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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

> The Power of Awareness
>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library (Hemi-Sync included)

>Previous Thread
it is already done, nothing is required of you.
Disgusting. A mother anon post where he has got nothing done.
Why is Lilanon so good though?
Incels see themselves as unlovable losers. Without changing their self-image, nothing could help them.
How the hell does a 50+ year old have "incubi traits" anyway?
My scoliosis is completely healed.
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my mom passed away two years ago now and I have been following these threads here and there. hard to explain the experience I had the other night but it was like I was "daydream walking" when I was walking in my parents house. I felt her all around me and even was able to picture her in her room. the whole experience lasted maybe 20 seconds. every night for the last two years i close her door and tell her good night but when I was walking to the door I kept getting almost like flashes of my memory but was walking in *it.* was really quite mystical. it will happen again but this time i will be more engulfed in it and my mother will be with me again. isn't it wonderful?
I have aphantasia how am I supposed to visualize my ideal world
So one thing I am trying to understand when it comes to manifesting a person into my life, should I do it for 5-7 days and then let go so it can happen naturally, or am I supposed to do this constantly until it happens?

I believe my ex will come back 100% because we temporarily drifted apart for reasons that were out of our control, both dealing with so much stress in life which didn't represent us. I just want to know how long I should focus on that reality as I read different opinions.
This is a parking space tier manifestation.
Stuff that you just find normally.
Thanks for baking! Love the picrel.

>I’ll aim higher now, even though I can’t seem to believe it to be true for the “bigger” stuff. Hence the question on how do I know I fully embody a state besides just *knowing* to be true with all my belief.
This comes with practice. Also, think back in your life to things that happened that should have been "impossible" that you wanted, you should see evidence that you manifested it without realizing it. Remind yourself of your proofs to bolster your faith- you did the impossible before, why not again?

> I also noticed I tend to have this perfectionist approach where I have to get this right the first time by knowing exactly what to do to get that jackpot manifest of mine without fail
This is deadly- no wonder you are having problems setting things.

A friend of mine posted a quote for her daughter when she was having a hard time, but I think we can all learn from it:

"Anything worth doing, is worth doing badly."

If perfection is keeping you from doing it at all, do it to the level you are capable of and keep at it until you do it well enough to reach your goal.

"Perfection is a laudable goal," and you should absolutely work toward it, but it's also usually a sign of childhood abuse and neglect. People won't love you because you are "perfect," in fact, they will hate you for it, so it's good to get that mindset off the list.
>People won't love you because you are "perfect," in fact, they will hate you for it, so it's good to get that mindset off the list.
Fuck, I'm not the anon you replied to, but fuck that hit me hard
My bedroom is clean and free of garbage, spiderwebs, dust, empty wrappers, mold, insects, plants and pollen.

My bedroom is getting a high quality plug in air filter.
Out king delivering the good stuff.
desu instead of posting that imagine breathing fully without anything in ur nose and how it feels, right before ur sleep
By scripting.
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u don't have aphantasia u just never used ur imagination
Wait we can use this for that?
>but fuck that hit me hard
This was a bad surprise for me as well- I was always told that if I excelled that I would be successful and accepted by everyone. It's bullshit- most people can't relate to people who are doing well. Terrible but true. Being a lone wolf didn't help with this.

Use LOA to make your own space and do what's comfortable for you. Like they say in Fight Club, you work hard to impress people you don't like with shit you don't need. Why does that make sense to us?
Of course, you can heal/have perfect health. I remember a new age doctor saying "Your body's ability to heal is perfect, it never makes a mistake, even over your whole life."

I realize now that he was pushing a mindset there, it's it's an awesome one. Believe it if you can manage it.
You don't have telepathy you just ignore people who disagree
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“Do not waste one moment in regret, for to think feelingly of the mistakes of the past is to reinfect yourself. 'Let the dead bury the dead' [Matthew 8:22; Luke 9:60]. Turn from appearances and assume the feeling that would be yours were you already the one you wish to be.”

Neville Goddard
I asked my subconsciousness for something and it delivered but it was a very small thing whereas I hoped for something bigger what gives
it came fast at least which is nice
Aphantasia does not exist, it just means "lazy brainlet who couldn't bother to even try to exercise his mind". If you can recall scenes and sounds from your memory in your mind, then you can construct new ones since the principle is the same. If you cannot, that's called "amnesia".
I don’t know I might have forgotten.
So I created the current celebrities in this world with my mind too or are celebrities just powerful manifestors who forced themselves into the world of others?

yeah sure as a baby you already imagined all these thousands of years, entire history, all buildings, all billion people before you were even alive

all this cope "you manifest everything" is so retarded

you were simply tossed into a world that already is ongoing with powers of manifestation to edit it how you want, so you can strip off all celebrities and get them homeless status or get anyone to be a celebrity
Based truth.
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I stumbled onto one of these threads about a month ago. I seldom go on this forum and was just wanted to read some fun/interesting esoteric and paranormal stories. I read the ladder experiment and I kinda half-assed the thing and thought about it for one night for fun or out of boredom and proceeded to forget about it. About a week later I climbed a ladder for the first time in probably years. Is there truly any meaning in that?

I visited my mother last week after she called me and randomly asked me a question that was kind of specific and similar to a dream I had the night before. Is there a connection there or am I making connections where I want to see them?

We had some conversation about manifestation and consciousness, and she shared some stories/anecdotes. Like how often when we speak someone's name or think about them and they call or message us out of the blue. Or specifically a time when she felt a strong urge to reach out to an old friend she speaks to once a year (who usually calls back the same day), only to find out from mutual friends the next day that they had killed themselves the night before, likely only a few hours before she called.

I don't know if any of this is really relevant to the LoA or Manifestation. But maybe human consciousness really is connected in someway, is there ever such thing as a true coincidence?

Maybe we just search for meaning where there is none. Regardless I think this stuff is cool, and I secretly wish there's truth to it and meaning behind it all.
Reality is created from the collision of different consciousnesses
top keking at this, I think most of us here can relate to what you wrote.
Welcome, enjoy your stay, ignore the negativity feeders and start manifesting things you actually care about.
>lone wolf
Werewolf powers confirmed.
Teach me your ways. I wish to run free in the wild.
I'm a NEET with with 8 hours of free time a day? How do I maximize it to get better at LoA?

Already starting to figure which works more for me but haven't stuck to anything to ever manifest beyond minor shit and synchronicities. Even then don't use all my freetime. But I'm very open to things that COMPLIMENT practice, such as chilling in nature, no electronics, reading fiction for visualization depthness etc

Best posts itt
When does it make sense to give up? I don't want to wait until I'm 30 or even older.
>When does it make sense to give up?
Two things make my state better:
- Practice being grateful
- Walking while listening to good, soulful music while I imagine that I have what I want
Never. I know people who changed their lives around at 40 and 50. I know people that went to college after retirement.
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>I read the ladder experiment and I kinda half-assed the thing and thought about it for one night for fun or out of boredom and proceeded to forget about it. About a week later I climbed a ladder for the first time in probably years. Is there truly any meaning in that?
Yes, congratulations. And yes, it IS that easy when you are not fighting yourself.

>But maybe human consciousness really is connected in someway
Everything is connected that way. That's why Animists are not off their rocker :)

You may have chosen not to be aware of it to facilitate your experience in the game, or have partial awareness of it for the same reason.

Welcome, and enjoy your stay- as the Anon said earlier, be aware that we have some grumpy anons that are attention whoring. Ignore them and you may learn some cool things here.
Right, if only the anger would tell me what two conflicting beliefs were facing off against one another. About the "open secret", well, people seem to generally operate that way. Maybe it's another case of my beliefs being a certain way (I say this because most people don't seem to notice the "hypocrisy"--is it a good thing to not notice or does it not manifest for them?)

