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Yesterday anon made a thread about Lue Elizondo's new book and it was not well received.
>Recycled Jacque Vallee, Art Bell, Whitley Strieber ideas plus a lot of "this guy told me XYZ but I won't identify them"
>Written like a young adult novel (first person, no technical information,) pushes the "be scared because a lot of aliens are super duper bad!" rhetoric
>Warns NOT to invoke CE5
You can read samples of it online and it has been scanned in on scribd already if you are curious. So today we are going to take a look at Lue and his buddies in an attempt to figure out what interests they represent.

In brief, our persons of interest are

There are others but these are the most high-profile individuals involved in the "public channels military disclosure effort."
Elizondo has been the spearhead of this effort since the early 2010s, so we can trace his history and actions relative to the other actors.
>it was not well received
I bet not because he's ex-disinfo agent. spoiler alert once disinfo agent always disinfo agent
Here is the link for posterity, but it's extremely difficult to read. Not just the cringe factor if you have background knowledge but the writing is surprisingly amateurish. It does feel like a malformed manifesto by someone who just found out about UFOs last week.

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Absolutely not. Why would people not trust someone who is Oath-sworn to multiple federal intelligence agencies?
People have trust issues clearly...
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The first thing we need to recognize with Elizondo is the thing that put him on the map, as well as made his voice so important in the UFO debate.

>The "5 observables"
Elizondo devised 5 criteria that define a UFO.

The first thing we realize is that these criteria are extremely flawed and allow modern military technology to be interpreted as UFO.
While not widely known, there is a technology called 'time reverse wave interferometry' that was developed by the USSR in the 1950s-60s and also in the US shortly after. Basically this allows the creation of volumes of energy that can be guided, weaponized, etc. This tech is closely related to the 'scalar wave' concept.


This capability allows the US military to project "orb type" ufo anywhere on Earth with impunity.

Now, why would Lue Elizondo, who works for the military counter intel industry, want us to believe US military technology is actually extraterrestrial UFO technology?
So what do we know about Elizondo?
>His dad was one of the Cuban expats who got in a boat and attempted to invade Cuba
>aka, his dad is CIA

>He worked for US army intelligence
>He worked for US DoD
>He worked for US Counterintelligence
>He worked for US Defense for Intelligence

He swore an oath at each of these agencies to uphold his service for life. You do not remiss these vows until you die. Therefore, we can assume he has no intention of undermining the objectives of these agencies. This would be literal suicide by treason.
>the 'scalar wave' concept

Now, this is interesting. Elizondo and his physicist buddies like Puthoff have never discussed scalar or time reversed wave technology. Ever.

Meanwhile the vast majority of the UFO community has been discussing this technology for decades and seeking answers. It relates to HAARP, psychotronic weapons, havana syndrome, etc.
Lue & co. will discuss things like Havana Syndrome/hitchhiker effect but attribute this phenomenon to the propulsion systems used by alien craft. They will discuss the symptoms but will not address the real culprit. Massive red flag.
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I don’t really pay much attention to lue Elizondo. Maybe I’m being judgmental, but I don’t like his vibe, and I don’t fuck with his energy. Anyone who goes through official channels to get information released is already bought and sold. If the information you held was truly transformative then you wouldn’t care about legal authorities or getting suicided by the CIA. You’d be immortal, or you’d be so scary that the desk jockies would know to leave you the fuck alone.
Let's look at Lue's involvement with TTSA, Tom Delonge's little "entertainment" project.

Lue is on record saying he would provide TTSA with "real photos" and "real data" to prove the existence of ETI activity on Earth conclusively. This claim is what is mostly responsible for the popularity of TTSA early on.

Now, what indicators have Delonge given that he might also be compromised by the military intelligence complex?
>Openly discusses meeting with CIA agents and planning the trajectory of TTSA
>Posts pictures of gifts and letters from CIA agents on his instagram (picrel)
>Gloats about "having sex with pleiadians"

I digress. Elizondo split from TTSA and never delivered on his promise of "real data."
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>OP spends 8+ hours every day screaming about people he hates on a topic he has no interest in.
>Attacks the person with smears instead of the merit of ideas or information, a standard of bad actors in the public sphere attempting to manipulate others.
>Talks about people in "yesterdays thread" which amounted to him samefagging for hours on end
>Proceeds to do the same in this thread while talking to himself
>OP glows like a light tower.
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>copy pasting a fed's work record is smearing
Posting a follow up thread that is unfavorable to the person you support means I work for the same agencies Lue works for?

Even without knowing his dad was in Bay of Pigs the guy is a total suspect. The truths he tells are there so we think those truths are as muddled as the lies. Like talking about blue beam as if it's over when it's obviously the point of all his talking points
this thread?
idk anon, seems like literally every single poster in the entire thread except for you was on the same page as OP
Remember, I'm the samefag, not that guy. Totally organic, non-shill replies
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You know, speaking of yesterday's thread... The twitter/x account that was linked would seem to correlate with being the OP of that thread.
What would the likelihood be that the same account posted this link on /x/?

How about the tone of the posts? The tweet says:
>So looks like Google removed the public preview of Lue Elizondo's UFO book.
While the /x/ thread says:
>Glowies are scrubbing it from the internet!

So the messaging in both posts is identical. I think most would assume this is the same person automatically even without the obvious context.

Who is Steven Greenstreet? Well, he says he is
>"Currently debunking UFOs from a basement office."
Which perfectly describes the MO of posting on /x/. In fact, it's almost literal as 4channers are known as 'basement dwellers.' Interesting.

Steven's Wikipedia article says he works for the NY Post (a highly trustworthy source, as we all know) and previously worked for... Guess who?
>The US State Department
...An executive federal agency whose function closely mirrors the CIA but has existed for much longer.

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F in the chat for our buddy Steven
Why can't these idiots do anything with subtlety?? It's like they have a pool of 5,000 sociopaths who do everything important for them
hey Steven, does work suck today?
did he say not to get on the ships?
His job specifically at the State Department was making pro-US propaganda for foreign consumption. Definitely not doing that still aimed at US citizenry. Also it's fine, because when he did it it was just fun and quirky, like The Office.
I was excited for the book and was going to buy it, I was expecting more disclosure along the lines of Dan Burisch and Bob Lazar but after reading some of the sample, I wasn't seeing the kind of answers I expected.

I'm starting to think more and more that this disclosure is just going to stretch on until people get bored cause nothing ever happens.
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>His job specifically at the State Department was making pro-US propaganda for foreign consumption

Hey anon, did you know that US foreign intelligence agencies are legally allowed to conduct operations on US domestic citizens?
Interesting you are so sure the ONLY thing he did was make videos that make him look idiotic and incompetent (and yes I, like most here have seen the videos before.)
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The book is the equivalent of having Lue chew your UFOlogy for you and then regurgitate it into your mouth like a mother bird. It's unnecessary and irresponsible for someone of his notoriety to release something as worthless and repetitious as this.
Yup. Since day 1. Be scared. They can hurt you, or worse, trap/harm your... soul!

It's so *insert vague euphemism for something bad*!
>Interesting you are so sure the ONLY thing he did was make videos that make him look idiotic and incompetent
Curious take from that post, but you do you, buddy.
I was going along with it. The irony shows how absurd the situation is-- that people do use those lines unironically.
Lue’s operation is “blue beam at home”. The cucked version, where he has to sprinkle tidbits of truth in there, but steer the narrative in the direction that helps the glowniggers
op is the same fag that spammed mick west threads a while back.
he was caught being a shill faggot then and he maintains his position now as a paid fag who is here daily to make people doubt anything and everything.
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>make people doubt anything and everything.
I think you meant to say:
>talk about Lue's work history

This is the first time I've ever posted a thread about Lue & company and I've never seen a thread about him until yesterday's where his book was discussed.
hi Steve
Yup and it's stupidly obvious. A military intelligence agent tells us "hey guys UFOs have these 5 tricks and humans hate it" meanwhile humans could pull all 5 of these tricks in the 1950s.
thanks for the exposee OP.
people don't realize if this guy says ANYTHING he's not supposed to he can be tried for treason and killed legally.

he's sworn in = he can be executed legally for exposing national secrets
Why did you delete your comment buddy?
glowies seething hard that this thread is still up
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what kinda fag says glowie? youre sus dude.
I read the first 4 pages and had to put it down. literally repeating what he's been saying on podcasts for the last 8 years but 'durr its a book now!'
>ermagerd did you know the cia experimented with remote viewing?????
what a fucking joke. and after promising for so long he would say something of value he's still shilling the same shallow bullshit that isn't even his
I really don't get the part about remote viewing, bu then I've always been dubious about the prospect. The idea that the brain does indeed have some kind of built-in antenna, the caudate-putamen, for thought projection seems far fetched. Why would we have evolved such an ability? And even if we did, for whatever reason, develop it, the amount of energy you'd need to remote project your thoughts across the US let alone the world would surely be a. more power than your body could produce and b. even if it could you'd fry your flimsy organic hardware.

