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Let's look at the military people currently pushing their own version of the UFO reality on us.

In brief, our persons of interest are

What are the main lies perpetuated by this group? Remember, all good lies contain partial truths.
All of these men constantly bring up the dangers posed by UFO, claiming the UFO reality is "indigestible" or "somber." They are all against CE5. Fear has always been used by the military to control perspective.
>The "5 observables"
Elizondo devised 5 criteria that define a UFO.

The first thing we realize is that these criteria are extremely flawed and allow modern military technology to be interpreted as UFO.
While not widely known, there is a technology called 'time reverse wave interferometry' that was developed by the USSR in the 1950s-60s and also in the US shortly after. Basically this allows the creation of volumes of energy that can be guided, weaponized, etc. This tech is closely related to the 'scalar wave' concept.
This capability allows the US military to project "orb type" ufo anywhere on Earth with impunity.

Now, why would Lue Elizondo, who works for the military counter intel industry, want us to believe US military technology is actually extraterrestrial UFO technology?

The last thread on this topic was shilled to bump limit in a day. Let's see if we can make the glowies sweat again!
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Normal people inhabit our military. They are not duplicitous at all, are totally well-adjusted and have only the interest of the public at heart.

These people, who are legally protected when waging military intelligence operations against American citizens, are able to actively run cyberwarfare units, counterintelligence operations, etc., while also "being whistleblowers."

Note, in this country the punishment for military personnel for revealing anything of a matter of national secrecy is death.

Lue and Grusch, for example, have both taken multiple Oaths that will stand until the day they die to put the secrets of the nation above the good of the people.
If the us military attempts to push the ufo narrative hard over the next few months then I think it would hint that they’re trying to make it appear as though thru have presumably weaponized some kind of capability that surpasses any of their near peers, they’re trying to exploit this plausible deniability and I think that would be meant as a show of force to Russia/China because right now the timeline over which direction the global economy heads is currently being fought over and they’re all willing to throw as much as it takes into this because the alternative is much more scary to the higher level decision makers for military strategy shit.
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Last thread:
>what the fuck did I get myself into
>These people, who are legally protected when waging military intelligence operations against American citizens, are able to actively run cyberwarfare units, counterintelligence operations, etc., while also "being whistleblowers."

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glowies getting absolutely btfo'd
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Paraphrasing from that thread;
The original post "leaking" Lue's new book came from a twitter/X account belonging to a Federal agent currently under contract.

The messaging in the twitter post is identical to the messaging in the 4chan post. See picrel.
Let's look at Lue's involvement with TTSA, Tom Delonge's little "entertainment" project.

Lue is on record saying he would provide TTSA with "real photos" and "real data" to prove the existence of ETI activity on Earth conclusively. This claim is what is mostly responsible for the popularity of TTSA early on.

Now, what indicators have Delonge given that he might also be compromised by the military intelligence complex?
>Openly discusses meeting with CIA agents and planning the trajectory of TTSA
>Posts pictures of gifts and letters from CIA agents on his instagram (picrel)
>Gloats about "having sex with pleiadians"

I digress. Elizondo split from TTSA and never delivered on his promise of "real data."
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So let's break this down with the information we know.


>His dad was one of the Cuban expats who got in a boat and attempted to invade Cuba (CIA)
>He worked for US army intelligence
>He worked for US DoD
>He worked for US Counterintelligence
>He worked for US Defense for Intelligence
>Has pushed influential public figures into relationships that benefit him, and then failed to live up to his promises


>Actively operates a littany of cyberwarfare projects designed to control the perspective of US citizens and foreign actors towards the interests of the US in space


>Has been funded by the CIA
>Has repeatedly made broad promises to expose real information and has instead posted screenshots from alien films on Instagram

Puthoff is next. Who's excited?
jfc... imagine if these people weren't incompetent
I read something from the leaks of that book, it's really /x/ tier, the schizo type
Russia has had the capability to produce 'UFO' since the 1950s. China has the same infrastructure.

Look up time reversed waves.
i won't believe anything until I see aliens land and interact with people
>they havent interacted with him yet
>Look up time reversed waves
Nah, I’m good.
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I assume you meant to reply to me.
Here are a number of the highest level actors in the military UFO disclosure effort. The biological mark shows who has publicized health effects from "Havana syndrome."

Exposure to phased array microwave radiation (as is needed to produce time reversed wave volumes) causes the exact same symptoms as Havana Syndrome.
People who are repeatedly exposed to the specific technologies used by the US military suffer these effects.

>Cross beam over the horizon radar
>Time reverse wave interferometry
It's not complicated.
Aliens are huge faggots and are evil, if they’re not this, which is 80% of them, then they are milquetoast retards who inherited ufo tech from their ancestors and have glass bones that literally shatter if you touch them.

There are like 5 good and cool aliens out there, but they’re not coming to earth, which sucks ass.
Now does that mean the phenomenon might cause radiation effects in humans? It almost certainly may.

The military want to exploit this grey area and use it as liability coverage for their activities. This is why we are treated to a buffet of intelligence, counterintelligence and cyberwarfare agents all eager to tell us what to think.
Ryan Graves and his aviation safety angle is extremely underrated.
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Why are you getting mad at grifters and disinfo agents when you could be making contact yourself
If your posts ITT aren't being channeled from an ET you made contact with before starting to browse /x/ then you still have work to do
How would one go about doing this anon?
Yes that's ironically why they subvert /x/ and fill it with herring psyops, they aren't pleased when occult disclosure occurs here by rogue agents, some of whom act for the same cryptic/d or interdimensional masters that they're calling NHI and incrementally introducing to the public sphere (if only to flood and redirect this ancient occult meme's emergence.)
ITT retarded /x/ nigger doesn't know what optical phase conjugation is AND reads too much Tom Bearden bullshit
Phase Conjugation, aka photon time reversal, has nothing to do with the creation of energy. It's about using a non-linear medium to get a time reversed replica of your probe beam. This can be used to for long distance correction for atmospheric dispersion in laser systems, as well as potential to fiddle with magnetic vector potential. It was theorized pre-1970, but the foundational research was done by Yakov Zel'dovich of the USSR in 1974 using an optical bence setup with a methane gas delay column. The "orb type" UFOs seen by fighter pilots are in reality plasma countermeasures created by a system of 2-3 ground lasers. If any of you tards would like to learn more about actual classified military projects involving phase conjugation, I would suggest
>Thought the Looking Glass with Optical Phase Conjugation - Los Alamos National Lab
>Principles of Phase Conjugation - Yakov Zel'dovich
>Any laser self-focusing work by Robert W. Hellwarth at USC
Oh shit, They™ got to him before he could finish his list! RUN! HIDE! REPENT!
>Why are you getting mad at grifters and disinfo agents when you could be making contact yourself


Anon, I have experienced a huge swath of contact events. You make a lot of assumptions.
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>Phase Conjugation, aka photon time reversal, has nothing to do with the creation of energy

I never said it "created energy."