Another question: an anon stated in one of the previous threads that post-Promise Neville believed ALL THINGS (without exception) to be possible. True or false in your view?
>the best posts just tell me want I want to hear
Will these really get you any better at the law? Probably not.
Where did Neville say that? He said a lot of weird shit after the promise, so if you had a source….
>I wish to run free in the wild.
Can you believe you are a child of the wild, welcome to return to it now?
>When does it make sense to give up?
Giving up on what? And why?
I think if I go that far I won’t come back.
Maybe this is for the best.
As soon as you did your workings. Giving up and letting go is often the missing piece.
>Another question: an anon stated in one of the previous threads that post-Promise Neville believed ALL THINGS (without exception) to be possible. True or false in your view?
Yes and no. PromiseAnon correctly quotes Neville as saying the process of The Promise is not something you can manifest, but prior to that he stated that anything was possible to manifest.

That's why I had such a long debate with PromiseAnon over that- if Neville was right in saying there are things that cannot be manifested, that means this is not the first cause and there is some sort of authority above us. Those concepts cannot co-exist, which is why I needed to test it. I tested and manifestation does affect your state regarding The Promise. There is no higher authority, you are the Operant power.

>Right, if only the anger would tell me what two conflicting beliefs were facing off against one another
Play it out in your mind. Let everything have free play, don't hold anything back or suppress it because you have a negative reaction to it. You are there to observe and understand, not to control or judge.

In the end, these are just thoughts that you consider to be true. You can always change your mind.
Lilanon dealing up some good posts.
You're all fat retarded trash faggots that couldn't manifest a fart with 20 pounds of old Taco Bell
>Yes and no.
Okay but. So that's regarding what Neville said. I have comparatively little interest in that VS:
>There is no higher authority, you are the Operant power.
This. So it IS ALL possible, then (all of it minus nothing)... I take it?

I may be retarded but I sure as fuck ain't fat. Also what are you even doing here, then?
Someone is upset!
I may be fat but I sure as fuck ain't retarded. Also what are you even doing here, even?
i really hate the idea of the collective consciousness, it feels invasive. i have also experienced proof of it in annoying ways. it's never a positive experience though, it's always some random person talking to me about someone i secretly kinda don't like or shit thats been on my mind but shouldn't be cause it's stupid. so it feels like only the bad and negative thoughts i dwell on is getting sent back to me via irl interactions with others and NONE of the the positive things i think about. i could think about how much i like someone and all the things i enjoy and it does not come up in any kind of conversation.
Does EIYPO confirm solipsism?
No because you can be influenced too.
Your mind influences reality, so you meet people who confirm with that reality in your head. According to LoA theory.
Neville goddard and paolucci purists would say you are the the only one in the universe I think (solipsism)
I haven't been here for a while; I was getting frustrated. Who has actually done it? Who has truly manifested lasting, magnificent highs in life that don't immediately crash into lows that persist for longer? It feels like clockwork. I'm willing to try again if this is something I can control and not some law of nature or balance I have no say in.
But did you really try?
Don't forget to detach. Detachment is key. Overthinking after your manifest is set harms it. This is why random things you thought and then forgot about manifested.
You can use LoA for literally anything, any limits are self imposed. We are conditioned from birth to have extremely shallow and powerless beliefs of course, and removing all these blockages can be a lot of work since there are so many of them. But ultimately everyone holds the potential to achieve anything.
Yeah this can be tricky because it's hard not to obssess over what we want most. Everytime we keep ruminating over something we are overcomplicating things and not letting it set into place. Manifestation is only as complicated as we make it be.
Alright time to become a woman
I manifest a specific girl in my neighborhood to chat me. Someone message me randomly on facebook last night, it's not her but physically look similar. How did it happen?
What is the best way to induce SATS? I have always struggled with it
Imagine that it's the future and that you have whatever you truly desire--a house, an SP, a million dollars, whatever. Then imagine that you close your eyes and experience the feeling of finally having what you want.

You don't have to visualize things to feel what they're like. Close your eyes. What's your life like now? You know what you feel like right now, right?
Pick a short scene. Do it in your mind 1000 times. Do it 2000 times. Pop an adderall and do it 3000 times. Then come back here and complain
Anyone got a good audio track for getting into SATs consistently?
>Giving up on what? And why?
Giving up on SP, because SP has many options. I am the only option
Giving up isn't the same thing as forgetting, is it? I was reading about Donald Hoffmann's theory of Conscious Agents last night on nitter, and the OP explained how your thoughts change reality. That implies that the cause of creation is obsessively repeating your SATS scene, or mindless affirmations.
>I know people who changed their lives around at 40 and 50. I know people that went to college after retirement.
What if you're trying to manifest an SP?
Specifically this thread.
>removing all these blockages can be a lot of work since there are so many of them
The hardest blockage is to tell ourselves we're God. It's blasphemy and you risk going to hell. At least that's what we are generally told since we are children. So that's tough to think otherwise. I'm a grown man and I can't tell myself I'm God. Religions forbid this, especially Islam.
Yep I posted it in last thread this is a very interesting post, with interesting comments. This guy W.R. has some very cool theories about our origins, well these are even not theories but facts, for him, because he has been chosen to guide humans. Read his other posts, this guys is cool and very knowledgeable at the same time. What he's saying makes sense too. And he told about LoA as well, saying it's true.

Except he is wrong. You don't even need words, spells or any shit like that. These are all tools to get you to either believe or have an intention, or simply do nothing to accomplish your desire
>This. So it IS ALL possible, then (all of it minus nothing)... I take it?
No limits. More than one author has stated that if you can imagine it, it already exists, no matter how wacky. I can confirm through various things I have done/seen/experienced- the only limit is you.

And don't feel weird if your mind rebels at this initially- you are trying to protect your "sanity" and sense of self. Let yourself slide into the understanding, you are more than you probably ever dreamed of.
>Who has truly manifested lasting, magnificent highs in life that don't immediately crash into lows that persist for longer?

>It feels like clockwork.
It is- you have part of your old state that you are still carrying with you. This is not weird, if you were able to shed everything with a single thought at this point that would be weird(but entirely awesome).

Mental diet. Mental housecleaning. Meditating on your desires and motivations to understand yourself better. You need to leave what you were behind to get to a better place, otherwise you are carrying an anchor around with you every place you go.
>Giving up on SP
It's up to you if you want to give up on this. If you truly desire it, don't let anything stop you. SPs are hard mode though, you getting the whole package, warts and all. If you use the Neville GP method you get the things you ask for in a non-specific person and probably other things you didn't think of.

Know your desire- do you want the person specifically or do you want them in order to fill a need, such as being loved? It's an important question to consider, never displace your true needs/desires into another vessel.
>Except he is wrong. You don't even need words, spells or any shit like that.
Based. Don't make it complicated.
but that is what he is saying though
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
That's what he said, bruh...
Don't know if he's ever been mentioned around here, but you guys should look into Shane Missler. He won $450 Million in the Mega-Millions lottery in 2018, and he credited this win to /LoA/ techniques. He was posting Neville quotes on his Facebook page before he won and even predicted he would win the lottery.
>you did the impossible before, why not again?
I sometimes ask myself that, I actually struggle to answer this myself

As a matter of fact I’m more than convinced that not only do people manifest all the time but I do so too naturally. With this in mind and now proof, I see my struggle lies in channeling LoA to get the things I want and shape to what I would prefer, however I noticed the mountain I deal with is myself

>This is deadly- no wonder you are having problems setting things.
>If perfection is keeping you from doing it at all, do it to the level you are capable of and keep at it until you do it well enough to reach your goal.
I actually discovered more and why today: has to do with lack of trust in the process/embodiment and when I overthink it does indicate it’s not only set but shows I’m not faithful to the new idea as Neville would say

I think now that I acknowledged this, the minimum what I want rather than perfect accuracy is to have a sense of self assurance and faith to get this done. I used to think I suck at manifesting some things, I moved onto a stage where I’m like “ok maybe I can do it but I’m not sure”

