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What do you guys think of my use of treasure house of images? I use the invocation to my rising sign when it’s rising on the eastern sky (use Astrotheme to calculate, it’s annoying but you have to cycle from hour to hour until you get it and then after a few days you have to realign it as the time drift) Scorpio, I then use whatever signs are in the houses for whatever I want in my life (if I want romance, I go to my 5,7 and 8th houses and use the invocation for Pisces, Taurus and Gemini respectively) doing this daily, lastly I finish with my sun (cancer) since that is what I am working towards but it all must be done when Scorpio is rising on the sky and as close as possible to the degree I was born in. These invocations also change your face subtly, as in the impression you make, look into the mirror after doing this. Aside from this I do each sign at a separate time relevant to the day of the week at the appropriate hour, ie., I invoke Gemini and Virgo on Wednesday, and then I look at what sign each planet is on and invoke that too (my Jupiter is in Gemini, I invoke Gemini on Wednesday too). I also add tarot cards to the mix, putting them in front of the sign I am invoking pushing my intent, if I am looking for romance then I put the knight of cups in front of Scorpio as I invoke it as it relates to Scorpio.

In my experience invoking Scorpio leads to some painful dramatic experiences that do get better though once I push through and learn the lesson but that’s my life path and it makes going through it easier once I learn the lessons. Leads to constant forceful evolution. So if you have a hard rising sign like Scorpio be careful and be ready.
Is there any worth in a living teacher, or is the work of the student doomed to be one of listening to the wisdom of dead men?

Just recently, while doing a tangential study into Yi King to devise Crowley's literary inspirations for writing Thelema, I came across this curious work in the Library.
>Book of Changes and the Unchanging Truth Tian di bu yi zhi jing by Hua Ching Ni, under Eastern/China (Misc., Herbalism, Yi King, Falun Gong)

At first, it seemed like a good work as far as explaining a baseline for a Xiangshu-Metaphysical reading of the book of changes. However; I have some big qualms with Hua Ching Ni himself.
He works in the 'College of Tao', which inherently is an exploitative institution meant to prey on people, since you have to pay a ridiculous recertification fee if you get certified there (It really reads a lot like a LLM/Wellness Cult if you go to the Tao of Wellness's site). He also works with 'Dr. Mao', a regular on Dr. Oz who has claimed that traditional chinese medicine has the potential to cure autism.
When you look at someone like this, they remind me a lot of the 'Charlatans' Crowley mentions in Book 4 Part II, and, in modern terms, spiritual grifters.

I honestly doubt the ability for anyone living to be able to teach a student a actual, honest lesson. Humans are flawed creatures, and - as seen with Dr. Mao - are constrained by the needs of human beings, things like 'greed' and 'the need to eat' oft eclipsing spiritual growth.
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Someone read mine pls
Don't we have an /astro/ general?
You didn’t a read a word of the OP?
I meant for this guy>>38447435
you need to consider that anyone related the crowley or thelma is going to be a fucking fraud as much as Crowley was
>nobody can teach anyone anything because humans need to eat
Kinda dumb, anon.
The wise old dead men you referred to weren't exempt from human needs any more than you or I.
Does anyone have the one claiming the next Jesus will be born in milwuakee Wisconsin
it would be better to say no one who is willing to teach does not have biases or motives behind why and what they teach.
Redpill me on the Enochian magic. Is it really as ritualistic as popularly described, e.g. I need an exact proper setup and tons of instruments in order to succeed?
Yeah its pretty strict in how you need to set it up and perform the rituals
Why would the church do black magick to me, omg?
Your gay thoughts are broadcast too loud
I saw a book recommendation flowchart that has Miguel Serrano and Jung connected to Ursula K. LeGuin somehow.
Anyone know what I'm talking about?
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Does anyone know any simple, easy spells that can be performed without additional materials? Like let's say conjuring up a familiar with just words or body movements or something like that? I am in the mood for magic but I don't really have magical resources lying around.
Just use your critical thinking anon. There are tons of teachers who can teach you very many useful things. The goal is to take what is brilliant, and to avoid their mistakes. Simple as.
Anyone have any luck with using a low dose of diphenhydramine (35-40mg) before AP? It seems to be helping me hang in the sweet spot for long enough.
thank you St. Expedite for favors granted.
Are the spirits it communes with really angels/good spirits, or are they actually demons/bad spirits in disguise? Dee was a sketchy necromantic fuck.
Can you helps me?
Pure evil and demonic
You should cease your investigations into this type of thing immediately
Not the original anon but ty
That doesn't look like a barbarous name...
>he says in a general dedicated to occult magic
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Hey man it's your soul
You wanna burn in hell for all eternity be my guest
>believe that God is everything (which includes "evil")
>implying that angels, powers emanating from such God would not include much of its attributes, "evil" among them
>believe in Yahweh, Jewish god of war and Christian God after rebranding
>implying that angels, powers emanating from such God would not include much of his attributes
Why even bother making this thread, you know nothing useful is ever going to be posted, and that library is mostly useless chaff that nobody has necessary tools to separate the wheat from it.
Love and light my friend
You really just sound like you are a blind follower in a cult with responses like this.

It's people like you that need to avoid "charismatic leaders" because you are their prime targets for manipulation.
That was a joke you tone-deaf tard.
The "it" at the end of your sentence was unnecessary.
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>mfw cultist
Blessed digits
>That was a joke you tone-deaf tard.
Not funny you tone-deaf retard. Imagine the comedian telling the audience that it's their fault for not getting the joke. Get some better material lol.

>The "it" at the end of your sentence was unnecessary.
Said it over in my head before posting, and it just sounded better and easier to understand for any person reading with the "from it" part there. Without the "from it" it kinda leaves from for someone to wonder what the wheat is being separated, not knowing that it was the chaff (especially if you've never heard the quote before).
Keep reading PDFs you fuckin tasteless herb
>Keep reading PDFs you fuckin tasteless herb
Really random but ok lol. Why don't you have a problem with reading web pages, you are reading one right now?
If you can't even take the pulse of the internet than maybe you should stay away from the unseen
>If you can't even take the pulse of the internet than maybe you should stay away from the unseen
Nah I'm good.
Seems like you're substandard from my vantage point, you couldn't even get those quads
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hey /omg/. how much would you buy a goetic scrying triangle for? Ive been making magickal tools forever but just started selling em. just sold a complete enochiana set
I'd struggle to see why someone would pay more than $100 I think. I don't really like buying tools, good luck though.
its like touching a powercord the first time you do it so have atleast half a year of practice beforehand
thanks for the reply anon, I'm selling it for 80 rn. figuring out pricing has been tricky. I sold a set of handmade black and white handled goetic daggers for 40 bucks a piece, those were some of the coolest tools I've made

pic slightly unrelated, gd elemental tools I crafted last year

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