The principles of wave conjugation apply to the entire EM spectrum. Microwaves, laser light, etc.
Using a phased array you can focus the energy potential of your EM source on a very small space. This is how you reach energy densities that are higher than the incoming beam's cross-sectional average.
>what is
look it up
Exactly. But if you focus on safety you are implying the "threat" is situational and has more to do with human activity than the phenomenon. It's not scary.

All of the so-called progress made in this process of military 'disclosure' we could have easily achieved as part of a safety effort to identify and manage accidental interactions. It's an ideal framework for understanding without any of the implications of conflict.
There's only one person of interest on that list and he's legit. He's done more research than all that every /x/ poster has ever done combined. He's got some weird associations but he never bullshits about the data so keep being a mad college drop out conspiracy theorist while real men do science.
>He's got some weird associations
I've heard this messaging before...
oh thank goodness someone was here to tell me what to think! I was so lost
That's the model the "skinwalker ranch clique" seem to be working toward because they're highlighting personal injuries from orb/light encounters and anomalous radiation sources as well as tying the activity to specific locations where there are repeated observations of things like a ~1.6GH signal and unexplained temperature fluctuations.

Think of it this way, most Americans are born into some form of batshit christian cult in the first place. If we toss out all of them then we're left with very few trustworthy individuals.
>Think of it this way, most Americans are born into some form of batshit christian cult in the first place.

>j-just normalize brainwashing!
lol he's so trustworthy you won't even identify him for fear of what information we'll correlate to him
>That's the model the "skinwalker ranch clique" seem to be working toward

even those clowns have specifically stated the sources of these effects are... guess what? phased arrays. So no, the 'safety angle' does not apply that's horseshit.
let me guess, Greer bad?
Nothing of what I said is supposed to normalize christian brainwashing; personally I'd see all abrahamic cults banned outright for the good of humanity but that's proscriptive rather than descriptive. Fair likelihood you were born into such a cult so shall I dismiss everything you have to say?

I gave plenty of identifying information, only one person on that list is a highly regarded scientist.

>even those clowns have specifically stated the sources of these effects are... guess what? phased arrays
Pure bullshit pulled from your ass

Of course, he's been grifting for decades. A true con artist.
Ah I'm confusing my kooky cults, Puthoff was involved with Scientology rather than being one of the Mormons
Lmao. Anyone doing that type of shit is going to be a mind control victim, it's compartmentalized inside their head. High-up military and intelligence are typically generational cult members. These "UFOs are aliens from outer space!!" fisinfo agents are used to cover what they are actually doing. Some info:


"Space aliens":

NASA information:
Can't even tell what is disinfo anymore. Is Grusch disinfo or is the disinfo that Grusch is disinfo? Is Lue an idiot? Is he for real? Is he a grifter? Are those three even mutually exclusive?

/x/ seems like a silly place to run psyops simply because we're all a little mad here, Alice, but I've heard theories that this is where the feds test out psyops to see how we react before graduating ideas up to larger social media consumption. I guess that makes sense? But, seriously, how reliable is the data from a place where some people believe everything from semen retention to gain wizard powers and beyond?
This site promotes white and jewish replacement horseshit but a control-f "paperclip" on their conspiracies list turns up nothing

Get this nazi trash out of here
>Pure bullshit pulled from your ass
It's in the second episode. So you actually have no idea what you're talking about but still want us to listen to your opinion?

>Nothing of what I said is supposed to normalize christian brainwashing
No shit nobody was talking about christians until you decided to focus on it. Misdirection.

>Greer is a grifter because he doesn't pay for my hotel rooms and meals
You covered all the talking points according to the script. Thanks for exposing your ill intent.
>Can't even tell what is disinfo anymore. Is Grusch disinfo or is the disinfo that Grusch is disinfo? Is Lue an idiot? Is he for real?


Grusch is a sworn cyberwarfare agent and intelligence officer who is actively leading operations against domestic and foreign targets.

Lue is a sworn counterintelligence/intelligence agent who is actively leading operations against domestic and foreign targets.

They are not idiots. Read their resumes. You CAN tell and that's why you're saying the opposite.
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>oh no he's talking about mind control

Be more obvious.
a masterclass in shutting down glowies. pay attention anons
>actively leading
Got any evidence of that?

>actively leading
Got any evidence of that?
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>Read their resumes
Now now, put your glowstick back in your pants, agent. I love a foaming at the mouth screed as much as anyone else; that's why I come to /x/. But if you got proof I'd love to see it. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, anon. Put your money where your mouth is, or shut it.
He said actively leading, I don't care what their job was in the past.
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>he thinks people perpetuating a government psyop would leave that information in their resumes
>he thinks the government can't fabricate a brand new clean identity for an agent to lead their psyop
They literally are the agencies that contain all the background information and official paperwork on every citizen, fucko.
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Just say you can't read a resume anon. It's very clear what is ongoing and what is not.

>oops I got proven wrong about phased arrays
>oops my Christianity=cult callout got dismissed
>oops my Nazi allegation got dismissed
>oops my claim that there is no evidence of ongoing employment got proven wrong

You're backed up against a wall. Keep showing us what your tactics are.
>he thinks people perpetuating a government psyop would leave that information in their resumes

The resume: second line is REDACTED

lol pathetic.
Glowies going ballistic over this topic I see

only a tard would trust a military intel agent, period
>But if you got proof I'd love to see it. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, anon. Put your money where your mouth is, or shut it.
nobody types like this. you are not blending in.
>Just say you can't read a resume anon.
It's in the op, if you're interested. It was released before the July hearing last year, though if you spend any time on /x/ you'd know we have an almost daily "GRUSCH IS A PSYOP" bot that posts about it. Parading it around now like you personally cracked the DaVinci Code is embarrassing.

>oops I got proven wrong about phased arrays
>oops my Christianity=cult callout got dismissed
>oops my Nazi allegation got dismissed
>oops my claim that there is no evidence of ongoing employment got proven wrong

Spouting a bunch of weird non sequitur bs isn't helping your case.

>You're backed up against a wall. Keep showing us what your tactics are.

