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Just raising the olympic flag upside down while moloch watches on
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Here's your last supper bro
Why are they hosting the Olympics at the 2nd smelliest country on the planet?
Work and die in a mine while trannies rape your kids
unt you vill enjoy it.
how long will christcuck seethe over this?
Who’s to say it isn’t Taurus, fits the the French well, and isn’t the Ox one of the symbols of God even in the letter Aleph and the heads of the cherubim? Honestly, if anything, Venus makes sense because victory = olympics.

If it means anything, why does it necessarily have to be moloch after all the spiritual ox there are? Why not Hathoor? Is there anything indicating moloch other than ox?
People forget that the Olympics are based on the actual Greek Olympics lmao.
Oh look, it's the retards that live in 3D space complaining about 3D space symbolism. BTW none of those things are "satanic" whatever the fuck that means.
everything but their jewish blood sacrifice cult is satanic to christcucks
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The kid is Judas, what does that mean?
>Mithras where Jesus should be
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Deep down you know it's Moloch symbolism
... yeah
Thomas Jolly has openly stated that he loathes part of the audience of the ceremony. His abuse of religious symbolism to shock, provoke, and transgress, is demonic and satanic and luciferian, from both a Christian and secular/philosophical perspective.

If your feelings of outrage, anger, contempt are carefully planned and anticipated by the artist, then you should ask yourself what to do with these feelings, and if this is really you, or playing into the hands of people who think you are a bigot.

How to react to such a black magic spell? Go along with it? Ignore it? Bounce it back?

It seems most fitting (but almost cruel) to fervently pray for Jolly, so that he may be freed from demons. With that should go most of his artistic expression and thus platform, a platform he neither deserves, but abused, and severely transgressing the responsability of an artist to make this ceremony truly inclusive and a message of unity and the competition in sports.
Or perhaps Jolly was more a willing vessel, at the right place to catch many eye balls, and resisting demons is just very hard?

Or it was indeed a black magic spell, but an impotent one, since actually based on his own unresolved trauma (which the world can't solve for him) and uncertainty brought on by (perceived) bigotry? Desperate, not sophisticated at all, else you would not need a gaudy hooded figure on a pale horse to promote inclusivity for LGBT+ in the publicly funded theatre industry?
>The kid is Judas
I knew I shouldn't trust kids. niggas will backstab you for the lols
Please don't insult the Sun God, that's obviously Lizzo with vitiligo.
Showing a morbidly obese woman as Jesus at the Last Supper, while a drag queen with a beard and high heel boots hugs a child is NOT normal.

But hating it or getting triggered by it is so obvious that it should be part pf the program. Many an outrage is just computation of predefined narrative on the masses.

By hating on the fat chick, you stop to admire the olympic heroes who compete on merit and discipline? Who benefits when you lack merit and discipline and flip out like a fatphobic bigot?
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1st, second & third generation immigrants cannot represent France in the 2024 Olympic/// only 4th generation and past will represent
The 2012 opening ceremony predicted covid and the scamdemic, so it makes me wonder what this one is preparing us for.
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If you know you know.
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Revelation 6:8

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."
I don't know honestly. What's Jupiter gotta to do with it? ENLIGHTEN ME BROS!
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Not sure. But there were several Jupiter references in the ceremony, for instance the golden bull. There were also references to his son Dionysus who Jupiter sowed up in his leg to keep him alive.
It’s just macron elaborately wanking over himself again
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I wonder what kind of lifespan these people will have after this. Gods don't care for being mocked.
This is disgusting
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What’s the smelliest country?
what do you mean about their lifespans?
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Don't let the golden bull distract you from the golden calf.
The painting they're mocking has multiple people dead within weeks of that "scene". Jesus is crucified, Judas hangs himself, James dies 11 years later..
I wonder how long those people will live is all. Whether it's punishment for mockery from God or sadistic demons mocking God further by acting it out further through sacrifices.
it may in a sense be a humiliation ritual of lgbt+. now u are suddenly presented as demonic, anti-Christian, and grotesque. I don't think they are owning that, but getting owned.
Ishtar gained a few pounds over the years