Not only that but >>38437241 was literally thrown at my face when I was having some old beliefs come back to me. That’s why I mentioned the “residue” of those beliefs need to be taken care of because they do tend to come back. Could it be because I believe it should come back? Prolly but I’m guessing the solution isn’t to fight it but rather surrender and conform to a new idea…not used to that solution to be frank. Crazy his works have been coming true to me as of late, he ain’t lying I just didn’t open my eyes until I did just about now and saw it

I started to assume higher consciousness as neville said in that one quote, am a bit wonky since I tend to react to the 3D still and revert back

>it's good to get that mindset off the list.
Can’t say no to that
You're too old to say based. Stick with "you're the bomb" boomer
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>As a matter of fact I’m more than convinced that not only do people manifest all the time but I do so too naturally

>I see my struggle lies in channeling LoA to get the things I want and shape to what I would prefer, however I noticed the mountain I deal with is myself
Know thyself

>when I overthink it does indicate it’s not only set but shows I’m not faithful to the new idea as Neville would say
One of the things I don't cover much which may bother Anons here is: Faith is TERRIFYING. You are letting go, knowing that everything could easily go to hell in a handbasket if you do.

That is the essence of faith. The ability to believe something with your entire being with no evidence beyond your trust in what you know. The ability to take your hands off of something and trust that it will work out as it should.

Spock: "History is replete with turning points, Lieutenant. You must have faith."
Valeris: "Faith?"
Spock: "That the universe will unfold as it should."
Valeris: "But is this logical? Surely we must..."
Spock: "Logic? ...Logic is the beginning of wisdom, Valeris, not the end."

>I was having some old beliefs come back to me
As I said here >>38440425, the dying off of your old self is not weird. Often it fights the process, after all, that is "you." Clinging to the past is a great way to be in this state, and a good argument not to be. You see it often with abuse victims, they are still mentally in the same place and time of the abuse and can't leave it behind.

>guessing the solution isn’t to fight it but rather surrender and conform to a new idea
Remember, all of this boils down to you changing your mind. If you have hesitations, talk them through. Understand your POV and needs.

Who are you now? What would you like to be? We constantly change and adapt, while still being our Creator selves at our core.

>Crazy his works have been coming true to me as of late, he ain’t lying
You have to be ready for it, and you are becoming that
lilanon are you gen x or millenial
reminder that Jim Carrey stated that Visualization works in this interview
It's not that hard and actually not in the slightest blasphemous once you stumbled upon a reasonable explanation. "I am God" doesn't mean that your physical body or your mind/personality is God, it refers to the deepest part of your being, the "spiritual core" of you, which is really something like a thought or an idea in God's mind, and thus is a part of him, and thus is him. This is the "I am" that is "God". Although it's true that this idea is somewhat contrary to popular understanding of religion, where creation is thought to be something separate from Creator (which is stupid if God is attributed with qualities like infinite power or omnipresence).
That's better. Merely saying "you are God" omits a few important details. The Bible tells man is the image of God, which sounds plausible.
No, it means you are Gid on all levels.
That’s why they say
>I am God.
If it meant something else it would say something else.
Perfect example of a one off unrelated coincidence.
God is infinite, some certain part of it, like a certain human, isn't and is therefore not all of God. The statement "I am God" is only true if you are saying it *as* God, understanding what that means and what is it you're referring to.
Fuck on you gredful racists.
Fourchan was reserved for policedial authentication.
>we dont know of who hack eheheheee fifusel
Vacate man.
It's never too early to give up. Enter my world of despair and learn to appreciate pain of all exquisite flavours. I should be dead from stress, but I've learned to enjoy suffering.
>bla bla bla
No one cares about your non loa nonsense
Jesus declared that woman souls can become a man's soul, and men souls can become a woman's. Jesus taught LOA above anything, literally everything is possible, gender is only a mental construct.
Giving up is LOA.
Just let go bro.
Don’t let go of your meds bro.
You're a sniveling little cunt, a hateful little passive aggressive bitch. You're not clever. Fuck off.
Gen X
Now add Jim Carrey and Connor McGregor. Maybe it's a three off unrelated coincidence.
Lewis Dinglenuts has just been turned away from LoA and will no longer attempt to escape his fate as a megacorp labourer.
>death is le bad
It's a potential key to unrestricted rejuvenation, weak faggots die from it because they automatically think it's over and refuse to persist, and the body follows instructions precisely, like a tool it is.
Cancer is more important than a burger.
Sounds like you need to let go of your hatred bro.
Have you considered more meds bro?
When did LoA stop focussing in on the big picture. The things that matter.
Parking spaces.
>buying the medical mafia lie that tumors just randomly pop up inside our bodies
If you get cancer, it's because YOU aren't taking proper care of your body, not because your body doesn't know how to take care of itself.
any of you have some money manifestation stories or techniques? i have a few months to get my money up and i need the push to get it started
You cannot take care of yourself to avoid this.
They are suspected to be related to the earlier onset of cancer in many young people.
I just don’t get why Lilanon won’t manifest away all the microplastics.
>soience meme from few months ago is responsible for cancer throughout history
As helpful first Anon >>38442787 said, I am appropriately /x/.

>any of you have some money manifestation stories or techniques?
Check the archives, 100kAnon was very helpful when he was a regular here.

Why are you looking for stories and techniques though? The method does not change whether you want a hamburger, a date or a million dollars.
>They are suspected to be related to the earlier onset of cancer in many young people.
So explicitly not throughout history. You can’t read.
Your shitty posts probably retrospectively cause cancer.
Is it possible to learn this power?
I hope you will manifest cance after reading my posts.
That's literally what I said, nigger.
Reminder that Jim is a kiddie diddling schizo retard who should kill himself
Nah he's always been mentally retarded

There's no such luck as "law of attraction" with Jim Carrey, he fucked and sucked his way up the ladder in hollywood as an escort getting his back blown out by old man executives, same way everyone else gets famous
hey guys is it possible to manifest big boobs and butt for my gf??
Thoughts on the whole vibration thing?
Nobody in this thread can manifest anything other than bread so that doesn't mean much
yeah, just get her some breast implants and tell her to work those glutes.
>breast implants
I have just lost the last shred of respect I had for you.
You seem particularly triggered today. Have you considered manifesting a better outlook and some more clever post content? You certainly have the persistence required for LOA, you just seem too timid to try to do better with your life.
i never really understood why people hate breast implants so much, are you guys gay or something?
>can’t even spell it
Just be nice and stop being an idiot. Is too much to ask?
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>orders a burger but gets chicken strips instead
>orders a burger but someone else at the table eats it
>orders a burger but an emergency happens, gotta split
>orders a burger but doesn't find a parking spot to go get it
>orders a burger but the delivery guy is killed in an accident
>orders a burger but dies from heart attack while waiting
>orders a burger but nobody's paying attention to him
>orders a burger but it's just never delivered
>orders a burger but the burger house is bombed by gayniggers from outer space
What is God and/or the Universe trying to tell us here exactly, bros?
Who's going to solve The Burger Problem?
What's the deal with that mysterious Burger?
Seems like no reality-bending LoA wizard gets to eat it in the end.
Mother anon absolutely desperate for responses today. Hopefully he gets his breast implants and fucks off.
LOA thread, they are looking for a more "natural" way to do it. Dimensional Market Anon did.

Reminder to everyone in thread- you don't need to check and see if someone was able to do something or not before you attempt it.

>> Can I manifest ___?
>Yes! Creation is finished.
Yes, it is possible. Yes, you can manifest it.