Sadly you showed us your tactics. You make big claims you can't back up, get called out, then you just shout more and samefag agree with yourself, calling your arguments a "masterclass". You're jerking yourself off while you post harder than the guys in the semen retention general.
Yes, I'm sure that line under his name, instead of being, say, contact information, is actually him saying, "Mwahahaha, and I'm still actively engaging in a psyop!" Truly you are a special genius to see through the governments nefarious ploy.
So you got nothing to back up your claims beyond, "N-no, y-you're the glowie! Y-you don't actually belong here!" Is this actually part of your official government training or is this you trying your hand at improv? If the latter I wouldn't mention this at your performance review, it's not gonna nail you that promotion.
>You're jerking yourself off while you post harder than the guys in the semen retention general.
Greer is le grifter, will not provide actual argument against him or disclosure project witnesses or material. Will ignore Wilson memo entirely. Grifter!
>trying this hard to discredit the disclosure movement
I see right through you.
>for the low low price of just 10000 usd you can come to my retreat and meet aliens!
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anyone have a link to the leaked parts of Elizondo's book? link from the other thread is kill
i wanna believe but i just can't trust someone with that patchy goatee thing on his chin. i just can't
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>op and his defense force are suddenly silent
Really makes you think.
Nothing from that clip is cohesive. Yes, he compared that data set to a phased array but nowhere have they said that all of these phenomena are caused by that. You are wholly disingenuous for suggesting otherwise. Again, you're pulling shit out of your ass because the phased array shit is your agenda.

>It's in the second episode
Even that description is disingenuous because that's from the spinoff series that started several seasons later.

You've never watched these shows, either of them. You are a high school drop out with a chip on your shoulder and a bunch of /pol/ in rotting your brain.

If your conspiracy talk doesn't start with Operation Paperclip you have nothing of value to say. Remember, every infamous CIA program had a predecessor in the Nazi MIC that was directly ported to the American security state. Yes, even the remote viewing and other psi phenomena research started with copying Nazi research and recruiting Nazis.
Was it the scribd link? People were also posting a backup on archive dot org but the way scribd loads images as you scroll down means they don't have anything beyond the first few pages. I'm sure someone pulled the pdf, but I haven't seen any shares for it yet. Keeping an eye out.
>a bunch of /pol/ in rotting your brain

Has anyone else felt like there's been an uptick in /pol/ posting here? There's always been some but it feels like after the July 13th shooting it's been growing.
Perhaps the most retarded argument, the cost of those is covering a nice hotel room cost + renting out conference room their room. Anyone who can do math and use Google can see
Thanks for answering, and yes, should have just included it in my post, my bad
Surprised it hasn't been uploaded to a mega or whatever. Keeping my fingers crossed
Also fun fact since this is somewhat relevant now but if you want a real avenue for criticizing Beyond Skinwalker Ranch then look no further than their association with David Morehouse. To summarize his bio from Annie Jacobsen's comprehensive view of the US RV programs in "Phenomena" (which should be read immediately after her masterpiece "Operation Paperclip"): he started moonlighting with a commercial RVing operation during his downtime while working with the army RV program and later was an inch away from being court-martialed for theft of army property, assault, adultery and sodomy. His initial legal defense was going to be that the RV program turned him crazy; he threw the Mystery under the bus to save himself. Or tried to at least, the army didn't care for that defense but still let him walk with a dishonorable discharge instead of putting him in a hole.

Beyond Skinwalker Ranch has used his RV company for stuff and it's quite disgusting in my opinion. No matter what you think about people changing and trusting them in personal matters, he should be blacklisted from psi phenomena after that shit.
That surprises me, too, because the book itself isn't supposed to release until August 20th. Love it or hate it, at least we can laugh together.



did I miss anything?
Notice he won't reply. He'll type paragraph after paragraph about how you and I are the same person and work for federal agencies while also typing like a boomer writing his first Salon article

They make their agenda stupidly obvious
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>later was an inch away from being court-martialed for theft of army property, assault, adultery and sodomy
lol hello normal /x/ poster
>Surprised it hasn't been uploaded to a mega or whatever. Keeping my fingers crossed

Hmm, the "super duper important highly anticipated book" that nobody sees any value in backing up. There must be so much hidden knowledge they don't want us to see!

Actually it sucked and reads like a highschool book report. I am fairly certain anyone who got a taste lost any interest in buying the book.
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>op comes back from dinner and resumes samefagging
Hope your mommy made you some delicious chicken tendies.
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>doesn't know what samefagging is
>both replies to the same post
first time?
>Actually it sucked
Doesn't surprise me. Just want to kek at it with fellow schizos, but cant do that if I don't read it
Except I started by saying the opposite of that, that the only person on that list worth caring about is Puthoff. TTSA is a failed folly by excitable noobs who used celebrity and connections to get access to some big names who have been trying to get this out there for long than you've been alive.

You can look up all that tech shit, but until you build your own kit and repeat the observed phenomena using it no one is going to take you seriously. Go ahead, build a phased array doohamajiggy and make some controllable orbs for us. Until then all you're doing is pushing your brand of bullshit. And no surprise, that bullshit comes packaged with /pol/ brain rot. As if there weren't enough signs that you're a low IQ high school dropout.
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You can go into the previous thread >>38455776
And see some samples from it. Almost every page is self-congratulation with some 'spooky stories' interspersed that don't add anything new. More anecdotes on anecdotes.

Pretty disappointing considering we were promised "real data and videos" like 8 years ago.

Of course, "certain people" will apparently defend anything Lue does blindly even though he's a fucking active counterintelligence agent.
Up next: I get called a samefag for replying to you.
>Except I started by saying the opposite of that, that the only person on that list worth caring about is Puthoff.

You wouldn't specify who you side with until just now even after being directly asked.
Nice lying.
i didn't reply because you can't convince someone that they're being fooled. how long has greer been in the game? 25 years? wheres the fucking aliens ?

but hey if you drop the big bucks he'll show it to you!

i want to believe as much as the next guy, but you're getting grifted. and blindly believing ANYONE in this field is foolish
Bitch ass nigger the only reason you wouldn't know I was talking about Puthoff from my very first post is that you're an illiterate piece of shit who gets his opinions from retards on /pol/

Now you are backpedaling because you have no actual understanding of these topics so when you get called out for being a fucking retard all you can do is act like a /pol/tard.
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>Bitch ass nigger
>fucking retard
uh oh someone is losing it
DAMN op you got the shills riled up with this one
its the MH370 threads all over again
i always know i'm in a good thread because the conversations always devolve to glowies just arguing with each other. while the topic gets astroturfed by retarded shit slinging. im not the only one that sees this right?
These are the best threads on this narcissistic board
You lost it when you started misrepresenting my posts, whether you intended to or simply because you are a retard. Everyone can see you know nothing about these topics.
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>you glow!
>they glow!
>actually, everyone here glows!

>if I don't capitalize every sentence but punctuate normally they'll think I'm a different anon...

>the only anon throwing insults in the entire thread
dude has some balls to make that face in front of like 50 cameras
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>when the very special agents loose track of their narrative
Actually everyone can see you called /pol/'s anti (((government))) sentiment retarded.

I don't think you belong on this website.
Yes, antisemitism is retarded. Being a neonazi wannabe is retarded. Again, Operation Paperclip is the genesis of the postwar American security state. Not the illuminati. Not Jews. Nazi war criminals protected from prosecution and brought to the US to bring their expertise in everything from aeronautical medicine to torturing Soviets. The chemical and psychological mind control experiments for which the CIA is infamous were direct legacies of Nazi research.
In fact, Mossad and the Israeli establishment are in that sense also a product of the Nazi milieu. It wasn't just the CIA, NATO, etc. that got its start by recruiting Nazi war criminals.

