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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

> The Power of Awareness
>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library (Hemi-Sync included)

>Previous Thread
omg y'all not going to believe this. i finally manifested my dreams ( farting lightning bolts out of my ass) after decades of trying and believing and persisting and generally being delusional af !!!

i combined neville's visualization techniques as well as other loa methods (scripting, robotic affirmations, etc) with shadow work and prayers to god and ancient taoist techniques for sexual transmutation via semen retention and absorbtion of female-yin bodily fluids during the intercourse (i made sure never to ejaculate and waste my precious yang essence) to build my ojas and raise my kundalini through the chakras and the spinal cord to illuminate my celestial brain and omg the results were frigging spectacular .

please note that i made sure all these years to ignore the 3d and believe that i always had what i wanted and that i could always fart lightning bolts out my asshole. whenever i farted i kept affirming that i wasn't farting gas but lightning bolts, whenever someone else farted i kept saying to myself ''look at that retard farting shit, he aint like me because i'm farting lightning bolts all the time''. i made sure to manifest from a place of the wish already fulfilled and not from a place of lack. i made sure to let go of the desire completely but i also kept affirming and visualising said desire all the time despite having totally forgotten about it because i already had that desire in my life. i made sure to keep persisting again and again even while the years passed by and my life went to shit and i grew old and ill because jesus had said that the mountain some day will be moved... and indeed it moved !!


because lo and behold , the universe in all its infinite wisdom has conspired to finally grant me my wish at the right time (at my death bed) and i was able to throw a lightning bolt at my doctor through my asshole .

btw i tested my super powers and i can confirm that i can actually throw lightning bolts all the time now.

that's right whenever i fart i don't fart like other people, i just drop lightning bolts off my ass, how dope is that?? omg i can't believe it

anyway i'm pretty much actually dying now because i'm old and sooooooo many years have passed to get what i always wanted but i'm confident that through all these years my wise subconscious (god) gave me what i needed and not what i wanted and it only delivered what i wanted at my death bed to prove a point because time is really just an illusion of the 3d but it doesn't actually exist in 4d. wise be the lord and all his works indeed y'all !!!

i really think that i finally grasped the meaning of life and everything y'all and now with the guidance of my friend, my subconscious, I broke out of the matrix and I'm heading to the elysian fields as we speak

wish me good luck and great new adventures faggots

fr fr xoxo

That was a long way to go just to be a little cunty. Maybe you should read a book.
Desiring a burger amounts to admitting and believing that you do not possess a burger.
Maybe wanting something as hard as possible is the real secret. Come to think of it that's worked for me more times than any other technique.
A burger is on the table in front of me. It is mine yet I still desire a burger - I desire my burger. And so I eat it.

The cattle on a thousand hills are mine, If I am hungry I simply slay.
Maybe a burger isn't what you really want.
Perhaps the fact that you couldn't get it is because the wise manager of the burger house is trying to teach you a valuable lesson about yourself.
Maybe chicken strips is what Fate has in store for you.
Maybe burgers are just an illusion.
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I read all of that. And you ain't wrong not one bit, you know that and I know that (or did I say I know that twice haha trololol xd)
"If you have a staff, I will give you a staff.

If you have no staff, I will take it from you."
I've seen some people asking how to reliably enters SATS, so here's my method. I follow the ticking of the second hand of an analog clock, & listen intently to each tick. I try to focus solely on these two things. Of course wondering thoughts will intrude, but you just go back to the ticking. For me, it only takes about 5 minutes of this before I'm halfway to dreamland, then I just relax back in my chair & visualize.

Now for my question, which I think is the most important of all when it comes to LoA- how does one reliably let go? I want this to work so bad, I can't even get a pink tennis ball. I have successfully done the ladder experiment, but ever since then I can't get anything going. Its like knowing that this is real is making me feel pressure to get it done. You know how when you figure something can't be done, so you're not worried about the outcome & you get what you wanted? I feel like I'm stuck in the opposite of that.
Maybe if you got the burger you would have shared it with a person that you are not supposed to, because they are not who you think they are, and if you had shared the burger, they would have remained in your life - and by not getting it at that time, you find out who they truly are and you become saved from wasting time with them and then you get it the next time instead and realize that the hellfire that made you cry in anguish was merely the radiance of the approaching Paradise.

