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Has anyone ever gone without music for more than a month? How was it compared with music?
I remember going 3 weeks without music, and it made me feel more aware of everything.
yeah i think it improved my taste in music. i went a few years. i learned an instrument too. pink floyd rocks. i cant believe i stopped listening to them after like 12.
Music depletes catecholamines. Draw your own conclusions from that fact. It's literally like ear drugs.
>pink floyd rocks
Fucking normies.
what do you like?
You must be fun at singularities. Nah I can appreciate silence too.
I was into music for decades, played instrument, gigs, always headphones, always car stereo, always loud music, always producing shit and all. Then something happened, paradigm shift, now I prefer silence by far.
I think I'm addicted to music. I don't know if it really is ruining my life or something, but would I benefit from listening to less music? I guess yes, but it's extremely addicting and a habit.
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I can't find the post but some anon on here said that music is the new smoking. It's something that super common and people "need" to have whenever they're doing something, like an addiction. He also said listening to music as much as we do now is so unusual, people in the past only heard music performed live, in special scenarios, but now it's everywhere nonstop. Interesting, maybe people should "music fast" more often, wonder what would happen
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>music thread
>no music
i = disappoint
Yeah it gets old. But if you masturbate twice a day it starts to suck too. I literally went like a decade almost without music. I don't listen to it like when I was a teen, but it's nice to pop it on once a month or something.
Alright guys, message received.
Thanks for making this thread just for me.
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>no music thread
>posts music
You can tell society as a whole is brainwashed into obsessing over music, try telling someone you "don't like music."
They'll look at you like you're an alien or something, lel. Always pay attention to what the majority populace likes/dislikes. You can learn a lot (of what NOT to do)
Maybe, but the problem is music is so pervasive, it's difficult to avoid. You could just listen to talk radio in your car, but music plays at grocery stores, cafes, restaurants, commercials, shows and movies. It's almost everywhere to the point we take it for granted.
were you raised by extreme christians by chance? also music has never been hugely mainstream popular like you think, sexy young people playing music that sets a vibe and identity for people to aspire or escape into has been popular. people dont really go listen to the best musicians in the world expand on music theory and showcase their skills.
>No music pill
You *are* music.
the whole universe is music, the background radiation hum, stars roaring, animals chattering, chittering ribbitinh and roaring, the long moments of silences in between percussive explosions and ambient swooshing... probably like three more things... maybe more...
I went ~2 months without music/tv/movies/porn/smoking/books/masturbation/privacy of any kind and nothing bad happened. I didn’t go crazy, gain magic powers, have any profound emotional breakthroughs, cry, or interact with any non human entities (that I’m aware of).

I was mostly just bored/sleepy. I sang a lot more.
Do you have tinnitus?
I have gone on multiple nomusic streaks before, usually lasting a few months at a time. It never really did anything for me honestly & even when I first listened to a song again after it didn't feel special or anything. But maybe that's just because I have crippling sleep apnea & I don't get the sleep I need to repair my dopamine receptors
Yeah, I do. What an interesting question. Why do you ask?
im the original anon, nta, but i should have said that too. all the old musicians i know have it from being near loud speakers unprotected.
Oh, yeah. I earned it like a retard! kek.
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It's not the music that's the problem, but the words.
If what you're listening to does not stimulate your creativity, in whatever way it presents itself within you, it's not worth listening to.
Yeah good music is actually pretty rare. I mean, you've got formulaic mainstream stuff that has some good sounds, but music that connects to the soul is pretty rare nowadays. I think hyperconsumption and its widespread availability dumbed it down. Everyone's too concerned about clout and money.
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music is cool, i used to listen to it more, i dont as much now, but as for nullifying spirtual progression, i dont think enjoying rap music does so but relating to the themes shows you have them in you, but in the same way realizing you dont relate to the themes any more shows your progression. its more of a you cultivate your environment around your inate spiritual sensibilites, your environement doesn't cultivate those senibilities for you
You see a misused tool and think the tool should be eradicated, and not the misuse.
In the spiritual realm, every word is a song, every step a dance.
The difference is who the music is for.
Do you listen to music to put you and your enjoyment at the center?
Or do you listen to music that puts the Supreme as the center, and for the Supreme's enjoyment?
4'33" > silence
i only listen to music which drives me into ecstasy, i believe that dancing to it brings me closer god. so i dance with my beloved mother and celebrate life together.