You don't belong on this site, Stormfront would be more your speed.
So out of curiosity I looked up the source of this image. It comes from a set of paid stock photos published by a group called "RadioMoscow"

Notice the picture he posted does NOT have a watermark.

Anon paid for this image just to insert a background and post it ironically in arguments on /x/?

lol. sussy.
Nice. They really do suck at this
>he thinks paid stock photo companies produce their own content and are the only way to get it
>Zionism is a product of Nazis
>not the other way around

Oh my God they keep digging their holes do y'all see this shit. Praise kek and curse Neanderthals.

>nazis and jews are totes different and never cooperated

Yeah it's great. They're so restricted in what they can say and think we can't tell.
Out of curiosity I too looked it up and tineye shows me several versions without watermarks. In fact you might enjoy this fabulous article, it looks like your kind of thing:

kek with these top notch sleuthing skills no wonder ops thread sucks
Your samefagging in this thread is shameful lol

And if you were actually European you'd likely have a higher Neanderthal admixture than the average Semite. In fact, remind me again of where the Neander Valley is? The Jews = Neanderthal thing is just another absolutely retarded /pol/ take that isn't supported by the slightest bit of evidence. You've confirmed for everyone that your brain has been fully rotted.
>t-t-they're saying kek
>i should say kek too!
Have fun talking to yourself retard, you'll need to do it to bump your dead thread
Notice how hard they're trying to avoid discussing Lue and his posse?
To be fair anon probably went full retard and used google image search. Those photo sites are known to pay for higher ranking. He's an idiot, but he could still be an honest idiot.
I really hope you're not a government shill because I hate to think tax dollars are actually paying for this poor performance.
>Out of curiosity I too looked it up and tineye shows me several versions without watermarks.

All of the returns have watermarks.

> In fact you might enjoy this fabulous article
It's a PAID article. You need a subscription to PM to see it.

Caught in multiple lies.

By the way, Lue Elizondo is an active counterintelligence agent.
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based OP absolutely shredding glowies today
Notice they absolutely refuse to discuss this. They'll fly off the handle about 100 different topics and pretend to be mentally handicapped just to avoid the topic of the thread.
>By the way, Lue Elizondo is an active counterintelligence agent.

I see he replied with the same word that is always plastered about Greer - “grifter”. the smear campaign comments are so cut and paste I have to applaud them for making their agenda so ham handed and obvious
Why do the Yankees always win? 'Cause the other teams can't stop staring at those damn pinstripes.
I posted once in this thread before calling out your flailing ass:


I stand by it, and your work in this thread has been pathetic. All sides deserve better.
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>All sides deserve better.
he does it every single day for 8+ hours a day and has for YEARS.
check the archive and you can see his handiwork.

greer is a grifter, and anyone without tangible evidence should be taken with a grain of salt.

people: we want government disclosure!
government whistleblower: ok, i'm gonna go public!
people: omg he's a government agent!

post proof they're still active or stfu.
>he does it every single day for 8+ hours a day and has for YEARS.
...Back to square one. This was the first thing you said in the last thread; >>38446569
>check the archive and you can see his handiwork.
Just like we checked tineye and saw you were lying?

>a grand total of 4 posts, all within 24 hours of eachother

Keep setting yourself up for failure with blatant lies. Lue Elizondo is an active counterintelligence agent.
...And, for comparison;
What do you define as “tangible evidence?” Material or bodies only?
>post proof they're still active or stfu.

"He is actively engaged behind the scenes working with members of the various branches of government"

Oh you know, it's only explicitly said on the guy's own fucking website.
You can't make this shit up.
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as if searching an image result is somehow similar to just words when youve made dozens of variations that youve spammed in every thread.
are you retarded? you seriously must be.

people can search some fun words you spam quite often. all they need to do is catch your rhythm in your threads to do so.
or they can look through the mick west threads you were spamming a year ago. or the grusch ones. or 'ufology' ones. not even mentioning threads you hijacked.

give it a rest dude. the fact you do this every day should make it plainly obvious its your job.

also, "tineye" isnt the archive, nerd. and, newsflash shillfag, by archive i'm not talking bout the one here.
>retards and shills shit up decent thread about relevant topic

ah yes my favorite board
>people: we want government disclosure!
...said noone ever. the government has only ever lied just like you are doing right now
>people can search some fun words you spam quite often.

Yeah, "UFOlogy" right? I'm the only person that's used that word, right?

Making up more lies to cover for a lie is a zero sum game anon. It is not a convincing tactic.

I proved Lue Elizondo is an active intelligence agent.
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working with and working for mean two different things.
learn to read.

the way you purposely try to manipulate others is gross and shows your character and objective.

that's not proof of your assertion:
>he's a fucking active counterintelligence agent.

its like when taco bell says "made with 100% beef."
yes, its made WITH it, not solely from/of it.
Its a tactic meant to manipulate peoples perception.

also, stop spamming responses just because youre panicked and going into defense mode.
>dozens of variations
everyone can clearly see OP has made like 6 meme images total. making shit up is not helping your case
It's funny that people think the military industrial complex has your best interests at heart. LOL, lmao even.
>he's a counterintelligence agent
>who is active
>but he's not an active counterintelligence agent

Keep those paragraphs coming.
no one ever said that. isnt it funny how you have to make an argument no one made?
thats called redutio ad absurdum -- another common manipulation tactic.

youve proved literally nothing at all. only that your an awful specimen of humanity and as dishonest as people can get on every conceivable level.

but people sure can look up "ufology" and the unique way you type it every time to get just a glimpse. along with aforementioned things.
It's all save-face optics at this point. Expect 5 threads this next week full of AI chat sucking off the exposed idols in OP.
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Welcome to the hivemind anon. We are now the same person. Let's spam together!
>t. the guy spamming paragraphs and multiple posts to each response
>typing is super hard.
the level of silliness is astounding. lol
why are you talking in third-person and also openly lying?
dude the can literally go look in the archive (its own website, shill fag) and see you're full of shit lol

>bUt i UsEd pIneYess!

then way your desperate to pretend otherwise says a lot. im happy to let people go look for themselves.
alternatively, they can just follow along and watch as you continue to do this day after day after day, for years to come.
Gee, Wally, have you tried scrolling past the images that specifically say "stock sponsored"? You can access the images directly with no watermark or follow the links to the websites which, oddly enough, have the image without watermarks. Some of them have even higher resolutions than the image that triggered you.

Is this your first time on the internet? Does mommy know you've already found 4chan?
>no one ever said that.

>you dont even notice how the words you use give you away, like 'UFOlogy.' people can archive it and see your YEARS of work.