What can I say? Burger is King. Only at Burger King.
Unbelievably based classic
Maybe you literally starve to death while waiting for the burger, hence you won't be there to eat it when the time comes for you to actually eat it.
What can I say? The Lord is truly wise.
I never share with anyone, faggot. That fucking burger is mine.
I will kill and dismember anyone who even thinks to lay his dirty fat hands upon my burger.
>how does one reliably let go
One does not let go. You only let go of the things you don't care about (pink tennis balls, ladders, etc.).
You have been duped by gay hippies, kid.
Case in point: you didn't eat the burger yet, so you desire it. Then, instead of reaching out and take it with your hand, you proceed to contemplate the nature of the burger, study its contents, try to induce hunger, persuade yourself that you really-really want the burger, then persuade yourself that you don't want it, then ignore the burger completely, then go to sleep while listening to specific soundtracks, all the while expecting it to teleport directly into your mouth and YET refusing to just take the burger with your hands and eat it.
>approaching Paradise
>something something about lessons
>desert buzzwords
Wrong thread. The point of LoA is to get what you want, not what a schizophrenic desert god wants. If you want to share a burger then that's your problem.
This is getting complicated.
Let's just all agree that you're never ever going to eat that burger and call it a day, after holding hands and singing Kumbaya with LilAnon's gender dysphoric friends under the sunset.
But I don't know the lyrics for Kumbaya. I should first desire to get the printout, then stop desiring because I already have it (even though I don't, but I do), then amnesiate the memory about printout and wait for it to happen in the past while imagining what the lyrics could be.
Pretty much this, but make sure not to dodge the most important part of this process: be grateful to the universe about the printout for which you have no desire at all after having completely erased it from your memory.
That's the key.
Truly so. I will also do hemisync to be able to avoid wanting things I don't remember even better.
Hemisync will only make you annoyed because of it’s shitty tape rip quality and old timey voice inflating your balloon. What you need is generic zoomer dick building subliminals to really completely make you give up.
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>orders a burger but gets chicken strips instead
>orders a burger but someone else at the table eats it
>orders a burger but an emergency happens, gotta split
>orders a burger but doesn't find a parking spot to go get it
>orders a burger but the delivery guy is killed in an accident
>orders a burger but dies from heart attack while waiting
>orders a burger but nobody's paying attention to him
>orders a burger but gets stabbed by a beaner junkie
>orders a burger but the burger house is bombed by gayniggers from outer space
What is God and/or the Universe trying to tell us here exactly, bros?
Who's going to solve The Burger Problem?
What's the deal with that mysterious Burger?
Seems like no reality-bending LoA wizard gets to eat it in the end.
W-what if I just walk up to the checkout, ask for a burger, pay with money and take the burger?
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When Lil Anon posts, I agree
When Lil Anon thinks, I applaude
When Lil Anon speaks, I listen
When Lil Anon tells a joke, I laugh
When Lil Anon replies to my post, I kneel
When Lil Anon helps me, I owe Him eternal gratitude
When Lil Anon is born, God rejoices
If Lil Anon has 100 friends, I am one of them
If Lil Anon has only 1 friend, that friend is me
If all the World is against Lil Anon , then I am against the entire World
If no one in the World supports Lil Anon , then I have left this World already
>useless retard projects his retardation on others
Keep crying
That's great, but did Lilanon's wisdom help you to manifest the burger?
>seething because LilAnon is gender dysphoric
Not my problem.
No, u.
You won't, that's the point. Something always seems to happen that prevents you from taking the burger.
Probably a nigger will still your wallet.
In order to attract something to you, you have to embody the values of that something in your very being. I am The Burger.
What’s up with these burger posters?
>crying about his inability to manifest
>crying about his inability to understand the law
>crying about lilanon
The only one seething is you, useless retard
>screeching because LilAnon's grandest manifestation was literally a gay threesome
Not my problem, chimp.
It's the CIA. They're onto us anon.
They want to take our power away.
From Burger, know All.
>useless retard makes up retarded shit about other people again
Truly the most retarded poster of all time in these threads
Truly the Seethe is strong with you, boy.
You are currently stuck with the pink tennis ball.
Manifest other things
All of those people are from TikTok lol.
>havent had burgers in a few years
>thread gets shat up with burger posting
>suddenly burgers for dinner and family now eats beef
What the fuck.
After manifesting a lot of shit and getting comfy i wonder, Could manistation be a trap? having all you want could trap you?
>having all you want could trap you?
I'm pretty sure you're going straight to Hell for manifesting that ladder you've always wanted.
It doesn't matter.
The point was that you're retarded anyway.
I just want to manifest my family being much more together, doing stuff in groups, maybe someone moving next to other relative.
We don't hate each other at all but my siblings live in another country, uncles and cousins don't meet with my cousins and aunt from the other parent's side, etc
I will just manifest a tight-knit fun-having family full of inter-relationships between all sides
>maybe even the family of my blood-relative's wife\husband, why not
Can Lilanon manifest himself an infinitely big mouth but also manifest a burger that is too big for him to ever eat?
It's fucking happening bros.
We've altered history.
sa fi iubit
I got a trip
Capture the fort to automatically capture the territory. UL chads can't stop winning.
Ok anons we need to stop shitposting and burger posting and work on actual manifestations like Lilanon says or he might leave us again and that would be bad. Without his loving guidance this place is just burgers, parking spaces, one poster who says retard a lot and some shitposts.
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Redditors manifesting burgers while Anons can't.
In the history of /LoA/ lil advice has never helped someone manifest anything
It's the cycle of /Loa/ he comes in fucks it up destroys real manifestation discussion, fucks off, real talk starts again, he gets hineyholocausted that people are getting results and not talking about him and his narcissistic ego incarnate forces him to return and fuck up the thread until every post is about how much of an impotent pathetic cringelord boomer he is. New lore gets added because he actually is that fucking kid that RPed being a Jedi or a vampire, or a necromancer in highschool. He needs to go back to /omg/
Can any freemason expert tell me why Mexico and Sweden are the only countries that have their own national rite distinct from Scottish and York?
Alright, that's it. From now on I'll manifest sex with cute black girls with no consequences.
based and familypilled
What are some cool things you guys have manifested so far?

Let me put out one thought i had about this.

Quantum mechanics could be interpreted in 1 of 2 known ways. One of which is that there is a diffrent world for every possible position a particle wave function could collapse into.

Quantum mechanics killed the classic physical determinism that says that the whole world is just a predetermined set of actio - reactio, because we now know that every mechanical process is blurry to an extend.

The frustrating thing about determinism is that it declares human agency and free will nothing but an illusion. This new form of quantum indeterminism isnt any better though.
Instead of everything being predetermined, it is just random instead. The only factor, deterring the prophecy is the random chance involved in quantum mechanics.

Or better yet, since the positions in which a particle wave function can collapse is finite, we have a near infinite but finite amount of possible futures that are all predetermined for every possible combination of collapsing wave function in any possible order. The amount of possibilities exceeds our imagination, but it is finite.

So basically, reality can be understood as a huge tree diagram. Every branch (future) of it already exists, you could hypothetically even calculate it if you had all information.

So what is human agency then? Might it be the ability, to direct our consciousness along these branching paths?
There is a concept called quantum immortality that ties into this very nicely. It describes our inability to die in our subjective perspective, as our consiousness can only exist in a world where we are alive, it will naturally follow paths where it is alive, meaning no matter what you do, as long as there is a single branch of futures where you survive, you will survive.

