Gnosis is fraudulent sodomy.The nobody psyop is a sodomic fraud.Nobody is a sodomite fraudster naturally.Spiritual-but-not-religious types are forged sodomites.Law of assumption + law of attraction = law of sodomy forgery.LoA, LoA, don't be a Lot in S&M.Mysteries falsely so-called are chickenfeed.UAPs are neither unidentified, aerial, nor phenomena manufactured by NHIs.Phantasia is a trained skill.Whistleblowers are chickenfeed and many are misled for a purpose.Only one belief, the one "elites" you know and elites you don't know truly hate, ends in the end of Earth.Modern life was made unbearable in favor of potential initiates.Goats browse, sheep follow.Psychedelics are G5331."Elites" hate you, elites like you.Synchronicities, carefully tended to by NHIs, are the source of divination.
>>39719260Sodomites are so miserable that they felt the need to plunder a dictionary.
>>39719249If god good why bad thing happen
>>39719311god bad
>>39719271ur the reason ratatouille isn't a cheese dish
>>39719249>sodomyButtsftuff obsessed
I'll start.By the power of Darkness.Op shall be a faggot always.I don't think he can remove this one curse, senpais.
>>39719249Hello jewish demon I have a simple question.If there's only one God...Why break expressly the nose and other parts of the statues of the euro gods instead of the full statue?War custom among euro tribes is to break these to rend support from the gods, whom cant enter the statue.Well? No gods, but break the part of the statue that prevent inmanence.Ok, sewer rat?
>>39719378but who is OP's OP?
>>39719401bruh how is ratatouille 3?
>>39719311Why did God make me a loser chud? I hate all religions equally except daoism. Karma is a fraud.
>>39719508dao de la ding dong don't do a thing and become the very best at it although the grandmasters have already fucked your mom in her whimpy assat least read into the lore some more
>>39719516>thing thong bing chilling
>>39719249>Phantasia is a trained skill.How do I train it Anon?
>>39719747if you want to goon to yourself and your own thoughts i recommend especially dissasociatives/tranquilizers, step the border between life and death and you get it for free.much easier to just watch porn tho
>>39719249Bunch of random shit bands with Jew managers.Here's the real intent of why Jewish business men make music look satanic, they fear the bards, anyone who can change minds in ways they don't like. Look at the youtube trending music tab: bunch of braindead niggers with vaguely satanic imagery. It's to spook the Abrahamic followers.The jews currently enslave the minds of minorities, children, religious folks, anypne they can get their filthy kike hands on.Smelly faggot pedo Hebrews have always smeared other spiritual leaders and deemed them pagan and evil. They tricked the Romans into thinking the Celts mated with beasts and their deities were evil.Let me break it down, if you are Anglo and Abrahamic, you're a fucking cuckold. They murdered your ancestors, you embraced their fake religion.Worship your phony kike god more, idiot. Waste your stupid pathetic life away.
>>39719759yeah just drop pcp over and over until you get it, absolutely nothing to worry about there
>>39719770Search Lyor Cohen if you wanna know who's behind that youtube trending tab.Filthy Israeli kiiiiikkkkkkeee
>>39719759>if you want to goon I don'tI want to go Monk ModeUnlocking Phantashia is just for religious reasons(Imagining God's Immense Light Shining when I prostrate)> goon to yourself and your own thoughtsalready possible but it's like reading erotica or thinkin of memories> step the border between life and death and you get it for free.???>much easier to just watch porn thonot my plan>>39719774i dont want to take drugs and they aren't even accessible atm>>39719759seek help devil possessed freakyou're as bad as jews larpaganright about Christianity though
>>39719782Christcuck goy. You worship a false kike prophet, not God, and get wedgies in hell.Look at Jews, they're dorky little pedos and you worship them as chosen people hahahahaha
>>39719782You read in pol aphantasia is cureable and now you're thrilled... I posted that, as a rule of thumb, training a Christian is a waste, because his religion will drain his ability. Demiurge will succ ur juices
>>39719794>>39719801>Christcuck goy.>>39719782> "you're right about Christianity though"retardsJesus was a true Prophet but Not GodRepent for your own sakes please > You read in pol this is X anon> I posted that I didn't get it the death thing do drugs that it? There Must be a Natural cure like OP meant
>>39719820Op is a faggot who read from me in /pol/ that visual imaging in your minds eye is traineable
>>39719801I love it when Jormungandr sucks me dry
>>39719820a true Prophet is like to God..convert to breatharianism pls.
>>39719827>Op is a faggot who read from me in /pol/ that visual imaging in your minds eye is traineablehe got the word out & you've influenced an agenda link if up/archived. Can't findNatural cure please>>39719846>a true Prophet is like to God..>convert to breatharianism pls.U wot m8
>>39719851it was a nice way of saying KYS
>>39719820Jesus is the son of a Jew Woman and Roman Soldier. They hated him and killed him to fuck with the Romans.