imo it's all cultivated to provoke a violent reaction both from islam and christianity. though islam will be taking the brunt of the blame for the big terror attacks to come, christianity will follow suit after the "great reset" (which envisions the downfall of the west by 2030) with the kike anti-christ on the throne of the third temple and the beast system spread throughout the world.
we must get the tacky shitty leftovers, because there is no way in hell this shit would fly at your typical church of satan or sex spy ring.
how do people watch this and still think "yeah Christianity is just a jewish pysop, you should believe in real gods like Thor and Odin"
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Perhaps, this would imply that the t's have now become a liability and are about to be sacrificed which is something I've been anticipating for quite some time. I assumed it would be the LGB's that threw them under the bus and not the high society elites though.
>imo it's all cultivated to provoke a violent reaction both from islam and christianity
Can't imagine paki's are happy that their athletes were completely ignored because of some transvestite.
does anyone actually watch this and go "wow this is so good and entertaining, a bunch of ugly drag queens and other degenerates mocking the last supper!"
wait, I thought that jupiter was good (he protect us from asteroids) and saturn was bad
The obese brave woman DJ jesus was throwing the love heart sign with her hands. so by throwing shade on the woman, we are throwing shade on jesus and love itself. despite involving children into a fetish lifestyle (nobody is born a bearded drag queen but in a dark room), this ritual may teach one a valuable lesson about nasty little faggots in the trangressive art industry. thats moral and wisdom growth right there.
They feed off attention of any kind, especially disgust and hatred. To conquer, you must not give any.
Saturn birthed Jupiter, Jupiter eventually usurped Saturn as main deity, though saturn remained respected and in charge of money and other moloch shit like letting kids play Judas amongst drag queen disciples at a secular worldwide sporting event....
>They feed off attention of any kind
that's what it seems like. they just feed off of keeping us all in a state of perpetual disgust and misery and make it so we can't say what obivously everyone (who is still human) is really feeling.
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It was a mistake
They don't even hide their disdain anymore.

Now watch the media run cover saying it's a coincidence and a conspiracy.
Who wants to bet?
of course they'd say that.

probably means world war or world crisis because flipping a flag is distress.

they would have rehearsed many times and would have known not to do that.
When will a second Statue of Liberty be delivered?
it's almost like Jews lie about everything and try to appropriate and invert any goodness or truth in the world so you'll trust nothing except pornhub and doordash. funny, right?
Looks cool. I hope they cover the event with as many satanic symbols as possible, so that Alex Jones and co can have a lot of stuff to talk about (and sell more products, buy now super male vitality 50% off iodine pills 50% off all 50% off).
Very good. There should be no mercy for sexhavers. May your kids with stacies be trooned, chads. /pol/ lost again. /pol/ won't tire of losing.
Imagine being part of the elite and the hivemind and collectively looking at this ceremony and all knowing what is really going on. Then go to x to laugh at discussions whether set has a jackal or donkey head?
>golden calf
Gold is an element.

You cant "burn/burnt" and element.

I know how.

t.High Aaronic Priest
Alex Jones got originally cancelled on youtube for calling a drag queen with horns and long pointy fingernails doing a public reading hour "demonic". He said something more about going after them with pitchforks and smoking them out, but that is besides the point. That lady really looked demonic.
>current one on Amazon: Four Realms Monatomic Gold
>Ingredients; and a proprietary blend of 76 Monoatomic minerals and trace elements

"Made me sick."