All of this is obviously impossible to truly falsify but the world is very strange as it is either way.
>he comes
>he fucka off
When was the last time that hippie fucked off?
Got a tl;dr on that blogpost?
tl;dr: try to kill yourself and see if it works.If it doesnt, you might be god in your own universe.
This is so schizo it's actually kinda based.
I don't even know what's worse - tripfags or redditposting.
I believe so. Externalism/block universe. That is how you get the statement that Creation is finished. Furthermore this means that in practice you have free will while in theory you have determinism which allows Creation to be considered "very very good".

The best of both worlds. And it neatly solves EIYPO and conflicting manifestations etc. Universal line is the best material to understand it for me at least.
[super minor thing] [at random] x 3
crazy manifestations

I second this comment. Everyone owns all of metaphysical one-thing no-thing, and therefore everyone owns ALL of 3D.

Conflict/Non-EIYPO implies physics/division

Metaphysics take care of that since everyone is 100% universal line/no-thing
I've had 3 separate situations where my death flat out got rewritten. I'm too arrogant to suicide but I appear to be immune to accidental death. To spell it out accidents happened, I was heavily injured and blacked out, then it rebooted and I was no longer injured and the event hadn't happened.

Also he hasn't heard about the sorting wheel.
If it doesn’t matter, what’s the point of calling me that? I thanked two deities is that a problem? What’s up your ass?
There’s no right or wrong way to manifest dumbass
I really wish I hadn't cranked the difficulty level up if true, or at least hadn't populated it so full of fucking humans
I called you a retard because you are one.
Sure, but you're retarded anyway.
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Good luck on number 4.
It's going to work until it doesn't at any rate.
Ahh gotcha, you’re the type who egged people on here. Sounds pathetic to me, wasting your time here for that. Have a good day mate!
>Bro you didn't.
This is the best proof that LoA doesn't work (for you) that I've ever read!
Show me proof that you've manifested a burger, [spoiler]faggot[/spoiler]. I'll wait.
I already ate it. I'll take a photo of it's remains in my toilet later.
>you’re the type who egged people on here.
That's right bitch nigger. I've completely fucked up this gay thread and turned it into a Burger general in just one day.
This is how much power I have.
Your shit doesn't count as proofs.
I kek'd though.
Have fun doing whatever it is you get off to doing here. Maybe you'll find your next boyfriend if you post burgers aggressively enough?
>Maybe you'll find your next boyfriend
I strictly fuck Mother-anon's whore mother. Bitch is wild.
Umm… okay? I don’t care
What would count as proof? Provide a step by step of what you're looking for and I'll give it.
>What would count as proof?
That's up to you to figure out, retard.
I don't either.
I need
1) a burger to appear in front of me
thats it.
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This is THE post.
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another general ruined by some retarded faggot
>That's up to you to figure out, retard.
Toilet pics it is, then.
It will happen, but you can't eat it.
You manifested a butthole in the pic, nice
Your shit doesn't count, retard.
how do i manifest a little brother, when its physically impossible for my parent to have another kid?
pls someone tell me, is it ok if I keep on trying to manifest untill it happens, or can I only do the 3 days manifesting then forgetting
I'm sure you said I make the rules.
I said that you're a retard.
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>almost 100 posts of nothing but nonsensical jokes and arguing.
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bros this dickhead is talking shit about us let's make his day fucking awful I suggest manifesting him diarrhea and no toilet paper
>vegan burger
doesn't count
manifest till it happens
if yoi don't set any more rules then:
>momma get's knockes up by not your father
>they adopt
>some lil kid in your life becomes "like a brother" to yoi
>father get's a new wife, she has a son already - new younger brother
so many possibilities
>you find a girl, marry her, she has a younger brother - new younger brother
I guess all loa kids sleep now
dead internet
alright, thank you sir
sleeping off the burgers
Anyone here actually manifest something of value?

All I get are synchronicities.
Thinking of following Buddhist practices to be free of desire as much as I can before attempting loa again.
>wants to be free of desires so that he can use a system that grants desires
The state of /LoA/.
I think we can all agree that this is where true schizophrenia lives.
I manifested $16k in crypto (random claim button on a website gave me a bunch for free). Generic wealth manifestation. I haven't had anything since though except synchronicities. A common one for me are people commenting that I look like a millionaire.
That’s a butt hole
I've been jerking off a lot, more than 3 times a day lately and the synchronicities have been crazy, I also focus much better.
that's not what loa is, maybe kill yourself
I manifested a burger
Looks like a butthole.
That is what /LoA/ is.
Die, retarded piece of shit ape.
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
same dude every single post,
>100% russian/cia bot
You shouldn't be allowed to post until you've manifested a burger. These threads are on hold until someone does it.
Buddhism is explicitly anti-loa
>”im still looking outside myself for someone else to tell me what to do”