this, although the enjoyment of me and the supreme are one and the same.
After I went 18 days without music, anime. porn or any form of media except books and news articles, and I started hearing voices.
Some were just talking about random things, but one was always commenting stuff about what I was doing. It reminded me to do chores and helped me figure out math problems. It also dictated stuff to write in my diary, most of it was about philosophy. Like one thing was about how guilty conscience was just a product of your unconscious fears and other's programming and how it is used to manipulate you into becoming what others want. All this time I was not consuming any form of media or porn which was new for me because I was addicted to porn since I was 11 and haven't missed more than a week of porn or social media or consooming in general. After I became really upset at something and didn't listen to what the voice said for a few times, it stopped speaking to me. I tried and tried and it never came back and I then started consooming again and my porn addiction got worse. And now i am not capable of resisting all that for more than 2 days because the pain and fear and loneliness and disgust is just too much.
Thanks for sharing. I've been cutting things out since around the eclipse, one by one. Last one was coffee, that was a big one for me. Been a coffee addict for over 15 years nonstop. Also gave up vidya, alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and hard drugs. This thread is my sign to stop the music. I have a really developed sense of connection to my intuition, but i'm searching for this voice. I heard it briefly a couple weeks ago, telling me horrible truths that literally brought me to my knees. I'm looking for more of that.
its really hard but i like not listening to music. but unfortunately i have perfect recitation of songs in my head like an infection so even if im not listening to music they play and its worse than a real song because it just never ends and one song will last like an hour and im tryna sleep
a public gym without music playing would be pretty nice
Bro that ear candy on that song is sick. Gives me such great Disclosure vibes. True art breeds inspiration and hope.
>the enjoyment of me and the supreme are one and the same.
If that were true, then the degenerate misuse of music would not be.
You are not the Supreme.
>Disclosure vibes
If I don't listen to music for several hours or even several days, my brain starts to emulate music from the sounds around me. I then hear excellent black metal from the chirping of crickets and the rustling of trees, from ventilation systems and heating pipes.

just wear noise cancelling headphones with nothing playing through them and if anyone asks what you are listening to tell them they wouldn't like it and laugh in a smug all knowing fashion
music is hedonistic, thus anti-spirituality
music is a cancer to meditation

notice how it is always women and NPCs who desperately want music to be part of the spiritual training.
>>I can't find the post but some anon on here said that music is the new smoking. It's something that super common and people "need" to have whenever they're doing something,
It's also part of the roastie's craving for scenarising their lives like in movies. Look at their videos ''a day in a life of ____''
>now it's everywhere nonstop

No, unfortunately not. Commercial music plays all the time and it's not real music, it's just a simulation that only imitates real music. Just like an electric lamp only imitates real light, but can't provide any warmth. Commercial music is absolutely unbearable and I think it triggers a form of apoptosis, which is probably why they call it pop music, although they say the pop in pop music stands for popular. Apoptosis is roughly described as a state in which cells commit suicide starting from the nucleus. When you listen to real music, the exact opposite happens, the nucleus expands itself, the consciousness opens up, the thoughts become free.
I'll eat the mushrooms and bang the drum like I did in the ancient times and no women and no NPCs can ever hold me back from doing so.
Oh God

This tard is back
there's only commercial music in a republic, because this society is based on commerce. Non-commercial music has been dead with the atheist revolutions. And commercial music for the masses stated in the 20s and all the whores flocked to the bars and concert to get liberated.
Music is an expression of the nature of the universe. As the universe is composed of sattva, rajas and tamas, so also different music is composed of these qualities.

Sattvic music is not limited to New Age and Classical. Here's some death metal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfVQEi35cOQ
Here's some "pop": https://youtu.be/UdRJnD1vriU?si=lKAAANt85M5FFNHS
Here's some Drum and Bass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW58btsPoW4&t=5s
These are unusual examples of genres which are normally tamasic or rajasic which in this case are produced by artists who are in tune with the harmony of the Kosmos.

I will add that psytrance, techno, IDM and related genres tend to be highly sattvic.

Just as, if all sounds a person or the whole world made in their lifetime could be collected together, they would sound like ॐ, so also, were all music collected together, it would sound like a single beat.
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Everything is frequency.
Your fucking heart is making a rhythm all your life. Trying to escape something as natural as music is like trying to escape stories or laughter. That’s what makes us human.

Which music you listen too now, that’s where these topics need to move. Ultimately, music is how time is decorated. It is the ultimate tool to change your emotions.

You will never, never see a «first kiss» scene in a movie without music. You will never see a «first fight scene» without music. Because it’s just THAT good to b change your frequency. So use that tool wisely.

Don’t listen to music without any lyrics for a month. Try some ratatat for example. Then, move more and more into atmosphere/ambient music. You’ll start to understand the movie/play/game you’re in.