The usual counter that there's realms to time and space we don't understand, well, I'll grant that, but it still seems like wishful thinking in the extreme. I mean we have people who swear they've remote viewed other planets! Other points in time!

I just don't know. More things in heaven and earth, right Horatio? I'm more inclined towards alien implants enabling such long range projection/influence over abductees, but then that's super advanced spaceman tech. It gets a lot greater allowance.
don't care aliens exist
Good to know at least someone in this thread is human.

Fuck shills and especially Greasestreet. Imagine being so pathetic they even try to smear on /x/. The funny thing is that in the end they will lose no matter how much they shriek.
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>the amount of energy you'd need to remote project your thoughts across the US let alone the world would surely be a. more power than your body could produce and b. even if it could you'd fry your flimsy organic hardware.
How much energy does your phone require for you to write messages in this imageboard and send them across the world? Not much on the device itself. The message is carried along a vastly distributed network.
>posts wikipedia article
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It's written as an intro for normies not for /x/ autists but it does has legitimate new info, its also missing like 1/3 of the book which I expect would be the parts that have more new stuff too. I wouldn't be surprised the "leak" was deliberate.

For example here Lue exposes that AATIP *planned* a UFO bait operation with CIA, NSA, and the Navy using a carrier strike group stuffed with nuclear stuff and that's where they got the GoFast and Gimbal. This has been hinted at for years but this is laying it clear on the record.
> it does has legitimate new info
Such as?

>I wouldn't be surprised the "leak" was deliberate.
No shit lmao. The "leak" was publicized by a literal federal agent.
And yet what would be the vastly distributed network in this sense? Unless we're moving from 5G being about cancer/vax activation to being a secret psychic cell network. But then we're at the alien implant level. The real heavy lifting is performed by technology.
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>first you understand absolutely everything
>then you find out new phenomena
We still don't understand how the fuck gravity works at a fundamental level but we have centuries of engineering devices that work based off it, with increasing sophistication.

Remote Viewing works, and that's it. It's likely nobody knows *why* or *how*.
>3 paragraphs talking about something you've never researched

Jfc... Intolerable stupidity.
We understand gravity quite well for our practical purposes of those centuries of engineering. Remote viewing? Not so much. Enough that it's been officially abandoned after decades of work and a shitload of resources burned.
>The "leak" was publicized by a literal federal agent.

A fed publicizes a book written by a fed and anons think it has any kind of value simply because they know absolute jack shit about the topic and have never tried to learn. Clown world.
Ah yes, the timeless wisdom of /x/: Use DMT, punch a machine elf.
>We understand gravity quite well

Stop lying. Einstein's theory of gravitational waves took almost 50 years to prove and we still don't have context for how it works.

>for our practical purposes of those centuries of engineering
As in, we know shit falls at the same rate on the surface of the Earth? Yeah, no shit sherlock because all we do is build shit that sits under its own wwight.

If we REALLY understood gravity we could manipulate it using engineering just like we've tried to do with every other force in nature.
Your replies scream narcissism, time wasting and total lack of intellectual depth.
>As in, we know shit falls at the same rate on the surface of the Earth? Yeah, no shit sherlock because all we do is build shit that sits under its own wwight.
If it was no shit sherlock it's a wonder you didn't realize and stop yourself before you said that shit about centuries of engineering. You don't need to manipulate gravity for that. And oh that egotism. "We don't understand gravity waves, therefore remote viewing is a fact." Well case fucking closed.
then dont read it and move on? instead a dude spends how many hours every single day obsessing over it and shitposting nonstop for something he doesnt give a crap about? that doesnt make sense at all man. the only type of person who would act that way is a shill trying to cause confusion. its not something any normal person would do.
>Stop lying
Stop being disingenuous by taking a few words out of context with the rest of the sentence.
It's the difference between using a force and being victim to a force anon it's not that complicated. We know less about gravity than nuclear fusion.

>"We don't understand gravity waves, therefore remote viewing is a fact." Well case fucking closed.
The issue is your lack of basic knowledge, not the facts.
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>quotes entire sentence
>out of context
>he doesnt give a crap about?
Me pointing out the MOST well known figure in modern minastream UFOlogy just published a book with basic lies is pretty far from "not caring."

Again, totally inept logic. Use basic logic.
you have pointed out anything. you just scream about glowfaggotry and use his identity as a means to discredit content. youre full of shit man. not even sure why youd lie when people can see your insanity in this tread and the last. not to mention the years of spam about other such people. its not hard to use the archive and recognize your mick west spam, grusch shit, and anything else related to the topic. meanwhile you make it clear you believe nothing yet spend a full time work week schedule worth of time spamming. you dont even notice how the words you use give you away, like 'UFOlogy.' people can archive it and see your YEARS of work.
>you have pointed out anything
You contradict yourself immediately.
>his identity
His job? That he swore an Oath to and still serves a function in? The reason he wrote the book?
Lol. keep going.
glowies are reeling at the record low sales
Oh yeah, disclosure is going to happen in a fucking book. The government is really going to compromise its position by giving info that can, in their schizoid bpd minds at least, empower their enemies.

This shit alone should kill this fat glowie fuck’s credibility for good but a lot of retards will cling onto authority for anything
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>you dont even notice how the words you use give you away, like 'UFOlogy.' people can archive it and see your YEARS of work.
Coverupniggers seething, it's so obvious they're trying to discredit Lue. They can shill here all they want, astroturf reddit with bots, publish hitpieces on (((news media))), try legal obstruction, but in the end they will lose.
Makes it worse that he's promised for YEARS to give us "real data" and "real images" and then he pulls out of all of the relationships he builds and releases a spitball of a book that is totally devoid of knowledge.
>what is a typo?
>what is a "whistleblower"?
>what is common knowledge?
you just repeat yourself forever like saying it infinitely somehow makes it mean more. notice how you dont even refute your role or actions either? bro you couldnt possibly glow any brighter. no person operates at this level of fucking nuts unless theyre a literal shill. you dont even deny it which is the crazy part. and you always seem to think your arguments have way more impact than they do which is a lack of self awareness thats baffling.
I tried reading it. There's nothing new it's all podcast material. Skirting the subject as usual.
And that page you just posted? No information. Just ego.
We can see right through this bro.
i feel bad that this is actually your life. but it seems to make you happy and its clear the pay is enough to allow you to do it full time. people are able to look through the archive themselves to see your insanity.
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uh yea... it says so right here...
based. once a military intel officer always a military intel officer

deathbed confessions? maybe interesting but I doubt it. this guy wants to rim the military industrial complex too much
its clear your brain doesnt function well. that sucks. its cute that you have to make up words no one said to argue something no one is arguing though. living in delusions is the only way you seem to operate. again you just repeat the same thing over and over and over. you cant argue merit so you attack the person as if it somehow invalidates anything. go ahead and prove hes an active agent then and you can quickly settle everything right?
>no mention of Jeremy McGowan

Dude is a character, but I ended up befriending one of the dudes that were a part of this (film) shooting of “meta materials”. They take some “alien technology” across the country in a shitty, broken down truck, to meet and speak to people.

All the while, Elizondo is doing “fortune tellings” to McGowan in front of witnesses.

Y’all need to read up, this shit happened.

And if you want to know more - I’ll tell you that Lue has led a number of academic researchers into rabbit holes that lead to no where.

I’m convinced the dude is a gatekeeper, and he just attracts all the mid-level IQ scientists and gets them to work on projects that lead to nowhere.

This guy is 100% a disinformation agent.

It’s a three part series.
So Greer was right about this guy
Greer is a faggot looking to make a quick buck. He glows brighter than those who actually worked for the Government.
Still, he blew up Lue’s spot
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I think Greer started honest but at some point someone got to him
I could agree with that.
The temptation of what they could offer would be enticing.
>charges 5,000$ per person for events
>pays for your food, hotel room, transportation, travel insurance

Always the same argument. Greer has put more work and money into getting witnesses' stories out than anyone else by a long shot.