Your sisters pussy taste so good
I manifest a burger almost every week.
my dick too big
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Nice to see that the creature has returned.
How could one reliably manifest a change in their appearance, like making themselves shorter?
Shortness happens naturally over time. You literally don't need to do anything.
But I wanna be short and young :(
Ngmi. But seriously, you don't want to be short. Its probably the worst social disability you could wish upon yourself.
>not taken seriously
>socially acceptable to make fun of
>worse job prospects and seen as worse performers in general - impacting your career progression significantly
>if male, extremely bad relationship prospects
>if male, being argumentative is "short man syndrome" and any opinion you had is disregarded
>less help available in general because people over look you
>less resources granted because "you dont need as much" even when its not applicable
>people have a natural dislike of "weak things" and being short is perceived as weak, even in a modern society where your ability to contribute and perform is dictated almost entirely by your brain
How do you keep up the intent / belief? I can find it, but it's so hard to not fall into my old depression throughout the day. Any tips? Being serious here..
What if he wants to be short but gets treated with respect? He can manifest that.
Well then they would be better off manifesting extreme wealth first and then going back for the monkeypaw wish
I wanna be short cause I wanna be a femboy :(( Idc about most of the other stuff because it comes with being a femboy
He doesn’t have to, he can change his self-concept that he’s a person that is treated with respect.
>nigger cant manifest
>anons advise to take absolutely no precautions to start with and go for radical change
Its almost like you're all retarded.
Pussy faggots do not inherit the Kingdom of God.
So what do you advise then?
I advise manifesting things that take the pressure off living first. Its important for people to understand that sometimes a perceived escape (i.e. being a femboy tranny) might not actually be what you need to be actually be happy. And so, manifesting things like health, money, friends etc are something you should do first before you attempt to cripple yourself with appearance changes that you might not have the willpower to break away from, should you successfully manifest it.
I don’t won’t to be a femboy (not a tranny btw you fucking nigger) as a form of escape, I’ve been very happy recently l, 8/10 for maybe the past 3 months. I’ve just some kind of itch to dress up :3
I don’t get it, there are short people who can manifest positive things that is the exact opposite you described here >>38458304
You are having limiting beliefs about manifesting, everyone is created equal, people have it worse than others. But they needed to change their self-concept, perspective of their world to achieve things.
>I’ve just some kind of itch to dress up :3
Then you're even more of a spastic. Just go dress up and don't bother with the sometimes permanent changes from manifestation.
>b-but I am happy
>3 months
Topkek, someone's living on pure copium.

Right but the point is that everyone here is learning how to do manifestations. Why would you actively encourage people to potentially cripple themselves because they "might" be able to manifest with no negatives? I don't disagree that it can't be done, I'm suggesting that before people start jumping blindly into changing their appearance that they fully consider what it is that they're doing and work on their own perceived beliefs about certain people.

> there are short people who can manifest positive things that is the exact opposite you described here
But you also allude to short people having the problems listed because "there are" short people without those negatives. Which likely means that unless you're pretty good at manifestation that some of those preconceived notions about short people will carry through into what you asked for.
Why does someone need to be sad to want to be a femboy to you :(((
Affirmations manifest lack.
They don't but declaring 3 months of happiness like you've made it smacks of an infantile brain.
I mean there are pros and cons for everything. Lol he wanted to be a femboy for some reason, which I don’t get.
Its literally just some porn addicted retard that has closet homosexual tendencies and doesn't understand the nuances of human sexual selection. If he's gay and wants to get pounded, he needs to make himself a gigachad because gay men aren't interested in femboys outside of the "signalling" aspect. If they had their ideal choice its going to be a henry cavill type of man, not richard simmons. The same for women, lesbians would be better off actually trying to look good instead of the bulldyke build they opt for.
About the last step, letting go. You can let go an SP (to a certain extent, if you're not too crazy about them), you can let go money or a job, but I put to the test anyone to let go for health manifestation. Thise who say it's possible to let this go have never been seriously ill. You can't live your life without thinking about your condition every second of the day.
Not if you word them correctly.
"I want X", "Please give me X" for example are not good.
By saying "I am X" or "I have X", that is to say consciously trying to "manifest", you are telling your subconscious that you need to do so because you don't have it.
Lilanon if you are lurking can you detail what you did for that life-revision thing when you went back and changed an event?
I’m assuming it was something more detailed than just believe it is done.
Aww Richard Simmons is adorable. He can be a twink, everyone loves twinks, teenage girls and older men lol. Also, for your short people problems. I’m a very petite woman who been teased about my height when I was in school. My parents are always on that height doesn’t matter and it’s how you presented yourself. In school, I was the “quiet smart” girl. Which I believe that self-concept is important.
Not to shut you down but male vs female height problems are inversed. Nobody cares about women being short. You will have the same problems careerwise though. You might remember the tall girls getting picked on in school.
>please give me X
>I have X
So this is what happened to Jesus and got him crucified. I see now. I understand. Once you reach that manifestation level you have to be careful.
Yeah that is true, plus careerwise, I’ve seen short women in the media a lot. So that can change! I don’t have any exact memories of tall girls getting picked on in my school though.
>do not try to manifest if you want to manifest
The state of /LoA/.
This is why we can't have nice burgers.
Circa 2014
>working barely above minimum wage
>every purchase is stressful
>60 hour weeks
>no real social life, crippling loneliness
>living at home, single
>making $2500 a week "working" from home
>not that I ever buy anything because I basically already have whatever I need
>own my own house
>married to my highschool sweetheart
>two beautiful kids
>friends over every day
Am I living in the end? Is this it or is there more?
So the all seeing eye is just an asshole
I'm surprised the woke gay threesome manifestor tripnigger hasn't chimed in yet to give tranny advice.
Maybe he fucked off back to r*ddit?
kys obsessed faggot
No u.
One must look inside of himself to uncover the secrets of the Universe.
If you want to know what heaven is like, put your penis inside the butthole of a girl who really hates her dad.
Well I think I'm a little bit fucked
>money problems
>attempt manifestations whilst I worked some bits out
>call to bank today to borrow more against my house
>"the bank no longer offers this service"
>can no longer pay mortgage payments
>arrears in 2 months
>forced sale in 6
It was a good run but I think it might be bin time.
Maybe a bank is not what you really want. Maybe your true self knows that if you end up homeless you'll find happiness.
Know thy self and thy desire, anon.
>just keep failing bro
>live on the street bro
Holy shit this guy is right >>38459128
The absolute state
>want to get X
>the path of least resistance lies through "bad" event Y
>reach Y
>oh no I failed how could this happen to me
You are just a short-sigthed defeatist.
I have just eaten a burger, AMA.
At which point did you not realize that both posts where made by the same guy?
>just keep failing bro
That's the sacred mantra of /LoA/.
How did you get into that situation in the first place?