It can be hard. For example, I was a tame impala mega fan, but came to the realization that singing with emotions the sentences «the less I know the better» or «it feels we are going backward, baby» must not be working on my interest.
TikTok link, yes but

Stars know they are doing magick on us, so yeah. That’s why listening to Kanye West «Power» before working out can really give you gains for example.

It is a big difference, music initially wasn't consumed for recreational purposes, it had ritualistic purposes mainly. Listening to music literally grabs your psychic framework and places it in an altered environment that's been carefully crafted by the musical structure. When you don't listen to music recreationally and only do it for ritual, spiritual practices you are able to feel the full strength of the shift and draw a lot more from it.

Nowadays music is too "complex" and vapid and people are hooked to it all day, it causes disarray that goes unnoticed.
>music with lyrics
music is for when you're drinking
if you're sober and listening to music, there's something wrong with you and you should kys
Music causes hormonal imbalance but that aside I'd say it's ok.
What kind of truths?
Dark ambient is great for meditation though. The quieter and creepier, the better.
This meme comes from self-improvement normies who listen to brain rot. They've never heard anyone play an instrument IRL other than some chords of a guitar or a piano vaguely approximating a popular tune.
>Technology is invented.
>People use it.
>It's a problem.

It's not a problem.

>“It made me feel more aware”

You're barely legal to be on the internet if you are at all.
The kind of truths that applies to both you personally, and also to your relation to others. The kind of truths that are life-defining. When the voice pops in and drops one of those, it's game time.
tiktok link
Idk but I am definitely addicted to music and lose hours daily listening it
Even Hitler had a band you fucking faggot
hitler was a piece of shit socialist who tried to subsume the european culture into globohomo crap
Agreed, fuck Hitler
the bottom pit is noise and neofolk
there's so much worse. depraved and generally weird. don't fall into any of these rabbitholes.


could you believe it gets darker and worse than this? this is hell's music
>killed millions of europeans
>formed alliances with arabs, japanese, and indians
>stole swastika from persians
>hated other europeans more than africans
how was he a "based" white nationalist?
Beautiful if true. i hope it comes back anon but maybe you have to beg and ask forgiveness
Reddit tone of writing desu
Im pimping your yeah always fresh nah though xyzinf.
What about the music that plays in your head?
Corupted internet police bribing with narcotic scares.
i dont consider people who dont listen to music even human
music is emotion
its obviously something else if you got problems with your ears and you dont hear harmonies but if youre physically capable of perceiving music and just dislike it then there is something massively wrong with you and youre basically an automaton
Brainlet, go watch the games and let the adults talk
>Everything is frequency. Your fucking heart is making a rhythm all your life. Trying to escape something as natural as music is like trying to escape stories or laughter. That’s what makes us human.
Its just anons being contrarian to the point of outright retardation, a common occurrence on this board.
After nofap, noshit and nofood, the coper tribe is ready to release the nomusic campaign.
When /mrg/ music retention general, anons?
>le zoom-zoom medium crysis
I know, right...Incubus, 311 and Red Hit Chili Peppers are forever though.

Gramps just doesnt know good music.
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I got thousands of hours om this bish.


It reminds me of airports and "Holy Shit where the fuck am I going??"
Here, OP, have some music:
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>I know bad music.
He isnt mentally retarded and schizophrenic, Mozart....

I wonder if the problem isn't that it's just commercial but also that it's artificial, like being played from a speaker rather than actual instruments. Just my thoughts
Listening to professional-quality music as much as we do is rare.

Music itself was not rare at all. People used to sing all the time as they went about their day, both individually and in groups. During work, during leisure, during prayer. For sacred purposes and just for fun. Many people played musical instruments at an amateur level, too.

What's weird is how most people totally stopped singing or playing instruments when phonographs and radio became common around 100 years ago.

Everyone started comparing themselves to the world's greatest singers, which they could never do before. They realized they were so much worse than the best in the world.. so they just stopped.
>Everyone started comparing themselves to the world's greatest singers, which they could never do before. They realized they were so much worse than the best in the world.. so they just stopped.

This is much bigger than just music. Some people think because they're not a "professional" musician, artists, game developer, filmmaker, etc. that they can't make anything good so they give up. These labels and degrees people have has truly ruined creativity for a lot of people, it almost creates a barrier of "skill" that mentally blocks many.