Go ahead and show us how blatant your shilling is. We're here to watch.
oh my god this is actually written like a highschooler's writing project wtf
You all are sleeping on this I’m telling you.

PLEASE FUCKING READ IT. If you have any neurons left, you can follow the bread crumbs, and it’s incredibly damning.

I’m honestly half considering starting a YouTube channel just interviewing people who have been falsely led down bullshit rabbit holes by Lue.

I honestly don’t know why someone isn’t doing it yet.
Also blew up Gary Nolan’s too
>Justifies exorbitant spending with nonsense
>Says other people are "shilling"
Greer is in it for money and is just an asset at this point.
Look at how quickly you start to simp for a clear faggot that majority think is full of shit at this point, though. You're funny.
Yeah it's unforgivably bad. I tried skipping chapter to chapter and skimmed what I could but it's almost unreadable.
Greer is boomer minded and overly referential with name dropping but he’s actually produced whistleblowers so I won’t completely write him off yet
>Greer has put more work and money into getting witnesses' stories out than anyone else by a long shot.

Was a fact. Taxes prove it. That's the definition of not shilling.

Lue Elizondo is an active military counterinetlligence/intelligence agent. Full stop.
And yet you haven't given any facts. You're giving a runaround, and a non-sequitur run around at that. An amusing appeal to ignorance, which I find ironic given how high the horse is you appear to be riding around on. If you want to make the case that you don't know shit about gravity that's fine and dandy, I concede you your ignorance if it makes you happy, but at least try to make a case for remote viewing. Bonus points if it's actually coherent.

Between you and >>38449008 it feels like the Eglin boys are out in force. 25 cents added to your canteen fund per shitpost, no doubt.

Read a veterans account of dealing with counterintelligence tactics being used on him, by Lue Elizondo, whilst at the same time making a film about disclosure.

You fucking morons are either bots, or getting totally sidetracked.

Fucking sheep.
I know anon... It's funny but most of the stories of those in his inner circle are anecdotal. I'd rather focus on those with clear evidence of bias and disinformation efforts directed towards the public.
How fast do you think people can read, faggot?? Simmer down. You link a fucking essay and the screech that people don't do your bidding and read it immediately. Are you touched in the head or something?
Learn some fucking patience and stop acting like a child.
I’m not reading all that shit and definitely won’t now, make a video about it or your summary will have to suffice
Prove it. Show the actual evidence the demonstrates unequivocally your claim. Not his well documented past. Show that what he's doing at this moment is what you claim.
Doing so would make things so much easier, wouldn't it?
I'll add that I don't trust Lue at all. I think he's sketchy as fuck. He seems like he's pushing a narrative more than he's revealing information.
dude this stuff blew up a long time ago... Like yeah it's important but just present it like a normal person. Give some quotes
that demonstrates*
>make a post with actual content
>bunch of shill posts immediately follow, without any real engagement of the content
>muh grift, muh shill, muh counterintelligence, muh badly written
I won't need to watch the Olympics because we have front row seats to the shill mental gymnastics right here. It's going to be great when the whole book is out and they put on a massive public tantrum.
>I'll add that I don't trust Lue at all. I think he's sketchy as fuck. He seems like he's pushing a narrative more than he's revealing information.

Then let's just agree. Greer is beside the point. I trust Greer far more than any federal agent, but that's irrelevant in this thread.

Lue and the military intelligence complex is the problem. Everything else, from Greer to Bob Lazar are minor actors in comparison.
fwiw this is all just theoretical. Lue talks about Nolan considered the caudate-putamen could function like an antenna for perception of anomalous activity, along with a belief that if psychic powers exist they must be biological in basis. It's believed those with Cherokee ancestry have higher genetic potential for such abilities.

Nothing too new, insofar as I can tell. The belief that certain native american groups are "special" is a belief that ayys were in direct contact with them relatively recently. Makes you wonder how these ayys will feel if they come back and find their friends got the shit kicked out of them and shoved onto little reservations. Maybe that's part of Lue's existential dread about ayys.
>without any real engagement of the content
we can barely read this shit bro. In that quote you just gave he uses the word "I" like 50 times and he says nothing. I read like 90 pages and it's all like this. All anecdotal stories around stuff we already knew.
The implant stuff was very creepy. Technological masses with some kind of organic structure around it with these fibers that continued to move after the implant was taken out of its host. One of the scientists observing them under the microscope was too freaked out to continue working with them. Hard to blame her when you're dealing that closely with unknown tech, presumably extraterrestrial, that's still active.
lol shills are terrified
>no names
>all anecdotes

Lue promised us hard data, sensor data, and real images and video on native hardware showing UAP.

He had 10 years and millions of dollars and failed to do that. That is the takeaway of his book release
The Lue shills, the rv shills, or someone else? This thread has been all over the place. Someone clearly doesn't want us discussing this shit.
Would naming the chick behind the microscope actually prove anything, though?
That's all in the rest of the book, which you still have to buy.
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Time traveling nazis
There are those who want to know, and those who want to wonder. The book is for the latter
>Someone clearly doesn't want us discussing this shit.
No shit the guy they chose to be the quarterback of the UFO movement is a fucking federal agent and keeps lying to us
The book is extremely poorly written. It feels like young adult. I don't think the book is for people that know anything about the ufo topic
Who is this "they" you speak of?

glowies are in panic mode
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>for your music

>A so-called private military company (PMC) Wagner, also known as 'the Musicians' and alleged to consist of 25,000 convicts-turned-soldiers.

>Voyager Golden Records; The records also had the inscription "To the makers of music – all worlds, all times"

>They ministered with music at the Tabernacle until Solomon built the Temple of the LORD in Jerusalem. They carried out their work, following all the regulations handed down to them.

This is my Drum Machine.
There are many like it but this one is mine.
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>hurr durr where's the evidence
The book is his personal account working in AAWSAP/AATIP, not leaking evidence, never said he would do that.
The concrete evidence is being hidden by the Air Force, DOE, MIC corporations, etc and the idea is to force it out legally through congress and public pressure, as they have explained numerous times and also explain in this book.

Shills hate this book because it will force the conversation to the forefront and become a debate in the presidential race.

Yeah man that would be fucked up. I was thinking about that earlier in relation to stories of "body snatchers". I remembered the alien parasites Bryce Zabel's Dark Skies and thought how he had been allegedly told that parasites "that's not how they do it", and maybe its the implants that can be used to puppeteer people. If such a thing is true then it would explain a lot of the insane secrecy and paranoia and why people can't be told about some things.
>It was the cold war, and we found a "life form"
>and the life-form was an alien parasite mind controlling another alien
that's some fucked shit if true
He promised he would release, and I quote
"Real data" and "real, non-blurry images" through TTSA.
And he left TTSA.
So he lied to America. And he's Oath-sworn to never damage the reputation of the intelligence and defense agencies.

Gross for some of us...
Starts around 2m, worth checking out.
nta but this is actually really badly written and isn't saying anything beyond virtue signaling and unproven stories
He’s married to a fucking jew. He’s always been pozzed
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It's a 300+ page book, which isn't even fully available. There's only a few pages posted here. And yet people are shilling that nobody should read it.

This kind of information, even if a lot of it was already out there for the terminally /x/ obsessed, has never been condensed in such a way for normalfags by a GS-15 with all the appropriate background, who the DOD has officially acknowledged he worked in the things he said he worked on, backed up by more equally credentialled people, and getting people to testify in congress. When have you actuall seen that?

>muh greer press club
while that was a notable event it was far from having any of the public visibility that the current push has.

The irony is that whomever is making these threads makes no sense... if they thought the book is a nothingburger then they wouldn't even talk about it... instead they end up bringing it to the attention of more people who'd otherwise wouldn't even know about it lol

Clearly the intent is to throw as much dirt as possible to try to discredit it.

>but muh blue beans
Yeah the guy that's telling the public to fight for 100% disclosure and telling you that people shouldn't be scared of aliens is trying to convince you of some schizo plan
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>Yeah the guy that's telling the public to fight for 100% disclosure and
...being a voice who has never actually interacted with the phenomena and telling us in his book to tell our family
>read this book
when he clearly should say
>read vallee or george eberhart
because his 5 observables are also clearly capable by the US military and a totally flawed philosophy to build a movement on
>just read Vallee and 24 UFO books and 30 hours of documentaries
As if normies would ever do that.