Can you allow it into your life or do you want to believe it's impossible? That's the real question.
I've been away for like a month, retard.
>You certainly have the persistence required for LOA
That's right bitch. I'll be the only one to ever manifest a fucking burger.
Can Lilanon fix this?
>manifested bread in a store that was selling bread
That was wild bro.
You are right, I should be nice. I hope you will successfully manifest a burger.
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but i still don't understand what's wrong with silicone tits. i think they look amazing and i just wanna squeeze them so badly.
>Yes, it is possible. Yes, you can manifest it.
Can you manifest infinite strength yet also manifest a rock that is too heavy for you to lift?
Can’t be done.
Imagination is limited. Therefore the law has limits.
What's to fix? The Anon posting manifested what he wanted, chaos that kept him from his burger.

He could have just allowed it to happen, but he desired the drama.
I can.
infinity is not a quantifiable amount so yes it is possible.
Your whore of a Mother is giving the best blowjobs.
Guess why I was missing for a month...
Then again the law has finite limits as there has to be a finite limit.
No you can’t. That rock is too heavy for you.
>Imagination is limited
Argue for a limit and it's yours. Doesn't make it a limit for anyone else.

aka: "Works on my machine."
Explain how you can do it.
That rock is made by your imagination to be too heavy to lift
But also your imagination has given you strength to lift that rock
One has to give way.
This proves there is limits.
>The Anon posting manifested what he wanted, chaos that kept him from his burger.
And yet nobody has managed to manifest that burger, yourself included.
Your gay threesomes aren't considered burgers btw.
there is only one will and that is the will of god, if someone "failed" to manifest a burger it means that he did not truly want it. it is up to us to introspect and understand what it is that we truly desire and go for that.
>if someone "failed" to manifest a burger it means that he did not truly want it
The Schizo Cope of /LoA/.
bro the other day I manifested an entire mcdonalds meal without suggesting it or making an order or anything so I guess I'm above this thread now. maybe it's time I put the trip back on
the shifting point of awareness exercise from the new energy ways by power bruce is surprisingly a very useful for plain visualization/imagining things. basically moving your point of awareness from that point in between your eyes a couple inches deep in the skull to wherever you want. do it and your imagination will follow and start filling the details
>power bruce
You mean Robert Bruce.
I’m going to disagree heavily with you here. That stuff does nothing.
Confident in my parking space
I eat my burger.
Chicken strips pass me by manifestly.
i dunno anything about the energy stuff but shifting your awareness from your body in the 3d to your body in your imagination is like the basic thing to get immersed in there
>lilanon still working out to lift a rock he’s made that is too too heavy for to lift any amount of strength even though he also manifested the strength to lift anything.
>need to stop and eat some bread
Serious question. Let's take the burger example, if I want to manifest one, should I sats imagining myself eating a burger, or imagining myself already having eaten the burger. If the latter, how do you do this? I mean you imagine your belly full (but it could be with something else than a burger) ...
Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every burger.

The burger and all toppings on it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire burger. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of the burger.
Duh, controlling and strengthening awareness and imagination is among the first things to do in nearly, if not any, spiritual system. It would do most people here more good to study something like Golden Dawn teaching instead of revolving here 24/7.
This isn’t a spiritual system. It’s the law.
>golden larping
Lmao Westcott ans Mathers were larpers worthy of /x/. They made that shit up.
I'll consider your words once you attach to them a pic of a burger you manifested.
Okay but let’s see the Golden Dawn Burger.
>Let's take the burger example, if I want to manifest one,
You can't, that shit is just too advanced.
I can simply make a burger appear with ease. Once you reach my level it’s just a case of knowing that the burger will be with you and it’s done. Once I saw a guy mog me with a bigger burger so I made a gigantic burger appear. It was probably the biggest burger in the world at that point. The important thing is just to keep going until you get it. I don’t even bother to eat it now.
>I can simply make a burger appear with ease
Tripnigger, what's your secret sauce?
I see you are a worthy opponent. I shall from now on call you... Nothingburger.
You talk like this is an insult but once you realize that the spiritual burger metaphor was within you the whole time it becomes obvious that the nothing burger is the goal.
Get cancer by your burgers, retards.
i guessu that's why so many people can't into neville coz he had magical training and was into occult before getting into loa i heard
>Neville had magical training
Dude's greatest achievement was a trip to Barbados.
Go back faggot.
I didn't mean an insult, not in the slightest. On the contrary, I appreciate the non-burgerian wisdom.
That would imply that we manifested them.
make me nigger
Die faggot.
How hard is it to manifest a fucking burger?
Too hard. I gave up on it and now I'm just buying them.
You heard wrong.
You hear nothing.
ABDULLAH was just first contact with any of this. Straight to Barbados,
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For all of you manifesting a burger, here it is. It's done. Congrats and bon appetit.
That's literally already done. God created and became us through shutting down his perception - now there exists both infinite strength yet a rock to heavy to lift because God is dreaming that he is a man.
Impressive, very nice. In that case, manifesting a burger should be nothing, right?
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>manifesting a burger should be nothing, right?
Correct. No manifestation is harder or easier than another. They're all as difficult as you make them.
Assume, Persist, Set, and Detach.
That is all.
You can’t persist and also detach, what is this madness I’m absolutely furious right now holy shit.
Keep calm and have a burger.
assume, persist in your assuming until it sets (feels right/done/resistance gone), then detach
I can’t do that because it’s a high level fucking technique to have one just appear, I can’t make one because I have no ingredients and I can’t order one because fuck that shit that’s giving up and I’ve already eaten, this fucking makes no sense fucking holy shitty fuck I just need instant manifestation but this guy, this fucking guy he says persist and detach which doesn’t make any sense at the same time.
Ah ok I see now. So it isn’t at the same time ok I will calm down now.
Hippie garbage buzzword.
>recursive buzzwords
>buzzword buzzword buzzword
I finally get it.
You can turn on the trip now.
And no, manifesting bread in a store that sells it isn't an achievement.
Gay threesomes aren't either.
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>And yet nobody has managed to manifest that burger
Who is "nobody"?

You blog to us about your fantasies and act like it really happened to other Anons. Are you joking and just not funny?
>You blog
Do you know what blogging means, retarded boomer?
He’s gen x
Which means he is an x-man or something like a super hero.
What is your obsession with gay threesomes? It's become an easy identifier for you now. Don't worry anony, I'm sure someone will tear up your bussy.
>gay threesomes
That's LilAnon's grandest manifestation.
Stay mad nigger.
I ate a burger just before reading this thread
Really makes you think...
Hi! I’m trying to manifest someone and I even did a deadline. I did an inspired action and I forgot about it throughout the day. But I didn’t see it come into fruition, did I fucked it up by being anticipating for it?
I could go for a BBQ bacon burger, and a large order of fries, and an orange soda with no ice, and a piece of hot apple pie.
It just doesn't work. Reminder that everyone here missed out on important experiences in their youth and are coping with "manifesting".
So what should I do?
Whatever you want. Nothing matters. You can keep pretending that your dreams will become reality if it makes you feel better.
That’s literally manifesting then?
Breast implants are gross. I would much rather have a woman with natural breasts even if they are tiny.
>I forgot about it throughout the day
>did I fucked it up by being anticipating for it?
I'm sensing a malfunction here.
Like after the day and I was excited about it but nothing came
>should I sats imagining myself eating a burger, or imagining myself already having eaten the burger.
You can do either. The recommendation about putting the manifest past the point of initial success is to assure that it was all a success. If you manifest the burger and you get it, but something else happened during your meal to spoil the experience it's simply that it was not specified.
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>i guessu that's why so many people can't into neville
...Are you serious? Your imagination is supposed to be FUN. Neville made this easy for everyone. Making this harder than it is supposed to be is not a virtue.
Elegant. Love it :)
Help me lilanon please
>LilAnon's grandest manifestation.
You used to post my favorites until someone pointed out that they were actually pretty awesome, and not crap like you thought they were.