Should I start tallying your easily proven lies?
Lue Elizondo is an active counterintelligence agent. David Grusch is an active cyberwarfare and intelligence agent.
Both are legally allowed to conduct operations against the American people and foreign actors.
Have you noticed this thread isn't for actually talking about Lue and his posse but for laughing at one anon's epic chimp out? This is even the second thread he's made for whinging about it! I'm hoping he keeps it up into next week.
Nothing classified as top secret contains anything important. I have top secret clearance and I don't know shit. Anything involving secret military weapons or extraterrestrial shit would go way beyond TS.
>a neet would put in effort to make a bg instead of posting the damn image itself
That proves nothing and you're scrambling kek.
There is 1 website, hosted in saudi arabia, that uses the image without the grey background and it is low resolution

Every other image links to the popular mechanics article or dead links. The image posted came from a paid article, full stop. There is no other place to get that original image without paying for it.

Another lie easily proven. Keep going.
Considering one of the actual websites you can get the actual image from was posted above, I'm not sure where you've managed to confuse yourself. Are you okay? Do you smell burnt toast?
After seeing this thread I am 100% confident OP has depleted the baked goods in at least 1 federal conference room
Nope just a shitty fed resorting to gaslight scripts from 80's. Smells like grease.
saying you use it often is NOT saying youre the only one using it.
learn to read.

youre only demonstrating how manipulative and dishonest you are more and more.
Really seems more like a deranged /pol/tard on a personal crusade
There's at least 5 different anons agreeing on this which is basically a warband these days, you're not gonna win lizard.
>The image posted came from a paid article, full stop
Oh so now anon didn't pay for the image, he paid for the article the paid image was used on too? Because there's no way anyone on /x/ has even heard of Popular Mechanics or might visit an article titled "Aliens Smell Like Farts"? Or have saved a goofy image of a guy in a shitty costume doing the think pose meme? Op can only have gotten it by paying for the image and writing up the article for Popular Mechanics as cover?

My my, this conspiracy is getting juicy! Drop the Lue stuff, your next thread better be about this! The world needs to learn about your epic deduction!
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David Grusch worked for Special Technical Operations (STO) J-33 (patch in picrel). This fact was omitted in his CV submitted to Congress.

>J-33 is the highest echelon military entity dedicated to offensive INFORMATION WARFARE. It supports the CIA and NSA in their operational missions, such as hacking, concealment, and DECEPTION.
>J-33's operations branch controls the Special Technical Operations Center within the Pentagon. The center is the most secure facility within the U.S. military. Dozens of special access (or "black") programs are monitored at the center. These include the United States's own hacking activities, STRATEGIC PSYCHOLOGICAL, CONCEALMENT AND DECEPTION operations.

However, in his CV ( https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO06/20230726/116282/HHRG-118-GO06-Bio-GruschD-20230726.pdf ) you can see that he's ALSO been a commanding officer of the 318th Cyberoperations Information Warfare Center until just one year ago:

>The squadron conducts training on cyberspace operations, including operational security and DECEPTION at both the initial and advanced level.

These Pentagon Information Warfare programs have been waging meme war through social media and, as you know, 4chan, for years:


QRD: Grusch 100% confirmed psyop disinfo glowie. You've probably called him a glowfag before on this very board

>now behold the glowfag seething ITT
Given the number of feds crammed into /pol/ these days I'm wondering if there's even a difference.
>Oh so now anon didn't pay for the image

>The image posted came from a paid article, full stop. There is no other place to get that original image without paying for it.

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>This fact was omitted in his CV submitted to Congress.

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>Drop the Lue stuff
They really can't help themselves.
The article is freely available on the web, anon. If you paid for it, somebody hosed you. The link was posted above but since I doubt you can find your ass with both hands and a map here it is again:

>Given the number of feds crammed into /pol/ these days
That number is 0
That number has always been 0
keep lying.

Lue Elizondo is an active counterintelligence agent. David Grusch is an active cyberwarfare and intelligence agent.
Both are legally allowed to conduct operations against the American people and foreign actors.
I'm not sure which is sadder, you being a chatbot or you being an actual person sitting behind your keyboard seething, tears streaming down your face and wiping away the cheetos dust on your cheeks.

This thread has been the highlight of my week. Keep the lulz coming, my good man, do not disappoint us.
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>wiping away the cheetos dust
>This thread has been the highlight of my week
>Keep the lulz coming, my good man
The deranged crusaders often get exposed, like that Turkish white christian identitarian who spammed the board for years. It's never a fed, just some basement dweller or retarded kid.
NTA but you get a big black D for effort. Go ask your boss for some EU transfers they were more fun.
Lue's book fucking sucks and even reddit is starting to say it. the guy's credibility is circling the drain. People forget he is the spearhead of the entire military disclosure movement but this is a big deal. This is like Bob Lazar promising a book and then delivering a rehash of his coast to coast interviews
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>anon uses 1-word "Lol" reply for first time in thread

>oh so that's how the kids are talking!
poor guy. he really wanted to be on the right side and they used him like meat
Every word of that was just disguised theory though.
It's almost like they try our tactics thinking we won't recognize.
Who do you really think you're fooling?
You can see them doing the same thing with "kek" just above. And they still haven't figured out what 'samefagging' actually means. It's hilarious
>old dog
>old tricks
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I made this for you glowfag.
Third option: it's the marketing team for Lue's book trying to create the shittiest hatchet job possible in order to drum up interest and sympathy for his book. The replies don't offer factual rebuttals, they offer easily seen through lies and childish retorts that encourage you to take the opposite opinion from the poster. This thread and the other reek of desperation to make people part of Team Lue.

Does anyone know if similar has been happening on the usual UFO social media hangouts? This could be a real shillvertising campaign.
You might be surprised to learn most /x/ users are not racists. Might want to course-correct.

Is that why you still refuse to discuss the inherent issues with the 5 observables and the implications of time reversed waves?
Of course not. We're all for race mixing. Lyran, Plaeadian, tall gray, small gray, reptilian cloaca, we're not choosy.
Why aren't you talking about them?
>Third option
holy shit
you can't make this stuff up
Unironically proving his point.
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Nothing racist about it. Its satirical based off the etymology of the term. You must be a newfag.
I already did. That's why you're in damage control mode.
No, you mentioned them. There's a difference.
>marketing team
>dead board /x/
Don't bother. He already got his ass handed to him, he's just pretending it didn't happen. Every time he gets burned he just ignores it and carries on.
Time to prove you're lying... again.
>The "5 observables"
Elizondo devised 5 criteria that define a UFO.

The first thing we realize is that these criteria are extremely flawed and allow modern military technology to be interpreted as UFO.
While not widely known, there is a technology called 'time reverse wave interferometry' that was developed by the USSR in the 1950s-60s and also in the US shortly after. Basically this allows the creation of volumes of energy that can be guided, weaponized, etc. This tech is closely related to the 'scalar wave' concept.
This capability allows the US military to project "orb type" ufo anywhere on Earth with impunity.

