channeling Ra last night and he said at the second layer the pyramids could cure leukemia.
Sirius is extremely close one of the closest starsystems at 8.6 lightyears away, but more importantly its a higher density planetary civilization, i.e. the soul has more power over existence there than it does here. Its basically a way station for souls coming and going from earth to set up their lower density incarnational experience, and to integrate such experiences back into their higher dimensional consciousness after they depart the earth body.
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>It could also be an archetype in the collective unconscious
this is the conclusion i have been arriving at lately. there is a recurring story of a city beneath the earth with a superior race of beings, with entrances in mountain ranges and jungles and caves etc. it was talked about by people like helen blavatsky in "The Land of the Gods" and robert sepehr in "species with amnesia" and others. they spoke of it as a literal place with literal entrances. and there may be such a place. but i think viewing these two images, the wormhole portal and the 'elven' city, as archetypal structures moves us closer to understanding what they are. the city is always seen as white, in the north, where it is always dark and cold/snowing. but there is also a time where it experiences great sunlight and nature blooming. i feel like the arctic circle fits this description (in the winter there is no sunlight, in the summer there is no darkness), and resonates with the mythologies of the north pole and races of people that came from there.

i think my current theory is that what we are is greater than what we perceive ourselves to be in this current state. but that through some psychic transformation and the unfolding of individuation/actualization we metamorphize into this higher being. i think all of reality, or at least all we perceive of it, is like a puzzle in our mind leading us to unlock our higher functions. we are like children in a playpen learning to use our power before we are immersed into a world that was once beyond our comprehension. and i think there may be random encounters with this "world" symbolized in psychic symbology as a protagonist being sucked into or falling into a hole that leads them to a magical world where they encounter foreign beings and have to solve something before being sent back
>It seems the reason why ancients worshipped the stars is because they had wormholes near them or within them, and that upon death this is how one goes into the aterlife or reincarnates.
>i believe that the key to escaping it is the Stars.

Here's Ken Ogger with recovered past-life memories recorded in his book Super Scio:

>And finally I reached a point where the body had no energy left to sustain itself, but had not quite died. And so I remained alive and conscious with the fully support of a body, but the body itself ceased to swamp me with its perceptions and energy fields. And then I realized that the tiny spark of energy that still remained to me was my own creation and was not coming from the body, and I was finally able to drill this with positive feedback and perception of how much energy I was projecting and where it was going. It is quite possible that while you're alive, the body swamps and interferes with your own energy, and in between lives the prison machinery tries to keep you blocked so that I had found a sort of crack in the trap in the halfway state between life and death.
>And in this state, I worked as long as I dared, fanning the flame of my own energy, and then I roused the body and called for food, for I knew that the other monks must be told of what I had found. And of course my meager perceptions and energy production were almost entirely swamped again, but not quite completely. Then I taught and studied for many years. Finally I undertook the trial again, but this time I knew where I was going. And this time I continued to drill my own energies and hardly noticed the passing of the body when it died.
>I'm not sure if it was months or years, but I continued to drill for a long time, using simple exercises of perception and handling of energy. I don't think I had anything nearly as good as the OT drills we have now, but even simple reach and withdraw would be extremely effective if you did it with your own perceptible energy.
>In the end I reached a state of real consciousness and ability in the bodiless condition. This is not how it usually is between lives, where you're normally in a half dream, battered by energies, and bothered by between lives control mechanisms.
>But I hadn't really done anything to actually handle my case. There had been no tech on problems or overts or upsets and I still had no answer to the problem that had originally led me to Tibet, which was how to end the suffering and starvation in the world.
>So I began a new search for answers. Based, I believe, on something in another of the scrolls (one that I haven't seen in this lifetime), I tried to follow a path out of this universe. I think that it told me to find the dark horse in the sky (the Horsehead nebula) and pass through it and that I ended up coming up out of a pool in the magic universe. And there I found the red flower in the sky and went through it to the next universe above (the collapsed thought - conflicts universes) where a double helix (?) leads to the symbols universe. The entire journey is extremely vague (and perhaps my recall of it is blocked in some way), but I think that eventually I passed beyond the jewel of knowledge and was all the way out.
>And once there, I had the feeling of being dampened and blocked and the idea that there were things unreachable in the distance, like cities in the night. And it seemed that the idea was placed in my mind that I was not ready and we all must come out together. And then I was moving down through the series of universes and came all the way back here, because it was what I was familiar with and the place where all the people I knew lived.
>But I returned with considerable power, far more than when I had left. And I determined to change the world and make it a better place. So I reincarnated and this time I was so strong that it was my own energies that were the perceptible torch and the body's fields were swamped by my own projections. I chose the most scientifically advanced culture of that time, which was Islam, and became a white magician and wizard in Tunisia. I gained considerable wealth and power and had the ear of the sultan, but everything ran afoul of the usual out rudiments and other case factors and in the end it all went sour. In the next lifetime, I was sinking fast and became a black magician instead of a white one. And in that dramatization, I quickly managed to lose all the abilities I had gained and sunk back into the mainstream of humanity. In short order I was living lives among the Christians and alternately sinning and praying for forgiveness, although I never remembered what it was I really needed to be forgiven for.
http://www.freezoneearth.org/pub/Super%20Scio.pdf (pp.584-585)
wait, the seth-beast is... a rabbit?
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>the Horsehead nebula
That's in Orion's Belt, which is Part of the Trinity, Osiris is Orion.