I wonder why...
>Wow doctors and nurses dancing with hospital beds this means they predicted covid

I'm not saying you're wrong but I need way more. Also is the music in the video the music they used?
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Oh ok guys, they said it was a mistake. Guess we were wrong
Why is it always the same argument by the troon community? They scream about money, project their consumption habits, and act like their delusions are reality. Think of just one thing on your own, please. It's been years.
They seem to all be selling poison...
wouldnt it be nice that, if blasting out highly ritualized whatever the fuck this is to hundreds of millions of viewers, you also publish a script and the meaning of symbols? Like, if you dont know the exact name of the egyptian cow god you are depicting as jesus, or you think: sport event... hospital beds! that you give at least a plausible deniable description of its meaning? "Open to interpretation" is such a cop-out and blames me for extrapolating a 3 story robot giving birth to a bloody pale horse riding buddha jesus to the divinity of lilith.
The Bull is likely Ba'al Hadad. God of thunder in Levantine and Mesopotamian religions. Relative equivalent to the Roman Jupiter. His wife was Ishtar. Just more Babylonian death cult bullshit.
Indeed. Moloch meant "Lord" just like Ba'al and both referred to the Lord of Rain and Thunderclouds.
I have to explain some things to you op. Moloch - to pass through the fire, jump through the fire etc. It wasn't a sacrifice of children or babies it was a ritual like people jump over fires today in some cultures, it's Phoenician. Bulls would be sacrificed when they were too old or sick, when the crops failed etc, and this would be the only time we would eat red meat because the bullocks would pull the bowtop wagons of the Scythians, you can see similar bull heads if you look at ancient Phyrgian & Mycenaean artifacts. Also Christ was a pedophile
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This specific sequence really caught my eye. Take in the visuals on the floor of the boat. Note the violent lightning
that there was a small one next to it certainly symbolizes the golden calf. big bull with little bull next to, therefore little bull a calf.
Yeah niggers & Europeans are going to go to war with the Americans, Russians, Chinese, Indians & anyone else who doesn't go along with them. It is the unholy niggerxwigga alliance to create a subservient mutt slave race and to conquer the world
The calf is the next generation eg pulling the wagon of the west onwards. All the women will fuck niggers and the white men who aren't chads will probably become homosexuals and have sex with the bisexual elite men of the dragon caste or die from the paradigm shift
Ba'al and his son.
Bull is or was a positive sign in many cultures. Especially the celtic ones. And the french are but romanized celts.
The Celtics were immigrant Canaanite sun worshippers who kept their blood sacrifices to the oak / thunder Ba'al they just called him Bael or Bel (Bel-tane.)
Going by Jeffrey Epstein, and Henry Kissinger God won't punish them for decades.
All cultures have practiced blood sacrifice and pederasty historically
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This looks like the mason compass
>olympic flag upside down
So it was forming a Pyramid without the Pyramiden (All Seeing Eye)?
Seems to be foreshadowing violent mass death, most likely WW3 as predicted in the deagle population forecasts for 2025 and beyond
Are you vaccinated?
>or playing into the hands of people who think you are a bigot.
I am bigoted against these people and frankly any one with good sense should be as well.
No, mass die off from the vaccine & the chaos that will eventuate from it. It's all going to be planned & controlled, don't worry.
No why
It's more to the idea of the violent end this cycle will have...
Retard of the year 2024.
Then why are you worried, this is shoved down the throats of normies trying to wake them up. These normies listen to pedophile pop music, worship pedophile Jesus, are ignorant, tyrannise their children & don't build up strong families. I don't care about the Olympics because it's for vaxxies not for me, don't worry.
It's actually the sigil of Saturn but same difference, good eye.

Oh look a 1 sentence shill came to play, they didn't learn their lesson in the UFO-psyop thread.
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>Seems to be foreshadowing violent mass death
All the roman texts prove that the ancient uncivilised celts and canaanites were performing regular human sacrifices. You are the retard.
Don't worry they'll bring out meds for the vaccine like aids/diabetes meds after a couple billion die. You will have to build monuments, temples, palaces etc to stay alive but the good news is that life when you're not working won't be anymore uncomfortable then it is now, and you will be given as many drugs as you want to stay motivated. Chin up old chum! K
Here we go...
>trying to wake them up
or being their dreams
Nobody can see the golden age now, they are incensed by the fact that the archdruids tricked a bunch of pink monkey roundheads into trading away spiritual life for a deranged pedophile (Jesus) for the last thousand years or so but it was necessary to get to the tech of the current day, AI. Everyone likes playing the elder scrolls game so just shut the fuck up. If you have a big oval shaped skull and pale white skin & blues veins with light coloured eyes & hair you should be alright. Whites (not pinked skinned roundheads or Mediterranean moorish rape babies) will become nobility/royalty again, the pink skinned women will go to Africa to black nobility to fix the bell curve. Pink men are slaves like the rest.