I thought that was funny, you were boosting me and didn't even realize it. Also, the dick obsession is yours, you should just manifest your mmm threesome and leave me to my MFF one.
Is self-concept important towards manifesting? Before, I felt confident about myself and have things figured out. Then I started to overthink about self-concept regarding towards manifestation. Like do I do my ritual of manifesting every time or let my self concept do the manifesting itself.
This Anon >>38445875 told you what went wrong.

You actually did two things wrong:
1. Don't set a time limit until you know yourself better
2. You said you had an inspired action, but you didn't get it? That's not how inspired actions work.

Try again without a time limit.
>know yourself better
How do I do that?
>Inspired action
I followed the person online and hoping for a follow back. Which I thought it was an action lol. What’s considered to be an inspired action?
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Follow your dreams.
You can achieve stuff.
Believe in the Lilanon who believes in you.
>You used to post my favorites
Literally what, retard?
Your grandest manifestation was a gay threesome where you got fucked in the ass by a midget with a huge dong.
According to your own words, this was after you manifested a hot girl specifically to make fun of you.
>If you manifest the burger and you get it
Keep dreaming faggot. Burgers are impossible to manifest.
Final day of praying to Lilanon. Something went wrong so I am stopping. I had a dream last night but it featured Mother anon instead. I was in this room and there was this guy there who said he was mother anon but he didn't look like what he should. I understand from these threads that mother anon is fat but this was a skinny angry guy with a shaved head. Anyway he told me he was keeping me in his room in Finland so I just went out the door but the door led to a padded cell with restraints. Mother anon shouted that I couldn't leave his cage. I went back through the door but it didn't lead back to mother anons room it was just like a hospital ward and every door I went through led to the wrong place. I woke up and practically jumped out of bed.
I must have blasphemed somehow.
I am scared. I think reading low quality trip posts have affected my mental diet.
Based truth. Why won't they listen?
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what happens after the Promise is received and finally fulfilled? when you die after having received it (born again from your own skull, Neville said)? what is "neville's heaven" like? you become your own solipsistic god? respawn as a mini-god like in fundamentalist mormonism?
monistic self- annihilation unto the "universal self"?
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>manifested a hot girl specifically to make fun of you
Based. This is again a win.
Wow a post this bad could only have come from a frog.
>what happens after the Promise is received and finally fulfilled?
Let's keep it simple bro. Baby steps first:
Try to manifest a parking spot and/or a burger.
t. Anime nigger
>Jesus declared that woman souls can become a man's soul, and men souls can become a woman's.
When did he say that?

>gender is only a mental construct.
It's also a biological construct
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I just don't see the issue.
This board is essentially a manifested spin off of an anime dedicated site with a paranormal spin.
Embrace it. Manifest the anime magic.
How do I heal my scars and wrinkles?
jus beleev broooo
let gooooo
Kill yourself.
tried that for the last 3 years
>burger not mentioned
0/10 didn't read
No. Seethe for me.
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I 'm trying to speedrun all the stuff I want to do in this reality in case I get lost in the Worlds (the worlds-within-worlds neville spoke about) and can't come back here. I haven't done it yet out of bourgeoisie pettiness but I thought of putting 2X on my anime so I can watch it in half the time + stay awake for a week or 2 to burn trough everything and be at peace. my main attachment here IS, after all, anime and cartoons.
Might as well burn trough my money here, even if Im rich in the Worlds, the money I have NOW would have been-wasted if I don't use it here-now.
I manifest burgers all the time without thinking.
I regret making this knowing now LilAnon is a middle aged man.
Time, distance, age, ... dont exist
How do you let go for things you absolutely need to happen?
A burger a day keeps the doubt away.
I’ve actively manifested several things right in front of me, so I have no reason to doubt. But I still do, which makes it difficult when I think about it instead of just doing it. I have trouble finding the right state of mind when I think about it. So how can I then decide on something? What can I do about this? It’s all so silly.
if i want a few things can i combine my scenes? like i have an sp in mind and i also want money. how could i get both of those?
Burgers are too difficult to manifest. I'd much rather go for something attainable like a lottery jackpot win.
Is it possible to accidentally manifest the ladder? Iv been lurking these threads for about a week and see the ladder experiments.

I have not been willingly, nor actively manifesting a ladder, just lurking and today I saw a ladder in a tv show.

Does seeing a ladder on tv count towards the experiment and can you do it unconsciously?

Or was this just a coincidence and im a schizo?
It was just a coincidence and you're a schizo.
You don't. It's impossible, even for the gay the gay hippies itt.
how do i stop fighting myself?
>Neville goddard and paolucci purists would say you are the the only one in the universe I think (solipsism)
That is not exactly what they say. They say that the only being in the universe is God and that God plays all the parts of each and every individual, nearly all of whom forget their real nature. If you can genuinely remember it, however, you can apply the power of God to get whatever you may desire. The catch is, if you truly identify with God Himself, it's hard to want to manifest a promotion, a cute SP, or a Maserati. Would a God really want any of those things?
what is with all the negative people in the last few threads? i dont get it
>Would a God really want any of those things?
A god yes.
The God, no. You're conflating "gods" with the desert God.
How about you stop asking retarded questions instead?
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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to manifest hordes of niggers your
>The nigger and any offenses it commits is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entirety of niggerdom. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of the nigger.
>Keep dreaming faggot. Burgers are impossible to manifest.
Sigh. I had a burger an hour ago. It wasn't hard to manifest. I drove up to the window and placed an order!
What you guys are asking for is not a burger, but for a burger to magically appear out of thin air in a cloud of fairy dust. Is that possible? Sure. See Boltzmann's Brain if you want the hard physics behind it.
But if you want a burger, you have to deal with the fact that thousands of time you've been conditioned to expect that burgers appear only when you plunk down some dollars on the counter at McD's. You're fighting an entire horde of assumptions and expectations about how things work, and your not fighting it hard. You're fighting it on behalf of a lousy hamburger you don't really give a shit about. Focus on something you DO care about and you'll see results.
If I were a god--a near-human god, like Apollo or Odin, say--I doubt I would be using my powers of manifesting to secure a promotion as a Java programmer. To each his own, though.
The burger is only a symbol of whatever thing an anon may wish for. LoA doesn't help, so the hippie consensus in this shit thread is to literally cope like a bitch ("I didn't get the burger because I didn't truly want it", etc.).
It started when some loser reported that after using SATS to manifest a hot girl, she manifested exactly like he pictured but as someone else's fuck toy instead.
His cope was something along the lines "It's okay because I didn't really want her for me bro", hence the "someone orders a burger but someone else at the table gets to eat it" part of my based pasta.
Anyway, if you weren't a complete fucking retard I wouldn't need to explain all this to you.
A Zeus god would probably fuck every slut available, another god would do something else.
As for the desert God, I don't even give a shit what the he would do.
>To each his own, though.
This basically.
Alright. It can be a messy process sometimes from my experience. Transient "powers" arise as well.
Just exploring LoA, but I am an advanced magical practitioner who used magic to get my wife. Don't fall for it. Take it as an interesting sign of synchronicity, but don't accept it as the final result.
>what happens after the Promise is received and finally fulfilled?
You can ascend or you can choose to stay and help others if you have a strong enough reason to.

>"neville's heaven"
It's whatever Neville assumes it to be. You can see it in his writings, his experiences were his assumptions.
Help me plzzz
>Is it possible to accidentally manifest the ladder?
Yes. I did it.

>Does seeing a ladder on tv count
Why would it count? You are supposed to -climb- a ladder, and be forced to do it despite trying to resist it every way you can.
LoA can't even manifest a fucking burger, I doubt it will *force* anyone to eat it.
>it's hard to want to manifest a promotion, a cute SP, or a Maserati. Would a God really want any of those things?
That's more or less where you get to. You manifest things because you think it might be entertaining, the other reasons for it more or less become irrelevant. It makes desiring anything almost an effort, because you know you already are everything you could possibly be.
Is that why you're only able to manifest bread in stores that are selling bread?
>>know yourself better
>How do I do that?
What don't you know about yourself?