Anyone can sing, cook, draw, you name it. No fancy college degree needed. Hey, you an even understand psychology just by being around and observing people for long enough.
The societies that did not have their people specialize are no longer existent except as basically nature preserves because they are not able to compete with societies that did specialize.
bla, bla bla bla
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I hope you enjoy it, if you haven't already.

Post good music to btfo zoomers
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nta, I Iike it.
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The sound system at my gym is driving me insane. Some how, it's only controlled via an on off switch in our electrical room where it plays the same shuffled playlist of songs on loop at the exact same volume ad infinitum. No one can change it, not even the managers and we've gotten multiple complaints about it from both staff and members about it, but we have to leave it on otherwise all we'd hear is grunting and the clang of metal, which personally I'd prefer.
The cherry on top is maybe only two of the songs are remotely workout worthy.
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OK, this is actually new. Please continue.
Someone is lying. The playlist is on one of the computers, or an air gapped device possibly in the same room.
>low level demons derailing the thread by posting music
This must be the true pill for the day.
Based op, giving us the medicine.
Tempting thy Lord!

i went years without music and I feel more emotionally sensitive to things. I think listening to professional quality edited music all the time is like being in an emotional porn chamber fapping all day. But like I'm a retarded guy that posts on 4chan.
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>low level demons
>thoughts of evil, produce inward evil
1 Chronicles 15:16

"David also commanded the chiefs of the Levites to appoint their brothers as the singers who should play loudly on musical instruments, on harps and lyres and cymbals, to raise sounds of joy."

Irrelevant. Difference between 8hz isn't.

>The music industry features this imposed frequency that is ‘herding’ populations into greater aggression, psycho social agitation, and emotional distress predisposing people to physical illness.
No, I think you're onto something. Most music is either harmless or superb, but it makes sense that the Enemy would also make music to use for Control.
idk bruh

anything kendrick has been a part of the last few months have been bangers

and defintely rile up the masses
I almost never listen to music
This is 100% true for me
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>giving us the medicine

Also have mental episodes which music makes 100x worse

Depletes it? Don't you mean increase it? Wtf music are you listening to to where you feel depleted? lol
>Wtf music are you listening to to where you feel depleted?
It gives me life
Music is literally good vibrations, presuming you're listening to good songs.
>It gives me LARP
ftfy yw

I somewhat agree with your sentiment, but I also think that people that care what normies think on an emotional level are at their level, or possibly worse.
well that's just like, your opinion man
Its "MYAN", ma'am.
>the namefag thinks i'm giving xim a (you)
You don't know who you're replying to, serf. Kings walk these halls.

And, to all of you trying to derail by trying to split this into good/bad, commercial/quality, this/that music- you're not fooling any of the elect.
Op was categorical.
Today, this is the thread.
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Too far out!

No coming back!

Eternal is ETERNAL!
Picrel is incredibly accurate. Whoever made it has deep insight on things
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>Kings walk these halls.
And Emperors waltz among the stars.

Audio recordings and transmissions are generally in 440hz and 441hz as opposed to 432hz. In listening to 432hz, it's more of a universally harmonious frequency. Look into coverting some of your catalog into 432hz and take notes about the differences of how you feel when listening to it in that frequency band.

Also, regardless of whether you're listening in 432hz or even 440hz/441hz, ask yourself: What sort of music am I consuming? Is it senseless but catchy Pop music? Are you often in the mood to get Funky and dance? Is it insightful, such as a well written Indie Folk or meticulously written Hip-Hop record? Do you prefer popping on some Classical, Smooth Jazz or New Age; Atmospheric music that's calm and read a book at the same time?

We are what we consume. Be more observant of what you're inputting sonically just like you would your food diet. Even if you're listening to the Top 40 hits in 440hz/441hz, if you meditate upon and take mental notes of the sort of music you intake, that's still better than most modern Westerners who don't think about the reasons behind their actions.
Real G's put this shit on repeat.


On God, fr, aint ever been a cap.
>based VLC on mobile user
most music is a product of the entertainment industry
and music is always harmful for meditation
Can it auto-convert music to 432 like on desktop?
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Take the no-gym pill. Exercise can be done at home, on a run, or in nature for absolutely free, no fancy membership needed. Literally just lift random heavy stuff you already own. Plus there's no brain destroying pop music or sexual temptation (female gym-goers in yoga pants)
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The fee for a gym is not for the ability to exercise, but the group identity, the available experts, and the available equipment.
>t. guy that has never been to a gym and uses bike and bodyweight for routine
This post is off topic. Also, fuck off.
You’re a fucking shill.
If these people are attacking music now, they’re trying to kill us.
So, what to you is a peaceful life?
Glowie sameposting?

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