Hail Satan! K
...and now he shills for Blair "Tranny" """White""". When are you faggots going to wake up and realize the media is not your hero?
There are like 12 threads on this on /pol/ and here too now. This is the most supreme ragebait ever.

Think about all the other shit that globohomo is up to right now. How much money did they just steal from you to send to Ukraine or Israel? How much more they planning to steal right now? What other oppressive laws and regulations did they just pass? How's the plan to rig the elections again going?

But this is what's important to get all enraged about. A bunch of fools dressing up in foolish costumes.

Elite insider here we are experimenting with implanting wombs into young white men so they can be impregnated by Chinese men after we send all the Chinese women to the lower class & middle class blacks in Africa, again to fix the bell curve. The benevolence of the high druids knows no bounds. You all are making a great sacrifice becoming hemaphrodites for the sake of our noble bloodlines again, this is just another path on the road of evolution cheer up you might learn to love cock K
Alex Jones is tragicomedic hero of mine.
Are you incapable of holding more than one thought at a time, friend?
Talking about one thing doesn't, somehow, mean complete abandonment or ignorance of another.
Most people can multi-task at some level.
Bigger true elite insider here, all Asian men and niggers were born with anal wombs used to incubate white sperm that we combine with Paul Walker's dead DNA to create a race or blonde Jews who drive cars. The moar you know....
Wow, I am humbled, but let me spin you another true tale; the Jews are going to be allowed to resettle in Scotland! BAHAHAHAHAHA k
Its significant at least, u must admit. or you think in a 100 years we will still have a stoned rapper carrying the flame or someone even weirder than someone in a meat dress singing to the crowd?