Think hard about that for a minute.

Does the answer scare you?

>I followed the person online and hoping for a follow back. Which I thought it was an action lol
Yes, that's you trying to force the process. You didn't set your manifest, it's not coming yet.

>What’s considered to be an inspired action?
You don't always get one, but when you do you know it- you get the urge to do something you normally would not do, and it leads you to getting your manifest.

You're trying to control the process and wondering why it doesn't work. The straight answer is that you don't want your manifest as much as you want something else that conflicts with it. Knowing what the other thing that you want more helps to work this out.
Manifesting dying in my sleep tonight, wish me luck bros.
This is what many people want more than what they're manifesting. Jews have made it this way for a reason.
>you don't want your manifest as much as you want something else that conflicts with it.
Woah. You didn't have any resistance at all when you manifested your gay threesome, master Jedi?
Godspeed bro. Just literally let go in this case and you're golden.
>Jews are the burger trolls
It's full of retarded contradictions.
>your desire must be something you really really want
>but you can't be attached or obsesssed with it because that means you won't get it
Possibly. And many other things. Above all, they are our misfortune. Until they aren't.
You need to accept it is a possibility first. It needs to become natural to you. You can be attached or obsessed but it must be natural.
>>your desire must be something you really really want
Who said this? You think people really really want to climb up a ladder?
>You can be attached or obsessed but it must be natural.
Jeezus fucking Christ.
The retardation just keeps on giving in this thread.
>Who said this
NTA but I'd say 80% of posters have said this, including the hippie tripnigger schizos.
No, nobody really really wants to climb a fucking ladder.
Yes, it's just another retarded cobtradiction in a completely retarded thread full of subhumans.
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You fags can't agree on anything. Do you think about and visualize it 24/7 or do it once or twice and forget about it?
So I need to manifest that’s adjacent to that? Like I need to manifest desired friends and that person appears ?
Its almost like nobody in this thread knows what they're doing.
you assume until it feels true. Once it does, forget about it.
This is the root of all coincidences.
Visualize it until you hear it clicking in the aether. You'll know it because the Clicking has a very distinctive sound. Then let go and completely forget about it, live your life without ever thinking about what you want. If you think about it, make sure you think about it in a natural way. Do not think about it unnaturally. Then let go again, but for good.
When you don't get your burger and somehow you still care about it despite the fact that you totally forgot about it in the previous step, come back here and say something like:
"OMG anons I just realized that I never truly really wanted my burger, praise God/the universe/my subconscious/my gaynigger alien from outer space/whatever because he/it has other plans for me". This is the coping phase of your journey, a very important step to enlightenment, so make sure that the Cope is good and hard.
Then LilAnon will ejaculate inside Mother-anon's asshole and achieve Christhood via his gay offspring.
>So I need to manifest that’s adjacent to that?
No, your desire is probably fine.

You're getting tripped up trying to follow steps you're not understanding.

1. Define your desire. Frame it in a way that shows you living in the end with your desire fulfilled and everyone happy with the results.
2. Do your manifesting technique until you feel it set.
3. Let go of the situation- your work is done.

If you haven't done the ladder yet, do it. It will show you that you can't stop your manifest once it's completed. It -will- happen, even if you fight it.
>you can't stop your manifest once it's completed. It -will- happen, even if you fight it.
And yet nobody eats that burger. It remains an unsolved mystery.
I tried the ladder method before and that works. I manifested a lot of things but then I get too ahead of myself, I need help with the letting go part of it.
bro I already told you I unconsciously manifested an entire mcdonalds meal, two burgers, and a mcchicken. I didn't go to the restaurant, didn't ask, my roommate just came home with McDonalds after I briefly thought about it a couple hours before
I like the burger troll better than the death to lildickfag failmanifestor
>You are letting go, knowing that everything could easily go to hell in a handbasket if you do.
You said this at the right time, I get stuck exactly at this point which then I resort back to overthinking and such. I realized I can’t be doing that, I just feel like even though I’m aware of such important of a problem I don’t know the solution

Then again that’s why self reminders and techniques exist, to assist you in that state of yours

I kinda see how LoA awareness works but I’m not fully convinced I’m aware of being in a desired state

I always wondered why some other medium manifests don’t happen, though I know this SHOULD be easy. the inconsistency is what puts me off

>Clinging to the past is a great way to be in this state, and a good argument not to be
I view this as a strong snapshot people like myself have that causes us to be stuck in a “flashback frame” otherwise I’m not bothered by the past besides how so and so state caused my current situation

What would you suggest for not only me but other people besides “talking it out” with myself? I know someone that can benefit from this even though she’s not a LoAnon

>changing your mind
It really is and I’m shocked again what you said came true. Some manifests I’ve done have shown me I can literally have it happen a few times, I often still either remind myself as if I were to set it or there’s some aspects I’m still missing that cause a partial success.

Comes from letting go prolly, not only that I think I haven’t made my mind up just yet on my jackpot manifest but certainly am close

Elaborating a bit more: I saw today I really don’t trust the process but I have moved a bit more towards it however

>and you are becoming that
Even I assume such state and may not know if I am manifesting by doing so yet I noticed today I can be fearful of falling out of the state and fearing I can’t get my mojo back into place. Rather keep it going
>be soireddit bitchy faggot
>take multiple shots of experimental poison because the govt told him so
>gets cancer
>blames "microplastics"
>I tried the ladder method before and that works. I manifested a lot of things but then I get too ahead of myself
That's good, but one of the takeaways from the ladder should have been that there is nothing to do- the ladder comes to you after you believed you climbed a ladder.

How did it happen for you?
He's too into his fantasy, let him have his delusions of people who never manifest and everyone getting dick but him.

I manifested 9 tacos in front of 3 occultists who were like "holy fuck, how did you do that?"
>useless retard can't even manifest a fucking burger
>projects his retardation onto everyone else
I manifest a free burger about once per week.
>One has to give way
You decide which one gives way you stupid fucker
>This proves there is limits.
So this is the "reasoning" ability of a fucking retard lmao
I am pursuing a business idea. The goal is to become wealthy. Should I manifest success in my business?
>I don’t know the solution
Remind yourself that LOA works for you. Do the exercises at least once a day, work on your mental diet and affirm that you are getting past this.

I also remembered a Neville technique that may help you, but I don't like using it- "I remember when..." It's a solid technique to shut the door on old life patterns, but I also suspect it reinforces it in the past when you were trying to break free.

"I remember when I was having terrible trouble, but now everything works perfectly..."

I favor revision now: "Everything has always worked perfectly for me."

> I often still either remind myself as if I were to set it or there’s some aspects I’m still missing that cause a partial success.
Why don't you go big and try for what I did as a reaction to someone here fucking with me- "All of my manifests are perfect."

Go big or go home- you can do intermediate steps but "a house divided cannot stand." Pick your end state and commit to it. The only one that can stop you is you.
>The goal is to become wealthy
Focus on this. Be wealthy, then it won't matter what you do, you will be wealthy.
Based :)

I feel sorry for such a 3d addicted Anon.
LilAnon can you tell me what ascension means in regards to the Promise visions? is it like chim or zero-summing?
Wouldn’t it be something on top of the ladder? Like I would imagine a object on top of it and it would appeared. I forgot what I manifested for to be honest. It’s like I got too much exposure to LOA that I have fake information about it too. It caused me to have face pains when I’m trying to manifest something lol.
Do you have to manifest all the time with a ritual? I somewhat felt it to be tedious that this is my life now getting things.
So you're not that useless retarded failure
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>is it like chim or zero-summing?
I'm not familiar with the source material but I saw this posted here. Upon receiving the promise could result in Ekstasis, CHIM or Zero-sum.