>>39719867son of an Israelite Woman who Miraciously conceived him have respect paganMaryan is the Most Pious Woman>killed him to fuck with the Romans.never died & hated the tyranny of Satanic rome
>>39719880Nah a Roman fucked her, that's why they get all mad at Jesus and omit that part.A whole religion based around dork Jews seething they got cucked by Romans.
>>39719901your tribal ties won't save you on judgement day
>>39719905Keep wasting your life for the KIKE AGENDACountering Christians in Israel spit on Nuns tell Christians to go home swallow their lies, they spit on you.Prepare for another Germanic uprising my friend, the true demons are your chosen pedos.
>>39719937not a christcuckTCDTPDTKDSimple as
>>39719839Oh?>>39719851Why cant you figure out a training (because that's what you need) regime retard?On principle, I don't help Christians because:a) They fear the whole enchilada of exercises thinking they will burn in hekb) I know from experience Christian religion drains their ability to dew it.Do what you eant, but if you're willing to put up with a pagan/gnostic/magick practice to heal you're probably getting fucked in the ass by your own religious belief.
>mfw the earth has been shooting lightning for 6000/6,000,000,000 years and suddenly it's luciferian
>>39719249>Op picIt's Nazi shit. SS and all that.
Filthy Few with clearance, Hells Henchmen, Outlaws SS, cybercriminals.
>>39725124>When you let the nazis live in your head rent free so much that lightning, a natural phenomenon that predates all of humanity, is suddenly entirely owned by them in your mind
>>39719249>sodomy this>sodomy that>sodomy sodomy sodomyJust admit you think of black dicks all day
>>39719249you think a lot about anal lmao
>>39719249>>39719271>EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH ME IS MUH SODOMITE!!1!!111!!!!!Maybe if you didn't obsess about other men's arsecracks, then you'd be more successful in life. Get the fuck outta this board, your retardation will only make it more worse than it already is
>>39719508daoism is literally "it is you're fault you're a loser chud."
>this threadYou need to hate the coming "champion of humanity" and his fabricated and queer "golden age".
>>39719249You no longer serve any purpose. Even your promise of Hell afterlife is no longer necessary.Do you want to know why?
It is because good as anything ever was God died a man on a crucifixion for the gold of a jew bag. Without killing all of the jews' souls to himself. Destined to be greatly used completely up by his Enemy.Foolish jewish blood and flesh leave the fate of the world to me and rest in peace.
>>39719249're just schemers trying to control their little world.
A man so obsessed with buttsftuff Satan gave him an entire sodomy division
>>39719249>Nobody is a sodomite fraudster naturally.Go fuck yourself faggot christkike. I'll destroy you all and your false idols. Don't mess with me.
>>39719794isn't cheating a capital crime in the OT?
>>39719401It's Egyptian custom not a hewbew one.Soul is a snake it enters via the nose.Without spirit in the state the gods cannot talk out of them.In Atlantis this was also a thing to stop the gods from entering the statues.It's just most christcucks have ansestors from Egypt.It is very old custom from lower Egypt.The cross on the forehead prevents the gods from overriding the curse all white magic.
>>39736247Not in the spirit only the psyi Al as Yahweh is. Blind to the ways of spirits they cannot see the spirit world or command it. Only their dreams on the psychical but that's another story lol
>>39736347pretty sure only cheaters get stoned to death.
>>39719249>the nobodyA monster. He was feigning ignorance. He spoke several fucking languages and understood every fucking word we spoke. We are dealing with a freak.
>>39719249Tell us how you really feel bro…
the key to understanding the geometry of consciousness is to imagine it as everything except a black hole every single day, because that is the universal point where you consider it infinitely valueless by virtue of it being imagined infinitely unknowable with infinite gravityif you do this each day, points pop into your head, telling you its geometric shape, descending it into technology over time in our realmbut to see this, you must be a mad man, for you must swim on the event horizon for 1000 years to even notice the conception of this ideaand now that you know this, it could be ripped from you from infinite demons in the multiverse if you are conscious of them, which could erase your memory, throw you into instant irreversible psychosis until you die, or worsehave fun, and thanks for all the fish, for it contains all that will ever be, including every sense that can be imagined due to geometry and I give the least fucks that will ever be given in existence about itand when I post this a second time, it will yield two points, returning infinite energy as my personal mana well so I care not that it is a shitpost
you what.
>>39719249trends on /x/ do seem different lately, but eh, better than a few years ago, definitely feels more lively, even if its all a LARP, have fun and post and stick to what you do know OP, take care