Everything happens for a reason, you need to push yourself to get through this situation and you will be a better man for it.
>Everything happens for a reason
*dies from cancer after living a short shitty life as a hideous creature with down syndrome*
Praise the Lord.
>death is le bad
>death is le end
The state of /LoA/.
There was a reason for it, it might not be obvious, but there was.
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>I want to fuck this specific girl
>But do you really want *her* specifically anon? Forget about her and fuck someone else

>I want this specific job
>How about you manifest whatever kind of job anon? That way you stay on top of things, checkmate

>I won't to stop being an ugly mutant
>No need to anon, just get an ugly girlfriend

>I want to cure my cancer
>Just trust God anon, be happy with what you've got

>I want to live, I'm too young to die
>It's probably your time anon, but death will provide you with a learning experience as a bonus

>I want this
>Stop wanting anon

>I want that
>Don't be excited anon

>I want......
>Just let go bro

Bros... I *think* I'm starting to see a pattern here.
>cancer is le good
>down syndrome is le valuable lesson from your gaynigger from outer space
The state of /LoA/.
>believes he can manifest things with his mind but God is a gay nigger from outer space
The only thing that is obvious is that you're a retard.
I've just manifested you shitting your pants in 5-10 minutes, have fun.
>brainlet thinks he understands what I believe
I've just manifested testicle cancer for you.
Have fun decoding the meaning of life and everything, champ.
Jokes on you one of my balls is fucked anyway
So? The other one got fucked too now.
Why is this level of failure tolerated?
Why is /LoA/ full of retards?
Remember to filter champ, chimp, bud, retard for good loa posts.
I turned off my filters today to see what it’s like. There some real junk here.
Sure thing, bro.
sell everything, leave some money to your wife and kids so you don't worry about them, go into mountains alone, meditate till you transform into your final form
I’d filter bro too but I use that bro.
You aren't filtering anything bro.
No, I turned it off bro.
I said that bro.
I’ll it back on tho bro.
I just wanted to get the full hit today bro
It’s bad here bro.
No, you're just retarded bro.
That's all bro.
Bro you are making the filters a good choice bro.
Bro you aren't filtering anything bro.
>you dont need loneliness
>when you couldnt possibly be alone
>you dont need greed
>because you already have it all
>and you dont need doubt
>because you already know
>The confusion is saying
>"I don't know"
>But the minute you are quiet
>You find out that in truth you do know
>For in you, you know
>Plane after plane will open to you
>“I want to know who I really am”
Yes bro I’ve said that twice now bro.
I don’t have the filters on right now bro.
That’s three times bro.
I mean you say retard which I filter too normally but you really are a retard bro.
>so deep bro
>not loa bro
Bro you"ll still be a retard even if you say it a million times bro.
That was as deep as LilAnon's anus, bro.
Bro that’s not what I am saying bro you seem like you are a bot bro but not a smart bot bro. Maybe you are a broken buttbot bro.
Bro why are you so intimidated by me bro?
Bro stop trying to get intimate with me buttbot bro. You are defective bro.
Bro you just seem to really seethe when I'm around bro. Maybe it's because you realize what a failure of a troll you are when I'm rolling bro.
For me the “you dont need greed because you already have it all” is what resonates with these threads but its all bad vibes in here
>already has it all
>is on 4chan
Bro stop coming on to me bro
Remember when this was a manifestation thread and not Grindr bro. Creepy bro.
Bro I can literally feel your Seethe through the screen bro.

this picture looks like a butthole.
>Life going insanely well for the last 6 months
>Literally everything that could go wrong, went wrong in about 2 hours today
>Back to where I was 6 months ago
Why is it always like this
If LoA works, why are all of you in this thread wage slaves with mediocre lives again?

Even the SP's you guys get aren't models, they are just average looking women, so how is that a "manifestation" when literally every other guy around you who doesn't try to manifest also gets another average woman?

Have you guys considered that you simply just have low standards, and you are so desperate for LoA to work that you end up using mental gymnastics on yourself, making you interpret normal mundane life events as "manifestations"?

As if gay men aren't mostly horny degenerates with low standards. I think getting a threesome as a gay man is as easy as getting a gangbang as a straight woman. You just need to seek it out and go to the right clubs, and there's always a group of guys willing to fuck because men are horny in general.

Now if he was a straight man of average height, looks and income, and he got a threesome (two women), maybe then I'd consider that a manifestation.

On another note, my two personal favorite manifestations I've seen in LoA General is:
1. Door Unlock Manifestation - Guy said he left for work and "swore" he locked his door, but tried to manifest it unlocking itself, and when he got home the door was unlocked (as if it's not more likely that he simply forgot to lock it)

2. Bread Manifestation - Guy said he looked in the aisle at some store for a specific bread he wanted that's never really there, and it just happened to be there when he tried to "manifest it" (as if the store didn't simply restock the bread around the same time he was continuously trying to manifest things over weeks and months).

These guys really just have ridiculously low standards. Honestly this level of self delusion is sickening.

I got a model looking GF around 35 and I am a decade older. Manifested her on one morning after wake up as hair color, height, slim body and 5'11'' tall and beautiful ass and her tatar ancestry etc. My first and only GF ever. She was literally asking why I wasn't married and what I was waiting for, multiple times, until I said I was waiting for her. I met her some days or weeks later. I realized she was my manifestation after 6 months. I completely forgotten. With the 2 SPs didn't worked even if I tried for months and I am still trying. I also got almost 10k, prior with my method, only once. All this was before studying UL. I usually can influence weather. Alas I'd like this to be instant and working all the time. This happened one year ago.
I didn't progressed much since that time.
I also can go on winter without coat, but only a t-shit and a wool sweater, medium thickness, on top. This was a Bardon IIH exercise. It's the only think I can do instantly and 100% success.
>I got a model looking GF around 35 and I am a decade older. Manifested her on one morning after wake up as hair color, height, slim body and 5'11'' tall and beautiful ass and her tatar ancestry etc.
You left out the important factors, like you height, your income, etc. You being 10 years older is only a negative if you are broke, women tend to like resourceful older men.

>I usually can influence weather.
But you don't, you just think that you do because you re-interpret events through mental gymnastics, and you avoid doing practical and logical testing.

