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At what point did you begin to believe in the demiurge? How long has it been?
atheist shill slide thread to sully the good name of God. kys
I used to when I played persona 5 in college

Then I grew up and stopped believing.
I didn't say that I believed in such things
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When I realized he was just a mid level manager in a far larger system eventually leading back to the all-good God.
gnosticism is theist bullshit fairy tales. they just believe that DA GOOD GUY IS AKSHULLY DA BAD GUY WHADDA TWIST!!!!
In 2020 when I finally read the gnostic bible
I’m pagan so I didn’t bother for a long time
How is demiurge good?
>If I say he bad I get the burnies
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He’s not a bad thing. He’s just not the big God. He created this world though and he created (you).
Gnostic Gnigger retard
It comes and goes
>literal satan-like being is good guy
I will never understand people like you, i guess you simply do not have spark of humanity like me.
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All the dark spots in the clouds. The sea of moss cows.
The good guy in christianity, god, is the bad guy in gnosticism, the demiurge.
How low iq is the average gnostic gnigger to not understand this?
Where is your christian god that is supposed to save you? This entire world is a shithole look around.
I have no god. There is no god.
No good god and no bad god.
The "good guy" in Christianity and Gnosticism are the same: the One of whom Jesus is the earthly incarnation. What's different is that Gnostics do not worship the Jewish deity that Paul calls "the god of this world".
You are Sophia and Yaldaboath, Wisdom and Ignorance. all evil is the result of ignorance and all good is the result of knowledge. You are your own God and Demon.
God and jesus are the same in christianity. You just added an m night shamalamadingdong twist to the story.
Literally just rips off buddhism but adds in jewish fairy tale nonsense.
>God and jesus are the same in christianity.
They are the same in Gnosticism, which is true Christianity.
Its almost like Buddhism and Hinduism are also true. There's no such thing as ripping off knowledge.
So god is da bad guy and jesus is da good guy but they are both the same being? Even more retarded than christianity.
Just be a buddhist. Why take on all these extra jewish fairy tales?
Whenever someone starts seeing the truth, some freemason proposes gnosticism to keep them believing in a false, jewish creator god.
Belief in a jewish creator god empowers jews, psychologically.
You're starting to repeat your confusions. See: >>38462315
I don't. Believing in it gives it power. Literally just stop believing in it and you kill it.
>it can't be that easy anon-
It literally is.
i realized i was on to something when i noticed gnostic threads get shilled immediately by archonic energies, literally a minute after posting
So this is all just a way of duct taping over the issue that the god of the old testament is so different from jesus?
Have you considered that maybe it is all bullshit?
If you believe that there is a higher god above the jewish god, then why not believe that there are millions of other lower gods? Why not be a pagan?
I shill against gnosticism. Its something a lot of freemason fags follow. Im anti freemason and anti semitic.
>Im anti freemason and anti semitic.
>So god is da bad guy and jesus is da good guy but they are both the same being?
In Gnosticism, the God of the Old Testament is known as the Demiurge and he creates the material world to trap and torment divinity. Christ comes from the Monad, which is the actual ultimate God-being far above the Demiurge. So Christ comes from the highest God (Monad) to help free us from the much lower "God" (Demiurge) who torments us in the physical world.
>there are millions of other lower gods
There are. But they are creatures. Not the Eternal Source of all.
You really have no idea, do you?
Like hitler bro.
So you still believe in the existence of a jewish god. You believe that the being that created this world chose jewish people and gives them power lol. You believe they are special lmao.
Why do you think an eternal source would be sentient and care about us?
Is this from game of thrones?
Nice try Annunaki archon.
I have a theory that Gnosticism is unlike any other heresy in that Gnosticism is the very thought of Satan. All heresies come from the devil, but Gnosticism is his own take on things, how he sees himself, God and everything else. In his own twisted mind, Satan sees himself as the hero and God as the villain and the material world as a prison (because they, the demons, are imprisoned here). Moreover, there is a promise of divinization by one’s own will, instead of accepting God’s will: I shall be like the Most High.
The evidence I can advance in favor of this being the case are
>Gnostic-like ideas seem to pop up independently all over the world throughout history, from ancient China and India to Classical Greece to to the Islamic world to Medieval and Renaissance Europe, to a humble shoemaker’s shop in Germany. Whenever a (false) religion is left to its own devices, it ends up developing some kind of Gnostic esoteric trend. This seems to imply a certain favoritism —not to say obsession— on the part of Satan for these ideas. He believes he can achieve godhood and deceives humans into believing they can too.
>the serpent proclaims it in the Garden of Eden: ye shall be as gods.
Are the annunaki archons in the room with you now?
In the Bible "god" says that if Adam or Eve eat from the Tree of Knowledge they will surely die, but they did not die. But I thought that the god of the Bible was omnicisent? Did he lie? But I thought lying was a sin in Christianity? The truth is obvious. I quote from the bible