Now, why would Lue Elizondo, who works for the military counter intel industry, want us to believe US military technology is actually extraterrestrial UFO technology?
Here are a number of the highest level actors in the military UFO disclosure effort. The biological mark shows who has publicized health effects from "Havana syndrome."

Exposure to phased array microwave radiation (as is needed to produce time reversed wave volumes) causes the exact same symptoms as Havana Syndrome.
People who are repeatedly exposed to the specific technologies used by the US military suffer these effects.

>Cross beam over the horizon radar
>Time reverse wave interferometry
>Phase Conjugation, aka photon time reversal, has nothing to do with the creation of energy

I never said it "created energy."


The principles of wave conjugation apply to the entire EM spectrum. Microwaves, laser light, etc.
Using a phased array you can focus the energy potential of your EM source on a very small space. This is how you reach energy densities that are higher than the incoming beam's cross-sectional average.
>trying this hard to pretend we don't get shills
lol. sussy.

>admitting it's not just the third option it's the CIA pushing the pro-Lue narrative for their psyop
bwahahahaa way to out yourself, glowie
Fourth option? It's the 1 year anniversary of the House hearing on UAPs and the Pentagon is still chimping out over it.
>deflecting this hard
Got 'em.
>option 1: 80s gaslighting
>option 2: /pol/
>option 3: Lue book marketing "smearing their own man"

very logical, highly coherent, very serious
Lobotomized tele moro trollo troll-op TROLLOP TROLLIP TROLLUP moro toro tractor treasonous
nta shill
we can see what your doing clear as day
>option 4: it's all of them
We aren't a hivemind, after all. There's always room for shills, glowies, and /pol/tards.
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No way could it possibly be;
>These people, who are legally protected when waging military intelligence operations against American citizens, are able to actively run cyberwarfare units, counterintelligence operations, etc., while also "being whistleblowers."

That's just batshit crazy!
His amazing discovery of Soviets playing with time reverse waves in the 50s and 60s without accounting for modern military detection systems, the specifics of which are all classified? Yeah, I wonder why nobody cares.
Show proof that he's an active counter-intelligence operative. Not that he's a former one.
Otherwise, you're just straight out lying and making an assertion while acting like it's a fact.
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IQ surg ducted lob ftb gj ggvgj smurf

Take the pills take da pills take the peels boho moro trollio scolio
>in the 50s and 60s
There is definitely not any more information about other later programs in other countries.

We totally aren't experimenting with time revsersed waves in civilian labs too.

>what is ULF
Thanks for demonstrating you have not done any research on the technology. Interesting that you not only have an opinion but are telling others what to think.

According to you, the topic is closed and there is no reason to discuss it. Very telling.

>the following link is a PDF download link, be warned
People already tried to get him to do that. Whenever his narrative falls apart, which is every fucking time, he falls back on insults, fed calling, or ignores your points while declaring himself the winner. Then he starts replying to himself to pretend people agree with him.

I'm honestly impressed this has been going on for two whole threads now.
Already did.


Keep pretending I didn't.
Keep ignoring time reversed waves. Keep pretending Lue is not a counterintelligence agent as a matter of belief.
samefag shillbot
>oh my god how is he still replying!
>is replying
>claims it has to be the answer because other countries and even civilians have been working on it
>doesn't realize that more people doing it just shows why military grade systems would be designed to take these things into account
Good job rumbling yourself yet again.
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What's your next amazing trick, claiming you were only pretending to be retarded?

Meds, schizo.
Acoustic and light wave experiments in a lab are not the same thing as terahertz microwave installations using globally distributed arrays.

As I said, you have no prior knowledge on this topic. Why are you preaching?
Look, son, you can seethe or mald, but don't try to do both at the same time.
If the lab experiments aren't the same, why bring them up? Did your logic board fail, bot?
OP has demonstrated how the glowies are absolutely intolerant of this topic. Not many topics have this effect last thread to get sniped this hard was the MH370 threads
Only an absolute moron would take the side of actual federal agents to disclose UFO. Psyop 100% confirmed
Meds. Stop bashing your head against the wall. Take meds, sir
>Already did.
No you haven't at all.
You showed him working with various things, but as pointed out elsewhere, that's no where near the same as working for them as a counter-intel agent.
Project more, dude. I'm only the top one.

Just make it easy for everyone in the thread and show the proof you must have that he's an active Counter-intel agent.
Then there's no need to drag this out or go back and forth.
>If the lab experiments aren't the same,
Almost as if waves have the same behavior regardless of the medium they traverse...
>what is the EM spectrum
>As I said, you have no prior knowledge on this topic. Why are you preaching?
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Your meds, sir.
nta but seriously?
>show the proof you must have that he's an active Counter-intel agent.
as if they would tell us that. the fuck is wrong with you? how many clues does it take to convince you there might be foul play?
As far as I’m concerned Lue’s credibility is completely done with, and should be actually reversed the other way. Should be considered no less than a bad actor
Agreed. certain people are in panic mode that this is becoming irrefutable with the book release fiasco
This has been his modus operandi for any thread I've seen him in, going back to the initial Grusch interview threads and such.

He's dishonest to his core. I can't help but feel like simple logic would suggest that anyone who makes threads like this daily and spams nonsense for as long as he has and does, has to be a shill, a glowfag, or just seriously off their rocker.
>forget about phased arrays
>forget about Lue and posse's intelligence activities

So you're basically saying that there is no proof and it's only your assumption?
If it was presented as an opinion or something similar, that's one thing, however, that's not what's been taking place in these threads at all and you know it.
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The revelation of the nhi war and the human proxies is imminent. You sick cultists will lose.
there is tons of proof. where is the proof that he ISN'T actively involved in psyops?
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>where is the proof that he ISN'T actively involved in psyops?
ohboy this gon' be gud
The post wasn't directed at you and you don't need to talk in third-person.

Furthermore, asking for proof of him being an active agent isn't denying the possibility; it's asking for proof of something you're stating as irrefutable fact.
I don't know if reading isn't your strength or something, but you should pay closer attention to what's being said.
I'm not the one making a factual claim. I have my opinions, which are clearly made as such, but those aren't presented as known facts in the dishonest manner in which you're doing through your spam.

Are you dense? Or is it that you can only deflect? Both? You pick.
NTA fuckwad
>Furthermore, asking for proof of him being an active agent isn't denying the possibility

>oh akshually I agree he might be an active intelligence agent
>since... there is no evidence he isn't and lots that he is
digging yourself deeper and deeper
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So you don't have a modicum of even circumstantial proof that Lue is inactive.
Nice admission. My self-evident proof is on display while you lie through your teeth.
Yeah, sure you're not.

No. It's just that you're incapable of reading and do mental gymnastics to reach insane conclusions while you play pretend that things are being said that aren't just for the ability to respond and deflect.