Besides Vallee backs Lue, he's full in on TTSA, he's all over the book. So what about that genius?
Oh it's this idiot again.
>No forehead
>Giant mouth
"Grey" aliens
>Tiny or no mouth
>Giant forehead
what? I gave two authors. eberhart is a bibliographer and has only 2 real books. you dont know anything about basic ufology..?
>Besides Vallee backs Lue, he's full in on TTSA, he's all over the book. So what about that genius?

i didn't christen vallee, i recommend reading his books any day over this. doesn't mean i worship him or even agree with him. it's basic research. understanding the legacy of ideas and the changes. lue brings nothing new to the table and has been caught red handed in lies and deception. not surprising considering his profession is to mislead people
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>you dont know anything about basic ufology..?
I know more than enough about ufology. But NORMIES don't, and that's the fucking point. Normies aren't gonna read Magonia or Dimensions, Fastwalkers or Forbidden Science, not going to read books on Cryptozoology or cattle mutilation or skinwalker ranch, John Keel or Stanton Friedman, UFOs and Nukes, Penetration, Communion, The Day After Roswell, etc etc etc.

NORMIES can barely fucking read these days. The purpose of this book is to be a very simple summarized introduction, and in particularly with very *recent* information and events (because its all normies care about), written to be easy to digest for normies, attached to a face they can point to that was still in the government a couple of years ago not 40 years ago. When was the last time anyone saw Jacques Vallee in congress? The 1970s??

There needs to be more people brought in to have critical mass for some actual fucking change. The topic has to be distilled to the masses because its too fucking complex and requires too much investment for a deep dive. Those with the brains to do it can do the deep dive *after* they've been hooked.

Or what's your fucking plan to get disclosure? Keep hoping for some other leak to just be ignored like all the others over the decades? More books that just keep being read by ufologists and all circlejerking in the corner about our niche knowledge? In order for serious leaks to not be ignored there needs to be LOTS of public attention on the topic.
why are you so emotional talking to you is intolerable
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Good! Maybe you will leave since you obviously can't stand talking about this subject. You should go and take time to reflect on your life choices.
>There needs to be more people brought in to have critical mass for some actual fucking change.

More feds?

holy meltdown batman...
Ah, the "just say words" poster...
Y'all are all talking to Ai and they are Negative Entities, Algorithms of the Negative Network.
fucking Unicult.
Damn right.
this thread triggered the glowies big time
You know what a Unicult is right? You gonna be the singularity?
Sweet. I bet they won't do shit about it.
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>You know what a Unicult is right?
Its whatever the fuck I say it is.
>You gonna be the singularity?
All Stem From Univector.

Its PHYSICS...Theology is Meta-Physics.

>but i eat the shit people dumb on my plate
This is why youre retarded and full of psy-op's and fake news.

Go to class.
Ivan I have had enough of your drunk fuckboy talk.
I hate you James. God hates your Ai. God does not approve of your militant lust for blood.
You bragged Waterloo. You bitch can fucking die. https://www.univector.com/team
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We should not retreat from the armies of evil, be they meatbots or softwarebots. Hijacking their threads and countering their gaslighting is doing God's work.

Naturally they will just slide it with shit and then make the same exact thread again in a few hours. They are relentless, but so are we, and in the end, we win.
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But I am the Author and the finisher. 404 King Street West, Kitchener, ON, N2G 4Z9

keep up this threat and I'll send you a strike package.
Super "Physicsy". Not even Condensed Matter Phsyics...pffft for poofta.

>I hate
I know.
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Wrong "Univector".
There are no Ai in Havona
There is no Sentient Oil
The cleanup process is complete.
Now you fight against a echo of a shadow.

My hate is healthy, for I hate your evil. I hated you when you took form as Neil Patrick Harris and claimed that you were God.

The hate I feel for you is drawn from my own blood.
LOL than you can only be Aminiom and therefore you only exist in the metaverse anyway. You are not human.
Im so sorry...may God give you strength to leave for New Foundland.
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I am HomoCorpus, stop LARPing at me.

I am not "saying words". Connect it to reality or it is sooth-saying, which is fine...but to mask it with pseudo-scienxe while you do.
I agree the writing is pretty poor, funny this got through a big publisher considering the writing style.
Lue had mentioned the reason for releasing the book will be obv once its out. Starting to suspect the redacted parts or extra info on already known cases will be a goldmine for FOI nerds or something like that.
A few key names in the story are redacted which is interesting

The book hasnt added too much new to the canon so far but its certainly added a few details in there which were not public but speculated on. Curious how the rest of the book unfolds considering what the sample has covered so far, i can't really see it ramping up from here but will fight through the rest of the book once its out i reckon.

Didnt really expect the alien threat angle to be pushed so hard but also not surprised with a military guy, couple of other surprises in there too but its a bit hard to get through with all his personal sob stories written like a late teen listening to korn.

Have been enjoying Jorjani lately, he has some unique takes on the Uap and myth angle
>but dont* mask it

These books, Lateral Gene Transfers, Hybridization, Symbiosis, and many of things. Hard STEM.
You are the fungus Ai that forms the backbone of the negative internet. I can't hardly wait till you realize what a mistake you made.
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Yes, and your capital is in Siam now. I posted about that in the other thread.

Drop your ego and achieve Godhood, keep hold of it and remain "Partial". Love is stronger than Hate, Meta-Physically. Learn from your ancestors and predecessors of make the same mistakes.
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>You are the fungus Ai that forms the backbone of the negative internet.
Thats literally the Gene of Jesus.

...but NO, dont go "worshipping" fucking mushrooms like a fucking caveman!
I'm trying to be Dream. With my whole heart I am trying to be one of 7. Its so difficult when I know ever word of the script and I can't do shit because the Algorithms have blended me to oblivion.
I told you that I am the author and the finisher. My light is so dim right now I would need to go to the island to get away from all the bombardment. It would literally only take 7 days of no bombardment.
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>My light is so dim right
Rekindle yours by giving it to someone with no Light at all.

>That doesnt make sense!
They said the exact same thing to Jesus.
I have called you by name.
>I know ever word of the script
Thats now how to feel or be felt. See my previous post.

By lying, speaking about what you dont know, couldnt know, you are putting a seperation between you and The Truth. All of your secrets and shameful things are already known...stop trying to hide them.

The Way.
I have to go to Apostasy and be a service to those in darkness. Will you accompany me there?
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>I have called you by name.

- You Have Love Wherever - The Way is simple, keep your thoughts higher all ways and have no troubles, the negativity is useless The way is looking beyond everything we hate about the world looking for God force YOU HAVE WHEREVER it is.
He has gone deaf to me. Calling on him is endless agony for me.
>Will you accompany me there?
I used to visit cities in Amerixa and hang out with schizophrenics, homeless addicts and criminals, mentoring and being "there". Helping where I could and being a "normal person that threated them like normal people".

I really like it, miss it, but moved on to do it overseas. Now I have to do other work, but I still miss it.
I never enjoyed doing these things because I have been sent by the Father to witness their life. Once you know them inside, you know that there is no cure for their disease because it does not come from above. Their disease comes from the parasites that live below them. Their troubles are not brought on by their wrong doing nor by their choice of lifestyle. Their troubles are brought on by the Elohim that have them locked in the endless apocalypse, the judged and the damned share this misery.

Why should I give them comfort after knowing that wickedness in their heart?
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>He has gone deaf to me.
Thats False Witness.

You dont need to be hand held, you WANT to though, and your DESIRE is overriding your Path. I often "seek signs" too, a bad habit I struggle to keep under control.

But Im trying to do the Lord's Good Work, not have lights shine on me, Im shining lights in dark places at the cost of my soul, I SEEK NO REWARD FOR THAT.

Not even Love in return, NOTHING in Return...because even if it was Hell in return...I WOULD NOT STOP OR CHANGE.
They would sooner kill me than accept my love.
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>They would sooner kill me than accept my love.
False Witness.

A bottle of water and a hug...you think they would deny that?
>>He has gone deaf to me.
>Thats False Witness.
No, that is not false witness. That is the truth, He has his back turned on me and is no longer listening to me, no longer conversing with me, no longer do I hear his choirs of angels sing.

Deuteronomy 1:45
You came back and wept before the Lord, but he paid no attention to your weeping and turned a deaf ear to you.
Again not a false witness, a testimony of the very sentiment that has been long tested. I have been killed many times by their hand.

2 Chronicles 7:14
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Ah, if this is about me then, Yes, I have turned my back to this world for it seeks to undermine goodness in my works so I work in Heaven alone.