Here's a simple test off the top of my head.
Find a trust worthy weather forecast (for specifically where you live), observe it for a week and track it's success rate. Then for the next week, try to make the opposite of the forecast manifest for an entire week.

If you can do that, then you can control the weather. If by "controlling the weather" you mean you can "every now and then" make rain fall or stop falling, that could just be you being delusional, and that's not control, that's called coincidence and confirmation bias.

>I also can go on winter without coat, but only a t-shit and a wool sweater, medium thickness, on top.
This wasn't even worth mentioning, like come on bro, everyone has heard of the Wim Hof method by now, and even some people have heard about Tuumo meditation. Manipulating body temperature is biological, anybody can train to do it, it's not something that is manifested.

>This was a Bardon IIH exercise
Yes, much further along into the book, past the exercise that needs to be mastered that allows you to mind control people lol. So assuming you've mastered all the previous exercises, why would you assume you manifested a model rather than using your mind control ability to make her attracted to you lol.
>I completely forgotten.
Wow. You completely forgot that you wanted a model looking GF, master Yoda?
>>You left out the important factors, like you height, your income, etc.
I am 20 cm shorter. She didn't knew how much I earned, but yes she want to marry and have kids. She want I pay for everything too. And that was part of my manifestation to make more believable to me. But with similar girls or even less beautiful I could never go further for decades. If I mentioned to go out they would say not. Also she is physically like I manifested and not the perfection. I tried it too and didn't worked.
>>But you don't, you just think that you do because you re-interpret events through mental gymnastics.
It's works frequently. I manifest at night and the morning it's like that. The first time I did it, ot happended in an hour and a half, heavy rain, when no rain in forecast in my area and it was not raining seriously since some years. I do manifestation for some seconds wide awake with complete mind focus.
>>This wasn't even worth mentioning, like come on bro, everyone has heard of the Wim Hof method
Anyway I used Bardon and I felt energy after 2 weeks while people struggle for years in nei gong. It's the same process, but influencing the body is easier because it's more believable. I didn't even read Wim Hof method. I focus only few seconds.
>>Yes, much further along into the book, past the exercise that needs to be mastered that allows you to mind control people lol.
Vital energy and fire accumulation is step 2 and 3. Mind control is step 4 and I never achieved it, also beacuse I stopped Bardon and studied manifestation to find women. It's manifestation because I focused for few seconds with light visualization, but I tried to be very vague and detached to make it work, because with the 2 SPs never worked anything. It was a test.
I also manifested minor things for the day after, so I know I was doing it.
I forgot I did a manifestation for a generic beauty with those features only once, one morning for a few seconds. I wanted my SPs, which are one ukrainian and the other russian-german, so not tatars, but model like women with the same height and slim. I did that for months without success. I always wanted model like women all my life.

I understant you are skeptical, I was too. I am a STEM guy who thought all life magic was a scam, because those sorcerers advertising themselves on local television probably are.
>Mind control is step 4
No, Step 3, it's more like "mind manipulation" but since the average person won't have any awareness of your influence it will be as if you are controlling them. Though someone else who is trained in the occult (and not as advanced as you) it would be more like an attempt at manipulation.

If you've mastered Step 3 then you should already know what ability I'm talking about.

I mean at this point it's obvious you are a larp, because you are somehow forgetting that you have model tier girlfriends lol (like this guy pointed out) - >>38461103

And now you are forgetting about mind control abilities you should have, which is the most useful shit on the planet for a human lol. Like come on dude.

We can end it here.
>>master Yoda?
I am the first to criticize myself. I am not Yoda at all. I had glimpse of power, but couldn't repeat them (women and money). The minor things are not important to me, but they are a lot and they happened the next morning as usual so I know it was manifestation.
It's normal people struggle with this as in any other activity. It's like programming well. Most programmers are very bad. No inventiveness, and they are discouraged by difficulties. Manifestation/magick is even more difficult because it goes against societal beliefs and science and our like long mental training.
First I didn't mastered the whole step 3 because my visualization sucks, but I WAS aphant.I have only auditory imagination which is very good.
Second mind control is Step 4: transfer consciousness in things, then plants, then animals and then people for sensing their thoughts. Bardon says it would take many years to control people. Anyway I didn't met my GF before manifestation amd when I saw her I decided to not ask her out in any way because I didn't want to ruin my day. I was always rejected all my life. She insisted alot. Never happened to me.
Short women are the best, on all levels.
Bros, how do I manifest a SF6 Cammy gf?
What if all if this was just a psyop?
I read these threads since a few months and nobody really made it.
Just common manifestations occurs, that can be just deemed as random. I mean you could get them without doing anything special.
I keep coming here to see people's progress as I I didn't have any success, but it's depressing to read your stories guys.
That's fantastic, though you dodged the point.
tomorrow you'll receive a burger
believe it!
>Second mind control is Step 4
No, once again, that's Step 3. I have the book open right now.

>Step 4: transfer consciousness in things, then plants, then animals and then people for sensing their thoughts
That has nothing to do with mind control, even the line you posted is just about sensing their thoughts, not controlling their thoughts. Even then this sounds more like body possession than mind control.

What I'm talking about is the "space impregnation" in Step 3, where you imbue the space around you with an aura of a concentrated feeling or thought. An example used in that section was fear that would make anyone that stepped into a specific room (that you impregnated with the aura) would feel intense fear and not want to go into the room.

That is mind control, and if you can use that in other ways like inducing arousal and happiness, you can easily make women fall for you.

Which would be way more useful than the "hope and pray" approach of trying to manifest things.

>I was always rejected all my life
We live on a planet of billions, there's too much room for too many coincidences and differences in rare occurrence in every persons life for me to believe in something that is so open to random chance.

Google "Richard Lustig". If that guy said he manifested his lottery winnings I'd believe him, but the examples people use in these threads are too mundane and likely to happen on random chance (He won 7 different lottery games btw, there's a wiki page with all of prizes and winnings and the total earnings of them).

