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File: UFO miami.webm (166 KB, 360x802)
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Romboid UFO appears in Miami
orginal archive post on /POL
I’m so ready
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Are we living in the X-Com Apocalypse timeline then?
Yeah I'm sure this, the ninethousandth video about something weird flying somewhere is gonna be the one that breaks the camel's back.
Great captures, thanks for sharing
Doesn't seem to be doing much of anything anomalous in that clip. Some image artifact towards the end, but that might just be compression. Is there more and/or a clearer vid?
>Doesn't seem to be doing much of anything anomalous in that clip

found the "Lue Elizondo's 5 observables" shillbot
Six observables per the UAP Disclosure Act. Please do try to keep up.
>I like my UFOs like I like my women
>motionless and prosaic
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holy samefag
why'd you delete your reply though?
because he realized linking to this thread was a huge mistake lol >>38455705
Holy shit you weren't kidding, the level of samefaggotry in that thread is embarrassing. I wonder how long it will take for the glowies to realize they're the only ones in that thread. I guess they get paid either way.
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I always thought Calvine was pretty cool, but do you remember the Softshell larp from last July? Not as big as MH370 and unsurprisingly it never did deliver on that 20+ minute video clip.
Democrats faking an alien invasion to stay in power.
>a UFO is not a UAP
Oh this theory should be good! Lay this bit of crazysauce on us, anon, and please make it spicy.
that swamp gas
That op deserves a lot of credit. He's created Schrodinger's Psyop which is both laughably inept and brilliantly executed manipulation.

Inept: Grusch's own cv he himself submitted to congress proves he's part of a disinformation campaign

Brilliant manipulation: Ken Klippenstein writes a hitpiece about Grusch's mental health, then actually admits, on his own, that sources in the intel community told him where to find the records. Suddenly Grusch isn't just another sympathetic former soldier struggling with PTSD but all his allegations about a retaliation campaign against himself are proven
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Looks similar to this one in Brazil doing the rounds on plebbit at the moment...

Thats a man(made craft)
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Interesting. Looks remarkably similar. According to the youtube link OP's is from the 21st while the one you posted (which seems to change shape!) is from July 7th. Could be faked? Manmade and released in different places? Or another fucking balloon on the loose?

They both remind me of the ship from Flight of the Navigator, which even has some shapeshifting ability. Coincidence of inspiration for a fake? I don't know.
Definitely. I realized it was risking shitting up this thread by linking to that one. Besides, that OP was having so much fun replying to himself.
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I know im browsing /x/ here, but you retards. That just looks like a balloon.
How are people seeing this and going "aliens!"
It's obvious you just browse. If you look at that image and don't want to join in the fun, maybe you don't belong here.
In addition to the OP and the Brazil one, they also look similar to to the Softshell pic someone else posted above as well as the Calvine photo.
hekko gkowie
>when the /pol/ tourist tries to fit in
Embarrassing. This election shit can't be over fast enough so you guys can crawl back into containment.
There will be no disclosure from our government

The ayys will land and show themselves before the insiders have the balls to do it. They are doomed to moral failure
Hasn't there already been tacit disclosure? At the very least we have had senior military and government officials admit during press conferences that there indeed unidentified craft doing things beyond the known capacity of the US, its allies, and its adversaries. Known of course is a telling word, they aren't going to tell us about anything classified, though to even imply we have classified craft that can do what some of these UAP appear to do would be phenomenal. Then we've got the UAP Disclosure Act first introduced last year, gutted by the House, now reintroduced with all the gutted parts restored in the current year's NDAA:


Congress certainly seems to think there is there-there and are pretty keen to get at it. The creation of AARO was pretty big, though I argue it was a huge mistake leaving them under the Pentagon. Unsurprisingly they turned it into Blue Book II: Electric Boogaloo. With the UAPDA, Schumer put it out last year, and for the head of the Senate to do something that mentioned and defined non-human intelligence and cited biological materials, as well as calling out the DOE for over-classification, is amazing enough. Damn thing is also bipartisan, which is a very rare bird in these days. This years version is being put out by Senator Rounds, a Republican and fellow Gang of 8 member, who helped right last years. The suggestion is if a Republican name is attached then it will hopefully have better luck making it through the House unscathed.

And it's not just the UAPDA, it's the very specific gutting that was done to it. They removed all mention of NHI, biological materials, the six observables, the civilian review board with eminent domain power to seize records and other materiel, mention of the DOE and more. They tell you exactly what they don't want you to know about.
What does the doe have to do with any of this
411 on the Department of Energy (going back to the early days of the Manhattan Project) is that a lot of people overlook it because they see the name and think about their electricity bill and don't connect it with ayys. The DOE, however, also covers nuclear secrets which are exempt from FOIA and automatic declassification laws. Alien tech is said to put out a degree of radiation (there's a history of people being burned and/or coming down with radiation sickness after close encounters with UFOs) all recovered craft and technology can fall under the Atomic Secrets Act. It's believe this is the umbrella they lump all recovered materiel and associated records under to keep it perpetually classified. The UAPDA calls this out in a few places:

>(F) the Department of Energy and its progenitors, the Manhattan Project, the Atomic Energy Commission, and the Energy Research and Development Administration

>(4) Legislation is necessary because credible evidence and testimony indicates that Federal Government unidentified anomalous phenomena records exist that have not been declassified or subject to mandatory declassification review as set forth in Executive Order 13526 (50 U.S.C. 3161 note; relating to classified national security information) due in part to exemptions under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.), as well as an over-broad interpretation of "transclassified foreign nuclear information'', which is also exempt from mandatory declassification, thereby preventing public disclosure under existing provisions of law.

Basically alien shit is the ultimate in foreign "nuclear material" and has vast potential for energy generation. This gives them the excuse to use existing laws to keep legally maintain the secret. If you want to know what happens if you break these laws to leak atomic secrets look up Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
Interesting, thanks anon
XCOM is in agreement with the Hollow Earth theory. Will we have disclosure about the Hollow Earth as well?
Dear Sirs, a very important classified video will be leaked before Full Alien Disclosure Occurs in the Months July 2024 Official Global Arrival Date please review attached Transcripts
I'm Formerly employee in MJ12 DEEPSTATE Government Best Regards Goodluck.


Aliens UFO DID 911 TRUTH
When 9/11 happened, news in Australia initially reported that the US was attacked by aliens. There used to be videos of metal orbs flying right through the buildings coming from above instead of directly towards., RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH.
Here you go, my man.
Another normie and polmonkey posts a balloon. Below 90 IQ.
There's also an interesting twist to >>38456473 in that Ken Klippenstein's daddy works for the DOE. His daddy is just a theoretical chemist, so I'm sure it's just a coincidence. These things happen, right?

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