>be me in parking lot relaxed in the car >Hear strange noise >I don't see anything I keep relaxing >Hear It again and get spooked a bit >I ignore it >Hear It again and I see it and on all fours like a gorilla the thing is looking at something >Hear that noise again It sound like a chirp>I get curious >Open Door the thing hears me and turns to look at me>His face looks like a mix between a human skull and a wolf. >I lock myself in the car and duck so as not to be seen >The thing Is gone,and I'm leaving
>>39727466and not once did it occur to you to film such an event? everyone has a smart phone with a half decent camera yet not a single one can produce at the very least an image.
I'll try to take a picture if I see it again
>>39727652>I'll try to take a picture if I see it againplease do so, film it if you can but don't be stupid and leave your vehicle to get a closer look. no need to be put in harms way. good luck.
>>39727466you saw a homeless meth addict
>>39727466That was just Jamal on his way to B-ball practice, don't mind him. He can't do no harm.
>>39727466Thanks for another shit thread OP hopefully it rapes you next time so you dont have a chance to post more shit threads
>>39727536>Damn I should film this devil ape that is spooking the heck out of me
Sage what the fuck Is wrong with you
>>39727466>Open Door the thing hears me and turns to look at me>I lock myself in the car and duck so as not to be seenIf I saw something like that you bet your ass I would keep looking at it, what if it comes your way and you're all huddled up, won't be able to do anything about it.Get in the car and stare at that thing, if it comes your way run it over.
>>39731687uh.. yea, you should. so others can see that there's a devil ape running around and be aware. if you're in your car, just film it from you car. unless it's charging at you, try to take a photo or a quick video and call the police or animal control and perhaps the news if the thing is very weird so they can air it.why are zoomers so fucking afraid of every little thing. read an article saying your generation gets anxiety if a menu is too big. the biggest generation of pussies i've seen or heard about.