Now THAT'S an example of manifesting that nobody could deny if it was claimed to be so.
>retards exist
>noooooooo whyyyyyyyyy
maybe your mom shouldn't drink while pregnant
Sure, retard.
>step 3 is royal haki
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Universal Line is not LOA :
Law of Assumption
Mean Assumptions harden into fact
That’s not what UL teaches
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Step 4 is literal mind control (picrel). IIH: I did step 1 mind training only but I was at a good level in this beacuse of programming and chess. Step 2 auditory completed (I developed it some years before studying magick to pass time on train listening in my mind to bits of extreme metal songs), visualization still not vivid as Bardon wants, but no more aphant and can imagine complex scenes but very pale (Step 2 and Step 3). Can accumualte vital energy and fire element very fast. Generally I never unload mysel but I can increase it in seconds with focus alone. No heavy breathing techniques at all. My experiments with Bardon, Rober Bruce and Visuddhimagga helped me with some minor manifestations. I read Neville, but I admit I still use the method I developed on the basis of the 3 former authors. So I stopped Bardon and practiced manifestation only, but fire energy accumulation. I used very light and pale visualization and it still worked so I probably can skip Bardon and so I did. Currently practicing UL to try to make it work realiably.
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You are right in a sense. The main difference is Neville after the first book started to equate God with imagination and subconscious. UL is about being God with a reduced perception. Subconsciuos is wave. Subconscius makes me drive outside cities while I think to my things, but cannot really manifest thinhs into my reality. Now everything is ONE think, also the subconscious, but ... Probably it was to be not considered heretic by his mainly christian followers.
>Step 4 is literal mind control
It just said you can influence the person, which is what the ability in Step 3 allows you to do also.

So you can do something that's effective in Step 3.

>fire energy accumulation
So you attempted this without mastering the Step 1 exercises first?
>Lord Krishna
Holy shit wtf is that gay shit?
You may have forgotten that you tried to manifest a hot slut, but you didn't forget that you wanted a hot slut.
In any case, a human being cannot forget what he wants, otherwise he would stop wanting it. Maybe a faggot like Lord Krishna can, but not a human.
>Verification not required
>In any case, a human being cannot forget what he wants, otherwise he would stop wanting it.
That's exactly what is required to manifest. You have to stop wanting it, even forget about it, because you already have it.
That's probably why our friend manifested his model gf, he forgot about it and she came in his life.
>You have to stop wanting it, even forget about it, because you already have it.
Whatever you say, schizo.
>Lord Krishna
Still lmao'ing with that shit.
I bet that faggot hasn't even manifested one fucking burger.
He claims that for $19 he’ll teach you how to manifest a painting without human hands
He’s not lying
I’ve done it
You just get all the supplies and sit in front of the canvas and close your eyes
I didn't did that exercise. I went to Step 3 for energy accumulation in the body to not be stuck in visualization exercises for years. I never impregnated a room with energy.
Step 1: I didn't do cold showers, and never did the soul mirror. I am quite cold headed as personality and I thought it was a waste of time. I wanted to prove magick worked. I know I can change my personality if I want, but I like it like it is: introverted and not following the masses. I mastered full concentration in a single thought and void meditation in a month or two, but I was used to be very concentrated in programming and chess so I had to eliminate random thoughts in void meditation and itches to legs and feets only. Then I started visualization but I was completely aphant. Auditory one was very good before starting magick. I started vital energy and I had success in 2 weeks using pore breathing only, but I practiced a lot of hours every day. I usually forgot to use food, water and air impregnation and autosuggestion. That's basically manifestation, but still I didn't knew about it and Neville. With pale visualization about energy (Robert Bruce style), (but not energy accumulation) or thanks to breathing exercises I did at the beginning for vital energy I cured myself of an illness I had for 17 long years: alternation of running nose and obstructed one with headaches. Drugs got me headaches every day so stopped after 3 months. After some months after manifestation (as usual half assed in a few seconds done one time only in the afternoon, eyes open) I realized I was well. I am still well after and year and a half. It was one of the small test I did.
Well good luck, but I can't skip steps because I'm really desperate for those Step 3 abilities lol. I'm gonna have to keep up the training.

I don't like the idea of manifestation because it isn't "dependable", I want something that "just works" and "actually works".

I want undeniable no guess-work abilities. There's too much room for doubt with manifestation and it doesn't seem to work consistently either.
Yes I wanted my 2 SPs, mainly the ukrainian not a GP. But the other GP like them but real blonde and big tits didn't worked. I also forgot about it and focused mainly on the ukrainian.
>I did step 4
>noooooo that was step 3
>but I did step 1 after step 2
>that was step 3 bro
>suck my dick faggot, I did step 4
Holy shit you schizos are such a buzzkill.
I also want IIH powers, but before that I want a lot of beautiful women to solve this problem forever and also money to be sure to stop working. Then I'd like instant materialization UL style: money, objects, sportcars, fire and so on.
My method is not that different form Bardon one or UL. The difference is I don't assume I am god but I focus on the thing. But UL gives a more believable explanation why I was able to succeed, so I am trying that. With energy I persisted even if I felt no sensation or energy at all until it worked while reading Robert Bruce book. So in a way is also UL style minus believing being god.
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Sorry wrong one
>also want IIH powers, but before that I want a lot of beautiful women to solve this problem forever and also money to be sure to stop working. Then I'd like instant materialization UL style: money, objects, sportcars, fire and so on.
Just start with the burger, son.
"Were it possible to carry conviction to another by means of reasoned arguments and detailed instances, this book would be many times its size. It is seldom possible, however, to do so by means of written statements or arguments since to the suspended judgment it always seems plausible to say that the author was dishonest or deluded, and, therefore, his evidence was tainted. Consequently, I have purposely omitted all arguments and testimonials, and simply challenge the open-minded reader to practice the law of consciousness as revealed in this book. Personal success will prove far more convincing than all the books that could be written on the subject."

