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If God is omniscient (all-knowing), this means God knows everything, including all future events and choices. If God knows with certainty what a person will choose before they make the choice, then that future choice is predetermined. If our choices are predetermined, then we don't have true free will. Therefore, God's omniscience seems to contradict the existence of human free will.

If an omniscient being (like God) knows with certainty what will happen in the future, and this knowledge is infallible (cannot be wrong), then the future must happen exactly as foreseen, which means it is predetermined or predestined.

If everything is predestined, including our choices and actions, then our ultimate fate (salvation or damnation) is also predetermined. Humans don't truly choose to accept or reject salvation; it's decided for them before they're even born. If one's belief or disbelief is predetermined, the significance of personal faith is arbitrary.

I think this conclusion is unsatisfactory, However, I also don't see how it can be logically reconciled either.
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Molinism for example proposes that God has middle knowledge of counterfactuals - knowledge of what any free creature would freely do in any possible circumstance. Based on this, God actualizes a world where his desired outcomes occur through free choices, and doesn't contradict God's omniscience.

But what makes counterfactuals true or valid? This is especially important for God's knowledge, which is supposed to be based on truth, not arbitrary or baseless information.

If nothing grounds these counterfactuals, they would be like random guesses and more like speculation, which isn't knowledge at all. If grounded in the agent's nature, this leads back to determinism, negating free will. For example, if it's true that "In situation X, John would choose Y" because of John's nature, then John's choice seems predetermined. If grounded in God's knowledge: This creates a circular argument: God knows what the agent would do because God knows what the agent would do. It doesn't explain how God comes to have this knowledge in the first place.
Predestination is a belief for cucks.
>Therefore, God's omniscience seems to contradict the existence of human free will.
Not really, because if free will is real then it means your choice actually does not exist before you make it.
So it's not that God wouldn't know something, it would mean there's nothing there to know.

This is in fact the way quantum processes behave. A quantum state can collapse in multiple different ways, and there is absolutely no possible way to determine which one it collapses to. And scientists are very clear about this: It's not just because we don't have enough information, it's that no information exists that can tell you how it collapses. It's fundamentally non-determinable.
The Bible never asserts the existence of free will. Even the souls that are saved are those whose names are already written in the Book of the Lamb from the beginning of the world.
>It's fundamentally non-determinable.
It's determined by the World-Soul (God).
Have you ever had absolute knowledge of something?
If so, then you can imagine what God's absolute knowledge of you might be like.
If not, then you cannot begin to imagine the nature of God, and therefore cannot make moral judgements upon Him.

Have you ever had love for anything or anyone?
If so, you can imagine what God's love for you might be like
If not, you can't imagine what God is like and therefore cannot make moral judgements about him.

Let's examine the first case. You have probably had certainty about something in the past. For example, you have known that if you drop a ball, then it will fall to the ground.
Let's examine the second case. Since you were born, you had a mother. You probably loved that mother for some time before you were apart from her for the first time. In a primitive, unknowing way, you must have loved her and the world she brought you into, if only as a survival instinct.

Have you ever been certain of something that would happen, and caused it to be so out of love? If you can't think of an example of a moment when this has happened, consider the following in experiment: Out of your love for curious exploration and the furthering of this discussion, move your hand in a controlled way. Congratulations! You have done something out of love, something that you knew would happen.

Now take the case of God. God could either make you and your life as it is, or he could change it in some way before making it so, just as you could have moved your hand in a different way.

Now we are in a position to receive God's judgement: Is our life such that we can truly have faith that God created us like this out of love? If so, congratulations! You are going to Heaven. Or rather, you already are in Heaven, since there is only one place and time in this Kosmos, the eternal Now in which all past and future events arise.
What if you can't have faith in this way, because you resent your life? Notice that we have already argued that you have control over some things that you can do out of love. Therefore, whether God created us this way or not, it is our responsibility to remake ourselves such that we can begin to believe that our life was one worth making. It's to your benefit, and it pleases God! What do you have to lose?

Do you feel like you have free will?
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Why is it unsatisfactory?
Even if it is predetermined a human does chose to save or destroy themselves.
Even if it was known in advance what would happen it would be unfair to judge and condemn someone based on their future actions.
People have to be given life to prove to themselves and the world they are what they are, and truly would live as they have done.