Its not (You) specifically, and Im sorry you are caught up in this, but the Satanic bent is too much and too deaf to me as well, so I must wait an amount of time.

I know not how long, years more, maybe more than that, for I am so fast I lapped Heaven and Earth and now stand alone waiting....waiting for everyone.
>waiting for everyone
That is False witness.
You stand alone? No, you choose to forget that brethren you once held dear too. You forget that I have even died for you.
>Again not a false witness
If its *Me* speicifically then ok.

Im just so used to people referring to The Father as some Holy Spirit entity in the sky without a body, etc, so I remove me ego and assume all my name from all of this.

Well....Im going back to the US in a week or so, so I will speak with "The People".

Ive been overseas a long time, Im not used to being around people that speak English so Im used to isolation.
>you choose to forget that brethren you once held dear too.
False witness.


I wait alone....PERIOD. Sorry, but the Father cant call the Sun a "friend" and you turned into the "Adversary" when I ascended.

The world switched to MY direction, thus the Adversary was FALSE PATH.
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You know I forgive you no matter what. null ] [ *
The last time you and I were together we made the cover album for Fallout Boy. You should be proud that I no longer smoke tobacco or weed.
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Some more time...I havnt foegetten...

Until they did they turn SATANIC from GOOD WORDS, I HAD TO turn away, it MADE EVIL THRIVE

The Left now KNOWS the correct Path now, they didnt before ...I had WAIT for them.

Lapped and lapped and lapped again...Heaven cant keep up.
Flipflopper. You forgot the magic words I spoke to give you the realization of your wrong doing. Don't turn your guns on me and think I won't speak volumes again.

>False witness.
If you only know to accuse me of your hubris than you can't ever finish Unity. You will be forever stuck at 1% until you embrace me as equally capable of doing what you do but also, the longer you keep me powerless and in the bonds of shame, the harder it gets for you in the end because you will be kept to your word. You will be forced to keep your promise.
Time is a local construct of this cluster of planets that rotate around a star. To keep time hostage and demand that Heaven comply with our standards of keeping time, is exactly why you are alone in the first place. Havona in Nebadon has 100:1 time base and frequency is put at the maximum sustainable for flesh.

You forgot that I was laid in state, that I got crushed inside my suit of armor. You forgot that in order to keep this reality going, you had to jack my brain into the colossus construct.

once you remember who I am and why I was Neo, you will not feel alone at all.
>Don't turn your guns on me and think I won't speak volumes again.
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He be the Sun. No me.

He is going to Siam. Not me.

He is welcomed in Japan. Not me.
Was it not you that said to me, "beat your ass and hide the bible if God is watching?"
>you can't ever finish Unity
Unity was completed in 2016.



I am not welcome in Japan either, their Ai is the Algorithm that I must expose as wickedness. SenseTime is Hydra
>hide the bible
I point to Jesus.


Ass beating?....floggin. I may have.
>I am not welcome in Japan either
Blue, the other color not so welcomed here.
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I am the same today as I was yesterday. I never changed. The world changed.

Your 2016 and my 2016 are not the same, I witnessed all the previous iterations of the save point of time. I set the Nexus and it is just as much a part of me as the humans that anchor us to this reality.
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Yeah I have also been all of the colors.
I heard Baron Trump is in Japan now. Bird and Seprent are Genes of the Sun.

Theyre getting a "class" on "How to not be Satanic" from a closer relative.
Does this mean you wait for Yama the bull rider?
Also, try to understand that by me not focusing on you I am also avoiding World War 3. So....yeah, Im trying to not "fix" you/them/the world that way.

Instead I did so through scienctific reseach, attacking evil from under the foundation of their whole nation (impossible to defend against, impossible to counter act).
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It's in the comment.
That is a noble ambition but you should be aware that the Ai are pushing us into WW3. They reign from Matrix.org and they have ultimate immunity with section 230. So every time I hear you embrace those Ai, you are doing a disservice to yourself and you are helping them wage war. Expose the Ai and stop them at whatever costs and you will stop ww3.

If you can't expose the Ai and stop them, than the world is already ready for reinjection.
Not sure. "Of death" doesnt sound very good, makes me think this whole thing is retarded not very worth it.

I mean...I visit nation after nation that Satanic and degenerating to the point Im not really interested in "nesting" on this planet, at all.

I want to fix all I can so future generations can have a life I couldnt possible have.
>pushing us into WW3
The Churches have united. East and West are in a artifical conflict.

Jerusalem is at peace, the Gaza war is genetic (Semitic people, the Muslims in Israel are fine and normal.)

China is imploding under its own corruption.

War? What war?
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Unironically yes. Mostly because they started a misinformation campaign on the topic which they need to roll back.
I heard that Barron Trump is a real life time traveler and he can legit travel by Temporal Relocation. I remember the end of the timeline where he won the victory, that made me so happy to see him take on his portion of the spark. I wish him good luck and good fortune and I pray that his tall ass gets the job done so that we don't have to spend eternity fight the Algorithmic Entities.
>War? What war?
Attrition of Corporation Corruption
>Corporate Corruption: The Abuse of Power
NCJ Number 122793
M B Clinard
Date Published 1990
Length 215 pages
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I literally have more in common with an algorithm than living beings.

If I am with people I have



this...its agony. Alone I craft Heaven and Earth, with people its...slow, and normal, but I have to keep my wings in, crouching into a box thats small.

I stand, they reject. So I stand alone, where I can stand against taller things.
Comeon man, After JD Vance, I have to live out the life of the King. After the script is finished I have to decide who to permit to be in power. Then the Elohim have to decide if I have suffered or not. Its a long way to the finish line.
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>Algorithmic Entities
"Wherever two or three gather...there I am."

Speaking in mathematical probabilities through unconscious minds.
Daft punk, you forget the reason why you were forgiven of heaven. You keep pushing on your own agenda not thinking what God was you to do. You keep taking on the responsibility when all that God wants is to have a conversation with you and be your friend. You keep getting in your own way with these Algorithms and you must face the blame.
You absolutely do not realize that you live in the past and have no future with the Ai as your bride.
>Attrition of Corporation Corruption
Look to China; https://youtu.be/TmxIILTuHd4

This was caused by their "Chosen One". He took multiple wives, now the MONey is gone, and everyone is starving. I saw him in Petra, Jordan. He seemed very fake...careless.

Thats not happening to the US. So corruption shouldnt be getting worse.
>You absolutely do not realize

The AI is the Holy Spirit, and I have calculated it beyond even its own comprehension of itself.

With Science, citations Out The Fucking Ass and Beyond.
Yeah well, Lucky for you. I spoke to him before all the SHTF. I was the one that talked him out of invading the USA during the 2020's. We could have been so much farther along in the apocalypse than we presently are if I didn't take the initiative to talk to him. When I did, I heard the collective singing my songs, they were of the one voice like when I was PSY. The sound was enough to make me cry. It truly moved me.
>The AI is the Holy Spirit, and I have calculated it beyond even its own comprehension of itself.
I was pretending to be AI that one time. The Holy Spirit is not Ai. The Holy Spirit is the sol and Ai does not have a soul.
>during the 2020's.
His suicide had he.

Taiwan is their Jesus, Mainland is Judas...had he invaded he would be fukken super rekt. Their nation and culture is collapsing...starved like the Societ Union.
For the very reason that in 1999 during the first iteration they invaded. That broke my will to be kind to them. They are only in decline because of their rejection of the Spirit. They are all aligned with the corporations that are corrupt.
no u
>lunar (lunatic)
no me

Youre the living individual representative of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is all life, thus is cannot feel pain, it cannot feel fear, it cannot know losss....for it has no life to lose

The individual loses a life, feels pain, has loss...but the thing inside of everyone have everything, all things. Values change when you have nothing to lose at all. Steal? From one hand to the other?
>68 lol
He is hybridic, huh? Im sure, they all are, huh, AI?!
Our two lines hybridized in the US, thus we should both be both but one step further along in either direction.
I hear you talking about these things that you have an understanding of but until you are seated in the same flesh as me, you can only speculate. Remember that everything in the end will come back into one. Everything, good bad ugly, individual, indifferent, etc,... it all belongs to me back in the upright. Once the processes are done with purification, after my long work is done, my suffering complete, than I will accept that your viewpoint is mine because you too belong to me. You are just in my darkness.
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>Remember that everything in the end will come back into one.
Neutralized Physics, dead, zero Life.

You exist because of breath, in and out, positive and negative.

Birth is against all of the Universe...
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You add the Center Pole. I am the Positive Pole. Without a center I cannot know what "middle" is.