The phenomenon we deal with are innately subjective. You either experience for yourself or you don't.
Does anyone have documents from the CIA or other government departments or agencies validating the reality of LoA? I only believe things put forth by a trusted government source.
Guys how do I get! One MELLION dollares
Wait I want more than that
Pure schizo shit, just another variation of "I must actually be God" delusion.
Hey so can you help me? >>38462720
>>38462724 so I basicly want more than one mellion dolarss but no body is helping me! Thanks a bunch ,
There is only one person
That person is God
It’s that simple

People just Need to believe in a consciousness separate from them because they are scared of the implications
Soooo... Hey.. I would like a lital heelp here!
Help Yourself
Do you guys practice something else besides LoA? I’ve sometimes heard LoA gurus and people here talk about other spiritual practices like SR being “second causes” and unnecessary.
>other spiritual practices like SR being
Not a spiritual practice. In the same way that just having a full tank of gas isn't a form of driving. The entire basis of not ejaculating in spirituality is to use is as some form of energy in complex and specific occult training exercises (like Qi Gong) in order to attain a desired effect (that's the actual spiritual practice). Just like actually using the fuel in your car to drive is actually driving, not just having fuel itself.

Nobody in the Semen Retention community is actually engaging in the required practices, they are simply just storing fuel and doing nothing with it.
>If LoA works
If you don't think it works, leave
>If you don't think it works, leave
no u.
You can't get the law to work thus you want everyone else to fail just like you did?
No it’s darker than that
Deep down he knows it works and is angry at himself for not being able to utilize it so he doesn’t feel anyone else. Should be able to either

It’s the lowest vibration
“I can’t have it so no one can”

I know this because I have played all the parts in the play of consciousness including the part of the anon in question
Such an evil scumbag.
No just ignorant of the facts of life
Evil is an illusion
>You can't get the law to work
Nope, nice cope though.

I never attempted because:
1. It's not dependable, nothing you or anyone in any of these threads has described about the process and the "results" you've attained sound dependable or verifiable. Most of you sadly play weird mind games with yourself where you basically say "well, I guess it technically happened in this way", which is just self delusion, it's 100% pure coping. Something either worked or it didn't, it's that simple.

2. The effort doesn't seem worth it for the mundane "results" that you guys keep talking about. The most common examples of manifestations are getting a wage slave job offer or getting an average romantic partner, things that literally EVERY OTHER PERSON AROUND YOU gets without trying to manifest. This is another aspect of the delusion you guys have, where you exaggerate everyday normal occurrences as if they are "unlikely" or "magical".

I've even seen ridiculous posts like guys manifesting their door unlocking or getting a specific type of bread and the grocery. It's honestly somewhat depressing how desperate you guys are for results that you play these weird mind games with yourself.

You have to have some kind of standard, or else you are just lying to yourself at that point.

3. Time and effort are more valuable than money. If someone tried to sell you a relative equivalent of an investment like LoA for money, you'd all ironically call it a scam and you'd never think about investing. But because this requires time and effort instead of money, you somehow convince yourself it's "worth trying", and ironically end up gaslighting yourself to play the mental gymnastics games I talked about in point #1 and #2, likely because of the "sunk-cost fallacy" where if you stop trying you'll feel like you've lost your investment. So you guys keep pointlessly chasing a return on investment that will never come.

Good night.
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Gn anon
Woowowo a cute girl will DM me on Twitter wowowoo.
Yes but it still counts if she ask you to buy her content
That's not fair...
Remember a reality already exists where she really just likes you and doesn’t wanna sell you anything

So maybe make the distinction
These threads are an absolute trash heap now but at least 4chan is healing and getting back to the way it's supposed to be
This is the type of evil scum that appears when you have doubts and we all have varying degrees of doubt. You manifested his appearance, if for example you had doubts about the safety of your own physical well being for an extended period of time, enough for it to crystalize then some other evil scum will appear and hurt you physically, stab you beat you up or something in that manner. It's all a manifestation
>bla bla bla soibitch redditor
The other anon is right, at the end of the day, this is a soibitch that can't make it work don't want anyone else to work it either
>I never attempted
Lmao at this absolute retard
persist until the old habit burns up
or give up and be sad forever
your choice
That much is obvious. Dude has been sperging out for months now and it's fucking hilarious. Most trolls here leave after one or two threads, but this is one dedicated autist.
>4chan is healing
>every board is reddit 2.0
For real? I did it as well and then like a while after the whole DALL-E tech came out and I realized I painted a painting without even picking up a brush just like he said.

Care to reveal your painting?
Only if you mean "healing" in a sense of "dying", as in "being delivered from suffering and agony".
If it was reddit 2.0 in here then I couldn't call you a nigger





>it’s a Lilanon free episode
Is season two over? Will it get renewed for season three?
>Guy doesn't attempt schizo ritual so he is the retard
You have it backwards friend, none of you should be wage slaves if this works, it's common sense honestly, you also wouldn't form communities and talk about it openly, the ones who it really worked for would get dragged off to government blacksites for experimentation.

This is how we know that none of you here has powers, because the ones who truly have power wouldn't be stupid enough to post about it online, they'd be too paranoid.

If you win the lottery you don't tell anybody, because there are a lot of people that would kill you for that ticket. You cash your winnings and you ride off into the sunset.

This is why the "non-retards" with "powers" in LoA threads are talking about manifesting bread in the grocery aisle LMAO (yes, someone seriously said this in a thread, it was no a troll post, you guys are insane, actually retarded).
Not him but some reasoned criticism is fine.
For example you cannot become a vampire and then suddenly not be a vampire.
No poster here would claim that. It would be crazy.
>you cannot become a vampire and then suddenly not be a vampire.
Nothing is impossible for a gay hippie tripnigger with gender dysphoria.
>lowest vibration
Wrong thread, retard. This is law of assumption, not attraction.
>There is only one person
>That person is God
Okay schizo.

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