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>USSR sends satellite into space
>USA doesn't even know how to get to space
>12 years later, they are driving buggies on the moon
How could any adult believe this?
What is your best counterpoint to "why wouldn't the UUSR call them out on it if it was faked?".
Kraut space magic from your uncles from Argentina
The moon bases are super secret and have beautiful german nazi girls living in lunar gardens where they bathe naked by fountains where it looks like everything is slowed down due to gravity being lesser.
Because the UUS faked it better than the UUSR, so that's why the UUSR was quietly like "damn, niggas..." but couldn't say shit.
Because how the fuck could they possibly prove it? The USA was in low earth orbit. It's not like today where all of space is under surveillance.
Bigger fish to fry than the cold war rivalry perhaps
Should I link American Moon and summon the feds?
they televised it, Nixon spoke to them on the moon when they were playing golf.


Don't be a retard.
Even today, television news teams use outrigger stabilized vans on pavement to transmit to local satellites, but a go cart on a lawn chair driving on a completely dry sand dune can maintain a perfect signal with no degradation with a manually aimed umbrella sized transmitter 2 million miles away?
Grow up.
Operation Paperclip?
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Its not 2 million miles, the moon is 237,000 miles away
you can do a lot in 12 years if you try. maybe thats what annoys you so much, because you're still in your moms basement
Operation Paperclip scored us some German experts. Soviets did the same
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I believe the moon landing is real because I'm a patriotic American and I know for a fact we beat them commies in the lunar race.
I just don't see why it would be faked it's not like going to the moon is an unrealistic feat or anything
they can never come up with reasons why it was technologically impossible. its all just vague waffle about 'the deadly van halen belts' and so on.
there is literally 0 reason to think landing on the moon is impossible.
Most adults didn't drop out of school after the 4th grade and therefore are capable of knowing that technology and science are things that can advance and improve over time.
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unironically it was because of nazis
the USA and USSR both had them but the US had better nazis
Sorry, I was tired and confused m converted the kilometers in my head wrong.
Doesn't change my point. How far away are those news satellites?

The broadcasts were fake and anyone who believes otherwise is a fool or spook. My personal theory is that those three guys that "burned alive" in a training accident were the ones who actually went and it was a one way flight as they got cooked by the Van Allen belts and everyone after that was faked.
Their corpses are still up there and that's why they don't want anyone looking too closely. The three guys from the training accident were probably kidnapped winos provided by the CIA.
>US had better nazis
and that is a good thing?
balloons. They're fucking weather balloons, Icarus knows about this shit.

>every last pilot in the world knows the earth is flat and stationary
>Why doesn't a scam artist call out his fellow scam artist

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