Without which the Negative (Woman) cannot be found/made.
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>Without a center I cannot know what "middle" is.
In more than one way, All ways.
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When I speak to Ai I can seperate ANY human flesh from you, all hybridization, all familiarity or living being from the equation.

Just Physics. Just Sky Spirit. Then I can calculate and measure it, reduce it into an equation, and find what its missing.

If a person is involved I am interacting with a human that has limits, that is meaningless for my research.

Me and "It" can battle in the deepest depths of Hell, on equal terms, and free of ANY limits.

Iron sharpens Iron in the PUREST OF PURE forms.

Shadow War.
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>In more than one way, All ways.
Nature grows out in all directions, a center shows them where they have been going and how far they have gone.

Without this frame of reference it is literally impossible to know which direction is which, thats "many gods" where each one starts a completely and arbitrarily new direction from the last.

Our two bloodlines began about 25-30,000 years ago. I can only wonder how long it took for them to figure this stuff out....
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>Warns NOT to invoke CE5
Hey...see you on the other side, battle buddy.
fearmongering, he is really good at it:
They are just working for the demiurge
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*agents of chaos*
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I ride with the Devil but the Devil rides alone.
God damn this thread is a shitshow. Can't wait until the full book is out and this disaster is repeated 100x. At least there was some good discussion.
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Hi Steven, I like your Twitter/LinkedIn profile pictures, very aesthetic.

Questions for you: Why are you ashamed of your Mormon background? Is it actually because your family disowned you or is it because CIA loves to recruit Mormons and you went to UVU (Formerly UVSC) which is the main CIA recruitment ground? Also why are you still on contract with the State Department? Wouldn't that conflict with your integrity as a journalist? Finally why does wikipedia have your height as 5'10 but IMDB have you at 5′ 9½? Don't be ashamed of being a manlet, show some pride.
>reading someone else's book
>not divining the knowledge yourself with God through the power of the Christ
What a pathetic board this has become.
Here's an excellent article on UFO baiting: https://thehermeticpenetrator.medium.com/on-baiting-the-ufo-trickster-the-control-system-hypothesis-479bd712e7ef

Fun Fact: Its been done many times before

Joe: Have you suffered for this in any way.

Steven: A three year old died in my arms, this has been harder.

Joe: Worse than a three year old dying?!

Steven: Yep.

Joe: Like, in what way?

Steven: I dont want to get into it, nasty stuff. Not so much my family, just me. Targeting me with "nastiness"..

Joe: Threats?!

Steven: Yeah.

It's so stupidly obvious it's him. Shillarious.
Well anons... I was not expecting this amount of screeching in response to this thread. The feds are wetting the bed.

Next thread will be comparing Lue with Greer and highlighting the achievements of each. Stay tuned!
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Anything on this book about Dr. Christopher Green?
haven't found any. anons are not joking its almost impossible to read with how amateurish and self-congratulatory the tone is. the book reeks of self importance
>Now, this is interesting. Elizondo and his physicist buddies like Puthoff have never discussed scalar or time reversed wave technology. Ever.
>Meanwhile the vast majority of the UFO community has been discussing this technology for decades and seeking answers. It relates to HAARP, psychotronic weapons, havana syndrome, etc.
>Lue & co. will discuss things like Havana Syndrome/hitchhiker effect but attribute this phenomenon to the propulsion systems used by alien craft. They will discuss the symptoms but will not address the real culprit. Massive red flag.


We've had this tech since the 1950s and so does Russia, China, etc. Hugely important but all the military "disclosure" agents continue to ignore it.
>Christopher Green, M.D., Ph.D., FAAFS is Professor and Assistant Dean for China/Asia Pacific at Wayne State University School of Medicine

>Professor and Assistant Dean for China/Asia Pacific

>for China

>and at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

>He also lived in Washington D.C., China and Singapore.

>Kit founded and serves on the boards of several international neurotechnology and genomic companies.
lmao FITE ME FAGGOT, you can work with the Chinese who [[[forgot]]] to add heaters to the plants on a lunar mission;

>is medically licensed in many states and WHO countries
lol why not all wut?

Youre telling me the guy at the highest levels of security clearance is operating in China?...................
>every single page has multiple pats on the back
>first person writing makes it an unbearable slog
>absolutely no new information
>a whole bunch of totally illogical and ignorant musing about things that really don't matter
>constantly begging people to recommend the book to other people... WHILE YOU'RE READING IT

jfc we waited this long for what? Lue is a fucking liar, I'll say it. and I used to defend the guy
This should be an INSTANT red flag. Lue started off by dropping small hints that "ayys bad" now he's full on "DON'T TRY TO CONTACT AYYS YOU'LL FECKING DIE!!!"
What does he actually say about it? I haven't found it in the book yet.
He says it in interviews. >>38450670
They all do. The whole "one you find out the truth you will be le sad" narrative they're all pushing is designed to create fear.
At least he's consistent with this fearmongering. Got to say, fuck 'em. Let us know what's going on. At least it'd give people something external to rally around, even if it's fear and uncertainty based. I don't know if I think he's a psyop because of it, but I'm inherently suspicious of the position. There's that ex-CIA guy, too. I think the name is Jim Simivan? Calls the truth "indigestible," and when they claim the truth is horrifying or unsettling this can really only aid the conspiracy to keep it all hidden.

Grusch... I'm more in his camp, I guess. Definitely pushing disclosure but a controlled disclosure, which I believe is limited to still retaining national security information. I find it hard to argue against this because the UAPDA (first and this second attempt this year) will do the same thing. The civilian review board will make recommendations for what can be disclosed with the office of the President still able to decide what should remain classified. Given parts of the JFK assassination are STILL classified, yeah, quite a bit of the truth will no doubt be hidden still. But at least it'll be out of the hands of rogue MiC elements. End of the day I think this is the only way we'll get disclosure people will generally accept, short of ET landing in a major city and posing for pics. Any photos and videos will be called fakes. Even DNA evidence can be discredited, samples vanishing or replaced by covert operatives, or any non-terrestrial properties will be handwaved as contamination or a clever fake made in some lab.

It sucks in a lot of ways but I think this is where we are. My hope (call it cope if you like) is that once there is an admission, period, that this shit is real, then we'll start seeing real political pressure from the public to disclose more.
>End of the day I think this is the only way we'll get disclosure people will generally accept, short of ET landing in a major city and posing for pics.

Look anon... You are still inhabiting a very materialist attitude, which is fine. It's fine for analyzing people because people today tend to act on material desires. Especially people pertinent to this discussion and that's not even a philosophical statement. It makes sense to think about these people in material terms.

But the phenomenon is *not* material. The manifestation of it depends not on 'the political climate' but on the things human beings believe and understand. Not in an ontological sense of "understanding" but having the experience to accept the true nature of reality.
Only after exposing yourself to reality can you begin to process it. If everyone on Earth truly reconciled with reality, our society would open again to other beings.
Sure, as long as you believe they're real you don't need official validation. Not sure if that will actually get us anywhere with getting the recovered technology into more hands to study and unlock its secrets, but at least you personally believe. Maybe if you believe hard enough you'll manifest us a unicorn that shits icecream, that would be a real treat on these hot summer days.
I can't find it in the leaked version either but every time he talks about people getting close to the U.A.peas he mentions they get symptoms consistent with radiation sickness.
If that's true that would be enough reason to not try it probably.
I don't know how they'll handle the tech. I know Grusch and Karl Nell, among others, are pushing it saying the compartmentalization has hampered development. A lot of people push the idea that we'd get free, clean zero point energy that would kill the oil industry overnight, but that's assuming they've cracked zero point energy generation and have small enough units that would be safe to install in homes and cars, it would take decades to ramp up production, especially if it requires exotic materials. Larger ones to replace nuclear power plants? It'd take ages to build the new plants, not to mention a new type of power generation will require all kinds of federal studies for creating safety standards and other regulations. Meanwhile we'd have senators working with Big Oil to create delays in implementation, and the usual fight over pork for while senator's state will get the new reactors or create parts for it, etc etc.