This is happening now. very likely a thing of these times and thus deserving of self reflection: do we want this? show sport ceremony for unity, or for singling out one major religion for mockery?
"... the time of decadence and excess is nearly over."
Jesus was a pedophile and you are American swine
That was not the point. It was about bulls as a symbol and meaning. Plus: Thinking that celts descend from fucking semitic kaananites is beyond retarded.
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>"hi, is this gojira?"
>"can you play those songs that invoke the anger of Zeus at the Olympics? it's gonna be bad"
Canaanites were Berbers not Semites ffs
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The Scottish are the true heirs to the birthright so this checks out.
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>mfw men in dark robes surround the castle walls as they cast judgement on the evil does
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Okay and they did still not become celts.
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>yfw you are made a temple catamite in the new Babylon
at least the weather in the Levant is nice. K
Celt just means hidden
Gee I wonder what they had to hide from other communities around them.
Beautiful seductive faces with milky white skin & beautiful bodies. You people are INSATIABLE, you will never leave the dragon bloodlines alone to live in place. It's always "feed me! Fuck me! Feed me! Fuck me!" With you people it's all so tiresome stay away from me
>its just a dance, guys. totally not foreboding like, at all, guys.
There is always some bigotry and generalization and xenophobia left, that evolved because it made you survive using it as heuristic. But good sense, or at least better sense, is to rise above that with reason and compassion. To keep that in check. Jolly was trying to force it out, which makes him a skilled artist, but a terribly unwise artist for a public ceremony. Just keep religion and sexual identity politics out of neutral apolitical events. They wouldnt like it if we held a public ritual defiling or dethroning satan either.
>niggers organizing for global war
won't happen. need a 95% white population to regiment and mobilize a limited number of nigger soldiers and they need all white officers from a tradition of impeccable discipline. And new world order army will fizzle out and dissolve within months.
> oh my god are they symbolizing heterosexual missionary sex with that? i cant believe they made satan marry first!
>They wouldnt like it if we held a public ritual defiling or dethroning satan either.
Sounds kino as fuck.
yeah im warming up to the idea. tricky to contrast diversity and come out looking the good guys.
But we already had that when Christianity destroyed all spiritual life in the west and destroyed the golden age of antiquity. You destroyed our temples, massacred our people, led witch trials etc. Now it's time for you people to get the lash.
Yeah but the Satanism shit is just so fucking boring by now. It's not even edgy or interesting. How many times can these people crossdress, put on a mask, or put on horns, while rolling around in red food coloring. I'm really tired of the "Satan is a good guy" shit it's been going on since Paradise Lost. Just give me kino God-man sparkly shit and his 12 friends. It's honestly more shocking to be pro Christian, especially when a lot of the Satanic media is really poorly written.
Much has been said of the strumpets of yore
Of wenches and bawdy house queens by the score,
But I sing of a baggage that we all adore
The peasants wives & daughters!
You'll never cum so harder,
Although they're not the kind of girls
That you'd take home -- to your mother!
Their elixir is lively and strong to the taste,
It is brewed with discretion, never with haste,
You can have all you like if you swear not to waste
The peasants wives & daughters!
And when these maids are mentioned,
The cocks of every gentleman
Will stand up -- at attention!
There's nothing so delightful,
As the part that lies between
your lasses left toe -- and her right toe!
why only dancers allowed on stage if they are sodomites?
why dancers move in unison to the beat but all drastically different in attire?
no uniformity allowed? just dance to the beat and look as gay and retarded as possible for attention?
if I didn't believe in a God, I would say this is simply the ugliest art I have ever seen and I have more talent in my little pinky finger than the millions of euros that went into the pockets of these anal sex fiends. any Anons want to start a dance team and mog the olympics? no anal sex on our dance routine, sorry.
the noticing will continue until morale improves
Relax Anon. It's just one last show before they AAACK!
well, thor was made into a product so I wouldn't be surprised if he is a legit god too
This is very meta. Pretty sick stuff too. The mockery goes beyond the religion and even makes fun of the magic and the real Christ that wanted to teach normal people that magic.
Depicting the last supper was their second choice. They actually wanted to subtly depict the crucifixion, but the bitch kept falling off during rehearsals.
Jesus Christ was a pedophile though
>Who’s to say it isn’t Taurus, fits the the French well, and isn’t the Ox one of the symbols of God even in the letter Aleph and the heads of the cherubim? Honestly, if anything, Venus makes sense because victory = olympics.
>If it means anything, why does it necessarily have to be moloch after all the spiritual ox there are? Why not Hathoor? Is there anything indicating moloch other than ox?

Yeah, sure, they filled the ceremony with JUDEO-CHRISTIAN symbology, but the bull is just Zeus, you guys!
genuinely hope you end up in hell
Where do you think you are my friend? What was Jesus Christ doing in the park of Gethsemane at 4AM with a naked little boy?
getting his ass handed to him

thats how they got him in the end. a child dressed as Judas betrays him.
He was a pedophile. He was going to drug and rape that little boy he was well known for it. He had a hard time getting an erection so he liked the little boys to fuck his asshole. True story.
then he died for all our sins
Oh my god Jesus save me! Please!! Give me eternal life!!!
Guess you need to be a pedophile to defeat death
take it
+3 at best
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It's luc's sigil
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Jesus, can you even imagine? Trans people are like 1.1% of the US population so they'd have to be raping kids around the block and around the clock to get to them all. They must be like raping machines!
Maybe there's more in France?
they use their trolleys from their tranny mines
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Just can't make this shit up..
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>It's honestly more shocking to be pro Christian
Invert le everything then end it all
The sun of God touched you too nigger
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>Of Shem
they aren't actually Canaanites, just greek sea peoples that moved to Canaan.
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Don't insult the lord of wide pastures like that.
Mithras is going to slay the bull (Moloch) and bring order to chaos.
Not to mention that Mithras according to the ancient lore hates both women and effeminate men...
I hate woketards so much
This is too accurate to be a coincidence. I wonder what their plans are?
Why is mocking a bunch of jews who were celebrating passover so triggering to people here?
waking up something that doesn't want to be awaken
>noooo don't look at this look that way (points at desd hohols doing nothing)
go back to /k/ predditor

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