watch this video to understand what every trinity in religion is about.
>that saturn at the end


Are those Rabbits opening a wormhole/portal using rituals?
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>Orion, Sirus, Lepus

Osiris, Horus, Isis

Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Nimrod, Tammuz, Semiramis
I was the first to mention this hypothesis, and acknowledging it would be nice.
>I was the first to mention this hypothesis
>doesn't know about William Henry
>14 years ago
>That's in Orion's Belt, which is Part of the Trinity, Osiris is Orion.
Osiris is Gabriel, who is the Sculpture galaxy. He told me this.
>Nimrod, Tammuz, Semiramis
noah's great grandson (jewish myth), resurrecting shepherd god (sumerian/akkadian myth), classical legendary queen (greek historians) based on neo-assyrian woman who actually once lived (modern archeology). tf do these have to do with each other outside of a particular scottish pulpit in the 1850s?
soooo what glowie agency is pushing hislopism on /x/? doesn't feel organic & hislop's father was an actual mason
i remember when my 8th grade science teacher pulled out one of those huge laser discs and everyone was shocked. this was the early 2000s and i guess it already went lost to DVDs and no one knew what it was
oh of course, it would make sense if the sphinx was a large dog statue
I drew something as a teen for my therapist, check this out ..this was a reoccurring “dream” i had as a child up to my teens..my guess is its the exact same thing and the plot twist is that i eventually did past life hypnosis and i saw fucking pyramids while i was under..i died on top of one…
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Ive also had a SHITTON of synchronicities involving my research into SIRIUS. Did you know that the word "AVREK" translated into all languages tells a deep story and has motifs revolving around the creation of civilization? That it literally describes God in his capacities?

Do you know the connection between UR and SIRIUS?

Last synchronicity i got was whilst taking a break from my research and watching the Truman show... In one scene, Truman is jumped by a dog (UR) and a piece of stagelight comes crashing down. Guess what that light was supposed to represent in his false reality?
>this will blow your mind
No...this will

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There is also that yes.

God is Dog written backwards.
>picrel is Sirius
Eh mangas cool sure but it wasnt like that at all - did see two metallic robot mantis though before getting sucked up into the “sky”
The fact that they obsess over Sirius certainly gives it weight but I'm unsure.