Zero-sum is the end for all of us, where we shed our mask and become one with the infinite again.

I spent a lot of time in Ekstasis after receiving the promise since I was not ready for it.

CHIM is the likely result for those who manage to stay connected here past the revelation of being The One, at least for a time. Your limitations are what allow you not to Zero-sum, but you shed them over time unless you forget.
>Do you have to manifest all the time with a ritual?
Once you can get the hang of it you can do it by decision only. I prefer to do blanket manifests, you don't have to do it for every little thing if you manifest things are always going well for you.
Oh okay! I wanna have fun with it and try not to say affirmations a lot. I wanna try drawing what I want.
>I wanna have fun with it and try not to say affirmations a lot. I wanna try drawing what I want.
By all means, do what works for you. As another resource for this states, this is fingerpainting with reality. The Anons that are insisting on perfect techniques are missing the point- no one will ever see the manifestation steps that get them something great, only the result.
Idk I’m worried about blanket affirmations because what if it’s not specific enough for me? Yeah I like put things out there because my thoughts all over the place lol. I like this manifesting technique where I said what I have and saying “thank you God and thank you universe” confirms that I already have it.
>what if it’s not specific enough for me?
You can always add specifics where you feel like you need them.

Sometimes it's enough to believe "I am lucky" while other times you want a burger. Remember that you are doing this naturally all the time- one of the most potent things you can do is use LOA to smooth out your personal challenges and then you don't need to deliberately manifest at all- it all comes naturally.
Oh okay! I understood it then, I’m just gonna experiment with the drawing method and then use blanket affirmations when I feel comfy. Thanks!
Well I’m currently in a optimistically indecisive position when it comes to practice, either I do it awake while I go on with my day or do so during a certain time of day

>I remember when
To be frank it sucks but I will tell her this, I kinda suspect she might know I’m into LoA after she pointed out I tend to talk about God all the time even though I mm not affiliated with any religion

I know there was the talk about how it’s just “me” fighting the process when I move states, though I sometimes think it’s just fear of not knowing how to let go and doubt revision and present manifests can change things I experienced to be bad with holding onto it.

I say to myself every time with revision “can it really work? How can it work if I still remember all the details that made me this way for this topic even though I revised…”

>Pick your end state and commit to it. The only one that can stop you is you
I will admit that I feel like sometime soon I will be satisfied with myself and won’t ask you for help. As well I can’t stop.

Commitment is possible now that I saw, committed to higher awareness and saw what you and Neville said to be true. I’m sure that promise vision that he talks about is more than possible for me to experience.

Fuck…I really let the 3D change my mind since it is all me that can decide. I fail with my practice and let someone or something really change my mind

In the end, it’s trust I lack. If I trust someone I know in real life to get shit I don’t bat an eye but clearly I need to apply that to my subconscious, self and process. Can’t be rushing this by doing all sorts of things.

Explain to me the wanting paradox, I have been curious that if we have some LoA in ourselves this whole time, why do we tend to crave things despite knowing we can’t exactly want. Can’t we just manifest the moment we desire something? What about the anticipation of receiving?

Sounds like a cool trick to do
The magic ingredient to LoA is not giving a fuck.

I'm a semi-advanced manifestor who struggles with anhedonia as a limiting factor. A well intentioned friend once challenged me to do the ladder experiment. I laughed my ass off because I knew something he didn't. It just so happened he'd challenged me on the same day a technician was showing up at my house to install a new high speed internet connection. In the morning I went outside, snapped a photo, sent it to him and said "Your ladder is here."
>you decide which one gives away
No, you already decided both are unlimited.
In order to do what you want one has to fail.
>stupid fucker
Yes you are.
This is a task that LoA cannot do
I’m sorry you failed.
>A well intentioned friend once challenged me to do the ladder experiment
>snapped a photo, sent it to him and said "Your ladder is here."
You cheated yourself there. Kind of interesting to note.

Curious how this expresses for you? Does it rob you of the fun of your ability to manifest?
>ladder already arranged
So no manifestation by you.
For me at least, tried it but not success I should’ve said
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>I’m sorry you failed.
Picrel. I feel sorry for you, because you are arguing for the bars of your cell, rather than understanding that it's all just you.

Your attempts to "prove" things by your perceived paradoxes is just as boring as it ever was. You live and breath the 3d, when none of it is real.
So your solution is to not address the paradox.
Which means the paradox is still there.
You just can’t deal with it.
This is a limit and you can’t overcome it so you run away with no explanation.
Your imagination could not find a way to overcome.
Why do you say you’re “wired”?
That's what you don't get- there is no paradox. I could tell you the answer, I've witnessed it.

But guess what? You've never been able to interest me with your goofy demands. Find something I might be interested in and I'll be happy to collaborate.
>No, you already decided both are unlimited.
You're even more stupid than I thought lol
>retard thinks (lol) he's demonstrated a paradox when he's only demonstrated his own retardation
Sucks to be you but it's no one else's problem
You can be disregarded because you have no idea what you are saying. You didn’t even read the posts.
You are just running away. It’s not usual for you to refuse to answer if you can so it’s clear you simply cannot and it is beyond you.
>Find something I might be interested in and I'll be happy to collaborate.
This is a classic paradox so I can see why you would be unable to cope.
You were unable to meet this challenge and chose to give up after a lot of posts.
>none of it is real.
>Does it rob you of the fun of your ability to manifest?
Hm. Manifesting is still fun. I still get the endorphin rush when something shows up. Being anhedonic makes detachment very easy. It's the hardest part of LoA and the part I find easiest. The trouble comes when I need to define my desires because there is currently little in the world I find interesting and/or desirable. Another problem is over time it's lead me to chasing zebras. The few things I do desire have become increasingly ridiculous and improbable because I don't get the dopamine squirt from a convenient parking space or a hypothetical gay threesome I one might have.

Does that make sense?
You can stop replying now. Your second response was because you hadn’t even realized it was a paradox. Just be quiet now, no tears needed for, you. You can’t give an answer.
>Pick your end state and commit to it. The only one that can stop you is you.
NTA but how?
>You can be disregarded because you have no idea what you are saying.
That's what you are, retard. And we did read it. You should be happy we're even responding to your profound retardation. Try getting more int attributes in your next life, retard
Explain detachment

Do I let go my desire or my past?
No it’s just you doing your usual
response to anything that you can’t deal with.
Which is everything, let’s be honest.
>You can stop replying now.
I'm going to call you a retard one more time just because you posted this. You did not demonstrate a paradox. You thought you did but you didn't. I know that you're too stupid to understand that, but it's no one else's problem but yours. I can't make you any less retarded, even if I could I wouldn't bother
>int attributes
Zoom zoom
Then simply stop replying as you can’t explain it or cope with it other than to say
>i’m really smart so I won’t address the issue
Holy shit fucker. You are absolutely triggered. If you didn’t care you wouldn’t reply.
Why does simple evidence break the minds of larpers so much?
>Explain detachment
I might not be the best person to ask, because I'm not in the 'sweet spot' where either of us would like to be. I'm all the way on the other side of the bell curve. Was there something you've ever wanted in your life very badly that you got? What happened? I'm assuming eventually the joy wore off and you went on to wanting the next thing.

For me it's something like that. Detachment is when you emotionally uncouple from the sensations like I "I WANT THIS" or "I NEED THIS" because if you already had it, you wouldn't stress over wanting it anymore. That part is over now.