“The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”
They're in front of my face. The firmament is cracking
They did die though, so the serpent lied.
The fruit of the tree of life is indeed immortality, which they were going to get anyway, but instead they disobeyed God and obeyed the devil, and that had to be delayed until God would send his only-begotten son to die for our sins and win us back (redeem us) from sin and the devil. Jesus on the cross is the tree of life (it’s not a literal tree).
The tree of knowledge of good and evil is also not a literal tree. Adam and Eve’s “knowing” good and evil is their determining for themselves —like Satan— their own good instead of accepting God’s good for them. That is Luciferianism, Satan’s and Adam and Eve’s sin. The original sin, and (I argue) Gnosticism.
>but they did not die
read fucking genesis again.
>Why do you think an eternal source would be sentient and care about us?
Because the world has a design to it.
What you describe as "Gnosticism" is also known as "Christianity".
So if god is omniscient why would he make them in the first place? Just to cast them down? And how did the christian god punish them when they didn't have knowledge of good and evil
No, it isn’t?
He knew ma would sin and he knew he would be redeemed through Jesus’ death and resurrection and heaven and earth will be made anew and those who believe will inherit the earth and be with God forever as was intended.
>No, it isn’t?
It is, you've just never read the Bible.

>Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
(John 10:34)
Gnostics are Gniggers
Ye are gods (elohim). The word elohim is not used exclusively of God in the Bible but also angels, spirits of the dead (the Witch of Endor was consulted by Saul to summon the dead and he said he saw elohim) and even men “to whom the word of God came”. In exodus 7:1 God says to Moses: I have made you a god (elohim) to Pharaoh. In the verse you cite Jesus is quoting a psalm where God is addressing the magistrates of Israel, which, as doctor Michael Heiser has argued, were considered in ancient Israel to participate in the divine council in the presence of God together with the angels, saying to them: ye are elohim. Jesus is responding to the Pharisees who have accused him of blasphemy if God has called those to whom the word of god came “gods” (elohim) what to say of that which he set apart and sent into the world (namely, his only-begotten son)?
As you can see, I have read the Bible and it has nothing to do with your half-baker new age notion of man being a small-g god.
Spoken like someone who has never read any scripture
Heiser actually rejected the human magistrate interpretation in favor of a purely spiritual divine council. Other than that, you're pretty spot on. Did you read Unseen Realm?
Based Heiser enjoyer
I'd like to know what gnostics think of his theories.
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when i watched whatever media that referenced gnosticism and looked into it for myself. made a bit more sense to me than how the modern christians act and treat each other. now i think every religion is bullshit and am just waiting to die and see if i reincarnate or not.
Why would god let people that hate him control the media the money and the lives of his believers? The demiurge seems plausible but I believe he is a byproduct of a higher being that's using this reality to gain something or achieve something.
I'm not a gnostic.
Shinto is not bullshit, it's ancient.
So whats the big gain for you if we believe what you want?
>Muh promises inna boon
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Hey hey kids.
I hear you're up to something.
Don't be bad bois.
I like the sound of screaming.
There is no Satan in gnosticism. This confuses and enrages the Christian, who worships this fake egregore, and thus feels compelled to bring him up and shoehorn him in any way they can think of

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