You're not very good at this.
>says nothing
So now you're switching to gaslighting, is that it?
I never made any claim either way. So what, exactly, are you arguing? Or are you just trying to find a way to feel right by basically arguing with yourself?

The things is, everyone knows what you're doing as it's transparent as hell and nowhere near as clever as you're deluding yourself into thinking it to be.

You, yourself, are the only one here making ANY claims and presenting them as a fact.
Only you. Just because you pretend other people are making them, doesn't change reality.

It only shows how much you're willing to lie and twist things.
I think everyone agrees except for this 1 anon who cannot stop bumping a thread he supposedly hates
>couldn't think of anything to say but wanted to reply
Since I was responding to something of little substance other than you making things up, it's sufficient.
let's count.
*deep breath*

...feeling ok?
this thread confirms what I already thought about this whole psyop fiasco
be more obvious glowies
There's the usual deflect.

I'm glad to know that you're unable to substantiate the opinion you've been presenting as a fact and have switched to just acting like a goof now.

The continuity of this thread should make it clear enough for any who stumble through.
blows my mind they're still sticking to their script as if it's not the most obvious shill campaign imaginable...
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>So what, exactly, are you arguing?
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>replying to himself
as expected they have nothing. just ad hominem attacks on OP, as they started with
You know, this only makes it look like you're incapable of reading, right?
No.... you probably don't have the awareness for that.
I was kind of ignoring Elizondo and all the fools going up to DC because it seemed they were just getting put on the treadmill again like with the Condon fiasco but maybe I should pay more attention to them
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>replying to himself
oh god you didn't
He does it in every thread. As if people around here would ever be so accommodating and simp for OP en masse.
Only shows how out-of-touch some can be.
>I should pay more attention to them
yes you definitely should. If people paid attention to them it would prevent obvious lies like the 5 Observables from being parroted.
I stumbled on this thread randomly since I abandoned /x/ more than a decade ago but even without the context of this being an established spammer it is the most comically blatant samefagging I have ever seen
I was referring to the fact you don't know when to use the term 'samefag' moron
Pathetic display
Right? I feel similar after hearing the whole McGowan fiasco.
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>I stumbled on this thread randomly since I abandoned /x/ more than a decade ago
Not even sure we'd have to be oldfags to notice. lol
Weird how they removed the ability to see how many posters are in a thread now.
Most I've seen, myself included, only care because of how it's presenting an opinion as fact.
Yes, everyone knows what samefagging is, nerd.
It's not an iron-clad rule you need to use it every time.
Only insecure newfags feel like they need to "match" the way they speak to fit-in. Grow a spine and learn that you don't need to do crap just because others do. Freedom through anonymity has literally always been the point here.
>Most I've seen, myself included, only care because of how it's presenting an opinion as fact.

say you have never been on 4chan without saying it

>“The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.”

it's so blatantly obvious you don't use this website. fuck right off back
I just mean that I only glance at the catalog a few times a year so this is the first time I've seen this nut. I happened to be precise about why lol
>we are different people having a normal interaction lol
did it work that time lol?
>The last thread on this topic was shilled to bump limit in a day. Let's see if we can make the glowies sweat again!
Someone took that as a challenge...
OP is incredibly based
You really are dense. lol
So you're basically admitting that it's just your opinion now?
At least follow the plot before you go desperately seeking the approval of others to feel like you fit in. I've been around since 08. What is there to brag about, exactly? You must be retarded. lol
iTs cALLeD saMefAgGinG!
dO yOu eVen PoSt hEre Bro!? gO BACK!

Project more, nerd.
NTA bumblefuck
The glowies are talking to themselves again waiting for bump limit.
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the fact the first result on google when you search "CE5 protocol" is a totally unrelated paper from the NSA makes your point pretty obvious
good work collecting all this info for us. dont be discouraged by the shills their presence means you are getting closer. Godspeed
>all shilling miraculously stops
Poor guy desu
So what are the odds the whole "lue didnt actually work at AATIP" was real? There were a lot of people pretty adamant that he was never involved
His shift ended.
Yep, 100%.
"Aliens is real but la bad" is the last ditched attempt.
Too bad the first contacts are probably gonna be made from hot humanoids so that they ugly and bad spin is going to have a hard time taking off.
All of the corporeal humanoid types described in encounters are intensely beautiful and described as exuding strong positive emotion around them. They also emotionally connect with humans as if they are part of our legacy in some way.
Pretty likely considering Lue's explanation for the allegations was a personal vendetta against him by someone in the agency-- basically "take my word for it"
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Think why they are trying to shill so hard against them. So hard they don't want you to read a book so you can decide for yourself. They want you to not think and only tell you what to do.
Did you read the leaked part of the book anon? It would be one thing if the book was provocative or revelatory. It is the opposite of that, it's an extreme disappointment. When someone fails this far down their planned trajectory, it naturally casts their previous activities into doubt.

I used to support Lue. I was excited when Grusch came forward. I have learned a lot since then; it's been 10 years since the first round of "pentagon videos" came to light.
holy shit I just read this whole thread WTF
this shit GLOWS
I mean I'm as up for hot ayy bitches as the next guy but plenty of people have had negative and ugly experiences with aliens and ironically, we have more solid evidence for their abductions and mutilations than we do for the cutie patooties here to enlighten us and save our souls
Yeah it's almost as if "aliens" are not creatures from outer space that fly here in aluminum cans and they are actually part of the emotional experience of human beings. Who'd have thought?
I don't understand your response.
What do you mean by emotional experience of human beings and are you agreeing with me?
There are both good and bad aliens. It's not that complicated.
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95% of "ufo" or "religious" or "spiritual" experiences people have occur in moments of severe trauma. Are these things therefore evil? Clearly not, they usually allow the person to survive or at least understand a larger purpose.