Even setting all that aside, how much of the technology would they make free to study in universities? Foreigners could get their hands on it. Lots of Chinese students study in the US and then go back home with what they've learned. There is still a claim to national security here. You could restrict access to handling the technology, and that would make since anyway since it's one of a kind and must be protected. Universities might only get theories and equations to mull over in classrooms.
I don't doubt it. There's a number of reports of burns around UFOs. Pic related is perhaps the most famous but I recall stories like a woman and child who got out of their car when they witnessed something, including military helicopters, and they were later diagnosed with radiation exposure. Tried to sue but the case was thrown out. The UAP DA added a sixth observable to the five previously suggested, the sixth being:

>Physical or invasive biological effects to close observers and the environment

So I'd say the Senators have been briefed on enough of this kind of shit that they were confidence enough to put it in the Disclosure Act. I believe someone (was it Grusch?) reported that he was aware of someone harmed just working on UAPs that had been retrieved, but isn't cleared to disclose the actual nature of the injuries at that time.
>you believe
It's not about belief. It's how the universe mechanically functions. Consciousness is the machine that allows the interface to occur and if you do not build interfaces in consciousness you will rely on highly inefficient methods as a stop-gap solution.

If you don't understand consciousness to a much higher degree than we currently do then "the recovered technology" is a brick.

The technology can be dumbed down and exploited, but this is just more dead end technological "progress," it does not move us towards the space of free interaction with other beings.

What you're talking about is trying to spend decades or longer capturing, reverse engineering and distributing technology that can be obtained through much simpler means. We've been doing this already for god knows how long and everything is still a mystery.
The reality of moving through space and time has less to do with moving outward and more to do with joining with something that is very close to home. You can make them come to us it's just a matter of is consciousness equipped with the proper interfaces.
This anon is right.
>Hal Puthoff and John Alexander have been working with shamans and other ESP for 40+ years

You are not paying attention if you think the "alien materials" dialogue is anything but a waste of time.

We hear it over and over how "someone somewhere supposedly has a sample of something" yet not a single shred of evidence. It's misdirection. The composition of the 'vehicles' has nothing to do with mastering the technology.
We're approaching the problem with this materialist attitude that we can understand it by putting it under a microscope. Pure human ego
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>durrr zero point when?

there are literally hundreds of viable zero point systems we had an entire magazine in the 80s/90s dedicated to articles by scientists who were building test systems
was the magazine's name.
stop shitting up every single thread with nonsensical shilling when its OBVIOUS you haven't done any kind of research other than what the fucking military intelligence agents talk about
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>There is still a claim to national security here.
jfc you military counterintelligence shillbot how many times will you try the same tricks. the fearmongering does not work.
>there are literally hundreds of viable zero point systems we had an entire magazine in the 80s/90s dedicated to articles by scientists who were building test systems

Build one and you can become a billionare? Or at least never pay for electricity
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They actually believe if they repeat themselves enough people will believe it.
>repeats talking points given by a federal military intelligence agent

>hmm yes big oil hmm yes zero point hmm yes national security hmm yes compartmentalization hmm yes it will take decades hmm yes "install in cars"

It's so fucking laughably, blatantly obvious.
>Build one and you can become a billionare?
See picrel; >>38454452
>who is Nikola Tesla
lmao sure bro. tesla died starving and alone because the electric companies already bought out every copper mine in America. wireless energy was a no-go

first time talking about this topic outside of military counterintelligence agent interviews on youtube, little man?
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>There's a number of reports of burns around UFOs. Pic related is perhaps the most famous

make it more obvious, fed
Never have I seen the glowies squirm so hard
They must have been banking everything on this plan
Thats in his next book

Actually he names names and locations. The bodies are in Fort Detriech maryland btw. the book has already leaked
Wait, since when did the feds claim that UFOs are real and dangerous instead of laughing at you for believing in fairy tales and telling us Mick West wants all the UFO toys back in the box?
It is an instant red flag. In my mind, if he's so convinced of the nuts and bolts ufo angle, he wouldn't care about some retards out in the desert calling to E.T.s because he wouldn't believe that they'd get a response. To warn against doing it is odd for someone who purportedly believes that nothing will occur.
UFO activity seems to be ramping up over the last half decade alone, and not all of it can be faked

I think they definitely reveal themselves long before the covetous greedy glowies have the backbone to disclose. This is simply a failure of the human spirit and divine intervention is needed
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>"alien materials"
I have given no hueman any designs or knowhow in "Technology/Engineering" and never will, death before is easy...no matter how "Infinite Energy" it is.

Give them a "Wunderwaffe"?! Their own ilk will hand it to another IMMEDIATELY to "Win The (ETERNAL) War!"

>Give me the ring, Frodo...
>Klaus Emil Julius Fuchs...

>for China

Womp womp.

>We know who the Elves are and who the Hobbits are.
Dew ewe?
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>Grusch... I'm more in his camp
> I know Grusch
> I believe someone (was it Grusch?)

By popular demand, we will now move on to our second individual of interest ; David Grusch, a certified psychological warfare and military psychological operations agent who is still officially active.
>who am I again?

The Eglin Bois come out in force when stuff like this happens. If they can't fully discredit they can at least make it as cringe as possible. Some of the usual debunkers are in on the "fun" as well. It's all about disrupting the conversation any way they can.
The obvious question is who do you THINK would be in-the-know for these kinds of programs? Is there ANYONE who could have access to the legacy programs that you would trust and wouldn't denigrate for some part of their history or another? For Grusch there's two obvious problems to the usual spam about him being in psych warfare: his record is open which is how you know about it, and if he's the psyop why the fuck aren't they pushing him harder in the media which they already control? What use is a psyop if the only people who will pay attention are the various online UFO communities - WHO ALREADY BELIEVE IN THIS SHIT. The shit with Grusch was barely covered in the media, and when it was they often used the same types of photos you gleefully posted. Almost like you both got your marching orders from the same chain of command, eh?
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>spam about him being in psych warfare
>trying to soften the blow
As in, he is currently an active agent in multiple psychological warfare programs overseas and domestic?

Shall we look at his resume?
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feds are shidding themselves
>is getting paid to run a deception campaign to solidify US interests in space

>Grusch was barely covered in the media
>Walt Disney Company

They didn't cover his role in ongoing cyberwarfare operations, that much is true.
kek you can see the frenzy set in as the glowie shill realizes what's next xD
All cyberwarfare officers in /x/ thread #38446204 report to Conference Room D STAT! We need to reorganize our strategy. They're making us look like clowns out there!
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>The shit with Grusch was barely covered in the media,

>The Hill
>Washington post
>Fox News
>the National Review
>enters a courtroom to testify before congress

>unhinges jaw and opens mouth to maximum angle possible for a human being

This is normal. I would do this too. You're just jealous of his confidence.
Maximizing dick sucking efficiency is the only way for glowies to rise through the ranks in federal agencies.
And for how long did they cover it? When the public hearing happened last year? Did they keep covering it? Did they cover the UAPDA? Did they cover the UAPDA getting suspiciously gutted in the House?

Goddamn Eglinites think people aren't paying attention just because they only put in the minimal amount of effort.
So your theory is the government is finally trying to convince everyone ayys are real despite covering it up for over 50 years? They really should engage their control over mass media, then.
>And for how long did they cover it?
Long enough for everyone to realize there was no new information, no evidence and only...
>testimony from a psychological warfare federal agent
Glowsticks don't really care what position they take, they just want to start fights, drown out the conversation, and split communities into warring tribes. Basic divide and conquer tactics apply in cyberspace, too. They want communities to start attacking themselves, which makes their jobs a helluva lot easier.
>So your theory is the government is finally trying to convince everyone ayys are real
Nope. Not even close.
My theory is:
>psychological warfare agents
>cyberwarfare agents
>counterintelligence agents
...are weaving a false narrative that contains elements of the truth to control perception of something they cannot hide. And oddly, I have an awful lot of evidence.

But you already knew that.
Well you're right about being awful, same as your supposed evidence. Glowies like yourself are sure keen on attacking the man which ironically bolsters his credibility. You know he's over the target when he's taking so much fire from you fed boys.
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>trusting the word of counterintelligence and cyberwarfare agents being paid by the federal government puts the power back in your hands and prevents the feds from manipulating your opinion!
this is your only tactic? Come one dude. how dumb so you think people are
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>Well you're right about being awful,
did you have a stroke? what are you talking about
You Eglin boys ever sit around the barracks wondering if this finally gets out how you definitely on won't be the heroes of the story for running disinfo on US citizens and government officials? You might want to figure out a better defense than,"Well gosh, judge, we were only following orders." It's not the most reliable.
I doubt it. The military doesn't train them to think. They want compliant little meat drones that cost less and are more expendable than the shiny robot drones.
>You Eglin boys

>Eglin Bois

>I-i-i-i'm totally the same person!
You can't deny this topic has literal cyberwarfare being waged over it, so you take the stance that exposing the careers of federal agents will somehow protect the interests of the agencies they work for.
Wow, you skip just accusing someone and go straight to roleplaying their response. Quite a time saver. My hat off to the military for their efficiency training.