There is single timeline time travel in Revelation, and in general true prophets in the Bible say exactly what will happen before it happens.
Predestination is biblical.
if I know the way a football game is going to go, does that mean that I'm in control of it?? no. it simply means I know who is going to win. If I'm omnipotent, and I start an ant farm, and know what ants are going to live and die past a certain point does that signify lack of free will in the ants or an ability to allow the ants free will? is it more fucked up for me to intervene and allow the ants I like to live simply because I like them?
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Yo mom has a fat ass!
>If so, you can imagine what God's love for you might be like
He threw his children to world full of demonic wolves and didn't bother to remove wolves in first place.
His love is lukewarm at best.
>then our ultimate fate (salvation or damnation) is also predetermined.
some people just live normal lives bro. that's where you fucked up. logically abrahamism.
>Molinism for example proposes that God has middle knowledge of counterfactuals - knowledge of what any free creature would freely do in any possible circumstance. Based on this, God actualizes a world where his desired outcomes occur through free choices, and doesn't contradict God's omniscience.

that's imperfect and a contradiction because it implies limits to the knowledge of God.

If God is anything LESS THAN all powerful, then God is not all powerful, then God is not God.


Only GOD is real. Everything else is bullshit. There are no other gods. God doesn't need to create them.
God is all knowing and all powerful
God creates a mountain so heavy that even God can't lift it, and then God lifts it anyway.
God is omnipotent and omnipresent
God is all knowing and all powerful
God is perfect and beyond perfect
God is infinite and beyond infinite
God is eternal and beyond eternal
God is eternal and outside of time
God is limitless and immeasurable
God creates all good and all evil
God creates all light and all darkness
God creates all miracle and all calamity
God creates everything
God destroys everything
God controls everything
God knows everything
God cannot be tricked or fooled
God knows the truth about everything
God created free will, therefore God controls free will, therefore free will is fake
Everything is completely predetermined by God
only God has real free will
God is the only one with free will because God is God
If someone else other than God had free will, would God still be God?

Science is the religion of trying to understand reality created by God
Religion is the science of trying to understand God that created reality

Science and Religion, like humanity, are imperfect.

The wisest man knows that he truly knows nothing.
Humanity knows NOTHING.
Technically only God has free will because if human beings had free will they would all be gods and each of their individual free wills would contradict and conflict with the free will of every other individual therefor making them not be gods and not having free will again simultaneously since they would be unable to avoid being affected by each others wishes.
Only God has free will because only God can do whatever they want, and make anything happen or not happen, completely having the first, middle, and final say and every say in between without anyone else having the power to ruin it or contradict or conflict with it.

only God has real free will
God is the only one with free will because God is God
If someone else other than God had free will, would God still be God?

philosophically, metaphorically, and hypothetically speaking: free will possibly can't be real for everyone because only God has free will, because if everyone had free will then everyones individual free will would contradict the free will of everyone else by overwriting their decisions and making everyone who didn't make that decision upset. Therefor, only God can have true free will because God is the only one in complete control of everything. IF humans had real free will, then they would be able to overwrite and contradict the will of God, proving God to not be all powerful, proving God to not be God, and proving God to be wrong. Therefor, Everyone else must theoretically only have the illusion of free will from the limited imperfect human perspective. We think we're in control, but it's impossible for us to act outside of the plan of God, no matter what we do.
The garden of eden story in the book of genesis makes absolutely no sense because adam and eve didn't have the knowledge of good and evil before eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, so they couldn't have known that disobeying God was a bad thing until after eating the fruit, but then it's too late-

God created the serpent with the exact purpose of doing what it was suppposed to do, because nothing exists outside the will of God. God put the serpent there. God put the trees with forbidden fruit right there in the garden of Eden in front of the two newest and most naive and gullible humans in existence and then told them to not eat of it- knowing that they absolutely were going to. God made the garden of eden. God made adam and eve. God let it all happen. God made it happen.

BUT: I think God is the good guy and religion was created by something evil to try to give God a bad reputation so that people would abandon religion and abandon God at the same time.

religion is not the word of God


God is the good guy.

Knowledge is not the same as Wisdom.
Its possible Adam and Eve knew at some level what they were doing was wrong, but they ignored the notion due to the craftiness of the temptation.
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>then we don't have true free will. Therefore, God's omniscience seems to contradict the existence of human free will.
wow you have an iq above 110. what's your next question
If you believe in God, you believe in the Devil
and the never ending War in the Heaven.
Go from there.

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