Consciousness is not as simple as "aliens fly to earth in 2024 and say hi." Our experience does not allow this. We cannot percieve the beings that exist in alternate modalities. These modalities are much more practical and intrinsic to our universe than we currently understand. The 'ships' do not fly across interstellar space to reach us. Everything in our universe exists in a much more complex orientation and hierarchy than our 3d perception allows.
>95% of "ufo" or "religious" or "spiritual"
And again I'm not talking about seeing lights in the sky, I'm talking about full on
>your reality has now changed to include new types of beings and highly different concepts and technologies
Which almost always has the potential to be traumatic. People who get deeper in these realities have the potential to be more traumatized.
However, the person's disposition and perception can also allow them to treat these experiences with objectivity and insight, without fear.
Oh yeah, that's fair, I hold the same perspective
Severe trauma caused by these beings
Allowing someone to live after you raped them would not be a heroic act, the fact that there are survivors who remember doesn't mean much, especially when at least a few need to be hypnotically regressed to unlock their memories and even in some of those cases, they often claim to be blocked off by something else from accessing the whole truth
This also doesn't even get into mysterious disappearances which they are as likely a culprit in as anything else
Not saying they're wholly or all evil, but clearly not wholly or all good either

You can talk about complexity and all but at the end of the day, from the perspective of a human who lives primarily upon this plain, when these actions are taken, it looks bad
On the other hand, there are other encounters where they come out looking good too
>Severe trauma caused by these beings
>caused by these beings
You don't get it. Human consciousness is the source of human trauma. Assumptions lead to trauma. That experience is readily transformed into insight.
There is no victim when all awareness springs from you. Your consciousness creates these situations, not them.
if you're saying they're just tulpas or egregores I can see what you mean but if they're "higher" entities from another plane then they should have deep enough understanding to avoid inflicting damages to the less "enlightened"
if you're saying there's no victimization because we're all part of one consciousness, I still don't buy it because despite all being tethered together, we are autonomous enough to do harm
if your white blood cells began destroying your red blood cells on their own whims it would be harm against individual others as much as it would be harm against a greater self

it kind of just sounds like you drank ayy koolaid and you're whiteknighting for them though, and our disagreement is fundamental if that's the case
its not usually spiritual traveller types like you, that apparently would just shrug off being probed or experimented on or exposed to ugly imagery as just new insight at best and a lack of awareness at worst, that this happens too, it's usually just some poor sods in the wrong place at the wrong time
I don't see how any of those points are related to what I said. Perception is what creates the negative experiences. Nobody is literally strapped to a table and probed, these are constructs our mind creates to understand these events. Perception is a huge part of it.
Why do human minds construct these events in a negative manner to understand them?
Where would the benefit be in perceiving artificial trauma?
Look anon, someone can go through an extremely intense event and survive it, and it will change them into a meteoric person who gain an exceptional resolve and understanding. It makes them a stronger, better person.

That identical experience, at the same time, can cause a person to become damaged and withdrawn, and totally lifeless. What is the difference between these people? It boils down to perception; the way we think is also the way we experience reality. It is perceived as trauma if we understand it as trauma.

UFO and related phenomena operate on the fringes of perception where our motivations and biases and attitudes are actually shaping what we experience.
Reality is not simple in this regard.
You don't throw flowers into the furnace then blame them when they burn up.
They weren't meant for it.
Unless the claim is nothing is responsible for these experiences, that it's just schizzing out, whatever entities are responsible for these experiences bears responsibility for thrusting cardboard into a forge, for sourcing inappropriate material
You're still thinking in terms of "guys in big silver spacecraft decide to swoop down one day and grab you."

That's simply not how it works. The whole notion is totally nihilistic because it implies the universe works in terms we easily understand. The idea of a group of beings that sit in orbit and pluck people is egoistic projection of what we do on Earth. Advanced beings do not sit in committees in decide how to full their human grabbing quota. They do not use scalpels that identical to those on earth. They do not conveniently have clones of your family in vats.
All of those things I just described are reported in abductions. People imprint their own perception on the phenomenon when they experience it.
In your allegory, you are not the flower. You are the fire and the flower is your experience. The experience is just a tiny portion of something much larger that is beyond what you are normally aware of.

Why do you think different people can see vastly different things during group encounters? The closer to the fringe of perception you go the more your perception shapes your experienced reality.
I fail to see the nihilism
Are you dodging?
Obviously something is responsible for bringing people to the fringes of perception in these extreme encounters
It doesn't have to be little grey men in aluminum cans plucking people up and tearing them apart
There is something, whatever it may be, that subjects those who are not capable of processing said experience positively to aforementioned experience
Why would something benevolent do this?
You have a strobe you want to show off, why pick someone who will get a seizure witnessing it?

Again, unless you're saying the whole thing is not an intense experience forced upon a person by "advanced" beings(said beings do not have to be anything approximating the material or of this plane or its laws) but rather just a delusion one is subjected to by self, which is then perceived as something good or bad depending on one's outlook
at best though, that's just tulpa or egregore stuff
>there must be something external causing this
Again, in your analogy, you are the fire and your experience is the butterfly trapped in the flue.
This describes a moment of extreme personal jeopardy. It does not necessarily mean you made a mistake to end up there. The butterfly does not know entering the oven is dangerous. It does not know what the oven is.

So you want to save your butterfly. The first thing you do, instinctively, as a human that acts with reaction, is you jostle the logs. You agitate the fire, and they jump higher as the wood burns faster. The butterfly dies.

How do you preserve the butterfly? You have to reduce the flame. You have to make a plan of action and carry it out-- but before that, you must *understand* the situation.
There is no right or wrong here, there is understanding and not understanding. To survive all the butterfly has to do is fly back out. Sure, the flames are frightening but you managed to get in so you can get out.

Have you read Vallee's books anon? Whitley Strieber?
>there must be something external causing this
Repeatedly I have said it is possible for it to be internal, and that I would understand in that case what you mean
I have not read anything by Vallee
I appreciate your patience, you've been quite polite despite my snappiness
It's not just internal. We can become part of very complex trajectories of reality without being aware of it. There are things happening around us all the time we simply cannot perceive because we are not capable of understanding it, yet it is very real.
So we can end up like Alice, chasing a white rabbit deeper into a part of reality we do not completely understand but still are a participant in. Many of the mythologies of experience pivot on this idea of an adventure beyond normal perception that is highly attentive to us. It happens deep in remote places, or in times of desperation, or need, or because we are unknowingly involved in a greater event. When we confront what this thing is there are always decisions. We are not innocent in that regard.

We are a part of this experience, not a passenger or a viewer. It would not exist without us, and in that sense it is real or 'external.' But the way you arrive in these spaces and navigate them is internal. You do not walk out of an 'abduction.' You regain awareness somewhere else. When people regress and hear terrifying stories, they are perceiving things that are highly complex compared to their understanding. They are forced to fill in the blanks with perception.
>I appreciate your patience
It's ok anon but thanks. It can be difficult to understand-- there is a reason so many people have spent so long debating the topic.
If you have a true close encounter a lot of the mechanisms of the phenomenon become more obvious.
I've had many experiences with at one extreme a fairly typical 'abduction' event. When you experience these things there are aspects of them that are extremely information dense. The nature of memory and experience is not quite the same.

For example, I've seen beings enter my home that genuinely terrified me and were heard by other people in my house. That alone proves this was a real 'external' experience in the objective sense. Yet those other people's reality also changed in that moment, but in almost abstract, unrelated ways.

Those beings were mixtures of archetypes in the phenomenon. They were symbols designed for me drawing on themes that would later become important in my life. At the same time, their presence was not an isolated event. Objects could be heard moving around inside of locked rooms by lots of people; their presence had a mark on time that was not just enduring but cyclical, coming back at the same time consistently.
You have literally no idea what the fuck you are talking about and are just using word salad to describe things.

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