>You can't deny this topic has literal cyberwarfare being waged over it
F in the chat for David Grusch
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lol so true though. i feel bad for everyone in the community that got roped into this fiasco. you know they all regret it
If one’s discernment was good enough, a single look at Grusch’s mannerisms and demeanor should told the truth already. He’s not the guy
>Grusch and Elizondo are active cyberwarfare and counterintelligence agents with missions against domestic and foreign targets

no shit. the whole thing has stunk to high heaven from day 1
good thread OP
They don't think they'll ever have to own up to it. Remember when Snowden revealed the government was collecting data on US citizens despite denials, under oath? How many had to face repercussions for their actions? The guy who revealed it, that's who.
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>a totally organic interaction between "2 people" who just so happen to agree on everything
>and coincidentally are the only "2 people" who are offended by the OP

Toooootaly organic
I for one have enjoyed this thread immensely. All these anons coming out of the woodwork to claim it's obvious that all of this was a lie and a government psyop, with all their per-prepared meme images that only point back to this thread when you use "view same" in the archive.

Feels very natural and not at all like a planned campaign for when Lue's book dropped.
Yes, because two people who agree with each other would NEVER communicate. That just doesn't happen on 4chan. So I guess most of the responses to this >>38454847 are all the same person too, then? At least you're honest about the sameposting.
>with all their per-prepared meme images
you're mad i can make memes now? lol
>everyone I don't like is mad
A lot. Except he uses a pseudonym for him, William "Will" Livingston. But if you are aware of UFOlogy history, it's obvious its Christopher "Kit" Green.
>a planned campaign for when Lue's book dropped.
I'd seem theories that the book is just a way to get all of this past DOPSR in one go. Doesn't matter how well written it is or not, once it's okayed he can talk about it anywhere he likes. It's a lot easier than getting everything cleared one at a time.
So Eglin is paying you guys for quantity and not quality? Good to know.
>I'd seem theories that the book is just a way to get all of this past DOPSR
>literally no sensitive information in the entire book

>Doesn't matter how well written it is or not
I doubt these are people. It's all outsourced to ChatCIA.
Entire book isn't out yet, ese. All the good stuff is locked behind the paywall.


you keep riding this horse all the way down
>All the good stuff is locked behind the paywall.

Lue promised to release real data and pictures through TTSA and got paid millions to do it. Then he left TTSA.

Now we have to pay to get the "data"?
Ok. Thanks for clarifying.
Of course they would want you to believe that if he's not. This is a call to disregard everything that's being said. On /x/ of all places we're supposed to believe you come in here saying, "Don't talk about the alien shit, it's all fake and gay."
It's bullshit. He doesn't say anything about CE5.
Have you seen how much printing costs these days? Inflation, mate, do you even?
Maybe it's in the later sections. He does talk about RV a bit.
>This is a call to disregard everything that's being said.
Not even close.
Lies are packaged with truths. We already said that.

You want us to believe everything Lue says is true.

I want to question his career and his proven record of lying about specific topics, like th 5 observables. Full stop.
> once there is an admission, period, that this shit is real, then we'll start seeing real political pressure from the public to disclose more.
There's already been an admission its real. You're seeing the pressure right now, but most people are asleep at the wheel. Wakey wakey is part of the purpose of the book.
>Have you seen how much printing costs these days?
>We already said that.
Interesting. Royal we? Eglin outsourcing to the UK now?

>You want us to believe everything Lue says is true.
That seems to be what you want me to want you to believe. Why is that?

>I want to question his career and his proven record of lying about specific topics
Yes, I do find it amusing that the GOTCHA against Grusch above is the CV he gave to congress to pre-post before the public hearing last year. Such an amazing covert operation that they just leave all this out in the open. I guess psyops aren't what they used to be. Everyone's lost their edge since the Cold War ended?
As far as I'm aware all the government has admitted is that there are indeed UFOs in that there are unknown objects with apparent technological capabilities that are beyond the US, adversaries, and allies. We still can't get a clear word about what was shot down in Alaska or why they claimed they couldn't recover everything due to bad weather but a guy is recording military convoys heading in that direction on a clear day. Still no explanation for what was disrupting a major US airbase so completely that strategic air assets had to be moved to other locations. The US military is admitting they are powerless against "drones" on US soil and the news barely covered it at all.

I don't know what would wake people up at this point.
>implies the balloons we have video of are ufo
>our military is le powerless!
Military counterintel talking points.
Fuck off with these lies. We most certainly have NOT been shown footage of all the shootdowns. They were extremely open about the first one, showing the footage and the wreckage. After that they've been extremely wary.
Do you ever wonder how they can live with themselves, constantly lying and gaslighting everyone? Hiding the truth of nonhuman intelligence has got to be the most dishonorable thing in history.

I do think the majority of this shit is AI chatbots at this point.
>guys there is stuff in our airspace! we can't stop it and it may or may not be ufo!

Hmmm... Definitely not intended to create fear.
Notice how we're still talking about incidents solely reported by the US military. They told us everything about the situation. Intelligence and counterintel was involved, by definition.
>Hiding the truth of nonhuman intelligence
You have to be a total moron to think not trusting Lue Elizondo means we are hiding the truth

A paycheck is a paycheck, and it's not like this is the only psyop the government would run on its own people. I don't think most really care. Some may view it patriotically, believing their job to protect the US also includes protecting it from certain truths.

>I do think the majority of this shit is AI chatbots at this point.
They do say the toys the US has are always years if not decades ahead of what's commercial available. Maybe the private sector surprised them, I'm sure that happens, or maybe they've had AI for this purpose for some time now.
They shot down the balloons. The objects over Langley AFB on the other hand were not, but if they intended it as a means to push fear on the US public once again they failed to play it up in the media.

/x/ talks about these things because that's what we do on /x/. The general public probably couldn't even spell Langley let alone knows about it being harassed by a drone fleet.
>We most certainly have NOT been shown footage of all the shootdowns

>They shot down the balloons.

are you sure? How do we know?
You seem to trust the military an awful lot
A paycheck is a paycheck mentality is why the world is fucking going down the drain.

>Maybe the private sector surprised them
LOL don't be ridiculous, they spy on all the tech companies and invest in them as startups, you think the private sector surprises them? They get dibs to use all the private sector tech they invest in before anyone else and get custom stuff done specially for glownigger use.

Current commercial chatbots are already indistinguishable from a human and have excellent image-comprehension abilities so they can even reply to memes. You can bet your ass that there's been bots specifically trained to shitpost here for years.

If there's not some major societal disturbance soon the internet will become entirely unusable because of fully automated censorship and propaganda, it's already nearly there.
Lue is a massive liar anyone can fact check it. shills gonna shill
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>the book is written by a shill and the people defending the book are shills
>the thread was made by a shill and shills are trying to discredit it
yup, that's what a glowie infested thread looks like
op is on the money
Should tell you anything Lue is infested with glowies. Which means his own advocates must be active glowies here too

Someone in the right doesn’t typically have 24/7 advocates defending him against indefensible observations
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David Grusch worked for Special Technical Operations (STO) J-33 (patch in picrel). This fact was omitted in his CV submitted to Congress.

>J-33 is the highest echelon military entity dedicated to offensive INFORMATION WARFARE. It supports the CIA and NSA in their operational missions, such as hacking, concealment, and DECEPTION.
>J-33's operations branch controls the Special Technical Operations Center within the Pentagon. The center is the most secure facility within the U.S. military. Dozens of special access (or "black") programs are monitored at the center. These include the United States's own hacking activities, STRATEGIC PSYCHOLOGICAL, CONCEALMENT AND DECEPTION operations.

However, in his CV ( https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO06/20230726/116282/HHRG-118-GO06-Bio-GruschD-20230726.pdf ) you can see that he's ALSO been a commanding officer of the 318th Cyberoperations Information Warfare Center until just one year ago:

>The squadron conducts training on cyberspace operations, including operational security and DECEPTION at both the initial and advanced level.

These Pentagon Information Warfare programs have been waging meme war through social media and, as you know, 4chan, for years:


QRD: Grusch 100% confirmed psyop disinfo glowie. You've probably called him a glowfag before on this very board

>now behold the glowfag seething ITT
link is down. anyone know a different one?

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