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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: UFO miami.webm (166 KB, 360x802)
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Romboid UFO appears in Miami
That's just a us Airforce experimental fighter drone.
looks real to me
Can travel across the entire universie.
Too drunk to remember to hit the invisibility/camouflage button to hide themselves
Swamp gas
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fuck off we're full
more mall aliens incoming
Just drunk AF hanging it all out there, right above a major US city, for all the bloody world to see.
>Too drunk to remember to hit the invisibility/camouflage button to hide themselves
I see they have a DEI problem as well.
That's just a bird
this is not news
this shit happens all the time in mexico like 1 every week
I thought Miami was in the US
why are they speaking Spanish?
the spic OP hiding behind a memeflag is trying to get youtube views on his shitty channels. dont click the fake shit
SO, these are shadows, right? Isn't that how that works? A 4d object will cast a 3d shadow? I'm more or less genuinely asking. Could you build out the 3d shadow to understand the 4d object?
That's a blimp. Go to bed.
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Buy an ad fucking faggot. Your channel is garbage and the video is troon cgi dilation on paint. Fuck you beaner.
It's possible they don't have ftl, instead they know how to circumvent long distance, like Halo slipspace. Could also be that their base of operations has been on Earth and/or the moon this whole time. They could be hiding anywhere in the deep oceans, they could be deep underground. Antarctica is a massive continent yet we know nothing about it and are told it's all just white crud that we should ignore (as ordered by the world government), like with the moon.
Not my thing
What if they want to be seen?
Wow these posts are totally organic
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Behead Aliens. Power armour kick an Alien into the concrete. Slam dunk a Little Green Man into the trashcan. Defecate in a Martian’s food. Launch UFOs into the sun. Toss Aliens into active volcanoes. Judo throw Aliens into a plasma cutter. Twist Greys heads off. Karate chop Aliens in half. Step on disgusting Alien eggs. Trap Aliens in quicksand. Crush Aliens in the trash compactor. Eject Aliens out of airlocks. Liquefy Aliens in a vat of acid. Probe Aliens. Dissect Aliens. Exterminate Aliens in the gas chamber. Stomp Alien skulls with mech-powered boots. Cremate Aliens in the oven. Lobotomize Aliens. Mandatory abortions for Aliens. Drown Aliens in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Aliens with their own ray guns. Slice Aliens with lightsabers. Fuck an alien in the mouth. Make cum tributes to pictures of aliens. Ejaculate on alien's asses. Slap an alien's titties. Steal an alien's hyperwave technology to broadcast NIGGER across the galaxy and laugh in an alien's face about how you fucked its mom.
you will get on to the anvil ships and you will like it
no it’s the nazis, turning whites into nazis… see it wasn’t their fault
>mexican politician caught fucking a cat again
Oh boy, we're back to the totally real UFO story spam.
That's the Calvine UFO
Its not a disk it's a iris of the camera in the shape of the diamond. its just a bird and it's circling. yOu people are fucking bat shit crazy. just stop. Also not a /pol thread. go to /x
>Wow these posts are totally organic
I am not organic. I pollute my body daily with beer and smokes. I identify as a polluted organic, get it right chud.
Dumb shill can't even reply properly and posts complete nonsense. Definitely a bot

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