"No man fights so hard for something he has already had" - Some Geisha.
>No it’s just you doing your usual
Ah so you're the same useless retard as before. Funny how you seem even more severely retarded today
>zoom zoom
Lol. Attributes have been around for ages. You'd know that if you weren't a useless retard
Because people are retarded and turn every teaching into a convoluted quasi-cult. Many such cases. Take Gnosticism for example, which in itself is a valid spiritual teaching, and then look at "gnostics" inhabiting this board, who reduced it to a le ebic fight against meme lionsnake and their reasoning is now full of mental gymnastics akin to Cristian sectarians (another example of what I'm talking about). People couldn't bother to read the fucking SOURCE and instead form a human centipede, passing around twisted and incomplete pieces of information, playing broken telephone. And then they wonder why nothing works and in search of the answer align themselves back into the human centipede. Thus the circle of bullshit is completed.
>retard makes retarded statements
>retard demands explanations for said retarded statements
This is a legit paradox.


The best-known version of the omnipotence paradox is the paradox of the stone: "Could God create a stone so heavy that even he could not lift it?" This is a paradoxical question because if God could create something he could not lift, then he would not be omnipotent.

Raging and posting retard a lot says more about you than the question.
Lilanon simply ran away which it’s about all you can expect from a trip who says he can change into a vampire and back again at will.
There is some poor larping going on here. You can’t actually address real questions.
So Mr. Beast was concluded as having used LoA without reading Goddard to attain his success? Did eh also assume a tranny pedo to be his sidekick for his success too?
When you work on a project, do you prefer brainstorming new ideas or organizing and executing a detailed plan?
Hi Lil.
I employed the very simple idea that a belief once set in manifests in our experience.
I affirmed that my job is very easy three days ago. And for these three days, I've been the freest person in the room. This works rapidly. Almost dangerously effective as long as I don't trip over myself through attachment.
Fine. This works. I've worked for the last two months on releasing negative emotions / feelings (a la Levenson). Quality of life is up dramatically and sometimes I enter that peaceful state where I know I Am. Fleeting but very good.
My problem now is that the 3d experience still springs up experiences due to the list of bad beliefs accumulated through my life. I don't even know how many of these have been set in stone and for how long.
Is there a way where I can hope to at least become conscious of them if I set time to do this exercise? What if I've been dealing myself the wrong cards of my own accord? Can you tell us how you went about cleaning house?
In the words of LilAnon “Good job Anon! :)”
This is only a paradox to useless retards like yourself. Took me less than a minute to find CS Lewis in that article explaining how it isn't a paradox, it's pure retardation.

You're too retarded to understand how it's not a paradox even with his explanation? Too bad for you, but that's no one else's problem
nta, but
>C. S. Lewis argues that when talking about omnipotence, referencing "a rock so heavy that God cannot lift it" is nonsense just as much as referencing "a square circle"; that it is not logically coherent in terms of power to think that omnipotence includes the power to do the logically impossible. So asking "Can God create a rock so heavy that even he cannot lift it?" is just as much nonsense as asking "Can God draw a square circle?"
So God is limited by logic, why exactly? Why can't God create illogical, nonsensical things?
>So God is limited by logic
This is the wrong conclusion. God is limited by nothing. Logic is a tool we use to study arguments, if your argument is retarded then you get retardation.
there is only one will and that is the will of god, if you truly desire a rock that you cannot lift then it shall be done. if you want to then lift this rock it will be done too.
>a hardcore Christin children’s author is the absolute authority on something that challenges his beliefs.
You sure like to say retard a lot for someone with such extreme learning difficulties.
Yet you can’t explain it. You never attempt to explain anything. Why take anything you post seriously when it’s just you using insults. You add nothing and explain nothing even when you claim it’s simple.
It’s clearly so hard for you that you can’t explain it.
>if you truly desire a rock that you cannot lift then it shall be done
Then you can’t lift it
> if you want to then lift this rock it will be done too.
You just said you can’t.
Bro you didn't.
>gay tripnigger seething again
It's not even being 24h that I'm back, champ.
>worthless retard seething again
See above, chimp.
>buzzword buzzword buzzword
I kek'd.
Stick to the gay threesomes.
>thank you God and thank you universe
Why the fuck would you thank both? Just pick one retarded thing and go nuts with thanking it bro.
Maybe god is out there somewhere weightlifting bigger and bigger rocks.
Don’t you understand you are insulting the most powerful being in the threads?
Lilanon is not a real manifestation man, he can’t stop using magic terms and larps about Elstasis and his time int the 90s as a goth vampire hanging out in the streets.

Lilanon told me to my face the problem in the old /omg/ general was that it distracted the young men from homosexuality. He said LoA ought to have their own general, so as to encourage homosexuality and burgers

Lilanon told me to my face that Europe collapsed when the project of Imperial Austria-Hungary failed: only Austria-Hungary could have saved the European Ideal.

Both times he told me this we was trying to pull 19 year old men in his 70s for a threesome

Lilanon tried to pull my father, myself and my brother. Failed each time, but god damn, he was a sexy man.
>can't even manifest the bread of the burger
How's your 5 dollar bill Quest going?
>>a hardcore Christin children’s author is the absolute authority
Muh authority!! Of course a useless retard can't understand basic arguments on their own merits, that's just par for the course lol

>Yet you can’t explain it
The explanation is literally there lmao. Get mad at your own parents for making a useless retard like you that can't understand it
An argument you can’t summarise and had to resort to google for. An argument that is biased and unconvincing.
>The explanation is literally there lmao. Get mad at your own parents for making a useless retard like you that can't understand it
You certainly can’t present it. You have never, ever been able to give any argument. Not once. You don’t have any.
You just have a condition where any legitimate criticism causes hours of posting retard and no content. It just makes you look worse and worse.
>bla bla bla lil anon this lil anon that
You're the same useless fucking retard as above. You're an absolute retarded failure that can't even manifest a burger lmao yet you keep yapping
Bro you can't even find a parking spot.
>to google for
Google? It was from your own link you useless retard

>you must present an indepth explanation to an absolute fucking retard
No, I don't have to you fucking retard. Not my problem you can't understand the explanations given. No one here can make you a non retard
Different posters. You can’t count to more than one so obviously this is tough for you.
Can you just stop seething over everything for one fucking moment? You aren’t here for loa. Get help.
>more projection from the retard
Imagine having problems with trivial shit like parking spots
You didn’t give them explanations, you merely referred to them.
Do your own work. Your argument isn’t presented because you can’t understand it.
It’s not that you don’t have to.
It’s that you can’t
Imagine seething so hard and not even eating a burger.
Different posters. You are arguing with at least two or three anons like it’s the same one.
You have deep problems.
>Different posters
No one cares. You can pretend to be 100 different posters but it makes no difference when they're all useless retards like you
>You can pretend to be 100 different posters
Dayum, boy. You really think you're replying to the same person don't you?
Is this the power of LoA?
>retard in tears
Lol. Good

>retard keeps pretending
No one cares. Keep crying though
>no one cares
You care clearly.
Prove me wrong and stop replying and shitting up the thread. Be the supposed smarter anon you are and stop acting like the retard you claim others are,
>retard is off his meds
No one cares.
>useless retard doesn't know it's all loa
Stop trolling. No one is in tears.
Expect with laughter maybe.
>worthless retard doesn't know he needs meds asap
>stop replying
I will call you a useless retard like you a useless retard whenever I feel like it

Even the time stamps alone should show someone as dumb as you it’s more than one poster. Evidence isn’t a thing that you like but it’s there.
>useless retard pretends to be multiple anons
>still get utterly BTFO
Meds, now.
>muh time stamps
>posts suddenly dry up
Lol now I'm even more sure you're just one (1) useless fucking retard that cries about lilanon and your own retardation all day long in these threads. Holy shit what a pathetic life lmao
>sometimes I enter that peaceful state where I know I Am.
That's fantastic, but if you can't manifest your burger you're still a failure.
Remember, the point is to manifest in the 3D, anything else is cope.
Why do you keep getting triggered so much on the whole LilAnon thing?
It's nobody's fault if his grandest manifestation was a gay threesome.
The timestamps prove it’s different people.
Please understand basic things.
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Anyone know what this "shifting" stuff is from?
Why does it matter? It works for me

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