I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind
I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind
And I don't need to see any more to know that
I can read your mind (looking at you)
I can read your mind (looking at you)
I can read your mind (looking at you)
I can read your mind
Goated thread
Have a bump
Stars are soul gates
its kind of creepy to think that schizos had all this shit figured out in 2012 (the date of the video link)

this guy also came to a similar conclusion as you guys
>door=(doors of)death
saturn=(god of)time
sand=(sands of)time
worm=ouroboros (time loop)
becoming yellow=yellow symbolizes a connection between the human spirit and the sun, "becoming yellow" means "becoming a spirit"(dying)
betelgeuse="red star", "hand of orion",="red right hand"(of God) (hidden hand)

https://kaboomthemoons.blogspot. com/2020/10/egg-fractal-decoded-its.html
"Among the Cherokee, whose ancestral
home was the central Appalachian Mountain region, Sirius and Antares are the dog
stars that guard the ends of the "path of souls", the Milky Way."
"-Holberg, Jay Brian (2007). Sirius: Brightest Diamond in the Night Sky"

Sirius is also connected to the Lion's Gate star portal.

"Lion’s Gate Portal"
"On August 8, the Sirius star rises in conjunction with the Sun at dawn under the lion sign of Leo. For several weeks before and after Sirius’ rising, we can tap into intense manifestation energy through the bravery of the lion."

"Occurring every year, the Lion’s Gate Portal takes place when the star Sirius aligns with the Sun in Leo, which is believed to be “an extremely lucky time to make dreams come true,” astrologer Lisa Stardust tells PEOPLE. "

This is also where the studio LIONSGATE got it's name from.

And it's also where MGM got it's logo from, the MGM Lion with the ring is the Lion's Gate.
Sources? That sounds interesting.

They've had it figured out since the beginning of time, there has been a covert war between them and the current El-ites for a while, also Youtube purged most of the good videos.

Remember how in 2008 to around 2012 there was a surge of Illuminati/NWO/Conspiracy videos and then all of a sudden they got snapped out of existence when Youtube became a corporate puppet mouthpiece?

That page is very Abrahmic though, nothing concrete.

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I'm a wormhole traveler, AMA.
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This Freemasonic ascencion of Jacob's Ladder into Sirius also reminds me of the ending scene from The Truman Show, where Truman ascends the ladder and leaves reality.

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Another interesting tidbit is how the Sirius canister was Truman's spark that lead him to englightenment, mirroring the Fool (Truman) and his Dog (Sirius) from the Tarot.
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>Truman/The Fool and Sirius Tarot
You can also se Truman and Sirius here >>39595075

>He sails on a Ship called Santa Maria (Barbelo, Shekinah) who guides him to the exit.
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old. youtube.
you will never know the glory that was youtube before influences.
the boat passes over the ocean styx
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So much this that it's unreal, old Youtube was PEAK.

That's the Greek version of it.

Picrel also shows Sopdet (Sirius) on the right guiding Orion (Osiris) on the Solar Barque (Lepus Constellation) with Horus (The Falcon) and Isis (The Bull) behind him through the underworld.

It doesn't get clearer than this, Sirius has to be the key out of this for sure, and if not Sirius then Lepus. Lepus is the barque while Sirius is more of a Lighthouse for that Barque.

After all, it's the Dog (Sirius) who chases the Rabbit/Hare (Lepus).
What about the pleiades? I see them brought up all the time
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I haven't looked much into the Pleiades, it seems like it's related to Hathor and the 7 Hathors/Cows (7 stars) that guaranteed a good harvest, much like how Sirius also predicted the flooding of the Nile for a good harvest.

When you search about Pleiades you just get schizo misdirection on Google and Youtube.

Sirius seems to be the greater focus of Ancient Religions and the Freemasons.
Yeah pleiades seems to be a schizo magnet, probably why I've heard it so much. Occasionally I'll hear an interesting anecdote about how either a native american or an aboriginal tribe claims to be from the pleiades. Wonder if earth was seeded from aliens from different star systems, which would explain different origins or points of focus.
>through the underworld.
interesting, i went down a little rabbit hole on styx etymology and i can see some parallels with underworld. i wonder where the coin motif came from?
it would also have interesting astrological implications. as that could be determinate of where you were coming from in some sense.
or hereditary affinity
Its a future civilization.
The "golden city"
They can pull you in from the other side but it has to be a maximum effort on your part. It is the perfect civilization. The one Hitler was searching for. It has many names which lose its meaning as the society is beyond our understanding. You literally get a new eternal body in that society.

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